I IN SOCIAL CIRCLES j Mrs. Hight C. Moore left this morning for visit friends. *** Miss Lilly Lawrence and little son Goldsboro to went to Ply- NOW I LAY' ME DOWN TO SLEEP. “Now, I lay me down to sleep: I pray the Lord my soul to keep,” Was my childhood’s early prayer. Taught by my mother’s love and care. Many years since then have fled; Mother slumbers with the dead; Yet methinks I see her now, With love-lit eye and holy brow, As, kneeling by her side to pray, She gently taught me how to say, “Now I lay me down to sleep: I pray the Lord my soul to keep.” Oh! could the faith of childhood’s days, Oh! could its little hymns of praise, Oh! co^ld its simple joyous trust Be recreated from the dust That lies around a wasted life, The fruit of many a bitter strife! Oh! then at night in prayer I’d bend, And call my God, my Father, Friend, And .pray with child-like faith once more The prayer my mother taught of yore— “Now I lay me down to sleep: I pray the Lord my soul to keep.” —Eugene H. Pullen. Miss Bashford left this morning to visit friends in Asbury. Mrs. T. B. Eldridge and children left this morning Airy, j to visit friends in Mount mouth to visit her sister, Mrs. E. A. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. R._ 0. E. Davis, of Chapel Hill, were registered at Yarborough to-day. Miss Nixon, of Greenvile, who been visiting- Mrs. W. C. Uzzell turned Mrs. the has to her home this morning. H. B. Clark, of Washington, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mabry, left this morn ¬ ing for Mrs. her home. Bettie Pike, of Washington, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. B. Nelson, home this morning. Miss Alston Dargan, who visiting Mrs. T. B. Jerman, returned has been returned o her home at Ridgeway this morn ing. Mrs. William C. Stroder ,of Ports- mouth, who has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Hill, left for her home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones after a Mrs. H. G. ford to visit C. Strong. Cooper is here from Ox- her sister, Mrs. Robert visit to Columbia, passed through the city this morning re- .urning to their home in Kinston. Miss Pearl *** Branhan, of Chase City, Va.,’ is visiting the Misses Green on North East street. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Strickland and children*, of Bluefield, W. Va., are /isiting their sister, Mrs. A. II. John son, on Fayetteville street. Miss Essie May Sheets and Miss Eugenia King have returned from a visit to Wrightsville. * * * Mrs. C. C. McAllister, of Asheboro, arrived in The city today and is visit- - ing Mrs. B. R. Lacy. Mrs. W. 0. Riddick, forest, passed through lay going to visit thoskie and Windsor. of Wake the city to friends in Miss Kate Debrille Walker left this morning to visit relatives in Danville, Va., and Milton, N. C. Mr. and Miss Gloss er a visit Mrs. W. S. Parker and Parker, of Henderson, af ro Morehead City, were here yesterday on their way home. Miss Lula Knott and Miss Emma Knott returned last night from a visit to Wrightsville. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. laughter, Mrs. Tucker, rom Reidsville, where he funeral services of Milton and have returned they attended James Milton. Mrs. C. H. B. Leonard and Miss Ella Ireland left this morning to spend some time in Thomasville. Miss Ellee Dix left this morning to visit friends in Elizabeth City and other points in Eastern Carolina. Mrs. C. B. Green and Miss Rosa Green, of Durham, were here yester- lay on their way to their home in >urham, after a visit to Jackson Springs. Mrs. Henry Denning left yesterday to spend the rest of the summer with friends and relatives at Fuquay Mrs. M. M. McKay and daughter, vliss Frances Reid, were here yester- lay, returning to their home at Sum- nerville after a visit to friends at .Vilmington and Wrightsville Beach. Julia Winston, of Oxford, pass- the city this morning re- »l'vMter a visit to Wrights- RALEIGH ASSOCIATION UNION. The fifth Sunday union meeting if the Raleigh Association occurs at Hepzibah church beginning at 10:30 i. m. next Saturday, July 29th. Rev. !. J. Betts, of this city, as modera- and Mrs. Jesse Fesperman and children, of Waycross, Ga., arrived yesierday to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fetner. or of the meeting, ippning