COLLEGIATE Volumne No. 18 Atlaiitii- Christiun Wil.'-iii, N. » O. tolu-r .'to, I'.i lT NiimliiT 2 Queen To^Be downed ^ ^EW FACULTY MEMBERS TAKE THEIR PLACES ON TEACHING STAFF Dramatics Added To Course of Studies Golden (Cnot Gives Year’s Schclarshio They A.en’t Be(;gars Reaf^an and Wyman Will Choose From 14 Girls Tlif QuH<*n «if thf .itiiuial I-e Oiif Itariu'H »*«U- i..r of !»»♦• I’INK KNOT, at Ih on r‘alur«l:iy hIkIm. Novfiii- i.= r L'2. funn 7 :i«» until 12 'H». Tl»»‘ Qn**»‘n 'kill l»«* fr<nu 14 • oiil»'«iaiiln 5p n^^ortsl ’»> th** \ui loUH t>rK^ni/utli>ii?: t>ii l uinii- u^. b> Uiiiiultl itrauuii ami Jun>' Wyiuaii. |M»;mlar floMyHtuhl Ah y«‘l no ihflliift* plJHf f<tr tin* ilati'*• {‘HJ* ' i** h but II Mill b«‘ uiiiiouiK (•<! »i>on I’lann ar»‘ l»elu« iiuul** to b:uf rt ihurl floor :»h >w aiwl olhnr .-n UTtalnin«*m. Al 1«' o‘rh»ck th»** II Mill li»» • rown*<l L'IrIf: who ar«' n<»f » l,y Uonahl U»*aKaii ami Jan»* Wy man will h»* afUMuluntH to t>»4 t^u* * n. Tlu* Qu»*»*n will ho »l 4iti :in hnprovlH»sl thrtMu* ami iroun««l. flurroiuuliMl by th»* other (a ndi»lato«. Tht* »laiii‘‘ will Im* m-nii-formil aluJ win hf> OJH'll to OlJtHill»T> Th»‘r»* will he an admlKHion rhari'ei! au«! the procetsln will no tt> the rlNK KNOT. The plctureR o.' the randldateH have alieady heen sent to the two Juil«e« In niakhiK the pirtnres. Ihe phot»)Krapher« draped the fj»N Ki> that they would all look Ihe ?»ame. On the ha<-k!'. of the l-ictureH w«‘re lni'Iud*‘d the ulrls m« a'»uren»entj* in order that ih<* judK*'M nii^ht tell the approximate of ll»»‘ entrleH The candidates for IMNK KNOT Queen an<l the orKanlr.ation whx-h they repreH»*nt follow: /ell ('arl- ^on. Harnett ('ounty CMuh; Sybil harrett. SIlmui Alpha Fraterniiy; Lt)rraln»* • ari)enter. I*hi Kappa Al pha Kraternltv; Jean Talton. I’hi l)elta (Jamnia Fraternity; l.4*a«h, Della SIkuui Sorority; Kve- 1>« K<*ouomou». "A” ('luh; Klorl- dalla n« rnier. Seieiue Clnh; Mary Alice MeaHley. (Jlee (Muh; Thelm:t i:ar<llHon. Siiima Tau (’hi Sorority; l.ib DavlH. (lol<len Knot; Iris Ann l«un. Ii. (’hrlPtian Fell4)w»hlp Club; P«’«uy niKb. Veit-rans’ ('lub; Hettv Newton. I*hl SlKniH Tau Sorority, and I)4)rls Harper. Dramatics Cliih. CLASSFS ELECT NEW OFFICERS ii«‘lpln t« at h«-i . lid I nunr I! fi hli-t Mi*c^ T»*nn« .ial S laV. . .iify 1 i:i<- pi. .t:=- i;:' •r. ‘.i Ui. returnu- -I..; >ndi aid In the I the «-la'- ri-.HJ: ' i-a-i< «! « nr- 5* nent. Ilel*M o( rr, ir-. tt-a.hihK In Ihe So l». p.trimeni M;- eiv*d Ilf li.aiuhin ! 1 nm Mu . t .'V :e^«*. Murrav . f.VlHl H,- ' I'niv. isii t ' i' M • :i.- i‘n. . I = -r !*«'i:re«* I’!., teat-hinc uixl :i - Tennes-*.*' St,ll»‘ IMrdir VN -’/x . ' Sh* had w M k al D«- TIm* class officers ft>r the rur-' rent year W(*re el«*cled in the various ineelinKH of the claj-'ses. 0» tjdnT *5. The freshman class met in Kow :.rd ('hapf'l and electo<l the follow in*; students as leaderg; president K'-rry Ki«klli;hler. (Jlenvllle. da.; \l«e presid*‘nt. \Vlll(UJ Morri'^. Kenly. se«*r<*tary. Miriam Down-!, \Vint»)ii; and treasurer. Sybil I5ar- velt. Farmvllle. No reporter was I elected at this time. .Matlon Zolllcoffor of Dunn wsi'-: elec te<l i)resldent of the sophonior*- class with Huck Jones. Dunn. vl<*- pre~ld» nt; Metty Newton. Wilson, i M'cretary; and Alan l)« Uatt. ruti- lon. tieasurer. The senior class met in Kinsey HaU arid seje< f« <l A}ar«uerite \oe NS’ilson. as president; Laston (iranlham. Sanford, as vl<e presl- d».