.1 t, .d Sticls: Kitty I}sLV/k, 0* . 8-21-^^ 63 : * .-..'Tj/f*''~y? Iv. . '> .. "'i-' -i?'- SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION before expiration date on address MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO BOX 428' MANTEO. N. C. NOT TO INDIVIDUALS 14 Pages in 2 Sections COMBINED THE PILOT ANDHERALD OF BELHAVEN AND ^ 4 PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA Pages I through 8 VOLUME XXIX — NO. 4 MANTEO, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1963 Single Copy Id " FORT RALEIGH DIGGINGS WILL BEGIN AUG. 20 .Exploratory Work to Pave Way for Major Expansion Pro gram at Historic Site Fui-tlior oxplor.ntion of the groumls .nt Fort Kaleigh Nation 'll^ Tlistoi’ic Site will bc-’niado (hiring the latter ()art of .*Vugi!st, it has been announced. Gene C. “Pinky” Harrington i.s to arrive on the 19th, and work which will -hi'g-in with his ton-man team on .the 20th, is o.xpccted to continue l^through the .30lh. Harrington, who i.s regional 'I'lii.^f of hi.story and archaelogy for the National Park Seiwico .lioadrpiartorcd in Richmond, Ya., is author of the “Cittie of Ra leigh” booklet which wn.s re- Ic^asod last year by' National Park Service. He has been in fhargo of jirior research pi-o- ; jects at. this locality which in cluded the last excavations made during the 1950’s. The team will be particul.arly looking for clues to indicate the location of cabins, huts, or what ever typo of dwellings the early colonists might have u.sed Also ito'bo, sought are bones, dishes, ■or other relics,’ One of the principal reasons ■for the work scheduled during ^.jVugust, is to pave the way for -.1 major expansion program at the .site, iiicrea.sing the tota* .'K-reage from 18'/? to 142 acres. The enlarged site will be inter preted to s(*rv(' as a reminder of the close kinshi)) with the Flizabethan .Age in Fiiglish h’stoiy growing out of the Roa noke island colonizing expedi tions sent out by Sir Walter Ra- r.leigh during the years 1585-87, 1^ -Annual attendance now is ap- *'j)roximateIy 100,000 vi.^itors and the number is expected to in crease as the site is enlarged and becomes better known. ’, The reconstructed fort built >,by .the., colonists untler Ralph ^Xahe lin'1585 jis' the principal |ife!iture., of liistoric interest at |, the'site. ' A visitor center will be con 's! nietgd near the present civ .trance to Fort Raleigh, and will include a .cound-.slido program wliich will introduce the visitor .See FORT, Page Six A FAMED AND BELOVED FAMILY GATHERING AT KILL DEVIL HILLS THIEVES INVADE ELIZABETHAN - GARDEN SUNDAY STATE WOMAN'S CLUB PRESIDENT HERE FRI. Plants Valued at Over $200 j Taten From Nursery; More ^ From Garden Proper ' Thieve-; .shriibbei v who apiiarenll.v love and Mowers h.i\ c CSw '('it- ^11 0 IY' struck again at, the Elizabethan j ' ' Carden.'Tilt latc.st occasioW was ' (/■ ; „ w’ THE GREATEST PROMOTER OF THE OU'l'ER BA.NKS OF DARE COIJ.NTY, \\iu) has never received a cent of profit, and who has consistently refused olfers of ocean froiU propciiy wliere ho might build a liotnc for his family to enjoy the beach, has been siiending the week at tlie Croa- tan Hotel at Kill Devil Hills. It was a family reunion for Hon. .and Mrs. Lindsay Warren, with their children and grandchildren pre.scnt. Front and center is .Senator Warren, the former comp troller g(;ncral, of the United States. In the jneturt; bosidt-,hini is, Mrs.- Warren,^second .from the riglit; olhor.s include Senator and Mrs. Lmdsay’Wa'rrbn, .Ir. 