Page Two THE HYDE COUNTY HERALD. SWAN QUARTER, N. C. \ THE HYDE COUNTY HERALD PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT SWAN QUARTER, NORTH CAROLINA, BY TIMES PRINTING CO., Inc. THOS. E. SPENCER Editor S1A.DESV11LLE NEWS Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice, Swan Quarter, N. C. Subscription Rates: One Year $2; Six Months $1; Three Months 60e. A Weekly Newspaper Covering the News of the Richest Agricultural County in the Foremast Historical and Recreational Area of North Carolina By proper cultivation, spacing, and fertilization and through the; use of hybrid seed, A. B. Craven o fRi'chmond County increased i his corn yield from 17.24 to 66.45 bushels per acre in the same; field. i Vol. VH Thursuay, November 8, 1945 No. 9 again. THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICS (By Thomas Lomax Hunter in Richmond Times-Dispatch) Because nearly all our publicists are politicians or their ad vocates, nearly all the words we see in our gazettes are poli- itic words, words spoken warily and with intent of making Belhaven visited designed impressions. Th4 symptoms for politic are: artful, j crafty, cunning, dplomatic, discreet, .judicious, prudent, sa-ifrom Norfolk visAe'd friends'here I gacious, shrewd, wary, wily, wise. j ^t^uday. ■oii J 11 The funeral of Mrs. Ella O^Neal Perfect candor and absolute frankness we seldom encoun- ^ ^^o lived in Belhawn with her ter in this field. Every editor is an advocate. We speak of Re-1 son, Walter D'Neal, was held Fri- pu'blican papers and Democratic papers, and Socialistic pa- ■ afternoon at the Sears home pers, and Comumstic papers. These are organs intent on prop-1 ed. She had lived in Hyde Coun- agation of their several ideologies. Occasionally we encounter I ty all her life until the last few called 10-80. what is known as an Independent paper, but this, too, has its! Belhaven. | clients and is always advocating something. | was a business visitor here Sat- Only in the intellectual realm, ithe realm of pure science,! urday. Shelby Hines, son of Mr. and) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carter of I Mrs. A. L. Hines brokes his leg, Middletown sPent the week end Graham Ponder of Swan Quar-ilast Saturday while visiting in in Swan Quarter with their son. ter was in our midst Friday. j Norfolk. .He is doing nicely. | Lee Thos. Carter, and Mrs. Car- P. C. Simmons and son, Dennis,' Mrs. C. B. Midgett and little ter. of Fairfield, ware business visi- daughter, Donnie, Mrs. Herman) — tors here this week. i Tillett arid Mr. and Mrs. Erwin' Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Smith of Hines spent last Tuesday in Nor- Bremerton, Washington, are vis- folk. iting Mrs. Smiths’ parents, Mr.' Mr. and Mrs. E. W.«Baum spent and Mrs. Lee Sawyer. Monday in .Norfolk on business. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Carson Meekins, and family and Mr. and Mirs. Os- and Mrs. Guy Hayman went to ■ car Berry spent Sunday with Mr. Norfolk Tuesday night to visit Mr. I and Mrs. Leland Gibbs. Meekins’ brother who has just | John F. Lupton and Ben Mid- returned from overseas, j ptte of Swan Quarter were bus- Mr. and Mrs. Clare Gaimel of iness visitors here Monday. ' Norfolk were visiting relatives Robert Busyamis and Gilbert here and at Colington over the Nobles of Plymouth were the weekend. Mr. Gaimel has just re- I guests of Misses Anne Green and turned from the Pacific where he 1 Wilma Jennette Tuesday. served with the Army. I Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sears and Capt. Ralph Baum is spending I family of Fajrfield were visitors some time with his people here ' Saturday. , after serving about 3 years in the Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wimby of European theatre. We all are Mrs. Wimbys’ very glad to welcome him back parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gibbs, home Walter McHarney and a party THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1945 A new liquid poison, especially fatal to rats and other rodents, has been discovered. It it^ also a pow’erful poison for humans and will not be released for the present,- says the USDA. It is Be.QaickToTreat Eroichitis Chronic bronchiti.'? may develop If your cough, ctiest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of tho trouble to help loosen, and expel germ laden phlegm and. aid nature to i soothe and lieal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. | Creomulsion blends beechwood i creosote byspecial processwith other 1 time tested medicines fc'r coughs, i It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have'tried, toll your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you arc t: have your money back. (Adv.) do we encounter complete nonpartisanship and find people speaking wholly without bias. In a country whose government has the structure of ours practically everybody is a politician. We are a people com posed of leaders and partisans. We are a people who belong to this party