^p THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1905. THE WEATHER For Raleigh and Vicinity: Partly cloudy to-night and Friday. Forecast for North Carolina for 36 hours to 8 p. m. Friday: Partly cloudy to-night and Friday, with show ers in extreme western portion. &£ta We Give S. H. (St. Co., Green Trade Discount Sta.mps Free No Goods Charged or Sent to See at July Clearance Sale Prices, The law against speeding does not apply to quick selling. We offer REFRIGERATORS, WHITE MOUNTAIN FREEZERS. SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS HOUSEHOLD PAINTS, VARNISH, Thos. 11. Briggs & Sons Raleigh, N. C. Buck’s Stoves-Kanges Screen Doors, Screen Windows Fly Fans and Fly Paper WEATHER CONDITIONS. Very moderate temepratures con tinue to prevail throughout almost the entire country east of the Rocky mountains, except at a few southern points'. The only stations in the south reporting maximum temperatures of 90 degrees, or above, were: Jackson ville 92 degrees, Taylor and Abilene, Texas, 92 degrees, and Augusta and Mobile 90 degrees. On the other hand high ytemper^turefe; continue in ithie extreme west, Modena and Winne mucca 94 degrees, Salt Lake City 96 degrees and Phoenix 104 degrees. Scattered rains occurred in the cen tral Mississippi and Missouri valleys, with the largest amounts at Kansas City 1.96 inches and Miles City 1.14. Throughout most of the Cotton Belt and the eastern section of the country generally fair and moderately cool ewather prevails. The lowest temper ature reported during the past 24 hours was 42 degrees at Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. C. F. VON HERRMANN, Section Director. Not a Failure Has Been Reported. Safe—speedy—sure: “Out of all the Hughes’ Tonic I have sold no" a fail ure reported. Every bottle has given perfect satisfaction. I recommend it —acertain, safe and speedy cure for chills and fever.” Sold by Druggists —50c. and $1.00 bottles. Prepared By ROBINSON-PETTET CO., (Inc.) Louisville. THE EXCURSION TRAIN WILL LEAVE AT 7:45 P. M. FOR CHALY BEATE SPRINGS FRIDAY. Boylan, Pearce & Co. You Must Hurry Bam Or else you’ll lose a glorious opportunity to supply your necessities of life at a marked saving now short lived nous success. been benefitted This, the Banner of all Summer July Sales, is Only two more days of it The sale has been a gio All who come here since we started this clearance have . Patrons have gone away from our store jubilent over their purchases here. They have carried the glad news to others and thus the sale has progressed, and the Closing Days shall be memorable. Put in your appearance Friday or Saturday, and fall in line with those who are reaping the harvest of lower prices. THE MILLINERY. This department is kept open all the year. We are ready to take hurry orders. All the fine hats are being brushed out at half and third value. Fine hats for $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Tailor-made Hats, $2, $2.50 and $3. Ready to Wear Hats 50c., 75c. & 98c. White- Duck Sailors 50c. Children’s Straw Sailors, Half Price. $2.50 marked to 75c. and $1.00 MEN’S SUMMER SHOES. SUITS and SKIRTS, RAIN COATS and SHIRT WAISTS EVERY ONE CAME THIS MORNING GOT A FIT, AND STILL THERE ARE A FEW LEFT AT ORIENTAL PILLOWS. Ottoman Striped Pillows—Tassels to match, for sofas, couches, chairs, hammocks, filled with silk down. They sei at sight. One bale came Friday evening, half gone already. They go at a price that takes... .50c. When you can buy such shoes as PLAIN AND FANCY RIBBONS. (AROLINA .MARE (0 225 South Wilmington St. You Will Never AGAIN GET A CHANCE Like This Bargains in Samples 500 Pocket Knives, Regular Retail Price 50c. Your choice, 25 cents 200 Guaranteed Razors, Re tail price $2.50 down to $1, Your choice, 75 cents, HAMMOCKS—A few sam ples worth $2.00, we are selling at 75 cts. Don’t Fail to take a look at our special July sales. Hart=Ward H’d’w Co. Sign of Horse Shoe. TIMELY TOWN TOPICS Embracing Some of the Minor Inci dents of the Day. Prayer meeting with services at the residence of Mr. G. A. Oldham, W. Lane street, to-night at 8 o’clock. An excursion from Windsor and Lewiston arrived in the city to-day. There was a good crowd on board and they all seemed to enjoy them selves. Most of the crowd spent the day at the park. Prof. D. H. Hill* vice president of the A. and M. College, and his brother, Dr. R. W. Hill, of Califor nia, have gone on a business trip to Boston. Dr. Hill, who has been here for some days with his brother, is soon to go to Europe. Another transfer mail clerk is to be put on at the Union Depot. This will be a great relief to Mr. R. L. Lumsden who has been meeting both the day and night trains. Major R. L. Leinster, of the staff of Briga dier General Armfield, of the North Carolina National Guard, will be transferred here from the Norfolk and Hamlet railway postoffice. He will come here about August 6th. Take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. See it exterminate the poison, feel it revitalize the blood and bring back that happy joyous feeling of by- gone days. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. MEN’S SOFT BOSOM SHIRTS. 60 dozen men’s soft negligee shirts. Side pocket. The addvance styles for fall; the materials are Madras, Cord ed Ginghams and fancy Percales, in medium and light, colors—all laun- deried—iwth detached cuffs, generous They will interest you if no other reason than their price cheapness. Wash Ribbons in plain colors, white and 'black, 2, 3 and 4 inches wide Burts’, Turner’s and Weber’s at than manufacturer’s prices you be sure it pays to buy. This sale appplies to all the shoes of every kind, and all the quartered shoes for men, $5.00 Shoes reduced to : $3.50 Shoe's reduced to I $2.50 Shoes reduced to I All styles and nearly all sizes. less may tan low $3.50 $2.50 $1.50 for 12, 14 and 16c. FRENCH HEEL SLIPPERS. sizes. Dollar values for 50c. CAMBRIC CORSET COVERS. Out on the Bargain Counter morning one lot of Ladies’ Fine and Embroidery trimmed Corset ers. Good Values, $1.50, $2.00 this Lace Cov an d Beautiful Dresden Ribbons in Neck and Sash widths 50c. and 65c. LADIES’ STOCKS AND COLLARS. Fresh lot of ladies’ belts, collars and stocks, embroidered and lace trimmed. Wonderful how much dainty fixings can be produced at such trifling prices. Only THE EXCURSION TRAIN WILL LEAVE AT 7:45 P. M. FOR CHALY BEATE SPRINGS FRIDAY. OTEY & Son, Berbers THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE Go on the excursion to Chalybeate Friday night. Ladies’ Louis XIV Slippers with one, two and three straps, in French kid and patent vici. $3.00 $2.50 $1.50 Such Slippers Slippers Slippers reduced to. reduced to reduced to $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 prices cannot be duplicated nor will they be repeated after this lot is all sold. Hurry if you want any. 15, 25 and 50c. O’CLOCK WILL MEET AT EIGHT TO-NIGHT. A meeting of the Womble Ladder Company has been Hook and called for 8 o’clock to-night by Foreman Ed. Parrish. Business of importance will be transacted and every member is requested to be present. been officially reported to-day, but so far no deaths. The official state ment of the total number of deaths and cases is 165 cases and 42 deaths. Every ward of the city is organized into a mosquito campaign and oil is being put on the tops of all cisterns and on the water'in all gutters and puddles. TO-NIGHT AT HE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. From the rise of the curtain to-night at Raleigh’s handsome playhouse, un til its final drop, merriment and mirth will reign supreme. Manager Haynes has prepared sev eral little surprises to take place dur ing the rendering of the elaborate program and the audience will be kept on the qui vive during the entire per formance. Messrs. Hughes, Hardy, Brockwell and Haynes are the premier end men of the first part which is a sufficient guarantee that the fufn iwlLwax fast and furious. Few traveling organiza- The necessary papers were not signed because of the fact that there are certain minor alterations that yet to be made. As soon as the sired changes have been made contract will be drawn and signed are de- the and the work be begun in earnest. A de- lay of pated. The proper but a very few days is antici- contract price for the building calls for something like $200,- 000. This does not include the hea:- ing plant and the plumbing work, PRICE IF YOU DON’T FIND A SUIT TRY ON A RAIN COAT. IF YOU CAN’T GET THAT TAKE A SHIRTWAIST. ® Boylan, Pearce & Company. ^e UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN WILL OPEN ITS FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 5TH. Most of the heads of the departments will return. Miss Blair, M. A., of Columbia, will hold the chair of History; Miss Phelps, M. A., of Adri an College, and M. 0., of Emerson, will conduct the departments of Ex pression and Physical Culture-. Mrs. Appy, well known for her splendid work here six years ago, will have the Voice Department, assisted by Ral eigh’s favorite singer, Mr. A. C. Jackson. With two exceptions, all col lege teachers confine themselves to one subject. Attention is directed to the Primary Department, under the popular Miss Jessie Davis, and to the splendid work in Kindergarten Music by Miss Sams. While the grade of general work done here is two years above that of the average woman”s college in the South, our fees are actually lower than those of many of these colleges, being fixed at cost. Write for catalogue, R. T. VAINN^Raleigh, IN. C. tions boast of a better one to be presented which will be composed ing acts: Juggling by Hayes; olio than the to-night, and of the follow- “Short Say- ings,’ by Ben Hardy; “The Laughing Dutchman,” presented by the Dowell Bros.; “In a Minute; or Quicker,” as spoken by Bo. Hayes; “Why Adam Committed Suicide,” explained by Messrs. Lumsden and Wilson; Fred Hilker in buck and wing dancing; and an athletic exhibition of skill and dar ing on the horizontal bars by Messrs. Jones, Hardy and Lumsden. which will require the expenditure of several additional