!= - s;r , IT(OWS 3 SOMETHIKG TO B?jY, HOST, SELL OS EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION & I£sA* .ZlwSw „ Advert isirj —£ou> Cosf Advertising —- 1 ° U ••• 01 ‘ E TEm P' e 4 ' 5558 / FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ~. DIAL TEmpte 44558 ANNifbttCh C/ROS Os- THAN'iS !N MEMORIAL LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOM'-: APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT. ■ rt n Mbs Lores Hal!, .. i«.aicsgn niauve, “Miss UNCF” SALIS'iT. i’Y—Miss Lorre Hall, j • lh<* daughter of Mr. and Mr?. Sam i''-4 -tall, !E)S 1-2 New Bern Ave i L'h igh. was lc.’on.tiy crown- ; rci M :(Luted L.-giu Cohcgf? Fui-i.i i t th* firsi nriniv.l "i' Mr> ir n,.r- 1 : - Asorcd by tin' Hro-Alumni Club j of )Viii‘.;?t.ortc Cal t- c Miss Hall is majoring in Bn si- ■ T'.ss find is secretary of the sop homore clans She IS ISO :i ~ .. - -yi Busin-s fe.duyvr.jon Clr.h. | Club ..id thi Fiv-A'uni- 1 ’ - . .n:. ( 1 1, i i . JVI is- ■ . 1 1 i , , o’- 1 : I -■ -. -1 , Blue mold has been a threat to tobacco piantbfds everv year Since IMI2. l ire \t ( e? -1 stales eroduc -ci a ■ b'-i., 20 per cent of the tuition's cotton last yt t|t —V- ——-y- anmwt\tmmm»rn m '**■<»»<*»oi.; *«»»»& aajßawra** . x~» •*, *£*»■.* * ■ MLJ»»av>- vjOoj V v I>• j ~\ j 11 £!ll cl CjrOOd C ■:■ * I I Like The Ones They Sell At Sancle^A H i %»* ■ ■ - \ i V'"" PWfiri V-OO e ~> X- V ...» : ' EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MOIIpAY .. . $1 j 7 MOD FT Q u' J i. v/ i x_4 - ’ |§l| '56 2 ~ Dr -P *»»» !•■ V ® * m 11 v„• ! Ks % FORD 4-Dr. ooun:rv sed.-.n n •• •• v , tU} matte. power &«*;:.k bk.utiluf' h'k and matc.tiiag mti-Uor, one nwnei 4 K£ 2-Dr. he-.'-. ~ - dK* .. ' - % i modfi < SB? ’TC FORD F«>u. '!• vp £ en;m rniin Vrl . \A# •;;;»■ ?12g:> S| *h} , . T .).» h * ,-tA ' 1 ' •* ll’i’ J . ;V, : j | *?F I _ A4MOOKU - s #3 - - - jm \J2Jjf •) S '"’ , • • v ‘ “• c££i“° . -.-m:, ' i ’34!? ■ «*• * * Rm “ c ‘*” a f ” bloc fin*h wiu> White tw. cW„ *’ *’ ■.. W » 1 *3! ' I ‘ u " Wllh Wil!Tf? tf »> cl ' un v "" > m ’ m M °i fp : ! W ’53 ‘ li ~, ""‘ e "■■■ ’■"' s ,h ' eKU& cm - i ‘ ■ '* ■ til ,i 3 : A v ?. OI A r 2 L t ‘- v D " ' | n?iH blue anirfh. ci«an •■* ‘A» MANY OTHER MODELS FROM SIOO UP I : Via <: - § « T| F IHiTAD • r BbJ Ct £1 Cl '-W I & ro | Lv, i V®|^V \' v 1 orner l-’erson -f s 7on/? < J NC D ] 'CSS* f ; j i 'hLi»iibJ:isZ. DuriAg the v/ar I v. rote a l\ of - fivy students jn the .service a itow- | !sy -eftcr about oe.ee a month .in • C.’der to coo -. ;ve . . 