Che Raksah Simes. NORTH CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL NOTES. J. C. GADDED EDWARD L CONN Editor From the Manufacturers’ Record. City Editor “The Times receives~the~cableYand telegraph service of the Publishers’ Press Association, an acknowledged leading news gathering association in the United States. Chapel Hill—Knitting Mill.— Blanche Hosiery Mills has ordered 20 knitting machines additional; now has 20 ma chines. Greensboro—Real Estate.—Garland Daniel, P. D. Gold, Jr., and Dr. J. T. J. Battle have purchased 40 acres of land at $15,000 and will organize the Pea- body Heights Company property. Greensboro—Mining turing.—Appalachian to improve the and Manufac- Mining and My mine Every mother feels a great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the most critical period of her life. Becoming MS (fill A WORD The Times has frequently alluded to Raleigh’s splendid banks as a matter of pride, indicating the sound and in dependent condition of the city’s busi ness, of which the banks are, as it were, the nerve centres. We found real pleasure in looking through the statements of these splendid institu tions only a few days ago. Their hold ings, if we mistake not, were more than two and a quarter million dollars. Think what a vast sum of money! It occurs to us that the banks have too much money, and that some of it ought! now to be in other channels, so as to) bring in a good interest. May we not draw some inferences from this condi tion of the Raleigh banks? Especially when this thing of having large : amounts in banks is not universal. Wei fear it shows that Raleigh is short cn 1 Manufacturing Company has been in corporated, with an authorized capital of $100,000, by E. W. Lyon, S. G. Fry and 0. K. McCutcheon. High Point—Mirror Works.—Stand ard Mirror Company, Pittsburg, Pa., previously reported as to remove its works to High Point, has purchased | site and will erect two-story building! 48x200 feet. Hillsboro—Cotton Mill.—Eno Cotton | Mills will erect additional building to) be equipped as a dye-house and will) install 300 looms. Contracts for con-) struction work and machinery have; been awarded. Lenoir—Building Material, Furni ture, etc.—J. M. Powell and J. R. Irwin have incorporated the Lenoir Wood working Company, with $20,000 capi tal, to manufacture building material and furniture. Lexington—Water-works, Street Im provements, etc.—City has voted af firmatively the issuance of $60,000 of, bonds previously reported for construc tion of water-works and for street im provements. Address the Mayor. Lynn—Knitting Mill.—Tryon Hosi- a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother’s Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s Friend. “It is worth its weight in gold,” miners says many who have used it. $1.00 per bottle at drug stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, will Z® be sent to any address free upon application to SRADFBELD REGULA TOR CO; Atlanta, Ga. 1 3 008 ti with a red hot in his stomach metz’s. Oak City Laundry. THE LAUNDRY that always pleases— The Oak City. 14-5 OWNER WANTED for a black muff. Left in Presbyterian church.—Geo. Allen. 17-2t 7-tf GET OUR PRICES on table linen.— 14-5 PUCKETT’S DISINFECTANT relieves sore, tender and offensive feet. 25c. at druggists. STRAY MULE in possession. Owner can get same by identifying and pay ing cost.—Martin street, at Stein- OUR FINISH is unsurpassed.—Oak City Laundry. 14-5 = Mechanics ^nd Investors Union An old Financial Investment Cc mpany. We can help you to save money. We can assist you to build and own a home. Monthly payments about equal house rent. Call and examine our 6 per cent $100 Certificates. Saving and investing creates wealth. We can aid you. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. 22 Pullen Building, JUST RECEIVED business enterprises, and so the money- er Y Company will make improvements supply has increased for the want of to its Plant; DOW has 100 machines - borrowers who could use it in the con duct of their business. The man who borrows money, if he has good collat eral, is the man of all men the bank wants to do business with. Here is the profit in banking, the thing all such institutions are looking for. Then there is another consideration which may help to explain the great abund ance of money which these banks hold. Farmers are comparatively independ ent. and so are not borrowing any money with which to cultivate their farms. This looks especially plausible when we note that in other sections, for instance, in the truck section, there is a scarcity of money, caused, we sup pose, by the employment of a large number of hands in order to cultivate the crop. I Montgomery—Tannery.—S. J. Smith- | erman, of Troy, N. C.. and J. P. Bald- i win, of Randolph county, are construct- ' ing tannery. Mount Airy—Lumber, Furniture and Box Manufacturing.