laii De'ffil Hills, lU 0, V .4’*-^ i-'.vv. '','i. ,H>--,' ^.7 .14-^ ' ^.\i',7'.-. v-r-' V '/ ; /-^ --- , /'..o-v- ‘ 'i'k'r - - *-.•■>:-'.'^*;>.-.-,^:.''i>^ \i ^ '■■ • y 'C ' ’/-.-V /... ^!'•T ► .9; “J" % ;.j,> ..»i( ..--..jrA;^ ii‘'i .'-x- S‘‘ -j SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS l|i Fourfeeh Pages in two, Sedf MAIL-SHOULD BE / -ADDRESSED' TO BOX :428 ' MANTEO; N. C. NOT TO INDIVIDUALS ions WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN QUARTER published WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA Pages-One through Eight VOLUME XXIX — NO. 13 MANTEO, N. C.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1963 ' Single Copy 7d - X ' AIRSTRIP COMPLETION At KILL DEVIL HILLS DUE BY DECEMBER 3 Anniversary of First Flight December 17 Will See Runways Dedicated Ready For Use; ' Gonstru'ctibn To Begin. Imrnediately.- ^v; ' , I Lincoln Constniction Coni- ■| pnny of Wilmington lia-s been I nwaidcd the coat met for build- ing an air.sti'ip at Wright Brotli- • (rs National Momoi ial in Kill 5 Devd H’.iIf, where the Wright Ihothers, Or%’ille and Wilhnv of i Dayion, Oliio, flew tlio rir;.t t heavier tlian air, powered .air-. : plane on December 17, iiiO.'l FORMER POSTMASTER HOME FROM HOSPITAL ‘•Tlie air.sirip, p.aved witii as- i;' phall, Will lie iiOOO feel long and b'* 50 feet wide. Soil cumcoil mixed • I oi)-ground will form a 75 foot' ? ba.=o for 11)0 strip,’’ said Frank j;% Turner, North Carolina .State 0 Properly Officer, Turner wn.s in Kill Devil Ilill.s 1 tiii.s week wlion the tlirce nione j tnry sponsors of the airstiip, the x State of Norlli Carolina, Nation- l.d-'l':- -Serv.icg.,otnd.. Federal, p-'AviStion •.Au'thoi ity To meet with • r, D. W. Sneeden of Lincoln Con-, I .siruclion Company to discuss fi {ilans for building the strip. CHILD SUPPORT ORDEREDvr.BY JUDGE VANNOTE SPEAKER AND GUIDES ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT AsiOult and Theft Cases Mix VVitn Traffic C.ases To Fill Record ers Court .Appearing lief -re .ludgm .1. AI. | Vaniiote. in Tuoj-day’.s scs.-uon of I lUxorder's Court ,Jn Manteo. JolTi'f'" Da.vis.T.PlSdgcr’of .Alanleu Was found guilty of failing and lefiising to provide adiciuatc .-'..pport for his illegitimate child, TVaostt Ce.cila Runon, on a ciiarge hrouglit. by the child’s mother, Aquiilii Rurton of Maii- teo T’iedger was given-'n si.x o'oiitli.s jail sentence and as- sg'.ned to woik till! roads, The jail .sentence was .suspended on condition Pledger; pay $0^ oacli woelc to tlie office of llio Clerk of .Superior Court.for support of Uk' child, and an arlditionai oarii week when a. full week’s work is naadc, to lie applied on the liospital liill until the balance of $1.5 has been fully paid.- Olliers paid the following fiiU'.s plus couit costs for tlic; charges listfd; .lorry Austin of .tlun- tco, reckless and driv ing, Sl.5. ';;JpQ ;{rtoV‘ep.s> Lcary," !* Cj'ogory, N. C , improper jiarking, $5. A!fi-ed .Midgott of,->Iariteo, for heing" drunk on the streets of Aiaiitco, $10. Cuthhevt, Jlidgett of Coling CRUSADE AGAINST CANCER TO BEGIN^ IN DARE OCT. 6 Mrs. Raymond Vi/escott, Chalr- mon. Announces Community Volunteers Who Will Assist ^' ■■ „ Cancel- ,Cr,ii;-adc, to be;.conduct October''tj' Thru' '12 ^fr.cj; Vhitni Plan.-i: for the Dare County cted. ........, d'.ie completion accoi’ding to Mrs. Raymond Wescotl. chairman li hoped tliat others will rospond as reatlily for fi.