1 u ;; - | ; - ntv'Jic* . Thought I v. oyhj t» y ! ) l-'i. ’. v *; .- j . . ! ; [;• c.-y ooiir ||K <b ' j t t.vG with winter si, lure | ile i •t,an i | ! * WhJ-ro ca.TTi day :.;M ;m a - i i Gtloh job of V'yr:\yr>\f\. . . T\ j produced on f&j&iy** Ihat rou'o freje j • lUd • wit U 'f’US I b-' r. ;*i - o.v i * i : that grew las! year art.-.f otsiiK’-' r-r, I • v nod two yonrs o :d <nr o!dt ’D an - * j ■ rjv :y : f.Tpp-' : I r V•• . - - *, in " ' , ‘ . ' ' ; O.V V * Ip* » • v »»a i > piii-l firm* to prune j an«i ri.uji.iif iiiui uiuscudiiie ■' her chi have been neitlect* | in* . . You sbouli! have re- I n.-cii ,- 1 the old hearing' canes (<!-•■!> yum red yaspberrj’ plant ■- : .' : i r they t*ci' r| in t 57. - yc-a c-di hit to do this, s ,e»« not new and get r. ■■ 1 y foe vour 1358 crop. ... *<•-'; h your ‘.'ravch.-rry plants j v lid pi i/ medics. . . .1! yon • ■ p'.'-isibn: to set sow new j, is eat, he Jo* i anyUinr j i-- * i v c sob is <ii yoiufi ! - .... C■' cih*;). , , In tit-i ..'ocubfino !.:ff March :tv ! . f lUCC till I'Cf - • V . x.ui M :. a ;*H thi- - >1 ; ■; ■' •• • • • .)••• • a..,-i fii i; the ! ■• •-••• ■ . . Depth ol ; yi.rfi'.t'n i.: v ;'v ir. ■ ort v--i \*- "4 - ’l . ,1 .. ... f. , j, .. t . ovrv n lot'jfi fv'.'tfMTrj. r { , • i s i Abbey 'jf** w-s i ror rorgf Kole NE W VOFK - >Lr ->r Abb;.\v Ll?i- \ cn’r. vv-.ni in rrtski'rnce j tbn* vvrcfk with restives nf I v S;>\T)ue» tji(i.{ovvyn U> a rule j in the iVnrv and r W.*.; movi- mat j I hi- ahpi ;n May. \v r *th 'Oiarotdv D-ar-''iridic havrvr ? i Ju i : 4 the icad roic m the i ! -•*; * iAUiah rinVryj.-. o h- i.s nr. j r^ A ' * *.• r l •'■'T'jb*» i•• 1 -i j { to . * : i&i y i** >2O '• -1 HI ! * ! ror.'-.-'-t h '■*' •*".} Kj"t Shu • >•- 1 attid V' widcs* rva ? th.-c ; l *). Sh-a a-; makinv j f r.:;3 OQpini' t.y phi.fiS t?*C j 1 ' ! ' ■ ■ ■ V,- 1 ,, -a ro.-.i 1 v ■■ ■ ■ ■■ iff icir« . cat a Bns. 1 . . ' - , - ' P”“**»'**«*«•<•»-• -i e)».'insir>-i—.->mvwv»i^va<r.-. ' nrrvwrif M | MIIIIM Carol’s — CA n QW l he, - -mri irim win nn Wu cant teach what you don’t know and you can’t lead, where you don t. go. Any CLOWN can conic in for tin SHAKE DOWN.” Waiting for the Train. IN MY BOSOM!! ALL ABOARD! ! Loir,:.-, tc Norwalk. Conn. And the folks <ic still “KICKING THE KKVVS''. a . bout the local man, who nruh i.aed in the big town. Seems as tc.wugh ke forgot, when he was kis’lu.; the lovidy Carolina hcUr and lost liis ticket back to Norw al k who re be could do better, rnlliug the !- a! pnliee. fire •tcijarfii'.fct .