12 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1958 Washington Junior High School Happenings Editors: Joseph Gordon, Fan nie Rand, Cora Fowler, Louise, Taylor and Ariel Torler STUDENT COUNCIL PRESENTS AN ORATORICAL CONTEST On Thursday, May Bth, the stud ent Council presented an oratorical contest. Barabara Shaw, President ci the Student Council presided. The participants were from grades 8 through 9. The contestants and selections included the following: Carolyn Carter “The Children’s Hour" by Longfellow; Catherine Brown, “A Psalm of Life", by Long fellow; Joyce Cooke, "A Psalm of Life” by Longfellow; Lonine Hold en. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Hughes; Valeria McNeil. “Trees by Kilmer; Wallace Peace. “The Buil ders by Longfellow; Mary Helen Ray “The Creation" by Johnson; Dorothy Shaw ’lf" by Kipling and Mary Upperman, “My? elf' by Ed gar Guest. The audience sang the Negro Na tions! Anthem Joyce C, >oke rend ered an instrumental solo entitled. WINNERS ANNOUNCED Carolyn Carter won first prize of $5.00. Mary Helen Ray won second prize of $3.00. The judges were seniors from Shaw University. Thanks for the judges who were Misses Mary May field, Lethia Hardy and Minnie Mint* The participants of the oratorical contest were judged according to the following points: poise and per sonality, accuracy and effective ness selectiivty, voice quality, pro nunciation and enunciation PATROLS ENJOY TRIP Patrols from Washington School who visited the nation’s eapitol May 8-10 included Rufus Wilson. Johnny Massey, Dwight Stroud, Robert Williams, Robert Bryant, Alphnnas Broks, Paullette Canady and Mozella Dolby. This tired but happy group all members of the Safety Patrol, beaded hack home Saturday after a three day excursion to Washing ton for the annual Safety Patrol Parade. These pupils enjoyed marching down Constitution Avenue Satur day afternoon in the traditional parade with the RT Conting ent one of the larges' make the trek to Washington. These pupils were accompanied by 12 adults and four bus driver-'- from Raleigh. Officers Joseph Winters and T T Street happily aeoempanied the children m .'iking the group. CONGRATET 4TTONS TO ORCHESTRAS ALLAN MIMS, INC. FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TAR BORO ST. Telephone 2-2131 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ftentuckv STRAIGHT Jj| Bourbon^Jpf Iff Ifj / fmw /a&SVArv | ,2 - Zgg/ SUNNY BROOK Congratulations to the string or che.-tra and the elementary all-city orchestra who received good rat ings in state competition contest recently. Certificates are on dis play at Ligon High School. The siring orchestra of Raleigh public schools received an A-ll rat - ing and the newly formed elemen tary ail-ett yorchestra which has been recognized only two months received a B 111 rating. Mrs. J. Boulware and Joseph Edwards are in charge of these groups. UNITED STATES SOCIAL SCIENCE SCRAP BOOKS Brenda Anntoinetto Butler and Bessie Beckwith mate a United States Booklets. Included in these booklets are the American Beau ty Hose our country's flower; the eagle our country's bird: a mao of Ihe United States and an ABC write up" of our country Also found in these booklets are listings ot each state with its cap ital, flowers and bird. You will also sec state products listing of each state. Other outstanding materials are found in these boklets Every pupil in Mrs. D. Thomas' fifth grade made a booklet. The entire unit was quite helpful and inter esting. FINAL FTA MEETING < CARY The final meeting of ; the Cary Elementary School Par > ent,-Teachers Association was hell.' Monday night. May 19, in the i'• school auditorium. ( j Officers for the ensuing year ‘ were installed: Mr. Clancy Core, president; Mr ' Alston Matthews, vice-president. ! j Mrs. Ruth Evans, secretary; Mrs : Bettie Balientme. assistant score- 1 tary; Mrs. Jeanette Evans, trees- \ urer; Mr. Milton Ballcntine. sec- ; jretary of treasury, Mr, E. L.': 1 Roseboro, parliamentarian. Mrs. L. W. Logan spoke to the , ; new officers concerning their du- j ties and responsibilities. Mr. E. P. Rayford, principal,! 