exercises. Important topics will conduct the on Church and Mr. Halbert Levister, of the sub scription department of the Raleigl Times, is confined to his home with malarial fever. Sunday school work will be consid- >red during Saturday and Sunday, lev. J. C. Massee, of this city, will ireach at 11 a. m. and Rev. C. A. Mrs. W. H. Day, accompanied by Misses Vivian and Lillian Betts, lef this morning to spend some days ii the country. Jpchurch, of Cary, at Sunday. Every church in the ociation is entitled to ion in the union, and 2 p. m. on Raleigh As representa- it is hoped l’.at a full delegation will be present. The Tabernacle Baptist church, of his city, has appointed the follow- Mrs. Eugene Anderson, of Burling ton, who has been visiting her parents. Capt. and Mrs. William H. Rand, re returned home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Whitaker anc children left this 'morning to visit friends at Warrenton, N. C. Miss Daiy Williams, of Fuqua? Springs, spent the day in the city Miss Louise Edwards, student a King’s Business College, went tc make a visit to her home at Spring Hope, this morning. Mrs. Henry A. coles and children of Atlanta, arrived in the city this morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Norris. companied by Miss Roach. She was ac MRS. R. T. GRAY ENTERTAINS. And at Morehead a Delightful Sail by Mr. and Mrs. Parham and Miss Closs Parker. Atlantic Hotel, forehead City, Ju ly 26.—Mrs. R. T. Gray, of Raleigh, entertained a number of friends at cards on the delightful balcony around the ball room. There were six tables of six hand euchre,. Mrs. Moir, of Georgia, won the first prize and Miss Gretchin Barnes, of Wilson, won the second. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Parham and Miss Closs Parker, of Henderson, gave a most delightful sail Monday nighf. There were two boats filled with guests and the good natured rivalry of the sailours made the sail exciting, the boat full of younger folks won the race. Boxes of candy were hand ed around. FASHIONABLE WEDDINGS ng: W. H. Holloway, George Ken- ledy, R. Horton, E. Hugh Lee. i. M. Broughton, Clarence Mitchell lames Adams, C. H. Baugh, J. H. .xoore and Frank Weathers. COLORED MASONS WILL BUILD. The little old building which had stood at the northeast corner of Blount ind Cabarrus streets was removed yesterday. The colored Masons of the my will at an early day begin the erection of a commodious brick ing which will be occupied for purposes on the ground floor, he upper story will be used build- store while as a room for the lodge. The new build ing will add most materially to that part of Raleigh. NO GREASE OR DANGEROUS DRUGS. In “Herpercide,” -the New Scientific and Successful Dandruff Treatment. Have you dandruff? Then you have a contagious parasitic disease, un pleasant, unhealthy and one that will eventually lead to baldness. To cure it you must destroy the parasite thai eats at the root of the hair. The only- preparation for germs is Newbro’s Klein, of Laramie, picide allayed the destroying these Herpicide. Charles Wyo., says: “Her- itching, cured the dandruff and stopped my hair’s fall ing out; and it is bringing a new crop of hair.” Herpicide is free from grease or dangerous drugs, and makes hair glossy and soft as silk. One bot tle will convince you of its merits. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpi- cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Henry T. Hicks Drug Co., Special Agents. require invitations that are in accord ance with forms adopted by fashiona ble society. Invitations which we engrave, are the proper shape and size, phraseology and arrangements are correct, style of engraving just right and everything in accordance with the dictates of social usage. All work done in our own factory here. Low prices and strict promptness. Send for free samples and booklet. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., 47 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Dobbin & PerraU Special Offer! tf Continues without abatement. OF THE YEAR. lines ^ horses, stock. LOST—Petition ot call for election. Finder will receive liberal reward for its return to J. J. Coats, 620 E. Martin St., or Times Office. WATCH these columns for bargains at J. B. Green Co.’s, No. 9 East Hargett Street. LOST.