-Mil Hv 'rirnris in Norwalk I ..U-* he Sound the rfliehor*. :-.vmn * iii)l' ■v tki.i-:i»home in m.y boson", kuitc consolisig. You can Gil S. the ticket v. • - found. -- WRITF. ■- TftJStrr. FOR THE IS.SUF Tier ■*<;,> iji. » • . newsman v»:r, out of papci or tak ing nous. The mother obiiced by asking her u;cling ou’-ichi. *r to c-t th*- nice i.-mn so:t:c paper. She im mtdieteiy catno back with Porct’s toilet tissue ” MO ISSUE. Hi ll (Mini. no f WORRY: : * V->U e:u» MW.WWW. ——— '* ‘ 1 f, ... I. I rl |BM ml t« llillill.l ,L „ij e:la eta Sorority I j irvgvrj'* f J j. fiie.» Ra!eigh f/!)CH.t Ncy.' So: or I3n i,* i c.ics bus act rptcvi 1)0 /.tin 1 --. ,i- T’. <l - chcr of -Special Kilucats-u in Cin | cintv.-ii, Ohio. i Soi-or Ruby McKinney reports a ■cost iutftre tin.;; m« eUng i •**'ci cy iictalite:, Tlu y co ..icr'- J i!,- ..,- Calendar to- the yeas Scouts, on fßlh Birthday , Begin National Safely Good Yura j * Hri ;.v. . r, / / fi* f I ~. . I C : ' : j M * i mm JB i |fVW • )■•'• " •C*’ -- i i,-" ' ■ />M ;L ' g. f . • i i ! *# : ; > ;•,r i ?M*k, i- : : i iHfc i ! OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT WEEK. POSTER More thao 4 ?C0 4 000Ctib Scout l -. ’ Boy Scout«, leaders throughout the riouon? wil! observe Bov Scovi VVeok, ’ February 7 to 13, ir*v'<i®g ib?< 4Sth fmnivQfm&ry ot ihe Bov l Scouts (if A ir\ei"- i Bov Scout Week sees :bh t-'Uiftehing of a yeariofti* Safety i Good Turn suggested &y Ihes-i *11111» vs* Hmtn. t*f* .xunaMnipn .>—■ —rrf--- -rMMiwrnKriiiumfi n_i *» V“Tt W *» *r 'h' T #** w “e* iro. it v 1 AMO u S BAKER x ; Q P j? r* I A I tj X Jl/j a /■ j, jLi» 8 / 1 Pllfl Rl II 1 II ff* T 8 L t Ifi ll Is fr I h- 1 i 9ta Km Isl SI si icji ®m w: 4m % \ I SI ¥ C B §. M f 8 | I* 14 1 ii M £• I Filled With Fresh Grated l* v mon Custard i / ! PRICE | Notice Our Window Display for Your Valentine Parties I’! »07 55. WILMINGTON ST. TLmple - 2 8."5.14 ( Let vonr life, he doesnt'. well cm!/ tc hed an dear!) in rise, helps «<» much to ease life's tide. A LETTER RkITUM TO THE CORNER THAN*. YOU! '-Detroit. Thank you l • • * ►:*-»!»!• Mayor Enloe, your I welcome letter to Rev, Martin Lu ■ iHer Kittjt. indeed wss jnspinns;. hr j vil ii.' c h.ippy lo know of Raleigh | opt) ve) otnc 1- him co.ne Feb- j ■ liny ■:). . . . The r.fiatie duu c . inip ur-sniio Mr. Joe Winters. I k HAMK YOU. . . j'ho lovely lass ! ; V; lTioi i;i OoMsboro, for we were ; ; hvr and you <> mded me back lo ! lie- c'i )\-Si-OLO. . . Death has' ! such weird illoKmns — “Six-round i 1 unloadin'.: of ammunition by the : ; s».'iio:» : roacliei lo his love the lihva- i n m at p '•< tune, 'j '.vo v/ondcrful : | h\ff. tfc ts could hav-- brought hap- ! , mrv s to many On -cuffed out. i .Hu tc i , i a*, ,-d —GOINO. GONE, r : REAL GONE! ' ’ - 50 ~ I tvC »0 Li lib ;»L‘ to J, Lpot t OOiOY | Carol Hunt ::: rapidly improving at. I:. i Agrc - iiL- p.Cil ; Sf/icr back from i i.cic i K; licit .? p.'ii;*-?. Ai'Uahsus, vhi-i-t? • she aUcnch-d Botrd ..*1 O.H-ctors - Mc cuiiy National Baptist Cor.vc-n --ti«o n? IJ. S A.. Ira:. ; hw of 4 \he Eoy ‘Louis’ j ! n cooperation with other or» '.aju/' io>v. leadership hi prtur*>ie I trafte ssiety in March'. April, ! JA 1 pu-.dov * safety m June, jJ*.cy. *pd ; 4and home j j siiuGiy m v.cptcmhor, October, » RXS and Wife, BETTY L PARRIS, State College Answers QUESTION: Does it pay iy luivt j a family milk cow? ANSWER: Dairy specialists have i figured that a family miik cor. ran ■ save many families on thou* milk | bill. If five people in r..■ •,v drink the recommended amount of j milk—a quart each per day - tin y j pay out about $336 a year for ntiik. 1 Since it costs only around a year to feed family cow produ cing 2 1-2 gallon.- of milk per ■ day, this family would save nD >ut QUESTION: What would cause a cow to nibble at hark •n trees and fence past-, and it dirt ANSWER: Could is.- tit.-: . aren't gfU'ns," enough >o*, • • their diet. Research lias -v >v.-n that cows receiving no sii;»p >- mental salt begin c.-.rupr ■ anil oSlkt ''umisuai" eim-f, apparently hr an vit< mot to get needed sal!, QUEST!ON. Slior.id 1 t-o, trees? ANSWO: ! ’ clalidts say that heavy catling Lack : of trees removes limbs on which : the leaves grow, destroys the na tural shape e>T the irce, ruakes '' tree more compact (v.-h-m theyYt ■ may cause the tree t-> decay rid : usually already too compacti. dtsefige to set in, or-h .-s (’a* .cn ‘>ri ‘ is Kepi covered with spec LI tore 1 point. Foil is an ideal time to o y.v-d.-n , contour slrip crops. ■ ; Y COOKiM3 i|; HINTS ! •• I *% . ' v - / j //Carnation Hwie Sew ..-h, 1 . ty and her staff X( -7 r ur ~ £*■* ' & L>ke to sc ve ' * - dr sort after heavy V ' *•"— ’i holiday ' meals V Try Carnation Roso; « Scott CmßFeivy Freeze. I'■■■.'>•{ dr-nd ing Carnation livapOTaL 1 MV.'c mixes perfectly'with the ols.w- i ant tartress of eranbem.'ii f-w a refreshing dewrt. And O' ~-i-berry berry Frecre is eiiey <-n the Christinas budget, t - • it's made with Ocwr-n».--n - i-,t •milk that whips Nice s.; v, ; when friends “dr-,-" : the holidays. CARNATION CRAHBSRRY V. (Makes about. 