X w* P B Qre^fe^t P^^t ^^G MORE BUILDINGS painted in Raleigh during the past 2 years than with any other Paint. Send for Testimonials Thos. H. Briggs & Sons Raleigh, N. C. BUCK STOVES AND RANGES. EEE5iira?m!!a!EB3gE!SaqB3iy ■W^TISIMJ Bsc r Spy P S ONLY A FEW MORE Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezers and 25 Sections Rubber Hose ALL TO GO FOR CASH AT COST O^Tn CI GENERAL HARDWARE. Opposite Market, Wilmington St. 2.3.1 cubic inches to the gallon. GUARANTEED for five years. OUR REDUCTION SALE IS STILL GOING ON. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coolers at cost. ®MWflB8WKS3«K£®ffi’., ^^Jss^rcflff^^^ VO UNCi HARDWARE COMPANY. MAT IOC WILL BUT ^ Sing*' Siwe Sec Our Window Display. Every Article Useful and First Quality. NEW STOCK-SUMMER BARGAINS. 10-quart Stamped Dish Pans 10c. 3-inch Nickle-plated Shears. ...... 10c. 4-quart Tin Oil Can 10c. Plated Watch Chains and Charms.10c. 6-quart Milk Pans 10c. T/^-inch Plated Padlocks 10c. 4-quart Pudding Pans... 10c. 1-Ib. Cans Mixed Paint, all shades 10c. 13-inch Plain Tin Basins 10c. Nickle-plated Case Tape Lines. ... 10c, Large Steel Tin ^topers .10c. Window Screens, ''4. 10c. nj/g-inch Galvanizea Bowles 10c. 6-inch Heavy Steel Stra^ .inges. .10c. 2 and 3-quart Tin Coffee Pots 10c. Red Jar Rubbers for Fruit Jars, per dozen 10c. 4 Kegs Wire Tacks, 1 lb ...10c. 3-quart Covered Tin Bucket 10c. 8-quart Tin Milk Bucket 10c. 2-inch Flat Paint Brushes 10c. 2-String House Brooms 10c. Palmetto Scrub Brushes 10c. % lb. Stove Polish 10c. Whisk Brooms ’ 10c. Shaving Brushes (large stock assorted) 10c. Gas Torches 10c. Plated Table Knives 10c. Plated Table Forks 10c. 2-foot Carpenter’s Rules 10c. Wire Springs for Screen Doors. ... 10c. Spring Hinges for Screen Doors. ..10c. HART-WARD HARDWARE COTOY UP-TO-DATE ARTICLES FOR THE KITCHEN—EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. (Sign of Horse Shoe) No. 224 Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH TOBACCO MARKET. The local tobacco market opens its current season next Friday. This market as it now is, dates its existence, practically from last sea son; prior to that time it waA hardly considered as a reality, since there ; was a lapse of many years. But it is a I reality now and last year proved that there was a possibility for such at this point. While it may not equal some others of longer standing, yet it is reasonable to conclude that it will, during the current season, be estab lished more solidly in the tobacco world. Mr. R. L. Williamson, a well-known tobacco man, will be in direct manage ment of the affairs of the market at the old Love warehouse, corner of Bloodworth and Davie streets, while Mr. R. F. Knott will promote the inter est of the old Stronach warehouse, now the Capital warehouse. These gentlemen are well known throughout the tobacco section, and their popularity among the planters and th~r knowledge of the business, insures the conclusion that the market will prove more popular than last sea son. The planters of this county will find it to their advantage and profit to patronize the Raleigh market. The outlook seems to be bright for a good season’s business. APPOINTMENT NOTICE. To all Ticket Agents, Passenger Rep resentatives and Connecting Lines: Account of Mr. Z. P. Smith, traveling passenger agent at Raleigh, N. C., hav ing resigned to accept service else where, the following changes will be made effective August 1. 1904: Mr. C. H. Gattis, traveling passenger agent, Raleigh, N. C. • Mr .1-1. A. Morson, city passenger and ticket agent, Raleigh, N. C., reporting to the traveling passenger agent. Mr. J. C. Plorton, eastern passenger agent, 1183 Broadway, New York City, having resigned to become general pas senger agent of the 0. S. S. Co., effec tive August 1, 1904, Mr. W. E. Conklyn, in addition to his present duties will assume charge of the New York office temporarily. All communications form erly addressed to Mr. Horton should be addressed to Mr. W. E. Conklyn. CHARLES B. RYAN, General Passenger Agent. EDWARD F. COST, Second Vice-President. WAKE BOARD OF ELECTIONS. The State board of elections met here last evening and performed the work outlined in yesterday’s Evening Times. The following were appointed to compose the' Wake county board of elections: B. M. Gatling, W. C. Brewer • and John Nichols. The board prescribed that the tickets used in the election next November shall be on white paper and" without device. The congressional ticket shall be 2 by 4 inches; the State and judicial ticket 4 by 10 inches, and the electoral ticket 4 by 8 inches. CROPS GOOD, SAYS MR. ATWATER. I Hon. John W. Atwater, of Chatham. /ex-Congressman from this district, is in the city attending the farmers’ con vention. Mr. Atwater is still claiming to be an independent, but he says that he will support Roosevelt because he does not know anything about Parker and lie will not vote for Captain Glenn be cause,- so he says, the Confederate soldiers have been given the “cold shoulder.’’ About the crops he spoke with en thusiasm and said he never saw finer prospects than in Chatham this year. WEST RALEIGH CARS. ComingJnto the city from West Ra leigh the first trip of the electric cars has been moved up a peg. Hereafter a car will leave at 6:30 and another at 6:45 from the A. and M. College to the toot of Fayetteville street. PRIMARY AND PREPARATORY DE ¬ PARTMENT AT PEACE INSTITUTE. The preparatory department will be a special feature at Peace Institute the coming session. Work is offered in all preparatory grades; special atten tion will be given primary pupils. The course of study includes read ing, arithmetic, geography, history; English. elementary French, German and LaUn. These will be given care ful and proper attention, and efforts 1 will be made to create literary spirit and an appreciation of those things which make for culture. in addition to thorough instruction in the regular school work, paper cut ting, b,asketry, drawing, water color, singing and physical culture will be taught, each under direction of a spe cialist. Much attention will be paid to nature study. The children trained in this department will be well prepared for science in the college course. The school-room is to be made as beautiful as possible with freshly tint ed walls, pictures, statuary, book-cases, .lowering plants and palms. There will be a working library for the use of pu pils Taring school hours, selected es pecially to aid in supervised, study. Each child will receive individual attention, with purpose to strengthen the Weaknesses, and to cultivate inter est and appreciation where there is talent. Neither expense nor personal ^Tort will be spared to make this department an ideal school home for young chil dren. The session will open September 15, 1904, closing May 24, 1905. Prompt en rollment and regular attendance are important factors in the, success of all school work. Terms of tuition are moderate, and vary according to the grade of the pu pil. Appointments for consultation and information may be made with Miss Edith Royster, Principal of the depart ment, or with the President. JAS! DINWIDDIE, M. A., 2-4 / President.' o^wiw^f&l^^^ &&v\ 8fflw&ux^&%M^ S^ar WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS Odd Lots Half Prise and Less No sooner has the smoke cleared away from the Rousing Big Clearance Sale than we place another Bargain Campaign greater, if possible, than the one preceding it. There are lets of Summer's seasonable things yet to be disposed of during the next few days. Pay you well to keep a sharp eye on our advertisements. WASH GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Take a walk through the Dry Goods section, a long row of bargain coun ters and surprise prices all along toe line. The 10, 12% and 15c. Lawns, Or gandies and White Goods Novelties are bunched together at one price, 7^c The 15, 20 and 25c. Madras, printed Batistes, Lace Stripes and Mercerized Waistings, marked down to 10c. Fibre Lace, Cut Steel and Jet Tirm- mings. Gilt and Silk Braids. Appliques, Laces, Buttons, Fringes, Tassels, etc., at half price and less, 5, 10 15c. on up MILLINERY PRICES REDUCED. 50c. Mix Straw Sailors 25c. 81.00 White and Colored Straw Flats 50c. $5.00 Ladies’ Hats, worth up to $5.00 $1.00 WOMEN’S COLORED SHIRTWAISTS About five dozen Percale Waists and prettier, cooler and better values would be hard to find, sale price 38c. WASH SKIRTS. These are bargains. Not very many, so you’ll do well to get the first choice.' $1.00 Shepherd Check Skirts.... 60c. $1.25 Bicycle Cloth Skirts 75c. $1.50 Heavy "White Duck Skirts. .$1.00 $-3.00 White Colored Pique $2.00 $4.00 Linen Crash Skirts $3.00 $6.00 Lace Trim Butcher Linen Skirts $4.00 WOMEN’S SUMMER WRAPPERS. We’ve got a bunch of Wrapper val ues here that you should not miss. They are right in every way, but the prices are particularly right for you. Lawn and Percale, good, fast wash- able colors. Commodious, ruffle around shoulder with deep flounce, braid tom. worth $1.25 and $1.50, your choice 75c. BLACK MERCERIZED SATINE PET- TICOATS. 6 Not more than a dozen of these high- class Satine Drop Skirts, real values, $3.50 and $4.00 while'“they last, $2.00 and $2.50 SAMPLE WALKING SKIRTS. No Skirt Sale here ever acquired quite so much distinction. They are distinct values. Samples, and worth | ^E^ST^^L E^JG^Q^ ^ & ^ S^^^ Agriculture, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining), Industrial Chemistry, Textile Industry. 