lis-'V If ■' Ib- li'jSjr-if' /,'- Itif *’■ te. Ifc:- 1©; »AGE TWO THE COASTI.A1VD TIMES. MANTEb, FRIDAY. JULY 26. 196! NEWS OF BELHAVEN And The Fungo River Disfrict Mrs. M. L. WINDLEY. Representative — Tel. WH 3-3061 BELHAVEN COURT ing under the iwhifskoy .?150 nnd of night boating accident MRS. JOSEPHINE BROADWELL DROWNS WHEN CRAFT COLLIDES WITH BUOY Shortly before midnight Sal-1 iitday a 29 year o!l mother of! two children drowned near thej Belhaven breakwater after the' small boat in which site was riding swerved when it collided with the No. 3 buoy, throwing the woman into the water. The niishaj) took the life of Mrs Josephine Co.\ Broad well of Washington, and oriured as the gioup was heailed back to the Rhode.s cottage at Siindy Siiores about Jl:30 p.m. The boat carrying .Mr.s. Broadwell and her hu.sband and .Mr. and ..Mrs. Charles Rhodes of Wash-' ington had just left the ■'Ri,vefl Forest .Manor jiier when they ! collided with the marker. Rhodes dived in and managed to save. Jus wife, but .Mr.s. Broadwell dis-! appeared m the choppy waters.! Her body was recovered by thej Belhaven Coa.M Guard Unit and | the Washington Rescue Squad j about 2:30 a.m Mr.s. Broadwell was born in Robc.son County, g r a d u a t e d from Orrum High School and Carolina College, was a member of the First Baptist Cliurcli ami the Women of the Moose Lodge. She is survived by her hus band, Joseph .M. Broadwell; two daughters, Wanda and Susie of the home in Washington; her parents, .Mr. and Mr.s. Frank Co.N, two brothers, Frank Jr. and Dennis Co.': of Proctorville; j thiee sisters, Mrs. Bettie Edens of Hamilton, Mrs. Nma Mc- ’l.ellan of Proctorville and Mrs. Edna Britt of Liimberton. Funeral services were held at the Proctorville Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 5:00 p.m.. by tlie Rev. Nash Odum and the Rev. Luther Matthews. Burial was in the Broad Ridge ceme tery. influence costs. Leroy Griffin, colored of! Josh Tayloi' Rogers, white of Pantego for careless and rock-, Washington. CS miles in a 55 driving paid costs of court, .mile zone, $13 aiid costs. Ernest Co.\, white of Bel-j Mill.nrd Lewis S.-wyor. white liavon, public drimkncss $20 .'ihd of Belhaven. slop sign violation, trusts. j cost of court. John 0. Davis, colored of] Ra.\ mond Linwood Kcech, SciVntoncosts of court and $10. white of Pinetown, failing to fine for speeding too fast for .see that movement could conditions. made .safely, cost of court. I'LINGOAN r.OOK CLUB Avon Spencer, coloicd of Pantego, simple assault, jiaid costs of the court. .Mrs. Jule 11. Purvis, presidentl Wilham U.ilph Davis, white of, of the Pungoan Book Club, luis Pantego paid costs of the court' appointed the following to serve after pleading guilty to operut-' for the coming year: iirogramang veliiele witli improper Pitt, colored of a 55 mile zone. commiltce; Mrs. R. D. chairman; Mrs. E. W Jlitchoil,! equipment. Midgelte! Reuben Wayne Braddy, wliitc and .Mrs. Roy J'.istiee; book com-^Qf pantego