. Kill Devil Hills, N.C. 27948 SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION before expiration DATE ON ADDRESS 18 Paqes in Three Sections THE COASTLAND TIMES WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN 9UARTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RAUIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROUNA MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO, N. C. 27954 NOT TO INDIVIDUALS Pages One through Six Single Copy lO^i HORNER CONVICTS N. Y. WOMAN OF DRUNK DRIVING Defendant Also Bound Over ’ To High Court On Felony Charge :\rnvpo.^t oMvon "f an fj-onn in YovV. con- vioffid in nisi,.lot Conn Frifla'- of a i)>i5(lo)no,'mov pimvc-f. of (IW^'inir. and ordered to trie] in Suuerior Conn on a .'tnliseauent hit-nm felony cb-o-iTo. She annealed I ho d.indv ?viv- intr conviction which brought a senicnoe of I'2 inontlis in peJc,,, and wi>? releafted under liond. She vvnc oitlered to post hon,! of S.TnnO t'l ••scure he>- nroseiifc at the hit-nin trial later ibi« n'ontl). M'ss UlcCorkle was descvibod dui'inj' her trial licforo .Tiulfre Ponti’oss T, lloiTier ns an eni- plove.o of a Now Yoi'k fine arts studio which ulace? nerfonninir .•>ri.i«ts throucrliout ihc country. Defense attorncvs .«id Miss McCorklci was well-known in art circles of the Universitv of North Carolina and Duke, Wake Forest, and East Caro lina Universities. Homer acceptwl a plea of jjuilty by Gair Ian Richard.s and .senteneeil him to l,S months .on the ro.ads, suspended foi* five yejs-s upon p.ayincnt of a fine of $•400, and onlei’od to stay out of Dare Count.v' foi* five years. IRichaifis wa.s chanted witli petty larceny in the theft of $12 from the Sea Hancli motel in Kill Detdl Hill.s. Homer interiaii)t«l court pro- cecdinjt.s at on\ iioint to wel come a jjroup of about 50 stu dents from the Manteo iH'igh .School. 'I’he younitsters were from a class in povomment tauirlit by .Jerty Cahoon, one time |)rohation officer here and .son of Sheriff Frank M. Ca hoon. Homer snokc brieflv to the rtudents. 11c outlined the dutie.“ of the clerk of the court, the sheriff, the prosecutor, defense counsel, and the offiei.al court mportcr. Then, havkinp to the impart of the entertainment world, he .said, “and Item comes the juilpe.” Miss McCorkle w.ts piekel up at a Nag-s Ife.ad motel the niprht of Aujr. 24 by Sgt. Doans and L;inTi' Thaaue.s, members of tho state hiplnva.v patrol. Tho of ficers woi-e seaivhinp for the driver of an automobile bear-inp a New York licen.se plate, .“.Z 882, -A. car with that tap had struck !ind injured sci-iously Paul ElLsworth Kline on the by pass road near the Najrs Head Casino. Kline was hi)Spitnlis:oI. Hu had been struck while jack ing up the rear of an automo- Sce COUUT, I’agc Three FLASH FIRE DOES LITTLE DAMAGE AT HIGH SCHOOL A flnsh f'ra in a r-aintennnee mom at Manteo High .School Oct. 1 damaged a tractor, burned out some wiring, and coated a ce\iole of rest room.s with .«mote. No one was injured. Jack Wil.son. chief of the Roanoke Isl:ind Fire DepaJd- ment. and John R',l)erson. school • princip.al, c.stimeted total d:im- age. at .amund $*^110. Wit.son said the fwe occurred as Fmnk Hemilwr-ght, school custodian, was gassing up the (nictor ju-epanitor.v to mowing the gra.ss. A I’-actor tire and consi'’erahlc wiring wore do st r.ovcl. The storage maintennjic" room was ena'f-d with smoke and some wiring was damaged, Wilson said. The smoke spread to two restrooms and a bonk room to such an extent that washing end p.ainting will be necc'.sttrv, V/il- Kon and .Roberson agreed. Roberson six rooms bous ing the .‘event h and eighth grades were evacuated. He said the smolte vvn« cleared out of the rooms quickly and that the students lost not more than 30 to -tS minutcB of school. WILL THE SEA SET IT? ••'..“if, .js‘ V r.rd ‘ :K'.m ■■ft ~ -.V‘t '1^1'. >>'• r,. .V’*,"' * •, •'..I' f •r "I MOOSE CHARTER ASSURED WITH 102 APPLICANTS Dare Moose Lodge To Be In- sfituled Nov. 3 at Manteo High Auditorium RED CROSS GETS GIFTS FOR SERVICEMEN IN VIETNAM iill f dt I .'Is LIONS START CALENDAR SALE, WHITE CANE DRIVE The annual White Cano drive sponisoretl by the Manteo Lions Club ;W-ill Itcgin Friday, October 4, when the M.inteo club will have a float in the High School homecoming parade. Desmond Rogers is once again chairman of the drive anti he urges citi zens to give ..generously to thi.s tt',orth.v.»