David Stick Kill Devil Hills, N.C. 27948 8-2i-^/68 SEND RENEWAL • OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS 16 Pages in Two Sections THE COASTLAND TIMES WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN QUARTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA MAIL SHOULD BE" ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO, N. C. 27954 NOT TO INDIVIDUALS VOLUME XXXIII — NO. 44 MANTEO. N. C. 27954. FRIDAY. MAY 3, 1968 Pages One through Eight - Single Copy l Ofi' SIMPSON GUILTY, . YOUTHS BANISHED IN LONG SESSION Probationer Ordered To Roads. i Speeders And Drunks • Fined Heavily District Court was active Fri day with cases involving as sault, disorderly conduct at a public camuground, non-sup- Poft speeding, and cai'cless driving—.some by dninks. ■Judge Fentress Horner ban ished a grouD of boisterious youths fi-om Dare county for five years, gave jjants pro’--'-or Willie Simpson a suspended roads sentence, levied bcavv fines on speeders and drunk drivers, and ordered a pi'ob'i- tioner to a, stint on the )-cads. Court began ot 10 a.m. and . wound up shortly after 5 )).m. 1, Willie Simpson, laundi-y pan's pi’esser who has bad many ti’oubles aired in court during recent weeks, pled not guilty to a charge of assault again.st Charles Berry, 20. Boj-ry suf fered an injured left eye in an encounter with Simpson and still is a hospital out-patient. The judge didn’t believe Simpson’s confident defense, found him guilty, and gave h’m 90 days on the roads suspended uiron payment of court costs and $100 to Berry for medical expenses. He told Willie an aj)- peail to Superior Court would ne'cessitatfi .a' bond of $200. Willio paid the costs and agreed to pay Ibo damages in two in- * stallment.s. Berry, home on leave from military duty, took b.is girl friend, Barbara Crodle, to Simpson’s house on the. west side of Roanoke Island about ■'? o’clock on the morning of March 31. fhero they rn- countersd Edna, Willie’s wife who has haled him into court o few times on ar.sault.ch.arges. . In her turn on the witness stand, Barbara said she and . , Berry called at Edna^s request ()■ “to check on her.” 'Berry said that .shortly after ho and Barbai\a arrived, Simp son knocked anJ dsmanded to be let in. He said S'mpson had not been there for two weeks and was not then-expected. No Sec COURT, Page Four DONATIONS TO LIBRARY REPORTED AS NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK ENDS ST. ANDREW'S RETIRES MORTGAGE INCURRED IN 1963 EXPANSION An o))en meetinir to ohscr\’e National Library Week and to mark the concl'i''ion of OPER.-^- TION LEND A HAND was hold at the Mautco Elementary Sahool at 8 P.M. on Thursday, April 25, Mrs. Rennie. William son presiding. Mrs. Williamson introduced Mrs. Helen Ididgettc who.se Story Hour group presented a skit, a scene from the hook “Ur. Doolittle”. Following the skit, Jlrs. Wil liamson i-eportcd on funds raised for the new Dare County L-'brnry, The first Campaign, which involved the writing and distributing of more than 4.000 letters, w.os conducted. in Dcr cember of 19G7. These .letters were .sent to: out-of-town li brary users, non-rcside.nt prop erty owners, former residents. From these letters $5,118 was realized. OPERATION LEND-A- HAND, tlie second campaign, has realized $1 306 52 in cash end commitmont.s, some ai-eas not having yet completed their drives. Newest donations of equipment incluJc for many pieces of equipment. Table for pre.sehoolers and one bench for same-donated by the Capo Hatfeeas N-ticnal Seashore Park Servic* par.-'rn- nel; one ucholstered chei>-, d-n- ated by Mr. .and Mi-s. Biinvell Evans, JIanteo; one end table, donated by Mr. and JI’-s. L. P- Bi'idtrcman. Mantco, in memory of Mi-s. Huhcit Guthrie: $100. donated by Mr.s. Janies .1. Pid- geon, Wanchose; one library chair, donated by Mrs. Bi'ancov 1’etor.scn, Mantco; six children'- chaii-s. dom'tfd uv; Mr. and Mr.s. Dick Gray, Manteo; Mr. and Mi-s. Willie E. Etheridge. Jr., Wanchese; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bnilance, Wanchese; Tha Phato’s Chest Gift Shop. Fris co; Mr. and Mrs. Pug Owens and Mr. and Mrs. J. ^L Cud- worth, Wanchese; one section shelving, donated by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gibbs, Wanchese. See LIBRARY, Page Four ,— PLANT SALES MAY 4, 3 The Dunes of Dai-o Garden Club will hold a plant s,ale at i the Seafare Restaurant at Nag'' ^Hcad, and Wink’s Grocei-y Store on the north end of the beach, May 4th and 5th from 9 a.m. until 5 in the afternoon. Ivro; m A VERY HAPPY .MILESTONE in the histoi-y of St. Andrew’s by-the-iSea Episcopal Church, Nags Head, was passed on Thursday, April 25th. when .Joseph W, Duffield, treasurer, handed a check for $7500 to Jarman Stallings, vice-president and manager of tlic Manteo Branch of Planters National Bank, to retire a moi-tgage of $22,500 incurred in August 1903 covering a balance of $9000 indebtedness on the new Parish House and the purchase of $13,500 of land ju.