WEEK ENDING SATURDAY .SAY VOL SAW ii IN THE CAROLINIAN SEE OUR OIL BURNING HEATERS $37 50 to $97.50 Laundry Heaters, Sheet Iron Heaters Pipe, Eibows and etc. Fire Sets $5-00 Cnai Tongs 75c Scoops 69c S. M. YOUNG 130 E. MARTIN ST. DIAL. 7121 ... ; M:M. /. fdV ' A L S' M4'\ H /v Lyr* A went rub otic.* wash out —or c> heat 5 & \\ permits p*man«r.?s and st !-.sh ha.riot - . I t < known ami ussd for over SO yc • s Vour | I *y / / dealer v»di Ajivc you.* nsooey bacr if yo M ,•« no* \ / V H#vc 4f« C4w. p* nr-a I .uy.i-- dtiou *t your j\ %, / favorite beauty 0. ■ ■.-■ ur L-jy Lit . «« at any \ \ t«iy\\ « • • • If your deoiet dom oof have lariaoie, A M*ud $1.25 piua 25d Fed. tc* direct fc booirnon ,Jl§| JcVli£4t\£ WttSftV ' COLORING »i«b*L Iw£bE&m\ GOOKFROY MFG CO. > 3550 OLIVE ST *ST iOUii 3. MO, k ; 4% 1 § B*® hi* —-_—iji ft, |f u ' LOW FARES lor thrifty travelers Leave Raleigh daily for: GREENSBORO One way S 1 .60 7 express, 25 reg. trigks Round imp 250 WASHINGTON, D.Caw 4 90 4 express. 4 reg. trips .Round Trip 8.85 ROANOKE, Va» One way 3-65 3 trips Round tnp S.fcO NORFOLK. One way 3-56 j 2 express, 15 reg. trips Round fr»p G3G KINSTON One way 1 .55 j 7 trips Round trip 2.80 PITTSBURGH One way 8-60 2 express Round tnp 15.50 (plus Fed. lax) Sample Fares One Round One. Round Way Tnp Way Trip Charlotte $3.25 $5,85 Danville iBO 3.25 3 express,, 24 Thru 7 trips Asheville 5.15 9.30 New York 8.55 15.40 4 express, 6 Thru 2 Thru Fayetteville 1.20 2.20 5 rf ' 9 tnp * 10 Thru trips Va. Beach 4.00 7.20 Lynchburg 2.90 5.25 rJ " ? nips • (plus Fed. lax) UNION BUS TERMINAL > " Phone 5536 mftityyftysil <3««>W-TRfIIUWAyS the gout EOF i h c DOUT LET ft U * irrrftf nifif Hi iff IlMii SAY YOU RE OLD lt‘* easy for gray,"drab hair to give people th* impression that you're oidtr ihari yog really aie, but even if your hair is turning prematurely gray, you can (ill attract new friends- win romance by giving your hair rkh, natural looking color and beauty with lorieuse. 1111 1 & ASSISTANT DiKLCTOR Os M’HSfiS Mrs Imuwiine Len non Much lias been named edit tv. lonal director and assistant u.j rector of nur.se> at Community im-pitil, Wilmington. She return ed September 1 from Xt .vark, Y .1. s\ here she bus been studying i..i tin- Jt. s degret in nursing ifnciliOM at Sunn Hall t'ollege MEXICO REFUSES TO SENS COTTON WORKERS TO ARK: UT'ILK HOGK Ark ■ ANf J’ * > A cotton tvi.. t;uv. '.hi; -.taU of. ArkaiiStis u- lia Mexico ft f/ovoiT* ill;'ut infused in lit! 2-k) MrMi.iii laborer' to pick cotton iii Jackson 'lT;is »univ aj: added h> the L:d 01 coumies it: various rotitheni; ts?vt.-> uiac'ivli. t rvi t>\ Mexico Leeaui'e ; • f Uanr di::Ciiinin3tloi"» agiiitT t la- L... 11 1 1 vv OTka i 3 . U orep I ha s ha-; lo La pi. ked U»- .• p itc a ••f ii'j'.i labor .jo.a }ic j iv. ' -r; odfß ■ i aie \aonß Me: i-.n, ! l;s unless; itiore lv oi t:an oc ; t bii.