*sl.stani:e within, e.acii cfiinnuinity’as the chitirmen have for mo-1 .aVoa.s. Xot only’ adult-a, lint- children are amon.g till.’ volunteer.s protni.sing to visit during tlie Cru.sado Spa i ked by I lie fact l ilac cancer \r. the lead- Ax$25 MILLIONkANNUA INdIjSTRY PREDICTED OF BE/^FORT CO. PHOSPHATE Marine Growth Through Millions of Years, Deposited Before Glacial Epoch, Predicted i 16 Bfingi;a Rich"Haryesti^Deepest^Deppsitsj . in tbe Belhaveh Area Estimated 120 Feet' , Thick. Pilpt Work Has Begun. A FAITHPUL SON OF DARE HAS REVERSES ing cause-or death from-disease JAMK.y .\l\KRS, .'-■iipi.-rindi-at, f’. |i- Ilatli-'-as Nati.'iual .S-a,il,ureI among .School fthiltiren, the Area ami C.ipt. Fn-d Ra.-aiigl.-l, pre-siih-ni of tliej‘H venili :Vfid’'''eigi!tli gfilde.'i'. of Oregon inlet tJuides A’-sociatin-i, a-e iior\ii -it the anniitd hanrpiei j .ti*iiPeo i-l(onentary scimol will meeting of tlie org.-uii-/;alion iieiti in Dare Cotinlj^^ Shrine C!u!i|''‘’'"ho-l the house-to-house visit.s at Ntigs Ifaad .week. More than 150 |;e;tson'4,.,aUcadeii thej’"!”'^ .bridge road on meeting i’lcluTing .several^ls rejiro.seiiung ’the'.sjiortsfisiiing! Island, this phase of •> on H.ilceras Lsland, moniber.s of tlie Oregon inlet. Ini provemeiil As.sociation and otl'.-r.s Rasiiight, wliose .snneessor as president of tlio as,sociatii.>‘i will lie naiiied iater tins montli, presid ed at tlie meeting ami Aly-rs made a sliort Itiik coiigratuiating the sport.sfi.shing skiiiiicrs and liieir m.-4es'fOr liieir sucee.ssful till! Crusade wi)t lie conducted Siiml ly, October 0, beg! lining at I o’clock with parents; driving fill- tlio yontlis to knock on every door,. - ... -■ 'J'iie Amcncan Cancer Society — which holh for Iho pirgon JnU^t, aiu) .hn..*; .luipropriatcOv 1 i g n ate«l . flotft'i? has‘bot5M'‘onc'>'6Ct tH'Q-vbVtvofL?p7n*ftnsliing.-^^^^^ as/'- Rrown nlioto) Manb-o r.'inined home .Sunday I''‘"‘h'’"' hnives, afler' tlu-.-a'eiiiiig to kill said Jesse Jo Disconiinue Putfng MaT , .lame.s Myers, superintendent NFS in.stnllations in Dare Conn- CHARLES !L EVANS, -retired Ton,Tchai^'edVAWth ' as.sault' on ty and along tiic Outer Ranks, poitrnaistor and business man or!'Jesse Royce Perfv with deadly' .stated llint Uie contract was let (Ml .September 3, and tliat tin' air .sliip would be comiileted ^I'om Dolors lli.i..:)iiial iii Wasli- witiiiii 00 days or on Deei mhor ingtdn, .'b. .C..-wiier'e he miilir- Con.structioa efiuipmenl began ■ went si/rgerv- nml .•ifioi- two moving in Thur.sday mornin, nlrm of nocp t il.xation h. ip.- I 0.1 mm ""'iS 1’^ " "1 »> ' i'»«' - ditiomtl ’Taiid 'acqiiisilioii olhc--I’'es.,?d-cOiaein ■i.lioiit him. am! tiiaii mat already ownei! iiy the on visituig him. liav.' lauml .nni Memorial area, on whieh the POSTOFFICE BOX RULES OUTLINED FOR THE FUTURE DEMOCRATIC RALLY PLANNED FOR OCT. 5 Royce I’err.v, paid $5 ami costs. The' . wgirrant ,' was * afterward V, itl'drawn. .lo.ii'pli Riiyce I’erry of Gpling- ton. for hreakiiig ami entering ‘'lie' ,..Ciithhtn';7„.Mi(lge,t^^ w b charged wiliiMlicft of-gio- cr'es^j eigaiPlies, a liiankct, etc',' For Several Families in One. -Box; More, Larger Boxes Available Soon strip will lie Ij.nilc, The airiirip whieli will liave expected. .^aT!-;:,iilmost.-iuitmiited-kipproach:,^^ ^for iiviiithrs wiii be a few Inind-iCONC’RETE'POURcD ■mi .feel -f^ii The nettui! biUc-off-'Q N ' F I N A L S P A N site, of the Wiiglu.s when tliey made tlioir famous 12 .second flight at-. 