—Chartered: Ful ton Manufacturing Company, with an authorized capital of $3,000, to manu facture lumber, furniture and tobacco boxes. Incorporators, J. H. Fulton, J. W. Creed and C. W. Fulton. North Wilkesboro—Grain Milling.— Call Milling Company has been incor porated. with an authorized capital of $100,000, to manufacture flour, meal, I bran, etc.; incorporators, Clarence Call,' J. M. Turner, A. L. Combs and others. Smithfield—Harness Oil, etc.—In- RHARAMTCE Your money will be refunded if Stearns’Electric Rat and Roach Paste does not do all that is claimed for it. In the manufacture of Stearns’ Electric Rat and Roach Paste, a peculiar chemical is used that when swallowed by rats or mice feels like a red hot stove in the stomach and begins to burn them up; crazed by this feeling after having eaten FOR SALE BY THE W. H. KING DRUG CO., Raleigh, N. C. WANTED-Boarders. Call at 112% j Fayetteville street. 16-4 Stearns’ Electric Rat and Roach Paste they rush madly out of the house in search of water and gasping for air. In a few moments all is over and their bodies are burned up and Stearns’ Electric Paste has once more proven that it is sure death to rats and mice. It also kills cock roaches, water bugs and all other vermin. 2 oz. box, 25c; Hotel size (^1^) $1.00 FOR RENT—A dwelling, 6 rooms, the Stonebanks property, on Lindon ave nue. Apply to G. W. Partin Oak- wood avenue. AUTOMOBILE TICKETS given at the Tucker Building Pharmacy. 16 6 Smoke a good Cigar—Gumpert’s—at Pucker Building Pharmacy. One car Timothy Hay, 1 car corn, 1 car Oats, Bran and Shipstuff Q Irish Potatoes, for second crop, fine N. C. Hams, Sides and Shoulders’ fr 1 lot Country-ground Meal. Try our “Virginia Pride Flour,” best on the ni ket, every barrel warranted. Seed peas of all varieties. A fine slock Shingles, Laths and Builder’s Nails always on hand. Try our Special Brand of Pure Hog Lard, 25 and 50-pound cans, at 10c lb DEN. H. ADAMS, Raleigh and Int. ’Phenes. Prompt Delivery. SEND US YOUR TABLE LINEN.— ^ Oak City Laundry. 14-5 © , 'o FOR SALE—Dirt for sale cheap.—C. I ? I W. Barrett, corner Person and Pace] street. 18-tf j LEWIS’ POOL ROOM gives automo- I bile tickets. 16-6 HE EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY gives automobile tickets. 16-6 TRY TIMES WANT ADS. They bring quick results. TRY TIMES WANT ADS. They bring quick results. Gumpert Cigars—Tucker Bldg. Phar macy. GREAT SHOWING SPRING CLOTHING corporated: J. H. Edgerton Company, with $10,000- capital, to manufacture the “Edgerton harness oil and leather dressing.” Allen K. Smith is presi dent; C. H. Martin, vice-president; W. A. Edgerton, secretary-treasurer, and H. Cole, manager. Statesville — Water-works Improve ments.—City has had plans prepared p by W. T. McCormick, Charlotte, N. C., ■ for improvements to water-works sys-^ ~ tern. About $5,000 will ’be expended. | Plant will have a daily capacity of Why Suffer With Rheumatism ? NOTICE OF SALE. When the law is disregarded every good man and every legitimate indus try, trade or profession suffers. This country is founded upon law. Its prompt observance is the hope and ■ 500 000 gau^ j c steele, mayor, stay of all that is good and abiding.) Washington—Cold Storage Plant.- No man, no set of men, can afford t^ Washington Horse Exchange Company will erect cold storage plant, and esti- ONE BOTTLE OF O. G. KING'S RHEUMATIC CURE Will give relief. It has cured others it will cure you. Prepared by 0. G io. A. ROBBINS & CO.: 8 Architects e Ignore and -Ai%rvgaiA Cue inundates bi the law. The trouble now in Colorado came from a wilful disregard of law, and of individual liberty. And now the organization of the Citizens’ Alliance, it matters not what was the provoca tion, is just as bad, just as deplorable, as were the offences which they claim to be resenting. It is just as wrong to say a union man shall not work as it is to say a non-union man shall have no employment. The truth is, that both of these attitudes are wrong, and in direct conflict with the fundamental principles upon which this government rests. Every man has a right to work and earn his living, whether he be union or non-union, and any effort to prevent this is a blow at the funda mentals of this free country, and its liberty-loving principles. There is no j mates on construction are desired; B. L. Susman, manager. Wilson—Grocery.—S. C. Wells, J. T. McCraw and H. G. Connor. Jr., have incorporated the Wells Grocery Com pany, with an authorized capital of $25,000. Wilson—Cotton-seed Oil Mill, Gin nery and Fertilizer Factory.—Farm- ) ers’ Cotton Oil Company has been re- j organized, with Geo. D. Green, presi- j dent; J. R. Chamberlain, vice-presi- I dent and general manager; E. M. Bridgers, secretary-treasurer. Capital stock has been increased from $23,500 to $47,000 and a fertilizer factory will be erected and operated in connection with the cotton-seed oil mill and gin nery. COTTON LETTER. Raleigh, N. C., June 16.