PAGE TWO rnmWWm BRIEFLY TOLD Outfctaxi&ng Happening? of Week Gather^ From Everywhere Condensed i'or the Bu*y Reader Lor- . ; 5 i.?The royal family has $f?*? pur?*reu into xr.turning by the sutfder, death of the qu?en% brother, the Mavqui* of Cambridge, which occurred ai'ter ari abdominal operation. Fire :' ardete rj&5tt|? <"igJr Monday asv-in.vcsig destroyed the Basketeria Sto-.^ --he dow^iiowr. business distrk-t Wktstot'-Salem. The ' 'bliaxe' "vir&sf :cohtr<d. - shbrtly aft' S .vf:v bavin*? inflicted : . . ; : . > 5$.0$).' A i ; - - ?. i: - -. : St. '.i'e congress present <7 < . v r.a-o A. Lindburjrh >v:ih a ?'r?^yij?rs$i<ynah.'V?vda>for his Xevv- York to F:.r-.-- an.l provide hisr.. v.ALh Wfy of $ 2k>k0 per v-l-ar foil "Jii'e as v. ri-'krtO r.rrhv v. Bait In? or . * ? . : _ k S> piyteJ AVarfieid. ;. o-.-iocr: <.. ! the Seaboard Air Line ra: \\? y. died here tonight, i ollcro i:?L ar deration ic-r double Hernia - ck?t it the heart. ivh\ \Vari e . had entered the hos.j>Vtaf under the .?.arne of FosieW meet on. tew - Knew 01 his iHn'ct?'?. Unit-u tttai'v- eniuneers this wets haw; pielinvnarvrtn the re'.' -rare!-ndattor. : thy war delta rtm< t foi Si" of water -r thi : FV river: ''' o'.ii \YMminitov :< The -cu. U w'rtS be (lis 4.,.rniin... :r. sura; time what use could lie ude < : iedper channel ami what : r.-: -.vonSd be jr. freifrht -axes. Wash;': ci - Oct. To. re i dentin! ttrrdi.iney *' "w*: ..tor Norris of jNfebtaasa was fct-bujthi to the fSroy"Otlno rtcrni" -Say by a croup of ; Kep.u" . ea: irideoendent leaders. o'liirF, side:-nek, : :.t itoonforr: *.-< d'eeiki'on :t details of farm > r* i-syiS'S.:;i. . Senator Borah, ei Idaho reiterated his support of the h'ebraskrr. Ash-.vT--.. 23.?-'Memhers <if a ?bet'ff's :-"ise c'arii the rnamintr ratdinvr , remote section of the mount.sir.- . f 5fert<iej-s<>it eo'ir.ty, hrrcstcd ! '< : Anderson. outlawed jDeathf- "f the "B't.ek Ar.deson" clan. Anijcrsor. was broujrhl. to Ash'-v:h: under heavy jrtmrd. He has by r living tht lift ,.f haunted animal he fise'ri iiior. ai party if officers '<? Ander-on Cove several weeks kiro, niutos: killing :: deputy shot iff. lit addition to being charged with ult with intent to kill, he will face charges violating the prohibition law. Form,so Fremicr i-ieyd Geo rye 1:1 a distil moment speech in London Monday, predicted the most terrible war iii the wor'd.'s history unless the nations nv<iitc ufc thin minds tc keep jfeSticc as;'; protection from established right avid not from fores. The salvation of :he world iies in the broadening ai;d utiUrsuion of the powers i the Lfeagiie of Nations. he said, the only thing which could assure til rrnanetr. peace and added that the .strength of the allied nations is. more formidable than in it'll, the only weakness feeing in the ranks of '.ho defeated armies. Cemtio: Simeon D. Fess of Onto, dec ayed aft r :: call at the White House last Thursday that President Coclidgt had taken hint severely to task for publicly and repeatedly declaring that Mr. Ccolidge would be renominated next year by tl:c Republican minora: convention. Tag Ohio senator said the president was displeased with his statements bocr.use hi feared thai the country would gain the impression that he was talking fot Mr. Coblidgo. "From my cometsatior. with the president/' Senator Fees assorted, "i must admit that I eonie away with the impression that the president will not consent to bp drafted.'" Raleigh. Oct. 22.?The state had a cash balance of $16,030.471.48 in its treasury or. September .30. Governor McLean reported vjesterday. The cash balance on August 31 was $17,561,778.92. While there was i shrinkage in the amount of cast belonging to the state, the total current and funded debt was decreased the report shows. On August 21 the current and funded debt amount ed to $162,455,600: on September i-( one month later, it stood at SI62. 