David Stick Kill Devil Hills, N.C, 27948 8.-2l-^/68 SEND RENEWAL- OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS THE COASTLAND TIMES MAIL SHOULD BE ' ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO. N. C. 27954 NOT TO INDIVIDUALS- 18 Pages in Three Sections WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN 9UARTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA Pages One through SIx‘ k . VOLUME XXXIV — NO. I MANTEO. N. C, 27954, FRIDAY. JULY 5. 1968 Single Copy .1,0^ NORFOLK YOUTH BANISHED. FINED; DRUNKS PUNISHED Hartley Permitted To Keep License; Stabbing Case Dismissed EdkvanI Charlc.s Rov^lio, Jv., 21, of Norfolk, Viu, was .scn- tencel to GO day.s on tlic I'oads Friday alter conviction on a charge of having a concealed and loaded weapon within ea.sy reach. A motion for an amended judgment based on Roche’s con fidential record a.s a juvenile induced Di.strict Judge Fentie.ss Horner lo cancel the prison sentence but hanisli the youth from the state for five, years and fine him ?I00 and costs. Roche'.s mother was in the courtroom ns tlie original sen tence' was pronounced. She was in tears ns .she .said, "Oh, no, he can’t go to jail.” Th.-! con viction followed the youth’s admission to Solicitor Wilton Walker that he had reived time "more than once—quite a few’’ times for variou.s offenses, in cluding disorderly conduct. Roche i)led not guilty to the concealed weapons charge brought.by Stale ABC Officer Fred G. Hall, Jr. Hall had ar- re.ster'Roche* June 22 when he discoverel a .32 calibe- auto matic pistol under :he s-eat of the car in which Roche was rid- "ing. Roclie tc.stified he had a mixed drink in his hand at the time. I Hall ."ound the gun ns he looked for lliiuor in a car driven by William Joseph Bullard of Norfolk. Hall testfied BullaNl was speeling 95 miles per hour in a 65-jniIe zone. Hall said that as he talked with Bullard, he saw Roche reach under the seat. Hr 11 then reachel under the scat and found the gun wrajiped in the floor carpet, luul an openel bot- ,.tle of whi.sky. Roche gave conflicting ac- , counts of his recoixl to his at- ■‘toTney,* Dwight Wheless, and to the solicitor. Whereupon Homoi accused iiim of lying and levied ,the road sentence and ordered confiscation of the gun. The sentence was a'lcviat«Hi after Wheless Icai-ned i.iore of the youth’s juvenile record and of his current cmplojmient. He ap)>caled to the judge with the new info'.mation an 1 the .soft ened sentence rosul'.el Bullard pled guilty to charges of spcecling, illegiU posses.sion of whisky, and not having a driver’s license. He was fined $200 ami costs and ordered not to drive a car in the stale for 22 months. Jatnea E. Maivoni of Virginia Beach pled not guilty to a charge of reckless driving June 16. Donovan F. Twyne, Nags Head police chief, testified that Marconi took off from a Nags Head night spot, drov.T eiTati- cally, spun his wheels, and drove back and forth ac.'Dss the center of the highway. 'I'wyna said Muiconi had been drink ing. ‘ •Marconi’s l)rothei', Chris, a passenger in the car, said the wheels spun only a.s l;s broth er tried to get out of dtvp sand. He also said that what ap- T)eared to bo a fight between his brother and “anotJu-r guy’’ was just some “playing around between a couple of friternity See COURT, Page Five FIRST TO COMPLETE ECU COURSE IN MANTEO k' 3^ mi m 6- ■ K ."f J yif-; "m rsii rv-j SHOWN WITH THEIR IN.STRUCTOR in English 314Gb, a course in contemporary drama, are: Mi'.s. Naoini C. He.stei’, Kai'ci: 1. Tyler, Maiituo; Mr.s, Maggie Cann:idy, Wanchese; Mi’.s. Au gusta Aydlelt, Elizabeth City, ^Iiss Kaye E. Whitfield, Buxton; .