*ni; Iris Lee. Arapah< e. as s«*< r«*tary; an<l Wayhin Illssette, llai-j ley, as treasurer. | The Junior class postponed their i liection because of a controversy i/Ver the point ^y.^tenj, whl«h al lows a student to hold only a i* r- tain number of offires. The classes hold regular mee:- int’s. unless otherwise statwl. the first Tuesday In each month. Halloween Party To Be Given Tonight .\ Hallowe'en party for all stu dents to be Kiven by the Social Connnittee of the college will com> to life tonlKht In the Kymnaslum. The party will brlni? the old witch, on her broom and her hlack cat to the campus. I^umpkins, ► pooks, and Kbosts will all be present at the party In the forn' of students. The occasion will be , a tacky party. Because of the gym * floor, each student will be requlr e<l to wear tennis shoes or ro bare- »note<l. (Joint? barefooted Is the preferable way. Kntertalnment will be in th form of a talent show. The talent will come from the students who are not always called on for their entertaining ability. Music will be furnlshj'd by the ^ record player which the commit tee has recently purchased for just such occasions. It was paid for out of the funds provided for the committee. The record player was bought for the use of the en tire school because the committee felt that there was a great need for one. It will probably be used to furnish the music for the small er dance« and parties which will be -ponsored by this committee. The Rym will he decorated in the Hallowe’en spirit, and the same spirit will prove true in the serv Ing of refreshments. This is th#* second in the series of danf'M and parties which the Social rommit tee has planned for the student?^ of Atlantic ('hrlstlan ColleRe to enliven their life on the campus. Ah •;.'e Te - h K- u U' ky S’: . IM K! 1 e fr.>n* ih. I -.r. *-«e»» In Kn«»\- ivlnc her .\! \ Inn d*d ;'isni»- :i nls with ih' D«*pirlmehl «»f I elKbt > » ar- Tulane Srhool of So' tul Wi>> k also r* ‘'iv»Ml -(.« ial liainini; at Vanderbilt rnl \*rsity In Nashville, lu-fore join ing the tea'iihu* staff of Atlanli* Chrlsilnn ('olleire. she w-.' h*'a«l of the History D* I'arl mefit al l.i;- .McUae rt>lleKe. I'.anner K Ik. N and alst) Dean of W auen She uas h*a<l of the History Depar' ment a» .Vnder'^- n ,\nde- ;-.-n. S (* . and tauKhf history al War<l lielim>nl (’ollejje. Nashvllb*. 'r«nne^.-ce Mis-: Krnestlne Holneau. of OiaiiK'diurK. S (‘.. Joins the (*om- hu r. lal Depariujent. leachinu lyp inx and Sfrrelary pra«tb*e She 1« also .\^.sistant Dean In ' aldwell Hall, before iun»ini: lo .V(’c she .-ervwl as llev’lsfrar of .Mllch«dl C. lleKe in Statesville. N (V Miss Moineau has work*-<i with ih*- Medii al ('<»llei?e of S{>uth Carolina, the rnlversity of Miami, ('oral (ta bles. Flotilla; Oulethorpe 1‘nlver slty, Atlanta. (Ja.; (leorula Slat*- ('«»lleKe for WonoMi Mlll«‘<l;;4*v||le (la.; and <lid uovernineni worl: ourini; the war at the Naval Ai« StatiiHi in (iiarU‘sio!\. S (’. Sh*' r« < eive<l her .