520 Students, 35 Instructors. Tuition $20 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. J j • child-birth. The thought j of alln^ T a " d dan F er ,: \ st ? re for he ^ cobs the expectant mother P r ? anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a shadow of gloom winch cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women ™ V c found th c at the . use ° f Mother’s Friend during pregnancy robs and cMd On Th P^nand danger, and insures safety to life of mother time - lh 6c ‘ eat . lfic hnnncnt is a god-send to all women at the { m r s C T tela 1 . Not only does Mother’s Friend n H 7 throu gh the perils of child-birth, but its use fickn^an^ th! coming " ent ' P reveat8 “corning comforts of this period. “ V-? « ™0 E^ER^S containing valuable information free. f^^^f^ The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. ^ - WALTER WOOLLCOTT. WALTER WOOLLCOTT. AUGUST BARGAINS! Without boasting w: can sty thit you will do well to ex amine this stock before you place your orders. We have many lines reduced to very low price to close out. Miny cases of new fall goods have arrived a-d we must have 'oom. The prices on Millinery are down to a minimum. The new Ribbons have arrived—all shades and widtf s. Our Shoe Stock i; very complete. We have received during the past month three orfour thousand pairs of fall shoes. Our men’s $2.00 and $2.50 shoes arc great—all the new shapes will be found— Goodyear Welts for men $2.50 IMMENSE LINE OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN’S SHOES ALL PRICES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. WALTER WOOLLCOTT. AGENTS for Wheeler & Wilson, Do mestic, Standard and New Home Sewing Machines, also nice line of Singers on hand for sale cheap. Sewing Machine Supply Store. 1-6-eod TIMES PRINTING CO., Comm&ns^ ^G^ Pri^i^ double the price. Only a few left. and $2.00 Skirts, for 75c. $3.00 and $4.00 Skirts, for $2.00 $4.50 and $5.00 Skirts, for $3.00 $6.00 and $7.00 Skirts, for $4:00 THE NEW FALL SKIRTS. The first showing of the new Fall Skirts for well-dressed women. They are made from fine tailors cloth and a,re the envy of the men. You’ll like the change—$5.00. $7.50 and $10.00 NEW SILK BELTS. The new White and Black Bilk and White Kid Crush Belts, all the vogue for now 25, 50 and 75c. NEW UMBRELLAS. Water-proofed Ciclette and Melrose Serge Umbrellas. Steel rod with na tural stick and Bamboo handles, ster ling silver mounted. Good $1.50 val ues $1.00 WRITING PAPER. The most economic way to buy Note Paper is by the pound. One pound of high-grade Vellum Writing Paper 10c. Envelopes to match 5c. Ono pound Parisian Dimity Linen Note Paper 25c. Envelopes to match 10c. MEN’S FURNISHINGS. August buying is best and the earlier you get in the game the better you'll share. 4-ply Linen Collars, warranted, six for 25c. Fine Madras Shirts, neat figures, fast colors 40c. Peyser’s Negligee Shirts,' reduced from $1.25 and $1.50 to 75c. MEN’S STRAW HATS. Half prices now for any of the Straw Hats for men. boys and youth, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 Hats, for 12^, 25 and 50c TRUNKS FOR TRAVELERS. Complete assortment of Trunks from the largest manufacturers in the world at prices that defy competition. Canvas-covered Dress Trunks, all styles $2.50 to $7.50 Suit Cases, Traveling Bags and Tel escopes $1.25 to $12.50 Automatic and Roller Tray Trunks, dil sizes, at all prices..$5 00 to $15.00 SPECIAL RATES TO HOT SPRINGS. The Seaboard announces special summer excursion rates of $30.60 to Hot Springs, Ark., a^d return, tickets on sale every Wednesday and Satur day, up to and including September 29th. final limit sixty days from date of sale, with the privilege of extension. The Seaboard offers a very attrac tive route, and full information can be secured by application to Mr. C. H. Gattis, city passenger and ticket agent, or to Mr. Z. P. Smith, traveling pas senger agent. WEEK-END AND SUNDAY RATE TO JACKSON SPRINGS, N. C., VIA S. A. L. RAILWAY. The Seaboard Air Line will sell round-trip tickets to Jackson Springs, N. C., via Aberdeen, N. C., and the A. and A. Railroad, on Saturdays and Sundays, good returning Monday fol lowing date of sale. Fare from Ra leigh $3.30 for the round trip. If further information is desired ap ply to C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A., Z. P. SMITH, T. P. A. Remodeling . Sale Watch This Space From Day to Day for the Latest Store News i North Carolina—Wake County. In the Superior Court. Ethel Holmes against W. B. Holmes. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Wake county for di vorce, and the said defendant will fur ther ta^e notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Supe rior Court of said county to be held on the eighth Monday before the first Monday in September, it being the 11.a day ox July, 1904, at’tne court- house of said county, in Raleigh, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap- fly to the court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. W. M. RUSS, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 1st day of June, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICE. Professor Levin, with his orchestra will return from Morehead City Sep tember 1st with all of the latest popu lar and up-to-date music. Those who desire a first-class in struction on violin, piano, mandolin and guitar, will do well to make appli cation as early as possible as his class will be very limited and special atten tion will be given to each scholar. No extra charge will be made for lessons given at home. Special rates to par ties of two or more in one residence. Leave orders with Mrs. J. Levin, 411 West Hargett street, or P. 0. Box 347. £ Owing to alterations in our store this month the low prices which F prevailed during July and made our sale such a success will continued during the present month. New goods in every department will be added daily, but prices will continue extremely low. New Leather Goods Shoping Bags of the newest designs and shapes for the LADIES. ^ “Peggy from Paris” Bags, Automobile Bags, Fair Bags, Fifth Avenue Bags, Broadway Bags, things in Leather Bags for tourists and prices Envelope Bags, Vanity ^ i hese are the newest ^ range from $1.00 to $10 ^ New Belts Both Black and White, in Silk and Leather Girdles, Dip Front, wide ^ plain and straight shapes. Prices from 22 to 75c. ^ Dry Goods $ ALL CLASSES OF DRY GOODS CONTINUE AT THE VERY LOW PRICES OF LAST MONTH. DON’T FAIL TO CALL ON US FOR ^ EVERY WANT JN THIS LINE. ^BOYLAN, PEARCE & €0.# a RALEIGH MALE ACADEMY Thorough Preparatory Course for Boys. Small classes and close individual attention, especially in elementary work. Twenty-sixth annual session opens September 4th. For catalogue or other information address HUGH MORSON, Principal, Raleigh, N. C. * Ice Cold Lemonade ^ made from nice sound, thin-skin lemons and pure granulated sugar, is $ £ the one summer drink that cannot be improved on. It is healthful, 4* * invigorating and very economical. (Good lemonade can be made for ^ 4» less than 2c. per glajs.) Lemons are good as a medicine, to say * ^ nothing of their importance in the kitchen. * .^ As in everything else, we believe the best is the cheapest. The * finest we have had this season are now in store, and the price is only * * 20c. PER DOZEN. 0 * You Should See Them. : D. T. JOHNSON & SON, : * ’PHONE 28. RAL.EIGH, N. C. * 4* 4 ^❖❖❖^ '■5 4^444444* , ? , 4 ❖ ❖^ {• ♦> ❖ 4* ❖ ❖ 4* 4* ❖ ❖ ❖ *❖ 4* SYDNOR S^FS & ^^= HUNDLEY ^ Flowers, Plants ^ Roses, Carnations, Violets and other choice cut flowers for all occa sions. Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, ana various kinds of Pot and Out door Bedding Plants, A great variety of Rose Plants, Vines for the ve randa. Cabbage Tomatoe and other Vegetable Plans. H. STEINMETZ ’PHONES 113. FLORIST. FURNITURE. A NEW DEPARTURE. Especially when it is durable adds so much to the attractiveness home. Perhaps you need a suit. Let us fix you up. We guari satisfaction. Remember-we have everything in the liouse-furnis line to make home comfortable. Our terms are easy— To our magnificent stock of Fur niture, the largest south of Phil adelphia, we have recently add ed a full line of Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Mattings, Lace Cur tains, Shades, etc., etc., under the supervision of Mr. J. H. Tracy, formerly with Sloane, of New York. Can furnish your home at any price you feel dis posed to pay. We can refer you to recent customers in Raleigh, Henderson, Durham, Goldsboro, Wilson and Weldon, to whom we THE RALEIGH FURNITURE COMPANY J. M. RIGGAN, Manager. ^SSSSMSS1 sold a very high grade line of goods. We are sole agents for the “Automatic,” the groat ice saver and King of Refrigerators. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY RICHMOND, VA. “THE SUMMER CAPITAL BY THE SEA” SAt Mil HI AND Mg The ideal place for rest, pleasure and recreation. The breeziest and most,delightful resort in America. Three hundred rooms, single and en suite, with private bath. The finest bathing, sailing and fishing on the Atlantic Coast. Largest and most beautifully decorated ball-room in the South. Hotel greatly improved and made more attractive than ever. Beautiful and varied electric display. Cuisine and service first-class in every respect. Special rates to families. For rates and booklet address A. & N. C. R. R., Owners. A. J. COOKE, Manager.