‘caase,‘- which -h'elp.s aid thd.se handicapped by blindncs.s. Kirlhday. Calendar The Manteo. Lions. Club has its 19C!) biithday calendar sale underway. The club expects to tcmiinate the birthday calendar sale by Oct. 1,5 so that they • See LIONS, Page Tpo JR COPS WILL WATII CAR' HERE SATURDAY- The junior police, organized by Chief Ken Whittington as school patrol officers, wdll con duct a onc-dav car washing scm'ice beginning at 8 a.m. Satuixiay, Oct. 5. The car wash operations will be at the Gulf service station in downtown Manteo. Whittington said any profits realized would be u.sed to pro vide -safety patrol bolts for the junior cops. Each car wash will cost $1. A vacuum job will be two-bits. A CURRENT OCEANSIDE VIEW of the Cape H:tttera.s Light house, lalle.‘t .sea lookout on the North American continent, sliows the venerable .structure apparently in danger of toppling into tho .Atlantic after series of .stoims which tore away literally millinn.s of tons of .sand once packed into protective dunes. Actually, tlio big lighthouse is about 200 feet from the point of ero.sion. The timbers and platform shown in disarr.ay W030 part nf the steps and ramp which formed the lookout area between the lightliouse and the beach. “The lighthous it.=elf is under — no immediate Ihrc.at," said Kitt- ridgo A. Wing, .superintendent of the Cape Hattcras Natioiud.Saa- .slvu'o. "Rut it could be under the impact of a few more storm.s.” Wing.said ho “would not like to' predict wii.at it' would look like by this time nc.\t year un less .something is done.” Congres.s turned down the In terior Depaitnionl’s plea for money to u.sc in turning the oce.'tn away from ■ a destfuctive (•ounsb he.oring ilirectly on the Gape Hatter.ns Ligiithou.se. The department’s National Park Service asked for emergency funds and also asked for fund.s to he included in the fiscal l!)fi9 budget. Wing saiil he has “no lirect I'dvidenco at the moment that Cor.gre.s.s will appropriate any money for repair” of the rav aged .shoreline in front of the lighthou.se. He .said he was “sure that many interested per.sons will tell arid keep telling Con gress yf the need for funds foi repair ” . The cost of the Vietnam war, the povely program, and vari- OU.S giveways apparently have taken such a .strong toll of the national pockethook that funds are lacking for the preser\'at.ion of this important area of the country. Wing said there had been some "very trouhlo.syine” sum mer storms. He referred to them collectively as "a sustained northeaster” He said every northeast wind “takes away of the dune—erodes the .sand.” “1 wonder what the winter storms will do," he said. Wng voted a note of opti mism. He .said a view of tho eroded area early Uiis week showed at low tide a great ac cretion of .sand along tho Su.\- ton beach immediately in front of the liglithou.=e ai-ea. “Tliere was a vciy ragged iiCJitli front, containing great quantities of sand,” Wing said. ■ 1 lie sand was not there last weelt. "Perhaps a corner has, been turned, and the lioach and dune will begin a buildup.” Wing would not say this was nature's way of compensating for the erosion l>ut added, "1 hope it means something.” Wing said the Navy had con tributed a . large quantity of sandbags for the area immed iately in front of the naval in- .stnll.ation. He said the Coast Guard also had contributed mon ey to help protect the LORAN station immediately south of the iightnousc. He .said this pro tection was needed because of xpected winter gales. Wing .said he would present an emergency plan in general .erms to the Cape Hatteras Sea shore Advisory Committee at its Oct. 1C meeting. He said it would not be specific, but in general tenns would call for cooperation of various agencies in a mobilization effort to com bat a disaster. He predicted help from