11:35 o’clock on Decem ber 3, tiO years ago. Orville Will Wrig'iit at the controls on Hiav fliglit flew only 120 feet, but on tliree|ue!it flights tiie distance was increased ami lUi the final of the fiist f'ighl.s Wil bur flew :jlmo.“t 500 feet. TTie strip is scliodnled to he. officially dedicated on the flOtli anniversary of tlie fliglit. Vthis year in Deciinlier, an event • v.liich will conlinuc for three davs and be co-sponsorud by tlie Kill Devil Hills .Memorial Society. National Aeronautics Association,, .Air '.Force'..Assoiiia- tion ami the National I’ark Serv- iee. „ OF INLET BRIDGE Open After Approach Roads , Completed, Six Montss Ahead of Schedule The custom of pultiiig inail Rirysgyeral' fahiilfe.s 'iin oni? i>pai- of/ice lidx' is being'onfih'ucfd o ih a ' il’i. of $30 or more! right away, acco'di-g '• D V paid .-14 $0, aftei the w-ai- Me> kin.-; Maiitet) pv louisu i 1 h imt wa.' wilhdiawn. cosiom has grown out of hounds Alien Mose.s Feler.spn of Man-,"•hereby one person rent.s a box too. for. lieing ,-p:)rkcd'';on riiain‘iREd..,ealJ9.w’a.^ avjnu.nhijr,, raX portion or'IUkdRfSy'-’whila iisfeUio- bT).x 'fdso,'. in vehicle; So." i.j Postal ' regulation.=i p .r oh i h i tH Fred Millard Rtiberlson of iTer.'-on.s from other tlhin the box Winston-Salem, failing to yield holder and wlio seo-aniteiy righi.-of-way, $5. !. ,,, domicflcd, from using the same Jea.i Griffin Ward of Nasii- vilie, N. C., chai-ged with -ip Volunteer.” 'I'he volunteer ha.s a licsiTe'^to'- help others.^--Thi.s, ruh- sedfisK de.sire is rewarded, only in the knowledge of a neee.s.sary Jol) being done well. Resoareh reports a jiToiiii.ce TA prime topic of convor-'ation in Reaufort County those. day.«. is tlie pro.speci.s of enjoyin,g early Lu-nefits from whal i.s ine.- du-lod will lie the .state’s largest mining Imiu.stry in a few years. I'l)0.^pl)ate..depoiils were known ,, , , * for a long tone, to lie lying h,i- Ir.w tin; surface-in-the county, - ■ tins iiiformati'm pe.rliaps having leaked oul . fiom samples of . .1 boring.s taken by well diiillcis - - over a ,period.-yof years,- More - than ten billion tons of plios- . jiliale IS .said to lie below tlie farmlands and nver.s of Beau fort County. tVhat few pople know i.s how the lepo.sit.s 111 pho.sphale got ' ' ' down in the ground, ami many jicopleajfeai'-,'tliiit,‘ i.s .mineila,'' ' ’■;/;& oiit. there will be a continual' serie.s of cave-ins to fill up thg liole.s, .such as occur in coal miiF ii-.g legions. In thi.s low lying, country, it would be calamitous ft ■t'. ■■ I indeed for the mean elevation to. f/ii. 9'.APT. OTTLS .SIMPSON of .Sta- he lowered to the extent tlie rich 01 nopt* jor UniK(»mja. ‘»i i„ t \ i v» « • - . * »» • » lim Ifm-ming li.ssiie, wlm-b J^'-md .New A o k is an ex- farm lands would he flooded . ,, . . t I xanipl^ •jll s ino nio‘;l cuhcjm* ]jr>b ill of u- forr'VPr lUit ihf* uliolo^, the em among children' Newiv-de-l"‘hlh--. chimoniig for imlu.slry .-eiop’oTi/drim^/makVi-it 'VKiksihiei velope'd t- extend the lives of many years in the Governinent service, men liojieful for aeceleraled ieukemhr\.aii«nirfnn,rnion^ Simpson reurad in IfiCO. ringing cT cash registers, believe to years of irscfui life. Becausol’' * the ni.gns aie good. f ‘ 1 tbeVVcTth-i^''visitor to h:s old-hdinfr-ing; is heing doherU is rcpoTtoii.r i‘UK#'ni a aiul loo lact trial . e mj i i. , , »i i • i i . m.e, « ,1 vinke in Uio o„- of ; "•'L' -f -mrhe-e, wheic that huge p-pe.s will he insm-led . .cn three families there i.