Ir 17 ISV7 IV THE SCOLT rrs * ? ::rvr *>o? ? i The ,\Sficia.I Organ of ? TgjMjtpn STATE WILL ] SURFACE ROAD LN EARLY SPRING C-azuLj?>mr> IM LT:( T t~. ~ i-^r- Hart r .a:? i r.r.i: It Pre !?.?: V'lj f or ": i . ju> : . : - - aa: rtij :r~i v sr - : y-:: the : -:>r : . t:-o :^ 1 . i xt. F. M F: hit.ztr.; E:.. Murpry X. Dear 5.: Ir. rtrto : . f tit *: en.;. .-.r.p . t y f ,tK?: t: Mr o ftlfti % v :. - co&dki o .; the . betVCirirT ~ F M UTT V.y ter up u'.v. Mr. a.-? . . I ditifiCL fur is : . -.-r. .r. pj;. r j IE is read :r if r:.r ?r. *. y advises tfci*., ;rr?rt: v? tUIVr r. : - ws .v. .. -r f -.ff?:er.s ajr.runt. t place t'r.? seoti f % the read :r. c . r.c:t: Ht ?ta:e? Chat is is ii seal ti grade rrad ar.i use :: . j 5jiUit tune. and that v. r-V.v hare MBM -i w>^K"n '"-'mSHi tj;r.s that we can s*. urt ? :h .:r present ir:.:r.:er...r.ce. dur :.c * r.ter months. As you no d u":: kr. ? w, expect %: let this w rk t * - ,r.c :ht : early srr.r.e and therefore any iarp" * amount of r: ney spent on this road would be entirely tfcr.wn away. v.h.r *the surf;...r? i- put on. Th s is just I fc. one of the condition? where you ..." Jiot build a r.ud ar.d have it at the *ame time; howtver. w. in.Lav- J c.* U- do the beet v.. can to r -n'-ln|i this road with our present forces. but we cannot place grave! surfacing over the ertir> length between Murphy i ana East Murphy, and 1 would thar.W ! you to adv:se Mr. Sire a.core " gly. I F am also sending him a copy of this ^ | letter. Very truly y .;rs. J. C. WALKER. r fe District Engineer. Macadamizing Road In Factory Section . V Work wa* begun Tuesday of this * week in putting ro?-k on the road leading from the lower Valley River ^ bridge to the Southern Railway crossing in fror.t of the furniture factory. The uoik of grading the road has \ just been completed. The contractor \ G. F. Williamson, is dressing up the far end of the fill. The road is being macadamized by the town in order to put it in usable shape. This ^ Street has been practically impassable t during the winter months for years. I It has been too low and too narrow. ftnaking it impossible to drain it. Now ^ with the street widened and the grade ^ > elevated atvd a good surface on it. It * will become a first class street. ^ This is one of the most used streets in' Murphy. Practically all the wagon ' ? B traffic from the lower end of the tl V county uses the road. Wood, "lumber ^ ?nd other forest products are n ibrought daily. e | The la^Jt Broadway song hit is j entitled "Everyone Has Someone, c But I he*4/ Only You." The young- v wom'n t , Vhom it is dedicated ought j p | to f!& f^~^red. C A Fifth Avenue book shop recently j advertised: "Dickens Works All This v j Week For $3." Which led a Strang- i ' er to observe that wages must be i awfully low in New York. j: Murpb? *nd < berokee Presbyters. Men Enjoyed Monday Evening 3^:r : " .; . - - , "... .r.d - -- c.c . . . -: * . : . :r r. t ' 7 t " 7 '- : r. .ilitv '.ve f- . 7 -r- . -urniture Factory ivuiuiuik ::er >:.> : -c i&\< *. r *. ;ra \ .urine th, h <?-.< M- W I. Woodbury is spcndinc - .; : ? e s J >:..r for tfcs ' -< _ee County Woman Makes money With Poultry Sur.:. r.?A report V;. Mrs Jertrnde V. L ti'.o. h >!