-t south of the church. In the picture arc Clifton Wi-iglit, clerk; Linwood Cuthrell, junior warden, and the Rev. Konnetli L. Whitney, rector. Dewey Hayman, senior warden, could not be present due to illnes.s. The payment w.ns made ,a year •ahe.'id of schedule and reprc.sonts'much hard work by the church women, sacrificial giving by the small local congregation and substantial help from sum mer congregation and fviond.s. A summci- moi-lgage-hurning is planned when Bishop Wright will •also dehV:ite (lie new Heat Pump given by the .summer congregation under the leadership of Mr. W. H. Gaither of Charlotte :ind the vcsitbule door.s .wd Altar v.ascs rccenily given .as me morials to Mrs. Marian Orano (Mrs. Frank P.)Graham. (.Aycock Brown photo) BLOODMOBILE NRBDS GREAT ON VISITS TO BELHAVEN. MANTEO V i s i t s of the Tidewater Rloodmob’le unit to t.wn ai-oas in the coa.st.land will occur ne.xt week, in BeJhaven on Monday and ’Jlantco" on 'Wodnesday. In holh cases, ‘here are deficits In the iirJivi.iual county pro- giains. ai’d sor'ous shortage of blood tn serve the needs when emergency situalio:is arise. The Bclhaven vi.sit will be at Pungo Di-trict Hospital frem noon until C p.m. Mon.Ia.v', the Cth. Gerald Pctei-.^on, chairman of that drive, says there is presently a deficit of mo’o than ,500 pints to lie .secured in Beaufort County hefoix? the end of June. '-The quota of 1089 pints is based entirely on the usage of blood by re.sidents of Beaufort County, averaged out over a three-year period. It i.s not an arbilmry figure as signed to the chapter hut ro- pre.sent,s what i.s actually needed to maintain a balance in the hank,” said Peterson. "When blood is needed tliero is nothing that can he. sub stituted for it, and no place to get it e.xcept from people who care enough to give it,” the. rhaimian said. .Mantco Visit The trip to Manteo will be the thiid and final t.’'ip of the current • fiscal year to D.^re Ccimty, and accoi-ding to Joo Hume. Dare County Red Cros,s chaiinian, a serious shortage also cxi.sts in the quota, w'ith 174 pints needed next Wednes day to put the county in good standing. The hloodmchilc will he in ( Manteo .at the Maaonic Lodge between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The visit is sponsored by the Rebekahs who will supiily the necc.ssary volunteer staff for Iho (by. j • All eligible 'persons ai-e' strepg’y encouraged to come and frc.ely donate to sustain the. program in our county. Some questions that people frequently a.sk arc: Who can give blood? Anyone 13 through age 61. People under 21, unless, married or in the arined forces, must have writ ten consent of their parents. How do I can donate ? A brief physical — tempcj-aturo, pulse, blood pressure, hemoglobin check—along with a medical history, makes sure that you arc in condition to give, blood. A' (Ubetor 'and nurses supervise the donation Pi-occss. How often can 1 give? As often as cvei-y two months, but no more than five limes a year. Who will-get my blood? The one who needs it. It may save the life of an accident victim or a homophili.ac (bleeder), or it may he given to someone during many form.s of surgery. Them i.s no sub.stitute for whole fre.sh blood. BLOOD ? Not for the blood it self. The hospital does charge a fee for partial processing, for cross-matching and for admin- ilering the blood This is far less than the $22 to $75 a pint patients imust pay for com mercial bleed. .See RI.OOD, Page Four HALT NOTED IN BEACH EROSION IN BUXTON AREA Wing Savt Sfatus Quo Also Exisf. In Search for Funds NAGS HEAD YOUTH FINDS UNUSUAL BONES ill KENNETH CARD, 10-year-old Nags Head youth, found the bones from the fish or whatever it was recently at the foot of Engage ment Hill near hi.s home. Thus far there has been no identification positively made and the bones are on