THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1905. NATIONAL.BISCUIT COMPANY V Don’t forget 1 Graham Crackers Busier Thin Biscuit Social Tea Biscuit L Lemon Snaps J Should Auld Acquaintance Forgot we say again— Forget it Not Uneeda Biscuit GOTO AND May, June June, July- July, Aug. Aug., Sept, iSept., Oct. STOCK MARKET “ ” NEW ORLEANS COTTON LETTER. (Special to The Evening Times.) Ne wOrleans, La., July 27.—It is evident that the spot interests of Europe are at last awakening to re alize that crop prospects in the South are as bad as reported, and if they only knew the true condtion of f- fairs they would be willing to mit that crop accounts now in culation are not exaggerated at as most people reporting from ad- ci r- all, the interior and those who have paid a- visit to the country have modified their reports, fearing less credence would be placed in them were they pictured as poor as they really look. It was a more unfavorable position of the Liverpool 'market than expect ed that caused the lowering of our market about 12 points at the open ing, October 10.72 and causing an additional decline of 5 points, to 10.67, for October after the first call, as the selling at New York seemed to have subsided with the closing of last evenin. Traders, however,, took advantage of the opportunities of se curing some cheap cotton, and as large local operators, formerly on the fence, had at last taken sides with the longs, the market gradually recovered lost ground, Octobe rad- vancing to 11 cents, finally closing at 10.96@10.97. The New York Journal’s preliminary State reports on condition of the crop averaged rather favorably for North Carolinaa, South Carolina and Georgia, some improvement n each State being re ported for the month, but contrary to expectations Alabama was not as good as looked for, there being some doubts as to there havng been any improvement during the month in. that State at all. During the bal ance of the week we will hear from the more unfavorable districts of the Mississippi Valley and Texas, and it is a foregone conclusion that the im provement reported east of the Mis sissippi river will be more than off set by the further deterioration to be reported fro mthe western half of the belt. Manchester advices report more desire to buy at a decline than for some time. H. & D. BEER. Nov. Dec., Jan. 5.88 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.82 5.84 5.84 5.85 NEW YORK COTTON Open. High. Jan. .. i Feb. .. Mar. .. April .. May ..' June .. July .. Aug. . . Sept. .. Oct. .. Nov. .. Dec. .. Tone: 10.90 10.99 11.04 11.02 11.09 11.11 11.15 11.18 ^Hubbard Bros. J CoJ 5.79' 5.79 HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK, j 5.80'MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex-j 5.81 .5.82 '5.83 MARKET. 10.90 10.99 11.04 11.02 Close. 11.09 11.11 11.15 11.18 change, New Orleans Cotton Ex ¬ change. Asociate Members Liver pool Cotton Asociation. ■ ORDERS SOLICITED—For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invited. Buy It Now. Now is the time to buy Chamber- .. 10.53 ... 10.50 .. 10.59 ... 10.75 .. 10.78 .. 10.83' Steady. 10.70 10.72 10.82 10.96 11.04 11.05 10.53 10.50 10.59 10.75 10.78 10.83 Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea H ! Remedy. It is certain to be needed •••■ sooner or later and when that time 10-70jcomes you will need it badly—you 10-72. W jii need it quickly. Buy it now....It 10-82; ma y save life. For sale by W. G. 10.96 11.04 11.05 Thomas and Robt. Simpson. MORTGAGE SAFE. RALEIGH SPOT COTTON. Quotations by Charles E. Johnson Co., Cotton Merchants. These figures represent prices to wagons: Good middling, 10 1-2. Strict good middling, 10 5-8. Strict middling, 10 3-8. Middling, 10 1-4. Tinges, 9 to 10 1-8. Receipts yesterday, 65 bales. & paid RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. Wholesale Prices. Corrected Daily by Len. H. Adams. Eggs, 15c. Chickens—Hens, 35 to 40c. N. C. Hams, 14 and 15c. Shoulders, 10c. Sides, 10c. Butter, 20 to 25c. lb. By virtue of authority conferred in a certain mortgage executed by Jo seph Perry and wife, January 4, 1895, and duly recorded in Book No. 128, at page 812, in Register of Doods office