- - ?v^nstrr. : r show# that Mr#. 1 . ... j . .. .... . oT- i.; v. -J" - 5 ouhry flock during th. : 1 nun February* to N.-v r 1-'. ' f las; year. Mrs. Lambeth has a ir.e flock of Barred 11 . k poultry * rom which she has sold dressed hens. c ggs and breeding birds. She has v eon several prizes at the Let Coun- v y fair and the Sandhill fair. During the nine months o; last r ear, she sold 297.5 pounds of dress- 1 d poultry for $165. Fryers sold net- 1 td her $135; breeding birds. $34.46; icultry used at home, $50; 69 dozen s ggs used at home $31.05: eggs sold. ^ >46.SO; eggs for hatching Si7.50: took on hand, valued at $3IS; brood- < r house. $47.01; brooder. $1S.60; 1' nd pullets and cockerels sold $16. h 'his makes a total credit on the ven- ^ urc of $879.84. ** Mrs. Lambeth lists as her debts, oil t or brooders. $6.OS; cost or brooder. '>18.60; building brooder house, t 47.01: feed used, $107.40. and baby s hicks. $39.50. making a total cost of, h 219.59. a Her profit on the work, therefore, d rouUl amount to $660.25. in addition h n the cash prizes received at fairs. Irs. Lambeth states that her stock Xi n hand oa November first was elev- h n hens, male bird. 17 capons, v iprht cockerels and 63 pullets. o According to Miss Little, this sue- I! essful poultry grower has worked si rith the home agent and with the o oultry extension specialist, A. G. |o Hover, for about five years. This | ras her first attempt in using the li ir?K>der but she had grent success 11 rith it this year. Miss Little states I (| hat Mrs. Lambeth is rapidly becom-1 / ng one of the well known poultry [ f roducers of North Carolina. Ctjcri Cour.ty. a^c the Lead k. t?5\ S : S.t H . Opera Music Mai To Radio A ud Star Broadci VETERANS ON OPPl OF CIViL WAR TRIBUTE TC iouM Estnorduitrj >5rJrr!*n o ' Noi '.l V *r v r.A H. E. C Bi-Nx-.-t. i.i USa- Ob Kr? cV-... . u: . Ill Thi : xu MH \; ..ay r..:c?::t the . > toc.a\. the or.!; Var ?o:\:rc . :he * ;;r.;:e.; it P t. I Oct ne| i fa S? uth and thor N. enta?vc i harU - Mat - St* a v.- . . * i'ar.* . uv he >. k . ... a val :a<. i\ \... n Tho silent form o: a har.isr.ako. At t'.-.v eor.elasiot: of tho speeoh b] i* b:. ii:r..r.. on tho oo asion * : tho \ orsary of tho hi it: i tic rural h \ G< Sherw o. ;aiked over tho mar. of tho >.?u:h hook his hands. placed h:s arm abou ho shoulders of tho v'ontoo.ova;o \;t ran. while tho house applauded th. abieau. Tho two house inentbors aro tin urvivors of a long list of oton wh< lave served in tho house who tough gainst each other during the interne ine struggle. Thoy are tho las oaves upon the tree, both bonding <eneath the ravages of time, both no now lodging that lasting peaeo ha; onto out of the struggle in which hey contended. Representative Stcdnian. who i; he only survivor of the war-tint* outh in the house, is *4 yeats oT age is beard and hair had turned whit* nd in person resembles the convnan er-in-chief to whom he paid a tri utc. General Sherwood, last represen ative of the house of the victorious .prions that tramped down rcnnsyl ania avenue in triumph at the clow f the war. is in his ninetieth year loth are determined that their finn urrender will be the unconditiona ne and their yielding will he to time nly. Representative Steiiptan, who dr ivered the tribute to Leo, nroutfh the war as a buy, led three times and MtffftuNlVpfll ippomattox when up ipht. "My estimatayMj^HMnKjE^^v, 3ltfC i Nf??p?pfr ir. this de Available iences Through isting Experiment llT^^ ?x?iV " ? V. - r V... CI > JSING SIDES JOIN HANDS IN ) LEADER OF SOUT1 ' > v' ' -v> . ni"\ 4 t :i". ?I ... i ? .... xx r.r.iscii ere achievements. but as at nv\ tr.r.e a.n any iar.d. and such > : > e i .. 