1® PAGE FOUR TUF: COASTT.AXD TISIF.S, MANTEO, X. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMIER 13. SENATOR SAM ERVIN «sm« ENGELHARD PERSONALS WAS■HI^'GTO^^ — Congic-ss, is entering the eigth month of the current session. With most .-inrl Jt.-s. Murel MarshnII priority legi.$lation still pending, | and 1. l>. Watson spent Thursday some assessment of what has! been happening may be in order j Mr. and 31rs. Shaw Bonner of A wide ninge of factors are in-j Green.’i'lo were vi.sitors here volved in the judgment that Sunday, before returning to committees have been e.xorcis- ing, but three of those miglit bo outlined as follows: hU'-t, till.- M "N'O 'll,' Wi. lie.-ised more I’re.'Uli'ii’ial legi.-.- lative reque.sts than any otlicr in recent years. Jioro than 4u0 of these requests of \aryi;ig urgency have conn' to Ci>n,gres.s for action. In addition, there are as usual thousands of bills in troduced by members of Con gress ut the fir.st session. Ail has produced a massive amount of iegislalion for committees to consider. Second, most of the major Mantco where Mr.s. Bonner is a menibcu* of the school faculty. Ali.s.s r.iruljn M ir'h.ill left .Sii iil.iy for G ii'.ivilli, ubere .-■I ( enteri il K t’. C. .Mrs. Dennis Selby and son, Shi-rwi'od visited Mr Selby at the Belhuve.n hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ben .Midyettc spent Thursday in 'Wa.shington and visited M’s. Robona Arm- •strong at ino Beaufort County UospiUil. Mrs. Inn Simmons of Fairfield silent tile week end herc. Jlr. and Mrs. Nortlian Mar- .di.ill of Wilson spent Sunday legislative piog-ams urged arci, and have been for some lime ‘ Mr and Mrs. Max Hodges and highly controversial. C o r.gvc.si. has been asked at this session to enact legislative measures on transportation problems, aid to education, national 'ilebt limi tations, costly foreign as.sisi ance, coercive civil right: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hodges vi.siled in Edenton last week. ■ Mrs. Helen Spencer, Mrs. Bosis Litchfield and granddnughtor, Lou Ann and Mi.ss Patty Neal pj.Q-jwere Washington vi.sitors. posals, and ta.s amendments, alii Hari-is is a piitiont .at of which have raised the mosti^'"-’ Beaufort County Hospital, serious issues. i Mrs. ilari is is in Washington Third, the vast majority | "''S.stme.s Liicv Cox. .lanie the reconimenaal.o!\5 for :i iiost' THE AMERICAN fFAY t^ual rij(Kt ot every clti2.cn to the free c.vcrciac of his rcHi'Ion, according’ to the dictates of his conscience, is held by the same tenure with all our other ri^htst* » jAiaa UAOisoN ?n- c.. -. ty.'- Freedom Of Worahip SRA HAGS WILL MEET Meekins, V'r-!cl. voiions. Airs. Milliceiit Waits.! to this meeting. v'.'h '•'V . of new programs are niniung , • , .1 f.. .. n,. giina Miller, Inez han-ow, .lame secretary-treasurer road into resis ance fr un the pub c Exadcll minute.s culled the rolls which s beccuning leeij of m-_3(1 horn .and -Miss,.Mgggift, creased Federal spe ding. Ihus, .chool * a considerable number of Pro-, „,eeting in Columbia posals have not caused any mt^- l Saturday afternoon, sive public e.vpression in then spent several davs in Raleigh. The tax program which has Carina Gibbs. Mrs Ro- been 111 ib.e process of study for ,iaugbtf'r. ?tair many months is illitslralive of Wjus-hiiigton vi.-^itors Fri- the prohltiiia ]ne»onttd to tins Congress. Most members iiro^ oqo of Kngel- amire of-the fact Uiat* present eiijuyoti a company tiip at high tax iatos are in need of Leach last week end. revision. At the same lime, ^hc were IJ) mem her? tax reduction bill must be con sidered in the light of what is bVing urged'in the way of '-,iud Mrs. George O'Nral ing. Here the bill cuts across the b^.^lc •’(•‘tnonuc plitlo-^phy th.it it Cor tlnon S 'nd;i\ i- M>*t -imiid to 1 at luxt*.-. and in- p j j,*]-,, .. It cleu^c spenuiiig m imns “f ici- N-.rftdk t.* f‘\ X CIIUKCHWOMKN MEKT AND FLAX ACnVITIES The N. C. Sea Hags will meet St. George's Episcopal chureb- at llu' poi’t Seplcm\)er IG at women met Thursday, Sept. 5, TIiono who have fislied dur- in the Pan.'^h house. ,iug Iho summer season and In the absence of tlie prosi- have point.s n.s to .«ize .and dent, Mr.'!. Marietta Schmitt, thelweiglit of fisli caught, are asked v.ce-prosidcnt, Mrs. June l.ivov- to turn tlioih ni to Mr.'!. Joan man, conducted the meeting fBender at Kill Devil Hill.'-:, be- ^Irs. Annie Crcdlc gave the;fore this meeting, or bring them the am) gave - the treasurcr'Si.ycpprt.,,, ^ Plans were made for the visit of Bishop Wright on Sept 29, at Avhich time he will dedicate the Pai’ish house. Homocoming will be observed at that time, with dinner smwed in the hoti'ie. 'I’be public is invited to ntlenil all of the.