—Sunday night, Scarf Pin, old gold, dragon, with opal at head. Suitable reward, Mr. Bullock, 210 IF YOU WANT GROCERIES, Vege tables, Fruit or anything else in the eating line, ’phone T. L. McCUL- LERS & CO. m-w-f LOST—Pocket book on street or at Pullen Park, containing one $2,0 and The Times will send A. D. T. messen ger, without charge, to your place of business or residence for ad vertisements for the want column. ’Phone Western Union or Times city. Splendid turnouts, unexcelled service. We cialty of boarding and bills; also receipts from Promptness assured. Woodall’s Stables, East Morgan strete, near Capitol. ’Phones 379. WANTED—Two men to travel and collect. $20.00 and expenses paid weekly, experience not necessary. Self-addressed envelope for reply. Address G. L. Sexton, Star Bldg., College. Libertl King’s Business Times office. F. Watson & Co. will make Cabinet Photos, for $1.50 per. dozen for the next thirty days from July 1st. Riggsbee, operator. G. Campbell. CLEAN PANAMA AND STRAW Hats. Also do dyeing and cleaning in best manner. L. G. GILL, Inter state ’Phone 371. the morning. If you will ’phone market. W. B. MANN. S. Blount street. The most up-to-date delivery in the Thevery best Stables' open day and night. SOMETHING NEW—Capital City Fuel Company. 6-21-30 FINE MULLETS at MANN’S. “At Crinkleys WANT AD. COLUMN 326-332 Fayetteville Street 2 quart Freezers, $1.50. LOWEST PRICES to $2.50. ALBEMARLE Pure Rye, 10 years old, 4 full quarts $3.00 delivered YADKIN RIVER, Pure North Carolina Corn, 6 years old, 4 full qts., $2.50 delivered 22—4t Chicago. us your orders early you will get the “pick” of everything on the cent a 3d tak- two $5 King’s reward College Business if left at or at The good horses, make a spe- caring for attention to WANTED—Position by young man thoroughly experienced in gents’ furnishings, also some knowledge of window dress; can furnish very YOU GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH of goods, and do not have to pay for premiums for someone else to get. Water Cooler, $1.00 Fly Fans, $1.90. Wire Dish Covers, 8 Men’s Whi'ce Shoes, to 14c. 50c to $1.25. TO MY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS —My store is open by7 o’clock in A GOOD POSITION awaits a young lady wishing position as clerk. Ad dress “Merchant,” care Times. FOR RENT, AUG. 1., my 5-room cot tage, all modern conveniences, garden and fruit trees. 311 South Person St., Geo. T. Norwood. lyanr&'e^t Mail Order Hoix»e> irx tire Soxxtlx IF YOU WISH A cool shave, a first-class hair cut or a scalp cleaning shampoo, call at C. M. Baker's New Barber Shop, No. 221 South Wilmington street. Prices as reasonable as is consistent with good work. FINE MACKEREL AND ROE HER- ring for the breakfast meal. A complete variety of everything de sirable for dinner and all the deli cacies that make the supper table a success are offered at our store at the usual Terrell popular prices. GEORGE S. TERRELL. office. All advertisements in this column at rate of 1 word, 7 words to line. No en for less than 10 cents. IT MAY' NOT BE LONGER A HARD- ship to provide for the table if you look to us for your groceries. We ■challenge the country on hams—the very finest Virginia-Cured Hams— the best on earth. Your table can be supplied to your satisfaction if you will give us your orders. J. B. GREEN COMPANY. PIGS FOR SALE.—Eight English Berkshire Pigs, $4 each*, for quick sale. Ready for delivery in four weeks. John C. Drewry, WANTED—Board in private family for three. Will furnish rooms if necessary. .tf best reference. Address Once,” care Raleigh Times. THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1905. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mr. S. J. Dowdy, of was in the city to-day. Hon. D. H. McLean was in the city to-day ness. • Rocky Mount, of Lillington, on legal busi- Mr. R. R. Boyd left this morning for Morehead Citly to spend a few days. Mr. was in ness. Mr. BIG BARGAINS AND GOLD TRADING STAMPS TOO J. N. Johnson the city to-day F. H. Busbee of Aberdeen, on legal busi- returned this morning from a business trip to New York. United States District Attorney Harry Skinner left this morning for Greenville. * rf: i Mr. Henry A. Meyers, secretary of the .Richmond Typographical Union, was here yesterday. Gen. B. S. Royster, of Oxford, who has been here on legal business, re turned home this morning. Mr. K. B. Johnson, a prominent lum ber man from Cardenas, was regis tered at the Yarborough to-day. Mr. S. J. Allen, of Wake Forest, who has been spending some time at Fuquay Springs, passed through the Aty this morning, returning home. Dr. H. A. koyote. returned this norning from Wadesboro, where he vent yesterday on professional busi ness. Mr. M. M. Carver, of Smithfield, massed through the city this morning voing to South Hill, Va., where he vill make his home. Mr. C. A. Howard, manager of the local office of the Singer •.bine Company left this i business trip to New Sewing Ma- morning on Bern. Hon. B. F. Dixon, wno went to Mur- .reesboro to deliver an address before he Confederate Veterans, will recurn o the city to-morrow. Mr. R. D. W. Connor left this Horning for Bogue, Columbus coun- y, where he will make an address it a leld great educational rally to be there to-morrow. Mr. B. W. Ballard, member of the 1st legislature from Franklin county, ■.nd a prominent merchant of that ounty, was in the city yesterday, and ittended the bankers’ barbecue at fuquay Springs. CHALYBEATE EXCURSION TO- MORROW. There is every indication that the xcursion to Chalybeate Springs to- norrow evvening will be one of the aost pleasant as well as best patron- zed affairs of the present summer eason. A large party of the young eople have signified their intention □ make the slight trip. A number f Raleigh ladies iwll attend as chap- irones. There will be dancing, and the mu- ic wil be furnished by a select string land. The train will leave the Union tation at 7:45 o’clock. The grounds JI about the springs affrod a pleasant nd cool spot for a short recreation vithin the compass of an evening’s ourney. Tickets are on sale at the drug store f Bobbitt & Wynne, or may be pur- hased at the Union station. CITY SHOP NEWS. Every reader of-"The Times will soon become interested in this column. Merchants, restaurants and other dealers will tell you of their offer ings here daily. WANTED—Typewriters to overhaul and repair; also make rubber scamps. W. T. Terry & Co., Hole- man Bldg. Raleigh ’Phone 4286. No desert these hot days as delight ful as ice cream. We make a speci alty of furnishing families with cream in any quantity, any flavor, on short notice. Our cream is sent out in cream pails. It is made right from .he purest ingredients. Try us once. You’ll have no other. Furman Betts, East Hargett street. Call at W. H. Harris’ restaurant, 503 Railroad street, near Johnson street station, when you want a nice meal. Special dining hall for white people; also have ice for sale daily. ft ^ growing in popularity—the Auditorium Lunch Counter under the Academy of Music, just back of the postoffice. Delightfully prepared lun ches are served at all hours day or night. Splendid service, the most pop ular lunch room in the city. Go to Morehead and enjoy the sea breezes and the finest table on the Atlantic Coast. The whole thing in a nut shell. The best corn, okra, tomatoes, egg plants, stringless' snaps, butter beans, corn- field peas, squash, Irish potatoes, ser vice, delivery. MOORE’S VEGETABLE WAGON, At the Market. We will be open bright and early Monday morning for your patronage. We will assist you in supplying your wants for the table. Our supply of groceries includes everything neces sary for good cooking. Fine lot of hams, breakfast bacon, the best flour and country produce. Geo. S. Terrell, East Hargett Street. Ever notice in passing the Marker House the fine colection of exception- aly well-selected Vegetables we offer fresh from our farm. Every known article that rich soil with good culture produces are offered ac our wagon. W. A. SIMPKINS. I have opened a Fish Market on Martin (Street at King’s old stand and I kindly ask the people for their trade. All orders will be highly appreciated and promptly filled. . J. R. PETERSON. ■'OR SALE—Well-broken Angora goat cheap. Apply to 104 N. McDowell Sc. WANTED—Young lady to clerk at Dry Goods Store. Good reference required. Apply E. F., Raleigh Times. HELP WANTED: MALE—Energetic workers everywhere to distribute circulars, samples and advertising matter. Co., New York. “Cooperative Advertising PERRY & ROSENTHAL are Closing out their Shoe 'Stock preparatory to moving into new quarters. WANTED—Girls to learn switch- board. Interstate Telephone Co. WE WANT to buy several small ten ement houses that rent from $4 to $6 a month. Parker and Hunter. FOR RENT—Five-room cottage. Large garden and water. 