SOCIETY Mrs, J. W, Davidson Is Organist For Sunday Vespers The first of three monthly organ vespers will be presented next Sun day afternoon, March 4, at 4 of Hock id the- sanctuary of Fbdt ilMMM Church. Mrs. J. W. DdvMsoa. eaganidtt at the First J??rpn* Church, wffl be the guest onganritt tor this occasion. The following selections will be played by Mrs. Davidson: Lenten Meditation. Introducing "Bethany" ty Wilson; "Jesu, Priceless Trees ure" by Block; "Andante E Maes toso" by Tschaikwwald; "Jerusa lem" arranged by Parker; '"The Palms" by Faure; "Open the Oetes of the Temple" from The Messiah by Handel; "Consecration at the Cross", Hymn FantaMe. Lorenc; i "Were You There?", Spiritual;. 'Senctus" from St Cecelis, Gounod; "Calvary" by Rodney; "Christ Arose", arranged by Marlow: "Postlude-Allelujah", David ics. Organ Vespers 'is an opportunity for those in the community who appreciate good music to oome and listen to the music and to meditate emid the quiet of the sanctuary of God, says the pastor, the Rev. R. Deibert By rum Mrs. R. H. Hyatt Honored On Her Slst Birthday Mr*. Henry Hyatt. Mrs. Paul Hyatt and Mrs. C. A. Brown of Andrews honored Mrs. R. H. ("Granny") Hvatt with a birth day dinner Sunday at her home here. "Granny" was born on the 29th of February, so has a real birthday only every four years, but it is always celebrated on the in tervening years. She Is now 91 years old. The table was centered with an arrangement of mixed flowers. The three-tiered yellow and white birth day cake, decorated with white and yellow flowers and candles, on a t-ay surrounded by a yellow jon quils, was placed at one end of the table in front of the honoree. Seated with her at the table were Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Dr. Robert Bnovyn and sort Charles, grandson and great - grandson, of Kingsport. Tenn. Mrs. G. W. Candler, Mr. and Mrs. John GUI and daughter, Jane, end Mrs. Bill Bates. A number of friends oalled in the afternoon, and many gifts and cards were received by the bonopee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman returned last week from a ten days' trip to Miami, Daytona Beach and Ocalla, Fla. Youths To Have Spring Banquet The spring banquet for young people, intermediate* and workers of these departments of First Bap tist Church will be (teld at Duke's Lod<e)df0 fc; m. atf The program will include an inspirational qieudi,', inuate <|nd fun. Mrs. J.' J HhmlWm may be contacted for dinner tickets. ? ' I Baptist W. M. S. Circles Meet The Lottie Hfloon Circle of the W. M. S. of Flrjt Baptist Church met with Mrs. Henry Hyatt Tues day afternoon. Scripture reading end prayer were given by Mis. J. Alton Morris. Mrs. J. L. Baugh had charge of the program. Others taking part ? ere: Mrs. B. L. Fox. Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Mrs. Ben Mann, Mrs. How ard MdDonald. Mrs. Henry Rose, and Mrs. C. D. Mayfleld. Prayer was offered by Mrs J. W. Hoover Mrs. Morris was given a surprise birthday party following the meet ing. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the 12 members present and two visitors. The Mae Perry Circle met Tues day With Mrs. E. A. Browning. Mrs. E. J. Darnell presided, and Mrs. Ben Palmer had charge of the program. Mrs. Darnell con ducted the devotional. Mrs. Pal mer spoke on the subject, "H", end Mrs. Jack Roberts closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Browning served refresh ments to the 10 present. The Fannie Heck Circle met with Mrs. E. L. Shields, who con ducted the devotional. Mrs. W. A. Bell offered prayer. The topic, ' Aiming High" was discussed by Mrs. W. H. Murray, Mrs. Annie Lee Adams, Mrs. H. E. Allen. Mrs. T. S. Evans, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Shields. In addition to the members present, there were two visitors, Mrs. Minnie Hughes and Mrs. J. M. Ramsey. The hostess served refreshments. Mrs. W. C. Kinney, chairman, was nnable to attend because of illness. Lions Birthday Cake Given To