*!e lug’nn.ng at 11 00. be in: cJuirch school on that dav. All members are urged to at tend this meeting so a team can be ,sel.ected^/or'4he,v;tptu'jiainpr.t early'in October." ■ ■ STATEMENT NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS Bond* $41,317.358.5-1 Siocki 5,531.834-56 A\orloogo loons on Rcol Evtotc ••• 20 843.093.70 Real Estate 1,686.925.13 Policy Loans ... 2,905,173.72 Collotorol Loons 14,747.37 Cosh ond ba.ik deposits .. - .. 2.054,393.4! All other assets ,os detailed »p annual statement) 2.408.974.87 Total Assets .... .... $76,762,506.35 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS AggrcQalc reserve for life policies ond contracts .... $60,146,965-07 Aggrogulo reserve for Occident and heahh contracts .... .... .... 185,886.08 Supplementary controct* withowr life contingencies 67,44,$.39 4.1 Life - .. 776,992.68 4.2 Accident ond heoith .. 33,590.77 Policyholders' dividend accomulotions , .... .. 738,935.23 Policyholder's dividends due ond unpoid .... 82,793.55 Provision for pohcyholder's dividends payable the following cniondor yoor .... 873,105.62 Pfcmums ond annuity consideration received In advance .... 295.777 45 Commission to agents doe or accrued .... 106,059.34 General expense ciuo or accrued 37,6)5.68 Taxes, license* and fees due or accrued 441,874.18 All other liabillttes fos defolled in annuo) sloloment) 3,287,107.54 Totol Liabilities (except Capfol) .... $67,076,194.58 Special Surplus Funds $4,136,3)1 77 Unassigned surplus $5,650,000.00 Total S 9,686,311 77 $76,762,506,35 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1962 ORDINARY GROUP ‘ No. of Amount Policies No. Amount INDUSTRIAL No. Amount 26.441 3.610 2.949 27,102 124 3),864 920 7,575.940 5,794.249 33.646.611 143,293 5 316 409 1 302.000 1.067.603 5,550,806 6,767 136 299 27,091 31,059 132.331 828 35 106.924 12 59) 934 12,829,924 34.868,937 170.472 124 ' 143,293 143,293 ’6,767AS 6,767 826':-'i;.; 168.862, 1 ' -.300 1 1,110 828 170,472 1 350 in charge of the sale of Christ- iiiais cards, and .Miss Maggie , . , I Bndgmnn will handle fruit cake 1Lsali'b. I'lalis wore nrsde la clean the on attending with Pratt Wdlinni-- , h .v-eivod in the Parish hoii.se. - soi^, Jr, as Scout Coans'Mlur Mrs. Milliccnt Waits wjll bclpi.ni-kc were present. semccs. Church and Pai'sh hnu( ^ r' Friday, Sept. 27, at A games parly was planned Plans wore made for the an-jfor Oct. 7, al.S;00,'in the Parish nu.il !>;izaar, which will be on hou.sv. I Oft 19. with dinner and .supper, Miss Jlaggie Bridgman di;; mi.scd the meeting witli prayer. It w-us decided th.at all future' Mrs. Bettio Ballance,. .seryed meeting would be held at 2.00,'refre.shmcnls. Mrs. OrpliTi Davis' ,the year around. 'Mis. June Liverman. M'ss Mag- it-l Mrs Orphan Davis and Mrs jju' Bridgman, Mis. .Vnue iKiz.ibeth (’larkc were appointed ('icdb . .Mis. .Mdln.nt J. :.m-l. alive, prosnerity. Only a few jjew'il.iven f'uii , to vLsit hcr!^“ die caiirch checked for,Mrs. Bottle Bnii.mce, .Mrs. Janu days ago, the President when and son-in-law, '‘'Pa'i’S- _ jFulford ami -tlrs. Eiizaboth •.i.skcd by a reporler “wIiuU'.cr'ho-o,^jj' jii.;... ji,,) potts and to get would cal! the economy good, acquainted with her jiew graJld- siuggisli, or bad” is reported to Jlichcal PotU. .Mrs. Potts have staled- ‘‘I’d .s.iy good”. The the former AHce Fay general state of bu.sine.s.s may be ptficridge. having a cnn.siderable effect on_ Bobby Davis ba." gone to many of the proposals. Eli-zabeth City, where he win be Commingled with a diffic-ult employed, tax i.-4ue, Congres.4 faces civil: "The W. M. U. of the Bapti.st rights iiropo.suU wliicli a-e sen- Clvi-cb v.d! it- meeting for ously di.sturliing to vast numbers .September a* the Cbu'ch next of c'ltir.ens who are questioning Tuc.sday night ot “•.qo o'clock, the iit-ed for and the long range, yii-i. Viiginia. .Miller ha.? re- eiiect of the broad powers'turned from a visit in R chmond, sought to be coaveyed upon a Va. nebulous Federal biivciuicr.acj. ith-. and Mr.s. H'lbcrt Guthrie Congressional c o m ni 111 e os'of Mautco spent .Sunday hove, have been studying the issue.? 1 AlUn Bii-ius •and endeavoring to render from Wu.diingP-n, D. C., where hones', judgments upon them. As ho .spent a few days. POtlCr-,EXKIB|T 1 In force Dec. 31 of previous year 2 Ivvueci dj'ing yi*u» 3 Craved to bo in force during >oor NeJ) 4. In force Dec. 31 of current year LOSSES AND CLAIMS 6. Incurred during cur'cnt yoor 7 Settled during current year: a By payt'Wi\i »r> full b. By comprontisc .. c. By reicction d Totals 124 9 Amount octuully poid on coniprurnlscd claims Premium lucome-'Ordlnary, $1,055,204.36; Group, $76,050.96; Industrial. £1,665,144.55; Total $2,796,399,87; A 4 H Prem. 51.414,553,58; lossos $429,216.97. Pros'clcnl, A. T, Spaulding; Secretary, j W Goodloc; Treosuror, V O, Turner; Actuary# N, H, Sonnoft# Jr.; Home Office: 114 West Parrish Street, Durltant, N. v. Attorney for service. Edwjn S. Innler, Commissioner of Insuronco, Raleigh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT __ Rolcigh, April 9. 