Raleigh Personals Monica’s Commencement BY VtVtAH MeLBNDON fJttg. C^if E. Sf^nccr ot 9IM *f3iily Street, has j^ii returned "'•.it; Pittsburgh, Pa., where she -•.tied her couslii, Mrs. Carrie J. warren. Enroute Mrs. SjXHiosr •ivLtped over in >Vashinfeiou, D .C., .w .-ep her sisters 'll. uiid Mrs. C. J. Barber an- i.^uiice the birst of a son, Carlton, . burn at McCauley's hospital. re> i'vt. Jake Perry 4 New Jersey is visiting bis mother. Mrs. Gertrude -.-irv of Fowle Street. Mrs. Annie E. Sanders ~ t Sumter, C., is visiting; her son, L. i.ivers of 303 Fowle Street. Misses Delores Williams, Bessie •id Catherine Struud are attending l ie Christian Summer Conference .11 Franklinton, as delegates from ihe First Cungregalional Church. Mrs, Alma Trotter and children, ..uve returned to the city after visit* ..g relatives in Newport News and }:lchmODd, Va. Miss Stella May Mitner, niece of . irs. Callie E. Spencer, has recently '.:en appointed Junior clerk and is now Working in that capacity in V/ashington, D. C. Mr. William Spencer, owner of i)ie Progressive Cleaners in Wil- 'iiingtOD, was a victor in the plant ■ t TUX CAROLINIAN on Wednes- •lay. Mrs. Maude Eva Evans and Miss I'.achel H. McCauley left the city I'tcently to study at Columbia Uni* •ersitjr. Cp). Efelvin Duhoa of Camp Le- )une. ipcnt the week end in the cay vising Miss Mary E. Clarke •.f llS.ldlewild Avenue. The Wake County 4*H Club Coun cil will Journey to Jones Lake In uladen County on Wednesday, July 11, to attend a business session and picnic of the Southeastern Dis* irict 4-H Clubs. They will be ac companied by W. C. Davenport and Mrs. Bertha Edwards of the State College Agricultural Extension Ser* vice Friends are glad to learn that Mr. Banjantin Haskin of Manly Street,- who has been a patient in St. Agnes Hospital, has returned home. Capital City Temple of Elks No. 310, held its installation service on regular meeting night, Tuesday. July 3rd. Mrs. Lenora Goss Harris of Quacker City Temple 73 of Phil- .idelphia. Pa., was honored guest at this meeting. She brought timely greetings with her. Sgt. and Mrs. Anderson Phillips of Washington, D. C., are the house guest of Mrs. Ollie H. Chavis and family of 429 Smith Street. Mrs. Ella Louise Johnson of Washington, W. C-. is home visit* ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. ^ ' Roberson of 614 East Davie Street. OBERLIN NEWS . Frien^ of Mrs. Annie C. Johnson of Bledsoe Avenue will regret to learn that she Is confined /to her home with a sprained ankle. Rev. John S. Johnson of Ports mouth, Ohio, was the guest speaker at the Fayetteville Street Baptist Church Sunday night, July 1st. Ho was qlso the house guest of Mrs. Ef- fie Taylor of 511 South McDowell Street. Mrs. Mabel Autrey of Baltimore. Md.. was called home due to the illness of her father. Mrs. Louise Jones of New York City is the house guest of her mother-in*law, Mrs. Flonnie Jones of 642 South Boundary Street. She was called to the city due to the illness of her father. Mrs. Anna Edwards of 713 ElHng* ton Street, has as her guest. Mrs. Florence Morgan of Durham. The Booker T. Washington Club will meet Sunday, July 8th. at the home of Mrs. Pearl E. Jones ot 4:30 o'clock. All members are asked to be present. Mr, John Chavis Is pres ident. The Idle*A*While Club sponsor ed a galor picnic on the beautiful back lawn of Mrs. Willie Chupp’s home at 117 Lincoln Court Wednes day evening. July 4th. The dub, now in its eighth year of continuous life, gave its guests a taste of pre-war fesuvtties, wi'di dining, games of the card variety, and dancing. Out of town guests were; Miss Rogers Mae Powell, Va. State Col lege; Miss Lillian E. Ivey. Philadel* ohla. Pa.; Mr. Fred D. Williams. New York City; Miss Hudie Sills, Louisburg and Miss Lottie C. Me- Fadden, Washington, D. C. City guests were; Mr. and Mis. Henry I, HaU, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nunn, Mrs. Emma Blalock. Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Burroughs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Easterling, Mrs. David' Winters. Mr. Robert Lee. Mrs Beu lah W. Glover. Mrs. Dorothy S. Bak er, Mr. and Mrs. E. B Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Charles, Mrs. Mar garet S. Spriggs. Mr. Lonnie D. Holden, Mr. William Smith and Mr, Sherman Williams. Club Members and Officers: Mrs. Ada B. Brewer. Miss Eater B. Hay wood, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Brinson, Miss Daisy L. Branch, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Powell. Jr, Mrs. Catherine Burt. Mrs. Willie Chupp. Mrs. Hazel Williams, president; Mrs. Dorothy Powell, secretary; Mrs. Louise Nunn, treasurer; Mrs. Louise Walker, vice president; and Mrs. Catherine Holden, reporter. Miss Clarine E. Christmas is a patient at St. Agnes Hospital. All wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alice Jeffries Coney, of De troit, Mich., who has been visiting her parents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jeffries, of 813 South West Street, has returned home ac companied by her mother, Mrs. Nettie Jeffries and little daughter, Delores, who wUi spend some time with her. While here Mrs. Coney was join ed by her brother, Pfe. Alfred Jef- COURT NEWS St. Monica's School held its commencement exercises Thurs day evening. June l4th. in the Lucille Hunter Auditorium. The spacious auditorium was filled with the parents, relatives, and Xriends of the children of SI. Monica’s. His Excellency. The Most Reverend Vincent S. Waters. D. D., Bi-shop of the Rulcigii Dio cese, conferrexi diplomas to the following graduates: George Duye. James Dunn, lames Fairley. Ed win Freeman. Lawrence Guye, Frederick Goodb. Donald Mor gan. Thomas O'Neal, Earnest Thompson, Frances Cutchin, Vic toria Dunston, Louise Edwards. Marguerite Edwards. Maxine Goode, Lunna Harris, Margaret Nichols, and Pearl Weaver. His Excellency, Bishop Waters, spoke to the graduates, and expressed his pleasure at being able to be pr'^sent at their graduation. He stated that it was his second; the first being the Cathedral School on Hillsboro Street. He told the people that he was privileged to be their neighbor, and expressed his desire to be their friend. He gave his blessing to all present. Prizes were awarded to the fol lowing: Frances Cutchin for the highest average in the Eighth Grade; Marguerite Edwards for the highest average in Religion: Louise Edwards for excellence in Music; Geraldine Harris for the highest average in the Seventh Grade, and Jane Halliburton for the highest average in the Sixth Grade. The Reverend John Renehan. C. SS. R.. pastor of Newton Grove parish in North Carolina, and :ioted throughout the United States as an eloquent speaker, gave the address to the graduates. He stressed the importance of religion in education, and stated that character formation was the ultimate goal of education and knowledge. He. reminded them to always live up to the lofty prin ciples instilled in them during their years at St. Monica's. He told them that as each launched his ship on the sea of life he should remember to keep the Blueberry MuflSns So easy^your youayoter can make ’em • Cpme blueberry Uxqe, and it's time for blueberry uiuflna-feath- ery light and flne-textured—delicate blueberry flavor “coming through'* In fulL And even- your taen-oga youngster can make daUcloua ones, using this tested reolpe, with a real ly bland all-vegetable shortening. For a quick breakfgat treat: measure ingredients, cut In Spry the night before. Next morning, turn Id liquids and blueberries, bake while you prepare breakfast. No morning grouches, no wails of “I'm npt hungry," when the family snllTs Ten Commandments as his chart; the Sacraments his compass; his ; faith his anchor, and Cod as his I pilot The school was also honored by the presence of the honorable Graham H. Andrews, Mayor of 1 the city of Raleigh, and the Right • Reverend Monsignur Dennis ■ Lynch, Chancellor of the Raleigh ■ Dioces;.