8 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK EWING, MTI'RIVVY. ITJuRUART J, 19*8 \Family Os Five Escapes Bombing In White Area prude Bomb iipcks borne Bf Negroes ■ '■TuL?A - lANP) - The equili t:f -i N( gro fan'll' of five, of a house in a predom ■toan'lv " hde neighborhood in sSSporth Tii'-o to two months, was H§jj J F*G*t h* 0 ■ si vo'k when a crude exploded in I heir front victims of she bombing were and Mrs. Johnny Gamble and ipihsi' th ■ child'.-" Pescv }4 ; BBr • •'*’ r ' no in.iune? P«;t.-v, how- H9‘- Vr ' .-i the he: oital is and later rv-loaesd H i httt it was the wot k of tftrop ws; evident when several lo- radio stations reported that an Hrn't'' 'tied person h d telephoned ' ' r Tic cour'• sheriff's of iiSirfl a'M. . d . ,■ all f:o i a® he ' ' ■ '.iid S*fa '• r • > «• ported |i rs ■ Ihe ■: ! I and | Sfflnrok- •• 1 • i- - in g|h- t • . H Fi.?h Pro/ lift Recital |,4f St. Aug. f'e.tet 4 iiru-'me s f ntlegr •nil - -, r <> rcevt Pt ...... At-conate Professor of Fisk Unit ersity in Hen Hi-' on Friels; F' January U. Ht 8:0 0 P M Tayio; Hal! on the j ■ Her h the lun,! of V *>; - ■ audiences pn - He-.:' r: d '!.■•; - arriann Sh-" ■ •' UP' 9| V' . (; * , ,-.p,-,- , c U ■ K ||| “L • f < v< 'ei.u ■ GO ‘ o i RPTII s 1 Mi\| 1 save'rua' ! ggffi I !mi or Sf«;! 1 I WEAIIVFn STRIP I I tor n. j I Frit and Weather I STRIP I iftc - IT' Roll T Storm I Jt.e for ■ (A r . r :'|pw \\ in^ows I ■/' c-' 31P x 72” 1 Plastic IWE All IPJ 5 STRIP I 6-2 cto 51.05 gill, le.P. YOUNG I Hardware 1 130 E. Martin St. f Dial TEmple 2-7121 j 1/ Why do most people 1 I *@ do business V ./ W*fh C! <*'"' , T! I 'T^‘>* , C' f ' ! ' / C* 1 '/ a commercial Mfmk bank offers checking \ account set-vices plus... /;•:• £2L*J|\ savings accounts, loans /;*y c & v ery kind, money orders, safe deposit boxes,.,in short, the works. • ]! Sove yourself by ning to c bank whore every fmanciol service is ; available under one roof. ONE £Atl DOES fT A11....AT A BANK! FIRST-CITIZENS BANK |' AMD TRUST COMPANY &Bffiggi|jj3g3[ - 1 ■* ' ’ jbbk ■BaH.atz (liMHr >p tif^H I w\ I l jlp I ''('O' ii i) FROM J.MI. Deputies YYarrrn Sprouce. rear left. <nt! Uhe.tt llill. fur right are shown escorting the four re maining defendants in the Glaud C'rucll beating case in Greenville, S. C„ from Ihe county jail to the court house where, they were sen Baptist Leaders Hail Slsaw Campaign r,y R IRVING BOONE Stii.uiig impetus was given the j ■eernti.v launched fund raising! ■u- H-pi for Shaw University,; currently sponsored by the General j Sapini St tii Convention of North ; Carolina, it. i week when some bf. i ty-odd R.ipii-.L leaders, represent- j me a cross-section of the state, j assemble.;! h. a three-hour session in the West Campus auditorium of j this historic Baptist institution and | f i (4* Er aMcd m i WELL, WELL, IONS TIME, NO FEE,/ * 7 >r3 c - i-im~mw ■■■nil....„ --- i -■ Paul Robeson Accepts Bid To Give England Concert GORDON, England •-- (ANP) Baritone singer Feiij Robeson, be set with pas.-port woes because of enthusiastically hailed the plans of the steering committee for the $250,000 00 drive on behslf of Christian educaton, f'haraetcrired hy harmony rarnr.