2 qu -1 cop undiluted CARNA. EVAPORATED MILK 2 tablespoons lemon juic 1 Vj cops diced morshmt. 2 cups I! pound car.} v. cranberiy sauce 1 cop well-drained t, cn,. crushed pineapple % teaspoon salt Chili Carnation in rein- ! i ” tray until soft rr; •..» around edges cf tray ( Vs -■> ir.in uujs). Whip very stiff (aLwit J minute). Add lemon juice. Whip v«rj; stiff 1 1 nriinut- s .< r*. Combine tnarShmftUmvf, eruei . ••• ties, pineapple and scut. SOM in to whipped CamaU t PI a* <• in refrigerator tre vs. Freeze 2 to 3 hours or until torn. C-73S Printed InU.S A. Legal Metis 53 AIMISfeeiStUAIIUA S NO V • ?; j NORTH CAROLINA Having RuaPikd as Aa >• - v of tiic Estate *>f Jane* VV:V, ,! , >.;• v | reaseci, iale of Wa4tc Cri ' !;■ , i\*.\ - • having claims again*! the J •‘c ■ j bllid decease:! to exhibit -hv i - ; at 205 SmUhlieJd S-t, . J llaieigh, North Carolina. or- .- . K »,. > • • < ; the 9th day of Ja mi ary, l-M or c cv twill he v j fcNiatf will pi ease mane . .. ! ‘i'.us oth day of January, 1958 A rim in is 4 > ■ ■»iv 1 Jar*. I#, 25:' Feb. 3* 8 IS, 22. ’f#3 A 0M INISTHATOH'S NOTtO' f NOiITH CAROLINA i WAKK COUNTY ! Hav: jng mualifivd av Arinin•,;,>L.no» <•<i ! the Estate of Mrs. Lillian G/fcCn Ban.. I deceased. late of Wake County, Ni ..>• : vraioltna, thia L to notify all pv oris j having claims against the Estate of , said deceased to exhibit them to ♦.;*■ ' ! undersigned at 1306 E. Jure. Sir.eet. ' ; Raleigh, North Carolina* on <n* before ! i iho Bth day of January, 19.” 9, nr th «• 1 notice will be plead* <1 ] • ; icrovcry, Ail pets:; m Stidciitcd to 4 r»e i ' Estate wiil pin iise make i i payment. | This the 9th dav of Janiurv, 19511. I c k. hunt, sh, Adm in i ? iTa tor *i£ < Jon.zs Street Halc-.igh. N, C. Jan. 10. 28;’ Fob. i, 8. 15, 22. 39 > y : ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY SUSIE WASHINGTON and BESSIE WASHINGTON CAMPBELL LC Vs. LEO N f. LA NDa n d W> h . mT*Ov ’' ’) ; J. LAND. B H RICKS j*rcl 11 I PA THE CA3IOLINIAN VDT'K PS”HNCi, S VjrriQAY. I'LfUUJAR.Y 1, IMS ! Defendants 1 I Tee d. i.-tuliuits r-i H Rick* and R. IK. Ha era; anti v.-ite, Betty L. pari -.. | will take aMift; That ptiuitilli in the above entitled I j matter «uiv«h coftimfihued ixi the jfcu-1 p;?)* or Court ol’ Wake County, North j .Cyioiina, er* action on lit led as above. i m v. h‘th they seek ‘he cancellation \ | trom i< of cevtaln Deeds filed mi j the o :ic l «‘ or the Hot, >tcr of Deeds j of Wakf.: Countv. a;-* foliows, to wu*! jU) Deed dated Abril 10, 1»34. DatVi ■ Washington io H. & Kuri; and vjfe » I Betty J. I'm: is n'ocifdof in Bo ,k .