HYDE COUNTY HERALD ^*^^Hoes creek op a permits increase Has 17 FOLKS IN slaughtering IN SEVEN HOMES I PermiisiEion 'to slaughter 10 per Ma=hoes cattle, sheep, am d’ambs during acooumting periods begin- iwas om'ce a “ ■'t5 .'^°'hiniunity 'O'f ''' Hare County Ti j " ■ ning an o rafter July 1, was M Ithad'am-^staotve - ^on^federally inspected ^^jnd ehool amd was the .slaughterers to ob- , tain a better balance in meat dis- Kto getting a road ^ Qp^ District Director : the place almos-t wreck" L tn lae 'Doc* Treats A Patient j MIDDLETOWN MAN TO i HEAD CROP INSURANCE Order to puirs'U'e the ad- O'f mo'dern living, sev- ^ minest families moved Theodore S. Jahnsom explained today. This Wm 1 increa'se brings , Cia'ss 2 JM - .began to lO'ak as if siaughterers’ maximum percent-^ Would have to leave this ages up from 75 per cent to 8o per j t.’'®‘8h'bo'rhood ce.nt for cattle, with Sheep and, r‘«boi,i • lambs raised ifrom the former 100 years ago h gjaugb-j r^S«'tt V V." d^ ’ *er pe'rce.ntages fo'r calves and fa road'b^bum into Ma'- hogs are 50 Manns Harbor. Other remaining at 75 per cent and .their voices too, but i P^r cent respectively. C*’’ time when defeat star- | Johnson also gave the reason > ih the face, it was Capt. for OP'A’s recent .extension of ^ Who 'kept the battle go- the June 3 Odegdiine for regis- C^arly every momth he tration of farm siaughteners. ^ w^ore the Dare Commis-' ‘Many farmers 'Slaughter on.y Cl To his many friends in the' late Fall, he said, and con- r'^'it the State he made ap- sequently were unprepared to I make early appiication. The new T.iy . . deadline, Johnson pointed out, is K 5?I S £‘*er .14;,.d ai: farmea. ,.ho fa ’ cinH men from intentd to slaughter meat am- * f«„, L,„d E,at Lake to Z,TL S rk ■w.ould stop for a long that date. .' again Capt. Midgett I ft-o; i MM ^ wgaiii. o I k'“me .fort hto do battle, a- ^ R., KNIGHT DIES ON a .sick bed ‘no'w and poANOKE ID. WEDNESDAY .^.h Was oiften, said O'f him ' f^itig fo.r this road was j ]y[rs, Leah Meekins Kmight, 57, ii'^ him .alive, .and that he' p, Knight o.£ Mianteo, Soon after it was fin- foi’.owing la long illness Wed- ' a i nesday at her hom-e. She was the )’ "“apt. Midgett did live to daughter of the late C. P. and j',!'®ad opening celebrated Winnie Meekins of Manteo, fish fry right in ifro'nt .g time mem'ber 'of the % --o—- a'liu a lu.iis toao,- "=, and heard many .peo- pganoke Islaind 'Baptist Church from far 'and 'near, and gggibes her husband, she i ssur- prvi,„- praising him for .^j^g^j by four children: Williard — - viveu i'uiAi Work, .and he died hap- of west Palm Beiaoh, Flor- Jul'ian 'E. Maun, Jr., natiye of Middletown, who has held the position of extenisioin economist at State 'College, .has been ap pointed ‘State Director for Federal Crop Insurance Company. Mann is ;a graduate of the Uni versity of North Carolina iwhere he received his B. iS. degree in comm'erce, majoring in insurance in 1926. Prom State College he received an M. S. degree in Agri cultural Economios in 1930. Mr. Mann is well kn.o'wn in Hyde Co'unty Where he has la wide circle of friends and relatives. He is the 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian E. Mann of .Middletown, who now reside in Raleigh. ENGELHARD SEES IMPROVEMENTS BEING MADE Navy Pharmacist’s Mate Second Class Loren Douglas of Princeton, Ind., is shown treating his favorite patient, injured slightly during the pre-invasion bombardment of Okinawa. The young lad in the foreground is being treated by the Japanese equivalent of a Girl Scout. Navy corpsmen are perfofming medical services usually rendered only by registered physicians in the U. S. because of the large number of Okinawans injured or suffering from illness, ag gravated by long periods of cave dwelling. (U. S. Marine Corps Photo) DAUGHTERS OF WESLEY MEET MONDAY NIGHT Miss Natalie Gould Speaks About Her Experiences As Red Cross Worker in Europe IS the widow of Capt. w-ere 'ivvcivni loss soi vcu cey Mekinis, Victor Meekins, Hugh I Tjjg j^g^t meeting will 'be held ' ayno, widow of Worth g.