School Children /. ? | Children eating in the Murphy School lunch room were pleasantly surprised Wednesday when they 'came t<o see on display | the Murphy Lions Cluib silver 'anniversary cake which had been given the school children by the officers of the club at the conclu sion of their banquet Tuesday night. The cake weighing fifty pounds is made in five tier Style and decorated in Lions club colors purple and go'.d. with the names of members on the various tiers. Bdb Cheney, a member of the club, de signed the cake and it was baked in his bakery. On Thursday the cake was out into eight hundred servings and given to the children who eat in the lunch room. Mrs. C B. Mayf ield, Hostess To Gass, Is Given Shower The Either Sunday School dan ot Flrit Baptiat Church waa enter tained In the borne of Mrs. C. B. Mayfield, with Mro. Geo. Portwood la co-borteaa, Friday evening. Mr* Jack Crawford and Mr*. Lewis King conducted the devotional, and. Mm Calvin Stilee president, pre alded., A surprise stork ? shower' wess given Mrs. Mayfield. f' Refreshments wens sdrved by the hostesses to the following: Mes dames B. J. Fish, Sadie Henson. Walter Puett. Calvin Stiles. Vin cent Stiles, A. D. Peacock, Kenneth Davis, Jewell Miller Lewis King, Jack Crawford. M. L. Williams. J. B Hall. Hubert Hinton. Arden Davis, and Miss Addle Mae Cooke. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs Win J. Carvata and sons. Bill and Dennis, of Chatta nooga visited Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Chandler over the week-end. Edwin Hyde was,? In Charlotte last week oh business. Mrs. P. C. Gentry Is spending some time in Newport News, Va., with her daughter, Mrs. Linden Dills., She was accompanied there by Mrs. Bill Gentry and Cowry Gentry, who returned home after a short visit. Mrs. J. W. Hoover of Lincoln ton is here with Lonnie and Becky Hoover while Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover are away at a medical meeting-In Hot Springs, Va. The latter expect to return today (Thursday.) Mrs. Jimmy Ward met Mr. Ward In Atlanta Wednesday on his re turn from Venezuela, and they left by train from there for New York csty.J , * ' Arthur Heinrich left Wednesday for New Yor* Ctty on business. Mr. and Mrs H. G. Elkins went to Atlanta Wednesday to meet their daughter, Mrs. Wayne Gentry and daughter who returned with them. Mrs. Francis Bourne returned Saturday from a visit In Syracuse. N. Y. Jim Franklin spent Monday In Charlotte on business. [Mrs. Joe Fulimer and children. Joe Sidney, Hazel Lu and Jinnie Lee, spent the week-end with Mrs. Fulmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin. Miss Joyce Coleman student at Furman University, Greenville. S. C? spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whiter Coleman. Mrs. T. J. Edwards who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John sie Nunn, here for a few weeks, left this week for her home in WhiteviBe. , Mr. and Mrs Homer C. Forres ter and daughter. Ann. spent Sun day in Athens, Tenn., with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Forrester, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer were called to Asheville last week due to the illness of Mrs. Dyer's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyatt and daughter, Mary Linda, spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman attended a showing of the 1951 models of Frigidaires in Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brumby and daughter, Ida, returned Sunday night from an eight-days' vacation spenit in Clearwater, and Sarasota, Fla., while there, Mr. and Mrs. Brumby went to Havana Cuba. Mrs. J. ";V. Bolton of Marion spent several days here last week with her son. William N. Bolton. Mrs. P. F. Woodyard of Coving ton, Ky? has been in Murphy for the past two weeks visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cooper. Mrs. Wood yard and Mrs. Cooper made a two day trip to Atlanta last week. Mr. Wood yard drove to Murphy last