\M De«re«- frorti Win- throp ('olle^e. U(M-k Hill. S. and <‘)so HtU4ii«*<l at the Soiitht'rn Husi ness I'niverslty in Atlanta and at (teoruia Slal«* (’ollete for Wnnwil XV .NilliediifViile. In ilie Music D»*partment Iheje ate two new m»-mbers. Miss Mary .fohnson. aiui Mr. Kobert Dfrhk. MIks Johimon has a M.M Decree from Flora Mar<lonal<l with a ma jor in IMiblh- School Music ami I’iano and Mlble. Slo- k fr.nn K'-n- iy and has two years al fhe .Masonic Orphnna: »•. Oxford. N . Sh«- tauKht piano, public schoo! niusii- aixl (llreii«‘<! the k1‘m* clul> H« re. she <lliects the glee club and ■ tear lies plaiHi aiul voii .\!r, Ko''- ert Derirk of Oiange. New Jers“V I leaches voire. In addition to his , ;«o»ltjon on fl;e faculty of iJie leiri* he Is tiiulr <llr«M-tor In one of (he churt'hes in Ko<-ky .Mount and <ommuieK It) hi>‘- <ia‘ -<‘*s. I .'.!rs. DoriK (‘umpln-ll Ilol.-sworlh ' of Wind'*or. ('«»nne« ticut lea« hes IHibllc Si>‘-akint;. IMay I’roductlen. r n<l Ih <Hr«M-ior f<)r the Dramatics (*lub. She received her AM De- I'tee from \!ount Holyoke ('olle.: uth Ha<lley. .M.iss. This is ll:- old«*st woman'- ccdle^e In tl'* j country. She hidds an .M,\ Dearer from K‘mers(»n (’ollene in Boston , ;>nd l>as studi*Hl a*, the YaN- S' bool of Drama and at Kad<ilffe which is the woman’'" part of Harvard She h:if- lau-ht in private sehoolsi around Hartford. (’ nn., and h<> V rltten an<l dire* t»d paK‘‘ants for communities. chunhe». an<l col leges TIo Cold* n Kn.»t Honor iety = A IM*-. y.- Ith t!i« ‘ uin •i.,!’ diip ft»r - F! »r : r.* -»ier : Pont*-, Puerto in. n I^dd' n Ki\- • f . ti.w.ud tlvinit her nnoth* - li i ir htp lor next >»*u- •> Huil if n».i' K'raduale and • . d:-.:if. frt>n> AtlnnM=* I .)U« u*v |U*rnn i > junior this yea:. «he h.. I i' N.arn at ih« rnlverdiv .»f Pue i. Kl* o Thf Honor S:^‘iety held a in*';'' In-c at tl r upurlment oi Dr Mild mi Haiisock. rtponsor. at which lime MWh Bernier was ;sl*«‘n a •'urprls** party Uefr**shmenic we’* ' .♦•fvrd by Dr Hartsock. The regular mei-tius-'. o' 'b**' tlolileii Knot are hehi .it D* i . .. h M miay morning Th** st>« ie t> plan<- to sponsor at least \i 4per s*-rvireK during ih»* \»*Mr .♦i;d if. I iinieinplating u chajHd s**r \ ire M*mi**rship in (;t)hlen Kiu»t I- the hlKh*‘st honor an Atlaiitl<' riiriHiian ('oll<*k*e stndi'ni nuiv at tain Knierlnn Ilf ninth year o' e\ihi*-ne»- on ih*‘ campu>-, ih«- »»r ' • taps in the spriiu* yiv in; -erttgniilon to out«*tandin^ mIu- dints in th*- sophomore, junior. . nd -'-nlor Fiiuiuled in l!»:l^. the IJtlWleU Knot liaK endeavored lo r^eognixe ' men and woin**n who ha>e attain • d a hli-'h :4tandaid of leudendilp holar;‘hlp. hervii «•. and charai-*- in • oll*-;,;lale activities, lo en- oiiia-:'* th*-m aloUK lh*Hf line'* lid to ihspir** others l«> sirlvi* f. i ^ eonspii-uous attalnnit-nts Tin* present nietnlM-»s of ihe So- • 'iriy :ire Man;uerile No**. pr«-d- ■l«Tji; (* D. Ourganus. secretary ind iri'asurer; .Mary Kllen Jon* h'raulein Jarman. Iris l.e**. DavUl Hardir.on. I.*-ach. Jane (’.off, Donna Hnrton. Ml) Davis Vesper Services Held j Every Other Thursday I \‘i"<p*-r si*rvlrt—. ar*‘ beiir.^ held e\eiy oth**r 'rhur:<tlay night in Ilowar<l (’Impel at 'rtu* mt- I t I ■ M liiitiaUoni : *'lit Is held on t b*- ''iirimfMi o‘ hi< h •tt with w ere their Ah Wilderness To Be presented By Stage and Sci ipl Cast Gets Underway With Many KrhrarsaU \i Wi d-*li«cr' a lht(*««a I ‘it\ »■ N*m1' ••• r**' -:nl«Ml It. - : il b-HM't in sr.. Novetnbfi I ■ k“ • o V MU ;; .ilii. I t«in I ii.i H rti* lU : ; ^ \ .m-.