1963 I, EDWIN S. LANIER, Commissioner of Insurance do hereby certify that t^e above is o true ond correct obstroct of the statement of the North Corohtro .Mutuol Life Insurance Campony, of Durham, N. C. filed with tins Deportment, showing the conditioit of sold Compony on the 3Ist day of Decentber, 1962. Witness my hand ond otflciol scol the day ond dote obovc wr-tten. EDWIN S. LANIER, Commissioner of Insuroncc No. Amount Policies Amount No. Amount No cf STATEMENT CENTRAL SURETY AND INSURANCE CORPORATION ASSETS Bonds Stocks Cosh ond bank deposits Agents' balances or uncollected premiums, net Funds held by or deposited with ceding reinsurers Blits receivable, taken for promiunrs Reinsurance recoverable on loss poyntents Interest, dividends and real estoto income due ond accrued All otlicr assets os detailed in statement .... .... ~ Totot odmlttcd Assets. DABILITiES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS , 1. losses unpaid .... ...j...... ..... '2. Loss adlwstnrent oxoensos unpoid'. '.Ji 3 Contingent cornrtiissioris and other simllor chorges 4. Other expenses (excluding toxes, licenses ond foes) 5. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding Foderol income taxes} ...- 10. Uncorned premium* ^ 11 Dividends declared and unpaid: 'b) Policyholders ^ ... 12. Fund:, held by company under rciVsurancc treaties 13 Amounts withheld or retained by company for occount of others l4o Unearned premiums on reinsurance in unauthorized enmpames l4b Rclnsurence on Doid losses $6,653 12 ond ori unpaid lossuv $305,532 00 due from unuuthonzod cornpo>»i»'s $312,185 12 14c lofol $641,106.92 15. Less funds held or retained by company for account of such unauthorized companies ... .., .$452 980.84 STATEMENT ^ NATIONAL CASUALTY COMPANY - ASSETS 1. Bonds 4 Root Estate 6 Cush and bank deposits 8, Agents* balonces or uncollected premiums, net 9 Funds held by or deposited with coding reinsurers 11. Reinsurance recoverable on loss payments 14. Interest, dividends ond real estate income due and ocerwed 17. All other assets as detailed In statement Total admitted Assets: LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1. losses unpaid 2. Loss ad|us1ment expenses unpoid .... 3. Contingent commissions and other similar charges 4. Other expenses (excluding taxes, licenses ond fees) 5. Taxes, licenses and (cos (excluding Fcderol income taxes) 6. Fcderol income tores 10. Unearned premiums - 12. Funds hold by company under relnsuronce treotles 13. Amounts withheld or rclolned by company for occount of others I4a Unearned premiums on reinsurance ’m unauthorized companies $ n,415.37 14b Reinsurance on paid losses $6,619.53 and on unpO'H losses $95,433.75 duo from unouihorized componics $102,053.2$ )4c Tatot $194,468.65 15. less funds held or retained by company for account of such unauthorized companies $185,107.76 1 Ail other Ifabiiltles, os detailed In stotement ....$21,708,1 .... 16,032,4 146,8 2,860,1 208.r 86,j 220,5 165,4_ , $ 197,512.1 ...$41,627,2484 . $13,125,330.1 577,806/ 67,688.J 49,354/ ... 677,149,1 80,000i ... 8.843,503.4 185,107J 14,007,4 9,360.8 187,832/ $33,117,151.1 17,810,0960 $41,627,248^ Torol Itoblllties Specio) surplus funds: ...$10,810,096.95 Capital paid up 2.000,000.00 Unossigned funds (surplus) ...... 5,000,000.00 Surplus os regards policyholders Totol .. BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1862 Direct Premiums Direct Lossd LINE OF BUSINESS Written Incurred f 11. Accident only tindividuol) .... $136,247.92 $ 32,215.0 12. Acedeni and hcolth (Indivlduol) ...» ' 61,831.21 18,063.5 13 Hospital and medical expense (Individual) 61,6^.84 33,563.r )4. Group Occident and health 60,234.64 43,697.; 15. Non cone. acc. and health 748.55 38.3 31. Total ... $322,729.16 $127,578.3| , President, Murroy 0. Lincoln; Secretary, M, L. Osktn; Treasurer, F. E. Oufpp Home Office: 1100 Griswold Building, Detroit 26, Michigan ^ *’ Attorney for service: Edwin S. Lanier, Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, N. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DE9ARTMENT Rolcigh, March 32, 196 I, EDWIN S. LANIER, Commixslonor of Insurance do hereby certify that tH above Is a true ond correct abstract of the stoicmcnt of the Notional Co&u| pity Company, of Pelro*t, Michioan, filed with this Deportment, thowiti the condition of sold Compony on the 31st day of December, 1962. Witness my hand ond official seal the doy and date obove written. EDWIN S LANIER, Commissioner of Insuranco - -$15,512,265.67 5.729,945.00 1,034,292.15 1.266,756 47 102 57 101,750.06 48,607.32 121,042 19 S 325.079.50 $24,140,041 93 ... S 5.258,09? 