paid Thurman Lee P-netown, (59 in $11 and cost.s. Blount Sp:irrow of Washington, with failing to give notice of collision to authorities immedi ately. Bill n.illock. w!;ile of Bel- mittee. Mrs. .Andrew H Hodge.',, chairman. Mrs. John Bnger ami Miss Loyce Brin.son. ( -All members are ■ urged to contact these two committees, to aid them in outiining the pro gram for the ye:ir. co.sts- of the' haven, no on the wiong and cos’s • >11. w h te ilnmkcness covirt fo'- dru'.ng side of the road Heber Wallace, \vhite of Pantego, $5 ami' co.sts for reck less driving. Troy Jlanley Sawyer, wliue of Scranton, public driytkcness, $5 and costs. ai" f' ’Quarter,‘-public (irunkeriess, James Pilorson, colored of and co.sts. ' highway, of court. Johnny Lee Brown, colored of Newport News, V^l., operating ear witliout license and improper registration, $21 and costs. Jack Allen Cockrell, white of Pantego, improper equipment, costs of court. Johnny Stillman E v e r e 11 e, white of Pinetown, operating car j^g|too fast for existing conditions, I costs of court. William Gihh.s, colored of Pantego, 55 in a 45 mile zone, $10 and costs, j Alton .Mizelle Harrell, white O’Neal, wliite of Hamilton, 65 miles in a 55 was changed o,,]o zone, $10 and costs. Elmer Ray Jeffer.son, white of Belliaven, public, cost.s of court. Jielvin Pierce, colored of James'ille, rcckles.s driving $2.5 and Gilbert Foreman, white of BcIIiavcn. pos.scs.sion of illcg:il operators iicuise, $10 BELHAVEN PERSONALS Mrs. J. Harry Swindell ami Mrs. Hal McGee of Swan Quar ter, Mr. and Mrs. Flave !•'. .Spen cer ;ind .son, Flave of visited Jlr.s. AL L. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G Brumscy spent the week end at W.anchese and Barco with their parents, Mr.s. .Arlettie Tillet and Mr. and 5Irs. Horace Brumsey. >irs. J. R. Brown, Sliss Vivian Swindell .'ind Mr. and Mr.’:, Rulpli Swindell of Washington spent Iasi week at Nng.s Mr, and 51 rs. Mack Harris and son, Gary of Homestead, Fla., spent last week witli 5Ir. and Mrs, C. L. .McIIarncy, Sr and Mrs. Rad Jones. - ^ Tlic Rev. David Brown has turned from Riclimond, Va. where he conducted revival .cerv ices at tlic Ellis Christian Cliurcli. 51 rs. Haughlon Randolph and'^’'’*' Fairfield j children, Ann and Frank h.avc Wiiulley iciiii'iicd to Kansas City, 5to., I after a vi.sit witli 5Ir.s I. W. lIlugliGs. Mr.s. Hiiglies accom panied lliem to New Bern and Camp LeJnone wlicrc they LUNCHEON PARTY 5Irs. Jimmy Ferrell, guest of her father, W. visited Commander Frank Huglies. Mr. and 5Irs. 51ark Powell and Charles Powell spent 51on- day in Plymouth hou/i'j P. O’j entertained at a luncheon at tlio River Forest Manor. | Guests included the bonoreej tlic lio.slcss, Mrs. 1. L. Learyjl 5lrs. I. W. Hughes and heij liousc guest, Mrs; Haughtoi, Randolpli of City, Mo.j and 5Ir.s. Angus 51iller. 