of Wake county, N. C.. we will.' on THURSDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF AUGUST, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, at 12 o’clock M., expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, that lot of land with four-room cottage thereon, lying and situate in the eastern portion of the city of Raleigh, Wake county, on the north side of Davie street be tween East and Swain streets, adjoin ing the lands of T. L. Lane and others, being a part of city lot No. 710, as shown on Shaffer’s map, and more definitely described as follows: Be ginning at a stake in the northern line east lot; east of said Davie street, the south- runs thence north 2% degrees 210 feet; thence south 87% de ¬ Two RALEIGH VISITORS. Excursion Trains Release Thousand Interested People. Since the arrival of two special,, or excursion, trains this morning, grees east 56 feet in a line parallel with Davie street; thence south 2% degrees west 210 feet to Davie street in a line parallel with the first line; thence west along the northern line of Davie street, north 87^4 degrees west 56 feet, to the beginning. This July 21, 1905. PEELE & MAYNARD, Attys, for Extrs.-Mortgagees. the streets of the city have thronged with something more a thousand men, women and dren, both part came other from hood. white and black. been than, chil- One from Lewiston and the the New Bern neighbor- All in all the crowds are orderly in every respect and the city is al ways glad to have them come here TOE CHALLENGESALE Is Over. It Was a Great Success. We Still Challenge all Competition to Meet our Regular Prices. Do not forget to see the 3 special lines of Um-1 brellas that we are selling at 75c, $1.00, $1.50. We are selling an enormous amount of staple goods at present. Our Cambrics and Bleachings are particularly good for the money. We have just received new cases of Bleachings to retail at 8 1-3 and 10c, also a new lot of Cambric at 10c. TRIJINKS It may not be generally known but we sell Trunks'—good trunks at that. The famous Roundtree Trunks will 'be found here. All price trunks from the cheap ones to the very best Roller Tray Trunks. SHOES 1 Oxford ties, sandals and other low 'Shoes have been cut deep in price. We can give almost any size or kind. A few White Slippers can be found also. STOP ORDERS FEWER THAN EX PECTED. (Special to The Evening Tinies.) New York, July 27.—A decline of 15 points at Liverpool showed the effect of bull leaders, withdrawal and further liquidation here carried our prices down 18 points. It was plain, however, that stop orders were fewer than expected and the market early presented a sold-out appear ance. Very little buying was needed to give this market .a sharp upturn of 20 points. Room shorts are run ning before the returning bull wave. Price is reported to have bought again on the decline, which reached $3 per bale from the last high point, and while he has undoubtedly de cided to retire from the market, he will do so gradually. We understand that he has not disposed of his spot cotton as yet, but will probably ten der it on August contracts. The proximity of the August bureau re port and the growing belief that it will confirm the pessimistic accounts from the Mississippi Valley and Texas, will, no doubt, bring in more buying, and perhaps lift prices to a new high level before the report ap pears. MILLER & CO. CONDITION OF COTTON MARKET. (Special to .The Evening Times.) New York July 27.—Private esti mates of crop conditions, not with out weight, show a reduction on July 25th of about 5 per cent., and it is believed that the next government report will show a corresponding, if not greater, decline, but the value of these reports has been so seriously lessened that the trade will hold them in lighter repute than hitherto. Their guess work and surmise are being recognized and accuracy is ad mittedly out of the question. The market felt the decline in Liver pool and advanced on local manipu lation. Fluctuations of considerable scope may be antiepated until the disturbances pass away. Outside in terest is lighter than for several days, conservative houses doing very little, but advise caution and that prices appear high. HUBBARD BROS. & CO. for any length* of time they may care to spend with us. Most of the time of the visitors has been spent in riding on the cars and n looking about the State House and the beautful Pullen Park. Our strangers wil Inol spend the night here, but will' lea?ve on the return trip to-night or this evening. PEACEMAKERS TO MEET ON MAYFLOWER. Washington July 27.