*. : St. .Monica’s A Cappclla Sing- I er.s rendered beautifully the fol- ■ lowing four part roirnbers; The • Night Has A Thousand Eyes by ' Noble Cain: Were You There'.' Negro Spiritual) arranged by Rodeheaver; O Soldier. Soldier • Old English). ‘Traditional; A Song of Peace by Baker, and Jubilate Deo (Polyphonic) by Perosi-Borucchia. Several members of the gradu ating class and the glee club dis played their musical talent by entertaining with piano solos, duets and trios. CHAVI^GHTS BY MAY L. BROADIE Mrs. J. A. High and baby. Joe A., and Miss Deloris High have return ed home after spending several days in Oxford. Mrs. John Jones of 12 Hyde Ter race. has returned home after spending a month in Washington, ,D. C. Baltimore. Md., Philadelphia I and New York City. She reports a I grand trip. [ Miss Mirian Darks of 23 Lincoln [Terrace is visiting relatives and ! friends in Ne wJersey, Philadelphia, and New York. Miss Pearl Williams was in the Heights recently visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Oscar Kendan of 21 Chavis Way ha.s returned to Pennsylvania where he is working. He carried his son. Oscar, Jr. with him for a month’s vacation. Little Miss Molly Ann McDaniel of 5 Chavis Way, has retuned home -after attending the Sunday School Convention near Wilson. All friends are in sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown in the pass- ign of Mr. Brown's uncle, Mr. Lon nie Rogers, whole funeral was held Monday at 5 o'clock in Method. Mrs. Rosa Strickland and chil dren, Mrs. Maud Harris and chil dren of Norfolk. Va.. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jef fries and family of 13 Smith Plaza, for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pulley nf lo Franklin Terrace, is spending their vacation at Shady Oak Beach, S. C. Master Roy Hicks. Jr., of 12 Chavis Way. spent last Sunday visiting his grandmother. Mis. Hicks of South West Street. He had a big day. Miss Marion Hunt who has been Die house guest of her cousin. Miss Josey Chandlies of ll Chavis Way. has returned to her home in Oxford. Muster Harvey Chandllers of 11 A fine of $15 and cost was im posed -.n George Williams of 815 Mi.nley Stieet. who pleaded guilty In .nanulacturing home brew. Nelnir. Srniih of 425 Smith Slr..'Ct w.is convicted of us->auU and bat tery Oil his wife. Mrs. Dosia S»Tiit*). I Hi- Wcis oraerecl to pay costs. A nol pros was taken in the cise tf Jj.ncs Cooper. 31, on charges of nssault end battery on his wife Jt>hn Carter. 908 Ocikwood Ave nue. x.a: convicted of a charge of attempting to break into ;ind -mijr the home of Novella Cannady of (.tly Hili Sti'Ccl. He wa.s fined S13 and costs. Probable cause wa.i found in ease in which Isiah Beckwith, of 816 Cannister Street, is charged with assault with a deadly wcupo: with intent lo kill. Beckwith. wh> ali'c-ndy is under bond pending trial in Wake Superior Court on a similar charge, was bound over under $250 bound. Edna Mae Morris of 818 Can nister Street, testified that Beck with stabbed her in thie thighs with a knife, cut her on the head, and hit her in the face. The case pending against Beck with in Superior Court is on charge of slraoting Edna Mae. In another case in which Beck with was charged with assault with a deadly weapon — a knife — on Edna Mae. the defendant was convicted of simple assault and was sentenced to 30 days on the ioads, suspended on payment of $15 and costs, good behavior, and •jn condition that he not interfere with Edna Mae in any manner. This assault occurred one day be fore Beckwith stabbed her. Edna Mae testified. Lucius Kitrell of 1791 East Eden- ton Street received .) 30-day road sentence after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct. Ernest Chavis. 