David Stick Kill Devil Hills, N.C» 2,7948 8-2l-^/68 SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS 18 Pages in Three Sections COASTLAND TIMES WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN 9UARTER PUBUSHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO. N. C. 27954 NOT TO INDIVIDUALS Pages One fhrough Six' Single Copy I0(i SUFFOLK MINORS . PAY HEAVILY FOR COTTAGE BREAKIN No Probable Cause Found For Manslaughter Charge After Accident A couple of Suffoik, Va., topn-aRffs paid heavily in Dis trict Co'jit Th'iday for the privilege of spending 22 hours ^''ith their .i^irl friends i-i the J. R. Waj-d cottago at Avalon Beach. JiKl^e ^rntress Horner sen tenced Jlichael Allen Cumm- 5nsrs, 19, and Jpny Lee White, 19, to iri.v months in j.nil sus pended upon pa>nnent rif a fine of .$300 each and court costs on their pleas of g-uiR t.j non- burglaiy hreakinp and entorin? charges. Jfarion Chrisliu'' Park er, 17, and Paula Jean Beilly, 18, both of Suffolk, were ordei-ed to pay daiv.ages of $25 and costs each. Homer was stem in handing down the sentences. "You brought these girls down nei-e and got them in trouble,” he said. Jliss Reilly appeared upset through'ut the trial. Miss Parker was com posed and showed litt'o or no emotion. "We didn’t trj' to hid.' noth ing,” one of the boys lestified. ‘‘We thought it would jp all right and would let Ward (the cottage owner) know when wo got back.” The youngsters a d mitt c. d they had mmoved a screen from a 'vindow in order t; got into the cottage.. Homer found no probable cause in vhe manslaughter charge against Riciianl Rmei^ son McDonald in the loath on the highway of Tero.sa Clenn Midgett, 14. State Trooper A. G. Wright 5nvestig.ived the June 8 accident near Salvo in which .M;«s Mid gett was killed .ind a com panion, y'Jberta Mae f.lidgett, 15, was painfully injured when See COURT, Page Six Manns harbor man RETURNS FROM VIETNAM MAJOR INCREASES IN DARE'S LONG DISTANCE LINES ■COLONY’ ENTERTAINS AT MANTEO FOR 28TH SEASON Effective June 30, Cepacify to Be Increase KDH, . Halteras Island SGT. MAJOR CARL J. IvIANN, arrived m the Unite.! States last week after a j'ear in Qui Nhon, Vietnam. JIann, who has had 25 years of seiwice wRh the U. S. Army, jdans to retire in two years. He is a .son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Mann of Manns Har bor. Sgt. Major .Mann ha.s a son, Carl Stanley Mann, with the Sea lines also in Hup, Viet nam; and a son-in-law, Sgt. Ray Johnson, whe returned from Vietnam in April. Mrs. Mann made her homo in ElPaso, Te.xas while her hu.s- band was in V'ie.tnam, and ia here with him on a two weeks leave, after which they will go to Kansas City, Mo., where he will be stationed. KITTY HAWK’S RESIDENTS GET FIRE QUESTIONS Replies to Be Returned to Com missioner Fennel Tillott " - Promptly BUDGET SESSION FOR DARE BOARD AGAIN ON MON. Dare County Board of Com missioners will meet June 24 for further study of budgetary requests, according to Chairman W.'S. White. Many of the Coun ty ’departments have ip'esentcd preliminary figures for the board's considemtion, but ‘ none have been adopted. ^ White said that tlie tax super visor was cun-cntly tabulating available taxable property for the coming ye.ar. He said that county officials were hopful of ' haying tho.se figures for all the couhty’s township.s in order to properly consider all depart mental requests, at early date. Notable among increases is the school budget request for fG6,003.77 moi-e than last year when 198,840,01 was budgeted to, be derived from ad valorem tax sources. The total school reque.st for the coming year is $250,847.54, the balance of some $85,000 ex pected to be derived from sour ces such as book fees, intangi bles tax, interest, N.C.E.A., E.S.E.A., court fines and various other miscellaneous niean.s. Another department expected to be considereil for a sizeable increase is