David Sticls: Kitty Hawk, N.C, 27949 S-21-^63 ■ w I • t SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION before expiration DATE ON ADDRESS THE TIMES "MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO, N. C. 27954 NOT TO INDIVIDUALS Twelve Pages In Two Sections ONE-DAY TERM OF CIVIL DIST. COURT SET FOR APRIL I Tilirty Called For Jury Duty Although May Not Be Needed WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF'beLHAVEN AND SWAN QUARTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA Pages One through Six A one-day term of civil dis trict court has boon scheduled in Dare, county for April 1. the presiding judge will bo either Fentress T. Horner or W. S. Privott. C. S. Moekins, clerk of court for Dare, said 30 persons had been summoned for possible jury duty during the one-day session. The jury may have nolhinR to do. The, docket consists chiefly of about a half dozen heard by the jury if either the plaintiff or defendant asks for a jury trial. In most divorce cases the judge alone decides whether to grant or lofuse a decree and set po.ssiblc. condi tions. The regular Friday session cf criminal district court was a bobtailed affair. Only two cases were called. George B, MeClellnnil of Elizabeth City was called to an- jnycr a charge of speeding 70 miles per hour in a .’iij-milo zone. He failed to .show. Horner ordered a warrant for his ar rest. 'Milton Richard Midgett of Hatteras appeared to an.swer a charge of driving while under the influence of alcohol on Dec. 27. Midgett pled guilty. The ar resting officer, Deputy Sheriff Ray Basnett, said there was nothing unusual about the case, that no accident occuiTcd, and that “it was just a matter of reckless driving and intoxica tion.” Horner noted that because of M'dgett’s recoixl for similar offenses, the fine would be $150 and costs with his diver’s li- con^e suspended for 12 months. (Midgett protested that he didn’t have that much money. ■ The j"dire then reduced the fine to $110 and costs and l'•*^ .s'and the penalty i-egarding the license. Subcommissions to the clerk included; Lionel Ern.scliffe Jlidgette. i^lanteo, failure to comply with insnection law, $15: Melvin 'Midgett, JInntr.'). public drunk enness. $17; Brian J. Ewald. Norfolk. Va.. enaged in af fray. $17; Daniel Lee Nau- gaks, Norfolk, engaged in af fray. $17; William Howard Sawyer, Buxton. e.\'ccoling safe •sneed, $15; Ellsworth Biirrus B:tllance, Hatteras, fail to^drive on right half of highway,; $15; Robert Ashby, Manteo, tres pass, $17; Robert Leslie Car- son, Manteo, pul)lic drunken ness, $17; Richard Austin, Sarasota, Fla., engaged in af fray, $17; Samuel Iiwing Dowdy, III. Norfolk, engaged in affi'ay, $17. GIRL "FLOATS" TO SHORE AFTER CAR ENTERS CANAL Linda Edwaj-ds Mills, 21, Ra leigh, narrowly e.scaped drown ing March 23 wlicn her car skidded on a I’ain-tirenchcd highway and scooted into a roadside canal neaf Manns Harbor. The car was completely submergei. State Troooer S. 111. Lassiter said Miss JHlls jerked open the car door aiul struggled to the surface. He said she told him she could not swim and “ju.st floatetl" to shore. Lassiter said the girl had stopped at the intersection of highways C4 and 2C4 and as she started forward on the slick roadway the car - “got away" and just rolled into the canal. It did not turn over. 'Miss Mills was not hurt, Lassiter .said. The accident occurred about 1-1/2 miles from the sjmt where three Wanchese youths drowned in early January. YOUTH RALLY FOR ALL FAITHS THIS SATURDAY An interdenominational youth rally will be held this Saturday- night at 7:30 in the auditiorium of the Manteo High School. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Williams (Pat and J. L. ). missionarie.s and youth workers will lead the rally. Many people will remem ber them for their camp gi-ound ministry this past summer. They will be accompanied by several young jrcople who will be guests of the Ilanteo Mt. Olivet Methodist church 'MYF members, sponaorers of the rally. An invitation is extended to all youth in this area to join ‘ in this Christian fellowship ral ly. , MISS DARE ENTRANT PATRICIA ANN ROGERS, is :i contender for the title of “Mis.s Dare” in tlie Jaycee- si)jn.sored j)aj;cant to be held in Manteo in April. (Jli.ss Rogers, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rogei-s of Norfolk and the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Tillelt of Wanchese with whom she makes her home. She graduated from Noi-.(ic.w High, Norfolk in 1!)()7, atteiuled a hu.sines.s college in Noi-folk for a year. She would like to fur ther her education .at Norfolk College and Old Dominion Col lege. Although .she has had training in dramatics .she, is undecided at present on :i talent for competition. Her hobbies arc many and varied and she probably has more experience in title com- |)etition than other entrants having been .selected as out standing “Y Teen” and mid- Ns’intcr ball qiioen of '07, at ■Noiview and D:ii‘c Pirate J:im- boree Princc.ss ’(!4. Local ’ Jayceo pageant of ficials have announ?ed that a parade of the contestants will be held in Manteo on the day of the pageant. Also on that after noon the. judges, entjants and out' of' town" guests will be guests of Pep.‘;i bottlers at a pai-ty. A dinner is scluHlulcd for \See ENTRANT, Page Six UPGRADING OF POST OFFICES SOUGHT IN 1ST DEPUTY SETS LEAVE FOR BACK TREATMENT; DUVALL TAKES JOB UNTIL AUGUST Deputy Sheriff Willie E. Daniels has .l»een granted a leave of absence'to enter Duke University -Hospital for treat ment of an ailing back. Sheriff Frank C:ihoon said Daniels suffered a slipped di.se several yeai-s ago. He said Dan iels reinjured his back early this month when he helped pull the body of a fisherman from South'Lake. Daniels i.s. expected to go to Duke early in April. C. C. Duvall, former jiantoo policeman, has been appoin(^c'l to Daniels’ slot in the sheriff’s department until the injured deputy 1-eturns to duty. Gaboon .said this probably would be in early .August. Duvall resigned as town policeman in Se)>tcmber to ship out with the merchant marine. Duvall said he quit the town job becnu.se of money rp.ason.s. His home is on Roanoke Lsland. Nine Locations in District To Be Upgraded; Including Buxton, Engelhard The Post Office Department is seeking to improve post of fice facilities in nine communi ties cf tlie First Congre.s.sional Di.strict. Congressman Walter B. Jones said Monday the depart ment is asking for bids on im- uroved buildings at Blounts Creel; in Beaufort County; Coinjnek. Currituck and Poplar- Branch in Currituck County; Ernul in Craven County, Bux ton in Dare County, Cofield in Hertford County, Engelhard in Hyde County and I^owland in Pamlico County. Jones said the department will award contracts to the bidders who designate suitable buildings, agree to improve the buildings according to speci fications and agree to rent them for five years with three five-year renewal options. Under this plan, Jones pointed out, the prapeity in each commimi;y will stay on local real e.rtate tax books. Noting that bids must be filed before- Aoril 24. the con gressman said bidding docu ments may be obtained from Lloyd C. Loomis, real estate e’fficer. P. O. Box SdOfiG, John Hancock Station, Atlanta, Ga. 30303. Loomis will supply bid ding forms, specifications, rent provisions and other informa tion. $16,000 WIPED OFF DARE TAX BOOKS IN OLD ACCOUNTS Special Legitlalive Act of Last General Assembly Involves 1955 and Prior Taxes MANTEO. N. C. 27954, FRIDAY. MARCH 29. 1968 HOUSING NEEDS BEING MET WITH ERECTION OF THREE MODERN BUILDINGS Single Copy lO^i 3-WAY RACE FOR COMMISSIONERS. TWO DARE AREAS TO CROWN "MISS DARE" .-IR.-jt’ort.'