‘.US, 1 I oaff- ’ 5»• Dee-d dated Mav 1. 11V14 1 ! R K. !■’■ ■- ami v.tfe i, J> U! j to B. Ji R-fkft r.'C!). l iii! n Hook I i t-w>:» (Jt Dot'd dated M<u- 'ii 59. j | Use B H ri‘-’’-L=, tminit/r-oa to t*-..- jI. Land, i ordv.l m iw,,; tov, 1 j Zti-j; (45 13. --ii i.'-Oed fC'Pie'.Ubtu i. l.iat, , I Leon S. Lent} inn vsifm, Mitcu d j 1 . t 1 00. . . i, v' \V. - ..i .*,,r. .ii ! Root. •:•» punt .V ; (1»J 1),! r.-.V: d.-..y 4 •«?. M- V. Worib and i j ... [ j 1 ■ * j >•: 1- ?a. Tutu- I . in t„ e i>-ri v rl. - i j and .it «tc ti: o i-oid i»r«/jn-riv ’ H i:q\<s ! wwt sti tae no, m nat ‘.iff j M Ci 'V ■ t‘ Ji Mci.a-'; S 1:1*7: thence ' Sv-i.if.iiwh ri pa.’sik-i v.-ili) thf; *,...i j ; Jin'. it.-; tp ji • • mW- r-.ii'du-' ii ] , then.-1‘ t-datv--.SO ■ 'nt l,m.> S3:-, t/’ ■' ‘ •••-•?»»■ 'TV* - . .4 . * * u.u'f «.c ih-c initV. bs-ugnl; by iv.'an-;> ri*)ki vi thie. Jk.ads oi. ibivtt <TJiu?fc.e, Book M 2. l-ag« ‘*9l WAKE COUK (To, - -■ jd:. I■ ■ -SIT : I,'n lot I Sni'u-i i ! iyb,';ie ,y ; i s?>-, «4( '•'-o-lfp tiiStTS.-.; IHAV t';> j as-lrtc tupitg Nc o' Cf-i-i!. ,V,":UL: tmd Bi.i'il > pvcov ic’d. Tids *. ! h 6> ' d SA/J3 » ■V. ■ . , b .\A l ' «t Kj t - . . . . • . ; . ’V?: b : . : . i Kp... f-B .4 G.N QU.4C N„ ' , V*'«\o»b r .j- ii .‘v’.- c VvIiXlS U iltc ?Gijr; •. j Kr-.iU ¥S' r/li-.b WXL- j ! cAZJl'tei Y s Mi.d wife, ’ : ■ V:.IUJCy. t; ;i‘Hhh H- i; i' ; .AHK ** r DC - f ERVON -• r--d v.-b . b-ABi-K; BlKJEBlON; ' j ->5 ah’; /1 *f. ei:.o a e:. v< .•• „v ; <; olon? al ! ;h. u L F»■• :■■ s - I- ; n : j,ii i jea. AJ4O j Ab'lV Mii'ft. . j AND wAle- 1-AohA I A f<biL k&ek 'fe- -OJf W-. vr v: ; 'll" F-tC' y.vt; M ' 1: ,\?-A K . ‘-w ChlSsirdif. •' | . Lee Ks :! •/-. Jneeittp u-;;t, e> ■ ;U. fiv.£C oVjd*?' ? -A'j-UtuO l,\d.; ■ dSjUI lot Doc rtet, Vilfe : ; . ’ . • V. '-Li _ l '.. / wiliT C 5« -% - -••••-•'• • • O: .a-t’’, (Vaosc bvbn..-; hjt-Mlciir s y . C-mdv,; • ; - . : .. .. i bi> i- t'-'i'v*' ’li \GX*VM iNi> 'Ji I h’< >-$$ %:■ -pH 4cm. jj| «*i ; •1 L <--!.• F•*>. ; I rup.s >r* bH S4O : £uKk h> ’b the - ihc 1 ! p.);C;DvAINvL lot No XL : i ii: to .*■: tco\j j ’ .net tii 'Ski*i ■iSiv't-i: thF.nce nturtsi ~ --..V. ;-:s Ilfgt. ow Oi ik>si. P:r«ct V- o'” -o ‘.it* l. 'GlNi'tiHC*. Le-tag K.t No. j in Kte««t ft> 12. ! r.< rt ;■ 1 MJtjSs oil c.stit Aidv «* EAVt 1 ‘ 0....- ,p PflWlot, < L «Ai- iJc- :dty«.'C ~. /W>. utk w»>v -aA'-AJVs;'.. i i :•! :■•- -i ti-MU'C IMi-’ iM 2 1«‘. i ' ! tht-nv. nari.t iftft fevt. *l'anw> wtot ; i j ;.to r«w» ill e 3 -:v street V.