the sheriff’s depart ment which has been assigned responsibility for maintaining ambulance service. Further information will be published in succeeding is.sucs regarding departmental fund re quests compared to prioi- ycar.s. CAHOON TAKES OVER AS HEAD LION FOR 1968-69 The Manteo Lions Club con ducted a double-barreled pro gram Tuesday nigh'—club mem bers entertained their ladies with a dinner and officeivs for the 1968-i9 year were installed. Jerry Gaboon was installed a.s president for the new year. Other oficers installed were: Carlisle Davis, first vice presi dent; Steve Basniglit,- Jr., sec ond vice president; Manning Gray, third vice presuleent; Mar vin Clark, secretary; Roger Mi- hovch, assistant secretAvy; Dean Harrellson, treasurer; Ralph Jones, tail twister: St. Clair Bas- night, assistant tail twister; Roy Gray, lion tamer; Jeffrey Mid gett and Melvin Jackson, one- ycar directors; Hughes Tillett and Heitert Bliven, two year dii'cctors; Loui.s Midgcttc, im mediate past president. Jack Tjllctt, a past president, wai tnaster of ceremonies at the installation. Some 300 re.^ident taxpayers of Atlantic Township e.xccpting Kill Devil Hills have recently received a questionaire 'H'^dcr •sponsor.shop of the Dare .Coun ty Board of Conuni.ssione.j-s re garding e.stablishnient of ‘a fire company. The quc.stion of e.stab- lishing the depaitment has been of more concern .since the Town of Kill Devil Hills recently served notice that the depart ment there would not be able to continue answering calls out- sitle the town limits. The questionaire calls for opinions on three matters: (1) Will or will not vote for bond issue (to raise funds for establishment); will or will not vote apin-oval of tax not to ex ceed 10 cents per $100 valua tion to .support said department? (2) District coverage, to in clude Duck, Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk Village, Kitty Hawk Beach, Kilty Hawk Woods, Colington Lsland? (3) Will or will not join vol unteer fire-fighting company? The sun-ey forms are to be returned to Pcnnel A. Tillett, commissioner ' from Atlantic Township, in Kitty Hawk. While no return date was specified, ’ Sec IT RE, Page Six Effective June 30. long dis- 'anc'". circuits available'in mainr summe- .voi)ula*'on areas of the Outer Banks wi'l Iv gi-.it!v in- crna.sed. .■Additionally, loiprove- ments have been made in other facilities of the, comp.nny sci-v- ing the Dare County areas. On .lune 30 the nunilier of long-distance ch'cuits ii''-iilable through the Kill Devil Hills ex change .vill increase bv fifty peicent. 'ip twelve from the ex isting 24, to a new total of 3(1. Buxton exchange .it Cape Hatteras, presently ritb 12, will Lnereaso by 19, makimr a total of 3l LD. circui!.'- Addi tionally, :n Hatt('ras Island, six new circuits will be available through ihe W.nvos exchange which w.ns made ojicraiivo just this we.ek. I'his new structure 'c seawc northern Hatteras Island is virtual’.y '■■torm-proof, .'i-cr;ni-ding to L. .S. Blades, Jr., president of Norfolk & Carolina Telephone and Tdegixiph Co. The now facility', under constniction for about twdve months, opened •lune IG. U scn’cs Rod.onthe, Waves and Salvo. In the tri-eoinnumity area, seiwice i.s presently limited to 10-party sei-vice, but Blades said that '.he. eornpauy has scheduled installation of addi tional linos which will provide 1-, 2- and 4-party service, in the fall of this year. The new long-distanc' con nections .are made available microwave, towers whien tie to the ovorill N&C sy.sto'n. Taiea- tions are at Buxton, Waves, Manteo, Kill Devil Hills. Mamie, Coinjerk .ind Elizabeth City in that order enabling b’lig-dis- tunce calling. , In laige part due to the na- tionwiiH “after-hours” d'nding at low-rates, the sy.stc,n .jerv- ing Dare County, as in other ai-eas, has been taxed beyond its limits.. The ailduional cir- eifjtV coinc at opportune'lime. NEW