537 East Cabarrus Street, pleaded guilty to assault and battery on his brother. James, and the defendant was sentenced to 30 days on the roads, suspended on good behavior for six months. Otis Jones of 210 Lee Street, and Nathaniel McKnight of 107 Stron- ach's Alley, entered a plea of guil ty to eiuaging in an affray. They were ordered to share the costs. DolUe Winter of Baltimore was convicted of a charge of refusing to pay a $3 taxi fare, and W'as sen tenced to ten days in jail, suspend 'd on payment of the fare plus costs Alonzo Jones of 502 S. Harring- sault and battery on Miss Roberta ton Street, was convicted of as- Davis of 409 W. Cabarr-os Street, by hurling an axe at her. He was ordered to pay $15 or costs or serve 30 days in^ail. vaudfoodTtamps Members of the first class in nursing graduate from Dillard University. From left to right, they are: Dorothy H, Taylor. PEACHES MUST BE CANNED Dyrtiam, July 3 — Carolina and Ga. peaches now reaching East ern North Carolina markets will by a vital factor in our next win ter’s food supply if homemakers will can the largest amount pos sible, OPA Information Officer Jc mes T. Taylor said today. "Home canning may seem more difficult this year, because of the extreme shortage of sugar.” Tay lor admitted, ‘‘but Department of several years have proved that Agricultural experiments over peaches and other fruits may be effectively preserved without sugar. "Naturally, such fruit sugar doesn’t retain its shape or color quite as well but we must re member that this is wartime. We can't allow any food to go to waste,” Taylor pointed out. Recipes for canning fruit with out sugar may be secured from county agents, home demonstra- Rhea Butler, Elizabeth Brooks, and Nelda P. Griffin. Students have on their U. S. Cadet Nurse Corps Uniform. tiun agents, or from Department :ci Agriculture representatives, he 'explained. ; r«r FenoaaUMd Hud Luadrir Phone 4100 MODERN Hand Laundry 411 Obarlu ^oad PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal. 12 fears of Mtiilacdon. All Colors—Staias aad EnuBeU. Kail Orders Prooaptlf ^'lUed Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South Wilmingt‘}n St. DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St The leaves of good hay consti tute from one-third to one-half of the total volume of the hay but they contain about two>third.s of the total 4>rotein. Save those leaves. CLAiiSIFIED AN INSTRl'CTER and manager is needed at SUrks Beauty Col lege. Any graduate from this school ot two or more yearn experience may aM)iy. write Marks iSeauty t-'ollege. Raleigh. N. C. Washington — Five Blue Stamps for processed food and 5 Red Stamps for meats and fats in ^Ration Book Four became valid July 1 the OPA announced, this week. Each stamp is worth 10 points, making a total of 50 Blue Points and 50 Red Points. Stamps which became good July 1 can be used 13 Blast Lenior St. through October 31. j The new stamps: I —i • Blue-Jl. KI. Ll. Ml. NI. Red—Al. Bl. Cl Dl. El. ' I CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical NEGRO DOLLS greetings with her. Sgt. and Mrs. Anderson Phillips of Washington, D. C., are the house ^uest of Mrs. OUle H. Chavis and *hilnHy of 429 Smith Street. Mrs. Ella Louise Johnson of Washington, W. C.. is home visit- InR her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Roberson ot 614 East Davie Street. OBERLIN NEWS BY ANN MOBOAN Mrs. Julia Brown and son, Rufus, ace visiting their husband and fath er in Florida. Miss Bemetta Patterson of Le noir, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Net tie Shepard on Van Dyke Avenue. Sgt. Worth Smith visited bis wife over the week end. Tech. Corporal Millard Peebles, of Camp Pope, La., visited his par ents recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan of Washington. D. C.. visited relatives and friends in the city recently. Mrs. Annie Lord Is ill at her mother's home on I'ower Street Friends and relatives wish for her a speedy recoveiy. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Morgan have returned to New York after a recent visit in the city. patient at St. Agnes Hospital. All wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alice Jeffries Cooey, of De troit, Mich., who has been visiting her parents of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jeffries, of 813 South West Street, has returned home ac companied by her mother. Mrs. Nettie Jeffries and little daughter. Delores, who will spend some time with her. While here Mrs Coney was join ed by her brother. Pfc. Alfred Jef fries and wife. Pfc. Jeffries is sta tioned at Las Vogus. Nevada and has also returned to his post. Miss Person Accepts Position As Clerk RALEIGH — Miss PhlllHs W. Person of Garysburg, has accepted the position as chief clerk to the office of W. C. Davenport, Agricul tural Extension Agent of the State College Extension Service. Raleigh Miss person comes well recom mended to this poeition, having rompleted her high school work at the Northampton County Training School. Garysburg, and her busi ness training at North Carolina State College lor Negroes. Durham. She is a graduate of the June class nf 1945. Do Something About GRAY HAIR People are preUy apt to make catty remarks about gray or drab looking hair—and to think that you’re a lot older than you really are. Don’t give anyone a chance to talk about you. Look your beat—appear years younger with the rioh, beautiful color l«ari«uae will give your hair. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER Color^Your Hair,This Easy Way To five'your'bair new. rich. na.tural-looklBg color (bleck, brown, blonde) etart using Code* froy'e LarleuM Hair Coloring NOW ... Acte quickly—goee on evenly, 'eaiily—won't rub off or wash out—unaffected by neat— pennite permanente end etylieb heirdoe... Known end used for 45 yeare. Your dealer will give your money back if you're not Jfaoo • EAUttPUUV dOtORIO NATURAL lOOKINO HAIR COLORING time for blueberry mufllns-fcath- ery light and flne-textured-delicato blueberry flavor “coming through” In full. And even- your teen-age youngster can make delicious ones, x^ing this tested reolpe. with a real ly bland all-vegetable shortening. For a quick breakfast treat: measure Ingredients, cut In Spry the night before. Next morning, turn in liquids and blueberries, bake while you prepare breakfast. No morning grouches, no walls of ’Tot nqt hungry," when the family sullfs fragrant Blueberry Mufllns, piping hot from the oven! Why not make some today? Mako plenty because you'll get cells for seconds, thirds and fourths! Send your workers away al) set for a good morning’s work, and be sure to tuck Blueberry Mufflos into the Victory luochboxes, toow ^ for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pulley of lo Franklin Terrace, is spending their vacation at Shady Oak Beach, S. C. Master Roy Hicks. Jr., of 12 Chavis Way, spent last Sunday visiting his grandmother. Mis. Hicks of South West Street. He had a big day. Miss Marion Hunt v/ho has been tlie house guest of her cousin. Miss Josey Chandlies of ll Chavis Way. has returned lo her home in Oxford. Master Harvey Chandliers of 11 havis Way spent several days with relatives and friends in Garner. There is an extra large supply of zt-acUes this year. Miss Ruth Cur- jfrent of State College suggests that 'this is an opportunity to get a good supply of canned fruit. A Blueberry Muffins S etJM *ift*d 2t«ble*pooDS Mictchcd flour jugmr t UMpooubrnklex U cup Spry powder 1 etc. ImoM IH tvupuoDi aalt I cup milk 1 cup frwh blucbcrrici 31ft flour with baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut in Spry fine. Com bine egg and milk. IHirn liquids in to dry Ingredients and stir vigor ously until all flour is dampened. Fold blueberries carefully into bat ter. Bake In Spryccated muffin pans In hot oven (425*F.) 30410 minutes. Makes 12 muffins. ^ Ration tip for