00 :,ii •-.667,919.00 72,400.00 108,635.00 .. 287.700 00 .... 7,934,555 44 430 00 493.961 53 47,169 16 $328,921.80 185,136.08 7.031,046 72 ,.,■....$15,053 W.21 9,031.046,*»2 $24,140,041.93 "Mr Mil Norwnrfd Glbb^ of Norfolk the week end they \vei^?h thorn. tlv‘ logi-^lativo rfU'ioG which tho late Speaker Sam Rayburn gavv comc$ to h'-rn jr,ii-,(l. He said once:‘-One of the i -Mr. and M'-s Russel.^ fkan- vrn?iite?t sUiieniciUF; lhat wa^s chail atai Mr.-. Stoin Wnhani'* f-VL‘i* FiMicie atiyboclv was: ‘Ju.st Xorfvilk vlsitotp-. minute’." In mv judgment. thU Mis-'CJ Patty Xe.il, D.->nna Sel- i, wkai Congress is saying be-‘by and Anita Fisher left Sunday f„i-c it acts on many of the--; for Loumburg _ ‘"'’Rege. T ney Icgisbitivc requests. It is idsowere aeeompaniod by ..Ir. and wed to rememlier that It wii! Mr.^. Rovden Neal and Mrs. fur better for Congress to defer j Huliort Selby. _ ■action until it can write good j Mr. .-ind Mrs. George .MifcneU il! be for it to en- 1 of K!i7ii)jeik l-.'.y and STATIMENT . N£W VOW tin INSUMANCE COMPANY Bond, 5‘ock$ , ., * * Mortgoge loons on Real Estote ..... Reol Estote Policy loons Cosh ond bonk deposits All olhcr assets .os detoiled In onnea! stotement) To»al Assets tlASIllTIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Aggregote reserve for hfe pohc»os ond contracts Aggrogoto reserve for accident ond heohh controcts Supplcmcntorv controcts without life contingencies 4 1 Ljfe 4 2 Accident ond ht'ohh Policyholder! dividend occumu’otions Policyholder s dividends due ar'd unpoid Provision for po«'cyholder * dividends poyoblo the following colondor year Prenfums ond onnuity consldeiot^on received In odvance Comnussion to agents due cr occfued . - . Goneiol expense due or accrued nil.'!! I'CtUl’IlCU j Toxes, lice.nse.s ©rtd fees doe or orcrued Remittonces ond items not onocoted All othe*^ liobllities (as detailed In onnuci statententi _ . , . , Totol Uobllltics tcxcept Capita!) Speriol Surplus funds $ 58.6O0,00Cr.0() Uoo.slgned surplus S4BI,V53i37e.36 Totol $3,871/05.494 8C 643.243.3D9.0(. 2.053,502.463.51 367.829.155 07 516,363.953 00 40.036 024 03 230 373.795 6/ $7,732,901 195.16 $5,696 374 04*' ('*; 22 999.600 03 408 016 135 03 25,568,49’? 11 12.984.493 00 5£6.941 ,024.00 3.374,583 35 157 377.3MOO 41,300,693 18 401.031.42 3,950,000 00 34.095,630.00 4,581,814 4? 194.376.955 25 $7,192,342,816.30 $ 540.568.378 36 $7,73 2 901.195 T6 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DUHISC 1962 OROiNARY GROUP Totol liabilities Capitol poid op Ui*as>iyncrl funds 'surplus Surplus as regards pol cyholdcrs .... Total BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA OURirTG 1962 ' - - - ... 5,^-., - Direct Premiurns Direit-Losscs LINE or BUSINESS Fire- .. Evti'odofi ceverage Ott‘»*r ailii'H l»''r*s Mom-ov nri , mjliiplo p-'r I Cenu «.-rc«o' nvolt'plc pen! Inlond niorme Accident only Individual' Workmen's Compensotiori .. Lrobitity other thon auto fS. I-) ...... liobilliy other thon ooto/P." Dl)“.'3r. Auto liobHity IB. I 1 Au^o llub’Iity (P. D.) 21, Auto phys. clamugo ?3 Fidelity *4 Surety !5. Class J6. Burglory and ihoft (I. Totol President. T B. Knileyi Secretoty, C F. C)as«, Treosurcr, 0, H Ho.nu Office J737 McCee St . Kontoi City 41, Missouri Attorney for service; Edwin S. Lanier, Comnilvsioner of Injumnce, Rolu-gh, N* C. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Roleigh Morrh 14. 1963 I, EDWIN S lANlER, Comnnsiioner of tnsurantr do hrroby cMtify thot tht) obove is o true and correct obstroct of the stotemert of IHe Central Sur ety and >nsuronco Corp. of Konsos City, Mo., tiled with th.s OcpartntcHt, showing lS» condition of said Coo»pony on the 3tAt Hoy Decentber, 1962 W»/noss my hand ond oHiciol seal the doy ond dote above wilt»u*> EDV/J.sj S. LANIER ContmHslonvr of Insurance Written ..$16/54.55 6 742 13 39 .17' C 173 43 71? 03 7‘34.85 40 03 3.682 70 - 1,339.71 . 258,95 8.741 06 .. 3,337/6 .. 4.345.63 50 00 4,869 19 278.39 503.60 $59,938 94 incurred $ 1,153-08 79 76 6 665 fO 9t81: 1,327 17 1,239.75 o.oisoB 2,873 26 904.22 149.87 117 20 Sir.447 72 Whitney STATEMENT NATIONAL BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMfANY ASSETS 1. Bonds .... 2. Slocks - ....... 6‘. Co4h ond bank deposits .. * '* . ' 8 Agents' balancr'S or uncollected premiums, net 10. Bills roccivablo, taken for premiums .. . 