POWER LINE PLANNED BETWEEN ISLAND AND BEACH Vepco Seeks Permit to Con struct Line Similar to Currituck Crossing •show the a veitical feet above across the in Roanok(“ PAUL GREEN’S EPIC SY.AIPIIONIC HISTORICAL DRAMA is i Jlanteo. Scones from “The Lost Colony” and a view of the Water I'lie .Miow is staged by Joe Lay'ton of Broadway, TV .and Holly through .August 25, with special showings on Sunday nights of ,A by .Aycock Brown) 58 PERFORMANCES SCHEDULED 'LOST COLONY' BEGINS 28TH PRODUCTION YEAR n its 28th sea.son on the Fort Raleigh National Hi.atoric Site near .side Theatre on the Dare Coast-Outer Banks are shown above, wood fame. Performances are given evei-y night except .Sunday ugust 18 (Virginia Dare’s birthday) and closing night. (Photo.s Virginia Electric and Power Company has made aiiplication for a permit to con.stnict an overhead powerline across Roa noke Sound ju.-^t north of U. S. .No. 2(>4 Highway bridge ne.nr iMnntco. Plans submitted cable will provide clearance of 101.8 mean high water navigation channel Sound and siipjiorting jioles will he placed 400 feel a)inrt. The existing o\erhead powerline crossing Roanoke Sound is to be removed upon completion of the new cro.ssiiig. The determination as to whether a iicrmit will be issued will he based on an evaluatio.n of all relevant factor.s including the effect of the projio.se'd work on navigation, fish and wildlife, consen-ation, pollution, and the general iniblic intere.st. Com ments on these factors will he !icce|)ted and made part of the record and will be con.siilerod in determining whether it would be 111 the best public intere.st to grant a permit. In cases of con flicting property rights, tjie Corps of Engineers cannot un dertake to adjudicate rival claims. Written comments perti nent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in the office of the Coips of Engineers, Wilmington, until 4:45 p.m., July 17. NEW MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHIATRIC WORKER FINAL DATA FOR . ' bREGON INLET ‘ PJT. UNDER WAY Alvah Hj. Ward, Jr., local chairman 61^ the Oregon Inlet project, said' the Corps of Engi neers has begun to assemble and correlate final data on the project before-, it is presented to,'the budget bureau prior to aski^ congressional authoriza tion for the $11 million plan. Tom Swain,- representative of the. Wilmington office of the Coi-ps of Engineers, met here Monday night with local boat owners to collect technical infor mation' needed ihy the chief of army engineers. This informa tion, Ward said, included the intent of local boat ownera towani e.xpanding their fi.shing and towing opcralion.s. Ward said the chief’s office must know the e.xtent of indus trial growth in the area and the prospects of continued growth. Sec INLET, Page Six Director Joei Layton’s fifth production -if Paul Green p 1 o n o o r outdoor symnhonic drama, "The Lo.st Ceinny” kicks ■off a scheduled 5P-per- fonnanee so-ison Fndav night in Waterside Theatre, Rf.anoko Icl.'iiul. It will be the 2^111 pro duction year of the hirtorical .spcJtacular since it w.is first presented on the Fort Ralpigh National Historic Site in 1937, The show was su.suende'd for four veal’s during Woi'ld AVar II. The 1968 perfonnances are scheduled Monday' thri’.i.Th Sa turday .at 8:30 p.m. (EDT). with special Sunday night showings on August 18, the an- nivei-sai’y of the birth of Vir ginia Dare—first child of En glish parents bom in .-Vrierica— and on closing night, .August 25. Director Layton is a widely acclaimed stager of in>i'iri.als on Bi-oad’.vay, TV and in Holly- woofl. lll.s current New Y-i'-k hit is “Gciorge M”, the ste.":' of George M. Cohan, starring Joel Grey. Among those playing impor tant roles ’n this year’s ‘'Colo ny' are: Thomas Hull of Dur- •SERMON IN GLASS’ AT KITTY HAWK METHODIST CHURCH ‘ V', •. -O' ; •• • m - ‘jm > mm x-e; . ’ ; • »t A.