display in the window of The Coastland Times. Kenneth, son of Mi-, and Mrs. Carl Card, is a student at Mantco Elementary School. (Aycock Brown photo) The inroads of tha Atlantic Ocean on the Buxton beach and efforts to obtain emergency federal funds to combat current erosion jiroblems in the area arc uncluinged from a week ago, aceoi-ding to a National Park Sorvio official. Kittridge A. Wing, superin tendent of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, said the implacable ocean had not washed away additional sand from the already eroded beach stretching from the north boundary line of the village of Bu.vton to a point about 1-1/2 miles south. Wing also said a status quo situation still exists in the matter of getting federal funds to pay for huge .sandbags and the labor for putting them in the path of the ocean. The Na tional Park Service has asked Congrc.ss for $1.5 million to spend boginnin.g July 1 on beach oro.sion control and dune .stabilization in the p.ark. But that date is two months away and the need aiipears to be im mediate. “I’m hoping the summer sea son is about here and that we have no more bad weather,” Wing said. “If the ocean calms down undw- the impetus of friendly winds .such as w?’ve h:ul this week, wo may not lose any iiioi-o beach.” The winter winds and .stonns tut away many cubic yanls of a once spacious beach. The ocean water.s got dangerously close to .seme. $31 millian worth of government and private facilities. There sect-ons of the bench now containing eight- ar.J ten-foot dropoffs which lead directly to the ocean. The facilities arc. too close to the dropeffs for comfort. The government facilities close to the w.itcr include a big naval installation, a LORAN setup, and some Coast Guard facilities. Private property endangered includes .seven motels, two restaurants, two sci-vice sta tions, a super market, rental cottages, md private residencc.s. The I’ark Seri’icc began sand bagging the endangered area la.st fall, u.sing huge nylon bags weighing upward of a ton each. The ocean. In apparent anger at such efforts to control its foice, washed sand from under the bags rnd tossed around the heavily-weigh ted objects with case. “I’m keeping my fingers crossed, hoping we don’t have another storm soon,” Wing said. “Without a storm, the, beach wou’j3 have an oppor tunity to build itself up some what.” COMMISSIONER RACES IN ONLY TWO DARE AREAS Incumbents White ancj Dillon Opposed; Tilletf of Kitty Hawk in With Smooth Sailing Two of the incumbent D'ire commiss’-ners face opposition in SatiP'diy’s Democratic })rim- .Tiy clecf'an, while the third is assure.'! of another four-ye:ir term, no opposition having filed, either Democrat or 'Ri;- piih'ican. W. Stanford While of Manns Waihvr, beard chairman since December .1966, is opposed bv I'nolher Manns Harbor man, 'JI. P. (Phelpie) Edmciidson. A third candidete, Calvin Payne of Stumpy Point, has with drawn from Ihc. race hut his name w-'.ll be noted on the bal lot inasmuch as ho failed to withdraw before thov wore Printed. .Another candidate, Ira Spencer, Jr., of Mann.s Harbor who filed in Maich withdro.w just :i few days later. Payne, who advised that he filed as prsliminai->’ to an e:irnest campaign to unseat White, stated this iveek that in witiulrawing he now supports White’s candidacy. At any rate., only the names of White and Edmondson should be considered in the Saturday balloting. Any cast otherwise will he invalid. Hatteras Island In the combined Kinnakcet- Hattcras town.ships area, throe candidates are seeking the board .seat. Win. P. (Bill) Dil lon of Buxton, firat-cousin-in- law of .Stanford White, seeks .a four-year tei-m to .succeed him self. He was appointed to fill the une.xpired term of resigned Calvin Bunns. Jr. of Buxton, in Novembei- 1967. ' Dillon is opposed by W. Holmes Gaskins of Frisco and Daniel R. Leary of SoLvo. , Jt should be noted that a See RA'CES, Page Four THESE COMMISSIONERS ARE NOT RUNNING IN THE SATURDAY PRIMARY HEADS CAMPAIGN FOR RIHA MEMBERSHIPS . ■W'-; ■ 'VI- PRIMARY VOTING SATURDAY WILL DRAW BIG VOTE FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIALS Even the Republicans Have A Choice of Candidates in Four Matters; Polling 6:30 A.M. Until 6:30 P.M. Democratic Guberna torial Race The Outstanding Issue; Few Local Contests. MANTEO GIRL NAMED MISS N. C. THETA RHO Because there has been some iconfusion created, deliberately or otherwise, in the current commissioners’ races in Dare County, it should he made clear that the following are not be ing voted on this year:,Dr. W. W. Harvey, Jr. of Mantco; Rondal K. Tillett of Wanchese, and James W. Scarborough of Avon. Han'ey ■ and Tillett were elected in 1966 for four-year terms, thus tho.se board scats will not 'he filled until 1970. Haii'cy reiirescnts Nags Head Township while Tillett is' the •member-at-large. Scarborough was appointed in 1966 to fill tho unexpired term of Fred W. Gray of .4von. In combining the t wnships of Kinnakeet (.