14. Interest, dividends and rcol estote Income due ond occrueci 17. All other assets os detoiled In statement .. Total oomitted Assets: ... .... LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS I Lossos unpoid - - . 4,170,788.6] 2. Loss od|ustmen1 expenses unpaid ..... .. .... 3 Contingent commissions and other similar charges 4 Other expenses e.\cludlng taxes, licenses and fees) 5. Toxes, licenses and fees (excluding Federot Income toxes) 6. Fednroi Inconte toxes .. ........ ID. Uf'eurned premiums n Dividends dvclorerf ond unpoid: «b' Policyholders ....... 13 Amounts withhold or retaincrl by company for occount of others 16. Excess of lloblllty ond compensation statutory and vcluniorv reserves over cose basis ond loss expense reserves 18 All other liabilities, as detoiled in statement .... 23. Totol liobllties 24. Special surplus funds: ... ... ..-....$1,400,000.00 25. Capitol poid up 2,000,000.00 26. Unossigned funds (surplus) .. 7,406,186.28 27 Surplus os regord* policyholders „ ..... 28. Total . .. BUSINESS IN N08TH CAROLINA DURING 1962 Direct Premiums LINE OF BUSINESS 1. Fire 2. Extended covorogc .. 3. Other allied lines 4 Homeowners multipio peril .... .5 Cominoicial multiple peril 7. Hod growing oops only) ,9. Inicmd inaiirif ly Auto hihlhfy {8. I ) ... .. 20. Auto (tobilily 'P. D.) 21 Auto phyi damage )1 Total Piov.dcnt Nothon H Wentworth; Secretary, Gcolfrey Ooncy; Treosurcr, Willorq E. Uoncker; Honte Office 200 South Craig Street, Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvonia Attorney for seivire Edwin S. Lamer, Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, N. C| NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT " Rolelqh. Marr.h 22, 196] h EDWIN S. LANIER, Commissioner of (nsuronce do hereby certify rhot thJ is o true ui^d cortoct obstrcict of the stotament of the National Ben Frankllil f.'vo ou*' ^umpony of P»*tshwrgh Pennjylvonto. filed with this Department, showinJ thv cn 4 * o” '>1 su*H Ci»nvpo«'y on the 31st doy of Oecomher. 1962 VV *''( .s iny bond ond offiC'ol scol the doy pnd dote obove written EDWIN S. LANIER, Comrvtissioncr of Ir'suronce $ 9.630,913.R] .. . 9.815,711.01 20f.O47.3| .... 1,040,456.31 61.483.6] 93,392.51 ....$ 269.853.4i $21,199,858.21 458.865. 24,285.0 13,845.0 160,972.T 12,155.0 5.257,810.8] 120,000.0 172,831.,'^ $10,393,671,91 10,806,186.: 1,858.: $21,199,8 Written $21,503.99 6,697.58 118.69 2,507 17 55.37 781.66 ..... 3.654.03 .. 1.740.32 1,505.24 $38,554.07 Direct Lossel Incurred $ 1.911 7| 855.ia 2,568.2^ 99] 1.364.4 73.16] 5,180.3] 2.609.21 909.9] $16,140.51 S 6,438,169.1] 5,755,643.01 169.9X.2l 1,133,474.91 540,191>l| U7.n 205.454.7] 39,848.1] S 72.817.^ 14,358,412.(1 $ 2 132,4851 183.092.1 29.600.4 27,141 145,341.] 2,849A04,] 11,842.1 laws than it wi not luistliy coneoctiai bad legis lation. , . . Anni* Rno Mrs. of Fuirfield s)ior.l 4. s. MCKELS FOR KNOtV-HOtV Policy EXHIBIT In force 0*c- 31 of previous yeor Issued during year ...v Ceosod to be m force during yeor (Net) ....... - Irt. force Dec. 31 of current yeor LOSSES AND CLAIMS Unpaid Dee, 31, previous year Incurred during current yeor .... Settled during current yeor* o. By pay,'nent In Ml d. Totals Unpaid Dec. 31. current year 15 plus 6 rntnos 7d) Premium Income—Ordlnory, $6,539,268. Group, $381,619. ^utol $6 920 657 , Consifierotion for annuities, $48,401, A^H Prom $356,363 la^s*** S'»67,*45 SlllUlaV with Ml'n, I^JLUni riir-1 President, Dudley Powell; Sjeretury, Will lom f Young, 7r»’0‘urcr € 8oId- ' win, Jfsj Actuory* Lowell M. Dorn; Home Office, 51 Modison Av©., New York 10, NeW York. Attorney for service: Edwin S. Lonier, Comm'ssioncr of Insjrtirico, Rolcgh, N C. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE OEPARTMCNT Roletgh Apnl 10, 1963 ), EDWIN S. LANIER, Cotttmlssioner of Insuronto do hereby certify ihot the obove is a true ond correct obstroct of the stotemenf of the ^4ew Yo«’k Life Irtsuronce Compony, of New York, N Y filed wtth th‘s Ocpo'"tmcnt, showing the condition of sold Compony or. the 3»s' Coy cl Oecemncr, 1962 Witness my hand ond official ieol the Hoy ond esoto rrbove written c EDWip; S lANitft. Commissioner of Insuronco Mo Amount So of ^otlciet Amtvnt 51J75 255,083.884 92 49,435.881 2,572 27,336^300 U 2.871,056 2.118 12.432.011 6 11,245,591 51.829 269,993.173 103 63,552,523 42 198,310 5 24,473 635 1.613.146 17S 309,671 651 1,742,348 177 307,727 651 1,742,348 179 307,722 25 69,113 4 26,447 .,$41,671,616.01 $ 8.962,273 50 .. 1,239^73.20 69,950 00 309,256 21 586,164 09 533,727.27 16,082,996 05 294.55 25,000 00 793:00 , ,$27,810,032.97 row, Tlnv, nii'l M'"''- Uanfly Klrocl of Wake Forest spent tbe week crul bore. Rev. Kltvi'.I filleJ bi.« regular appointment at the Rap'.ist Chinch. Mr, ami, .Mrs. .But;!, Jlr.t Alma Neal anrl Mrs, Rtm- tba Gibb.s .spent last Tuo.silay in Wii.