5 . . ? v of :i e>f k?c.:>>! .. and 1 :*'."..-:s\. ?>| the Wild* ; -ess x -ha .. mod by ;ho obscurity rOYOU sr..; fee .'lie* ted oil a> -haoew et an sti.m day. b even then the cndnring fortitude, r iv.CiV". c; litriii'isl Uoiu'rl ' Le*? wwl Stand forth iv. urrb.ecny ; last i v. amid the w*r * cs of ages. a ; s;:rv.\c unshaken ab?\e the ' " Knitting Mill Is Flooded With Ordei The Oak Lane Knitting Mills nta agoment was optimist ie tins we* t Orders are pouring in faster than th can he filled. The year holds o 1 bright prospects for this plant, t?oo : are being shipped dally to the f:i - therest corners of the I'nited Stat ? and some orders have gone to f* eign countries. ! A recent inventory check of t * business during the past year show " up better for the management th; . was anticipated. Th*- mill only o * ersieu lor a portion 01 im- year, i o tsidcrnble time was lost in Retting tl | machinery and equipment lined i I and the help trained and fretting ti goods on the market. However. Itond force has been secured ai i Roods are bring produced at a rap rate now. President Richmond is well plea I : ed with hi* selection of Murphy f I the location of his plant and expee ' this year to he a very suooesful on The payroll that he is making he weenly is being: fe't by tho qn**chan the Indir moiu t in??. ales Ih ou.- t*L ties, wil he tl dfej & early tprinn A kout So. >->on of fs'.rm N P.vnk Of Vurph> ho o.rrs N'.ct Oo. .'a.nuar> 15th Murph> Shuttle BK\k$ Go 1 o M.\nc.h?trr, Kny: ^MWB'<T5MP * Ny Sell Corn As Pork. I'rjies \\ . \Y. Sh.\> N . . >.za..\<Y :' "... " . V . ... v ....... .. * LI 11 an fevd ~ V ? . s .xt vrt>s U* ' S - - s .... \ . \ . . \ K \\ \\ . \ . . . . s \ ? .'. lv* ' . on . , . , . s-. w. asv .x.-.k . v ... ? \i . . .. ,\ now ? * V... V. ? .'hun. jg tg .. .. a? p*r huihcl I u>? tin', fig r :o for ?.? i'sl;s*tr*t :*.> ;; Uo?:\ pr.'por.x ' f'.'.Ot* pt t *. V ?|x \x . : . > i SO prr bnsl\o the oon . :.t > ?in nuxkinK fc?tr front tV< j. \x. . ;lv.r;y fno pp.; ltd. t. -,r*bU' xxccbt of '?!00 ;w.!x , "1;". thavf -ii; >*00 por day fo:? I ?x:h? a t a 'armor ?nit pro. . .. ? a l?nsh.' of rt'rn at ; oost of . x. nt\ . onlx, av, ho -t ' fx>r St ('0 hi* " v - thir t \ . ott! J .T l?l?xll.'! ho .1- I', tt rs b\-. hop for s! :5?? I'.t p oc ?Umb led. n ">t" thr ntarkol prim < < ?i. an, U h?> --rll - it as o.irn ! prof t ,. fix, t>v rout-. por bushel ut "If the prim ??f hop. hold-- and h tls soils it a-- pork III-- profit f. ?vt x taut ir por Imp h?l or luHv< lint* ax mini ??s si' through scllintr it u - t orn The r fertiliser vnhto of fiftpen util pr luishel pay woll for tlio Inbo* . f ford ho imr tin- ?"<?*is. Therefore do ??t mi*p rifioo (ho hrond -w hut keep thru ill ' tii produoo piign thi aei?