-—It is de finitely announced at the State De partment to-day that the first meet ing of the Russian and Japanese en voys would take place August 5th on board the Mayflower, off Oyster Bay. President Roosevelt will en tertain the envoys at luncheon in stead of at dnner, as previously ar ranged. MOB STILL AFTER NEGRO MI R- DERER. Plainfield, N. J., July 27.—Police men, detectives and farmers still surround the Dismal Swamp where Charles Long, the negro murderer, ought refuge Monday after a thrill ing escape from a posse armed with shotguns and revolvers, that had pursued him for several miles. It is believed Long will remain in the swamp until driven out by hunger or bloodhounds. Arrangements, have been made to bring bloodhounds to the scene. Puts light in the eyes, tints the cheek with Nature’s, bloom, loosens the tension of life, brushes the cob webs from the brain, that’s what Hol lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. ' GERM DISEASES OF SUMMER. No One Need Fear Sickness if Mi-o-na is Used. People with strong stomachs and natural digestion are ordinarily not subject to bowel troubles, diarrhoea, and other germ diseases that are so common and dangerous in the sum mer months. A Mi-o-na tablet taken before each meal will give such health and strength to the weakest stomach that the whole system will become strong and well, and so clean and sweetjhat there will be no chance for disease germs to become effective. A great many people imagine that their headaches, dizizness heart burn, or general despondency and weakness is a sign of fatal illness, when the whole trouble is the direct result of a weak stomach and imperfect diges tion. A 50 cent box of, Mi-o-na tab lets will show by the great gain in health that the somach is the cause of | the poor health, and that Mi-o-na is the only remedy that will drive out all weakness, debility, and disease. Mi-o-na is so nearly infallible in curing the diseases resulting from a weakened stomach, excepting cancer of the stomach, that W. H. King Drug- Go. guarantee to refund the money should the remedy not give perfect satisfaction. 0URKE GBEAM SODA WITH CRUSHDED FRUIT Is just about the mo s t de liriously satisfying beverage' that has ever beei^ invented. To those who like ordinary ice cream soda this of ours will be a revelation. For one thing we give you an extra large portion of the finest ice cream in each glass ful, and instead of using or dinary flavors we use the pure crushed fruit. You cannot iamgine anything that tastes half so good. After you once try it you’ll be sorry you didn’t try it be fore. Agent for Butterick Patterns. Walter Woollcott IVWVWlAW^ ^^*l A^^^^AZI^^^^A^^^^^^* WV> AWA Bread That Has Made Bretsch Famous . . . Why worry your life away over the bake oven this sweltering weather when it is possible for you to buy the finest bread on earth for less than the cost of your baking, if price of fuel, worry and ex pense of cooking is considered. Prompt Delivery. Order by ’phone. C. M. BRETSCH. NEW YORK COTTON LETTER. (Special ’to The Evening Times.) New York, July 27.—The stock market opened ths morning, the divi dend on Erie, 2nd, yesterday being a bull factor. The Pennsylvania group grows stronger as dividends increase. Union Pacific and St. Paul are in good demand. Copper is strong and outlook good to- go higher. The market closed at best prices of the day. Buy stocks on re cessions. Cotton opened 14 points lower on disappointing Liverpool cables and uncovered stop orders. The market is weak. October rallied 18 points and ruled steady to the close. Pub lic sentiment is bullish and profes sional bearish. Best firms advise purchase. J. S. BACHE & CO. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Open.. Close. Jan., Feb 5.86 5.84 Feb., Mar 5.87 5.84 Mar., April .... 