the Navy, the Coast Guard, the State Highway De partment, the county board, and various agencies that deal with disasters. See EROSION, Page Two Moo.so D) ivc for charter in Dare Countv excodc-i minimum quota for chartei: with 102 au- plicants. Lodge will lie insti tuted ou November 3, at the Manteo Ilivh School auditorium at 2 p.m. Sunday. .A booster nipellng of the Loyal Older of Moose charier drive wns hold at the Cnrolinian hotel Oct. 1. .lo.s.so .1. Price, membership director, announced that the minimum quota had been met hut reminded all jne- ■sent that there is no inaximum. He urged aupliccnts to continue to .secure other applicants, as it would mean more in the fund to secure permanent quartei-s for tho lodge, home. Price also announced that the reason for the delay in institut ing the local lodge was due to the unavailability of the de sired Degree Staff and Drill Te.am in October, that of the Greenville, lodge No. 885 which will be in AInntco, for the in stitution of tlie Dare County lodge on Nov. 3. It i.s expected that tho approximately .50 per sons from various N. G, lotlgcs will bo on hand. Price ran an l8-tnimite movie on Moosclieart and MoosipJiaven, which includeil .some of the ac tivities of the residents of each. Tt was also announced that an other film had been ordered and would be shown upon anival. A dance committee was ap pointed to determine if a suit able hand and location could he secured for a Moose Roostoj' dance to he held on October 19. The committee is comjKi.seil of Doug Thur.ston, chairman, Lar- i-y G. Grubbs, Walter R. Gray. ;md Ellis M. Ransom, Avon. A decision from the committee is exiiocteil Oct. 8. The following men have been succettfCid in securing .enough a.i»plicant.s ' to i-eceive awui'ils which will be jire-sentod as soon as they arrive; Tom McKini- mey, 20 applicants; Hairy Grif fith, 13 ap])licant.s; G. H. Raker, 10; I,ai'iY G, Grubbs, C; Roland Manseau, C; Wesley Turnago, 4; Tom Rhodo.s, 3; En'in Ral- See .MOOSE, Pago Two >11 t^l 1^'* K r-e ■_ IP-"'":. -rgsC'tii THE RED CROSS DirPY HAG PROGRAM gets a boo.st from arc (1 to r) Joseph Hume, Red Cross representative, receiving and Roland Manseau gift.s for ditty bags to be distributed at Clir men through Iiospitals. the Manteo RoUiry Club. Here from Rotarians De.nnis Snow i.stmas time to Vietnam sen’ice- OCTOBER 10-12 THIRTY-TWO TEAMS EXPECTED FOR I8TH NAGS HEAD TOURNAMENT NAGS HEAD—T h i r t y-two teams ropvc.sonting fishing clubs of man.v eastern state.s are e.\- pected for tho 18th annual Nags Head Surf Fishing Touiiiameut sclioduled for Octolier 10-12, it was announced today l»y Charles Bailey, secretary-treasurer of the' sponsoring Nags Head Surf Fishing Club. Returning to con-qicte in the classic again this year will he the Brunswick (N. .1.) Surf Fishing team which v.'on- top honort last .vear;"'. Other winning teams of 1967, the Altiomarle Anglers of Eliz abeth City, Cape HaUei-as An glers Club, Buxton,'the Women's Surf Fishing Club of. New, Jer sey and,the Elizabeth City She Devil.s will .also he back again for .the, te.im comiielilion which RODANTHE RESIDENT BECOMES A COVER GIRL will be held on Thur.siay and Friday. Individual competition will mark the thirtl and final day of the tournament. Nags Head Surf Fi.shing Club President Ted Wood has stated that many trophies and prizes will be awarded team and indi vidual winners. These trophies will be on display in the lobby of the Carolinian prior to and during the touinament, where .again will be headquarters for the annual touroament. It will ba.iifitiet' will be on Saturday be there that the coloiTuI awards night, October 12. ,'-'4 iitPv m S-iiSf BETTE GRAY who with her husband Rudy operate Hattcras Island Motel and Fishing Pier at Rodanthe, is shown in this photo with two o f the channel boss caught from ^ pier recently. Another full color photo of'Mrs. Gray in a setting of sea oats appears on the front cover of the current October issue of Southern Living Sfagazinc. The cover photo was made last fall by Bruce Roberts of Charlotte, one of America’s distinguished magazine