144,600. Receipts this fiscal year it date in the genera! fund total 674,637.74, while the warrant dis biirsements for the first three month, of the current fiscal yea: segregate. $3,080,096.88. The balance thi fiscal year to September 30 totalei $1,999,123.81. Washington. Oct. 21.?Every ad dress made by cabinet member, gen eral, admiral or other official hence forth must be carefully weighed a:s< considered before delivery, it wa learned here today. This form of cen sorship has been imposed, it becam known, as a result of the recent con troversy between General Snmmcral .1 <-7 X171.Z* ~ XT- ?t: .1 ? T ? <iiiu BIBS *? uiw s-iuuse jffiicB leo. 10 ni peremptory recall from a westen speaking trip in which he was ex posing; discreditable housing quai ters of American sold'ers. The tern per of the While House was revealei in the scolding which was adminis tered to Senator Fess of Ohio, whe; he called there yesterday and wa taken to task for assuming to spea | for the president in conaecrion with the 1H28 r.cminntion. Hereafter there must k- ?<r reflection upon the administration or congress and roost, specifically no propaganda for the 1 procurement of appropriations at the next session of congress. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. So-?Success of the Republican party at the next general election is threatened, and the agricultural prxjg^a^i will be jeopardized, Governor Adam ilc? Mullen of Nebraska declared in a public statement today, unieste, what he describe as the proposed plan of Senator Borah to gain control of the western deJegates at r he -1.92? na tier, a! convention. is challenged, ( overt or McMillan, declaring: he is an advocate of farm legislation and ! a believer in the economic sounaef the AI eXa ry-Haage 71 bill sees the stJcc s? oi the f: rai program plac; ed in Jeopardy by "'the widely propagandized move of Senate: B->^ah." This will i {paten gut. however," Gov' crno. McMiben -ays, because it is j entire1, v <>? harmony with pre; vailing ffiruu! -entimeru in the west. Ii:- repeated attempt control d* !<.j gales fron: the western :.aus it? the : 11* 2S ajiventiov: likewise will fail. "No: only the vv astern and southern farmers. hut iairminded men in all; : walks of life, want a national ad-; ministration that is -ympathetic with I agriculture. informed .??i its problems, and epuvffiecafe erovijpi to lead : the devedoprapnf of a new national' policy aimed to j-roVhote farm stability and prosperity. A<:riculttire, states are in a better position to se-; cure this row than they hove been at. : any time i:i the past oO years, To ac- , | eept seriously the program which j i Senator Bo?ah seems to be heading.; wtrsiui niivn tiiTinvmg: cue c&ance: " thinks Governor .MoCiilIeo. j 25,000 DISABLED SOLDIERS CARED FOR BY RED CROSS In the iiniiy. ,Mivy arid marine j corps? cahij- and in th* gov eminent hospitals v. hct. 25.000 disabledj veterans ? thr World war. vh< American Red < ross Kgrs assisted an average vtx nearly persons ( kch mp.ri._th luring its last fiscal year. The. o.igumV.aiion's annual report, ! from which thsse figures were taken,, show a diyevsity of service condv-ctou; during that period for members of, the natic.jy- defense forces ;>nd for the great army of disabled veterans in hospital?. The national oijganuditftm maid-! tains special services in the hospitals, where in many cases trained medical : social, workers are provided l<, help > the veterans solve their personal . problems and aiso to as>jst medical ; authorities in procuring: sfeal H|?i Lories and other data essential u> the , eorreCt treatment of certain cases. This information is procured through local Red Cross chapters, of which there are 3,50.0 in the coiintr.vv Without the . m 4>ri:>iiir.i.