LANDED IN JAIL ) ne samuel Hinley, a white man St. Mary’s township, was brought this morning on the charge of car- ng concealed weapons and making ats against some of his neighbors, was given a hearing before ’Squire ..Jan, of that community, and sent to in default of bond of one hundred lars on the peace warrant, and a j-hunCred dollar bond for carrying coaled weapons. He is really a re ctable-looking citizen. A pTtIFUL CASE. negro man, Gus Womack, of Swift , e l ( township; who was brought to ; Saturday, desperately insane, is 1 lying in jail. Application for his mission to the insane asylum at Idsboro was made Saturday, but as no place has been found for him • that institution. This is a pitiful •e Gus Womack s a. well-known 1 respected negro, of this commun- and it is to be hoped that provision ![ be made for him at the asylum. ATM OF MRS. D. S. GAULDING. Slews was received here yesterday die death of Mrs. D. S. Gaulding, of. ysville, Va. She was a sister of s. M. W. Woodard, of this city. The funeral and burial took place s afternoon at 2 o’clock, at Keys- e Va. A husband and little son, ster Drewry Gaulding, three years age, survive her. REV. C. B. PAULS DEAD. ^ews has come of the death of Rev. B. Pauls, a prominent young Baptist argyman of Davis, N. C. Mr. Pauls was a brilliant young man, graduate of Wake Forest College, hose untimely death will be learned .th profound sorrow by his friends roughout the State. He was known 4 admired by many people of this, ty. De leaves a wife and an infant. The immediate cause of his death is not learned. MUNICIPAL COURT. Mayor Powell had only two cases to lim his attention this morning: J. Harris, assault on Frederick iller, fined $5.25. Wm. Walters, drunk and disorderly. ■.25. Both of which were paid. Shears for the Home— or for the Shop WISS SHEARS are acknowledged the best by those who use a shear the whole day. Blades adjusted just right prevent quick dulling. WISS SHEARS cost no more than the average shear but they last longer. Call and see our assort^ meat. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. ^udge a Shoe SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. ORTH CAROLINA—Wake County. In the Superior Court. Aaron Wade vs. Emily Wade. The defendant above ke notice, and notice is hereby given r. that an action, entitled as above, s been commenced in the Superior mrt of Wake county, for divorce, and e said" defendant will further take tice .that she is required to appear the next term of the Superior Court said county, to be held at the court- se of said county, in the city of Ra il, on the third Monday after the Monday in September, it being 26th day of September, 1904, and Million Men Smoke It Every Day Largest Seller in the World. The Hand is the LEVIN’S ORCHESTRA, Professor Levin and his orchestra have closed the summer engagement at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City. The orchestra has been increased in number this season and has a repertoir of the latest and most popular music. The orchestra w^l furnish the music at the Academy of Music this season. Those desiring a first-class teacher on violin, piano, cornet, mandolin and guitar should make application as early as possible, as his class will be very limited. Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. No extra charge will be made for lessons given at home. Special terms to two or more scholars in a family. Address Prof. J. Levin, 411 West Hargett street, Ra leigh, N. C. P. O. Box Nok 347. 3-tf Cleaning up ^ Summer Shoes* Look for the trade mark. ~ U.SA hy the leather ofwhich^^^ it’s made; judge leather by the label. (shown below)that identl- ® f fles it as Wolff’s Ideal W f Leather. The leather that 1 keeps the feetcool in summer, warm in winter. Makes heavy shoes soft, light shoes strong. Make in kid, calf, goat, colt or cow hide. Write for booklet “How to Buy Shoes.” WOLFF PROCESS LEATHER CO., Philadelphia. named will!Southern ver or demur to the complaint 1 action, or the relief asked for complaint will be granted. ; his August 19, 1904. W. M. RUSS, Clerk of the Superior Court. aw-6w ’ in in in Effect June 19, 1904. This condensed schedule is published as information and is subject to change without notice to the public. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH, N. C. No. 2:00 a. m.