^Irs. Jlary Long, Rock Kill, S. C., and Mrs. Callie J. Jones of Manteo. Dr. Ralph Hardee Uive.s (.seated) was instructor and the coui-so was the first to bo completel in the Dai’c County Program of East Cai-olina’s Division of Continuing Education liranch that ha.s been e.stablLshed at Manteo on Roanoke Island. (.Aycoek Brown photo) NAGS HEAD TOWN BOARD /APPROVES BUDGET; HEARS SUIT ON ROAD OPENING CONGRESSMEN, OTHERS, VISIT COAST, COLONY Two U. S. Congrei.spicn have been guests on the D.^rj Coast recently attending Tlio Lost Colony and visiting other at tractions Rep. Chas. E. Bennett (D-Fla.) was present f.>r la.st Friday night’s showing, and Rep. David Pryor (D-.'\vk.) is spending a vacation at iim Sea Oatel, Nags Haed, through July 7. Rop. Jim Gardner, (Rep.-N. C., a candidate for Gove;Tor in the November election) is scheduled to see the rhow on July 6. Another high-ranglng ••fficial expected for the long week .end is Secretary of State Thad Eure, known among N. C. Democrats as "oldest rat in the Democratic barn.” WHITE ELEPHANT SALE The Manteo Exton.sicn Home makers Club wnll spom^or a White Elephant Sale on Satur day, July 6, across from Wi.se’s Red and White Supermarket. The sale will stait ."t 10:09 A.M. Homemade baked goods will be available. Funds from the sale will be used for eqlupment for the ne^v Due County Libraiy. The Nags Hoad town board Monday approved unaiiurously a fiscal 19G9 budget totaling $143,7.58.up $2,ri?.0n from fLscal inu8. An additional $3,970 to cover the purciia.'-e of a dump truck and in.sta l.-ition of ten stivot- lights at .532 eaeli wa,s added to the tentative figuiv cinyidcrcl by the board in June, - Maj"or W. A. William-;, Jr., said the ta.\ ?atc. would remain at 95 cents on tbe $100 valua tion. The Town's v,a.!tie i::ts been asses.'K'.J at more than S9 mil lion. He' Slid i-cvenun . other than taxes wC'Ukl, come from wsiter subscribe:-s, cthei' sciu-es such as tiie Powell Act which jirovldes stale money for reads and streets, and unapp~i,!;riated funits can-ied over f'-om the current I’i'xral year. 'I'ho I'oani approveil tenta tively a resolution to ib-lctc a section if the franchise with the Norfolk & Carolina Tele phone & Telegitipii Co. dealing with ronccs.sions, Fjiial aj:- proval of the rasolutioii is ex pected the August me.V.h'g, Until a state .supreme court decision in 19GQ ruled tlia prac tice anconstitulional, so ti-.* tele phone companies hat: fuinished local telephone .service free of charge to town off.'cals in the di.schargc of official duties Many comjianies had .’gnored the decision until the .'ila-e Uti lities Co.nimission directed that all companie.s discontinue the concession policy as of July 1. AVilliams .said that tonces- sions were not allowed in the new budgjt. Martin Kellogg, Jr., town at torney, lolil the boar l C. B. Foreman had gotten a )’e.s'.. rain ing order to prevent tl.e town from pulling up stakes bl'>cking a ro.nd just north of the Colonial Inn. Kellogg .said Foreman sucrl the town on the prcm'.se that ho own.s i;ie property .n ques tion. The to'.vn liad divided to re open a dedicated street •here. bu''lt bv George Slronach and Sam Worthington, Sr.. t Wil son, but were met with .n tre.s- lias.sing 'rharge when tlie.v at- tcrnpieil To remove the .stake.s with which Foreman ha:l block ed Traffic. Kellogg s-aid the criginal dwlicatm-.s only could withdraw the street unless it >vas 'a cor- lK>ration v.hich became nn-c.x- istent. He sail! Foi'cmah.'elatmed he received the land on; both sides from his mother,-in