> jjod for t.hft ia Id.. \Vi:h the s-carcb v of Lsbor. vages •f Xvgro cot-on lueke 5 .- *:av»: soiir nu s'iU t;j $3 5 a day Jackson courdy •\ao- denied 350 workers when 'i.e wyaalure H o;\y om.* m.ive .Mexican. offic:ai was .N'twy-ort. H said that :.e would tv liavv iurn them over h to V.o workers. T.mleU.n '.v:a a-ei Li ii i La.' w<>rkei i'• ,\i :<:co . MRS, MANLEY HIT FOR SIAM 810 LEAGUE PLAYERS i’HtI.AUKU'HIA ibNlli - In i )it(ci to the I'lolij'K iphia ittde ;pi n.-i<-m. Uical Ntyro Meekly, an Ath;;itie Ci'; ■ < ivic !<s.,n c rieMntmc v ?i,i :.,... . by IVi: Kt'l’n ivlat !•■•;. tin .:dve;.i *1 Xegioes An urbanized b.rt.iall cuib set t..e Ntyi.i ,i(; years. A i. J.e «•? .■. i . . i.i be the 1 owiU 1 ! of tat only F.'.rbei • u.hcpf? ; in the Man of New Jersey and to be jVv iriont of the Fqual Kivht league of Aiiit-i ii t. said t: at Mrs Mar lev *o<ak }'<'•■ siand ‘stjfdv he aose of hei duo. l lir..newd d( • f pair He told of work Hint he had done v oi yarii7.it base bail training i ? r v . ... . , j,} ~r h-j s Vauni SAVri TIMS COl PON X yjhprAa / f^//ili 1 OR YOl WHO Ll-.liK FINANCIAL HELP '>>v-XA~X..;. ".•-.“.•vvs-'-a [A “How to Keep Your Money and Attract Good Luck ' *fb:s Book revesi? the secret - r iioH bo', money ;oni altraeunp - v< o*.l 3nek a;* i I0k!0 [ by “ UK,, ' ,T Special Prtce SI.OO "7 Cures for a Lean Purse" A formula (lesigned to "(art you on »»« ui.os.ii! roi.it ... JiioiiKi;.! at,uu dancr—a tical of), to semiiits Special Price SI.OO rii.L our T’.fb- coupon carefully -CHICK THE ITEMS WANTED - FIN MONEY CRDLE TO COUPON ANO VAIL TO Abßf. WALLACE. \inr Niiftt? /yJJrffS - <:J/v... - State - Yous hirthdate... Amount Jlncloii'4 $ . ABBE’ WALLACE In cart of THK CAROIJMAN IIS Fast Hargett Strf<‘t KiUeiph, X. t . A’-t*'.’.. *b **. j i-*y ‘b.l-'t-'t—-t—l-'b •**.*—*. -.—i * CLIP LtilS COl YOU COUNCILMAN RAPS EQUALITY CLAIM IN VIRGINIA SCHOOLS RlCHivit AbD 'AM'i - - 011 vc j \\ Hi!!, ator.it.>.. n>d rnember »f )v Richrnci . ■ . . a.'.iii:bb as trek r d ;i - mi-'leao:n it-;, art O’ G. T • J>..■ Miller, stab sop-' riii'.uitJerit of pti■>■ ye instnutlon. ciung Tsegio .'era'll progress m Virginia. Miller's speeial’y arepi.-rcd .-tptc- TH-rit is.-ued nil SeptemVei 18 v.-:y made in anr-ver « v <. irerfasinp i.rrr ■tr.: by Vi: Negron throu.. b the federal enru-ts so; equality a? oppoi" m .it y and educational fact li lies lr. t! ■.• -tale for cniio/cu . < both raeeb Htll i" plied io Ml!!. : s reporf a.( a ! v a 1 ■' lr.of 'bo Kic..!’'ond \ r ACF 1 on September 19 Re n <■:!. I, the repoib Hill r.-uici. '•Mr. Miller knows that even in the cite of Richmond tnoiv j- n.> such iairp .s (iOi! <ii.’ci ini : natory tocili ;.e- mi N«.-;va education As loiis? as lh* r.- are . i-pauitc sfivoi" m, Vti j; j•• , o ‘]jt 'j ■ i .1 . V .i, .. , *|:, jj | ■,, v;, .; j Right ."I. id, .■.I e; :i■l. -! .'lit! t;f j i ; V•J:; Cfl .VV.i <lc*ht tis Jil) i Old •• lie .'i<i !