wise housewivea ^ Be on the lookout for ntw. woru'tss recipes, specially cnads to use xa- kloned ingredients aparingly, and to S lvs bsst results. Clip and save leo. I Washington — Five Blue ^Stamps for processed food and 5 Red Stamps for moats and fats in Ration Book Four became valid July 1 the OPA announced, this week. Each stamp is worth 10 poin'.?, making a total of 50 Blue Points and SO Red Points. Stamps which became good July 1 can be- ased through October 31. The new stamps: Blue—Jl. Kl. Ll. Ml, Nl. Red—Al, Bl. Cl Dl, El. Ymi Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do ^oge wheezing choking Rt- tackii keep you from your work or rob you of your ale^T For over half a centunr BRAIYIR’S POW- countleM tulferg from spasna of D£2L ba^ brought bkeeed roUef to •sthma. Try BRATXR'S POW DER, you may find aoothing relief. Ea$y to uae. Caution, use BRATISl'S POWDER ealy aa dl reded, large aUe box fl.OO at your druggsrt, or and or money oiSet to ue direct No goods mailed COQ. John K.'Brater & Co. OK. M9 Srd Av... New T«k, N.Y. (1») WHEN’ PASSING THROUGH ROCKY MOUNT STOP AT THE ALBEMARLE CAFE 204 Albemarle Ave. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR-B-CUE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specialty E. N. ANDERSON. Prop. CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 Bast Lenior St. Dial 2084 NEGRO DOLLS | Every home should have a Colored lloll. We offer in this sale two flashy numbers. With hair. movl»g | eyes, shoes, stuckings, nicely dressed.! PRICK S4.98 and $6.59 | If C.O.D. postage extra.—Dealers-, j Agents Wanted Write NATIONAL CO. I 254 West 135lta St.. New York. 30 | FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room CHICKEN SHACK Half Chickan or A Chiekoa Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Ooaa and l^ke St. Now Playing "OUT OF THIS WORLD" with — Eddie Bracken. Veronica Lake. Diana Lyn Sun., Mon. Tues., "PILLOW TO POST" with — Ida Lupino, Sidney Greenstreet, William Prince The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance Service 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendanta in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, baain, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot- Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A. HAYWOOD, Owner r^fr VICTORY Q GARDEN NEEDS Paint And £ ive Thet House USE Wooley’s Standard PAINTS and VARNISHES FRUIT JARS — J Pt. (o 5 G«l. TOPS — RUBBERS — RINGS CURTAIN STRETCHERS IRONING BOARDS S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET WE CARRY A FULL UNB OF mAUTY and BARBER SQUARE of Your LUCKY NUMBER Over 25 ways—vertically— horizontally—diagonally — to total YOUR lucky num ber. Send $1.00, and bii^* date for handmade chart. RIGHTMIRE Matbomsgieian 1068-AF Elmwood BuHalo (9). N. Y. Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1738 FULTON BTREBT Brooklyn. (IS). New York HOBfE-COOKED FOODS And wliat a aseal It will bw— soasoned exMtly rlghV and or- ery dish boasting a real hom^ cooked flavor. B&HCAFE Royal FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Johnny Mack Brown — In "Land of Outlaws" Johnny Downs — In "Campus Rhythm" Sunday and Mooday Tom Kene — In "Romance of the Rockies" Tuesday and Wednesday Edward G. Robinson — In "Sgt. Joe Louis On Tour" Added Attraction Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature SUN.-MON.TUES. JULY 8-9-10 BiiiLf Crosby, Betty Hutton, Sonny Tufts ‘Here Come The Waves” “GREEN LINE” Cartoon METROTONE NEWS WED.-THURS. JULY 11-12 Starring — ANN SOTHRRN with — JOHN HODIAK, TOM DRAKE “Maisie Goes To Reno Cartoon “beach Nut” Metrqtons News First Chapter “TRAIL OF ROYAL MOUNTED” FRl.-SAT. (Double Feature) JULY 13-14 ‘Rootin’ Tootin’ Rhythm’ OENE AUTRV -r- wiHi — Smiley Burnette also “Pistol Packin’ Mama” liuth Terry, Robert Livingston,King Cole Trio Chapter 5 of “OVERLAND MAIL”

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