1 gave some very timely remark;, 1 ; concerning the cooperation end • I good spirit, shown by the parents! ! this year. He expressed hr, griutude t>' I | the parents for their interest in . ‘ their bovs and girls wanting 1 them to have the very best educa- ' ! Mon one could possibly have, and also tor the coolers which xurnish . ed cold water for them to drink, j COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Commencement exercises will |be held at the Cary Elementary;' School Thursday night. May 29, ati ; 8 p.m Dr. James O. Finney, professor ; • i of Education and coordination of Courses will deliver the com mence address. Music for the ot:-. : i casion will be rendered by the • i Cary Elementary School Glee j Club j i The public is Invited. i PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS IHE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Gary School News Goldsboro News BY J. 11. < f All AM 425 E. 1 :n street Wayne 4-H’e ’s To Compete At District Event 1 . GOLDSBORO Eighteen Wayne ! County <l-H members were select ed to represent the County in dis : trict farming and liome-rnaking : competitions in Whiteviile on 'Ju.no 4th. The representatives were chos |en in a County-Wide elimination ' contest held at the Leslie Street i Community Center. Os the winners named, only those faking "first place" will go ;to the district event. Dairy Foods Demonstration: 'Senior Division* Marilyn Wilder, | Friendship School, Ist place; * Janice Moses, Central High, 2nd j place; Avnetta Artis, Pikesville Training School. 3rd place. (Junior Division i. Ezzie Gore, Shady Grove. Ist; Geraldine Hod i’ps, Eureka. 2nd. Carolyn Mozin | go, Pikesville Tr 3rd; Bread-making Demons! ration | (Senior Group) Marie Jones, Friendship. Ist; May belle Korne ,.;ay of Central and Shirley Ann Best of Pikesville Tr. tied for 3rd; (Junior Division) Jeanette Dur | ham. Shady Grove, Ist; Linda Me ' Kinnie, Pikesville Tr., 2nd, Vegetable Demonstration: ( Se nior Division) Argie Atkinson, Central, first: Shirley Jean Best, j Pikesville Tr., second: (Junior ; Division) Sylvia Kornegay of I Dudley School, first; Elmore Bras ! well. Eureka, second. Dress Revue Winners; Blondie j Barnes, Friendship High, Best 1 School Dress; Hilda McKinley, | Carver Best Dressy Dress; Lila Millard, Pikesville Tr. School, best ‘-ports dress; Cassie Newsome. Pikesville Tr. Set) ■ best party dress. Bernadette Ford. Barnes Sob., best in the junior division. Cotton Seed Treatment; Clar ence Fuller and Harold Richard son of Friendship, first: William Greene and Willie Roger Reid of Pikesville Tr., Second; Archie ; Graham and Larry L. Ward of Carver High. Third. Sucker Con trol. J. K Edmondson and Ralph Lofton, Pikesville Tr. Sch., first, Carl Feats end John E. Thompson of Dudley. Second: William Whit ley and Kane David Coley of Friendrhio and Raymond E. At kin,. and Earl Smith of Central Third place tie: Willie Rogers, i Willis Spruill, James Bell and : John A. Best of Central High Sch. ' were selected to represent Wayne County In hog and laying hen judging competition. Mrs Jesse Murphy of 519 South Georgia Ave. had as her week-end rruest. Mrs Marie Mitehner of Wilson. Many cf us remember Mrs. Mitehner as this is her home. She moved to Wilson after marry ing the late Doctor Mitehner and taught in the public school sys tem there for a number of years. She is now retired but spends much of hex' time doing commun ity work. Mr. Joseph Bullock of Rocky Mount visited with Mrs. Rosetta Faison and daughter. Mrs. Man uel, of 508 Roberts Street, last weed-end. Mrs. V. J Green was a- visitor at the Presbyterian Church. (Shi loh) last Sunday Mrs, Green is the supervisor of the Wayne Coun jty Schools. Mr L T. Lightner is improving slowly at his home after spend in;; Quite some time in the Wayne Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Eloise M. Larkins of 3031 South Virginia Street entered i Wayne Memorial Hospital Mayi the 9th for an operation and is! doing nicely. The faculty of East End School report that they mi.