-.tness of purposes, and a spirit of keen interest, this meeting was prophetic of far reaching results toward the realiratiop of the < unpaign goal, arid in furtherance of the bis polifn/i opinion*, particularly j concerning communism, last week I accepted an imitation to make a | concert tour of Britain and appear ! or, commercial television there The announcement vms made r-. ; Robeson's London agent. Harold j Davidson, who said the famed r-mc ; er was confident he •• ould h* abb i to get a passport in lim* for the ! tour .scheduled tn Apnj Robeson, n-bo has often criticis • ed American relations v ith Soviet : Russia, lost his passport seven 1 years ago, when the ts S State F)e- I partment lifter) •». because of h-,.- I political opinions Robeson recently filed a new ap peal for a possport Fhillipa Scuyler, | Pianist, Plays In Lagos* Nigeria j LAGOS. Nigeria ~ <ANP) ; Miss Phibppa Schuyler of New | York, celebrated plants, gave 3 concert here last. Wednesday under the auspices of the Lagos Musical Society. f Miss Schuyler gave 3 program i which ranged from works of the i i7th Century Italian harpist hero | composer rlatti, to Gershwin | The French composer Ruvel, tlie j Spanish dc Falla and ctficr.' were i presented. ; Miss Schuyler begun her tour in ! j Europe and now has. come into • ! Africa. Her next appearance will ; l be in JOS. ; She is traveling under the Fed j [ era! Ministry of Information and i ! the State Department Exchange of i Persons program. Chop* affected hy !Vn-- Soil Bmk : Acreage Reserve tr if)ss arc tobac- i co. cotton, v’hcit, co n. and ric* North Chro'tna poallty marl'd receipts r ontinued to * a* a rat* of in million dollar' pc;- -ear fenced last Thursday morning. Left to right and sentences are: Marshall Roehester, fi years; Jack Bently, I year; Wade Howard, ,1 years. uwf Robert Waldrop. I year. <UNITED PRESS TELErHO roi. srrat Cause of which Shaw University is a living symbol Promptly at 11:00 a.m . Conven tion President P. A. Bishop, gen era! chairman of the steering com mittee, sounded the gavel, and. the meeting was underway. Brief and impressive devotional! were !cd by the Reverend R. M. Pius of Winston-Salem, chairman of the convention's executive com mittee. The Reverend R. Irving ftonnr <>f Wilmington, director of inihtir relations, and author Buy These Items •p Get Them FREE! j AA wJfoA wiEr MAYONNAISE -59 c gg-irTFIEE I GBS FOOD ess FREE I ' VvF B * V ONI JAR, GET ANOTHER PRESS SKTLAWD mm# , r . ' , ' APFIE JUICE -29 c *&&. FREE RU'Y TWO 4-ROLL PAT7KAGCS TWSHP, €«T NAPKINS PR£CL-~SOiT-N.T TOH..KT CUP j|c J 9 4 |€ f i^SFT € M ***■ JS*& and c*t N.roirvr VV|||l|« i ~ 113d lil« . . • * m ws j *•** ' ~ KINS fRc-s. I V Value! * | #jl#l #'l# * BUY ONE CAN. GET ANOTHER CAN PMEIS ~ 9ANRA OWUX, MJrWMtL WMKmJW tt ■ * 3 SWMiitl I 0« FREE —. BUY BIiTIERSCOTCH, GET ORANGE RING CtKMKfIBS FWHR-MUinr’W COOEIES - 29« M&* FREE c * BU f£’ i stev ON* JAR. GET ONE JAR PW3K —MD ANTE FAWfOUS FRENCH DRENSfNG * * S&tK " ' IB9C BBESSH6 -59 c as™ FREE I ,^s=^, P-l!Y TWO CANS OF SUCCOTASH, GST fcß**G«*ND6 PftftH SIWRHW. DE4 KTOUS ‘ ~ ******** SUSSOTASH 2 -49 c arc FREE --J*. RCV MARGARINE, GET BISCUITS pjtEßj NMfINM QH-AFfTY IMPBRIAJ m m , liij' UVUTF vvt? ggr REGui.AK yififtfi IjIMA Meams frlnHbAlUtt .a 0 - W rr~r.rMte 3 €9* ie»roe,f^»Muiuiia,waMMwmaßaiaßmawainß»mßjg»CT»^-«»^^-- wm:m - 301; _. --»»—««««, PHICT ™ dT r ~ j© iP.P,.*r:- tIUAd 1 “ .|/‘ —. 