'of'Gold.sbord-and ilaiightor.s^Adrie’n'e,' Emily and Grace; their daughter, Mrs. Dudley Jones, Jr. of Goldslioro and daughtei-. Diana of Wilson: Attorney Charles F. Warren of Washington, D. C. and liis wife; also Mi.s! PaLCoIey, .sis ter of Airs. Warren, The Warren party will return home Sunday, July 27, after ha\ing been visited by many friends. FORMER FIRST LADIES OF STATE HONORED FAMILY TRAVEL TREND UPWARD ^ ON OUTER BANKS NPS Reports Big Increase In Travel at Tourist Bureau It if ; Meeting Wednesday Tourist travel td' all National 1,‘Park Service installations on the Dare Coast-Outer Ranks this .season is well above last year, according to Bruce Bl.ack, NPS I official who attended the quar terly meeting of D.'ive County . Tourist Bureau in , Manteo on AVodne.sday. repre.senting Super- 'infendent James Alyei-s. In contrast Lioncdl Edwards, -Charles Griffin and .Tulian One- to, three members of the board of directors fi-om the Dare r Benches area reported an up- I-grade in week-long family grouw patronage at hotels and , motels, hut a downgrade in ; overnight patixninge. The travel comments were I'ade following a nunrtcrly re.- port by Bureau Alanager and ' News Director' '■Aycbck ' Brown outlining tbo,publicity and pub lic relations activities since mid- April. The Bureau manager closed bis report by slating “Inquiries from jiotential vacationists con tinue to'" pour in and with good weather breaks 19fi3 .should he the best vear of all for vaixiUon interests.” Black bad pointed out that visitation to all NPS areas showed a 22 percent increase over June of last year, in this region. Actually according to the NPS monthly report for June the following was reflected: Na tional Se.nshore, 23 percent In- *';rease in travel over June 1952 and So percent increase for the calendar year to date; Wright Brothers National AI e m o r i a I, showed .9 pereont deci'casc this year over June 1952 but a 9.4 percent incren.^e for the calen dar year to date: Fort Raleigh had a 47.5 percent increase in June thi.s year as compared to 1962. and n 2.3.4 percent incre.n.se for the c.alendnr year to date as cempai’cd to s;imo period in 1962. John Fox of The Lost Colony reported that 1.885 more per ;;ons paid admission to see the 'drama during the first 22 day.s See TRAVEL, Page Six PROGRESS SAID MADE ON BEACH PATROL IN DARE May Be Oprational By This Week-End, Soy County u.' Officials A county-owned- Jeep should hr available for tne lonir-nio- pos'>d Beach Patrol hy this W(-‘k end. , According to .lohit Long, a j; VehiVlLATOs^oand,'in.-,v.raiojhQ74Ll:vornM .. .'county ) deparlihent'which 'wasj libl])ful lij the'inv’cstigalion m'ay Sumlay night, when ovei $200 worth of .'izaloas, gardenia.^ ‘ English box, 25 hollies of difl'er- ' out vaiiotlo.s, and a number of I camellia.'.- were taken ■froih ibi; ■ Garden',.; iinvserv stock. I In aiiditioii to the ronioval of j jibe .-bove-mi.ntioned, a di.sLinct^ ; love i.s apparent ■ for - blooming j gcraniuiii.s, for 1,5 or so of this j variety were removed'from’ tha Garden proper. 'J’iiis ;s the secontl crime of like nature to occur this year at the location, the earlier thefts having occuritd dining April wlien .several of the better cla.s.s of azaleas were removed. Siijjorinieiiilent of the Garden, Louis Aiidget’t, said on Tliuvsikiy that $100 is i.eu g oiVei sid as a r-eward for ?nf-.>rinntipn .leading to the aneisl and e h\a-tIon of the. party oi- p.-irtic-s involved. Fifty doilur.s aif' being oM'ered Iiy Dare, County, and the Garden Club is making up the balance. iliilg-elt' coihrnehted that llie Ihufl.'; are apparently the work of siiineone who in-ed.s some landu .qiing, but lin-ks a “grei'n ljuiiid).'’ Vfbilo there, have been -soine ' inditiTtions,; Ib.'it the re- inovaks have been made by mem- ber.s of tbo fairer set, ihcie i.s no caiuMusivc evideiic.; at thi.s Entryd.o ihc/propeidy lias, ap parently' hehn mad." over the ri'lea wall and tm \:d i lii'.i' idniil- Ilia;, U > o a.i-i-ed through a barbed wire barner VO nu aceonipiivc. might, bt AiR.S. JAA1E.S Ai liARi'F.R of .So'Jtbiiorl, president of the N. C. l'’ei!cralipn'„ of. Woman’s Chtb.s, will be an honored giiest at Tile ,Lo.st' Colbiiy in Aianteo on Friday July 25, ib.iring a .special “Wom.in'.s Club Night” of the drama. Airs. AI. Keith Fearing, Jr., pre.videtil of file Manteo ' Woin- eij’s Club, is in charge of local a r i;a lig’oiTi ent S'V for'-r-tlic occiisi o n winch li.i.s heehnie an aniuud event during 'I'he Lo.st Colony season each year. HAYMAN REUNION DRAWS MANY AT MANNS HARBOR FESSENDEN MEMORIAL PLAN GETS FRESH START WITH ENDORSEMENT OF “HAMS’^ Much Enthusiasm Over Plan For Building Me morial on Roanoke Island, Where Famed - Soientist Perfected Wireless Telephone-6 L Years Ago; Membership Meeting Tonight,' at Coastland Times Office. I ?; RADIO INVENTOR 2 The Hayman Kotiniori- at Alaiiiis Harbor on Saturday had larger attend.ince than in Sev eral prcvioviR joar.s. J. W. Davi.s FIVE OF THE SEVEN living former First Ladies of North Carolina were on the stage at Waterside Theater qii Friday eve ning wlicn the.v were honored guests of The Lost Colony. Shown from left to right; Airs, Luther Hodges, wife of U. S. Coinniorec Secretary ami former Governor Hodges; Mrs,. Willitvm B. Umstead of Durhani; Alr.s. Alelvillo Broughton, Unleigh; Airs. J, C. B. Ehringluuis, Edonton and Airs. O Alax Gardner of- Shelby. They were pro.sontud b.v Stale Treasurer Edwin Gill who was introduced hy Mrs. Fred Mori'ison of Laui-inhurg and ..Washington, D. C., eliairman of Ko:innke Lsland Historical A.ssocialion. (Aycbck Brown photo) NORFOLK SCOUTS Hike TROOP NO. 13 HAS RENDEZVOUS THIS WEEK WITH KITTY HAWK TROOP 161 Sixteen hot Boy .Scont.s of Nor folk’s troop 13 arrived in Kilty Hawk Thur.sday noon for a ren- dezvou.s with the Kilty .Hawk troop No. 161. The Norfolk scouts were accomii.-iniod., by Scoutmaster Bob Rupert .-ind an assistant Lonnie Johnson. The group loft Norfolk Mon day 20 strong, bill four dropped out for sickness or injury be fore they an-ivod at Kitty Hawk. Hiking an average of 10 miles nor d:iy down the Outer Banks beach, the .scouts enjoyed three ramping sites hefo'-c arriving at Kitty Hawk. Motuhiy night they canipi'd at Shoei> House Ilili, Tuesday night -at 'Curriluek lighthouse and Wednesday night -It Duck, Scoutnia.ster Ruiiert comment ed that they had had very little trouble on the hike, with the oxcejition of the four who h.id to turn back, and a conflict with a property owner one night. Wednestkiy night, as the troop prepared to camp north of Duck, a man appro.ached them saying lie owned Uio property they were on and refused to let them camp at the site. Since he said ho owned six miles of the beach, the group was forced to tramp off his property and across the Navy’s restricted bombing range which adjoined it before they could retire for the night. “It was a good thing, though, I think,” said Uuiicrt, “because the Coast Guard ;it Duck found us and'Were more than helpful. They took us to an e.xcellont camiiing site up in the dunes and made arrangements for us to get showers and fre.sh water.” During the three day camping venture, the scouts had rendez vous with a boat bringing fresh food and water. The Scoutmaster noted that it was a physical ini- possihility for the boys to carry as mui.