^^night, Norfleet Cuthrell and August 13, at the home of Mrs. Carson .Creeif. Hymns were sung that all his neigh- ' -^3'° Charles Knight of Stumpy “^'aken ca're of-SO'iar as point, Mrs. Purdy Flowers and L and that Mash'oes Creek Miss ’Louise KiHfit of Manteo; Sain build up. He died following iWiothers and - sis- ®nd j.ust a few weeks ,j^,Qia.n‘d Maekins a'nd Mrs. .j '^'bful wife pa'ssed away. ^ Twiiford 'of ‘Norfo'lk; Carl leave two great gap'S Meekins, Mrs. 'C. 'C. Janes, and ijjj, "I® sttlement. I Mrs. Gladys* Brantley of Manteo (j,m«re are only seven oc- gjjjj -g^ Meekins of Panama'. ^®mes on Masboes, and mother, Mrs. 'Winnie Meek- ^^^Pulation is 17 pe^^rie- M .Manteo. houses 'are 'Of eider-, p.yneral services were conduct- for the present living Thursday, July llth, in the is Mrs. Martha cemetery by Dr. G. A. November, ‘the O'ld- family pastor, 'assisted by J h in .Dare Conniy living .Charlton of the Man- doing her own house- 7_ 1. td-i'.kqo,.-. Sb teo Methodist 'Church. 'PaH'bea.r- ers were Melvin Daniels, Chaun Miss Natalie Gould, recently returned Red Cross Vvorker, was guest speaker Monday night, July 9, at the regular meeting of the Daughters of Wesley of Ma'n- ;eo Methodist church, which was held at the home of Mrs. C. S. Meekins. ^he was presented by the program chairman, Mrs. J. O. Basnight, who had arranged a patriotic program for the occas ion. Mrs. D. E. Evans, president, called the meeting to order, and after a short 'business sessiO'n the program proceeded as fallows: ■"Start Spangled Banner,” sung by group; Scripture reading and 'pnayer, Mrs. Caleb Brickhouse; "God 'Bless Our Native Land, ’ by group; poem "A Patriotic Wish,” .Mrs. Nevin Wescott; talk by Miss Could on ‘her experiences as a Red Cross worker in the European theatre of war; poem, "A Benediction To Am'erica,” writte'n 'by Miss Eflfie Westcott, read by Mrs. Lucetta Willis; "God Bless America,” by grO'Up. During the social hour the hos tess served pie and iced drinks. Eng'elha'rd is seeing improve- mients 'being made thiese days and hears that some construction work is tO' 'begin soon O'n two new buildings. Boosters of the town see this as an indication of con tinuing growth which they say is „ bound to come tO' Engelhard. TOM SPENCER HEADS Gilbert Gibbs Ifts made a great ENGELHARD ROTARY deal of improvements to the large ^ store buiding which was built by his late father. Gloss Gibbs. He has completed the annex tsarted some years lagO', making it one of the 'best 'store buildings in Engel- Officers Installed At Meeting In Watson Hotel Thursday Evening Tbos. E. 'Spencer, editor of the Hyde County Herald, W'S'S install ed as the new president of the Engelhard Rotary Club at the weekly dinner meeting at the Watson Hotel in'Engelhard Thurs day evening. Mr. Spencer suc ceeds J. M. Long. Other officers installed were A. G. Silverthorne, 'vice president and N. W. Shelton, secretary- treasurer, both for their second 'terms, and R. S. .Spencer as .ser geant-at-arms. Mr. Spencer announced the fol lowing committee lappointm'en'ts to assist him in administering club affairs: CO'mmunity service. Dr. J. W. Miller, chairmian, J. M. Long and .p. D. Midgette; atten dance, , Frank iGibbs, chairman, D. L. Berry and A. G. Silver- bard. He is cons.tructing a new porch roof to run the full length of the store and plans to lay a concrete wa'k the length of the building. iS. S. Neal is' planning to 'con struct 'an oyster shucking house on the waterfront 'before the oys ter season opens in the fall. His business will afford Engelhard oystermen a sure market and .pro vide jobs for shuckers. Ano.tiher co'nstruction job -that will be started as 'Soon as possible is a cotton gin planned by R. L. Gibbs & Comjpany, progressive seed, feed 'and produce dealers. Some, residential deve’-O'pmen't is also expected as soon as building restrictions are lifted. ■Prospects that the federal gov- ernm'ent will deepen Far Creek ' into her 70’s living for .her faithful t for her faithful Midgett of Manteo, and IVIrs. Maude Basjmght of several persons. '®^^se.nt time housekeeping ij her son .Fred takes. Parties 'at 'OregO'n In-; lx. MAYNARD JOHNSON %'e: four .homes 'are those j WITH NAVY IN HAWAII August 13, at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Swain. MASHOES WOMAN PROUD OF AWARD TO SON [.