-ih'iigton Mr. and .Mr.s. Edward Neal ‘eave retiraicd to their home in Chc.sapenke, Va. after visiting .AJr-s. Neal's father, S. D. Spen cer. K I' It A I, DEV EhOI ‘.M ENT HAS FAMliy NIGHT Many fiirmeiS aiready have pat .away ilie hoe and. iis a re- 'suit of their use of chen-.icr.l weed contiol measure.^-, have ir.e i cleanest field? vf their farming careers. Re.search work corr'iicted be- l\»'ecn 1949 and 1959 indicate'! con.=iflerab!e proci.se- for com'im- ed use of herbicides and tillage for tiie contro' f weed.-- in ei op.^ The w'ji-k appeared proini-ing e- nnugh to jn.-tify cspan.smn t)f the pogram. Therelorc, Xickoi.- for Kno'v-How money was u.-e 1 to expand and increa.-^u Ihi.* pro- , evening at G.30. gram by .suppoiting a Hwenty famiHo.s were represent- sludent a.ssistantship at North xight” of the Cai-olina State. ^Rur.al Developmtnt program of The iiuTcased efforts have j^-ake Landing. N''hra=ka corn- been most productive. Techuieai .pmniiies, at Nebiiiska reereatiofi know-how is now available for j (tenter for a buffet suiipcr. controlling weed.s and climinat- Orville Ballanco welcomed the lag use of the hoe. U will also j (.jiiidncn, youths nnd adults with reduce hy half the number of . special welcome to "Senior cullivation.s needed. > Citizens" -North Carolina's m.my furin-1 The group was asked to con- ers have benefited in this ami, tinue with lhe;r cleaning' up many other arcu.s a.s a result of mound their premises inside and riseareh and educational work outside their homes. At the next carried out with the money they meeting, the second .Monday ' iiiul other- farmers contributed | evening in October, the coni- tbrough Nickehs for Know-How.'mittees will give a preview of Thevwiil vole .again MOV 19.; what has been done since the on whether they want to con- luogram was organized. tinue supporting rc.searcb and education through the self-as- Tt i.s a worthier thing to d-'- sessmeiit of a nickel a ton for serve lionor Mian to possess n.— feed and fertilizer purchased. | Thomas Fuller. STATE.'^JNr THE CENTRAL NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF OMAHA ASSETS 1. Bonds ...S 6,.UT,I43,43 2 SioOi .. - .... «.7t3j8093 4. R«al Esial, . .. ),3li,6»72 5. Collotcrol }aa>iv .... 12.622 46 6. Cosh ond bank deposils ^ .. 1,912,708.65 8. Agenls' boloncc* or uneoilected premiums, not 1,303,281 SO II Rcinsuronco rccovcrob(« on loss payments >... .>•, 164 720.7/ 14. Inturnst, dividonds ond real estote mcomo due ond octrued 69,376-37 17 All other assets as deto“cd «n statement $ 113,455 92 Total odmitted Assets $16 109.65i> 4$ LIABIliriES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1 losses unpoid . — 2. loss odjostment expenses unpoid 3. Contingent commisslens ond other simitar chorges 4 0*h».’f cxocnscs enctudlng to»es licenses ond reei' 5 Toios Mcen^es ond tees excluding Fsdorol income taxes 6 Federal income taxes 10. U.nearnod premiums , 12. Funds held by company under rolnturance trentios 13. Amoursts withheld or retolned by company for occount of ormrs 14b Reinsurance on paid losses $73,357.10 $73,337 10 14c Totol $73,357.10 15. Loss funds held or retained by company for occount of such unouthorl/cd companies $73,357.10 18. All other liobllities, os detoiled In slotcmont .... 23. Totol rioblltles 25. Copital poid up .... ....... .. 1,000,000.00 26. Unossigned funds (surplus) .... 4,287,366.31 27. Surplus os regords policyholders 28. Totol BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1962 Direct Premiums STATEMENT THE CHARTER OAK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS 1 Bonds .. .. $34,174.044 01 6 Cash ond boTik deposits ... 914,374.52 8 Agents hotonces or uncollected premiums, nut . 6,239,417.36 14. Interest, dividends ond real estate ireomo due and occrued 343,780 12 Totol odmitted Assets, liABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1 Losses unpaid 2 Loss odiustmet't erponses uopemi 3 Contmge-t cornndts'ons and other simi^or chorges 4 O'her expenses excluding toxes II'en*eS ond foes 5 Toei uc^nsns ond fees excluding federal incoTne to,*i>s 6. Fooerul inceme tares 10. Unearned prem'vms 1 i Dividends declored onci unpaid: • b, Pollcyhciders 16 Excess of liobdtty ond cempersation stotutcry ond vQJu»jtory reserves over cose basis and iossj exfc?enr*e reserves 13- AH other liobIHtIcs, os detoued In itoten*,e.nt .. 