« now h” f';"'" people m the grouml, and the suhler- moee desire to .support the i>'"l -himig the tamiean su.face satu. bed with I , many years he .spent away from water and then pumped out, £rrdw'hJ''cyidT'i£'”-'RnkTn^ hqme. Jiis. love and loyalty for bringing thc-phosplntc \\i h it 1. .a pli.sihl! ■cause of'fenlceTnia. i*!! If. this should ‘be -fou Id- to he^ ""i-sits.- He ..never..ihi.s lamb wa.s, all undersea,Tdc,; . ceased to look forward to some- posits oi marine fos.sile, coitr' lue, a . c. - 1 , lime coming hack to make his Unued and slowly built higher : r L He had sen-cd in the and higher, .somewhat like unto hi'.-;. raSKSlS 11 hi tM i"cni-,vmio alone C'ast Guard, and his princiiial the process of building coral is- ntirin.g the years, buean.-e of .SE.N.VI’OR W L U N S F 0 R D',f4."oa'^’'!.i:.j,u,...„ ,i;„ t',.!!,,!/i=e>wiee was commamler of a kmd.s. When great glaciers were ■ down, covering up the formation, land was form-■ leukemia alone .-3j-..\.i. 1 wu »v 1., u IS .-5 I- civil) ,, -iji-iitfitc the lra"ic loss m ,> nnm.s. pearing in a puhlie iilacd'ii. -sc-areliy of poslorrice ivixr-.s in cjiEW. T.f •Roanoko RaiiiiLs. ro-.Ve of ove’r ” 300 ciiildrm'i Kmrineer corps pushed See (’OGKT, Page Four j See i:0.\F,S, Page Four c. api.mnted eiiainnan of the emh' I'ook f [ MORE BREAKINS REPORTED OVER THE WEEK END minced by The nc’.t Qregojt. Inlet hrkigo, Ui-. bev named'- fqiv Congre.ssman Hei'hevi C.- Bonner, is going into the lina! .stagofj of con.slnu.lien .-.nd .should bo onen "to tran ie in .-i few week.'', aeconllhg to Wm T Sutton. .'■Ujierinteiulent of the projcci.. Cvoncrete was poured Wednesday on the la.-it .span of the s'.rueiure which will eonrioct the Nags Head area ofThe Out er Ranks with Hatteras l.sland. Approach roads-are yet to be coi'inleted. The three-mik', $4 million project is heing construcled by McLean Contracting Company of BuUimore and Norfolk and is ft- tlie Slate of North Carolina, the fetk-ral g-ivernment MRS. ELEAZOR TILLETT CELEBRATES HER 89TH ..BIRTHDAY ,IN,,.NVANCHESE ap'ii Domoeratlc e'ea'- of d.ingers to navigation. eii, wiiich siih.scqnently became wa.s the lat'' adapted to tlie u.'c.s of mankind. Two Moro Theft, Brie, Tot.l Unsolved Cases To Six In Dare Two more hreakins have., boon milled to the ILst of uii.solved crimes in Dare County. Four If took place last week on Roanoke Lsland and as yet the culprits ^■.ave not been apprehended. On Fj'iday night Britton’s Market m Kiitv Hawk wms entered" h’v obtairic-d by Congressman Ron- tier for the National Park Serv ice, DARE CO. LIBRARY SETS WEEK OCT. 6 FOR FUND DRIVE *‘TluV‘" Da'ic "Cnunly someone who removed a window; I’uiid'ng Fund Drive has been pane from a bath room window 1 ^'et'tor the week'of Oct. G,” an- iii the hark of the .store ami took nrimeed. .Mr.s 1{. V. Owens .and $18 from tlie ca.sli register. The Ciy Tilk-ll, Co-Chairman owner, Horace A. Rritton, dis-i'-f the Woman’s Club Coinmiiteo covered the theft Saturday, ^Commimity Improvement, morning. He reporlod no other •••fter a me''titig of their com- $25,000,000 , Induslry.'.,., v A. new.s disiiatch from Raleigh,t ’.iiiv in the Slatef -^1500 i.s the .goal set by the. "f N.'ilh .Carolinii. will he Dare unit. Forty perc'.mt of th'>! i-''*"’’*’ „„tnhK- oo-n.-nlun-e s.peaker .Satupinv night. Oclphgr, aniount raised ' m kcp7 in the Charlie ^Sinq,son, aim he married notabl>._agu..nltura.