«JI lc .1 Elf -iCt * \ N.;j" to ;■ 0 r: it ward si ' : i ' ■ ■ i.act* back ;>0 > *•;ai l cuiraUl oec With bci, .‘slid uciiouncar a?iy-tuc h-»v such» a cl.'iim." 'I am ayuVi t lu. Nby fvi'o. JViJfj :'h(A; it] lit it i;C ; i/.P'J duo t-1 ;; yiOi'd <V t <‘i>l *•* , I bocaUiit-* < i semu- ; a. '.p» vjudK’vu* lUiidrti pL*f';Oll I'-.' h !!i --| fluent*- U) conUvl u.o of j 1 v.-ouid-bc- out UuKbc > an'UCX’ -"Hi . U b» ing a oi ihe t .'i ’i dub. * o<:: | published iUai!.-'r.y it vaV.zs .xA ymar playera.“ YOU GET a BETTER BUY AT BLACKWOOD’S ,#ri. in , *l.®^! jmß\ Cow**.- tjsjyt mm a. •Yv'f -• ut it'ab'i'Vj' .... i.- i" ..VI? TherNew, FAST ACTION y^OldTlQfl Here are the biggest oil In .iter .: .•• <| vs '^j bat gains in town! Powerful heat i wb" Yr'M producers that will give vou de- i 0:0 ■irii'*!*' "0& pendable, low cost heating service \ ;‘lf fpjj§h under almost any conditions. Come : ; : l |^L* in and see them. ,i: g^p||. 2-Woy Heat Action LjgT T ; Gives Double Comfort tew L: 7 :« C\>leman 4441) Oil Hfuttf ut v ;. - fef’X> tZ-l; vice. It CIRCULATES he *t and RA DI AT ES heat both as the s&mt time. 31,000 • ' TL- ’I B. IT. pcr hour. TVeautiful t»trea.*rt!in <i cl Distinctive browa tone cabinet These netv Colenvan Oil Heaters give sfe you j!1 the clean, hi althful, cifu .u fea tures of heating with oil -at low No :rAV no fuel, dirt o filling station, or u»un« S? ' CCI eaJbitu* Wt .jjt S fx cns o v s€? IFts $ Pi - STirih Kvr easy f»)l --only S4r V^.:^L~ILL LIGHTNING HEATERS l¥ ids-i 'feb'i - "'i" C?- y j ; -.r.,.. i. •• ■ C 5 5 19 A-724 j, Other heaters 7.49 and 26.63 USE ODR LAYAWAY PLAM FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS STORES S«‘fVinff North Carolina Sinco lair .404 Hillsboro St. .KALEICH ...^ HIE CAROLINIAN srns Ni of rno-.irjl?V4 •••!;!] ••<*! UJi'-' .!'• Vi l• ' mi. ../Ml 'v.-i' ke( l fur . him u<>*i by Ni iiu the cflviz to eojualize ■ " ■ P * * h£M» k imm w ! SSHK y ig- :: Am K VS.f*\ SiT.Vi S’r»'s»fl!-n ll,* cn s. 'J'rur-i.iS! v-hu (ulil .1 v uiidivorf i vT.’ v *■<!.• oiytH Ibai l osift'* Cs;,((i;i.ii iu .< •uc • ostcn'-Uj- K f|;l ;J ~! cb' *<■;. igt! till unm i-m Si.*-.! ii Ir.ic-1 work i*i >,* !-j;s and i’(f ix-pars.mt'.in «i .»<»• *»: * along >lj.il line. I ii.ii, in ; return to Wash- Sr* it?:, ii.t fire-.,. i ill 0 uiuiuru'c'd pi.lll iu i*l **' }•') : ■iisviv,.' nit, Sfvi .It , . • and rv\ York in a four ■ tlai -jiiUi it.'/ i uIU ft -ii Wt'fK, :-t bool..- in Oil! Tate. iij.sti.a'ui ox enutl art ion • such a.-: iia\tj been brought in the «ases involving ; :-'nrr>. Glocherter King George | and Chests t-fielci counties Hill, a member o 1 toe law firm representing Negro children in re ■: t court actions before Federal Judge Sterling Hutcheson 11. an effort to attain equal school facili ties fold the NAACF group: "The only igay n’t can achieve a ::<;rnblance of cijualtl.v js in con; in up a* pro- for our rhr . eveiv b-gai t. a 11 ..e our sin posai. MiHer uieik'e’ed thin com piete -icjsiHlirr.tion of salaries for svhiie ind Nopro teaciieis wi*.l have been .ehi(.vd in all Virginia cnuntir.s ::ul ci!a- • hv the l'M!