\von to Oregon In let) and Hatteras (Buxton through Haltoras village) the island loses one representative on the hoard of commissioners. Scarborough chose not to seek election. W. Stanford White of .Manns Harbor has been named chair man twita for one-year terms of the board cf commissioners. Statute requires this procedure. There is no obligrition of any board member to support any one in particular for the chair- munshi)). MRS. GRACE B. HUNT of Greensboro and Raleigh, wife of Josejih 51. Hunt, Jr., chair man cf the State Highway Commi.s.sion, is serving as state leader of the membership cam paign for the Roanoke Island Historical Association. Assist ing her uB Honorary General Chairman te Mrs. Dan K. Moore. 5!rs. Elton C. Twjford of Kill Devil Hills and Mrs. J. 0. Bas- night of Mantco ara .sei'ving as Chainnen in Dare County. Wives of foi-nicr Tar Heel Governors are also active in tho campaign, including Mrs. J. Melville Broughton, Mr.s. R. Gregg Cherry, 5Irs. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Mrs. O. Max Gard ner, lilr.s. Luther 11. Hodges, 'Mr.s. Tcn-y Sanford, 51r.s. W. Ken- Sr-'ott and 5Irs. Willi.nm B. Um.stead. Mrs. Hunt has announced that memher.ships received prior to June 1 will be listed in the 1968 Souvenir Program of “The Lo.st Colony”. The Paul Green d r a m :i in the Waterside Theatre, Roanoke Island, near Manteo, will be presented for Hhe 28th production season June 21 through August 25. Memlbei's will receive a com plimentary $3.00 i-eserved seat, good for any 1968 performance of- the show, for each $5.00 value of their mDmber.ship. They also receive a copy of the. $1.00 Souvenir Program in which their name will appear. Jlembershijis may bo sent to the local area Chairman, or di rectly to “The Lost Colony”, P. O. Box 68, M'lnteo, N. C. 27954. They are priced at $5.00 “regu lar”, $10.00 “sustaining”, $25 00 “Sponsoring” and $100.00 for “corporate". Individuals also may pay $100.00 and receive a “life” membership. METHODISTS PAY $40(X) FOR BAUM HOUSE AND LOT The ' Mt. Olivet Jlcthodist Church of Manteo has com pleted arrangements to pur- cha.se from the Baum estate :» house and lot adjacent to Lrc church, according to the Rev. Herman Winherry, pastor. Winberry said the church has placed $4,000 'in escrow for purcho.so of .he property. .Ho said final transfer of the pro perty is expected to bo made .soon. The agreement to pur chase was approved April 21 by church trustees.’ No specific (ilatis h.ave been made for use of. the property, Winhei-ry said, although it will he fitted into the cliurch’s build ing iirogram. MISS HILDA SWAIN, daugh ter of Mr. and I.Ir.=. Ralph Swain of Mantco, was named “Miss Theta Rho of North Carolina” when the Theta Rho Girls Clubs and the Junior Order of Od.lfellow.s Lodges met in Greensboro on April 27 for their annual Youth Rjvlly. Jliss Swain is tJie third Man teo girl to win the title during the four years the club has been organizeil. Former winners were Lynda Uju-d and Lavonia Bur gess. Vice-president Debbie Bright of Elizabeth City was jiresid- ing officer. Lavonia Burge,ss of Manteo introduced state of- ficei-s of the N. C. Rebekah As sembly: pre.sident;.;J\lrs. Vir ginia Warren of Elizabeth City; vice-president, 5Irs. Hillard Crank of Mantco; state warder, Mrs. Velma Howard of Greens boro. She also introduced youth committee members: Jimmie Clemons of Wilmington, Miss Carrie Winiger of Beaufort, Bill Shaver of Statesville, Billy Sut ton of Greensboro aiul Joe Tucker of Elizabeth City. Each club and each lodge had a speaker, who talked on “Why 1 Am Proud to be American”. The Manteo Theta Rho girls also brought home the Elaine Fu.s.sell cup for the club con tributing most to special philan thropic funds. Among tliose attending from Manteo were Jlargaret Swin dell, Debbie Quidley, Hilda Swain, Lavoni:i Burgess, Linda Jones, Karen Etheridge, Susan Fuqua and Roxanne Jackson. Advisors accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Swin dell, Jlrs. Slarvin Parker, Mre. Beulah Gayloixl and Mr. and Mr.s. itillard Crank. When North Carolina citizens go to the p.ills on Saturday to vote for iireferred candidates in the primaries, they will prob ably have hoard more about tho five caiidida'.cs running for Governor than in any recent r.lection.s. 