^•'Midgett, Mr. and Mrs. j Lieut. Maynard S. Johnson,', and Sam C. Basnight uSNR, of New Holland, is now ^ Twiford. Five miles 3,ej.vin'g at the U- 'S. Naval Air 1 at .the lonely Du.ra'nt station, Puunene, -Maui, Haiwaiian Capt. J. S. Rhodes islands—one of the Navy’s key y This, he keeps for 3,1^ installation's in the Central “f Rocky Mount 'business pacific. IHis wife, Mirs. Arlene t. ■ Johnson, and daughters, Ruth, , ® dozen years ago, the'pig.anor and Caroline, live in New ^ashoes was a flourish- H'O’lland. ^'■fh many fishing cr^ws ‘ .Lieutenant Jo'bnson attended 'i^^Wn on the creek ^.^ig-s College -and the University nh. the busy season, Illinois, where he received the from Manns Harbor, degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ll ‘Roano'ke Island, gg was employed by ^Unty and elsewhere. Department of the Interior, Fish motor boats and good ^nd Wildlife Service. He e'ntsr- “fher places have fast gd the Navy in January, 1944, and picture Oapt. Mid- was stationed at Midway Isl^d road completed. j prior to transfer to Hawaii. His f today is still an inter-brother. Major Stuart M. John- . and. time for apart ^on, is senving with tl^ ^my Sig- \®®ind,y 000k beaich may aai .Oorps in the PhillipineB. ipopuiar a® ® | •- Maantiine. ite eVALENA THXE’Tr o ® » happy, eonibeid life, M"*- WANCHESE Ithe part of good | They are mak ing an; Mrs. W. H. 'Mann of Mashoes takes pride in the heroic record of her so'n Max, 'who was the so'U of her former marriage to G-eo. W. .Mann. 'Max F. Mann, 29, who is also a brother of Earl Mann of Manteo, was awarded the bronze star for gallantry in the village of Speyer, Germany, by Major General 'Willard G. Wyman, com- m'an'ding general of the 71st in fantry division. His citation reads: "'For heroic aobievemient in action against the enemy on the night of Mlar.ch 26th in the vicinity, Pfc. .Mann volunteered u. ij. Deny au'u n. . .4 thorne; membership 'and clissifi- to 12 feet also is en'Courpn| to cation L A Dudley, chairm.an-, | Engelhard business peopto, rrx/Ti) R S ’Spe.ncer .and J. H Jarvis; gressm'an Herbert Bonner is seek- youth servioe, J. M. Worrell, ing to he;.p 'them in this matter, chairman, D'aUas Cuthrell and N > W. Shelton. j e^re RATION BOARD The new president ann'-.ii^^j'ced. xO OBSERVE NEW HOURS that he would expect members to! be responsib'.e fo^r programs as! xhe Dare County ration board follows: D. L. Berry and J. M. observe 'new hours, begin- Worrell, July 'and Jainuia'ry; J. H. jjfog July 15, according to a state- Jarvis and Frank Gibbs, August issued this week by ohair- and Fe'bruary; A. G. Silverthoirne ■ - _ - , _ andJ . M. Long, September and March; R. S. .Spencer and L. A. Dudley, October and April; N. W, Shelton and Dallas Cuthrell, No- vemiber and May; hind P. D. Mid gette and J. W. Miller, December and June. • Cotto niwill get keen competi tion from synthetic fibers after th'e war. Join the one-variety program to keep seed stocks pure and produce only uniform, high- quaiity co'tton. man J. E. Ferebee. Instead of ba'ng open all day every day, as heretofore, ‘the of fice will close to the 'public at three o’clock every afternoon from Monday through Thursday, and on Friday and Saturday the office will close to the public at one o’clock. This is m^ade .necessary by the increased work load Of the office personnel. Up to this time the HOPE TO IMPROVE THE board has made an .effort tO' keep' the office open longer hours, be cause of the difficulty of 'people from icertain sections of the coun GRAHAM’S mi GIVES HOPES FOR ROADS SOON TO AID HATTERAS FOLK Highway Chairman Visits Most Neglected Place in All North Carolina, and Is Reported Impressed With Needs; Community Roads As A Beginning Considered Likely if Attempt Is Made urkvrxTizi? rkiw