FRIDAY. AUGUST 14. !92"? MARBLE. hn S. Stanberry. of Bushmil. ?:ust w*"**k circulating . mong j . ills at Marble and ] iting :' r. Mrs. Stanley M'.ilk y. g,, . ! at Marble ;?n? evening1 la-* ' . W. A!.<rnathy i? s| his re by fir- last Thursday n; A reaner an 1 :t siiiall quan'eetl wire burned with th' v?;;- "ar ? of tr.i fir,, is ?ot known *?. nfortunate f:ght mvurr el he-: twi young men going from] the head ??f Sl?.w <"reek on night las? work, mi .irt was -tabbed with a pock-'' : Lives A hi rnathy. for twen-j1 ( Cant in. - la., spent last , ' 15 i i- { Ith r. ' Linfoi on.' ?'!. r. as! Xo. 10 is open-t .vel fronr p v t or.< j-rul n . - below Mar'i t . Arvhxrvs n. Detour right at railroad! b( low Ma : to! M _ FACTORYTOWN Tim Fry and family m-ved toj ri I urg. S. <\ one lay this weokl IS I! t'ornwiil and family left; ' i v li- r< they j ISob I >avis prrachfil a wrv tag - 11iw at tix- Faitory mi h Ywul.iy i iijht. Polif r>?.<l>on was th? guest M i1 Rirh and Mi - Kli/. i Y?mnir itinc their bro%r at t'uln this week. POSTKI.L Mi. John Burnt! Etowah, Tonn. nt Friday night with his cousin Alien. ' . ami M i s. p. '< Bury*'! at'd i ri of ISucktM.ji \i ited Mi . Swanson : ;:ulay. Mr. and Mrs. Homer llrewar and Ill: The Cc 11 The Cc . Si- p _ I he be I Increase! improve ? Come in i ..f* ' :hii?! n of Dxzcktovrn wrere vislttrsf n ah<. i t' k S jr.t!1 . I Tht d y weather ?til! i M:;:nc. nur cation and ? r : . .>; * -irnd a;:c! y I n< v. n < : r b. ' Mi-y Ki t s J ones rr| . <nl-C7 lay 5 ' ' i i { v. wee' - with M: ?1 '! Baby cf Isabella. T nn visit <1 M . | Purtrer- t ..r ts. Mr. arc! Mr?. Felix . Hi'l Siir 'ay. Rev CI. W. S r' > :* Maryvi Tt-nn. A - .1 by R \. K. A. : Suit. t". i- holding ? revival Shoal Creek ("barvh.rofl Mr. i*r:i *! O. P. TrvVr and T- - .hilrften. Gicr. and Jew 1 -. j..' .v end v.:t * Mr*. Taylor Mr. and M?r. S. V. Allen. Mi-^e- Nutit and May ?'h.>n an 1 Mr. Sale II- >- n xv? r?. :a-- : I;.? Ki.:nia J?-n Sunday. Mi ? Ruth. OU nd Let ha U v.x\ r :' r?f Suit. N. were the sue sts f' MS- Kliza Allen F?it!ay : iht. Mi. Arthui Swansoi% and rist I Miss K;h* ! and Littl*. hrothcr. C!:nt < r. j f Farntr, Ttnn. -sent th, vv :j v th their K^anrfjian nts. Mr. .rd M--.i John Ma <.ri. i M >s Filir.t All n \i>ited Mr. ! Mrs. Ma shall Hamby Saturday. Mils Hariii-: Stil- I* is vi-ititur In v daujrrt?-?" Mi>. , Tom i i'f at l'i -r 11. Mr. ; : : Vm. S. Y. Ail. n \;-i: 1 h< ir da . Mis. R. I.. ' pl? at Shu l.t.-wn, Tt-im. W ill., la; niirht. OWL CKKEK Mr. Jr. T* ' - of Runsford v i ; ng t'sicrd- : .?<! : datives at th:place. Mr. ('. .1. Ma'u: -.t tond to O. oiia Luftjr; Sunday. Mr. \Y. II. Has- who has Keen ill n-.-t f w da;.- is much 1 tt? r , Mr. rd Mrs Ray !.. virtr > I and a v. Mr. Th'vinas Ti;.?it, \v re v'?- ] Ito;s on Owl ?"' ( U Sun.lay after-- t tnd Mr. Trintt preached an nt?ie-- j infr sermon to tin Owl t'rcik Sa. day School. r Economical Transportatio J ^ 1- -- PCt^flC _ ^.,._ *- *" >upe - - '67 >ach - - *69 dan - - '77 ?