Friday and took Mrs. Woodyard home with him on Sunday. Presbyterian Circles To Meet The Circles at the Women at the Murphy Presbyterian Church will hold their final meetings at the church year next Monday and Tuesday. The Event nj Circle will meet at the church Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. The following officers will if installed at that time: Chairman, Mrs. Ann Phillips; secretary. Miss Marvie Walker; laurer, M.oJ HUttle Palmer .Mies Walker will be in charge of the progrtsm. , The Afternoon Circle will meet with Mrs. tJ. W. Savage Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. Mrs. J. H. Gibbs, the outgoing chairman, will be in charge of the program. Beginning with the April meet ing the Afternoon will be divided into Circles Ore and Two and the Home Circle. Chairmen of the numbered circles will be Mrs. Bruce Gordon and Mrs. Don Wifcherspoon. Mrs. J, L Savage Entertains G. A.'s. The Junior G. A *s of First Bap tist Church held their regular meeting Monday p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. L. Savage. Carolyn Betes, president, pre sided over the business session. Lands English presented an in teresting program with the assist ance of several girls. A social hour followed, and refreshments were served te 19. The next meeting will be held with Jo Lynn Mayfield. Mrs. Eller Crawford who is located in the store of Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Lovingood where she does sewing, has recently taken an apartment in the home of Mrs. Dixie Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Coker and Miss Mildred Wise of Athens. Tenn , spent Sunday with Mr. Colter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D Coker at BrasStown, and Mrs. Colter's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brannon and daughter Virginia, in Murphy, and her sisters. Mrs. N. N. Barton of Peachtree and Mrs. J. E. Hogsed a* Martin's Creek, and their famil ies. Former Presidents Of P. T. A. Honored On Founders Day Hie Murpry Parent-Teachers Association presented a play. "Deep Are The Roots", In obser vance of Pounders' Day In the school auditorium Monday night Those who took part in the play were: Narrator. C. D. Puett; Radio Commentator, John Jordan; a lBtfa Century child. Gwinda Lou Cole; a 19th Century mother. Mrs. Ralph Deegan; 19th 6eatury teacher. Mrs. Emily Millet; a 20th Century child, Georgia Anne Sampson; a 20th Century mother, Mrs. R. P. Jones; a 20th Century teacher, Mrs. John Thuss. Former P. T. A. presidents, who | were present, Mrs. J. H Hampton. Mrs. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. T. S. Evans, Mrs. J. B. Gray, and Mrs. R. V. Weaver as well as the pres ent president Mrs. Fuller, were given corsages in behalf of the 1950-51 Murphy P. T. A. In appre ciation of their services. The attendance banner was awarded to Miss Jane Hill's grade in the elementary school and C. | D. Puett's 11th grade in High School for having the greatest per centage of parents present. Refreshments were served. Sandy Manthey Honored At Dinner Mrs. John Manthey entertained Saturday at a birthday dinner honoring her daughter, Sandy, on her eighth birthday. Costumes were made by the guests, and umbrella favors were presented each. The color scheme was pink and white. Gifests included: Sandy, Jane, Van Horn Sarah Easley. Beth |Eailey. Lynn Whitley, Jay David ?on, Martha and Willie Bell Port v^ood, Virginia Wells, Becky Hoov ci, Carol Ann Hemphill-. Fnankie Cornwell, Maureen Manthey, Glend , and Nancy Mills, Norma Jean Montgomery, and Brenda Stalcup. j Mrs. George Dunn and daugh-1 ter, KaWhy Maureen of Seattle, j Wash, are expected to arrive Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Dunn's parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lovingood. County People Attend Wedding Miss Dent Richards. national swimming champion, of Atlanta, and diaries Bloodiworth of Atlanta I will be married at First Baptist Church in Decatur. Ga., Friday \ evening. Mrs. G. W. Cover, Mrs A. M. Brittain and Mrs. R. R. I Burns of Coppeihlll will give a rehearsal party Thursday evening. They left early this week to make plans for the party. Mrs. Jane I Cover Orr and son Plckxiey. and Miss Eleanor Cover also will at tend the wedding, 20 Sweaters Are Knitted Here For The Red Cross The Cherokee County Chapter j of the American Bed Cross has' completed 20 sweaters requested by area headquarters and is await ing instructions .as to Where to ma^e shipment, states Mrs. Dale Lee, production chairman. The sweaters were knitted v by the following: Mrs. Francis Bourne two; Miss Marie Price one; Mrs. Arthur Heiniich, Sr., and Mrs. Arthur Hednrich Jr., three; Mrs. Harvey Wilson two; Mrs. Harry E. | Bishop one; Mrs. Vaughn Hemp hill one; Mrs G. W. Zirfoes two; | Mrs. R. W.% Easley one; Mrs. G. | H. Butler, Hiwassee Dam, one; j Mrs. Clarence Arnold one; Miss Clara McCombs one; Mrs. B. W.' Whitfield one; Mrs. Ben Warner one; Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Jr., one; and Mrs. Dale Lee one. The blocking of the sweaters was done gratis by Murphy Laundry. DeLuxe Cleaners and Imperial Cleaners. The Bar. and Mrs. rtoyd a Aerk few moved from the ham* at J. U Kill to Binte No. 1. Box 120, Culberson netr Hopewell Baptist Church. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A GOOD FARM Bay a Good Farm tollable for cro?? or a Dairy Farm. No Safer place to Invest your Money. Dae to World coaditiona and a probable food shortage, this farm offers security and a food return on your Investment. There la approxi mately 100 Acres with approxi mately 64 acres of level land and lies on Valley Rive-. Only a ten minute walk to center of town of Murphy, N. C. Contact Mrs. O. W. Rldsel. 279 Lenland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. MISERY, SHAME FOR GIRL OF ALCOHOLIC PARENTS "For 20 years I lived in almost constant misery, loneliness and shame," recalled the disheartened girl whose parertts were "slaves of alcohol." Read the poignant story of her search for happiness in 'My Parents Were Alcoholics" in March 4 issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's popular Mayailne with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order from Your Local Newsdealer This is the SEASON to be well groomed YES?AND YOU CAN BE TOO. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING TO US. All your (armenta moth-proofed for dx month a. free of charte the U-San-O-Way CALL US FOB PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. IMPERIAL LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS PHONE 13 MURPHY, N. C TWIN-CITY DRIVE-IN THEATRE McCaysvtlle, Georgia SHOWS: 7 & 9 Sunday 8:30 Thursday - Friday "THE GREAT RUPERT Jimmy Durante, Terry Moore Three Stooges Comedy Saturday Only "DOWN DAKOTA WAT" Roy Rorers and Trlrrer. in color Superman No. 8?2 Color Cartoons Sunday - Monday "FATHER OF THE BRIDE" Speneer Tracy, Elisabeth Taylor Tuesday - Wednesday "KEY TO THE CITT" Clark GaMe, Loretta Y< REAL ESTATE Country and City property Alto Business property If we don't have it we can get it. LIST YOUE PROPERTY WITH US. Q. W. LOUDERMILK Real Estate Broker Phone 565-W. C. E. HYDE GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. Stores To Close Wednesday Afternoons Beginning March 7 The following stores in Murphy will close each Wednesday at 12 o'clock Noon for a half-holiday: MURPHY HARDWARE CO. GIBBS HARDWARE & AUTO SUPPLY HAMPTON HDW. AND SUPPLY CO. THE MAN SHOP CHEROKEE FURNITURE CO. WALTER COLEMAN APPLIANCE STORE IVIE FURNITURE CO. TRUDY'S ECONOMY CLOTHING STORE ACNE HARDWARE DAVIDSON'S CARRIER'S DEPT. STORE ROY V. LOWGOOD FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. GREEN'S CASH STORE THE GREAT A&P TEA CO. FOWLER ELECTRIC SHOP WHIN'S MARKET DAVIS' JEWELERS FAYOLA REMNANT STORE COWARD'S We invite our customers to do their shopping early on Wednesdays, so no one will be inconvenienced.

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