? recently filed with the Dai-e County Board of Commissinners showed tnx col lections during the- fii-st two months of 10G8 as follows; Levy balance' for 1907 taxes at the end of December was $245,995 8G, total collections during Januarv of $71,527.26; balance on 19G7 lo-/y of $174,- 482.57; collections on delinquent taxes during January of $2,- 4.52.82; balance on delinquent levy of $92,404.70. During February, collections on the current (1907) levy were .$53,182.87, leaving a balance of $125,200.54; the beginning de linquent levy was reduced by $1,000.81 in collections, plus an additional $10,323,11 by courte sy of legislative act of the past General Assembly which removes from the tax ccllec- tor’.s i-esponsi’oility delinqucn- cie.s dating bad: to 1955 aiul l>i-ior. The responsibility still lies with property owners to clear these amounts of the delinquent tax, plus interest and penalties, in order to assure clear title i-i event of transfer. Most of the See TAXES, Page Four O.E.S. INSTALLATION S-VTURDAY, MARCH 30 There will be an open in.stal- 'lation cf officers of Roanoke Island Chapter No. 79, Order of the Eartcm Star, Saturday night, .March 30 at 8 p.m. All members and their guests are urged to attend the i)rogram which will he, held at the JIasonic Hall in I.lantco. PLANT CEDAR TO COMMEMORATE ARBOR AT KITTY HAWK A- V:'’’ > •'' i 'V - . ■•-t t-*-,-?.*;- UNDER THE SPONSORSHIP OF THE DUNES OF DARE GARDEN CLUB a cedar tree do nated by Bill Swindell, manager of the Andy Griffith estate on Roanoke Island was planted at Kitty Hawk Elemcntqry School to commemorate Arbor Day. In an iniprcssive deiication pro gram with members of the school’s Kindergarten Class and their king and queen, Tim Bcacham and Kelly Midgctte, ceremonies featuring Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Joe Duffield, Mrs. David Cox, Mrs. Margaret Davis and Mrs. Nancy Reynolds club members - and 8th graders who helped with the planting, were photographed Wednesday. Mrs. Phillips, president of the Club, gave an interesting talk to the Kindergarten group and others present on the value of trees in our lives. (Aycock Brown photo) ..... . , i . - PAYOFF OF $2.6 MILLION NEARER AFTER 15 YEARS A LONG-FELT NEED FOR ADjEQU.ATE HOUSING for the cast and staff of '“The Lost Colony” outdoor diama is being met by the erection of three apartment buildings, located on high dunes overlooking Roanoke Sound, less than a mile from the NVatcr- side Tlieatre. [■[ Govenioi- Dan K. Moore and Mrs. Fred Morrison, cliairman of the spon.soriug Roanoke Island Historical A.«.socialion and Producer of the Paul'Green iMay, announced Thursday, that the buildings will be com|)lcled in time lor the start of rehearsals of “The Lost Colony” the first week in .lime. The drama will be presented for the 28th season June 21 through August 25. “The .■\.ssociation is building the housing,” Mrs. 3IoM'json said, “too accommodate * ap proximately 48 of the more tlian 100 performers and tech nicians who annually work 'ip the play. The project is maife possible through, gifts to the As.sociation. “Other cast and staff mem bers,” she continued "are either ‘local’ or will continue to find accommodations . in the Dare County community. Each of the three buildings will have four apartments, two on etich floor, and each apartment will consist of two bedrooms, a liv- ing-and-ilining area, a kitchen; bath and outside deck. A con vertible sofa-bed in the livirig room will enable occupants to entertain family and friends upon occasion.” | The Governor and Mrs. Mor rison have e.