^ 5 when u inheUnghf alf |oc?d «unly ' for he1,.i^^Vaficeppa-3!|^.iZelln Dailey of mixton; _ | UonuH-rats has been ciilled 'for tients. Thirl.v-ihrec per cent is But last year, misforume fed _ ..Pninse of the s«,ne of rii:,...,-T,vi to roseircii ,upoii him. and as the rc.sult of gi'e.s a gi.mpse oi ine s«ope oi 'volunteers who have acccpled tog infeetion, he ended up by operations in Beaufort County.T community and area leadership Wimg both legs aboVn Uic k-iee-j. 'of '- iVunL'Atrc FU->vMio With thc dcternunnaljori which A U* S. geological sunc> -ol ^ A r; E, her Lnd ch.nraeteri-zed his’life. Iw Benufort County has pinpointed# ' £nn.r Haii;o'r learned'to walk again and set one of the world's largest Al-ishoos Mrs. about learning to drive, it car, phate reserves. It is expected to. - 'M.wteo' husi- had u new one speciallv fit- create a $25-million-a-ycar inr ted .so he could operate .all the dustiy within .-i few years. ■ the )iuipose of gelling :i|i pr- j'.'HTiiaation .going, within I'lei dis- , t.rict. 1 I Senator Crew acccpled the iti- 'vitation extended by Mayor W. W. Harvey Jr., of ihe Town ofi J MaiUeo. W.iltnr D. I’erry of Kill Uiu'ey ■ D'-vii Hills IS Dfmorr.uie op],,. skveo. -’’o could operate .m mo i'u.-'ii> ...i..,.. .• man for Dare ( nu!ity. .-vii guber-' -- -.j \v.,ti.h*e«e. controls fay band. Misfortune State Geologist Dr, Ja.sper L. imtori il caiuh.laies luive beep ‘ p.,nkl' Negro sWuck again month, and he Stuckey released a prelimmar.v mvitcd. including Ju-lge Dan I J-Vv- io, mL- iCicl 'LnS- suffered a stroke which para- ' ' ‘ iiXudson iC^irCveensT^ ««.vmond Perry I>^ed his right side, and he is copy of the study repoit last _ __ _ _ week. The l8-month investiga- Aii,„w n'Nhval- .Rp-ieh now 'batk in the U. S. Public tion received fiiwncial backing • and i’w k hoped there will he ail;^ HI ^ north \f ’Oilgon ^'ealth in SuUcn T.s- from the State Department of overwhelming tiunoiU *•” ,, P’! rod. Relatives who recently Conservation and Development :ii"' ‘ Ht m-ls iSaiVd Mr.f NeBie visited iiim .said he is greatly and the, Beaufort County Board ; The meeting wdl begin at (-.30 of Waves "other com- heartened by the many cards of Commis.sioners. _ ; .'and will be followed by an I for Hatteras :nd ines.sages whicl, have come IslaudwiH he announced later. 1 See SIMPSON. Page Four began pilot operations in' th* county. ' ‘--'',*•'1; .. ^ 1 The study found phospliate'Tlc- 48 POUND TARPON TAKEN BY GRAY' posits beneath 700 .square miles ■ in thick-' ncs.s irom a leaiir er edge at ;Wasliington to 120-foot thick.T Island will WITH ROUSH WEATHER ter roa.s! goil’.er at the Fort -Raleigli 1 iMotor C'lurt near Maiiteo. * S'r.'jtor crew w-js horn on a Lmn in Northh.implon Cmmly in 1017. He gradiiatc-d from the £ blues, channel bass, trout caught. the U.NC School H'- hti.s practiced-law sincCT then-in . .. Roanc'k.r Rapid.', with the excop- I'vovented offshore lishmg. some turn of tiu-ce years during AVorld surprising catches noie made War II when he .'erved a.s a ‘luring the p.ast week, tii-ut'.-nant on the Aircraft Car i Rudy Giny, oneralor of Hat- lier .Naionni Ray and won a terns Lsland Fishing Pier at LONG RANGE PLAN, ncs.s- in .the northcastei-n ■ part;.p FOR DARE SCHOOLS «*»Qsi»hatf; Page hyur IS BEING STUDIED WANCIIKSK FAMILY VISITS of,; IX WKSTEItN STATUS loss'vs to ‘Shi.!riff Frank Cahoon. Also on Friday night Ihe n.iltee la.'l Mi.'nilay. This county-wide drive will homo of Mrs. Mattie .Rcnrhor-i-•’“'k tut-- support of every husi- Memhors of a steering ennv I millce for long rang.'