TO ’ Highway Commissioner Chair- BONNER ON TRIP TO ^ Graham came this wee'k J PACIFIC _WAR ZONE Hatteras, bringing 'with .him his Cbief Engineer Vance Daise. He came and saw the place la all'Nort h Carolina most negected by the State Highway Commis sion, 'and its engineers in the 25 years before him; the 'place in ‘which for 25 years the rule has been to avoid doing anything helpful. No doubt 'he was amaz ed a.nd disgusted 'at what he saw, but without saying much, he im pressed the peo,pie favorably, 'and left the impression that Bom.ething must be done. Melvin R. Daniels, Governor Cherry’s camipaign manager in Dare, who accompanied the party 'to Ha'tteras, was delighted at the first at Mr. Graham, who came to Dare County at the special re quest’ of Highway Commissioner Merril Evans, newly on the Board and tong 'popular 'with Dare REPRESENTATIVE HERBERT County people. Mr. Evans and C. BONNER will depart Monday Graharn and Mr. Baise bad from W'ashington by plane on a inten-ded coming along togfher :our of .the Pacific War area.^is- ^nd paying a quiet visit but the iting as chairman of the Coast ^ord leaked out 'and Engineer Guard S'Ub-committee of the J- C- Gardner of Tarboro follow- Ho'use of Merchant Marine, -the ed along anyhow, probably to try following places: Pearl Harbor, to explain to Mr Graham why .-Vus'trelia, Saipan, Philiipines and a*id done so little for .those Okinawa. He wifi accompany the tong suffering peop.e in ' e pa House Naval Affairs sub-corn- 25 years. He brought 'along so.me mi'ttee. Mr. Bonner’s committee of his underlings to help .him ex- deals with 'affairs Velating-So the Pt®™- Coast Guard. Om this tour, he Maybe they didn’t help him ex will have 'an opportunity to mee't plain but something gdt written many Coast Guard hoys from the into the 'Dally Advance to help First District, to observe the throw cold 'water on the project, great work the Coast Guard has intimating fhat had .a road been done in .the war. 1 butt, the recent storm would have wiped O'Ut $100,000 worth of road. MARINES ENLISTING MORE , What of .it; a road sunk at the 17-YEAR-OLD YOUNG MEN front door of Efizabeth City with- I out the help of a storm, and the During the mon'th of July a lim- State is spending a millio'n dol- ited number of il7 year od young ®rs to .replace it. Folks of Ha-t- men will 'be enlisted in the U. S. feras Island are net forgetting 'Marine Corps, it -was announced that. Moreover, had a ro'ad been ■by Major John M. Grear, recruit- built, it A quite likely it wouldn’t iug officer for this state. .have washed aWay at all. Hut Young men 'who have not yet nothing seems to deter the cold attained the age of 18 years and water process for some seem scar- w'ho have an eighth grade educa-1 death at the prospect 'Of t’.on should write or appafy to the money being spent hefe. *’ Marine recruiting office, post of-' Anyway, those who had an op- fice 'building, iRaleigh, N. C., for portunity to meet ,Mr. Graham, application blanks. -Such young' Mr. Evans and Mr. Daise, were men as apply should provide agreeably impressed with the vis- themselves with birth certificates it. They were escorted along the and parents’ consent form. , Banks by Cammissioner John Accepted applicants will be sent Meekins of Rodanthe, and fed at to Parris Island, S. C., for recruit the Cape Hatteras Coast Guard training and will be given six Station by Lieut. Bernice Bal- momlhs training before 'being sent lance. overseas. HARBOR AT ENGELHARD Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner has secured the passage of a resolution by the iGommittee o'n Dealers and manufacturers no' ty in getting 'to Manteo, but the , vicinity, 'Pfc. 