-s her very much, also her students | are wishing her a speedy recovery Those attending the LBPOE of W. State Association m Asheville last week were Mrs. Sadie Artis, Mrs. Jesse Kornegay, W. T. Cheat ham, S. J Branch and J. H. Gra ham. Mi’s. Sadie Artis holds tlie office of District Deputy, vice president, Grand assistant Direct ress of the social session. Mrs. Jesse Kornegay was made As sistant State Escort, While attending the State As-j sociation, Mrs. Artis had the mU-j fortune of failing down the steps of the home where she was stay ing Tuesday evening fracturing her ankle and cracking a bone as a result at the fall. She is now un the care of a doctor. Atty. Earl Whit red. Jr, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Eari Wbitted, Sr.. | of 426 Miller Street graduated! from N. C. College with a law j degree class of 1965, served two < years in the service is now out and j has resumed practice of law. He! is our only race lawyer. The Westminister Fellowship of j Cape Fear Presbytery, Districts! One and Two met Saturday, May 17, with the Davie Street Church,j in Raleigh. Those attending from i Shiloh Presbyterian Church wore; Rev. B. R. Richardson. Fay Rob-i ertson, Dolores Faison, Arthur j Faison, William Starke. A success- 1 ful, interesting and inspirational meeting was proclaimed by all. We are glad to report that Mrs. Mary Wynn of 402 E. Spruce St., is now recovering after having spent many weeks in Wayne Me- j mortal Hospital. Tho cons ined to i her room she can do some walk-1 Ing and is always very cheerful. Again the snooper has been on! the prowl. Well, what say you 1 j When a rib was given by man tfaatj a gal would be made we did not j think that you would want to be i just like us. You can’t, so wivyj wear pants so much that when j you put on a dress you look funny. | ! Nu Chapter, Tau Gama Delta J ! Sorority of Goldsboro and Wayne j i County sponsored the following j ! little girls in a “Living Doll Con i test,” Debra Steward. Wilson; Ranatte Green. Yvonne Jones, i Darlene Bennett, Juba. Shepard | and Doris E, Crawford, Goldsboro The program consisted of dance ; groups. Nu Chapter, Tau Gamma Delta Sorority of Goldsboro and Wayne County was host to the Executive ! Branch of the Southern Regional 1 meeting which was held Saturday. | April IS, at the W*st Rim Street | Junior High School, Regional officers hailed from Lambda Chapter, Durham, where j Mrs. Ruth Reeves is Baseleus. i Kappa Chapter, Augusta, Georgia, ! Mrs. Anne Blount. Baselius. Eta I Chapter, Aiken, S. C., Mrs. A. i Cherry, Basileus. The meeting opened witn reg istration and devotional services led by Mrs. Mae Morgan, chaplain, followed by a pep session direct ed by Mrs. Ruth Reeves. Miss Ara bia E. Bunn furnished the music. A beautiful solo was rendered by | Mrs. Reeves with Miss Bunn at the piano. A luncheon and banquet: was held in the school’s cafeteria where everyone was served a more delicious repast that was greatly enjoyed. Mr. William. Johnson and staff served as caterers. During recess period many oi the visitors toured the building to see the room exhibits There I was an abundance of praise tor I the work on display. A tour oi the i city was also enjoyed by the visit- S ors, It being sponsored by the host ! chapter, led by Mrs. Cherry F. ! Artis acting Basileus. Mrs. Nannie iJ. Frederick is the Basileus. ' j This meeting was held to pre pare for the Annua.! National Sou ls which is to be in Augusta, Ga . August 12. thru 16. The 20th anniversary "7 Rev B R. Richardson as pastor of the Shiloh Presbyetrian Church wJI be observed Sunday, June 15. It }s most gratifying to realize nm, only that you are living a life trying to be s, friend to man but he too wants you to know that vou are being kindly thought off as 1s exemplified by the support being given Rev. B. R in the pas tors’ popularity contest, sponsored bv The CAROLINIAN. The Leslie Street Community Center Choral Group presented Its final Spring Concert. Sunday. May 18 in the Goldsboro Training School Auditorium. This group la t composed of Jo cal talent, directed by Prof. Neil Stitt. Mrs. Thelma I Johnson a music teacher of the Dillard Hi- School Faculty is accompanists. This group has given a number o? concerts this season and on each occasion they wore well re ceived On this particular on they left with us a feeling that we are sorry must end for the t.me Sopranos: Jean Gaither, Mattie Long. Jewell Weathers, Aliens Parks, Annie Newsome. Arabia Bunn Amelia Best Cherric Artis, Chalne Barnes, Eleanor Harris, Grace Reid, Annie McKinney: Altos: Ann Bostic. Rachebe Richardson, Doris h ism Dußlssette, Mamie L. Hoskins, Virginia Sutton, Eiotse Larkins. Will