-covct' I ,>?*:.»=» f Struct li«.t leet j 1 to s !..'. a NO, &o<t!K iow j )8 ft 1$ 12' '.A Rt.».k ?\v- Vi- M- j' o S v Paris : 1 \ ry.-, ur.i-sn in Book sii Maps ’St's. | P- • o’ i, n»l: in ■■ i.r the i ,v fun's. -i; od to Iv-i’,^.* cM ,iVior. t>y ttu: 3y*-* ii )»I| Tie..- iSM.iI. .<H!t " I ; C.'Xil- [’ b» -l ti» ■■■ f'. ’I - ! nr;/ sever.tiSlft. »V. vt-BC-'o>-»l j J ■ n Ci 'i'-; V .po lit s•uttiajffljvi! lit i'i'- Kiviso. i: of -Veils for Wklut j* Oovint;-'. J Tm- 'sufes-sai'u fc./HW wi>! be <«••. i uirc.l to mi-’ttr f!f msit of Utii - ! ,i■' , , 0 •*.! Os C.i r.V.C -=»M- I). < 1 iiiv iincit a-.i pv».-J by I, w in. tiir- * ' ;ncr .'air ed bid. 2s»oh traav wut be »..du i Till' ‘Urtfc It-i id Torwa.-v. 155rS y. .!. ca.imacr I'dns-tnisffkww Jar-uory ii. :i». :-3. PVi»vuM y i. . .\i.rnrE to f;Keiny»R*» HnvitVi-: qUMiP-d n« d»n!U<m-arar vl; {tot v.t&Oi '4 -Viatlw .!.. loiilil. ciicffc-v! CLASSIFIED RATES Number ,i Issues uid co*t per nvoril; Ml I * t U Ci-'I firr KttVil it: 4< Jc Sc IK t- line, '■> tour t-Je tOc mb »Vi« ■ norcviatin ■ srmtal or - symbol count ai, one word. i'. ni.ition marks arc NOT counted as words, 'flu i-nii.'um mimbet of word* in v aii v- la ...ids. You will 1 , ordering vrnu ad to run S or 12 issues * : Wni Ads o.iii bt Cclcphoned tlirungli W iinesdav tit# to Hi -V.M. ANNOUNCEMENT " cl ;i-Winter Revival begins Sec i ■ , ...1.:,. .j: Februaiy and will -a: u';i.! ;<>>• 10 days Guest jnio ■ . Riith Greene of Hun : "ft • ■ L t„ General Supt, : f Hum It S-hool of the Mt. Cal ii'" Cilurch of America. i- l .‘< i. lESTICS WANTET)" •■■■" .mV, for -.-mi, N'-Y.c. Agns • - k'-ia - so to $»3 CO ner 1 ri. vi- is ft.t-ence. trunsuor i o'.i, sif-ro in l-'or further <■' Ii C MityrheU, SOI Colfi bon N e„ Tele- G’M-iD' *;j7o, in memoriam" | t<!!« •- 195 S >•- on- ilcai rnoli.er, Mrs. ■•'l ii Maras; - -■ a W -rini-'day morning, .Ta.ii • ■ .u dngel va me ' ail I • vkoned you !o ' ii--: -. n. 1 ■ oi ui phis papa. -oi a broken to v- ■ - rymg by living God. to rraa'i you - l-o iofcother wnth 5' i.-liii(iven. ' ’ •!. K STEWART " » SHARPER HOi.,:.iT BURNS. JU. - : IAL -SERVICES - WRITUiN- tot busy people S' 1 . Researeb, Manu ■liio put in sood Bng '■ BOUI.-v AriE, Saint College, Raleigh, S. C. ' TRUCK RENTALS = u- :vf..rr-CAM, TRUciuT, .•: '.H.KHS FOR RENT - ! •■■■-• o ■ -Dial TE 2.