photographers. Aycock Brown of the Tourist Bureau who made the above photo, made airangemcnts with Bette Gray to do some ^professional m'odcling for Mr7 Roberts, wh cn he stated that he wanted a typical and attrac tive Outer Banker for a seriea of pictures he would shoot. ■ • • , „ > C ' .. . T , . • ' i'-'-'’.' -'i ’ ■'"■-’•1.1,’^ CHAMBER'S FUND DRIVE CONTINUES $8419 COLLECTED Through Werlne.cday, a total of $8,410.50 had been .sent vol untarily to the Greater Nags Head Chamber of Commerce in member.ship fees for 1969 year. Elsewhere in today’s is.me those membei-s are listed. In .action early this week, the iKiard of directors decided to make canvass of the potential menilierships who have not yet jotneti, in effort to accompli.sli the fund drive without extending heyond October 15. Last year approximately $16,000 w a s niised, more than tliree times as much a.s in any prior yeai’. Tlirougli tho increased i'**v- enues, the chamlier was able to increa.se it.s .services, and in augurated a limited newspaper adverti.sing program \v h i c h brought in a suhstancial numljor of inquiries. FORMER MANTEO STUDENT HAS ATTENDANCE RECORD MAPMAKER FIRED BY DARE COUNTY; JOB INCOMPLETE Wayne Walters Dismissed After Sixteen Months on Job; Bonding Company Called SPENDING SENDS DARE GENERAL FUND TO MINUS BALANCE UST MONTH The report presented last month to Dare Count v Board of Con’mi.ssioners indicates a minus halnnee in the general fund of $1-.548 01 for the period ending August .31. In Julv, tot.il deposits Idas previous balance totalel *41.700 0.3; disbursements were $26.450.5>: in August de posits nhis previous balance to taled $31J>81.7.5. while disburse ments were $3.3 129.76, leaving the minus balance, according to report submitted by John 11. Long, county accountant. The foregoing occurred, of course, during the period when collections of taxes were at low level, prior to much income on the new levy. Such a happening, however, i.s frowned upon by professional accoimtants and businessmen. .We would sugge.st that the county commissioners clamp down on spending. GARY WISE, former Slantco .stiuient, and .n. 1908 graduate of Cumberland, Va., High School, completetl 11 yc.ars of school without mi.s.sing a, day. He mi.sscti two days in the first grade, but after that maintained a perfect attend.mce recoixl. Ho has entered Virginia Poly technic Institute, Blacksburg, Va., where he is studving busi- ne.-.« administration. Ills hreth- er, Rodney, also artend.s VPI, majoring in chemie.al engineer ing. Gary, .con of ^lr.«. Edna Wise and the late E. C. AVi.ee of Stumuy Point, attended gradec one through three .n .St\inipv Point, grades four and five in .Manteo, moving to Cumberland, A’a., after tho tleath of hi.s father. Dare County’s nui|)mokin'T program for use in the la.x of fice has come to a grinding ha't amid something of a con troversy. AVaynt! Walters, em ployed as cai'tographer for the past 16 inonth.s. ha.c been fired by the hoard of commissioners, ■soitio threi’ months after con tract teiTn.s for comuletion of work throughout the county wa.s di'afted. Gencrirllv, the hoard has chai'grHl that WLilters wns not conqil.ving with teims agretyl u|>on for comuletion of the work, yet the, instrement exe cuted as a contract in Juno failed to c,'ill for specific com- nletioii of any involved aroa.s nrior to .September 30, 1968. AA’aliei-s w:is di.‘s'hai'gc-d on Sept. 17. The mapmnking nrogram has been orf and on for some six vears. The late Alai. .1. L. Aluiuhv of Kill De.rtI Hills was commirsioned by tho Dare hom'd to map the entire county but died befoi'e completion. Law- i-enco L. .Swain, fonner I)onni chs'irman. a-ssiimed re.sponsibiU- tics for the maumaking projret but when ho left the, commis sioner’s post, in Dec. 19GC he quit, mapmaking too. AA’altcrs was, cmploved in the spring of 1967 at which time a rminbor of competent cn- gineoring finns submitted b'ds, hut nil were rejected on the hnris of cost. Wallers employ ment wa>‘ a’ the rale of $30 ner d.ny plus S2 50 for exnense.s. Fov several week.s during the sum mer of 1967. another