-h food and w-ater as they .See SCOUTS. I'age Si.x not' heihg'\i'sed ■■atwpi-escnt''nnd has' been transferi-ed for Bench Patrol diit.v. The four-wheel- drive vehicle i.s being iissigned to Iho Sheriff’s Dopartment. “Maybe iie,xl year,”. Long .raid, “we can get a better Jeep, but I think this one will .sei-ve very well for the time being. It is avail.'ible and is in good, condi tion. We are baving it: checked and ropaivod for immediiilo use. I liavc instructed the garage to put the Jeep in lip-top shape because if it gels in trouble on that bead) .sand we want it to bo able to get itself out fast. We arc having it painted white to match tile other Sheriff’s De- partnient vehicles and he roadily iccogoizablc as an official ve hicle.” Long said the money formerly set aside hy the Dare County Boaixl of ContTiii.ssiimers to he used for the iiarcha.sc of a Jeep v.dll be used for maintenance of the vehicle. .-\ny money left over, he said, will probably be ro-budgetod next year for a more fully equipped operation, . Slieriff Frank Calioon said this week “We’re going to try .See rATROl.T Page Six THEY HAD ROLES IN CLIFTON BRITTON NIGHT Ife "tuVhad "6'ycv 'fb t'he'’Shei-ilT’s Departirient or to Air. AHdgott, It is undci-.-itood tluit further thefr.s ’ are unlikely, electric fence.s- and otbe.i- deyiee,-: being consuiei-ed to -.vai-d i.dt lit.-' n.glu creaiuies. c.'rlied the‘Reunion,rtb' ordt-r'al . BE SPECIAL GUEST 10 a.ni and di.-'i'iitclied the liu.-;!' r.i se.-.'ien i-iinning up to neai- llio noon hoi.r. Reports from troasui-ors Re] ions iiidicateil the' Reunion was, not, in. the, red ' ‘ . The report- of -1 rel, ,:l. . . i.Vv-C6irimiilee PROP. REGINALD A. PES- SENDF.N in who.se memory it is iilaniied to erect .'i mc-morial on Roanoke Island coniinenn.ral- ing Ids distingui.s,hed, c.optr.ibii-. tibiis to the rbalni oi'-scionce and betterment of mankind. ^ Wanctmso I'nd.rtr^'.iv^Lsraf- ^UST-f^^LIAN,rTQ .The. movernent to build on Roanoke Lsland. a meinnrial to.,, the late Pi of. Reginald A. Fns- Bi-ndeii wl.o perfected the wire- li .ss telephone, forci-uniior of radio :i!id television 62 yeai.s ago with hi.s comiminicatlon.s between Roniioke Island and Kings Point, Huttcra.s, received flesh impetus last week when llic association of “Ham” radio ojierators held their . convention ,, .n Aianteo, and pdedged their support to the plan to honor the famed scientist, who invented .'many umi.sual things pertaining ' to safety at .sfca including the sonic depth finder, and who has been described as an itiven- lor “greater than Alarconi” who inventfid; the system sending,„ nior.=e code through llie'aiiY Fds-" *' sc'iiden sent the lirsl two-way transatlantic t e 1 c p h o ne mes- .stiges :iiiil the first radio broad- ca.sl in 1906., 'J’he I'essenden N:itionol' Ales nioi-ial .A.ssoeialion organized in 1941, no-,v has some 25 activo members, and in 1941 bought lilt! land CP which liis lalioratory was elected. Thi.s land ho leased from the late C. P. Alookins fdv .$-10 a year. After buying the land which is, still h.old.in tru.‘}l..b,v the.'AsV, , sociation, there was held a celc" c. hratibn '.-it I.ost Colony thctitre. AT LOST COLONY vhic'i was attended by the late ; Governor J. AI Broughton. Sir Edward Beale, Aus- George Gordon Battle of Now tr.TJian Ambas.rador to the A’ork, Airs. William Edi.'on of UnUetPStfites,'-and ,Lady Beale; j Wilmington, Del.