\/l arir."? / <> ?j. F!:rtf \1irhi0tm i demand has made it po: the quality and lower tl and see theseremarkabh t' MOTOR CO. Dealers THE CHEROKEE SC< Crops art I king i< :.ft r tbej Mr. L n I>av:.< and Mr. Jchnne 5 c Re: . .h 1 c n vccrklr.p at; w Eht ;.r** v * tir>r S-::;e f ks - \>tk. " Jr. and "? : if Pah . r * f !;: y v.* re \>.t - >v : i. ' ; - - :: s. Nancy Palest . Grady I :- . - : Builjjj-. Snrinjrs i ? -?v;c i f Grand v.- - > .'day t M:-?w Vnnie i:r. 1 . A:i rSr..' St- : n .fee- . *i . -ir.r tthird, i-.t :s hear front y >. M.\;*NEV.S ' jU, -n.l EJlowei ! 'V,/- ,^rM" Kv-:'ni' .* - - T. v" - : t Sand i t iv;:- !r " Mi S .> tiny Rev. A. B. . 11 Hay?*>ville i H v M.- UW i- - iway much i the time engaged in [.retracted r.:e. tings. rt f.:rrt d lirst ' i I:.-; v.i !-c and entered .:p- n a me t rc Mt. Zi< r< Church, ni Mai Me. Mr-. Wiikic Mcllan ' Ak n. Ohio, -r nt last week with frieno.t .Mar! I . ? V - !. <!f. f Gastnnla ha- he. n < lir v *h he: aunt. Mr-. Tack i.rd M thie. r - Brys'r Gastor.ia ar d t::: 'irst of Inst Wfek to vi-it r M~s. Taek I.add .. ft *}: r ' Tl< fr,.. - V-,,!- v !!\ "n| i*? ::. rt e-e -e-vtion huvt gone' to th? Gastonia. and m .c by. Our Mr. John F. iVinor has a ii graded road- in th ! v. r < nd of the- county. Th'- Regal MurhlJ loo pit- are rapkiiy developing the whit marble ' at iy ai .Mr. James Irving* id*- n.-ar? Marble, Th? y have taken ?c:? a number "f large blocks .>f fine white aiorblc. Mi-- Mary Orr of R.. k Hill, S C. - '.Ik- guest last v\? > h ot Mi.-Hertha Raster. n -' /H ^ ^ ? 2?* ^ CmHKXQij, 3irr. kitrpht. v. c. W eekly Cross ' |2 I3 r j5 " FPM ^'ei ri as- " 47 -<?>; jr pTj 'I i 1 c . . Wtslen Horizontal. l_tv r- N > | fr-'-M w . ')? b-:i<:nfW it > in lUW OT traj- t. - taut. a I ? :! 5 - 5 -i 1 la< . i- ,1. .. rt -- l'r- : ti. -n i ; -r\, to ta" ??r nt ;? - N : . A- -ri- a to'* r. . : J ate ?.r :ut-r:. 1 ?k 1 :n?'.iT lain ash i ? ' Pa IS* 3 to us 13 , i. !.r. i th-'l azar?l 3S?Hawaii;. ' f I N. ' ?.l?-r '"nit 44?I \ l<t r--cul;ttir>s the ihr f a li-;ui?l ^-1 . -rv ' .w-n -rirr . 1 ft. the JCom'Sia:. : li: aiiiI l-a.e i an ti mer;:! two 1?Ari'iti-sln S?--?* >k in ??vm SS? Hi 1- 56?Ot??. r\ v-i retl\ Answer To Last Week'; Cross-Word Puzzle [tl' v k!eitwf:ru g'at n tfs-st"!^ n abba Tr Tfl i o uus k,1 Hp u r e i <gn sg|l esion 11^,C-HBa n Yfiio c i c' .Pjjlg J" C||t Jgjfo M F.gH e wjj|s|gr A tMp, r a i ne?a tiesin i l e' li l s t e ribk a i s e r TljiE resie l ivll&d i lafle r gvi^asjo a fljil |l|e s's o'.IiigD e lay s| 1; " 'ii- to '1 the Rurvi\:il ..f the fail.Cst, w;.i n the r fi.rni: rs pvt mhacco tSi, pipe oi peace? <;?? in it. Mr. K<.