4Sp COFFEE STEAK M If? | CIUIHH STQAES I 35e SOUP rnirirm =_ j 196 FREE ; Ifiuibimo 1 . s m 6! I \ W4TH YO4A 1 TURCHASKS OF K OR MORE JT ffW W nillNfe **=* P® f AT ™ THUKS, PTH. AND SAT. ■8 Ww SS&Jam Wim. ffl fflp PLOMDA m J LlMff; ? tamprm m* ewknw. Cwyom mm aood after ;jjp MB KB} isl: *lf |S * g-rw f Nslwrday of rttis week, February 1, 19$*. Good nnh it lo«-»| -fR hHHBMMmI JhßJh iflyft ■■ IIIIW j[ CtteaM stwws at iwdnm o/ »<t. Glenwsod Village—lllW. Morgan St—Northside Shopping Cericr—Caniornsi Village Os the Master Plan for the Campaign, pre'sented in detail, the Convention* proposed pro gram of action for thir, con certed effort, with an analysis of the same. I* * * * A spirited address by the Rev erend J. W. White ol Asheville, , general director of the campaign, I pointing out the Importance of the j drive and appealing for full-fiedg ! ed cooperation, was next heard i | and warmly received. ! A motion by the Reverend H. C Dixon of East Wilmington, presi dent of the North-East Cape Fear S. S Convention, endorsing the plans as presented, was accorded enthusiastic reception nod unani mously adopter) N. Y. Teachers Union Announces Negro History Week Supplement NEW YORK—The Teachers Un ion of New York announced todav the publication of the seventh an nus! Negro History Week supple ment of its weekly newspaper TEACHERS NEWS. The dedication In this year’s issue takes the form of a '‘Salute to Teen Agers", writ ten by the Union secretary. Miss Lueile Spence, who pay-, tribute to the young people for their role in the. fight against, segregated schools. The 4-page supplement is pub lished te. help in the celebration of Negro History Week, which takes place this year during the More Weeks Os Winter j Driving Hazards Ahead "We ll have another three or four ( weeks of winter driving hazards no matter what, our friend Mr. Groundhog predicts on February 2,’* Motor Vehicles Commissioner Edward Scheldt declared this week, “Without a shadow of doubt, there'll be some rough dav* and | nights—weatherwise—for the driv- j its of motor vehicles all through ! February and perhaps into M uch. ' [ he warned. The vehicles official added. f h' amount of daylight is perceptibly a hil longer now than a few weeks ago. but still much of our driving is done during hours of darbne: When bad Weather combined with darkness, visibility is reduc ed sharply for driver-.. This means that (he driver himself should be alert phe siraSly and mentally, watrht«E constantly for hazards that might elude him. D also mrans keeping windshield wiper* in the best pnxsibte operating eon •week beginning February 3th, and also to inspire further study of ! Negro History and the contrihu- j Boils made to our country bv the > Negro people. Among the articles featured in this year’s issue are a scries of ten original drawings depict mg “Great Negro Scientists"; an original crossword puzzle based on the theme of Negro History; “What’s Your Negro History Quotient?”, containing question* ami answers on Nr grn history and current events; brief sUelehe* on 25 “Negroes of the Y'ear”; and m article dition. IViper blades that streak are a threat to safety.” « « • V Commenting on the use of “log j: lamps,” the commissioner said such S lamps should he used sparingly j They should no* hr used in lieu of • headlights unless absolutely ncces- I s.iiy in ease of nun, snow or fog— I N.C. PRODUCTS PERHING ROAD RALEIGH PHONR 4-2557 OLIVE STREET KINSTON PHONE 2514 A Jf. on “\egro History in Hip f'lir riinlum All Yr,u' Round ' The is, up also ' contains a full page of histor iu.'ii material rang ing from the earliest days of Araei • ica to the pucsent on the Negro pciiplr a l!atth lot' the I>aljot and Ihor figlil to win "Tiv' Bight lo Knowledge Better Buys Better Terms On Better Jewelry

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