in act’of revoc- tion to acquire ti’le. "Without that street r;>en, people are ti'espa.ssmg on pri vate properly,”. Williams .said. Sam \Yorthirigtpn,- Jv, 'asked the board ,foi*' lielp in -opening the .strept.' /f-'-- He told KelJogg'-thht he and the other propeity ov/aers in that area would ue willing to help detend the suit- aga'inst the town. Kellogg said a'hearing on the .See BOARD, Rage Five HYDE COUNTY TAX RATE IS SET AT $1.35 SWAN QUARTER. — Hyde County Board of Commis.sioners Tuesday gave tentative approv al to a recoiiimemlcd builget for opei-ation of fiscal 19-J8-G9 of $1.35 per hundred dollar.: of as- so.sscd valuation. TIte board also autorized pur- cha.se of two-way radios for two sheriff’s deputies in tlie county. It also lieard routine rc|)o:-ts from the. sheriff and wolfai'e departments. Also authorized was tlie pui-- cliasc of pumps and hoses for three fii-e-fighting trailei'S which are used for rui'al fire jnotee- tion. Historical Report iMrs. Rebecca Swindell of Fair- field, who is conducting an ex tensive histoi’iral surx’ey of Hyde County ’.vith assistance • f Lynn Harris of Engelhuixi, and East Carolina 'Jniversity .StuJont, i-e- porled to the board, recommend ing assistance from the county commissioners. ’COLONY’ PATRONS NUMBER 11,664 IN II PERFORMANCES Attendance Almost On Par With Record-Breaking 1966; Review Quotes Given "The I ost Colony” outdoor drama, a bellwether of tourism on the Dai’c Coasl-Oiitrr diuiks, is running well ahead of 1967 and virtually keeping p:’.T with “Thei Colony’.s” raconl-Io-euking attendance of 19flG. General Managr J ibn W. Fox repo.'ts .that 11,664 peopi:;. .paid to- S’jc'the firat -il't per- formunces’ef this yea-'s sea.son, as compared w'th 9.372 last year anil 11,912 in lOGii for the same number of pciTormances. Fox also pointeil wilj pride to reviews of .some of t.ie Na- tion’.s top drama critics ho, he said, "reported on this ■ yeari.s production by Director J ie Lay- ton -with* hartlly a d'-Tiionl-ing word”. He quoted .some of them as follows: iRichai-d Coc, Tho Waidiihkton (D. C.) Rost—"Prorn a static pageant 'The Lost ColonV’ has evolved into a stirring .spectac- ul.ar . . . the productioi style has changed with The times. The rcdult is swift-moving ac tion spread across fiv« playing areas.” Dr. Ernest Rhodes, The Nor folk (Va.) Ledgai-St.ir—"The enthusiasm of the ca-st i>no the smoothness of the movniepts of the large groups of acio's and singein make tho 2St v-' season of Paul G’uen’s ‘The Lost Co lony’ superior to the last two seasons, v.hich have b;*oa des cribed a.s the best ever present ed in tlie Waterside Thatrc on Roanoke Island." Charles Wheeler, Piie Ra leigh (N. C.) News and Ob server—"Tlie opening abow of ‘The Lost Colony’ war, right, vigorous and perfonnr-i with professional competence". Sam Hirech, The Boston (Ma.ss.) lierald Tra'reler-'"This is Joe Layton’s fifth season. Hi.s new staging idca.s-:.s well as his choraogrphy - give ‘The Lost Colony’ a .special tb.eatrical e-xcitement”. Mai Vincent, The Norfolk (Va.) Virgiia-Tblol—‘Tl.c Lost Colony’ remains the best of the See SHOW. Page Two DARE SETS IN. OUT OF TRASH PICKUP BUSINESS Garbage Removal Bid Voided, Leaving County Briefly Responsible The Dare county lioai'd was in—and then out—'if lio; gar- liage bii.-ini'.-i.s Monday. Fir.«t, 'he boa,xl '.••■leased Leonard 'lidgett iToni his bid of .$31,1100 to pickup garbage and trash throughout th coim- l.v. That left 'rhe coU’i y re sponsible for the '.vorV. Then the board accepted a siii'bsr b'd from Junius Leigh Jennette, Jr., of 'Hulteras to do the job. Midgett sniil he wa> unable lo secure a nece.wary thinl truck by tiie July i Jefu'l'’ne. Midgett tohl Chamn.n W. S. White during the week end that he would lease hi.s ti-u-.