* V A fipems: .u* 1 t 'jl i A SERMON IN GLASS is the name given the six panels of stained glas.s windows recently dedicated in Kitty Hawk Methodist Chureh, according to the Rev. Hank Wilkinson, jiastor. The windows were a-rproject of childran of the church. The cross in center was fashioned from old .shipwreck timbers and built by retired Coast Guardsmen who are communicants of tlie church. (‘Aycock’ Broum photo) " ' ham, “Old Tom;" Pat K“lly Gilbro.at.h of Green-ilior.i. “Ele anor Dare;" .Alarjaiene 7 homae of Elizabeth City, “Oueen Eliz.-ibeth;” John L. Walker of Burlington and Now A'o-k City, “Upncwuo;” Ira D.ivid W^od of Raleigh, “Sir Walter Raleigh;” Woodson B. Feanng, II of Tdan- tco. “Gnvnnior White;” Gordon A. MLnard of Green.sbore, “John Ronlon;’* Steve L. I’re>.-ndl of Tennessee, ‘‘The !Hi.-*>irian;” Christopher G. Coan of Wins- ton-Salsm, “Father Jlaitin;” .John Dornb-'rgor of Blowing Rock, ’‘.Aimnias Dare;” .M'ehaol Kirby of Chapel Hill, “.'timon Fernando;” Charles A, Jfartin of Winston-Salem, “Chi’f Man- teo;” Diane Brown Moort: of Granite Falls, “Dnmo C-dman;” and Doh,j Cochrane of Ciiapol Hill, “Wanchesc.” DRAMA CRITICS PRESS MEMBERS AHENDING SHOW Drama critics from lerding Bo.«tcn. Philadelphia and Wash ington, D. C, newspai’.e’s—in addition to representatives of the press of North Carolina and Virginia — arc attending and reviewing the opening o- “The Lost Colony” outdoor drama here Fri lay nighi. S^m Hirsi’h of i-he Boston H-’-nld-’l’ravcIer is a femier cart ••'nd rtnff member of Paul Green’s ;>’i o n c e r sj aiphonic dia-ma. He is returnin'' for the finst time i'ince he played the vole of ‘F’lthc.'- Martin in 1949. In 1937, the fir.«t yc.nr of the sliow, he was an as.-=istr.nt stage manager and played the roles of “Simon Fcmandi” and “Master of the Queen’s Cere monies.” He conlinued ns .'m assi.stant stage maiiagnr through 1939, playin.r “The M. C.” in 193S and “Simen" in 1939. In 1940, the last reason b'fore thft play wa.s suspended during Worhl War 11, he played tlis two roles without the stage- mansging dutie.s. Others coming here for open ing of the 28th production sea son are: Richard Cop cf the Washington (D. C.) Pn.st ^d Jerry Gaghan of the Phila- dc'nltia (Pa.) Daily News. Representing the Raleigh (N. C.) .News and Obso’ver ifl Charles Wheeler and from the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot is Mai Vincent. Reviewing for tk Nor folk Ledgor-Star is Dr. Ernest Rhodes, l^cd Haney of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance and Mrs. D. Victor Me-tkins of The Coastland Times ar.* other press representatives. FVqnk Roberts of., the Eastern North Carolina, staff of the Vi’-glnian Pilot is also covering the (rvent. FORESTERSMEET TO INSPECT WOOD PRODUCTS USE 3 AUTOS STOLEN IN DARE-TYRRELL THEFTS. SUNDAY CHARLES R. FRANKLIN. JR., a native of Kinston, ';-eccntly' joined the staff of lh(!';TIdeland j Mental Health CentOT ’.ocatod | at 418 West Second Street, Washington, as supon’isor/- of the social work dciiartmcnl. He will be rospoii.siblc Tor deilvei-j- of social casework services, working in conjunction with the other profe.ssion.al staff which includes p.iychiatrists, psychia tric nurse and clinical psvcholo- gist, .-Additionally, Mr. Frank lin will •lavelop the .“iocial work and he will act as conrultant for community ugcncie.s includ ing health, welfare, piilicc de- imrtmenls and courts, m well as providing tlirect sen’ice.s. Franklin grew up in Kinston and graduated fixim Gramger H’igh School in IJCO lb; at tended East Cnixiliria Lniver- See MENTAL, l**gc Five Outer Banks Section of SAF Tour WoodeiJ Area of Hyde, Tyrrell Members of the Society of -American Forester’^ ai’o making an inspection tour of the Outer Banks wood products imlustr’y today .as a ’highlight of the group’.s -Appalachian Section meeting. Between 80 and 100 members of S.AF have registered for the meeting sponsored by the