;f ; ... - - y ' " I ' - f .' "l"''1 ' L-T- '- ' --!!-' 'l ' !'- I 1 1 ' " "' ' . ?, -J - ' .' ' . Number . .' ' - - VlUUNCiTUH, (JY. iubuixi, afrii- r - r -rv - : . J - j . - 1 ... . p : " i .1 ir , .rj 'r " X ;t. 0? V.- If.1 1 1 i '' f ; . ' " ' ' .... . i - ; GASTON'a, SPJEECH, 5' A-''M,TH5 XOAW BIIU "i:.t' v JrtlUTABT COCRIPIIQ-nCOSQPEST OP ' .;'" . CAN ADA. .; .,'4 Atr.jPiwrman--Turijin7 from die gfoo 4 tfiy, vievf 6f thi effect of w Canada war, ny attention Is arrested by another. Conse . aence like!? to folio ifr from it. on which X Ul Cc long detain you, bat which is not r in their fcfEartt overtake it, tliff iqhjett fcecomtis more Valuable ia theit,estuftation and tuccess is more iadentified with their pride. --.The cofKniest of Canada contem plated as -adt ta?y spott; ! without a fixadf , uesiga ciuicr eep ic ro secrqr sur Vender U to purchase rights, has, front it difficulty' swdled into an im'nortaixce which . Causes' i tar be aluedabby all rights. f lAtriotisni 1 was relied, Ion to .fill; tne rants M the invading army t but it did not suflU. iently wswer the sail. Thesti ranks. how-i tnttstWlled-AvalceUnextresor V : ..-..j ; Wd to-Thi! most enormous price' js .bid ) i -v ': ioVvsoldiers; that1 was ever ottered in any HlyS'ffS6 w countryr ? Should thi faUwht' I iVHw P?xt cheme.?-i-There is q4 reserv'e or , .imttfienw nas joeen avoweo l mat the next scheme is la tonscription. f t U known that this scheme was recommended jtyeji mhjs sesriqft by thft wa .department first the effect of enormous bounty.. The :-' Jteemen of this," ''country are .to be drafted - vfrom the ranks tof the mMitia, and forced abrad as . 'military machines, to. wige a .war Of. conquest i Sir 1 have been ac customed to considerthe little share which "T havri in th nnnsHttifinn nfti ITn?M4 U 'i "States as Ue piost taluable patrimony I V- jl.. 'haveulea to those beincs in whom I .v.. ifopt my name iad remembrance to be per '7 ?Tjetuatedr. But I solemnly declare, that if itdtution. I shall fecrard U as without vat ; , and care not For'its pre4ervatibn" iijvcq ; r:mnaf Occwne w passive ana svji , ' -T iiUlls aVTiati tolWfi tfiC faculty .ot feeling ' "-! ftppresaion, aod the capacity to perceive h, even thre, sir. the tyranny of conscrtptioo - rouses him to the assertion' of his innate ? 'redom, to ' struggle against slavery in iu most malignant form. .' No, sir, cot the dread of all the Revere punishments i : ordained for refractory conscripts, nbt.the peine do boulethe ttravaux publi. 'ueSwDor death Uself, can stupify fcira in- . 5 , ' ' , r ,to seeming; submission. .'He vlelds only , , to ' absolute force, and is marched.to the field of gWy manacled and hand-cuffed w And is. such, a principle to be introduced Into our benign, out free institutions? 'Be , ; Titve mi, the attempt will be fataL-lt kan ' At Heredbukby roUiurrterror---It,wni l the lignal fandrawing the V iwrd a , laracv Americans.iire not fitted to be Ue laves of a irstem of French conscription. the most deteuble of ; the inventions of ' - tvtsnov. Sir. I hear ft Whispered near me; ' thil if not worse than; the impressment of V 4 , fceamen. It W worse, infinitely worse. ' '(Imriressmtnt forcea teamen to serve In the , 1 public ships'of- Uieir eountryi instead pf torsuing their occupation in the , merchant ervice. It changes their ; employment to . bhemoVe tlgarousf longer continuance, " of oreater dahgen. But it is yet employ- ' went of the same kindIt is yer employ; lnent for which they are fitted by tuige and . education.. But coascriptioa is iodiscrn ' ihinate in the victims of iu tyranny. The ae not the pursoit of the cpnscr'tpt is the .