Refrigerators, White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks, Fly Fans, Lawn Mowers Fly Traps FRUIT JARS Sold by THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS Raleigh, N. C. BUCK STOVES AND RANGES. PEOPLE WANTPAINT JULY FOURTH. A sky rocket consists of two parts— a body and a head made separately and afterward attached to the body. The body is a straight cylinder of heavy pasted paper, closed at the low er end so as to leave only a very nar row opening for the escape of the lire. A central hollow bore extends three- quarters of the way un the body, and all about this is packed the special ex plosive composition, the downward re coil of which sends the rocket rushing swiftly upward, guided and balanced by the light stick of willow -wood. ^he head, a paper cylinder with a corneal top. holds the special composi tion which is to form stars, serpents, spirals or what not. A fuse in the top of the body ex plodes when the rocket reaches its ut most height, and sets off this composi tion, the varying color, form and mo tion of which excite the “Ohs!” and “Ahs!” of the admiring crowds. The great spectacular displays which crown Fourth of July celebrations com bine the severa.l classes—fixed, rotat-, ing and ascending fireworks. Temples, trees, ships, portraits, fig ures of men, beasts and birds, flowers, shields and so forth, are represented by suitable frame works of wood, eith er wound with' coarse cotton rovings about two inches in diameter, impreg nated with certain compositions and wet with’spirits; or else they have at tached to them lances or cases of cart ridge paper filled with various compo sitions, the whole placed in communi cation by conduits or small paper cart ridges.—Youth’s Companion. WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS Clearance Counter HE aftermath of a two weeks selling of goods bought at the Great Auction Sales of Sweetser Pembrook & Company’s Stock, leaves us with an accumulation of broken, lots, half and full prices, short lengths, etc., aggregating some six thousand yards of percales, madras and chambray ginghams, lawns, dimities and white goods.—Values up to 15 cents —al! dumped on one counter, at one price — your choice at :;:;::; One case of yard wide Fruit of the Loom Bleaching per yd Sc. A WHITE GOODS “CINCH.” Auction Goods at one-third less than S. P. & Co’s, wholesale prices. New goods, just opened and placed on sale—your opportunity—take a first look. 213 yards Mercerized Lace Stripe Lawns—white with fancy woven black stripes, S. P. & Co’s, price 18c., sale price 711 yards Fine India Linen—extra fine picks—S. P. & Co’s, price 25c., sale price 296 yards Embroidered Lace Stripe Lawns—woven dots of blue, rod 12/ 2 c. 15c. THAT is Purest THAT Serves Most 1 HA 1 Lasts Longest THAT Always Satisfies THAT Is Why I Sell New Era R. B. PRINCE GENERAL HARDWARE Op. Market, Wilmington St. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR TO THE WORLD’S FAIR, ST. LOUIS. MC., JULY 18th. VIA S. A. L. RAILWAY. Prof. John E. Ray, principle of the D. D. and E. Institution. Raleigh, N. C.. -together with Mrs. Ray, will person ally conduct a part yto the World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo., July 19th. Ar rangement has been made for a special Pullman sleeping car for this occasion which will be handled through from Raleigh to St. Louis. All hotel accom modations, etc., will be looked after by Professor Ray and parties desiring to take advantage of this opportunity to see the World's Fair can get further information by applying to Professor Ray, or Z. P. SMITH. T. P. A., and C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. WEEK-END AND SUNDAY EXCUR. and black—S. P. & Go’s, price 27%c., sale price 17J/ 2 c. One case, 1,291 yards, Lattice Lawns, with White Silk Dots, S. P. & Co’s, price 30c., sale price 308 yards White Mercerized Satin Damask Waistings, swell styles, S. P. I Co’s, price 37%c., sale price 209 yards Damask Waistings, highly Mercerized,. Leaf Patterns and Scrole Designs, S. P. & Co’s, price 48c., sale price .. A GRAND RIBBON SPECIAL. 20c. 25c. .32/ 2 c. Hundreds of pieces of beautiful Moire Silk Ribbons from the Sweet- ser Pembrook sale, worth double—in clean, fast wanted pink, blue, canary, nile, red and white, three, four and five wide, 60, 80 and 100 line, for sale price NEW STYLE LINEN COLLARS. 