-n? mvreldv Oil by the Red Cross, the ionu <hi. in '.lie hosoitals. " lu re : 11; 1;i\ veterans will ftmain the 1 fee of then lives. ! would even he mere dreary nmljnoo.otonotis. During the last year, the orr/aui/.atioi: pre1, ided inon than 2G.U00 entertainment and recreational pi upra rn. Medical authorities . state that this phase of the Ret! [ Cross program is aimost essential to ) the welfare of the patients. Not only at the hospitals am) i put also at the various offices of the veterans bureau, this Red Cross service >.- extended. Liaison j officers. maintained at these offices, j act a- the personal representatives ! of chapter*- to assist them in : sivaignu'ninK out' difficult c<>mper?sc-l I t'on and disability claims, and to j settle special problems in connection I with procuring hospital treatment for 1 veterans. I For the men in the service, the or-) J ganizatibii maintains a "Held service" Int the camps and training stations. These field workers provide recrea . tion for the men in hospitals, and ! assist them with their family and other problems. They also give ofj fecials ciojf co-operation in procur! ing accurate sand dependable infor roation Spout home conditions of ; men applying for special privileges ij or needing special attention. An ! average of S.70& men in the service j were assisted each month daring last i; year. The service is similar to that i; which the organization carried on i; during the World war for American -i soldiers, sailor;, and marines. t ! No danger in the Fall-Sinclair ; attorneys ''pulling- the wool" over j the eyes of the two bob-haired women on the jury. >1 : Your tongue i tells when you need I ( . S TRADE MARK REG. i Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy skin, II groggy nerves and sour s stomach suggest its use. k THE TV ATAXO-A DEMOCRAT?EVE? REPORT OF CONDI PEOPLES BANK & ' 111 Biiiifit?. i-p. iae SMitt'i of North Car?lir 10, 1 OCT. RESOUR | 'A- ' ? Loans ski! Dis<>u;tt> ... Deraanii Loans O" t-;-dn:fii. i6?re<i vhii iiisecurfei; ... Ail otht.- Stocks. Bo: <is> and Mortgages Banking Hotwe, X'urhiluri ami Fixture AM oth-.' Eta. Esiuit Owned . Cask in vsjalt arid r-.tX amounts cue frr j Tsii st Ct'Wtjahit'B Cash hews -I..: offer hours TOT AT. LUBSLtl , .r. I.:.: .. ! Surplus i a rid _ .. Ur>d \-.j?.. csi rarterii >; ens*. I LMi.- Payable _ . _ ' Bum! 'v Ok ; . <a*- or. .... hUhvec* u< chi*\ik*:X&dxvUiv&y , U C:i\-hh \ r.r.v r.- . T:rot- : ivpoiit, r >>i ' 7 f,ns! ... .... } T'.'tAI. ?.... i STATE Oi NORTH CAROLINA?Coin | 2, Avvtj V. H . OtishVer of th swear that tfcc al < 1 .'.Tc-r.v. r ... true belief. A Sr:?. : 1 . rxi *.*> ht f-.o'.- me, r.Ct rrectREPORT OF CONDi WATAUGA COi at I-r-v . .?.. n fr.* ^U-.z\ i North Carolin* .1 RY<OVTU Loans J):. . ? Demand '. . r.: vouchers . 0'< irnr':-. -feii..-- > i.risreui'' Bank H;- Hi . 1.1-: Furniture an Cash in vault ' * * rx i knkiupis ?U:e fro i Trust ''-it:ir :-.r- ' . .. i 'iv " 1 . :l' v. i. i ^ TOT A! B--4 ?-.J 1.: ABli.IT . Capitol Stock juSi'l in ? ; Si! rpl'.i - Slljiii - j li'i'iiviotil FrftfitW,' . ? current expense: | Note- and Bill" i- : "itnl ' Deposits subject ft; heck, lr,dividual Deposits due Sii.iv -f N.C.. an\t Ssny Of: ' r.f i vptstaueiufr Time- Certificate- Itetios't. Dae on 01 ! Suvii-u> !V;VO!> T-D1 A.i. .J STATE OF NORTH ?'AKOi.lNA?C?u? 1. G. V H'&cazuai.. cashier of the swear thai lire anave statement is true bejifcf. Subscribed and -v.,-. *J> he fort mi i A. K. : Q! WHEN BETTER AliTfivoRnr-c *pe i Power fflS^V7HEN the tas f" vV plished is < stamina, dcpendabil power are essential those who know is, Drive one today at Sedans *1195 to *1995 -C Sport Models *1: AU nit,, f c- b. fihit. Mich., I. A. C. finMuunxp!unt u* | BUI CKj CALDWELL MO LENOIR, NORT* | . . | MONUMENTS AP grjj Erect a memorial to the horn s|j ones. We furnish anything gS Quality, and prices guarantee) jys write. ?j REV, R. C. EGGER yg SALESMAN FOR WA !oi MAIINTAiN riX\ | j|| MOUNTAIN C! iV THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. tTION OF THE rRUST COMPANY a. at the tio-e of ausincs- Octuber CES ---S14S.