mapmak- er, E. G. Dickinson, wa.s em- plovoil at $30 per day. Despite the fact that con tracts and performance sehed- ■ules were t:'lt*r6 nt manv ^imos. See WALTERS, Page Two CANCER DRIVE NOW UNDERWAY IN DARE COUNTY PARADE KICKS OFF HOMECOMING EVENT FRIDAY AFTERNOON Manteo High School homecom ing parade will l>°gin today, at 4:.30 p.m. Led b.v the Jfanteo Police Department, it will begin at the high school, come down County .Street, around the couit- hou.se and back no Highway Street, ending at tho school. .Slkmsored by . the student council, parade parficipants in clude the MHS band, homecom ing queens and their e.scorts. cLoss floats of grades 7-12 and a Lions Club unit. 3’lierc are po«. sibly other units entering, hut not confiraied at pi'Css time. .fudging of the floats, made by grades 9-12, will be during the parade with the winner to be announced at the dance after the Mantco-Kna)ip game. All floats may he viewed during the game. 1’cre.sa Dnniel.s, 1968 queen will crown thi.s year’s oiiccn dur ing game half time. Candidnte" are Celia Evans, Judy Phe1o.s, Debbie Twiford. Dawn Evans. Roxie Farrow and Annette John son. KIWANIS* SCHOLARSHIP DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT For the henePit of a scholar- shin fund. Outer Banks Kiwnn- iana are sponsoring a dance this week end at the John Yancey, Kin Devil Hills, in the Tint Flight Room. Ticketa are avail able at $2.50 per person for the affair which will be from 9 ’til 1. lliufe 'Will be provided by the Okk Jbrte trio. HOMECOMING SUNDAY Preparations arc g'oing for ward for a big homecoming day Sunday. October 6. at Grace Methodist Church in Duck. Sun day School will begin at-10 a. m. Church service will be at 11, and a picnic dinner on the grounds will follow the services. All former members of the church and friends are invited to attend and bring pienk baskets. 'll If The 1968 Cancer Cin.sade for Dare County .got off to a good -stait with a luncheon fov -all Ciii=ad('rs at the, home of Mrs. Neviii Wescott oti October 1. Mra. H. O. nridges. local unit ure'-'ident, gave the gronn some highlights from the •nast hisfcoi'y of the local unit and intr'Kluced AIs's. Ruth Potei-son. field con- Bidt-'int. who suggestetl th.at Cini.sadcra tr>’ to'get people to become informed about ‘tho facts concerning ermcev, pai'- ticiil.'irly .about tho s o v n ^ danger signal.s. “Eighteen lives. were lost in Dare County from cancer in 1967,” Mrs. Potevson said. “.-At least one half of these couhl have been .saved if they hail pei-iodic checkuiJS. Of the money contrilniteil, 40% .stays in Dare County for • sei'\’)ce.s to cancer ))atieints. Tlu'se serrice.s may take the fonn of financial help with transportation, drugs, dre.ssing.s , and other items; 33% goes to research, 7% to the national foundation .md 20% to the state division. Tho.'-'e Present in :ul(lit''Ofi to j All's. Bridges anil Airs. Petereon i were Airs. Hughes I'illcU. Jr., Airs. Tony TilleiU All's. AlyrGe Burgess, Airs. Thurston .Mid get*., Airs. Sp.Hn,a AHdgctt, Mrs. Raymond Wercott, Sr., Aliss Lavoni:i Burcoss. Dennis Alid- eett. Airs. John Ganison. Airs. - Edward Etheridge. Mrs. George Creef and Airs, jehn Fox, The Cni'--ade will run until October 12 and there will be an evaluation meeting of all crusader's at a date to be an nounced later. More AA'orkers Enlisted Community chairmen for each community e.xccpt two have now been sccurml and will begin knocking on doors for contri butions right away. In addition to those li^ed ’ la.st week, Dwight \Vhclcs.s, Crusade chairman, announcc.s the following: Duck. Mr. Elmo Whitson: Kitty -Hawk, Mrs. » IRadford Tillctt; Colingtoh, Mrs, Larry Parker; Kill Deyil. Hills, ' Mrs. Esther Bories; Stumpy Point, Airs. M.vrtlc Burgess, Mrs. Thurston Midgett, .Mrs. . Wanda Be.st. Hattcras Island — Chaimttn, ■ Airs, Nellie Farrow; Rodanthe, •' Mrs. Ethd O’Neal; Waves, '5Its. Alethia Mcekins; ' Salvo, ■'Mr3.,‘4§ Mae Fulcher; Avon, Mrs.'Mary^ | Gray; Buxton, Mrs. Boyd Gray; “ Frisco, Mrs. Lois Rollinson; Hattcras, Mrs. Irma Austin, . Manteo residential — Miss Lavonia Burgess, Kennalh Mann. -----