-ks and work for the coua'ty. White then obtained tnick.s from Richmond, V:l, for Monday and the eoiinty was in the garbage pickup bu.siness. Then came Jennette’s bid and an agroe- nient to use five iruck.s—three north of Oregon Inlet and two on Hattei.w islanl. Wage rates for tlie garbage- men were .set at $2.25 per hour for sutpervisors; $2 for driver.s, ani $1.75 for helimur. Jennette worked W’’'Ih Mid gett Wednesday and Tliursday to lean: the route.s. He will be gin fulltime July 8. He expects to have three new truck's with in a few weelcs and to retain present pi^rsonneL Preston D, BMdel TLSSutant superintendent . .of the Cape Halte.-as National Peashore, told tho boaixl the National Park .Service .still hoper. for .See DARE, Page Two DISTINGUISHED VISITORS AT ELIZABETHAN GARDEN 'V '' m *;■*.*. ■ • ^ - '• • ’.I *■•*■- '-f . •** ' -f ^ - . - - '"I '.■'••’■.I ' '"r. ■■■ .•-' - MR. AND MRS. HARRY C. MCPHERSON and theor children. Coco and Peter of Washington, D. C. are .shown with Col. o/^d Mi-s. F. P, Miller of Southern Shores Soundside when they visited Elizabethan Garden la.st Sunday, iMcl’herson, with office.-: in the White Hou.se, is a special counsel to President Johnson. Mr.s, 31iller is a di.stinguished author of sex’eral book.«, and Ls cuirently writing another. The McPher.son.s were their week end gue.sts. (Aycock Brown photo) WHERE SERIOUS EROSION HAS OCCURRED AT CAPE HAHERAS -3" *74 ■ .'.v ^2 V • *1 J.- SERIOUS ,-EROSION has occurred along, the b each Abreast of . the group .of motels and U. S. Naval insUllation at Cape Hatteras during the p ast Several months. This ero.sion situation- at that iocaiity north of the lighthouse and farther’south near the U. S. C. G. Loran Station was dis cussed at Uie N. C. Seashore Commission at: H'atteras last week. CAPE Hatteras commissioner says; PROPERTY OWNERS MAY BE FORCED INTO ACTION TO HALT EROSION ECU STUDY GROUP GIVES PRELIMINARY REPORT mi EBS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS of Washington, D. C., and officials of East Carolina Uni- vci'sity ill Greenville and at the new branch of the University in Manteo are shown at a luncheon meeting held at Spencer's cafe in Maims Harbor during last week end. They are: Dr. David J, Middleton, dean of ECU Division of Continuing Education, Wallace Bishop, Washington, D. C., of the consulting firm. Dean D. C. MoiTisctte, director. Dare County Program from ECU, Harold W. Williams of the consulting film and Herman D. Phelps, associate director of the ECU Continuing Education division. The consultants stated they had studied 10 possibilities for use of the ECU properties on Roanoke Lsland and that four of the 10 had been chosen for further detaileii study. These include a continuing conference center, special subjects in marine resourcep, hotel management and an aviation training institute. (Aycock Brown photo) Dare County Commissioner William P. Dillon says Buxton people may hold a mass meeting soon to consiiler trespassing on federal praperty to stop erosion on Hatteras. The private landowners—who are not permittetl to do any an- tierosion work on government land—are considering going on to the goveiTiment property any way to place sandbags where they ai'C needed. A mass meeting, Dillon said, would come about only after all other efforts hud been exhaust ed. "If we do have one," he added, "it will be to accomplish something, not just to