15, colors— inches 20 and 25c. Ladies’ Linen Collars, low turn-down with round and square points. Ask for the Doloris, Pelham, Janus or Merriam, 2,100 Linen fine, 2 for Phyllis’ Stock Foundations for Lace Collars and Ribbons 10c. •{•***❖**❖•■>❖❖****** ❖ »j. * Painting J * Graining * * Enameling * ❖ «J. ❖ Very best class of work. Prompt ❖ ❖ attention to all contracts, jus- * * timates furnished with pleasure. * * IOWA S. PARISH, J ♦> Office and Shop S. Wilmington ❖ Street. Bell Telephone. ♦> ❖ 4. ❖ ❖ »:■•❖»:.❖ ^ ❖❖❖ ^ ❖❖»:■•❖❖ ❖ SION FARES VIA S. A. L. To Resorts in North Carolina and Virginia. I The Seaboard wishes to announce that commencing today it will sell (round-trip tickets to resorts named be llow on Saturdays, good returning Mon- | days following date of sale, with ex ceptions as noted below: I From Raleigh, N. C., to— j Portsmouth, Va $4.75 I Old roint. Ocean \ .ew 4.75 I Virginia Beach 4.75 i Wilmington, N. C 4.50 ; Renoir, N. C 5.30 Blowing Rock, N. C 8.60 Tickets to Blowing Rock. N. C., will TRAVELING PARAPHERNALIA. Seward’s Dress Trunks and Roundtree’s “Roller Tray” Trunks are the best. Everything that is new in the baggage line we can supply. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Trunks. Individual or Combination, Auto matic and “Roller Tray,” Heavy Canvas-covered, steel bottom, leath- or trim, brass mountings Canvas Trunks from $2.50 all the way up to Steamer Trunks $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 $18.00 $3.50, $4.50 and $5.50 COAT SUIT CASES AND CLUB BAGS. Complete assortment of cow-hide, alligator and sheep-skin Suit Cases from Telescopes from 25c. up to $1.15 to $12.50 $1.25 CLEARANCE SALES, COAT SUIT AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS. SPECIAL RATES TO DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION At Greensboro, N. C., June 23, 1904. On, account of the above occasion the various railroads have authorized a rate of one and one-third first-class jare, plus 25 cents, for the round trip, from all points in the State. Tickets on sale June 21, 22, 23; good returning June 27, 1904. ALEX. J. FIELD, Sec. State Democratic Ex. Committee. RALEIGH DYEING AND CLEANING be on sale for Friday’s and Saturday’s trains, good returning Tuesday follow- ( ing date of sale. ] For further information call or ad dress C. H. GATTlo, C. P. & T. A., . Raleigh, N. C. Z. P. SMITH, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. COMPANY. All kinds of gent’s and ladies’ cloth ing cleaned and dyed. We do the best of work at the LOWEST PRICES. 124 East Martin Street. AT AUCTION—I will sell to highest bidder on Saturday, 25th of June, at 12 o’clock, a pair of well matched driving horses and a set of double harness, also one fine mule.—Frank Stronach, Auctioneer. 17-5eod looking For Hot Weather YOU WILL SOON CATCH IT! Change Comfort The weather man’s gone. The man he left behind will six us awhile just for the fun of it! .Get your hot weather wearables cheap at Health R e s t. at Half price and less Ladies’ tailor made Suits, worth 1-3 more, in the most fashionable cloths of the season. Panne Cloth, Panama, Voile, Cheviots and Scotch mixtures $10.C0, $12.50, $15.00 and $17,50 Ladies’ Trimmed Hats and Roady-to-war Hats, Shapes and Flowers World’ Fair ST. LOUIS MAY-NOVEMBER, 1904. THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY Account the above occasion, elective April 25, 1904, Southern Railway wil place on sale daily, tickets at extremely low rates, to St. turn. Following are rates applying from principal points Louis, Mo., and in the State: TAKE OLD DOMINION LINE TO NORFOLK OLD POINT COMFORT VIRGINA BEACH RICHMOND, VA. WASHINGTON, D. C. Steamers sail daily, except Sunday, at 3 p. m. from Pier 26, North River, foot of Beach Street, New York. For full information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY 81 Beach Street, New York, I\ Y. H. B. WALKER, V. P. and T. M. J. J. ^OWN, G. ^ A. Sum mer Hardware NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Charles Lockhart, de ceased, this is to notify all persons in debted to said estate to call and settle with me, and all persons having claims against, said estate will present them to me on or before the 21st. day of May, 1905, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. CHARLES H. HUNTER, Administrator. Raleigh, N. C., May 21, 1904. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Window Screens All kinds of House Paints. ( To give you a good excuse to visit, our store we offer for this week | NEW ERA HOUSE PAINT $1.35 PER I GALLON, REGULAR PRICE $1.60. HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS Asheboro .... Asheville .... Charlotte .... Durham Gastonia ... ( .., Goldsboro .... Greensboro .. Henderson ... Hendersonville Hickory Marion Morganton ... Mt. Airy Newton RALEIGH ... Rutherfordton Sanford Statesville (via Knoxville). Wilkesboro Winston-Salem Season $35.55 32.25 36.10 34.10 36.10 37.10 34.10 34.10 33.35 34.10 34.10 37.00 34.10 35.60 35.55 34.10 37.60 37.10 34.10 40.00 35.85 Southern Railway will, effective Apiil 26, 1904, 60 Day $29.60 26.90 30.10 28.40 30.10 31.40 28.40 28.40 27.85 28.40 28.40 28.40 30.85 28.40 29.90 29.60 28.40 31.90 31.40 28.40 33.40 29.85 inaugurate 15-Day $24.20 22.25 24.65 23.30 24.65 26.25 23.30 23.30 22.95 23.20 23.30 23.30 25.10 man Sleeping Car between Greensboro, N. C., and St. Louis, 24.80 24.20 23.30 26.25 26.25 23.30 25.10 24.40 Through Pull ¬ Mo., via Salis bury, Asheville, Knoxville, Lexington nd Louisville; leaving Greensboro daily at 7:20 pt m. For full information as to rates from all points, Sleeping Car rese^va cions, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., address AN x AGENT, or I £ K. L. VERNON, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. S. H. HARDICK, P T. M. T. E. GREEN, C. T. A. Raleigh. N. C. W. II. TAYLOE, G. P. A. WASHINGTON, D. U. FLIES AND MOSQUITOES NO LONGER ANNOY. Simplicity Canopy REMEDIES THE ENTIRE TROUBLE. The Simplicity Canopy Frame is made from the highest grade Spring Steel, and we unhesitatingly assert that it is the simplest of construction and the most durable of any Mosquito Canopy ever presented to the people. It is easier of adjustment, being set on metal beds without clamps or screws, with no friction to mar or scratch the bed, and will remain in its position without any motion when being used, and can be used cn any cot, wood or metal bed, and this is the only frame that has no rights or lefts to cause confusion. COME AND SEE. FOR SALE BY CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY 112 and 114 E. Hargett Street. NOTICE OF SALE. By authority of a mortgage executed by Jos. H. Honeycutt, recorded in book 167, page 598. records of Register of Deed’s office for Wake county, I will, on Tuesday, 5th day of July, 1904, at 12 o’clock m., at the court-house door of Wake county, Raleigh, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: First Lot.—Begins at Mrs. H. Mah ler’s northeast corner on South Blood worth street, Raleigh, N. C., and runs north with said street 68 feet; thence west perpendicular to said street 210 feet; thence soutn in a line parallel to said street 68 feet; thence east in a fine perpendicular to said street 210 feet to the beginning. Second Lot.—Begins at the south- east corner of the intersection of East South street and South Bloodworth street, Raleigh, N. C., runs east with South street 52% feet to the line of Lot No. 6; thence with west line of Lot No. 6 south 105 feet to line of Lot No. 9; thence west along the line of Lot No. 9 52% feet to South Blood worth street; thence north along South Bloodworth street 105 feet, to the be- ginning. 4-tds FOW W0»£/V ONL^, Skirts and Suits a TAILOR-MADE H^E ^wm SWTS W. N. JONES, Attorney. SPECIAL 10DAY COACH SION TO THE WORLD'S Via the Seaboard Air Line Every Tuesday and Thursday EXCUR- FAIR, Railway, On account of the world’s Fair at St. Louis. Mo., the Seaboard, in connection with the C. and O., via Richmond and N. and W., via Petersburg, also via At lanta and N. C. and St. Louis, will sell round-trip tickets to St. Louis, limit 10 days from date of sale. Fare from Kaieigh via Richmond or PetersDurg, $18.50; via Atlanta, $20.80. Leave ualeign 1:25 a. m., arrive Rich mond, 6:35 a. m.; leave Richmond 2 p. m., arrive St. Louis next evening 6:45. Leave Raleigh 11:50, arrive Richmond 1:55 p. m.; leave Richmond 10:30 p. m., arrive sr. Louis second morning at 7:30. Leave Raleigh 4 a. m., arrive At- 'anta 3:5a p. m.; leave Atlanta 4:30 p. m., arrive St. Louis next afternoon at L:35. Leave Raleigh 7:35 p. m., arrive Atlanta 7:50 a. m.; leave Atlanta 8:25 1. m., arrive St. Louis next morning at J:08. For further information apply to C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. Z. P. SMITH, T. P. A., Raleign, N. C. RALEIGH AND CAPE FEAR RAIL WAY COMPANY. SCHEDULE OF SUNDAY TRAINS. In Effect Sunday, May 15, 1904. NORTH-BOUND TRAINS. Train No. 50. Leave. Train No. 52 Leave. P. M. 8:00 8:40 8:55 1:10 1:20 ):35 Lillington Station ... .Chalybeate.... .Fuquay Springs. .Willow Springs.. ... .McCullers.... Barnes . .Caraleigh Mills.. Arrive. A. M. 1:45 Raleigh Train No. 51. Leave. P. M. .. 