/-00 school erm Ha made it plain that schoo! officials prefer a gradual iti-uress of w.jiializa' .oh. Many '.vorpeti smoke ■'-* cigar* He .be way the* read a cev.'suaprr -- ' .1 couple of puffs os a c.'v.pse o( .lanecv they’re through. f ***,"• w Corsage Time Is Here. , , This is the -social season of the- year . . , the time wiieii corsages contribute so much tv that fee ling of being con, pleteiy “set” for every Occasion, \\ , apt- prepared to rater to your corsage needs. Capable and offieiont workers are tvoil versed in iho art of corsage making. Prompt delivery service is available to college--, and residences. Ci\c tv a call today. TURNER’S FLORIST A n non n c i n g! *Y% , I At of If you want Quality FOrnitare at Reasonable I*rices ‘ Nowell, owner and manager of Nowell Fu-rmture * > • invites you to coiuo in and look over his stock of Home 1 ut - nishings. You will be delighted over Nowell's selectionl Here Are A Few Os The Nationally Known Brands We Have: £ Dallas Furniture. Marsh Kitchen Cabinets Si eg let Oil Healers £ Admiral &• Motorola Radios. 222 S. Blount St. Raleigh tyiSiTE IM HUSHES | AUTOBIOGRAPHY I < NKW YORK A Man Called White. - ' the autobiography of Wal tei White. NAACI’ secretary, i •eneduled for pubUccuion bv Vik ing Press on Momiay. Ocio it 1 The volume recounts Mr. White's career a> an official oi the National Aysijdnbon for the Advancement . ;o* Colour'd I ’•’oplr over a period of j Win J*; ..« .-no v women apooi fi.-aJiy prond.-e m no ■ and promt;,'• ly forget .11 about it.ihu.; perpk-x --.mg die rs'en? It la-ems t-'i be ray fair to be ai-* i iracted to women wiso riv- 1 i: -* idteaen work. The problem of r.uvv to hve within your tnc * .<■ is univm.. ! and is iiol cxi-iu:avt' to those li: the iinur brackets A. J. TURNER, PROP. Located In The Ctapes Building COR. CABARRUS & BLOOD WORTH STS TELEPHONE 3-8092 Charge Accounts Invited pg | SIC WALK AND SiT I IN COMFORT* SUFFERER Dr THiS • v Use Posiwn tbo CONCKNTP.ATJED ointment w? ,li .jaands have, 'i’he oily base HOLDS Poslam's mcdti-ntion on -a,,H'iing fi.-suea to root and soothe that agonizing 1 ic.t' and burn, bold < -;n coast to noast for years-,. Ask your loci'ii". Otlv r-v , aft drug stores, «> garargiiimi ARTHRITIS .Ooni dr ~ P "“l come velfef in of n!i i {uitr< Dnn t Arthritis duo t nibli Artbri- to Sulphur di~ tia aches or _}„* ficinocy. Smalt iciiiis Th • yIVB daily cost, Mon- NK .1 Cnliniitai ey hack if no liid.i.'.jilSutpiim tip relief oiler 30 .: i'.c.V., ralifld , ' da yu’ dosiage. : ! i.t'l H ', KAI ■ liAQA begin taking oimbriiicM ;■ TODAY. YrtufOr»g,g,nrhas&MU»MO-KAP t S £ Rroytnl! Bed rooms £ Artlcam Carpets Royal Vacuum Cleaners Eylo Baby Furniture PAGE FIVE

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