meet." “We’ll take -matters into our own hands and trespass on government, property to put sandbags in areas that need protection; we’ll publicize the lack of government cooperation in protecting the beach area and we’ll see what can be done about re-purchasing the land (in the eroded areas) to fight the erosion problem ouraelves." The Dare commiasioner adopt ed a resolution Monday askiiig the North CarolinM ' Sea-shoje Commission, the Cape Hatteras Seashore Advisory. Committee “and other interested parties” to support an endeavor to buy back land taken in- condemim- tion procedures when the Cape Hatteras National Seashore vvas established in 1955. The resolution .said the land purchase was urged .so that "we can take all effective steps with local and private funds to con* bat the excaulve erosion t^ikt is threatening our islands, lives and businesses.” Con.stant erosion of beach areas on Hatteras fur several years has left protective dunes ill danger of being breached by tlie sea. The National Park .Ser vice had asked for $1.6 million appropriation to rebuild eroded areas. However, Coiigi'ess cut the money out of an appropriations bill in an economy move. Efforts have been made to restore the money; and the appropriations which was turned down by the House comes up for vote in the Senate next week. "I think the (antierosion) funds will be made available,” Commis-sionor Dillon said, "but the time element involved . . . putting a dredge in, letting con tracts and'so on, takes too much time. "We’ll, have experienced the hurricani*' season before the work ■ gels done; it must be done now.” YOUTH UNHURT AS CAR . PLUNGES INTO CANAL Riehanl M. Parker, 20, Ports- mouthi' Va., attempted to make a 'U-tum «’ith his small, foreign- made car on highway 264 near Stumpy Point about dusk June 21. The resjlt was disa‘'Sou9. Appaiently the manual gear shift balked. Parker and his car plungod into the roadside canal and - submerged. Parker escaped injury. 4 wreckar was ealled to piUl the car from the drfnk. NEW YORK YOUTHS JAILED FOR $600 DAMAGE TO BOAT Five New York youU's ‘■pent the week end in jail and had to pay .$600 damages ihey in flicted nn C. G. Brickie’;: !uwk, a land-water v^iclc. The five were idenf.ed as Michal Franklin Whalen, 18, John Benson Manly, Jr., 21, and Thomas PArrltdi Manly, ?0, all of Amity Ville N. Y.; Richard Hay’es Doni IIoi>er, ‘21, New Yoi'k; and Mark Richard Ed wards. 17, Worcester, N. Y. Brickie said the youths were "hippl&s.” He caught ihim on the duw’rc. They were held unde.- $1000 bond each. Judge Fentress Homer held a special couit Monday to dispose of thi case. They paid court coste end $600 damages. Brickie said the. youths burn ed out the elutoh of Uw.- World War II amphibious craft' and broke the univetual jolnc. He said they, had surf boards on their carj.lmt spent t},e •a-cek end in jad instead. ■ DARE JAYCEES SPONSOR CARNIVAL NEAR MANTEO For th« fmt time in many yewn, a cainival is co aing to Manteo. Tt will be spon.xm-ed by the Dare County Jayce-j-: July 8 through -18; ahd'be set up on the old fobtbsdl'ft^d: "Rides, thtflls,/.inmo.a, ooB- ccssions'aud am^amen'.?.” pro claim the'^lacai^ .basting the event. Jaycens oteeihls say tttat the lo^ (tHapidr will rkare In profRa af tli*' attkir, «pe(9tad by yadB|| AmuaMmet Co COMMISSIONERS APPROVE BUDGET OF $958,281.90 Dare County Tax Rate Up Twelve Cents; Increase For Ambulances Dare County Commissiorier.s have approved a tciuativo budg- eel of .$958,281.90 for fi.scal 1969, iqi .$108,981.08 from fi.