«988 , - I’E 3-OW4. i-.ii et used retrt aad furniture NOW. '- a .. . Dial TE VMM. !LDINO AND HOME VIENT SERVICES M t INUEK BLOCK CO.. I»c. . ai. om and Cm ■■■• Block*. N Cm :1 St.. Dial tX 2-Jl*. FOOD SPECIALS ;:>■ s v»i! «if AN (BILL 220 »»*t - "in . Bait .yii—Dial TE K-tWB*. Coo-.cr's Bar-B-Q HAK-6-Q attd Chicken • Our Specialty) Cis iiud Chicken 109 E. DAVIE ST. NURSERY ■o-i cries t/'KSKKg rayetteiuae M.ijhivay Pnone TE t-MN. A -u.vn -Kcm-ster it with / 0.-> • I'i'- * -yvi Hus space wilt coin you o.ti, Sic. Sm.RVICE STATIONS | > s.aso SiAI'ION—3I.2 S. Biood-I wSSL. Phone TE 2-WSd. U .. .at on- clascifted ads regulariylK -oi-. are many oargalm offered. B WATCH SERVICES OAYitISON'S WATCH SERVICfc.-HC X. Uuivott St,. Phone T£ 3-49!* I - . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT AliVOKf: Tils CLERK r No. 8«89 .NOTH S OF' SUMMONS '•'CM 'ii t AKOLiNA ", iKft CGCN'IV !#« n lis'i-'S ■- MO FAMMKHS BANK INIS'fRATGK Os THE ESTATE . ~ .sSiE ALSTON, P, titionei Vh. ' •- CUCISE ALSTON REID and ail JOHN Rfc'XO. JAMES : r ALSTON and wife UOROTIG * ftespondeni: T-; .i.- i'ii Reid and .lames Wesl t:y Ai • 'on, -uid jjf othei [jorsons having at m aid land op who claim ai ai.-t ,n :-y<ici land, their names be ■i i! unknown to the Petitioner; B Ui take not .■ •’.hat an act ion entitled above has been : i■ 0 in tin: Supenor Court c( .... . Countj in which the Per..Horn® ,i - the hind Herein desorib n ‘ d !»• die purpos • of. creating a»,t» • d i hi anu ebatgee agauist vai S Voi, will Like notice that you ar % 'i I'liivii iy Kubcar at the office of ll> ip aimed Cyril <-■ Superior Coui» ■■l W.-iki* County on or befoie the iSlijH - F'cti, uftry, 1(68, find answer • .nui ;y the petition filed herein c§| petitioner wilt apply to the Comfl nil relief l lerai’i dotr.ooded M Tin .md land ''hieu will be sold :sfi s toil ows; 3a 3H. INNING at a -takfc at the H 00-tii'.' c i civ net* of 'Or, V. E. Tor* i tot arid nothing north- <») fS& torty lent tv.’lh Street laid ptt ...» H C.i.v Commissioner to tn* soutb- B • ' ci.' oc-r of Ms-*. C. It aoile- M thence running east H , c i two honured and ton tret %£ ’ ’ a " :l lot of Mrs. C. B lloUft M ; > the northwest comer at ab .Vloore's lot; thence south {«) ■ y mat iviin said line of Ben 115 ; mC-. iut: thence west (210) two Rif );'d and Itn f-.-et «n tiie south ■ Bei Moore’s and Dr. V I. fi lots to the BEGINNING. i.i.atininn fS-Ifl) tliro-" sixteenth bt H rare more or lea. Sec Book 113, ■ 860 and 643, Page 470. In th* S • Hi -I' 111 the Register of Deeds for 9 Wake County. North Carolina. H 'U r. illi da., of January, 1958. ■ A -sianl i >•! k of Superior Cour^Hj 7

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