\plainod th'Jt the .site, as well as Iho buildings, will be the sole property of the Roanoke Lsland Historical As sociation and is not located on National Park Seiwice lands. The apartment buildings will bo completely equipped and furiiishwl. They were designed by Jack McM. Pruden of Carr, Harrison, Pruden and DePas- qualc. Associated Architects of ■Durham, N. C. Construction is by Kellogg-Cuthrell, Inc, of ^lantco. QUEEN DAWN EVANS, win ner of the title of Miss Manteo High last year, which pageant was st)onsoi-cl by the Dai-c County Jaycee.s will crown “Miss Dare County” after the judges have made their decision on Friday night, April 12. ‘Miss Evans is the daughter of Mr. aud,JIr.s. Burwell Evan.s of M-jnteo and a junior at Man- te.o High where the ’imgcant will be held this year. Her sister. Miss Martha Lynn, is a contest ant. Settlement of about $2.0 mil lion for 0,400 acres of land acquired by condemnation for the Cape Hatteras National Seashore has movcii a step closer after 15 years of wi-an- gling. A House Interior suheemmit- tee involved with National Park Service affairs rocenlly :q)- lirovud a senate-passed bill authorizing payment of land i judgments totaling $2,585,703. The money will go to about 100 /ersons whose property was (akc.n to form an addition to the big seashore recreation area stretching from the south sec tion of Nags Head through Hatteras Island and winding up at the southern tip of Ocra- coko Island. The citizens who have the money coming should not start spending it immediately. The subcommittee’s action must be approved by the House Interior Committee. Then ihe variou; appropriation oonKnittec.s con cerned must act and the House and Senate must approve b-fore the funds can become available for distribution. TWO BRUSH FIRES ON DARE MAINLAND Two brush fires in forest lands burned ibrou.gh .small area.s on the mainland Tuesday n'ght, :iccording to George Henderson, Manteo. Hende-son is district forester for the West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. Henderson s.iid the fii-st fire cccuiTcd about .seven miles south of Stumpy Point on the highway leading towoi-d En gelhard. The second fire, he said, wus just over the Dare county line in Hyde county and was 13 miles south of Stumpy Point. No timber was lost in either fire, Henderson said. The first fire bumed through a half acre of fore.st land owned by Weslvaco. I'lie second fire covered an area of :iboul four acres. Henderson said, Thi.s was on forest land ouned by a Gonrjria firm. Henderson said the only monetary loss apparently came from the expense of extinguish ing the fires. He said both fires appeared to bo manmade, although in vestigators had no iiroof of hu man carelessness. FLOWER SHOW APRIL 6-7 ■■The Roanoke Island Garden Club will present a standard flower show at the Manteo Elementary School April C-7. The show wKl be de.signed to depict the “Spirit of Easter.” The show will bo open from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m. April 6 and 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. April 7. Tliere 'vill-be an educational display at the show. This will consist mainly of books avail able at the local library on gardening, flower aiTang'ing, and other phases of the club’s acti^ties. Park officials at Washington estimated it woultl be 1909 or 1970 before the final payoff can he made. Wallace McCown, Manteo. who was attorney for several of the pcir.ons who iost their land, said he could not forecast a closer date for the payoff. About two-thirds of the land in ihe .'seashore :irca was donated or p-.irchescii with funds from private, organiza tions. The government' took the, additional 0,400 acres by right of ei’.iincnt domain with pay ment to bo arranged iln-ough court suits and eventually by congressionally appropriated funds. The firat court suits in con nection witli the acquisition were filed in 1953. Other suits ivcre filed in later years, the last in 1959. PLANNING BOARD 'fhe Dare County Planning Board will meet in the court room in the court house, ^lan- teo, on April i at 3:30 in the afternoon. MEASUREMENT TAKEN FOR BEAUTY SHOW But Nobody Filed for Board of Educafion from Croafan Township By Wedne.sday of this week, what had a|jpeacecl eai'Jier as a four-way race for the Dare County mainland commissioner’s «at liail narrowed down to three. One of tho.se filing last Fi-iciny