> pi V : . ' *H«in I hr 11- ' |i« •«lh*!J iht* tirti*- •1'. Ml! t«i! that r«»b*-at"sis atr h*'iil and titat tb<* i-l fil iIh- • ,;r.' I'l I ii i » ra> Il in ir «aid t'h«p(«l piav ; (hr* «■ »• ( iM'llP* • ii(init*:ttronoHD t tltu: 1- Uid at (h«- (u : I rtillel h r*-ni ui V It ha«l a tr t- ’ul I un on Btoa«lwa% a Thf.4tre Oiilhl ;■! *- > nialIon in I :ti .‘J|. in.;.I U: ■I fo- I’h.itr \' :u»*- ;t«- f td .11 >-.-11 -....t • 1.1 1 h. d - In 1 lh*‘ INITIATIONS OF PLEDGES BRING COLORFULNESS TO CAMPUS being i’ondu< l>'d by organixallons on Ibi' I he vires are dlffej oni • nmpus l-^ai h organization ha« a ves|)i*r rvice on< e e\rt-pi the hiistian Kellowshlp. Ihe (;old*-n nKol Hon r Soci»*ty, ami the (Ireek letti-r OI I'ani/allons whirh are cooperat mi, with their briithers and sir. fer: in (lie m-rvices. So far tluTi* have b* en two ser- \ Ice-i et)n<lueled the first by the (‘hrlstlan Fellowship (’lub aird Hie other by ihe Science (itlli 1‘h»' ^ervire offers n few nilnuie^* of (|uiet an<l meditation for those who atlen<l .Muslr is one of the featuriv; of the services. DELTA SIGMA HAS 3C AT BANQUET Th*- Delta Sigma .s.jrorlty \ *-l- I t'onnsi sixteen <»ld ineinbi-r<<. .- ho ha<l collie back to help inillale the pledges. on the ranipiis during the ini*e (lay fesllvities. There wat« a I total of thirty members present at the baiKiuet Saturday night, 0« to- The Ueveren<l F. I.. IJneberger. I |„.r is. jit th»* (Jolden We»M| pastor of the Lutht-ran (’hurrh of Wilson, tearheh Oerman. Mrs. Jean Harris and Mrs Dorothy Hol<i*-n teai-h typing and shorthand In the ! ('ommercial Department. The FngHsh Department also has Mrs. B, F. Kagles. Jr.. of Wll-' fon. who holds an AB Degre** frotn W.(M'.N.(’., Creensboro. N. Prior lo her Joining the farulty of ,\(\ she taught in the Hnglish ; Department at the (’harleK L. ( j>on High School and also serv<*<l on the State Textbook Commission fi.r secondary seh(M>ls. In the Lan-'uage Departm»*nt there Is Miss Susan Vhk of Wil- j-on who holds an AB Degree from Mary Washington f’ollege. ('nl* versliy of V'irglnia. Fredericks burg. Virginia. Prior to her com ing here she taught in the .Mary land High Sthool. (Jreenbelt. Marylan<l, N O T I (• K Dr. C. A. Jarman will be In Hoorn 5 each Tuesday and Thurs- <lay from l:So to 2 30 to hold ••onrerences with the stu<i<?nts. H<- will in* glad to help any person who need.j a«lvlN* or would like information. CORRECTION The ( olleKinle %\ls»ie*i to cor- n-cl a hilHiiike that made in Ihe Oi IoIm t i-mie of lhi»» p«- |MT. I)«n* to an ov»*r*.iKlit <»f file Kdllor the •.lor). .M* phn Scholar Frater- rilfj”. \^hh |MTiMllt**d to run <-Hrr>in|{ tlicM* HialeiiH'nlH: That Sijjnia .