socie ty’s Albemarle chapter. John Clenient of the Weyorhaeu.sei’ Co. at Plymouth is chairman of the group. The SAF members will be shown fore.st and farm opera tions of West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. in Dare and Tyrrell counties, and wood chip manu facturing at Georgia Timber- lands’ new mill near Engelhard. The group will he transported by buses. The We.stavaco segment of the tour includes pine regeneration and research, a joint forest fire control demonstration by the North Carolina Forest Scivice and Wcstvaco on the Air Force bombing range, pumping and other drainage efforts to im prove woodlands productivity, aiui experimental farm opera tions where the company is con verting marginal tiinbcrlands to more productive usw?. Rounding out the full days lour is a visit to Georgia Tim- berlands” new chip mill in Hyde County. The highly nipciianized facility — centrally controlled with the use of closed-circuit television — can prtnluce 75 tons of pulpwood chip.s per hour for shipment by barge to pulp and See FORli.STER.S, Page Four WESTAVACO officials welcome NEW FORESTER •i*t ;,, -1.4 7 .'i - *F- iSHtS I I I II MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF'AMERICAN FORESTERS inspect juniper stand seen in tour of Albemarle section of group. From left to right, Don Smith, newly appointed Dare Forester of the N. C. Forest 'Sen'ice; and George Henderson and (Quentin Bell of Westavaco. Alvy C. Knott, 23, Chicago, and George T, Slattery, 21, Washington. D. C., are sched uled to apiicar in District Court Friday in connection with the theft of two automobiles Sunday fi-om the R. D. Sawyer .Motor Co. Knott and Slattery ha\‘e been ill the Dare county jail in lieu of $25,000 bond eacli since their capture at Columbia Sun day. They also face .auto theft fhai’ge.s at Columbia. Deputy Sheriff C. C. Duvall said the men, who may bo using aliases, broke into .Sawyer’s Ford agency early Sunday. They se lected a white, four-door, 1960 Ford and used it as a battering ram to force oiien the gate to the. agency. .After forcing the gate, Duvall said, they abandon ed the car in a ditch and re turned to the lot and drove away in a black, two-door 1908 Ford. The sheriff’s department was alerted almost immediately and roadblocks were set up. Duvall ■ hurried to the end of the beach road in hopes the thieves had taken that route and were trapped. About tliat time, Duvall said, a radio call from Elizabeth City said the thieves had been spotted at Columbia, scat of Tja-rcll county. The deputy, accompanied by Saw>’cr, headed in that di rection. Columbia’s night policeman, W. W. Sawyer, was on the look out for the stolen Ford fram Manteo. He spoted it and chased it up a dead-end street. As he closed in, he found the c.ai’ abondoned behind the home of I. R. Swain. The tliievcs were gone. . - .A.s Columbia Police Chief Juli.ru L. Poston was hun-ying to Sawyer’.s aid, a call went out to State Trooper J. H. Withers and Tyrrell County Sheriff Thomas K. Yerby, Jr., that'a 1968 Chr>'sler had been stolen from the home of George G. Stewart and was headed cast. The officers. took off like hungi-j' hounds after a fox. Dep uty Sheriff Walter Peal ■ of Creswell joined the chase. In the nujantimo, Duvall and See TIIEFr, Page Four .AIAKINE WALKER NOW HAS A NEW OVERSEAS ADDRESS A new address has been re ceived in this office for a ser viceman who has just gone.to Vietnam. It is printed herewith; Wallace J. Walker, HMl, USN/ 5945097, Marine Air Based Sqd. 12 Medical, Marine Air Grnuii 12, 1st Marine Air Wing, FPO, San Francisco, Cal.' 96602. ’Mr. Walker is a 1st class nayql medical corpsman. He is :tlte / husband of the former Nancy Pearl Midgett, daughter of JSrJ ' and Mrs. Leonard Midgett ofv Manteo. .Mrs. - Walker is, a nurse at the Albemarle Ho9pltal'^wi;|^^ 5' , Elizabeth City.

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