idee Jenkins; Tenors: Lloyd Lesosne. Alphon zo, Biggins. Harvey Cofield, Clar ence C, Bass; Bass: Amos Richardson. Thom as Dortch, Andrew Long. Earl Swann, Willie Carr. Calvin Har grove, Theodore Newsome, Wihl i am West.: Mrs Annie Newsome, Mrs. Elea nor Harris, Mi’s. Mattie Long, Miss Jean Gaither, Mr. Theorode New some, Mr. Lloyd Lcsesne, Mr. Al phonsor Llg’gms: Usher For Concert. Office and Faculty Personnel: Mrs. Vera L. Baldwin, Mrs. Marion Taylor, Mrs. Betty B. Parham. Mrs. Margaret L. Hayes, Mrs. Ernestine Holmes, Mrs. Annie P. Smith, Mrs S. J. Bernes, Mre. Ruby Wbitted. | St. Matthews AME Church By MRS MARIE RIDDICK The Sunday School began at. 9: 30 a. m. May 11, with Mr. V. R. Leache and Mr. Wm. Tate presid ing. The Sunday School was well attended. The morning worship be gan at 11:00 o’clock with the junior choir in charge and Miss Margaret Holt at the organ. The first hymn was “Pass Me Not Oh, Gentle Sa viour.'’ A fcrevenl praver was led by Brother Edward Brickie. The second song was Mother's prayer. Tbe service was well attended with many visitors present. The altar was beautiful with white i'olwers. The day was beau tiful with the Mother's Day spirit prevailing. The pastor. Rev. G. W. Treublefield chose his text from Judges, 4-8 verse. "If thou wilt go with me. then I will go, but ;f thou will not go with me. then T will not go And she said X will surely go with you. notwithstanding the jour ney.” His theme was, "The heart of the Mother." He stressed the Im portance of the training and teach ing of the child. The tender heart of the mother with the for giving spirit of the Father and the task of the Mother to offer her chil dren to God and how the true Mother never fails to pray to God for wisdom and understanding In the care of her children. She never tires in her journey and in the woe hours of the right she is kneeling risking God's help and direction He stressed how Deborah a prohpetess was the true mother, and how the children of Israel came to her for judgment. It was * dynamic serm on. At the morning worship Jaeque ivpe Hicks and Galium Brooks and Dennis Eugene Holt # were baptized A Mother s Day program was rendered on Sunday at 7 30 Many were on the program. A prize of s beautiful cake was given Mrs. Thel ma Haywood, who was the Mother raising the highest amount. By MRS. BURLEY JONES The weather was lovely and we were glad to enter into worship of God who is so good to us. Toe Sun day School opened at 9:30 with Mr V, R Leache and Mr, Wm. Tate presiding. We were also glad to have again with us visitors from Hirkory in the persons of Mr. Rob ert Jones and Mr. Roosevelt Liles and Mr. and Mrs. Albernathy. Tbe morning worship began at 11:000 O’clock with a large attend ance with the senior choir in charge and Miss Ella Mae Giles at the organ. The choir marched m singing ihe processional and ing at the altar, meditation in • or with the congregation scirpture lesson was read b pastor, Rev. G vv. Trouble,; from Job. 7th chapter. We were led in an inspiring prayer by Mr. Roosevelt Liles, The pastor chose his text from Job, 7th, 4th verse. “When I lie down I say. "When shall f arise and the night be gone' and I am full of tossings to and fro urito the dawning of the day ’ His theme was "The challenge of Tomorrow.” He stressed the chal lenges of today for the Christian, and how job being the exponent ot holiness. He stressed that our griefs and joys are thoroughly weigiied. It was an impressive sermon. Many visitors were present. The choir was at its best singing the spiritual, “Their net a friend like the the lowly Jesus.” Comeout and hear this wonderful man of God. To miss hearing him is tr, miss a treat. On Sunday afternoon Rev. A. J. Graham and his congregation worshipp/d with us. Maple Temple Church News By MISS LENA M. EURE On Sunday, May 18. services be gan at 11:00 O'clock with the Rev M F. Booker, pastor incharge. The senior choir in its procession came in singing, “We Are March ing to 2.ion " After the prayer by the pastor, the choir and congrega tion chanted “Sweet Hour Os Pray er."* The first hymn of the morn, ing was, “O Thou In Whose Pres ence.'