1 5Irs. Ferrell is tlie forme| O'Neal. She and her chilii (Iren are visiling here. The; live in Bosier City, La. i| il re- r Ocra- t>l0 and crabs, costs of court. Our sadness is not 'sd’d,'but'j our cheap joys. — Henry David New York, GO mile.s in a 55 mile Thorciiu. ' zone, reckless driving and driv- Roy (';i I: coke, jniblic cost. Edwin R. I’liiil, white of Batli, Frazier 51cDevitt, wliite of impropeV lorn. $.5 .and j Wa.Miington, 65 in a 55 mile Ed.-qn. Selby, colored of Siyaii zone, $10 and costs. $10 Trent’bn I5dward,s, colored of ■ Pantego, damage to pcr.sonal J. H W.'iters, wliite of Pino- property, cost of court, town, driving on wrong sifle of W. E. Eaton, white of Wilson, worthless ehcck, pay $108.15 and j cost of court. j Rudolph Harrell, wliite of; Pantego, pniyer for judgment, continued and leave the county! for one year. j James Johiisten, wJiite of Bel-1 haven, drunkoiie.cs, $5 and i of court. ' PUNGO HOSPITAL NEWS Pungo District Hospital News 5Vhite patients July 15-22; 5Irs. Annie Carnwan, James Best, '.Master Hilton I'bsilir,' Dave Bnilance, 51rs.- Josephine Cahoon, 51rs. Bes.sie Sparrow and Jessie Foite.scue of Bel haven; Chuck Bosse of Bath, 51iss Connie Wallace, Henry Paul, Mrs. 5Iai'y F.llen Respess of Pantego; George Luptoii and 5Irs. FlQrcncc.Speiiccr of. Scran ton; Sam Dudley of Engelhard; 5Irs. Ebbie Cherry and 511-:. 5Iary .Mason of Swan Quarter; 5Iis.s Marjorie. Finley of Clic's;i- peake, Va , and Riley Harris of Faii’field. Colored p:itieiil.s: 51 a t i 1 d a Barrow ami Judy Jennette of Pantego; Virgiis Collins of Engelhard and Frances Chance of Fairfield. BELHAVEN CARD CLUB 51rs. George Riddick and 51rs. Curtis Clark wore special guests Thursday evening when MiV. ,11. L. Dilday entertained "her bridge club at her home. - - The hostess .served a dessert course and during play she jiassed iecd drinks iind nut.s. Summer flowers were used as decorations. Club memher.s attending wore 5Iesdanics Leigh Wahab, Clcvo Woodward, Grady Fussell, Dave Ballanee. Charles 511dgette, Or ville Clark. C. B. Tillman, Jamc.s Griffin, and Jack Leigh. High scoring honors went to 51 rs. Leigh. On Tuc.sday evening 51 rs. Ed Harri.s entertained her bridge club and special guest.s, 5Irs. 5Ta(; Harris of Home.stoad, Fl:i., 5!rs. Frank Noble, Mrs. W. B. Voliva and .Mrs. W. G. Ralph. Summer flowers were used to decorate. Daringcards ,v .salted .nuts, assorted camtio and coliis were served and at the con clusion of the evening jelio and cookies were enjoyed. Club membor.s pre.^ent were Mr.«. Charles Powell. High .“core winner was 5Ir.=, Clifton Jones, low .scorer. Mrs. .f. E. Edwards and 5Irs. Russell Daniels. 51 iss 5Iary Costulis enter lained mcmber.s of her card club j at The River Forest 5Janor. AI dessert course was served and' during cards colas, cheese straws, pretzels and candy were seh’od Guests included .Mesdame's Don Edmondson, Paul Smith, Conway 5IcKinne.v, H. Vann Latham, Sam Bnger, Steve Davenport, Jimmy Wiiidloy, Ted Smithwick, Delma T.ilan, Lowell Rhodes, Henry Haiwey. Jr., and the hostess. High score went to 51 rs. Rhodes; Mrs. Tolau low, aiulj 5Irs. 5icKinncy won at bingo.' 