23. Totol liabilities " ' .S'S'' ' 25 Copitol poid up S 2,000.000.00 26 Unossigned funds *urplusl 11,861,583.04 27 Surptus os regorcfs pallcfho'dcrs 13,861,583.04 28. Total .... $41,671,616.01 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1962 Direct .Prem.u/tis OIrcci losses LINE OF BUSINESS Written Incurred 1 f:rc $ M6.42) 2, ExtonduH coveage (12.41) $3,025.00 9 Inland mcniAe , ^95-03' 1. Total Si28 83) $2,930.00 President, f Oovie OeWitt So'retury Joseph Wodsworfh. Home Office: 700 Motn $t Hartford 15, Connecticut Attarnoy for service Edwin S looier, Commisslon^f of Inturonco, Roloigh, N. C NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Roieigh. Match 14. 1963 f. EOV/IN 5 LANIER. Cemm •ss'Oner of Insuroice do hvmby certify tnot the tibove IS o tfuo ond correrr ub\»'ac* of the s^otement of The Chorter Ook Invoronce Compony, of Hartford. Conn f»(ed with ih\c Oeportmont, showing the comi*tlon of said Company on the 3H? doy of Oevcmbcr, 1962. V/{ines5 my bond ond pfbriol seol t**© dov ond eJoto above writren EDWIN $. LANIER. Ccinmissfoner of Insuronto''' $ 44,162.50 STATEMENT THE CENTURY INSURANCE COMMNY; ilOf assets'^' 1. Bonds „ v. I - . . 2. Stocks , „ ^ ^ . 3 Mortgage loons on rcol estote 6- Cosh and bonk deposit* 8. Agents' bolonces or uncollected premiums, not . . . lO. Bills rccelvobitt. tokcr» for premiums .... I! Relnsuronce rccoveroble on loss payments 14 (nterest dividends ond teal estote mccine due ond occrued 17 Alt other osso*s os detailed in stotement Total odmitted Assets: LIABlllTIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1 Losses unpaid 2 Loss odiUStment c*pense% unpotd 3, Conf.*>gc'nt lomnussionv ond other similar charges 4 Other expenses «xclu%iing toxos, licenses ond feel) 5. Foxes Imc- os ond fees lexcludlnq Fcderol Income toxes) 10 Uneomsd premum$ 13. Afn:»vnts wnhheld or reiolned by compony for account of others l4a Uneornod prentiums on reinSuronce m unoutnortzed companies l4b Remsufcncc on poirl losses $2,943 38 and on unpoid tosses $93,300.90 oue from unouthorized cumpunu^s $ 96,244 28 l'*^ Totol ... $140,406.78 15. Less fur>ds heM or retolned by compony for account of Such unouthorized companies 4,900.43 16 Excess of Itobibty and cempentathtt statutory ond vahntary rcjBfvos over cose bosls 6r,d loss expense reserve ...... .... 18. AM other LInbllitIcs, os detoiled Ip statement 23. Total liabilities Stotutory Deposit , $ 500,000.00 Unossigned funds (surplus) 8,319,453.09 Surplus 01 regordi policyholders Totol -. BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURINO 1862 Direct Premium* LINE OF BUSINESS Written Fire .. S 26.74 Extended coverage 56.76 Inlond marine .... . 81.61 Total - . _ $165.11 U. S. Monogeri Roland H, C'rryn; Home Office: 111 John St., New York N. Y. Attorney for service; Edwin S. lonlor. Commissioner of Insuronce, Raleigh, nJ NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT 1 Raleigh, Moreh 14, ll f, COWIN S. Lanier, Conimissloner of Insurortce do hereby certify fhot I ohovo is a true ond correct abstract of the stotement of The Century InsurJ Company of Nevv York, N. Y. fifed v/Jth this Oeparfment, showing the condil of st»*d Company on the Slst day of Dt-cember, 1962. " V/imt'Si my hgnd and officiol soo) the do>* ond dote obove written. EOWIn S. LANIER, Commlsslor^er of Insyrorsa 135,5061 22,74pl i,6in] S S,533,9}3] R,Sl»,4S8l $14,338,4131 2.243,310.32 231,535.13 243,3l>7 22 32,340 C7 139,634 37 6,703 00 7,326,319,62 73.357 10 34,957 34 422.5'3 07 $10,822,290,14 5,237 J65.31 $16,109,656,45 IIN£ Of BUSINESS Fire Extordud coverogn Homeowners multiple peril Inlond morine Auto liability 3. I Auto lloblllty 'P D.) Auto phys. demoge Totol Written S 932.93 603.03 103.41 277 81 593 60 185 33 99.603 12 $32,101 83 Direct losses tnt«jrrert 433 76 24.763.41 S25.202 17 President, Clarence L londen, Jr » Secretory, Mour ce E Smith Irensurer, John L, landcn; Home Office: 700 South 72nd St., Omoho 'A Nebrasko Attorney for service: Edwin S. lonler, Cemmisstor*er of Insuronce, Rolnigh. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Raieigh, Morch 13, 1963 1, EDWIN S. LANIER. Commissioner of Inswronte Hn ‘'•'•rrby cvrf«Cy ,be obevo is o t»ue ond correct obstruct of the stotement ot The Control Noi*onol j Insurance Compony, of Omoho. Kebrosko. filed w th % Oepaftmcn», -.howing the condition of sold Compony on the 31st doy of December, 1962 1 Witneu irty hand and officiol sed the doy and o'ote obo.'e v.rlttcn I EDWIN S. lANIcR, Commissioner of Insuronce * STATEMENT CHEROKEE INSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS Bonds — .c ,, ... Stock* Rcol Estotu Coh ond bonk deposits ., Aoerjts’ bolonc.n or uncaliertrd premiums, nrt Bills rfrccfvoble, token for premiums Reinsvroncrt recoverohio on loss payments Interest, dividends ond rcol citote income duo and occrucrl All other O'.svt* Qv deicilted In statement Totol odmitted Assets: LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS locses unpotd ... lo.s odiostmrnt expenses unpoid O ♦ nr oac'uding toxo*. iKenser ond fees To4et lL,tfnsAS and fees Cx'ludlnq Fedctol Income toxes Uneoined piemiutn* Funds held by compony under reinsurance Irootres . - — Amuunis wihhe!iJ or retoined by compoi>y for account of others , Total l-ab!!iei Spodnl su'plus funds: $ 150.000.00 Coc.toi poid up 2,000,000.00 Unosstgned funds ^surplui) .... 