thousands of dol lars. The hotel, when complete, will represent an investment of more than a quarter of a million dollars.. ENCED. At The Park Tonight Delightful Music Rendered by Levin’s Orchestra Splendid Program of Special Selections. Go out and en joy an evening in the cool, pure air. ALL PROGRESSIVE dealers who have no Fountains from which it can be served, sell Coco-Cola In bottles, bearing the genuine la bel on every bottle. Beware of sub stitutes. There is only one Coco-Cola The manner in which it is prepared makes the drink as delightful serv ed from the bottle as from the foun tain. D. T. Poindexter, Mgr. RALEIGH ICE COMPANY NOT IN A TRUST. The Raleigh Ice Company is not in a trust. Mr. Chas. E. Johnson, presi dent of the company, was seen this afternoon by a Times reporter and was asked if the Raleigh Ice Company had refused to ship ice to Chapel Hill as was reported in the mornings pa per. Mr. Johnson said: “There is absolutely no truth in the sensational story that the Raleigh Ice Company refused to furnish the Chapel Hill dealers with ice 'because it was in the territory of the Durham factory. We have furnished many towns of the State with ice during the ice famine, while we are supposed only to furnish Raleigh. This famine was caused be cause of the difficulty in making ice in very warm weather and because the consumption is so much greater, and it has affected many towns where the factories have a limited capacity. We are not in a trust. We are not the kind of people that would keep the sick from getting ice if we can furnish them.” Valdosta, Ga., July 27.—The jury in the case against Jesse and Leonard Rawlings, charged with the murder of the Carter children, returned the following verdict late yesterday: “We the jury, find the defendants, Jesse Rawlings and Leonard Rawlings, guil ty and recommend that Leonard Rawl ings be sentenced to the penitentiary for life.” The jury had been out nearly four hours. The court was crowded when the verdict was read, the mother and two sisters of the young men 'being by their side. Jesse Rawlings is said to be 17 years old and Leonard 18, though both look older. This makes three convictions for this crime. The father of the young men will likely be tried to-day. TOTAL DEATH LIST NOW 62. San Diego, Cal., July Stacate, the Japanese mess attendant, and Jla- meticus, clerg on the Bennington, have died, bringing the total of dead co sixty-two. GERMAN RULER WILL VISIT DENMARK. Copenhagen, Denmark, July 27.— Kaiser William is expected to arrive here on Monday for visit with King Christian. Former Empress genie arrived here unexpectedly day. Eu- tc- THE EXCURSION TRAIN WILL (LEAVE AT 7:45 P. M. FOR CHALY BEATE SPRINGS FRIDAY. PRECAUTIONS BEING TAKEN NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans July 27.—The IN of- ficial report of the Boar dof Health, issued every twenty-four hours, shows 12 new cases of yellow fever and three suspicious cases up to 6 o’clock last night. New cases have INTERESTING REVIVAL. Rev. R. S. Stephenson is conduct ing an interesting meeting at Mount Zion Baptist church, in the northern part of the county. Since the begin- ning of the meetings fifteen professed their faith in Christ, revival will continue during week. have The the BEST CLOTHING RALEIGH Men’s Garments COPYRIGHT 1903 grade goods at a considerable saving in price This is the season when we are rearranging stocks; gathering up odds and ends and clearing them out preparatory to the recep tion of fall stocks. Therefore there exists here at this time some tremendous bargains Nothing, however, old or discarded—only fresh, seasonable lines of recent selection from our clothes-makers. Handsome, well constructed apparel for those wanting high- « graac guuas ai a coiisiaeraDie waving in price. [CROSS (STuNEHAN CO If Yovir Garments Are Soiled Then is the time you should call us in. If you want to consult us before you give us the work we will be glad to give you any information you may want. We work guarantee the finest laundry and most moderate charges. SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR LAUN- DRIED FLAT GOODS. Raleigh Steam Laundry A. CRINKLEY, Proprieor./ A very fine lot of N. C. Hams, at 17%c. lb. A fresh lot of Kingans “Re liable” Hams, 6 to 8 lb., at 15c. lb. Diamond C. Hams, 10 lb., at 15c. lb. F. F. V. Hams, 17%c. 1b. Smithfield Hams (small lot), 2 years old, 20c. lb. English-cured Breakfast Bacon, “Blue Label” brand, 17 %c. lb. PHONE28 I OLD I Feathers Wanted Will Remove C I want to buy at once Old Feathers in $ C any quantity and condition. £ $ Highest Cash Prices Paid 1 C Can use as many as 1.000 old feather C % beds. Apply to or address % I T. T. POTTER, 1 558 E. HargettSt., Raleigh, N. c. Go on the excursion to Chalybeate Friday night. from 206 South Wilmington street to 11 West Hargebt street on or about September 1st. Place formerly occupied by Weathers & Utley’s art store. Sewing Machine Store will Estill occupy store on Fayetteville street.

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