* The scripture lesson was read by Rev, C. C. Burnett, who was pres ent after a short illness. The scrip ture was taken from the Bth chap ter of Romans, verses 36-39. We were then lead in prayer by Beacon Evans. While the mission offering was being lifted the choir sang showers of blessings. The mis sion offering was blessed by Dea con Simmons, The announcements of the week and the introduction of visitors were made. The general offering was then lifted and consecrated. The choir rendered a very beau tiful hymn, “Remember Me'* and then the pastor went into his ser mon. His text was, “A Religion'’, centered around the Bth chapter, 36th verse of Romans. He pointed out that if wo car stand the tests and trials of the devil and his many temptation* then we have a good religion. The sermon was most spirited and in spiring. The doors of the Church were opened to anyone wishing to ho united with us while the choir sang. “Why Not ” The Doxology was then sung and the benediction was given by Rev. C. C. Burnett. To all of the members: You are requested to complete your rally reports. The closing time of the rally has been extended to the last Sunday in June. Please, let’s make our reports 100 per cent. SICK AND SHUT IN Mrs. Lillie Watson, Mrs. Fannie Mcßride, Mrs. Mary Winters, Mrs, Estella Pully, Mrs. Texanna Rob ertson. Mrs. Carolina Woods, Mrs. Florence Dixon and Mrs Purl Hinton THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “If vou have a good religion if will stand any test#* Rambling In Chatham By D. W. Header, PITTS BORO NOTES fly GUYTANNA HORTON HORTON SCHOOL NEWS PITTSBORO The Horton | Thunderbolts defeated Johnsonville I School by » score of 12- i, on May ; 15th at Horton School. The Horton Tljundrebolts defeat | >'d the Chatham Rams at Siler City i by a score of 6-3 on May 13. The line-up was as follows for j i the Thunderbolts: John H. Alston. 1 right field: Jimmy Dark, eenter j field: Clarence Fearrington, left field; John Toomer, third base; Wil ! lard Cotton. short stop; John 1 Brown, second base. Marion Hort- KINSTON NEWS KINSTON - Mr?. Borcell a C. i Lawson of 1052 University St. was j chosen as ‘ Mother of the Year" by 1 | the Men's clubs of Kinston She is the wife of the late Rev J. P. Law- j son and has been a member of the ; Macedonia Free Will Baptist ' ] Church located near here since j i early childhood. She is a former j i president of the Pastors’ Aid Club ! of her church and has contributed to the success of her community | through the years, j An impressive ceremony in her i ; honor was held at the St John’s Free Will Baptist Church at 11:00 I A. M on “Mother’s Day" Sun May : 11. Rev. R A. Bunn, retired rector ; was the speaker. In attendance with the hormree : for the ceremony were her seven : children. They are Mr Elisha R. | Lawson of Kinston. N. C He is a 1 member of the Masonic Lodge and jis associated with radio station j WFT..S as a disc-jockey. Ezekiel W. i Lawson resides in Washington, D. ' C. and is a U S. Postal Employee j and Photographer; J. P. Lawson, i Jr of Washington, D. C is employ- Icd with the 11. S. Dept, of Corn ! merce. Mrs. Bru cella L Blow of S Washington. D. C. hold B. S. and |M. A. degrees from Bennett Cot* j lege and Howard University, re ■ spectively. While at Bennett she [ was elected to Who's Who In Am ! erican Colleges and • Universities. | She is presently employed in Md. ; as, a social worker i Mrs. Patience L, Henry of Kins* j ton was graduated from N, C. Col* ■ lege. Durham, hr-s further studied there and is presently on the fac ulty at Frink High School, La ''".range; Mordeeai F.. Lawror, of Washington was graduated from Morehouse College, has further stu died at Howard University is a member of the Omega Psi. Phi Fraternity and is employed as a mathematical programmer for the j U. S. Bureau of Census; William A. i Lawson, a Kinston resident is a member of the A.dkin High School j faculty. He was graduated from A. ! T. College and has had further stu ■ dy at Columbia University. He is ! also a member of the Phi Beta Sig-' ma Fraternity. Zcta Eta Lambda, Graduate | Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fra- I ternity met Saturday night May 10 ; ;ii the residence of Dr. W Arthur j Isler, 42(1 East Blount St. The pri j mary business of this meeting was | to receive the report of the Fduca i lion and Scholar-hip Committee of l which the host is a member. After j the