'J’he re.sults will- be interesting, to say tho least. On the Doinoci-atic ticket, front-runners Bob Scott and 5Iel Broughton for the gubermi- toiial nomination arc faced with the vote .split in a third direction with Charlotte Negro de.nti.st Reginald A. Hawkins seeking voter sanction. 5Iany political prognostica tors have indicated belief that Hawkins may command enough votes to detiM'mino whether a I'unoff would he called between Scott :ind Broughton. Both of the loading contend ers have waged extensive cam paigns for four inonth.s or more. On the Republi'enn side, two candidates are. offering them selves: James C. (Jim) G-ardner of Rocky Mount, a freshman U. S. Representative who was elected two years ago; wlio op- po.sos John L. (.luck) Stickley of Chailotte, a former presi dent of Lions International ac tive in the textile industi-j;. Complete Ticket A glance at the ballot for Democratic candidates on tho state ticket, other than gover nor, shows the following office-s and those seeking same: LT.GOVL: >H- Pat Taylor, Jr., 5Irs. James M. Harper, Jr, Frank M. Matlock. STATE TREASURER. Edwin Gill, Sneed High. ATTY. - GENERAL: Thoma.s Wade Bruton, Robert Morgan. COMM‘lSSIONER OF LA BOR: Frank Crane, John B. Warden, Jr. COMMISSIONER OF IN SURANCE: Fred Benton, John B. Whitley, Edwin S Lanier, George A. Belk. SUPT. OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: Wendell W, Smilev, Everette Miller, Craig Phillips, William D. Harrill, Raymond A, Stone. JUDGE, COURT OF AP PEALS: Raymond B. Mallfc.yd, Kidd Brewer, JUDGE, COURT OF AP PEALS: Naomi E. Morris, Walter C. Holton. See PBIJIAUV. Page Seven PLANNING BOARD Tho Dare Countj' Planning Board will meet on .Monday, May 6, 1968, at 1 P.M. at the office of R. A. Young in Kill Devil Hills. WORK WELL UNDERWAY ON HATTERAS ISLAND WATER SYSTEM HIGHWAY COMMISSION MEETING AT NAGS HEAD NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY The -spring meeting of the N. C. State Highway Commission will he held next Thursday and Friday .at Nags Head with head quarters at the Carolinian. Thursday’.s activities, which are being hosted by the Southern Albemarle Association will get undenvay with a social hour beginning at 6:30 p.m. followed by a dinner meeting and later a dance. On Friday the wives of the commi.ssioners will tour the area during the morning scs.«ion of meeting.^. Principals at the meeting will be Joe Hunt, N. C.- State High way Commission chaii'man and Carl Bailey, president of the Southern Albemarle Association. IDENTIFICATION OF NEGRO IN SURF STILL LACKING W'f: SUBSTITUTE REGISTRAR - NAMED FOR AVON BOX 'm'- THIS FACILITY at Fi-rsco is part of the new $lV4-miUlion plus water system being con structed to serve the Hatteras Island communities of Buxton, FrLsco and Hatteras. The system is being constructed with funds available through grants and loans from tho Farmers Homo Administration. The original commitment was $570,000 in grant, $630,000 loan at low interest for foi-ty years. An additional $75,000 was approved in loan when the Cape Hatteras Water As sociation found the original amount insufficient to finance all the construction. Sheriff Frank Gaboon aa'd Thursday the '*ody of a negro washed ashore in the Whale bone Ju-nction are-a of Nogs Head has not been iderAificd. The body was spotted in the surf April 24. Condition of the body indicated it had beeh‘',in the water several weeks. “• The body was taken to 'the police laboratory in Norfollt, Va., for possible identification. Due to the illness of Ellis A. Gray of Avan, registrar during the pa.st ficriod of supplemental registration, he will be unable to hold tho polls on Saturday;, Mirs. Vivian G. Simrborough has been named ns a^l^tutc.ahidi' baOIoting will be in her home; informs S. C. Basnight, Jr., "of Manteo, chairman of the Dare County Board of EledHoa. , ' -ri • .,c ■■ -'M-i., r

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