- school; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gasklll, • the first ever taken from a Dare j planning in Dare County mot '-mlf Mrs' G-iskll'Ps°moUicr , • • 11 Senaior Crew, a lirehmg Dem-I Coast pier, but seveiTil have been'two o’clock Thursday afternoon. --t' r-t ivmt W the state mken^om thesm-ror in On.gon;s ,^^^,^^ jp, k, Manteo ^^ter visul Pre.ridentin! Unit* c'Irtion afler Rodantlu; caught a 4S-poiind the .ship was hit by a tarpon Tlmrsday night. It ^'’its .MRS, Kl.KAZOR TILLHTT of Wniiche..'e, wh" celebrated her SOth ’P'-'*"'?- ongh in MniUco was entered,establi.'hment. In addition through a Iiedroom window and hoiise-to-hmi.-e canva.-s will give every citizen of Dare an C|iportunity to participate. Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Tillett nnnounee’ a meeting of the urea leaders witli their committee on Oct. 1, at 10:30 in the Com munity Building to . formulate (lefinilc iiians and a.ssignnients. Anyone interested in helping to promote the new library pro ject is invited to altond the .meeting. ySuggqslions..auiL.heJp will ho welcome,” Mrs. Owens .said. Mrs. Joan T. Ward, librarinn, MRS. MATTIE-DUVALL stated that $10,200.00 has al- OP,. MANNS; IIARHOR,DIES.:.ic-acly been'raised'Tor;'thoihuild- '- ■ {inw. This include.' an individual Mr.s. M.attie Duvall, of Manns'cmiinliniion of $5.(100 01) and one Harbor, wife of Claude C. jof $500 00 eontrih'tted by the ft Duval), died Thur.'day in Noi folk ; Woman’s Club. The remainder General Hospital after a linger- has hi-on rnistd by clotlies line $170 in cash and some clothing wa.s reported stolon. Th'e'mohcy, which was being kept by Mrs. Lmerson Scarborough, helongod to the Disciple Chui-ch, of which she is treasure)-. Tlic owner of t))e home discovered the breakin when .-iho rctunicd from cliiirch about U p.m.' Slicriff Cahoon reports that investigations arc being made, and Iic..hope.s.lo..bc the cases at an early ilate. little more than':i year ngo. 'file pictiDv .sl’.mvK five generatioim; .j' re-j Inlet through the years. Gray I Sohool. The committee, appoiiil- Mr.'. Tillett. Charle.s St-arhormigh, Mrs. .Magdalene Rr.nrh.irough.' •jp,-,5_ ip57.\vas using spinning t.nckle when ed by the county hoard of odu- and 19G3, He was, the fish hit He was using ajeation, was comprised of repre- -Mr.s. Andri-a Reai-holougli Rogers and ChaileiT' Rogers (thj infant ■slu-wn on her great-great grandmothcr’f. Uip). MRS. ELEAZOR TILLETT AT 89 IS HONORED V7ITH BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY h'lg illness. Funeral arrangc- fnonts were not available at ]jres.s time. drives, Lost Colony cast parties, book sales and Memorial con- li-ibution.s. Mr.s. Eleazor 'fillett o*’ Wan- MANTEO POLICE OFFICER DIES OF HEART ATTACK BEFORE COMING TO JOB Son.ato I’resklent .Pro Te.mporo j whole spot for bail, m l‘JCl. He has scr\-cd on all I Fkhing at all the piers lia-s major committee.s in the Senate! been from fair to good. Tlic fish and has sei-ved ns chairman or,heing caught include blues, sea vice.-cliaii-man of the following eommitteos; EdiM-ati-in, P u b lie Utilities, Judiciary L Mciital-Tn- - John OHis Cre\v.s, 5.9, of Now , . n- . ^ chese, the oldest living womiu) p,,,,. .ndilenly of n hen.'