\lpha Fraternity wa> the first IralerniftI otKaiil/a- fion to make a Mltohir*-lilp pro- vIhIom; ami tlial il*. *.lster-M,r- oHly, Phi Sigma Tau. wa*. Hm* <inly Sorority on a MlMdarshlp hanj... JU^Ih of fheH4- Hlalement** ar«* <-onira<Il<’l<*r> t<» fa^-tn It liH*. lK*«*n br«»nghl to the attentl*»n of Ih*’ i’<dl»*Kli»t<* tl*at tw<» other fraternal lion** have hiicIi provlMon*. In their con-titullonH. The ( on«t)' tutlon ii|K)n mIiUIi l>ellrt Slj<<**" wa*. foiind«-*l in han a *Mholar^filp n-«|ulr<fnenf. Ttie **iifiie Hlore hhh foiind true of Pill IM-Ita (.amma l'ralernlt>. The sorority (-«dlaborat«M| with their brother. Phi Delta (Jammu in giving a tea ffjr the alumni at : Homeroming. ! “You Name It ”, the gossip she< t | put (Hit every two weeks. Is th** pro<luct of Delta Sigma. The pub lication \f jnit out solely by tl"' girls In the sortirity; they write the gi rsip. type and mimeograpli the sheets. It Is prlnt<*<l to furnish ♦ ntertainment which so many siu- (lents demand and which cannot be obtained from the n-gular eol- iege paper. Della Sigma Is now makin-' plans ti.ward a circus. The <lal*‘ f‘*r this has alrea<ly been set The cir cus will be an untisual but color'ul event on the r-ampus. Science Club Admits Eight New Members Kltchl iifw itK mlieni of Ih<* '■ S< Ifiii i. Club wi r<. liilllaK'tl al a :! al Ihf homi- of Mlrni inllla Wllln. uponBor of ihn club, ()<tolit-r 7. Wra l.<wlii. Tommy Wamon, TamK I.annlfy. Clenn Wfavi-i. Wblinry W*-avfr. Frwl Hfath, K<l- »ar<l K<nii-<ly. and fbarl<-« l’au<- tnltlali-il Into thf <|iib l>y M K Klf)»<’rii. iir<’«li|fnt; Jam"* Mfl.awhorn. vice pri-iilil. nt; Vlvl- .iii .Mllbr, »<.<r«iary; Waylon lll«- and Monnt*' Holland wbr> bc- !on-.'<t) to thf club lam yi-ar. Afi' i the Initiation ('harlc» Pat-*- bcKan hid «» th<? lr«a«urfr. Tbf Initiation »a« followwl b> :i wflncr roa»t and WK-Ial hour lifld In honor of Florldalla ll<-r nler, th*- Sclfnc*. flub » candidal*- tor th<" yi-arbook quHcn l.ant year lh<" tV'lHni <• ' lub »ot. «.<! to amend lla <on«tltullon and Alumni Association Announces Officers 'Pb* \lumni \f‘s l iation el*-* t«*d Hr offi. ern for the \rat al ihe busim-^s mi-'tln.; fnilowmc Ih* bamjiiel a' Hoine= o'silii:* Pre»»l ii*-nl o' the a*'-' M-ia!l*»n Is Utit'Hell UiM‘tiu. K . vii*- p:e- !(l«'Hl, NMllon \d uns aiJil <>-rreiary. (’laudia l.a- ll v.iiK de. Itlr.l that 111. '.’•r. offtr. r:'. Alll .df ii tl bv bnliols iM.ill*‘d to pi*d-up iMrm- b* rs. (o be ipMlalh-d iit the ‘p»'lng tllnner to be giv»-n io Sin lor-i 'Ihlv- Is a levlval oI iin < Id pi ai I il l .\t ihe iiin*nln« luii-ting oi Homeromln’-;. tin- uluntni w*:. web omed by Jano'x Daniel. pri-!*l 4l* lit of ihi’ student body, iin i Dr H S. luiley. who ;*iioke !ul*-fl) <ni p!.in-. for th»- rulle Coarh M .1 P.lnl sp kr on Ibi- .i(blelir .’t’lup and «‘hii»h:>slred Ibi ii>-*-d of Ihe alumni *upporl perlally an ationdatiri at home : hi!/ not bi-i-n loo favorabl** \!: Si';'iigliT spoki* '.•r|i‘fly oh th** albhtlc outlook for lh«* ro|- Mr. .):tjiit;-n. pasf»»r or lb»* I’ii:<l (iirlsiliiii '■ liur h. :*pi:!.i- on Ihe "|{elati> II <hlp of Ihe Alututii .\s-'i: (.It ion lo tiie I'ollig**' It h:iK Imm'h .-iniiotin'I'd .i\ Itu* I M 11 K<iehU'!< I'ial lhi‘ organ fund Is now |»'.L’r. nn Hi- -.ive an or •'.'in coni-et I In the W«<nd«dl ('hr: ; (Ian Thurch -Snnd.iy ijJrbi. u« i** ' r 1 !i. al V. hi' h Him a will ! offiTin:: of |l - nn ^vas <levoted I to th*‘ org.m fiiti i Mr Boeloi-k j w:r-: ; ; Histed In Ihi ■ oijrcrt by I gen»‘ Ha ’ n*‘s Thr -«i*iTlng ro’nniliii*'* i r il ** .\ltimni A^:«orlallon h: r r.nipon'd of fnor no-jnbi-r:. Sara i’.aln W.ird. l-!llwibelh House, J B Tvtidall an i IJuMti.| Ill’ll Th«* Boar<l of 'riu*' tr«*'‘ r*-pre^i*ntatlve« ar<- ‘vru*- I.I I'. A Jarman, and M« d.