-!i"try! Atiii pKa?c : ;U mi ! rtuuions -.Mil :111?I ?pend th summer. . i ji 8 .... I S uttinj ^Death o/ Motorists Car The railroads of the United States eCcctivfllv afnginrf <ro*" 1"?" accidents where their right-of-way ways. Warning bells, cross-gates numerous printed and painted wai motorist not to take chances. That this work has been effective fact that during the year 1924 one h? less deaths were caused by grade than in the year 192:i; and that an c being made for 1925, as shown by first half cf the year seventy-two than during a similar period in 192 The railroads can't do it all. You must * There io no better advice that car. given 3 so universally used? "Stop. Look and Lis! a railroad track. Remember thnt nccidci trespassing on the railroads* right-of-wa leave the tracks, and ihai if jt were ncecss every grade crossing it would play havoc wi transportation system. 1 he motorist ?bct and look both ways. American railroads are building undc: bridges as rapidly j.e their capital will pe do your part for safety. -Word Puzzle 1 17 3 :*/ 7o~ ?_ ! i Fa* ; FFmi N .-wBpttprr cmVertical. 1?Hot^rinr n.emt^r >?T-t \ :.-?h 4 A n _ ft? Kl-l^-o C--A cw. ,i 7 11 - r r <\ s Exmtj. A A.--. Miicn-rdMii'l f M v. * i 1*? Num.!- r titidcr f?> ir 17 ?*onsimw? 7* niiirr- ? h.uiw .tijMiri 54 Tl - - - lot 7T. T- -i.-n.Tt-* t-t *- -?; 7. hor cental 37?IVtnu-n \c-il 4! i 1 - . 44 <-T - -- . r.v. w 1 4" ? t-a . 4* I i:._ 4!? T- .-= -..k .-Mr, Sod I 54 -Tl ? i dr.'h itilnilun ??i 11 i>|i,irir In nrtl Iner Will, anyhow Darwin won't ,.?\r t<? tvoriy about Darruu vin j to c left .? f--- for \ - : :. j n-l. ^ ">'uite" i ;>r?inoun? iti with ho "i" I:..- in . i ut ll; I, -t y . . u - r 1 ihr j.oiioo IS a r i. Yes, the hiith rat iiwrea-nj:. j The air-!- li! has ?;? ? i- i: t H hit; in f tht matr monial lui nus. I Th i\ alway- r.-r. : if i: I trie*.- of ruhbei l-ks hiyhf v. < I raw in - ar ? n vs. i >r ;; iv 11 >. Th 1 'cfi ' Da\ test I fought out ;. mustvr ot 15.d00,00?? in-. II. Itllt r.; ry a \vi -- all: and ^t;ll they waul to \ >.It'. Fraive".- , opfor paying his i l>t l?. I'll- i Sa- "ii . ?is t;> j" .. follow sparring more tim* hi i:i f?:?H-cry hill. V, . I ! ; i , : .. L-int n in 1 * -r ' '.ask tl'.i v re not :ili <! ad yet. oust M , i , E|f5| iR ! V-i'; V l Down -Toll elcssness i are constantly and m life and prevent crosses public high>, tlash signals, and admouittii tho : is evidenced by the indrcd and nineteen "-crossing accidents ven better record is the fact during the les3 deaths cecured 4. 3o your ihnre for safety, ou than the three worda ten" when y. u approach qib occur when you ar? y. that the train cannot arv for trains to stop at ith America's unexcelled ;ld come to a dead step r-pnssca and overhand mut. In the 4 pxr.r -IVE List Of Entrants Sr Journa"sTcur Growi "tg i !:? wire > ;t list - wr.o have < ntert i re: -ar Ax lanta Journal'.- jrr r. Ar:itan :** : i Flijfb..vay * ;r V rt.i to A< :evi!!e, \;a Mur tenth r 14th and 15th Governor C'il'tord Wuiker. Acyoi Walter A. Siir?, of A rat; W H. <\ Smith. Atlanta; A ? : r ' mm ? . ; th- At Inn: . ? n\. i and Tourist ln;r?au: Pr i T'. >. Ark-..: nrht, xr <1 \:ilway and Pov r r-ony tr 7-inkl r the A' r-.tVa i! Men':- . ria'r n. the Met r ' : ofAJl - ta. Kt nuitiv !.. I tii rer. Kit (,.s: W. Winn. : -idei.