—Liverpool recovered a few points on covering of shorts this morning and the same .movement here helped prices. Out- way to settle these things by violence, 0f the moderate buying> there was because, extreme and violent action on no change in conditions. Weather was the part of one will be resorted to by perfect and of course as long as this the other, thus making a settlement continues the only help for the market is the short covering that comes from on this basis impossible. time to time. There is likely to be this sort of thing as long as the market The industrial notes which we print j g heavily short. It would take bad each week show that North Carolina is news, however, to put prices higher in the forefront of the Southern States. I and keep them up. This is only June r o * land the crop is not made tor three in tact, there is no Southern State , months yat There win be plenty of which reports the starting of so many, chances to buy on breaks and sell on new enterprises of various sorts. Wejadvances. That is all there is likely to hope to see this continue, and by all' be in cotton for some weeks to come. , I Prices have already discounted as big means let us utilize our own people to a cr0p as we haye ever gatherde. It is • time to go slow in selling cotton, ! though it is undoubtedly not the time operate these new factories and other enterprises, and not turn them over to foreign help and foreign capital. The condition of North Carolina banks shows that we possess an abundance of capital of our own to carry on all the business which may be started in the State. Then, too, our colleges and schools are running over with patron age, young men and young ladies who are fitting themselves for usefulness in life. These ought to be encouraged and helped in every way possible. Our State ought to offer an open door to every young man who desires to work and become useful. Nobody ought to be idle, or seek the army for employ ment. We have an abundance of rail roads, farms, mills and mines, where to buy for higher prices. Watch the weather map. That is the cue now. New York Spots.—Quiet and un changed; middling uplands, 11.70. Port Receipts.—Today 1,700 against 2,121 bales last year. Cotton futures today closed lows: January, 9.63; June, 10.67; ® © CHARLES K. BRYANT, Architect. £ CHARLOTTE, N. C. 9 Under and by virtue of the terms of a contract made on the first day of September, 1894, by and between W. W. Vass, deceased, and Beverly Short, colored, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1924, at noon, at the court- house door, in the city of Raleigh. N. C., sell at public oatcry to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed lot or parcel of land, situate in the eastern suburbs of said city of Ra leigh, on East Martin street extended, and bounded by aline beginning at the southeast intersection of said street with "Parker’s Lane,” running thence south along said lane about one hun dred and seven i^t to the northwest corner of the lot known as No. 2 Park er Lane, in the division of the estate of said W. W. Vass, deceased, thence east WANTED—At once, electrical wire- men and men experienced in con necting and hanging electric and gas fixtures. Address Carter and Gilles pie Electric Company Company, At- lanta, Ga. 16-6 COUNTRY SHOULDERS, 10c. pound; I Breakfast Bacon, 12%c. pound; pork sausage, 10c. pound.—Rogers eery Company. 17-2 FUQUAY WATER FOR SALE—T. L. McCullers & Co., opposite Union Depot. Raleigh ’phone 255, Inter state 71. 17-6 NOTICE. bales, as fol- July,! 10.97; August, 10.60; September, 9.39; October, 9.62; November, 9.56; Decem ber, 9.60. The market for cotton futures closed steady. What Mave Yaw ^ to SeBB? ^ along the line cf feet, thence north said lot fifty-throe about one hundred North Carolina—Wake County. In the Superior Court. Ethel Holmes against * W. B. Holmes. every able-bodied North Carolina can work and obtain good wages. man it It does not make any difference what is. I can sell it. Fifteen years in SYDNOR & HUNOLEY and seven feet to Martin street ex- ) tended, thence east along said street i fifty-three feet tc the beginning. This May 5, 1^4. W. W. VASS, 5xecutor of 4-30d W. W. VASS, Deceased. ) tended, thence v>est along said street The advertisenent and sale of the above described property is continued and postponed urt'l 12 o’clock m., June Ml® ! 23. 1904. June 6, 1904. W. W. VASS, Executor. I WEEK END RA’ES TO SEACOAST AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS VIA THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. A NEW DEPARTURE To our magnificent stock of Fur niture, the largest south of Phil adelphia, we have recently add ed a full line of Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Mattings, Lace Cur tains, Shades, etc., etc., under the supervision of Mr. J. H. Tracy, formerly with Sloane, of New York, home at any posed to pay. Can furnish your price you feel dis- We can refer you to recent customers in Raleigh, Henderson, Durham, Goldsboro, Wilson and Weldon, to whom we sold a very high grade line of goods. We are sole agents for the “Automatic,” the great ice saver and King of Refrigerators. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, RICHMOND, VA. NOWHERE WILL YOU FIND SUCH AN ARRAY OF STYLE, FIT AND FINISH As is embraced in our stock. Respecting the loading Clothing Manu facturers of the country, we arq in a position to show you, not only the style, but the select patterns from the foreign and domestic mills. These have been selected with great care and we are convinced that nowhere can you be hotter pleased than AT SHOP. SPRING NECKWEAR AND FURNISHINGS NOW READY. Cross @. Linehan Cc UP-TO-DATE FURNISHERS AND CLOTHIERS. $ 0 © ©©©•©©©©©e©®©©®®©©®©©©©®©®®®©©©©©©©®©©©©©®©© ®«©«e©®®®®©®®©©©a®®®®®a^©®©e©@ae Hot Weather COLLEGE IMPROVED. King’s Business College has secured additional rooms in the Pullen build ing, the new rooms being used by President King and his business and private offices. The rooms have been handsomely furnished. This college is constantly* making improvements and ranks among the highest in the South. the business. Am known from one end of the State to the other. Don’t give your goods to unreliable parties to sell. You may never see them again, or your goods either. Can give reference or bond if re quired. You don’t have to wait as I have plenty of customers. If you have bicycles, musical instru- • — — ~ ” ments, furniture, stoves, guns,watches, M r W. A. Simpkins calls special atten- j 0cks , dresses, clothes, shoes, hats, tion to his vegetables Saturday morn-[ b ieg or anything I have customers I ^V ^H>^r vrtnl’1>'£lt * rpM .■ class laiior ing, northwest corner of city market. Finest cabbage and potatoes that can | be grown in “Rhamkatte” soil. Dor take my word for it, come and see. for them. DAN. HARRIS, 124 East Martin St. Musical instruments tuned or repaired. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su- I perior Court of Wake county for di- I vorce, and the said defendant will fur- I ther ta*e notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Supe- ) rior Court of said county to be held on the eighth Monday before the first Monday in September, it being the 11.-1 day 01 July, 1904, at the court- ) house of said county, Tn Raleigh, N. C., ■ and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand- i ea in said complaint. W. M. RUSS, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 1st day of June, 1904. The Southern Railway announces week-end rates tq the following points at rate named. Tickets on sale Satur- days good and foreman trains Sundays, returning leaving destination not later than Mondiy following date of sale: Norfolk, Va Old Point, Va Virginia Beach, \a Ocean View, Va.... . . . . . . Cape Henry, Va 1 Lenoir, N. C Wilmington, N. C Hickory, N. C Connelly Springs N. C. .. Morganton, N. C Marion, N. C , Taylorsville. N. Shelby, N. C Lincolnton, N. C ' Cliffs, N. C ) Rural Hall, N. C Round Knob, N. c. : Black Mountain, M. C. . .. Asheville, N. C Tryon, N. C Hendersonville, F. C Brevard, N. C Lake Toxaway, NC Hot Springs, N. C Blowing Rock, N C Rutherfordton, NC Morehead City, h C | For further paticulars Agent, or addres $4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 5.30 4.50 5.25 5.25 5.30 5.85 5.80 5.80 5.25 5.25 call on N. C. Carnations and Violets © © Hints From Hirvtorf (Coat and Trousers) ARE THE PROPER THING NOW Coolest and Most Stylish Fabrics to Select from PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW A. C. HINTON, Merchant Tailoring CAROLINA TRUST BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. 9 © 9 ® & ® ® e^ « © G OUR. We are the nicest SPECIALTY always prepared to furnish > fresh cut flowers, Bouquets and Floral Decorations in the best style at short notice. Palms & Ferns to Suit You TIMES PRINTING CO Blooming Pot Plants for house anc window decorations, Spring and Sun* mer Flowering Bulbs. Bedding and Border Plants for yard, Rose Bushes, 3g5 and vines, shrubberies, Evergreensand 6.20 6.45 7.00 7.50 7.75 8.50 9.20 7.75 8.60 6.45 4.50 Shade Trees. Vegetable Plants of all kinds in sea son at J. L. O’QUINN & COS. All ’Phones 149. Raltiah. N. C ^Bo CA^W any . buys a pound of butter or a peck of waterqround meal at Whitaker’s Dairy, Morgan street, between* Salisbury and , Fayetteville. OPLEASE It requires more than the selection to please tha customer A Garment must be cuUrimmed and made right. We are in position to give you vhat you could expect of a High LEE & BROUGHTON 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. CommorotaB Jots Prsntsn^ THE GLOBE-V/ERMICKE Upright Unit Vertical File is the greatest and best device of the kind ever invented. Call and see it or write for particulars. Filing Cabinets and Office Furniture Every business man should investigate the Ver tical Filing System for letters, documents, etc. We can supply your wants for Office or Home ROYALL & BORDEN FURNITURE CO. Cor. Wilmington and Hargett Sts. Raleigh; IL--

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