-t,and Fi-’ f'» Konnok#' Islaiuu was konou'd' ^jj Sept ember 1". nance. on iiov 80tb liii-thday Thursday, rondt-es were heul Thursday j I 19. at I'o!,-!^..,„ siHlF'FISHING-CLUII TOURNAMENT OC'I'. tO-Vi Scplomhoi-- 19, at hor..home with ;• parly given by her children, h’‘'k Chapel with interment cinndchildreii and greiil-grand- cl'.ildron, of whom 33 were pres ent. The children, with their wives .and; dr husband.',- and all of whom wore present, are Mr- •ind Mrs. Cliff Tillett. Jlr. and in Hollywood eemetery at Olympia.' Mr. Crews was tlie father of Mrs. Bos Etheridge of Wan- Ho had recently been ap pointed night policemn-.i for the The Nags Head Surf Fishing Club toumament, held annually on ■' the'„;T)arey Beaches, will bo held thi.s year on October 10, 11 Town of Manteo, Ins duties to ^o, according to Td Wood Mr.'. Dick TiPett; Mrs. Dor.n hig.n .-oon us he e.-iuld toin-.i- r,f Kitty Hawk, pie'idcnl of the H.iymnn, 5’ Eloise Tillett .".n'l, m-te bis oiniiloyiiu-nl in New elul). Mr, Wood slated thi.s week 5Ir. and Mr.'. Boh Searboroiigh. Bern No action has been taken that 31 teams arc already reg- .Mrs. Tillett also has 13 gi-aml- yet In fill the vacancy, but will isteieci and more are expected be a matter of at the' next mcoting of the Town Board. childi-en, 36 great grandchildren See PARTY, Page Four befoi-c the tournament gets un derway. mullet, trout, spot and pompano. Next surprising catch of tlic week was in Oi-cgon. Inlet. Capt, .Tc-'se Ttheridge-sighted guILs in big floc*s near D.nvis Channel with a pai-ty of six anglci-s aboard his Caredwyn, 112 blues. EoniR. of .tlicm runnings to fq.urjization and regrouping in schools x),'ev also Virited Tevei-al of Mrs! - for the purpose of discussion ofttrip problems was Dv. Dwayne visited Mr. GaskilPs niece, Gai-dner, educational consultant j jfajor Curies and Mr. of the division of school plan-1 u] p^so^ Texas, form- of the State Dcpiirtnient of #,.,y Manteo and Kitty Hawk. Public Instruction. With Bw Curies went with them on growing trend toward roorgan-1 .sight-seeing trip into Mexico. pounds, •were taken. On the. same day jinrtics aboard the Cherokee, Tony and Phyllis Mae caught blues. Each day since the initial catch on 'Alondny.’^morc blues, all to better than aver age s'ze have been Laken. On Hnlteias nngici-s fishing llie snrf have taken channel bass, blues and trout fi-om the surf during the week. Offshore at Hatteras tuna, See FISHING, Page Four sentatives from schooLs in the county, and each ai-ea in the vai-iou.s schools was represented. Meeting with the committee ing Mr.s. GasKill’s brother, John Bridge.' and his family in Reno, Nevada. Wlitlo there they drove over to San Francisco to see Mr. and Mi-s. Jimmy Williams ami family, formerly of Manteo and Wanchese, who look them ‘ h i' f BARBECUE DINNER m mind, the coinmiltoa will' relatives in New Mexk strive to identify and analyze school needs Eventually all Wilmington, j teachers m the system, will he. brought in to study' the., issues'l, as they ai-e raised.' - >■ - • Those attending the meeting j Bov Scout Troop ICl of Kitty last week included Dr. Gardner, jj^j^vk and Kill Devil Hills will Mrs. Mai-y L. Evans, county su- gpotisor a barbecue dinner Sat- perintendent; Clarence Butler, u,.dav at the Croatan Hotel at principal: W. W. Tarkmgloii and k;,! ’ijpvil Hills from 5:30 Joseph Pool of Manteo High j tjj g p See PLAN, Page Four | fo,. tj,e plates will be $1'.

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