5:10 .. 5:33 .. 5:50 ... 6:05 ...6:20 ...6:30 .. 6:45 Arrive. P. M. ... 6:55 Train No. 53. Leave. 2:00 2:10 2:35 2:50 3:10 3:27 ... .Raleigh.... Caraleigh Mills ... .Barnes.... ... McCullers... Willow Springs Fuquay Springs . .Chalybeate.. 7:30 7:40 8:05 8:20 8:40 8:57 Round trip rate from Raleigh to Fu quay Springs is 50 cents and to Lil lington 75 cents. JOHN A. MILLS, Pres, and Gen. Manager. SPECIAL OCCASIONS. The Seaboard begs to announce that hey will sell round-trip tickets to .sashville, Tenn., account United Con federate Veterans’ Reunion, June 14- 16.1904. Fare from Raleigh, N. C $12.60 Dates of sale, June 15,16 and and 17. proportionately low rates from other stations. For further information call >r write C. H. GATT1S, C. P. & T. A.. Raleigh, N. C. Z. P. SMITH, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. UNIVERSITY of North Carolina ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, PHARMACY, MEDICINE, LAW. Free tuition to teachers and to minis ters’ sons. Scholarships and loans for 520 STUDENTS. New Dormitories, the needy. 67 INSTRUCTORS. Gymnasium, Water ' Works, Central Heating System. . The Fall Term begins Sept. 5, 1904. Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. u. HOTEL EMPIRE BROADWAY AND 53d ST., N. Y. CIT Telephone in Every Room. Rooms $1.00 per day and Upwards. A fiine library of choice literature xor the exclusive use of our guests. PONGEE SILK SUITS, TAFFETA SILK SUITS, WHITE LINEN SUITS COLORED LINEN SUITS. ^fe f^e ^e^c^ows, $10.C0 $14.00 $18.00 $19.00 $20.00 $22.00 FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT SUIT FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $35.00 SEPARATE SKIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS—WOOL, DUCK, PIQUE, LINEN, VOILS, HOMESPUNS AND MADRAS. ROUND AND TRAIN LENGTHS AT ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICE. COME BEFORE THE AS SORTMENT IS BROKEN. Boylan, Pearce & Company WALTER WOOLLCOTT 2,5000 Yards Scotch L^wns 4 F2c We received today one case 2,500 yards Printed Scotch Lawn which we offer to the trade at 4[/ 2 c. a yard These goods would be cheap at 6^40, and you will do well to examine into this offer. TRUNKS Nearly a car load of Trunks and Bags received today. The prices range from All sizes and finish will be found. These $1,00 to $12.00 from the famous Roundtree Trunk Company's factory and are the best Trunks made in the United States. UMBRELLAS About 200 fine Mercerized and Silk Umbrellas, 26-inch size, steel rods, fancy and plain handles, $1.25 grade, special SHOES 97c. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Oxford lies, Sandals ,ctc., at all the popular prices, from Special values are being offered at .... $1,00 to $2.25 ....$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 New lot Men’s $2.00 and $2 50 SHOES JUST RECEIVED. WALTER WOOLLCOTT, J sass The Empire has long been the favor- goO^Cthi Pkg TOotlisome Ite Hotel for tourists visiting the me tropolis. From all ferries, steamboats arc ocean steamers walk short block to Elevated Railway and take “9th Ave to 59th” street from which Hotel is ore minute walk. Headquarters N. Y. Chapter Daugh ters of the Confederacy. All surface cars of the “Metropolitan Transit Co.” pass the Hotel Empire. LA DSES DR - ^FRANCO’S COMPOUND. ^'^’^^^^ regulator: 25 cents. Druggists nr mall “ookk tfreo. DR. LaFRaNCO, Philadelphia, Pa, (Genuine Virginia Hams 20c. lb. ; The Best Sugar-cured Hams 15c. o- - North Carolina Hams, 17%c.; Picnic Hams - 10c ' ? Boneless Breakfast Bacon (taste like more) 17^ 11 Some of our Canned Meats and Sweet and Sour Pickle, Mangoes a^ Olives will help you amazingly to prepare a nice lunch or fix up a lien basket. Add some of our fresh Cakes and Crackers and Washington Bie and save the worry of a hot stovd. ’Phone us for good things to eat. Our number is 28.

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