—Daily for SOUTHERN RAILWAY TOURS to the “SAPHIRE COUNTRY.” September 10-17-24, 1904. ates shown below cover entire tour. fit nine days. FROM harlotte . 'olumbia . lanville . reensboro ALEIGH - alisbury . $24.85 27.45 29.45 27.90 30.55 26.45 22.45 Greensboro and local points. Carries Pullman sleeper Raleigh to Greensboro, opened for reception of passengers 9 a. m., connecting at Greensboro with train No. 33, “Florida Express,” for Charlotte, Columbia and Savannah. 37, “Washington and Southwesterr Limited,” solid Pullman train drawing room sleepers, New York to New Or leans and Memphis, connection is also r^de for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Danville and local stations. No. 112, 5:25 a. m.—Daily for Golds boro and local stations; connecting at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line for Wilmington, N. C.. Wilson, N. C., Tar boro, N. C., Norfolk. Va., and interme diate stations, also at Goldsboro with Atlantic and North Carolina Railway for Kinston, N. C., New Bern, N. C., partanburg rhe above rates include railroad | r - nf l intermediate stations. .asportation, seven days board at,No. 107, 8:40 a. m.—Daily for Greens- s of the Toxaway Company’s Hotels,! boro and local stations, connects at I hack ride from Lake Toxaway to Durham for Oxford, Henderson, Keys- pphire Inn or Fairfield Inn and re-j ville and Richmond. At University 1'he Sapphire Country abounds in ausitely picturesque wood, lake'and untain scenes*. Excellent boating and fishing. i 'or detailed information in refer- 'c to the above tours call on or ad- 5SS T. E. GREEN, C. T. A., Raleigh, C. FURNITURE SALE. n pursuance of the a chattel mortgage terms of a cer- executed by C. Dixon and wife ,and recorded in )k 193, page 119, in the Register’s ce for Wake county, we will as snts for the mortgagee, sell at the art-house door in Raleigh, on Mon- U September 12, 1904, at 12 o’clock - a lot of household and kitchen fur- iture, described in said mortgage, ernis of sale cash. J. M. BROUGHTON & CO., Agents of Mortgagee. HOTEL EMPIRE ROADWAY AND S3d ST., N 3 Y. CST Telephone in Every Room, Joins $1,00 per day and Upwards. ^® ine Library of choice literature exclusive use of our guests. he Empire has long been the favoi* Hotel for tourists visiting the m® opolis. ^ rom 311 terries, steamboats an* steamers walk short block t# ' ? • Railwa y and take “9th Ava h street from which Hotel is ora “^te walk. Headquarters N. Y. Chapter Daugh- Ali^ tle Confederacy. ran??^ 6 cars ° r the “Metropolitan co.” pass the Hotel Empire. ‘1 Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday. At Greensboro with train No. 36, IT. S. “Fast Mail” for Washington an; all points north; Pullman drawing room sleepers to New York and Rich mond; close connection for Winston- Salem Mocksville and local stations with train No. 7 for High Point, Salis bury, Charlotte and local stations. No. 108, 10:30 a. m.—Daily for Golds boro and all local points, connects at Selma fox Wilson, Rocky Mount and all Eastern North Carolina points. At Goldsboro for Wilmington, Kinston, New Bern, N. C.,, and Norfolk, Va., where close connection is made with Chesapeake Line for Baltimore and all other outgoing steamers. No- 135, 3:25 p. m.—Daily for Greensboro and intermediate stations; connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksville, Keysville dally except Sunday. At University Station for Chapel Hill dally except Sunday. At I Greensboro with train No. 29 for Co lumbia, Augusta, Savannah, Charles- coaches Washington to Jacksonville, Fla. No. 35 “U. S. Fast Mail” for At lanta and all points south and south- west. Pullman drawing room sleepers to Birmingham and New Orleans, day coaches Washington to New Orleans, fps; vitb ^orth bound trains No. 34 and 38 for Washington and all points North. Pullman drawing room sleep ers and observation car to New York; connection is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Salem and at Salisbury for Memphis. No. 136, 4:50 p. m.—Daily for Golds boro and local stations. C. H. ACKERT, Gen. Mgr. S. H. HARDWICK, Pass. Traff. Mgr. W. H. TAYLOE, Gen. Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. L. VERNON, Trav. Pass. Agt., GREEN, CITY TICKET AGENT, Yarboro House. SCROFULA Swollen glands, tumors, white swelling, sores, pustular or scaly skin eruptions, flabby muscles, brittle bones, weak digestion, emaciated, illy-nourished bodies, are some of the well-known earmarks of Scrofula. Scrofula is inher ited. Parents too closely related by the ties of blood, or tainted with consumption or blood poison, may look for signs of Scrofula in their children. The middle-aged often have it, but children are the chief sufferers. Scrofula breaks down the vital forces, and the blood becomes so weak and poor that it does not nourish the body. The rem edy in all scrofulous affec- tions must be one that purifies the diseased blood, builds up the weak digestion, increases tobeing the appetite and gives new energy and strength to all I commeri life’s forces. No medicine has North Carolina—Wake County. In the Superior Court. Ethel Holmes against W. B. Holmes. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Wake county for di vorce, and the said defendant will fur ther taKe notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Supe rior Court of said county to be held on the eighth Monday before the first Monday in September, it being the 11la' day 01 July, 1904, at tne court- •house of said county, in Raleigh, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. , W. M. RUSS, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 1st day of June, 1904. Summer Oxfords $1 less than regular price Women’s Ovfords and Low Cut Shoes 1-3 off the regular prices. There’s plenty of hot weather yet ta come and there’s a long time to wear these Oxfords and Low Cut Shoes. J DOBBIN® FERRALL* ^^^^^^^ ^%% ^^^^^^^’^^^ New Features •r - t Cleveland, Ohio, August 11,1903. I inherited Scrofula from my parents, and thia means, of course, weak, impure blood and a run down, debilitated condition of the system. I have been under treatment of physicians for quite a period at different times, but their treatment did not do me anything like the good S. S. S. did last w -h er ! I took it. It promotes appetite and digestion, gives strength and energy, builds up the general health in every way, and in addition co being an excellent blood purifier, it adds to its success as a remedy for Scrofula. It did more for me than any thing I have used, and with pleasure 122 Bro^il St. MKS - LOUISE C ®M. won so much fame as a blood purifier as S. S. S., and its tonic effects upon the system are not equaled by any other remedy. It makes the weak, tainted blood rich and strong, and drives out of the circulation all tubercular deposits and morbid matter that cause the glandular swelling, sores, abscesses, tumors and other horrible symptoms THE UNIVERSITY of North Carolina Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Free tuition to teachers and to minis ters’ sons. Scholarships and loans for the needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors.. New Dormitories, Gymnasium, Water Works, Central Heating System. The Fall term begins Sept. 5, 194. Address Francis P. Venable, President Chapel Hill, N. C. AT BAPTIST UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN NEXT SESSION 1. Kindergarten piano lessons, under Miss Sams, a specialist in this line 2. Instruction in Applied Art, by Miss Ford, of the Chase School New York. This means learning to invent designs for print-cloths, wall paper magazine cover, etc., and remunerative business. 3. Thirty-one new Stieff pianos. The regular Primary Department for the little ones as heretofore. School opens September 20th. Address R. T. VANN, Raleigh, N. C. LEN. H. ADAMS 5 cars Shingles. 2 cars Laths. 1 car Nails. 1 car Timothy Hay, $17 per ton. 1 car Fancy Flour. 2 cars Feed Stuff, of all kinds. Get our prices before you buy; it will be to your interest. We have a few Posts for sale. LEN. H. ADAMS, Raleigh and Int. ’Phones. Prompt Delivery. that make Scrofula so dreaded and dangerous. Write us fully about your case. Medical advice will cost you nothing ™£ SWIFT SPEGSESQ £&„ ATLANTA, GA. I h^BUSm^L EDUGATIOW ZL & fif. S&Heg& Sitslesyhf ^ G S Agriculture, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining), Industrial Chemistry, Textile Industry. 