5irs. Edmondson, a special guest, was renieiiibiired with a gift. - ■ - • If Antarctica's ice melttid, the world’s seas would rise Some' 250 feet, eiigulfiiig, a’mong oth-1 cr landniarksi New Ydik Har-1 bor’s Statue of Liberty to nose level. A Salute to Tar Heel Products . ^ Coloniars Seventh Annual Sale of Quality Products MADE IN WE'RE PROUD! Ym, we or* proud (o salute our own Tor Bool State; its . ’ citizens, industry and i.nstitutions. Frcm tlie mojettic mountain splendor in the west to the beautiful sunny shores of the tost. Colonial is proud to be o part of this greet Sfc.'o. Since Mr. David Pender, • native ot Torboro N C opened his first store in thof city. Colonial has contmuolly strived to bring f-lorlli Ca.-olinieni the very best in Food Koducts* Courteous Service, and Friendly Associations. ' ' ■f: FROM NORTH CARbLlNA'S FARMS FRESH bRESSSb GOVT INSPECTED WHOLE * it ■■pRiCE.s ooon Tintouctt ; SATL'RIJAV. JUl.y ’7. 1963. QUANllTV KIGins RESERVED. MADE IN NORTH .CAROLINA tROerSSEO IN CilARlOTTE ARMOUR STAR FROM ItX INGTON PARKER'S FROZEN FRUIT APPLE • PEACH • CHERRY BACON.... li. 67e BOILED $t;o9 FROCEtsto Ik Wilson . SWIFT'S EOlLfiD MADE IN NORTH .CAROLINA FROM CHARLOTTE . . . ARMOUR STAR SLICED MADE IS GARNFR JESSE JONES 22 02. PIES 89' 50 SAUSAGE. ■“ L' c MA0£ IN GCLOStORO.; tlLIttTT'S- /*' -- cranks;.....: from CREEfiitOSO, , CURTISS CLUE RI6COM BOLOSNA.... 59c 12-OZ. fRG. .. lOLOGNA' . LIVER-CHEESE PICKLE-PIMENTO • “SPICED MEAT.; CeiONIAl STOfESl 6-OZ. PKGS. COLD BOND STAMPS | Wim YMIH Ct>l fi»s AMP OF g' 14-0/.. Sl/E HOT .SHOT P I INSKCr ROMR VOII> ..Five JI.T.V IT. IVA] NORTH CAF.OLI.MA MOUNTAIN-GROWN, YOUNG, TENDER GREEN T' POUNDS ^5|0 GOLD lOND STAMPS || f*iTH IMI9 rorro> or jfS) 7-OZ. CAN VO-5 HAIR SPRAY, M MF.C. OR IIAKD-T(VIIOi.D •A %Olf» Jt'l V 27. I**} ^ «•: tRO.M WILSON ‘5] A . EAST MONDAY AURACLI QUART. B50 USE COLD BONG STAMPS I WITH TMiv rot ros t.>n rrneuvo. nr @ lOO-CHlINT PKG. g I COLD I.ARia. TF.\ ilAGS vom ..FIFO ii'i.v ir. i*« FROM WJNSTO.’-: ISOZ. JAIS MADE 50 COLD lOMD STAMPS wfia nils cm roN ami rrnnivo: or 16-0/- MORTO.N'S PROZKN PKCAN PIE . I vnin vnr.njtav », tvu I • f 39. •aos MMCHES from .MT OLIVE CAZCIINA iCAUTY PICKLES ... 2 SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Bleach MADE IN CHARLOTTE...SWIFT'S PURE Jewel Oil FROM ABERDEEN... LUCK'S HALVED ELBERTA MAOEIN NORTH ROLINA Grown in North Carolina LARGE, LUSCIOUS, JUICY-SWEET PEACHES J POUNDS 2i^C FROM S.AGIOVC LUCK’S .. llACKCYt PEAS AND PINTO BEANS ..... 39e HALF GAL. IN WILSON MADE IN CHARLOTTE OOROL^Ac HALF GAL. LIMIT; OM or YOUl CNOICE WITH isM OR MORE ORDER. cuiifnE 240Z; lOTTLE FPFE coil BOBO STAMPS WiiN iHi« rtpt rov ri of m\a nuxcK PAVniFR I CIIARCOAI. RRIQirK'fTf:S l»m ^Oin At IPS J1 I.V 27. |« ™ %i «•# MADE !N CHARLOTTE . . . OUR PRIDE FRESH-BAKED SANDWICH Bread • • • • • . CAN . LIMIT: 3 CANS WITH YOUR $5.00 OR MORE PURCHASE. I60Z. LOAVES 50 WINSTON-SALEM . . . GAINER'S PURE PRESERVES AND JELLY GOLD BOND STAMPS wiiN iHiv coi.roN AMR pracHA.sf or y 39e OR 69c SEALTKST ► NOVKI.TV fACK WE CREriM. igw xmt Ai’fTB il l V ti. mu I 1^. m.i m-f r COM MHi SIRUPS I APPLE VINEGAR 75v: WIIRA tiitk. e’A.t'oprkw; '•r-«ie ■*e.r -m m w « mm -m m 50 Jelly MADE IN ASHtVILLt WLL ' ' , . ' MASON JARS 12S.'