^cul 1968. The tax rate i.s u|) 12 rents lo $1.47 per $100 valualion. Board members said two- thirds of the rate increa.se i.-: to mainl.iin 2-1-hour amlmlance -ser vice. Tux rales for the ."aiiitation di.striois p>-r $100 were 19 cents for Nags Head, II',i for Kitty Hawk, and 14V-9 rents f. i Roa noke Islaml. The addition of two deputies to the sheriff’s department ac counted for some of the increase. A proposed new de|iuty will get $4600 annually while the other.s receive $5250 eacli. .•\ii increase of $1342 was pro jected for around-the-clock- Vu- dio operation by the sheriff’s office. ~ 'i'he total school biuiget w'as $240,931.54, a lecrea.se of $9 916 from their original req'J>'8t. The board of education made its own reductions and then presented them to ihc coiTiiiii.ss-*ni‘i>i. Tlie .school reduction knocked three cents off tlie firat con.sid- ered lax rale of $1.50. The board discu.s.sed ilLscon- tihuing the policy of county paid teachers, cut no action was tak en. .Supplements for leaclmrs and principals were set at $400. County -salary inereape.s in line with proposal.s adoptwl three months ago were approved by the board. Department heads wUl i-eceive at leain, .•.i 5 per cent rai.se until they reach the top of th’lir grale. At that point they will lie frozen. Other employees will get 5 per cent hikes on the anniver sary of their einplojuieiit.' RobeiT Preston, secretory of the Cape Hatteras .Seashore .-Ad visory Commission, requested $639.33 for administrative and per.sonnel exiiense. TTie request was made immeiiiately before *he vole on the budget. It will, be considered before f’nrl ap; proval of the builget. OCRACOKE INLET . CHANNEL STUDIES TO COST $300,000 Congressman Walter B. Jones. 0-N. C., First District, said last week he har bee.n advised by the U. S. .Aiiny Corp.s of Engineei-s tha*; pro-. ))oscd channel improvements for Ocracoke Inlet have lieen apr proved for preconstruction plan ning. Jones .son! tha engine .-vs, aft er a general investigation of the project’s fea.sibility, propose to ilredge a channel IS feet deep ami 400 feet wide across the ocean bar. Current ' e.sti- niated cost of the projtHit is $300,000. “Preconstruction pUnning,” •Tones explainctl, is the second of three ])hases in Army En- gint-ers’ navigation projects. The first jihase is the investi gation. .Actual construction completes the three-phase cycl6. The congressman saia the en gineers are to be commended ■ for moving ahead with tho Ocracoke Inlet project because of the" benefits it will bring to commercial and sport fishing ■ intei’c.sts .along the North Caro lina coasL Ocracoke. Inlet connects P.aan- lico Sound with the Atlantic Island in Hyde County frain Port.smouth Lsland in Carteret County. r- NEW OCRACOKE MAIL RUN ALLOWS LATER DEPARTURE Under a schedule inaugurated July 1, mail service from Ocra coke on its northward c.-'ni-se is improve:!, in that a departure alwiit three hours later than usual i.s in effect. The arrange-, ment is due to exten.sion of the service m-ovided by Virginia Dare Transportation Co. of Manteo, waich line has handled delivery ss far a.s Hatteras for some time. , Ocracoke’s long-time earrlCT,' Charlie idcWilliams, rotireH from his duties wh-m Virgin'* Dare was granted the evtensioal' Daily bus service j.: now' provided to the historic isle. The bus vrill boaM Ilatteru Inlet ferry under priority ai^’ rangement at 11 a.in., nrrhring in Ocracoke about 12:25. It will'; head north at about 12:85, al lowing island, residents about., three^ houra more each' day.?in5,- depositing their* nitfMeWU-'{ liams had been leavbig tht 'vfl'r ';' lage at aboub 8:80. 1 f -•r**'*