4,133,459 17 Surolus as regards poUcyholderi Totol BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1962 Direct Prcniiums LINE OF BUSINESS V/ritten Fire $148,252.71 Extended eovc»ogo 41,476.39 Other ollied line* 82S 32 Homeowners mvlllplc port! 58,487 04 Commeremi mulitpio peril .... 5,152.3ft Inlond n»Oftne .. , 9.739 47 Liobl/Ity other than "oufo 'B. 1} - 597 12 LiobllJty other than outer (P. D ) .. Ill 45 Auto phys. domoge .. 36,112 54 Gloss 372 41 But glory and theft 303 51 Tntnl ... $301,433 35 SFAIIMEN? NEW ENOIAND MUTUAL ilFC INSURANCR COMPANY ASSETS Sor:ds „ .. ,.. .. . , . Struck* Mortgage Loons on Reo! Estate .. , ...... . Reel Estote .... - . , Policy Loons Cn&li ond bonk deposits - ... . .... .r,.^„ All other ossets 'as detoiled In onnuol stotement) Totol Assets LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Aggregote reserve for l.^e policies and contracts 52,)') 5,514.97 Aggrogot© reserve for occ.dent ond heolth eontratts 5,734,065.90 Supplemenlory controcts without life contingencies •••. 93.527.03 Life , 266,345.50 Actident ond health .... 512,141 93 Policyholders' dividend accumulations 258.19 j Poll'^yholder's dividends doc and unpoid . ,.c 66,790 ' Pfovlsion for policyholder's dividends payable the following 27 144 66 I calendar yeor .. S 20,679 77 i ond annuity consideration received In advance 58,634,468.44 I Cnmminion to ogents duo or occrued I Cer.erot expense due or occrued $ 266,314.00 licenses ond fee* due or occrued 24,232 001 Remittances ond Items not oHocoted 07 ; All rk*K«r CmKiUEIas. an. , 39,63? 87 * AN olher tlobiNlioa ,oa detoilod in onnuol aloIcntR.nti $l,19S.4S4,9a 22*.60S:3M 69S,96t,l4 77,7ir9fl i4i.567ia 1S.I63,» 60,2I4.6a .$2,4t(,S63,34| $1,7SS,144.&i| 2.6S4,9 i5*,03e,m 11,700. W 1.074,3 11S.697.il ... . 46.301 ,M 3.730.II • 530.M . . 1,393,M H).777,a 3,M1,ll 53.5'6 84 I . 2,123,544.50 30,224-90 3 544 16 $2,546,009,27 6,233,459 17 $8,334,468.44 Direct losses Incurred $ 73,z62 54 6.220.13 22 03 Sperlal Surplus funds Unossigned Surplus Totol Liabilities (except Capitol) Totol $18,475,300.00 $188,588,784.74 92,981,81 $2,234,7BiJ| J T83.8B4jil $2,418,585 J| BUSINESS IN TNI STAI8 OP NORTH CAROLINA OURINO 1988 ^ ORDINARY CROUP ^1 No. of No Amount Policies 13,120 57 929 7ft 1 6. E37 50,7 25,476.3x 31.906.43 51500 $196,170.25 Prcs1der»t, Oovld K. Wilson; Sotrefot'v, John M Ice. Jr ; Treosurcr, John M. Jf^ Home pfficci' 4108 HUfsooro Rood, Noih«2l|e- 12, Tennessee^ Aitorney for service- Edwin S. lot ter. Commissioner of Insurance, Rulolgh, N C* NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE OrPART77.ENr Raleigh, Morch 14, 1963 1, EDWIN S Lanier Commlciloeer of lesyronte lo hereby certify thot the obovc IS o true ond o»r«l oosrrael ot ♦he s'otement of the Cht-rokeo •nsuronce j ahov* is a true ond correct obstrort of the stotement of the New EnqlonH Company of Noihvi’Ie Teen filed w»>h rhit D'^oorrmont showing the concJition life Insuronce Compony of Boston Moss filed with this Deportment, ' '' * the condition of sa»d Compony on the 31sf doy of December, 1962 Witness my hand ond official seol the doy and dote above written. EDWIN I, LANIER, CMtimlMlorser of Ini Lee, of sold Cempony on the 31st doy of December, 1962 Witness my hor.d ond officiol s*ol the dov «nd dote oho*-* written EDWts 5. LANIER, Commissioner of Insuionce 3. POLICY EXHIBIT In force Occ. 31 ef previous year Issued during yeor Coosed to be In fo'co during yeor (Net) In force Dec. 31 of eiirr*?nt yeor , LOSSES AND CLAIMS Unpoid Occ 31, p.-’cvious year irveurred during current year Settled during current year; o By poyment In full .... Unpotd Dec. 31, current year (5 plus 6 minus 7d) 1.248 13,320 8 163 158 158 13 Amount 102,194,941 14,455,682 10,194,148 106,456.475 17.002 094,762 879,954 •79,954 21 7 5 23 iFl Amol IIJM 3^ T, _ T2,lf| 'H 31.810 Premium lnccmo--Ordinary. $3,107,664.68; Group, $66,317 98: Total, $3,t78Jl Conslrfe'otlon for onnultles. $114,511 22, A.&H From. $120.804 04, losses S108M President. O. KcUey Anderson, Secretary, Philip C. Roye; Treasurer, W{|||||h Kugler; Actuory, Ernest 1. Moorhead, Home Office: 501 Boylstren Rd., B« Muss. Attorney for service: Edwin S. Lonler, Commissioner of Insurance. R«te1a NORTH CAROLINA IMSURAFKI DEPARTMENT Raleigh, April 1 EDWIN S. LANIER, Commissioner of Insurance do hereby certify