or to that and vouch this fact as proof of our freedom. We are free to belong. I often hear people boasting KITTY HAWK Miss Betsy OPeele of Washing ton, N. C., was the week end guest of Genevia Harris. Mrs. Mary Best is visiting her son, James R. Best, and family in Norfolk, Va., this week., Mrs. Rayban pridefully that they belong to the Democratic party and have [Mrs” Carson Meektas^spent^TuTs- been one of its belongings all their lives and that they hope day in Elizabeth City on business, to die one of its faithful servants. Thus Qurth, the swineherd,L boasted of being born thrall of Cedric the Saxon. In my very, Mr. and Mrs. S..S T. Guard and early childhood I knew an did colored man who complained' family of Ft. Pierce, Fla., are vis- that the Yankees came down here and took his master away'g^p Gu^ard from him. The sence of belonging is dearer to most people, Mrs. Will Tillett and Mrs. Ira than the sense of freedom. j Partridge spent Tuesday in Eliza- Being a nation of politicians, we are quite accustomed 'to {MTcuy Speight and the politic word in speech or print. We think him a good pol itician who always speaks prudentially and with a keen con sideration of the possible effect of his words on his hearers. We actually admire such a person, and if we are one of his political liegemen we point to him pridefully an dsay, ‘Tsn’t son, and Mr. and Mrs. William Powell and son are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mid gett. Mr. Speight has just return ed from the Army with his dis- . i charge. He served at Camp But- 9» 117- u 1-1 J • • 1 4 u- 1 r f-' Mrs. William Powell is he slick We chortle admiringly at his clever pussyfooting convalescing from and his adroit ability to run wi,th the hare and hold with the ’ operation. hounds. A plain-spoken man we think of as a poor boob and' Shannon and little 114 . • 4- 1 • 1.1 „ soil are spending some time in we would not consider nominating him as our candidate for, Norfolk. the General Asserrtfbly. He hasn’t in him the very rudiments of a politician. You can find out which side he is on without •walking all around him. Your Americano thinks of a politician as a fellow who can pull something out of a hat, who has a bunch df tricks and some cards up his sleeve. These are the gifts which equip him for getting there, and if he is a preacher he will be a bishop and there is no way to prevent it. This mental training has had an effect on our national char acter. We admired (the prestidigitator, and regard intellectual suppleness as a rare gift. We do not waste our admiration on the fellow who speaks his mind. He is not a politician. The highest praise of the man in the street is the exclamation, “A!h, he is a master politician. He knows the game. They can’t beat him.’ a very serious Mrs. Ryan Johnson of Norfolk spent the week end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baunx Mr. and Mrs. Milton Perry an nounce the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Louise. OF COMMISSIONER’S NOTICE SALE HYDE COUNTY vs PELEGE WARNER Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain Judgment No. 1555, entitled flHyde County Vs. Pelege Warner, et ai,” the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday, December lO, 1945, at 12 o’clock N. at the Courthouse door in Hyde County, the platform and then forget them till time to make a new f of land in Curri- 1 41: rni. i 4ir • • i , i , , tuck Township, Hyde County, platform. These platform principles are old. They have been “ ' ^ Political principles are window dressing. We put these in used often before. Nobody rememibers what was in the last platform. Maybe you can find it in the World Almanac. I haven’t had occasion to look one up for a long time. I know they are all full of high-sounding principles. A platform is something which the candidates stands on, but only while he is running for office. As soon as he is elect ed (they.pull down the platform and put the 'planks away for the next time. The candidate as his picture put upon badges which we pin on the lapels of our coats to show that we areTiis devoted vas sals. We hurrah for everything he says. We know that all he says is spoken solely for the purpose of getting votes. We know this and admire it. We delight in his subtlety and guile. Isn’t he our candidate, and isn’t everything fair in love, war HHll-8-4t and politics? Boy, he’s a slick one! It’s a pleasure to vote for him North Carolina, described as, “12 acres Lonnie Sawyer land,”’ and more fully and definitely describ ed in the Complaint, as amended and filed in this cause which said complaint is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for de scriptive purposes. The highest bidder will be re quired to deposit ten per cent of his bid as a guarantee of good faith pending confirmation of the sale or further orders by the Court. This notice dated and posted this the 5th day of November, 1945. O. L. WILLIAMS, Commissioner BOOK REVIEW Everyone ig talking about Do You Want To Buy