- and inanr , , , . will be giiosts of honor at. the other holables, including’Ool.’-R. , on- Nominations Sntnrday, July 27 penorma'nee K-' Fessenden, - the inventor’s ' With intei-e.sf and the repoi’t w.ns'^j Colony in Walcrsidc only son and who has since.died. 'I’lieater. (The Association was active in*'" They will he presented to The pelting the late,secretary .ofjha I.ost Colony audience during a Navy Frank Knox, to designate special intevmis.'.ion program by a Navy destroyer e.scorl by the almost a pew slate in .some re spect.s, a.s follows: ' I’l-esideiil, L. D. Hayman, Si-UtUpOl't. « FIVE PULLED FROM SURF . AT BEACH MONDAY Close Call at Nags Head for Connecticut and .Virginia ■ ‘Follts ' - ' - ' Alr.s. Omajjailhci- H. llodge.s, U. S. Secre-Mnventor’s name, and which was Hawk. ' lary of Commei-ce and former launched in Orange, Texas in Inez Gihb.s. Covei-nor of North Carolina. I)u‘-ing the same performanco V i c c-Pre.-;i(!enl, Pe-.ul Tlllelt. Kitty Si>!-i'i,lni-.v, Aiis.s Ahinns Harbor. ^ Treasurer, Operating Fund. Alr.s" I.au'ra .M,‘ Hajhimn,' Aluh- leo. • • , Treasiu-er,, Alijmoi-ial , Fund, I Colony on ,A'rs. Carrie,-H. i’eiiii,', Clayton. July 27 Tbe„ .Board., of Uiveclor.s is composed of the..elected olficeKs of the Reunion,' U)gethbr,5jWith live other members appointed by, the President-elect. Tlu-sc ai'c James W. Davis. Wanche'se; Alarch 1042. Duo to the death of many well members of the N. C. Assoei-iwishers and supporters of the alibn of Bi-ondcaster.s wijl'.also' movcmeiii who were a.^sociales be special gucst.s . at' The Lost of Prof. Fo.ssenden. and for Jth- ,, Saturday evening, er reasons, the Association ha» the Associal ;NI)EN, Pad Air. a.nd Airs. Janies Cagney, .James Crouch, Frances Crouch, and Alar.garet Warre-n were alljCapt. I’; 1). Hayman, Norfolk, SHOWN HERE are four of tlio many persons having roles in the .successful Clifton Britton Night jirograni of The Lost Colony on Sunday. (From I to r) former GoUhsboro School Superintendent Ray Armstrong, who .spoke a beautiful eulogy to the laic Director Britton: Mrs, Louise Thompson of Goldsboro, chairihan of the Britton Schol.'irship Fund; Henry Belk (standing), di.stiaguisited editor of Goldsboro News-.Argus and Alr.s. Belk, each of whom'Y.-ith a resuscitator from Aianteo Imve had an important pi:ice in memorializing Britton who for many years was a member of The Lost Colony stalT in Aianteo and director of Goldsboro High School’s famous Goldma.squors dramulic group. Over fllOO was raised. (Aycock Brown photo) five piilied fr.im the surf Alon- day by Buddy Smith and Bo Lindsey of tlie J and 11 Life guard Sen’ice - aCier , the. .five swimmors ' were . pulled ■ frbni shore by-an undertow..; — Aialy Rothrock, Buddy Wood, and Tomni.v Cagney, pulled out; by the sanio uridei-tow, inhdp their '.viy back througli the surf and to safely alone. According- to Dare County Sheriff Frank CahooiV. the' swimiiiers said' they had till waded out into the ocean togeth er until they were in water about four foot, deep where they were riding up and down witli incoming;waves.-The jiarl.V'-.said one w:ive lifted them .and when they came down they .could not find bottom. * Jap Richanlscm.