712 West Jones 'Street. Apply, JAS. L. FOSTER. LEARN TELEGRAPHY—and R. R. Accounting. $50 to $100 a month salary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest in America and endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue. (Morse School of Telegraphy, Cin cinnati, O., Buffalo, N. Y., Atlan ta, Ga., La Crosse, Wis., Texarkana Tex., San Francisco, Cal. WANTED—To rent four cool, unfurn ished rooms. Address “ROOMS,” care this office. 21—tf LOST—Petition of call for election. Finder will receive liberal reward for its return to J. J. Coats, 620 E. Martin St., or Times Office. LOST—Petition of call for election. Finder will receive liberal reward for its return to J. J. Coats, 620 E. Martin St., or Times Office. Notwithstanding the low prices we will give Dobbin & FerraH s Gold Trading Stamps with every cash pur chase. One stamp for every ten cents, RESIDENCE WANTED—A gentleman with small family desires to rent a comfortable dwelling house with modern conveniences. Apply THIS OFFICE. GRANULATED SUGAR 6c. lb. Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Water Ground Meal 20c. pk. These prices are for cash and only for three days. J. B. GRE'N CO., No. 9 E. Hargett Street. LADY of experience desires position to teach young children English, mathematics, music- (a specialty) and French. References ex changed. Address “M. N.,” Win chester, Va. Rubber Hose, 7 to 12c. foot. LAWN SWINGS, $3.85. CROQUET SETS, 75c., $1.10. FANS, 3c., 5c., 7c., 10c., 25c Summer Corsets, 25c., 50c. Straw Hats, 15c. to 75c. LAMP DEPARTMENT. Hall Lamps, $1.00, $1.10. Mammoth Store Lamps, $2.60. Vase Lamps, 75c. to $2.25. Nickle Lamps, 65c. to $1.50. Largest Glass Lamps, 35c. Small Glass Lamps, 15c. to 25c. Kitchen Reflector Lamps, 25c. Lanterns, 10c., 48c., 75c. Lamp Chimneys, 3c., 5c., 10c., Gas Burners and Mantels. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Floor Oil Cloth, 25c. yard. Table and shelf Oil Cloth. Matting, 12 l-2c., 17c., 20c. All Wool 'Brussels Carpet, 57c. All Wool Ingrain, 57c. (Mixed Carpet, 35c. Cotton Granite Carpet, 25c. Nice Hemp Carpet, 14c. Cotton Art Squares, $1.90 to $5.00. Union and Wool Squares, $3.75 to $12.00. Smyrna Art Squares, $5.00 to $14. Rugs, 25c., 43c., 65c., 98c. to $5.00. MISCELLANEOUS. FRUIT JARS AND JELLY TUMB LERS. STEP LADDERS, 15c. foot. BED SPRINGS, $1.35 to $2.00. IMT. LEATHER COUCH, $9.00. Baby Go Carts, $1.95 to $10.00. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Handled Ax, 57c. Lemon Squeezers, 10c. Ice Picks, Hatchets, Shavers. New lot Chisels', 20c. to 40c. Hammers, 5c. to 50c. Saws, 10c. to $1.60. Ratchet Braces, 50c. Levels, Squares, Draw Knives. Planes, Rules, Trowels. Knives and Forks, 43c. to $3.50. Spoons, all kinds. Knives, Razors, Clippers. Preserving Kettles. Ticket and Harness Punches. Trace, well, cow and dog chains. Horse Rasps, 25c. CHURNS, JARS, JUGS, BOWLS. Infant Bath Tubs. Our Special $18.00 Talking Machine. CrinkBetfs 50 pairs high grade all wool white blankest —the run of the mill at only $2.93, really worth $4.50, a saving of $1.57 a pair Dobbin & Hernan POOL’S Shoe Sale POSITIVELY THE BEST SHOE VALUES arc being offered. Exceptional Price cutting on all fines to reduce stocks preparatory to new fall S. C. POOL Fayetteville St The Best HONORS ^BIH CMOI ■M-M-M-M-M-M- CABINET and VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN RYE LAZARUS CLUB, Cream of all Whiskies $2.00 per gallon $1.00 per quart, $3.50 per gallon ’Write for Frioe I^lst L. LAZARUS, Lynchburg, Va Mecklenburg Hotel The Greatest Pleasure and Health Resort in the South New and elegant hotel, Ideal Climate. Malaria unknown. Golf, Ten nis Archery, Bowling, Pool, Billiards, Quoits, Trap-Shooting.. New and elegant livery.. Good music, large ballroom HYBRIATIC Department embraces nineteen varieties of b^ths. Mecklenburg Mineral Waters were medal winners St. Louis and Chi cago Expositions. For rates and information, write Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Company, CHASE CITY, N. C.