520 Students, 35 Instructors’ Tuition $20 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. IS45-—5 Th MUIUJI KiWKMWf (0. That Father Time should do his year’s perfect work in a single moment, and destroy, as he did in the last census year, OVER ONE MILLION LIVES in these United States’ Don’t you think you would be profoundly impressed—that is, if he left you alive? Consider The Figures: Over one million lives, and the attendant economic loss. Don’t wait for a Martinique or a Galveston horror to “jar” you into a realizing sense of the uncertainty of life. NATURAL CAUSES are the. most menacing. REMEMBER that the pecuniary loss, incident to death, can be surely and fully provided for by Insuring in Mutual Benefit LIFE INSURANCE CO. It will also provide for your second childhood, should you escape early death. "JOHN C. DREWRY, State Agent. ‘ Mt FIMITME—^ Especially when it is durable adds so much to the attractiveness of a home. Perhaps you need a suit. Let us fix you up. We guarantee satisfaction. Remember we have everything in the house-furnishing line to make home comfortable. Our terms are easy— CASH OR CREDIT THE RALEIGH FURNITURE COMPANY J. M. RIGGAN, Manager. The Mecklenburg, CHASE CITY, VA, Bates $12 per week and up. This handsome hotel, with all mod ern improvements, and a fine Sanato rium in connection, and the finest Hy- dryatic Bath system south of New York City, with skilled attendants for both ladies and gentlemen, is now open for the reception of guests. Amusemetns are plentiful, such as dancing nightly, bowling alleys cro quette grounds, tennis courts, pool and billiard parlors. Cuisine the best. The water is known far and wide for diseases of the blood, stomach, nerves, skin, kidneys and liver. It is also highly recommended for rheuma tism. For plans of the hotel and booklet address W. C. HUNDLEY, Lessee and Manager. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE ' 1-1 COURSES. 3 Literary, Scientific, Commercial, Manual Training, Classical, Pedagogical, Domestic Science, Music. Five courses leading to Diplomas. Advanced courses leading to Degrees. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty numbers 50. Board, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text-books, etc., $160 a year. For non- residents of the State $180. Thirteenth annual session begins September 29, 1964. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Correspondence invited from those desiring com petent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other information, address - CHARLES D. MclVER, President, ^' Greensboro, N. C. Carnations and Violets OUR SPECIALTY We are always prepared to furnish the nicest fresh cut flowers, Bouquets and Floral Decorations In the best, style at short notice. Palms & Ferns to Suit You Blooming Pot Plants for house and window decorations, Spring and Sum mer Flowering Bulbs, Bedding and Border Plants for yard, Rose Bushes, and vines, shrubberies, Evergreens and Shade Trees. Vegetable Plants of all kinds in sea son at J. L. O’QUINN & COS. All ’Phones 149. Raleigh, N. C. G. C. DICKINSON Breeder of Belgian Hares' A GREAT MONEY MAKER. One doe weighing 8 pounds will pro duce 400 pounds a year. Selling from 20 to 40c. a pound. G. C. Dick inson, 602 E. Hargett St. 8-lm. Raleigh, N. C. we®®©®®®®®®®®®©©©®©^ jo. A. ROBBINS & CO j • Architects § CHARLES K. BRYANT, J © Architect. © @ CHARLOTTE, N. C. © ®©©©©®©e©®©©©©©e©®©®®© College Courses PEACE y^ 51 ’'^" 1 Catalogue Daughter rostitute for Young Women ^ Conserva tory of Music. The Best. Place RALEIGH FREE Address, Jas. Dinwiddie Presided Trinity College One hundred and seventy graduate and undergraduate courses of study in departments of Literature, History, Science and Philosophy. Well-equipped Laboratories in all departments of science. Large li brary facilities. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy young men. Broad and national spirit. TRINITY COLLEGE HAS THE LARGEST ENDOWMENT OF ANY COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC STATE. For catalogue and further information, address j 1 X D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar. Durham, N. C. I Inventory Sale 3 2 THIS WEEK WE WILL TAKE STOCK. ; • • WE HAVE SOME GREAT VALUES IN | CLOTHING : AND MEN’S FURNISHINGS © If you want values come early. They must go to make room ( ) • for Fall Stock, which will be coming in in a few days. We wont J ( • carry them over if prices will move them. ] [ i Cross @. Linehan Cc. 2 UP-TO-DATE FURNISHERS AND CLOTHIERS. ] ' *#•••«••••••#••••••«•• •••••••••••••••••••••*