-U1J.CS 3.500.00 10.00 1.500.00 > 2.780.0'J -.5911.00 lie Banks, Bankers ar.d 23.584.71 370.95 -- ... Sls-r'-S6.-21t PIES S 20.0(10.00 5,000.00 ?n<! taxes paid .. -J,S34.95 . ! ".000.00 : . _..... 7.1.1 ..217.3s after SO day- . . ... 52,-134.33 1J.0SjJ.02 ...$5S7.CS0.2S i. of Wutaug October 10. 1027. e above named Bank. do solemnly '.o ihc best of my knowledge and YfiRY Y HOWELL, Cashier. Yd - 1 :)th lav ,-.f octobei. W27 '. HAG A MAX. Xaiasj ?Aires'.: CILYlJE R. GREENE. M. F. CKITCHER. Director TION OF THE UNTY BANK ?. at the ck'.-t <\ <?ctob<rr ::es $020,433.94 - - 15,800-00 ... H5.31 Fixtures. S-i. iiK' 25.575.00 vri Banks. Bankers or.a 123.6&.S3 2,365.56 ?7b5.l$?.64 IKS ? 50.000.00 48.500.00 atlil i.ix'.s unit! . !1 5)04.23 80.O00.0O 2?;2,096.87 fu-ir.. thereof 1 s,{*58.<J7 S, 260.07 After 30 Kyf. . '.0 1.073.95 -- . - 0S.155.S5 ? - - - Si S '),?> 4 tv { Watauga. Oet. 15. 1927. above named Bank, do solemnly to the best of my knowledge and G. 1'. HAGAMAN, Cashier. . this J 9th .lay of October, 1927. :OUTH, Clerk Superior Court, r.rreei?Attest: X L. MAST. F. A L1NNEY, it. U. BOIJGHERTY. Directors. n 1LT. Bl'JCK W1UL BUILD THEM I pits most Qli*by iker k to be accomlifficult?when ity and unfailing ?the advice of "Buy a Buick!" id find out why. tt ?nr ? lo * i?5u 195 to #1525 n *THMCMi tax to b* added, f MOU Acurrtbk, it avsiUbU. "1928 roe company 1 carolina id tombstones 9 >r of your departed loved bffl in marble and granite. gjj 1. For best prices see or K& S, Zionville, N. C. 1 lTAUGA county r MARBLE CO. I ITY, TENN. {^gj **Yes, WUlard Mack are best," says Pa PopulaT pugilist tells his manager,Benedict Sterns, that Lucky I. Strikes are. the finest /' cigarettes. j I ' " j YoU, too, will find that LUCKY STRIKES give the greatest pleasure?Mild and Mellow, the finest cigarettes von ever smoked. Made of the choicest tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great I skill, and there is an I extra process?"IT'S Jj TOASTED"-no fj harshness, not a bit M of bite. i ! "It's tO? No Throat Irritatio imidi ' """ I i in i.^ vmti UMMT -j**}** *? tw** gjmuHgn r i J ?3 OUCa.a??l ?k?*? gHMHK ? I <W ^ "1 You ^ bi*y 8 c rC~Too | from as with confidec }* rrrftff I -with the definite knoj IvlWA ?1 edge that ill work dm 1 i/ I on the car was perform' I 1 J!H Hii\ hy expert mechanics, ti _ _'iti ing genuine parte. Aj ? TilI'l !! H m?nri T f ? "? nifUTI?MB ? ? I ? I LET US GO OVE ENGINE You -would be surprised to know 1 find a little wear and tear, here and t result in an unexpected breakdown. Careful inspection of your car at pert mechanics will insure you agrainsf troublesome occasions. Especially your battery should be fi What your heart is to your body, your LET US CARE FOR Y< a W.R.WINJs i g&iyp & COMP^ Leacbtg Tire fie nf j SsHk'JI^Xi. BOCNE, MORTH CAJ OCTOBER 27, 192T is right, Luckies ul Berlenbach ' WillardMack, Noted Author, Producer and Actor, *t rites: Wc people of the theatre arc, as i rifle, extremists. This is the eflex action from overwrought icrves. When a man smokes forty cigarettes a day, as J do, he iuusl JC sure of hil brand. I smoke w&* Lucky Strikes because I have ' rou)id they are srwihing to the icrves and at the same time they cause no throat irritation, My oice is always in perfect condiion and i am never troubled by my coughing uhicfi might be innoying to me in my ivorfc as in actor." r-r oYiL'ni. Y]/mK JiL istedT n-No Cou^h. iir the famous "O. K." t?K IB ee on the radiator eap slil: 23 rl- further assures ymi of its j|3 sd sure the uaed car you buy R?| ?- beats the "OK tag that 9 id counts." j^ir low often our mechanics here, that, let go, would regular times by our exthese annoying and lied and tested regularly, battery is to your car. 1UR CAR ^LERj|| couna tr i ?! '

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