business session, a social hour j was enjoyed. Those present were Dr A. A. j Best, Messers. W. G. Barnes, C. A. | Winston, J. R. Carney. J. Ward, Jr . | and R T Harrell of Greenville. N. ‘ C,; Messers W, G. Keyes, L. E. j Opharrovv and Rudolph McNeil of | New Born; L. H, Smith, Jr. of Snow ! Hill and C. B. Stewart of Kinston, i The next fraternity meeting will | be held on May 23 at the home of j W. G. Barnes, Greenville, i Awards Day was held at the ; Woodingtor High School on May j 13 at 11:00 A. M The theme was, I “Let Your Reach Exceed Its Grasp j Or What’s A Heaven For. Scrip ture reading was by Father Banks with music by the Woodmgton Glee club Guest speaker was Atty Frank Moore. Presenting the award? were Mrs H. B Outlaw Mr James Henry, Mrs L B Vou.se, Mr. Grady Bethel, Mrs D. T. Brinson, Mrs. V B. By* j num, Supt 11. H. Bullock. Mr. Ste phen C.irraway, Jr, and Miss Elsie R. Dovr. The awards presented- and stud* MORE TO COME ON KINSTON 6 ents receiving them were Science Award. Johnnie .Tones, mathema tics. Jimmy Mcßymmi; James B. ; Baker Award, Johnnie Jones; Bus j Driver. George Payton: Athletics I George Payton, Music fQlee | Club) Martha Mainer and Wilbur i Hines; Band, Martha Manor; Baker | Bynum Citizenship. James Mills, i Tri-Hi- V Award, Anna Gooding; j Betty Moore. Silver Moore. Jerome ! Loviek, Johnnie Jones, Courtrina • Patterson, Jessie Williams, Thelma i Williams and John Farrior. Finer j Womanhood Cup, Martha Mainor; | 4 H Club, Martha Mainor: Alpha ! Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship, j Martha Mainor; Jotson's Award, Johnnie Jones; BaHour Award, Maltha Mainor; Driver Education Certificates, Curtis Gooding, James Gooding. James Williams. Ciara Dove, Ralph Hubbard. Alice Hail, | I.y von tie Patrick, George Nobbes 1 and Adolnh Taylor: Agriculture A* ward. Wilbur Coward, Patrol A ward, Franklin Styles; Commerce Award. Betty Moore and Jessie Williams The Interdenominational Minis terial and Missionary Society of Kinston held its “Unveiling Serv ice” at the St. Peters Church of Christ on Thursday Night. High lighting the service was the unveil ing of the Society's Charter. Guest speaker was Rev. C. L. Park? of the Goldsboro Christian Institute. His theme was, “The. Social LUe of the Minister." A brief history and Introduction I of officers was given by Rev. Ivlary | E. Lofton, President. Officers of the Society are Bev. C. Parks, Counselor; Rev. M. E. ' Lofton, President Rev. f F Nan GOLDSTON I on, first base; Andrew Wilson. cat* j cher; Ernest Harris, pitcher. At the end of the third inning the ■ cores were Siler 3, Horton 0. Ben Purifoy replaced Harris. In <f top of the sixth inning. John 'uon, hitting a single, sent two unuers home. “Marry Before Midnight” is the 1 Idle of the senior play that will be j held Thursday night in the school i Auditorium. The annua! band concert of Hnr ; ton School band will be held Fri i day night May 23. Daily Vacation Bible School will be held at Mitchell Chapel A. M. F, BY (MISS) YETTA E. DUNN Telephone 3260 tiago. Vice President. Rev. E. M. Herring, Financial Secretary, Rev. Leona Dunn, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Davie Johnson, Treasurer. The following is a brief history of the Interdenominational Minis terial and Missionary Society as re lated at the service by President, Rev. M. E Lofton. | Some years ago, 1 had a vision of a Great Church. For a long time ! tried to ignore the idea but it | just would not let me go until I l was compel to do something about , it. And in 1952, T called a group of ! Ministers and Missionaries togeth • or and after relating my vision, we j were all Inspired to organize in one band of Christian Unity, designed j to help build up falling humanity, ! end help to bring more people into ! service for the Master. God wants | more men and women born into ; His kingdom. This was laid on my heart in 1943, and followed rue day and j night, until I had to do something | about it In 1952 our first mooting I was held at My Home 500 South j Trianon St. Our first roil of offi : cers, were elected as follow:; Rev. i Mary E. Lofton, president. Rev. Ja ; rie E. Santiago, vice Rev, Leona | Dunn, and Rev. Essie M, Herring ; secretaries, the late Rev. Bettie i Gride, treasurer. Rev. Msllissie