announced that he had '•econKidered. Ira Spencer, Jr. of Manns Har bor stated that-under die cir cumstances which he had learn ed of since his filing fee was naid, that he would withdraw. Me apparently referred to the other iate candidacy, that of Calvin E. Payne of Stumpy Point, who al.so filed last Fri day. -■•-.s matters now stand, W. Stanford White, who has been on the hoard six years and for the past two yeai's as chairman, .s being opposed in the May 4 Democratic primary lialloting by M. P. (Phclpic) Edmondson of iMann.s Harbor .and Payne. The latter unsncce,ssfully sought the position six years ago in a three-way contest. Another Mann.s Harbor roan, Elton Elroy Card, Jr., as a Republican, will oppo.se the sue- cos.sful Democrat in the Novem ber general election. No person filed for board of education from Croatan, al though Glenn Twiford, some two minutes after the noon iead- line, indicated to Clerk of Court C. S. Meekins his desire to run. He was “.diuv-out.” Talmadge Best, another .Stumpy Point man, had planned to file, but due to a lireak-dovni aboard his .See RACE, Page Six TV/O SERIOUS WRECKS OCCUR IN NAGS HEAD Two serious automobile .oc- ciih uts in Nags Head vvc-ie re ported dui ing the week end as toiu-ists began andving for the budding summer resort .season. Police Chief Donovan F. Twyne of Nags Head «ail Hie fii-st accident oceiirrcd about 11:15 p.m. Saturday when a small. American-made ear op erated by Robert Forrest T.ay- lor, Jr., left the hi.ghway and turned over several times, throwing Taylor from the. wreckage, Twyne saiil Taylor Taylor suffered a brain injury a.nd was taken to Norfolk Gen eral Hospital. The accident occuiTed on U. S. 158 busine.ss. immediately north of C. G. Hrickto’.s service station and fish hou.se. The second cra.sh involved three cars, although none of the drivers or occupants was re ported seriously injured. Twyne said a car driven by John A. llamner, 20, Scotts- ville, Va., apparently slowed to nwii:e a turn near the Nags Header Hotel. - A second car, driven by Richard P. Reynolds, 25, Portsmouth, Va., slammed into Hie roar of the Hamner vehicle, Twyne said. The Hnm- ner vehicle was l;m>cked off the road, but tho Reynolds car re mained. This car, in turn, was - hit by a machine driven by Charles Randall Harrell, 30, Portsmouth. LIBRARY COMMIHEE WILL MEET SUNDAY TO OUTLINE PLANS FOR FURNISHINGS THIS ADVANCE PUBLICITY PICTURE of the forthcoming Dare Jaycec-sponsored beauty and talent pageant sclteduled for April 12 in Manteo shows Mrs. Kitty Noroross taking the. measurements of Joyce Spencer of Manns Hnrbor for the swim suit competition. Miss Sirenccr is one of many Dare Coast-Outer Banks .girls who will be in the competition that will result in selection of “Miss Dare-County”..who will in June compete for the “Miss North Carolina”.title. The nieasuroments, in case you are interested, 34-22-35. (Aycock Brown photo) I • A meeting of committee chairmen will be. held at the Community Building In JIanteo on Sunday. March 31. at 3 p. m. to launch OPERATION LEND-A-HAND, a campaign tf,' equip the new D.are County Librai'y'. WHiile the building is a.^sured —ground broken, con.struction started—funds must be raised for furnishings. An estimated $20,000 is needed, hut only half this amount i.s available under contract. A further $10,000 is necessarj' to comply with a State ruling that new equip ment and furnishings must bo installed. Very few’ of the original fittings are eon.sidered to be either suitable or in good condition. OPERATION LEND - A- HAND will begin on Apiil 1 and continue through April 26, o thus including National Library- Week, April 21-2G. A brief outline of aims and. plans will be presented by Mrs.- L. L. Gibbs, followed by a dis cussion of ways and means ..of conducting the campaign. Committee chairmen are be;^, ing-selected on'a community^- basis and, ■wUl be annoum^'''-. later. • ' . ‘»T ' 311