$1.25 GRAPE JAM GRAPE JELLY PEACH PRESERVES PINEAPPLE PRESERVES lO-OZ. JARS MADE IN CHAVLOTTE .' WHItEHO'JSE wiiit viit*. ent roA ami m udiAAv t»r ONK-i.n. riP pkihf, |»? PiMFvro c:hff,sf spreaii SW vnlll AFIFK ll'LV :t. ivm i t O-M EROM TAIOR CITY...SOUTMIRN TAM SWEET POTATOES2 f.Si49c PROM TAIOR CITY ... RED GATE CUT GREEN BEANS 2 49c //s Easy... It's Fun! COLONIAL'S BXemNd SPELL CASH HERE'S ALL YOU DO... You get o free "Spell Coth" cord every time yeti viiip your fovoritc Colonial in this area. Each card has a mystery ink spot thet is removed by plocing card under running top voter ond rubbing spot gently. When the spot is_ rc.Tioved, il revcols one of the letters "C" or "A" or "S" or "H" or the familior Gold lotid Sandy Sover Symbol. When you collect four cards thof spell the word CASK" bring them to your fovorito Coloniol Store for verif,colion and win $100 CASH. Every time you reveal the Sondy Saver Symbol brine your cord to Colaniol tor verilication and win lOO FREE Gold Bond Stomps. That's alt there is To i». Thcrc^s nothing to write or buy« NO PURCHASE REQUIRED Coloniol reserves the right to hove • qualified inti- scntoKve determine the authenticity ot winning' "SpdR CASH ' cords. Employees and tomilies of amplayeat of Colonial Stores incorporoted ond sublidiorit* «r« not eligible to participate in game. MORE $100 WINNERS Mrs. R. W. Youngsteodt, Rolelgh, N. C Mrs. Harold Potter, (Soldsboro, N. C. Mrs. Fronk Butler, Southern Pines, N. C Mrs. J D. Johnson, Winston-Salem, N. C Helen Lennon, Woshington, N. C. Mr. Carlton Heolh, New lern, N. C -Mrs. Earl Noe, Jr., Beaufort, N.C ' ' ' Bonita Moller, Havelock, N. C. -r - : ■ Dorothy Helton, Tarawa Terrace, N, C, Mr. Roy Stephenson, Smifhtield, N. C. .• Evonne Kciter, Greenville, N. C. Edna Corbett, Greenville, N. C. *• ' Ruby Me Kinnie, Durham, N. C. Mrs. Lottie Pope, Fayetteville, N. C. 'Mrs. Ann Clark, Foyettevllle, N. C Mrs. Bill Loltln, Stotesville, N. C Mrs. B. H. Wolfe, Burlington, N. C., Mr. Theodore Lowe, Burlington, N. C. Mrs. W. A. Farrington, Greensboro, N. C. '.Mr. A. W. Huffman, Roanoke, Va, ■“ ' ' Mr. James Farrington, Chapel Hill, N. C • ' ' Mrs. F. A. Childress, Mebone, N. C. - ‘ ' > ' Mrs. Barbara Revis, Mcbane, N. C. Mrs. Louis Covington, Danville, Vo. Cloricc Mehnert, Roanoke, Va.' Mrs. Lillian Lyles, Winston-Salem, N, C FROM GREENSBORO, THE GATE CITY . . . OUR PRIDE "lAKE AND SERVE" ^HF,F SO CBIB BOIB STBIIPS vvrii FMiv corroN nwiTmoranve. or ONE-ill. PKG. • GRm ND KOUNO ivTKAK' I $om 4n^ii II TV 57, imi 8-OZ. IIMIT; 4 WITH YOUR $5.C0 OR MORE ORDER. /ktl 4u/ifT7/#irf5TT( 104 PAMUCO STREET BELiiMfiN] NOMH

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