= W I av»*r. -• rvlm »nie year ler i;.-> :.;n<l Ja<k Brln»'Hi. -'-rvlng a ihrr ■ M*ar l#-rni. Brme UIN v. P.usier I'.i-ll. and Aaion Fu? '11 make up Ihi- athlell* coun«-II. Social Committee Sponsors Dance Paddles, Painted Faces, Prominent Imlldlon of all lln« pledj-rit of Ihe •oroiilliT' and I rat *m nlll*- ttmk 4*n th«‘ : anipi;- Oriol’fi 111 IT and 1- toi iho i- v. ho «i «■ • i\ en \ l4i«f lit»l npi ing Th«- I'V* nf b»*g«n 'Diur- Vi v i .i.imtu vkir-. tlierarrylnr of p.oi .ind ‘ lat c»‘ .!• Hortiii**nl ^ f ai ll:ii-- The iilf* n«-ii‘ dri- *imI to |H)itri4\ 'ii||4>nal rhararii>!s. The !ii>l 4l.t\ * of liilllalion '‘roUKbl out ni.ui> |di-dk'4--t in i«h>>i( diei,ieH and bine Ji-aiir. Tlo- «lrW in SJcma Tan Oil wi-i i- 4lr»-r - d ihi- ;hui.irl**r^ In the l.lltle .\b m-r I onib !*irlp The Phi ^5|gma Tan ;iiU w« n- *lr*-'> i-d III blui- j*-aii- Mid plaid diitiH aiHl \M-re nano'd ;tfior Kiiiili' ,\l4‘**nii-. Mlnnli-. an I M4h- The mIimI ftom India Sig n ;> >Ain dre:^H«*d l4i portray i bar Cl i*M'' in ihi- niir*'i-jv rh\in«*“ 1‘iu* IM Di'lta (iamnia hoyr ^ken* paint I’d up Aiili n-d ami vn-i** imole lo 1\|- pilblir show- for Ihe eijli-i ta*niii.-nl of iIm- memb«-r and olh- IT 4pi-' tai<H - 'lio* ' ral*’i'nll ii*w 'a er^^ iiol niadi lo dll- < but lo4)k ihelr'- I ul in l.>)M>r Paddl*”:. -auii-r. of ’Aaii’r. iMgs id landy, •i.MnMli- , am! rhe\^in’ um.«M- bni ki’ti . i*g»ts. rhalu ', doim. plllo\\ ca^v--. I andli'i* and f h.w. i H lh!n-;» < jdi’ili'. - Tl-i- r l>rou;;hl ■ »roi 11 ll : I- among lh<- In till’ haiulr inaii t of th- on<! day of inlllutl4iu ul I he I obn«if I h*’ In a4l4lltlon to Ih** rib 1^'!;: Ahlrh had bei-n W4im. -iklrU' and »wi;ili*r I In* 'anH* as the >»»>r otiiy color had lo be w»irn on l'ri<l:- Thi- InllliiHoti of Ihe pl.-<l-.-' into l]|f-l' I* qie.-tlve (;r»-i’k 1**Uim • rvani/r.! 'ilmax*’<l wlUi (lo «r'.M*ale liam|U4’(s ;iivi’n 'i-. I lie nii-mbir ;'a;iinia> Jil'.'hl. 'lioM •• w-«T4- luiinv r iM'.li- al Hie bani|Ue1i tii'i* 'hi sororilv and fniNTniiy iiO'mlMrK or‘ aslon. 'I'hose 1.1 .Sji^iiiii -\iarlan Moot I la I p<- relumed t4» help in ih*- The social i<imnil(t«e of Atlan tic Christian College openi’^t lie year with a danee kIvi’U al th* . armory W*-dn*-H<1ay night, OrUibe: j 1 r, It was the first of Its kind to be held The Junior ChamlMT <if Ctun meri«* <»f Wilsiili hiiiki-d the slu-; denih In the danie in an effiirl t<i iet inor** a‘tlvill*-s of fi at sort f«»r Ihe i-ampus. .Muslr \^as furtilslo-d by a lot al rr4hestra There -ia; a lar;'<* at* (*ndan«e al the <!an'i’ whieh w.. • ntlrely a stml*’nt b*uly <lan '• N«» ( utsldi*rs were permltli-<l to go al all. Then- will he f(th«T type- o' par- t'l'M sponsori'd by the s<Mlal cotn- mllli e througboui the year There wll! be a Halh»we'i>n jiarty. rerep. lions, a Valentine party. Chrl^l- mas party and various ofhi*r so< ial 4-venli» liold for out of the social 'und. Harnett Club Gets Three New Officers The Harni'il County <iub m*t on OiKiiKT 17 with Pr* Ident Uo> I Brown. presi<ling. The «’lub dc -ld <d to hold ItK monthly lmn<|ii< t at Parker s on November Ti. preiiideni I Brown app^dnted Mae Byrd lo ' njake all banqnef arrangenientr. Three new offl<ers V. *-re ele t- • wl, Th«’y w»*re Jud^on St*' »h<-ns. Chaplain; Uoy Tart. Ser/« ai , arms, and Pat (»ainey, public re* liitlon* Twelve n*'W rnember~ uere <.me/l int*» the r Itib w hi^ h brings the total membership to : twentyw-lght Sew members In- 'flude Bojr and Boliby Tari. Jud- ' son Stephen", John and Norman Ingraham. Bobby Carr, .Marlon Indents )o|nliig ih«- D*d- .Sororlly at** a»- follo'.