'Mann volunteered will be required to obtain; work has increa'sed to -such a | Rivers and Harbors of the House for a patrol Which crossed the spegfoi .application form's from point that this move to close to gf Representatives, directing the Rhine river to fire a barge known j before makmg deliveries the public in the afternoons has B-oard of Engineers for Rivers .to have a 'm'achine gun .position.: ‘ I become necessary. Despite 'the fact that on -a previous, — y ^ ; night a'nother .patrol received se.v- « i-aL, services for Mrs. Eve- at Wanchese Frid.ay mdrnmg, fol- j lowing a long illnes.s, were con- , ] ducted at the ho-me Saturday a£- IIvT^Wn revival to ternoon at three o^ ® Monday, JULY 23RD Vance Lewis, pastotr of the Wan- ' chese Methodist church, of which meeting will begin Mis. Tillett was a rn'ernber. A..- Jbddletown Ohristian listing Mr. Lewis were Rev 'Mio-nday .night, July Lawrence of Edenton and e • Hev. Q Honderson, Loyd Pierce of the W'anch evangelist, will do Holiness 'church. Bu.ial wa» m ■ by 'fbe pas- the family plot. eral casualties on a similar mis-j sion, Pfc. ^ann successfully com pleted the missioin without regard to 'persona se'fety. The bravery and teamwork displayed by Pfc. Mamn was pafftioularly outstand ing.’' Pfc. Mamn ntairted Miss Bea trice Midgett, who is 'now living at Ma'nteo, with her parents, Mr. ond Mrs. Ellsworth Midgett. He went to school at Maimteo High, and before go;;;'g into . . -c a—-.i custodial officer for Dls'trlct of iColumlbia pC'U'ul In.jt.ilul'.o.ns at Lot ton, Va. Ho went overseas in January, 1945, after having ‘been ;!i t’lv Army cl "lit moidhs. 11, , ■ J. T. Brown. The m. R. Daniels, C. 'S. Meekins, to tovitod to attend and C^O'Wder Da-ris, Dallas Tiuett, t ti,and fellowship Ralph Tillett and Dick TiLatt. iO^Ung. I out.-of-town peep:-- att.cndmg k 1 the funora.l included sl.-. and Mrs. i ' ’ Ttoto . i _ • \V i'.iia'r'^.' ‘ IV ... Lv,,..cc ' El izAur^ '1 i ■Born to Mr. )-ivr or Eliv^r .4. Wilton a da'i-gh- 5. The m a'rd Har'bors to make a S'Urvey and report on Far Cre'ek, North Cprolina, ‘with a view to deter mining if it is advisable to mod ify' the existing project at 'thie 12 foot depth. ■Mr. Graham left a feeing of hope .among the people 'that some- thi'ng would be done. He didn’t ra-shly promise a road the whole 60 miles to Ha'tteras, bu.t did iieave the impressionthat a serio us attempt would be made to build a de'penda'ble road where needed first, and that is from village to village, 'Which in time to 'Come m'usit certainly evolve into a complete system. Mr. Evans is looked upon 'as an old neighbor 'and . friend who knows the nee'ds of the people, and' Mr. Grcdiam foeiing new on the Commisisiioin ibut aairly tefeing proseait time to a ri noon oeouu, ^ •" “ ■Which wiuldconifoim to Dhe-'depth mt&refit m the phght clf -phe ... . « , , eKizen*. has won their tsmoA wlB of itse 'InSBind. WaterwB'y, Mr. 'Bcannefl- eteked he wtwAd n'lake every posedBale emfort to get a fatvoneiale repeat. BELOVED BUXTON WOMAN DIES .YFTER IvONG ILLNESS .Mrs. Cyrus 'H. Gray, 70, of Bux ton, Da.re ‘County, died July 10 i'.'.'inwiin'g'a long illness. She was •3 betoved chizen of Cape H'atter- J a native of Avon, N. C., the .h'rr o'f the 'latc J'ames I. and Alary Z. Quidley. Funeral 'ser vices were condu'cted July 11 by Rev. E. .R. Meekins Oif Hatterais. iShe is survi'ved by the follow- ing children: Mr.s. R. C. G'l'ay, of ■':. ■ av. Ark., C. .R. Gray cf Eliza- ■' ■ I'n City, .M.r.s. M. P. 'Wright o-t ,i n Branch, ahd a sister, Mrs. . M. Miller of Buxton. cltizea*, hae won their goc|l will already. They belteve the 'sttua- tiom wall be remedied iif .tihe ej>- gtaiaerirag haaid'icaps can be overv comie. ’Thesse hiandicaps aine SD miBofc geographies'’., m'eralMiy they are not local, but in the minds of people who for 25 yaars •have (been unable to see anyxhong i to do. PiCCir Rrlptioni J O'lr HOME FROM P.YCIFIC Bill Thos. Spencer, U;. S. Navy, is visiting his pa.rents, Mr. apd Mrs. A. L. (Spencer at their 'hom'C ■at Midriletown. The young Navy nvan has just returned from 18 months service in the Pacific wa» zone. j.i): '' of PauK.er .MidbeU u.. l rbor cr.). U.'C; "Hc .pound of 'blaC'klraf 40 .. I . [ j ,j' :.i. . '-a- ‘ . . 1..\hl. K.; ' t it -I....'- ' '''s'iy wnen cal cium ars'cna'ic is used. ..ff ■'■'i "■■te l: I l;..t 'I f 1’:^ ! ‘ll;. h :

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