-head of J and H Lifeguard .Seivice, .said he thought an umk-rtow h.ad pulled their feet from iinder theni and swept them into deeper w.'lter as has happened in jiast .situations. The party was staying .at Evans Cattage.s and the incident occurred on tlie iieach near t!;e D.areolina Re.stanrant. A doctor who was st.'iying in a rtiiairhy motel rciioi'tcd the party .'uf-, fered front, exiiaustion when pulled to shore and that one liad water iirhis lungs. .A life- giianl administered month-to- mouth respiration and all mem- bei's of the troubled parly were reported recovering s.atisfactor-, ii.v aflc-r two of them were later administered oxygen hy J and H Lifeguards. I Called to the scone of the rescue wore members of the Dare County Sheriff's Depart ment. the Kill Devil Hills Police,' the Nags - Head Police;' .and the Kill Devil Hills Coast Guard, AI. Keith Fearing. Jr. arrived Va.; Airs. Ethel Tillett, Wan- cheso; Airs. .Shirley Spoiicer. Alanns Harbor; and Clarence Alidgcll, Alaim.s llarlHU',^ Oil,, recommendation of Rev. Hayman, the Reunion voted l-^'j|'^nteo FOR "BLUFF PROTECTION"—BAH! GUN-TOTINGi YOUTHS FIND A HAVEN IN DARE COUNTY ..KTSu lh» olVico of Ks-icmivo I Secrelarv with the I’re.«idcnl’s ,,,,,,,,.,11., Sec ilAYMAN, Page Six * ' ;Two young boy.Si described by a Dare County-Deputy Shenlf; who watched oyer them whihi they were being detained Jn the Jail as “nice seeming and xvho ro up their jail ‘messed THE OLD TIME FIDDLERS ARE NOT ALL GONE CHARLIE W. PERRY, and AIOURIS M. (BOR) MEEKIN.S of Kitty Hawk, who are two of the few old time fiddlers, made a hit Satiirdi'.y :it the Hayman reunion at Alanns Harbor. TWO GRAND OLD KITTY HAWK LADIES AT REUNION but it was not needed. The Cagney' family’ is from Hartford, Conn, and the Crouch- ;s arc from Hampton, Virginia. A1R,S. HILDEGARDE ETHERIDGE PERRY, 89, and MRS. MARY KTHLRIDGE .MlDliKTT. 93, sisiers. of Kitty Hawk, who attended the Haym.tn reunion at Alanns Harbor on Saturday. Until two years ago, Airs. Perry drove her own car about llte village. Unfor tunately. she was taken ill Sunday morning and was taken to Elizabeth City hospital for treatment. . coll on purpose’’ were given $10 finds -each, in Recorder’s Court this week on a charge of break ing find entering .and $10 lines each .on a charge of carrying concealed wetipons. The two boys were brought to court after being caught last week end at the cottage of Wal ter E. Silvertson in Kill Devil Hills. According to court te.-sti- 'mony the two cnloi'cd the cot- 1, tage by breaking a window ' pane and lifting a window. They’ spent the night in Silvertson’s cottage. In adiiition to their fines tile two hoy.s were required to pay court costs in each case land one dollar each to-pay fory.-- 1 the broken window |iane. . .. j Alichael Rawels Kir.sch, 17, 'and Richard Anthony Simirton, 16, both of Churahland, Va., were reUirning to the SilverLson cottage, apparently to get their hags after being away’ from the cottage for a lime, when they’ were discovered by Silvertson wlm bad. in the meantime, ar rived and discovered lii.s cottage broken in. When the Kill Devil Hills po lice arrived Jt was learned that the boys carried throe concealed woapon.s. A furtlicr .searclt of their luggage at the (lolice sta tion revealed a fourth weapon. All told, the boys were armed with a .22 caliber Luger auto matic pistol, a .32 caliber Colt revolver, a small blank shoot ing pistol, and a .22 short auto matic pistol. Botii hoy.s signed a sLalemont affirming that they had broken into the cottage and that they carried the pistols for "bluff protection.’’ One pistol, however, was loaded and ready to. shoot,. according to officers, and “quite ' a bit" of .22 caliber ammunition was discovered. An investigating Kill Devil Hills police officer said the boys “have a lot of questions to an swer in Virginia." He reported See COURT, Page Six ' ’ t