*. ■'.M<»nkey" DrD '-r. Alma DorlK Tayhir, Dori* Brovvnb- Joio- . Doi Wy all, an<I Ji-aii Slr«»lber 'I'h*- following joined Phi Della (lamma Fralernltv C‘*‘ll I’lown. Cene I i-v^Ih. P.i-rry Vauw«’. \'au»'i-. Bill .'ihiv**r, Shak<’ Houm-, .V<»rrnan P,in«r«/>n. ;ind J 'I* < o'.h .Slgtua Tau ' hi had 4»nly iwo to return to srhool this ^^;^r Mary Frann-K M« wellyn, and Vivian Allen. Warti*n Bariii’i. Kavmond Far ils, Horar*’ Ov4-rman, Brantley A»*- lork, Paul (ilayi-r, C(don Aniim»iM, LUiyd Brinnon. Harry Ihdmer Si'arky .M«--‘asklll, John iCi'ViR Jim DeUall, and Bill M;. >iMiglll nii’iiiber: of phi Kai»j»a \lpha Frai*Tnlly, .New mi-nilu’r in Phi Sigma T m i I n»rlt> are a« f»dlow> B‘*lty Vev. Ion, l.fiulm- .Morris, Darlene Tu k‘'r. Mild Irlr Ann Bnnrh. Th»:r.?’ Jfdtiing Ihe Hlgirja Alpha I'rali-rnlly are f(dlowr- Dor Har«Iy, Thomas Welln. Bill Thig pen, Hal Hmilh, M<illier Horloii. ; 'rhornpHon. F; d Pliip*-n. Marl- ' n /^jllb of fer, Itidiert Canady, Jo- (;rlff«-n. Jark Bvnum. Kw! O f'onnor, P<H’ f)'Nell. llarrd^l Bain. Dll k M«*y.e||yn, Joe Ctntln. : III' lda> h.. Ihmmi rnsi as fol hw Je.r, ' loiir ;i|II pJ«V the I..It 4»I Nat .NUIUt ¥»Bh Charh*- I’m.;. UR hU un>t^:>lu4iy B<>rt) \ aunr. Klrhiird Millet •-*. II h T«on ni> Wataoii u ndiTrit tidy Hal .■.- llh. Sid Da\‘n v.llh W lli-\ Wall ■ i> uml'i-*l uih . Chatlra Ma\«i .i \’i!iur Millt’r r.ith Chiilr?. PaK**iy Hudi>lp)i WIj a» Daniil MrCi>iiilic*i W'lley \N all u* Wlnl s**lby Hllii SS'.uir WihhIuII u« I mil : *tu<l'-. J M Kmllh u» Bai temlfi Mitli Ja> k (i\**rinaii. und« l Miii\ . ‘I’lninis Walioii an Sal*-’» ::< «ii Ki 1*1 pooh* a 'roinniy Mill <1. Maigu*-ill4- Nor n- Mt« Mill #r wtih VU?an Miller, undrt .ludy l.ib l.r.oh a- l.lly Mlll*’i with .Nnna Jt .in Poole, umV’rt.1 luly ^ Be nellr \S hlle ai« Mlhlti'tl Miller with Syhll p.aiti-il, umtt>>»lud^. Hi-leii I.amm. .•> \!uti*-l Ml (timber v^tth l»4>rlM Whitn*-y f under».imlv .Mar-. I.e*« 'Pann*-! a« Bell willi Svbil Bair<-tl. nndi-r'luil\ , X lvi.m Millrr a** Nota ^^llh /i'll ('atlHon. un«letiilud> 'Poniiuy Moom- Mill “*’i\e MU • lai-t* tn.inaci'r Vkilli Wallmi C4»l‘ v ..r hlr a»« .■•lani Cfiarl*-»« Muy»i, ( haili'H l*;iKi- .S'40'I'ImI Dunn. A P Walt n.*’ W.Mi.fall. Cl li 1‘i'own ami .latm-^ Wlhier ai*' In I hai <1* 4»f Ihe “.rmTV. l(tnloli.h Wmgr, Donna Holton. J M Snillti Crr|| Btoy. II at*’ in charge of till' pr4»pi‘illi-H Charli P.».f and D.nwin Mr affH\ ar*' in « harije .»f lU'hts. Vivian Miller, Kll/abrl h C4»or, Mat\ Fi.ih's'n I .1«'m rllv n. .iml Su«« 'Phonuix. 4ontmn«’ . Jo Anm (•»!>-iclnh, and Di4»opv Wai r«*n, make up. nn»! f.i-k ovrrnian, ]u>dli lly and hotip- ii .tiiagiM Glee Club Makes Plans For Year The (Jh’r (‘lull. uml* r tlie 4l(n. lion of Ml^'^> Johnson. ha« beitun Itr nev >4-ar with appnal mal*-ly If. -*lu*l«’nl' luinlng <iu’ tor Ihi' rh4ittiK l.awt )iui Ih*. Hit tiril 4-nrollno ni s ;i < appr4itiniaii’'v 7'>. an aM’tii -*’ of n»i num. thiii an- In this yi-ar ' A( an r.iflj nirrjing of ihe or •;inl/alhin. Ilu« f-ilhiv. Iiik offli**r v .