5.87 5.85 April, May .... ...... 5.88 5.86 North Carolina Wake county Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Wm. R. Blake and others, vs. J, H. Hole, Fannie Holt, B. C. Holt, and the infants Isabelle Holt, Ara- belle Holt and Martha Holt.—No tice. J. H. Holt, Fannie Holt, B. C. Holt and the infants, Isabelle Holt, Ara bella Hole and Martha Holt, the de fendants above named will take no tice that a special proceeding' entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake county North Carolina to sell for division among ehe heirs a certain parcel of land in Wake county, North Carolina, in the cor porate limits of the city of Raleigh at the intersection of Martin and Bloodworth streets and more fully de scribed in the complaint; and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to appear at the dffice of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for Wake county, North Carolina, on Monday the 14th day of August A. D., 1905, at the court house in said county and answer ’or demur to the complaint in said, proceedings or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. Wm. RUSS, Clerk of Superior Court. Peele & Maynard, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. KING’S PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Turnip Seed HARDWARE PAINTS Young Hardware Co. 12 East Martin St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real or Personal Security in Wake County. B. F. MONTAGUE. RALEIGH FURNITURE CO., No. 17 E. MARTIN ST.. 15 MARKET ST. RALEIGH, N. C. ^ EVERYTHING x FOR. THE HOME We sell for cash or not, fast as you like. Weekly or Monthly installments. Our prices are right, come and see us if you want tosave money. All new and up-to-date. Try one of our Fel Mattresses. Try one of our Cook Stoves. Warranted to give satisfaction. Yours for business, ^e RALEIGH FURNITURE COMPANY Raleigh Phone No. 244. eJAS. M, RIGGAN, Mgr. j = Mechanics and J Investors Union, I RALEIGH, N. C. J J. C. Drewry, Pres.; J. S Wynne, V.-Pres.; B. S. Jerman, Treas.; S George Allen, Secretary. Organized May, 1893. During twelve years has made 300 loans on Real Estate, to aid in building homes. h 250 call loans on certificates of the company. $75,000.00 cash has been returned for matured certificates. *; Monthly payment certificates, requiring the monthly payment or de- •; posit of any amount from $1.00 to $$25.00 are issued. Full paid six per cent ten year coupon certificates $100.00 are sold G ? for $92.00. ► The company is required by the State to pay all taxes on certificates. U Loans on real estate or on company certificates made promptly. ' Address or call on GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. ’ ww WA m^^/mi ww ww WWV^M^ W^ fA^ wvv ww WW WOOD! (MW00D! GLENWOOD! Beautiful Residence Section Almost Ready. Wait for glenwooiF Do You Want a Home? Wait For Glenwood! Do You Want to Speculate? Wait For Glenwood! Glenwood Will be on Sale in Less Than 30 ■ . Days. Wait for Glenwood. Glenwood will Have Sewers. Glenwood will Have City Water. Glenwood will Have no Undesirable Residents. Glenwood will Have an Up-L-Date Street Car Line. Glenwood Prices will be one-half you are required to pay elsewhere GLENWOOD LAND COMPANY Albert L. Murray, Manager. Clear Eye, Bright Complexion. Sure Signs Good Health, Both Follow Use ROBINSON-PETTET GO., Inc. - - - LOUISVILLE, KY. HUGHES’ TONIC Great Medicine for Spring and Fall—Success over 40 years—Fa better than dosing with Calomel and Quinine. Cures Chills and Fever—Sallow Complexion, and Bilious Disor ders, because it Cleanses the system—Acts gently on Bowels and Liver—fine Tonic, gives appetite and strength—Pleasant to taste. Try ii—insist on HUGHES’ and no other. 50 cent and $1.00 Bottles at Druggists. ^^ SO T° Wilmington and return on sale Saturdays and 1 Sundays forenoon, good to return until Monday V Following. S7.30 To Wrightsville Beach and return, on sale good to return until October 31st. daily, Via Southern Railway and Goldsboro, double daily train service. Meet your friends at the Encamp ment of the 2nd and 3rd Regiments, July 20th to 26th; 1,500 North Carolina troops in camp. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N, C.