Or Sell atomic power these days. Some talk about it with hope of great in making life more wor.hwhile; other view it with fear as a weapon of war. j Those interested in knowing served. The public is invited, enough about atomic power to I tnorou'gl)ly undeistand it„ will! Griffin of Manteo left find the i.iiormation in a c.early-Tuesday for Duke Hospital where wriflen book just off the press' -^yIU undergo treatment for a entit'ed “Uranium and Atomic: qjroat ailment. Power” by Jack Dement, research; chemist and writer of scientific i articles. I Beach Property EASTERN STAR TO SPONSOR BAZAAR AT ENGELHARD A six-day wonder shop will be featured by the Hyde Chapter No. 213, Order of the Eastern r» 1.41.1 Star at a Bazaar at the Town Hall | o 5 ou want to rent, or do in Engelhard, Saturday, Decern- I you have property to rent in ber 1 from two to nipe p.m. In ' (his section? addition to-this, supper will be Two chapters of the book are ’ devoted to the occurence and I properties of uranium minerals' and two others to their qualitive i and quantitative analysis. The' remaining chapters discuss the! chemistry and physics of urani- j um and specific methods of uran- I ometry. A section on the atomic [ bomb has been added. There are numerous tables which round out the merits of the book.—^TES. 1 Leon Ballance, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ballance of Lake Land ing, returned home Tuesday with his discharge from the Army. Buymore^'/^now for/^/n'/rseciirity, too! Does your property need In surance against storm or fire? Do you want to buil a cot tage on beach? Do you want your life insured? Do you want lots in Man teo or Roanoke Island, or any kind of property in Dare County and vicinity? Then Write, Wire or Phone. A. W. Drinkwater !Phone 26 P. O. Box 113 MANTEO, NORTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA DARE TR.YNSPORTATION CO., INC. Schedule Effective October 1, 1945 Lv. Manteo 6:00 9:00 12:00 4:00 Ar. Sligo 8:00 2:00 “eloo Lv. Sligo 8:05 2:05 6:05 Ar. Eliz. City 8:35 11:15 2:35 6:35 Lv. Sligo 8:45 2:25 6:20 Ar. Norfolk 10:00 3:40 "Tss Lv. Norfolk 7:30 1:10 “5l05 Ar. Sligo 8:45 2:25 T6T20 Lv. Eliz. City 8:45 1:30 4:00 6:45 Ar. Sligo 9:15 2loF - "TIs Lv. Sligo 9:20 2:05 Tiw Ar. Manteo 11:20 4:05 6:15 9:20 Underscored times are P. M.—All other times are A. M. No Changes Between Manteo and Elizabeth City NEW OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT HOTEL FORT RALEIGH nassna* MANTEO, N. C. I W. B. and M. K. Fearing, Props. Every Modern Service for Tourists and Sportsmen Fine Seafood Dinners Nearly 78 Years of Service to the Fisherman of North Carolina C. E. Warner Co. has consistently kept a place of lead- ership in the fishing industry for more than three quar ters of a century. It has maintained a record of prompt returns and fair prices. Your cooperation in sending good fish properly iced and packed will assure this con tinued record to our mutual benefit. C. E. WARNER CO. INCORPORATED ESTABLISHED 1867 8 Dock Street Fish Market Philadelphia, Pa. CHICAGO GLOUCESTER MIAMI PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE EDERER, Inc. Unity & Elizabeth Sts., Frankf’d, Philadelphia, Pa. Netting-Rope-Twine FISHING SUPPLIES Distributors of “AMCO” ana “American Superior” Pure Manila Rope DARE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES Jones Wholesale Co. Manteo A. S. Austin Hatteras Hooper Bros. Stumpy Point Representing EDERER Inc., We are Headquarters for Netting, Rope, Twine and all fishing supplies Prompt Deliveries on Netting is .Assured. Jones Wholesale Co. fllDHTH CYHDIIM FISH WYIVTEIl Atlantic Fish Co. GEO. H. PIERCE, Prop. WHOLESALE COMMISSION DEALERS AND SHIPPERS, SPECIALIZING IN IIOCKFLDUIVDEnSSHAII We solicit your shipments PROMPT DAILY RETURNS WHOLESALE FISH MKT., BALTIMORE, MD. Phone Saratoga 6810, 6811, 6812 SEABOARD FISH CO. Wholesale Commission Dealers in All Kinds of FISH — SHRBIP — CRABS CLAMS — ETC. ROCK ♦ FLOUNDERS A SPECIALTY Section V WHOLESALE FISH MARKET BALTIMORE, 2 MD. Consignments Solicited Daily Returns ESTABLISHED 1887 LARGEST INDEPENDENT DEALERS iN FRESH AND SALT WATER FISH ON THE ATLANTIC SEABOARD SPECIALIZING IN NORTH CAROLINA HDCK-FLDUIVDEHS-SH/ID Crab Meat, Scallops, Shrimp, Sturgeon, Caviar Chesebro, Robbins & Grabam, Inc. 1, 2 and 3, Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK 7, N. Y. Telephone Beekman, 3-3122 The Official “HONORABLE DISCHARGE SERVICE FLAG” Authorized By The lYar Department FOR THE HOME-OFFICE AND BUSINESS Should be displayed by men and women who hav honorably served oot Country This Beautiful DISCHARGE FLAG with a red border, gold and blue ring is made of anese taffeta, size 8 12 in. Sun-proof, will n fade. With gold tassel ano fringe, ready for display' No one who is entitled display this flag should the opportunity to secu one. Price per flag i $1^ Order Today—Materials Are Scarce The Hyde County HeraW Swan Quarter, N. C. The Dare County Times

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