*|i- e|« ■ Ifd IrlK l.i-e, pn-ihlriil c .1 .\mniom', vl«r ptrwhin.t, Ann Jidilison. rrri-lary. and I’hirlda lla B<-inl*-r. iM-aRUier. U’oi!. on Handel''. ■■,M4"c ihil» ban begun, with an effort for leiidl ner-r by Die : hr)Mlrn/t> -I’awoli J^a»l y*-ar. nmi«r tin dlM’ilhni <»f Ml*« Harrli i FuMon, lh«’ (Jli i- (Tub pre ^i-nied the '.M*- ilah" f4>r tin* fii>' lime on the < ampilK It was d<*r|(li"! I hat it would bertone ciiHioniary rju h y**ar f< r Ihi* (ib’i- Club to pr<* VI nt it to till’ ptlblir ulnre nn olll«*l otuanixallon In Inr rily glvi-n It, Sevi'ial iiM.nil'i’if; 4»f Ihe (Jlee Club ar<- planning to parllcipale in till’ ( liminunll'. < hoi us wlih >i will be h**r4’ during N4ivejnlMT An culHide ronduriot will rorne in an«! dlrerl tin- ?*r«iut» ^^libh will la mad*’ up 41' . h«»runi*H an<! < hureh ihoirs from the »-nllrr l«iv. n. Sifjma Tau Chi Has j Many Activities Sigma Tau (‘hi nation arilMHr al Mm* (folilen night, ()«i4iber 1 I M ent V wet** pr‘ -I I w <1 n* v^ m‘-inlii !>n, aiMl Vlvlun ln-rn, an<l “pf Th*- "or-'iBy u. day iifi<*rnoon In Alpha fraleriiii >• climax4-d its liil- .'ith a haii(|uei Wi-i-d, Hit urday Approklmat* 1> *nt inilndlng thi* , Frankie l.lewel .\llen. old mem tr- ■eiK every Mon th<- Phi Kalitni hou*-4 The of r.ut the club on a « hola»tl<- ba»l», !■ iml». I’ V Ila«., Vauifhn lluI;.(T, l,y .►ndin* at th- -nd of -ach Hobby Htrlckland, llu«h Har.f .ol .'m.nt-r Inrltatlon to mud-nt. fnd Z-ll C.irlium Th-club I. .pon- who ha*- achle»«l an »v-ra((<- of xorlns Ml»« Carliuin In tb<- rin- ]. or b^tt-r. 'Knot b-aut> cont<-»l. Waller Corridl, Ci*ne Drivi*r. Wll iiain Driver, W'alt'Hi Cfdey, Alan Irellatt. and Bimald Whit*’. Annual Pictures Mark Staif On Year Book p|,»ure for th*- annua! i**-re inken lasi -*-eek by C harlle Kain<^:, photographer from Wilson The plitui-- of th<- Juniors and •><tiior^‘ were niadr nt the Htudlo. !‘Ut ilie '■:;;;J;r»mor<- and fr*’shrn«*n ideture.- were taken in Kinsey Hall parlor. T*.: Junlorr and senlori* h;*\*- ilwady r* e|v*-d their proofs and ih* oti <are twi ha/ k .-soon Ir«n» D-tdley and Cene Barn'’^ b.ive been working lr»»'«'lher ‘ll I lying to get the pirtures complet ed Many pbtijre* d*iM-tlng lh«* Ulf on th*- '-im:--ur have also b«-«*n taken hv Ih** ph»»tographerr Mr. .Hnilth of ►^Iv/ards an<l i Btoiu'hton In Haleigh has nlr^ ad*/ f!'*r' for Ihir <*mi*iler arr ac fol Mary ,MI««- B*asley, presl- I.eniir** Phillllr, vice pr*’Cil* Kdiia Taylor, >4-rr«-lury. and P*‘tenmn, irManur«’r and r«* d"ni, d* nt: J».yr • I orU I SIgtna 7'ati Chi has many nrtlvl. tiet (;tiriiix th* year For Hotro* 'omlng Phi Kappa Alpha and ;tlg tn.i T.iu Chi W('r<’ Jolnl host and hosi* -a n h‘*n lh»'V <-nl‘'rialn*’«1 the itiiitnnl and visit'r^ with a ten Fruit tiun'h. r(M»kie», and nuts w4-re M*rv«’d Th*-y an»lnii'd th*dr !irr»th<*r»: in tdaylng ho«t to th** ;«riilty. and 'it the w« <ldlng re« <*pHon fultovylrif t|i<* uniting r>f Ml«s Paul (ila7<*r and Mr. Hora«‘’ Overman tuB^-d with the staff and set thn d'adlineii for th*- maierlaU Th*« n«.w < ov*>r for Die annual ha« i«*en by the *'dBor In nfifripN form. Th*' ulaff has j'ot off lo a g<io<1 ‘liar and It Is helped th.i it will be the "lii-Kt annual vet

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