* (1 ilc a ?u-:at'.?n; D.walur Chrmh- r n.r. ..City t .1??: -ton. (V. !-?W! !!< . Y'll.' K . VVJJI . . S. H.ijily. .1 (i:.. ; V r \\ (I. >! alor, : ': ., i? : K; . : G ; ' ' ; ji ?>f Gaint -v: t. - v. : ?.f Cktok . -y i : *. I- ! ? KtV. tnj* t M . . J). ?r 1 ' ' S- ' . - '; r. of rv n.i: Frank Car .1. .1 CI.Fred H" !>tr. f I' ' tor. ; V.". < Hend*rson, of C < . d ' oni- an Th?>ir.ns >1. B.ll, f lit ; B. K. ! :: of IMao 7. Caroil of ir. 'Iv: ...or W M. I- . . f Man.- . x ? . ; i R.-iRii"! ' . Brjx.: ' . N. May ; John X. ?* ;th ' . \ !OXW (ire-a. {' \ hc\ " : ' .v -lietion. ('hair ; ?n I hn X. H >ld r. f th;. -1ate hiehwav comn,i>?iov; !' 1 .1 Howurd Km -. : ' j Andrew.--. N > .; I * 1!. . f c'l viand; K. F. Johnson. '"i \elan<l; C. Wilkir.-. ? ? ' vela -i < fi W A. .? : on. o: < ' W I. S:o\:.!I, of N... ... !: , 1 ! y: Pat M. Haia'xoi.Hf Bl:iTs\ilV A. H. MoA: lain-. il'. ! Tiro ?-< :,jpany. of Atlanta; !( < . tMick. '11II1 * : d with 1 : ir rpparatu*. eat joint > y lohn M. Smith ? .. Ly.., A ]\mjr and tin- II pk>! An:.. i*.- iaiv at <. < .nsuni' is <>."! 1 . iv, .. of iGal: sw!li ; Southern P v i ' r? and Teh'jrr .pii company; O: *?; ml.y, of Marietta: W. ( Sattciv. hi to. j of Atlanta: " 1 a UnM >1 link So.ith. . A. \vunt. A. Kstatr Atlanta; W. I*. Need, ol At Uinta; and : ?1 i1 1' ?ni: -;iy. ..f Atlanta: M. 'a. !: n, ; ,\ :: . ? . 1Allan:;:: Ha! M. St;.nit \. . : Mi-. W. M BlankenM. ; i;aWilli; t; I of Afl. \Vh . ... 1. of ?! > . T. Griffin, ' t'lennoni. !* .r f i icrman!? 'I ill. ?f t'lernn : (la.: ?. 1 HaJ . >:' . rmont. (?a.; O. 11 1 y.i. rtiviiit. G:i.; T. *' Vi 1 . < (Ja.; !?>> i;th t ! 1 1 A t ' a * Bonn.: II. S: Kclwin F. ; ' . o ' G. Ho \ ' : V. AsV.c, ..f A . ! N. 1 f. Al. Tvii v A la: Alia* ., iV. h. Bsi Lr.ul !.. Mat'ul. . I'M ! h Pa k. (, . \ ni.. . i.-.' -a: (? . r. .-ral Tire S vii-v ? - ; ay. ?r ' A. i :? . : (Jc . \V > - A. . :ita. v.ho AS I .. " i" ' *\": A. Siais p ; J. \V .r A-'heV iiK ; CM i SSft.r.i ?In.: W. T. M . . of M v X i H. V. \\ ford. . . . . S. < Ml- Kyn T??u:i :r- Atlanta: \. V. Fo . of >"u\v. r.e?. .? i V. \ ' y. Ati.'.i.i n Svlvx N. < li >. lv:i. - _ EXGiNEERS r.y OYr. ) TO E : j FILTER t\ v. . < li-W'i'i i?... > <* oindo dicta Awftrdv x:f-? :. : n trie :: out "h other d;y . . < :' ' It McCurry i. ? r At lanta, G . 1 i. n ; !;vw i to build the r . : ne p . the town , i"\? > ! v t-h the ' most I'V::. l: a! :?oj:i; t' 14all adihti-ral i 'y water, ; -a being fondue.; <!. It u.nd r-- : that 1h recoil . !! In- ?5c ) vith in a lew days, or v.< - n a- the finding- of the ci:uire. . aide. It i jrcv! u that this ?. p.iiany has just i t int'! ted the installation of a pla A at ? a ion. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years A.ways bears Si?na:uxc of ~

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