Is j ler, chaplain. We had several to join the orga ! nization increasing our number to j 26 members. j And amidst obstacles, and ad j verse conditions we continued to j carry on—Pressing toward the i Mark for a higher calling; greater 1 service and with the guidance of i the Holy Spirit, wo decided to j branch out —Therefore we sought | confidential advice of one of our | most oustanding and confidential ! Att r m 1 v’? c*jr City ius to secure a Charter, in order ; that we might have a right to or ; ganize, groups in the State of North | Carolina. There arc many more tn ; eidents that time will not permit I me to relate. “But until the day Is done, And ! the victory has been won, we will I hold the Fort under God's com mand; and we’ll keep His banner | high. For His word shall never die. i The earth shall fall, But heaven i will always stand: Oh Brother and I Sister won't you join us. The door is open wide, Come help us in the | Vineyard of the Master? While the | door is open wide. For the Holy j Bible tells us that no one will be ; denied. 1 am glad thai I am in the i Army o.f the Lord. Bazzel Creek News By QUINTON SPENCE BAZZEL CREEK Everyone enjoyed Mothers’ Day at Bazzel Creek Baptist Church day and night services. Highlights of the Sunday School lesson. “Gods Provision for Wor ship, by Miss Geneva Burt. Stow PITTSBORO P. O. Box So GORDON’S GIN w 84 4 MOSf * IQOIMUIJIAI SPIRI f S OISTHLCQ HUM SBAIN * MOM'S MY SIM £l, Lit, UMKIt. 11 SILER CITY Goldston, North Carotin* Zion Church, Pittsboro on June 9- through 20. Sessions will run from 8:30 A M. to 12 n'bon. People of all ages, races and de nominations are invited to attend. Pastor, Rev R. V. Horton VISITORS Mr. Julius Barnett of Philadel phia, Pa., spent a week with his wife and family, Mrs. Rever Burn ett, recently. Davie Street Presbyterian Church “Where Ls the Lamb?” was the subject of the sermon delivered ” by the pastor, Rev. Robert I, Shirley, at the 11 am. services last Sunday at the Davie Street Davie and Persons Streets. Ra~ Presbyterian Church, corner. | lei;: h. Rev Shirley called attention to the simple questions of children wish sometimes help adult* to solve more complex problems. Lit tle Isaac asked his father. Abra ham. “Where is the lamb?” The congregation was exhorted to think of themselves as the iamb who is needed for service in fcne church, in the community, and at work. “None of us have the time, but we must take the time to work for God's Kingdom," remarked Rev. Shirley. The regular order of service each Sunday includes: Approach to Worship Worship through Psalm and Hymn, Worship through Meditation and Prayer. Worship through Stewardship of Possessions, Worship through In spirational Instruction, Worship through Consecration and Dedi cation. Departure from Worship to Daily Practice. Our church has won consec-u* , lively, this year, the second prize ■of $25,00 for participation in Tire CARD!, INI AN’S Bonus Money Program. Credit should go to Mrs. Thelma Keck. who. with the help ;of the members, assembled the purchase slips each contest period. Quietly and without fanfare she has rendered our church a great i service. The young people of the church, together with their advisor, did an excellent job in entertaining the Cape Fear Westminister Fel lowship last Saturday. They were ! commended by the pastor during | the announcement period j The Vacation Bible School, con j ducted each year, will begin on ; June 9 through the 20th. Classes will be held from 9 to 12 noon Mondays through Fridays. The Challenge Drive is nearing completion, and we will know the results when all captains make their final reports. University, Raleigh. A program was rendered night in honor of “Mothers". r A play was given by the young mothers. They were: Mrs. Toltha Mae Stewart, Mrs. j Alice Spence: Mrs. Alice Norris, | Mary Dennis, Mrs. Nevie Betts. Mrs. Artie Poole, Mrs. Georgia Estes, Mrs. Tillie Richardson. Mrs. Ethteen Spence, Mrs. Pauline ; Bright. | Primary play: "The Keeper of the j Scales.” The characters were: Ellen D. Lawrence, Andrew Se war. Mary Alice. Spence. Lena F .Tones. €OGD E L L (Handy Man) Seafood and Groceries 126 W. ELM ST. TEL. 4*57 R We Aim To Please You! 1 JAMES COG DELL, Prop.

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