*on.'" l? n A Correction In tho Items npponrim: in Ins 'I' work's Soimt from Suit, thor.- appear -oil nn itom to tho ofrot n ho; n w ns horn to Mr. nml Mr-- Ili-nry Hoi brooks on .liittunry .'tr.l. This itoti *' i'. ahsolutrly false, ;in?l tho corn - j?on ; ilont w ho wri'lo it had no ground j whatever for reporting ,l- nn l*r i innocent in tho nmttcr. nnd are -orr; '"jthat ono of this pnper' ooreenpou r-1 ilciiti wouhl sork to joko n nowl; ro mntricd onuplo thusly- through tlr l'" pnper, i?t the oxppnsr of this paper* good standing in tho community. \Y Kindly innko thin correction so tlm s: tho puhlio nviy knok thnt it is fnls n( mid ungrounded, nnd hereby ounce he j the item* of thin correspondent in th :. i future. ? *r> f STlM THF SCOUT . - ? . . L V ? k I > K v S iorth L*rolm? s. i yr tt.K >ni CRIMIN AL CASES ALL COMPLETED THLRSDAL NOON N- * v P t ^ tKtr* V>< C .- ? r.r , > ? AMcH S/? r i A/.Vk*t ' ."A.'! ' > ' '< ' - ' 'jW- .-.ft : ,,. ' ' ' "r i - . . X - '?, " "t " : > * Ob> ' V ?? . Vr T . . ;v i Rabid Canine GiV's 1 hrough Ofcveeta Section v l'e*i J .< He* tb ad* ?n*c tKal a' de.-. be tontined t.? **i.M?vf iS.iMcen and .att'e "" -v %">{ . . \ .-d -'.- v - r,.".- th?? - . ?*.*. - ooe w k ".*.; ;n (1^ Ogrwts .*< the CrtVittlj attxi it* ! U.'. o\...,v.;*,at ten V':*.o aet.en of the ?W : 'ho?.o xxVo *. ?iX* ' OX," >:?; . h?ii tho . hyov.' i'la a .ive.oi m teiU'T TTiVmn ^wwwt^roapiBcwBscgpig^Eiwt .'.'v. < ri-pevte.i to I'.-.n. h*. ;.-n a num' her of .jog*. and ooxera' head . -,n the Otiu' a . .i,**.i !*.-5?M?' w ,i-. v'".-.; Vh.* boa*?t *?aid to , ' -i\o oo:v. ' i om i:t* i:\ov at thought it caino from Mvrphfs No . no !o!.?v xx'-.--. . i he . from ? x 1- -ud ... Ho . th mi* o. -.V... tho .1. ?: max !-axo t*- ix.".-. \ ?..nx v '. ?.-v I'i'ti'-n r.';.**> avmu ? * M X. -.-v. ,x utvd. 1 " VI*..- n .l .-auK. | ato .... \ . to ta'ho any eh*!*.. ? ? on t heii vo x. :-. h\o ooool* 1?x ; .lixiijix.'.i . . , the Count) -,'hy -.-inn tho middle ?*' '.ho \x..'., Ir :\ iutomout x-1\on out, xx e- n.'x. . .1 that all doe m tho county ho . 'fined in order not to run unit t i?U School Boys. With Black Faces. Rival Court Some ??!' tin* . hool hex i of th. to eat lii?;ti hoot nto planning- to *ei up a ourt of their own. H xxitl txo open ! ? tho public at tho xoliiwt audi toiiuiu no\t Tuesday night. About a ilo i n of the box - xxitl hla. h tl.rir liii i"! atu! .tag.' i . ..I* i -one ii they mnfcivr a court would bo conducted ' by .lm kI.*-- It r; a nog? > mock eourt. mi other worth-, and thev an* a-king i tin* p.* ?plo of Murphv on.I uttondniMi U|'"ii tho siip**?ior eourt tioxv in no* ' Miili t.? eonie over to the h.xol honor TtlWiliiy night, J.tmian '."th. and witlU'U. I'l.-- " ? I*- ? i' > ??*?' is. to bo Iripil for titling hi-* do !>' site for On* flo*h of fowU Irnil him astray. Tin* umii i will bo toplrlp tiilli y humor Piornlmu- Ihi? regular court I* si rue will l?r on interesting Mo< k " fnro arooo fire. * | The school l?oy* protnloo on "voninjf I, of laughter ami assure the public thnt ' lhr\ will not regret it if they will ot? I lend thrir court. There will bo 0 '.small a<lmi<o<ion charge for the bftQt" I fit of the* school activities.

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