-... -0u rriterion 6 hie fitness Whatever be his habiw, whstef f r his immedinte vWws, whatever his desisrned occupation ia life. ' h stern mandate tears him from th roof of his father, from the desk, the' olRcr, the touch, or the workshop, and he it tarried , lartr'm home to fitght in fbrfigit climes thebatdesof umbition.' But, sir if con- , 1 acription were no worse than Impressment I sHould not ' lose my objectioes to it--l -. am hot ore pared to assent to the introd ac- - . . tifo of either conscription or impressment into my country. ' far all the Untun ter " If Hie iw rirms punhmems upoa U wh n riZ'"JwH&toelreeWt vfairt pavAt fr4 talks tBy 'tMmot ia oci n4 Wxri sr ita pwr) 41 ritbries tn the; Western', World I would ' o vigh. for;TSailo.t$. Bvgh yet ritjett on ! oar.. iucns icnim wuuv Fight for rights pd the ocean, jmdannuu-' late ttie most Drccious of all rights at Koine! -the ?ighttf.a Freeman never to bet for ced out of ' hi Own eotmtry !r How alar'- in it, ardor, for attaining tft,0bjec trW this ?cheftiew (fonqwess, is a.toracon.yhich 1 mca.iuot; ttt&rj?rfsfi-.tot iwit tanr that should j lor otters liave allyi??4 uaaa, tnatJ you1mayi overrun tne owcr pro vince I hfclicve-But that van will take Quebec, while the 'mouth pf the St Law 1 rence i commanded OV m hostile, fleet. I cannot., belie ve-U; a ppposite fought sometimes get possession oi- ,my vimajjiua, tfin.' I find it'sbrineirur from that. impulse. of the heart which makes me fan perched on. the standard of my eoantry, and not the result of an exeVtion tt the f un 'deetandin g-But; sir, if you sh6uld cn quer the Canadas; subdue Nova Scotia and possess yourself bf all ther British territp-i ties 'b KAmerica-i -If lafter impoverjjhin g- your country oy ruinous loans ana grinu--mg down your wople by oppressive taxes, you should wade-at last through the hor rors of invasion, massacre of prisoners, t fvilc ar,Tarid I teilitafy consetiptibn to to ne.nov oaruc odjcgi n your wuc , I pray you, sir, what is then to be done ? What do you dcstgWto do with the'c6n- qoeredtprritofyrVVe ty'dl keep it say the' gehderaanv from Vermont and . Pennsylva- nia f Mr. Bradley and Mr." Ingerioll.) We will Veep it "because it is an Object withouc people because ": if will.'tep 'off ladian wars and retribute-us for, the wrongt we nave sustained . i oeaeve, inuccu, mat, u conquered,' the're will be powerful party tn tkonnrtK anrl anl tViot wilt m& t. ectsStpt I to part With it, with WtMr, Butho shall ItW ?iacdnqiiered II rt toTt-'Or .tXaKpri,;jawaiC5 fPftvJ enereu, people wiuun, acu tne tiuun ot a powenui, proua ana irruaiea encntv without, that enemy master oi tne sea, al ways able to invade and to succour tne in vaders; Will require a military strength and pecuniary expeuditue not less continued or less iu amount than were demanded to take itSuch a conquest is never finished when nominally effected tt m to betx-guo. But we will incorporate it into the Union Aye, thii wold be-indeed a pleasant re sult. Iet my eouthern inenos-wt gen tlemen who represent slate holding States attend to this.; now wouiumis prpjecx take at home? ' What would their constil. uenti rive to half a dozen new states made ou:of the Canadas ? It is, besides, sonota bleaa expedient for strengthentno, ,the M two, and so, perfecdy iaaccordaooe with- . .. t - - t L , the principles of our form ol governmeirV We are to firce men into s- tssoct-uion the very life of which is freedom, and the- ore sin ot mat me .unrciiramea twice i And to fflve vitrour to the pailon. we are to admit into its counnls, and into a tree par ticination of its nower. men awhose dislike of itt government hs been. strengthened into abhorrence ty. the exasperations . .. rr . " a wan ana au .wnose auccuons ac mea upon Us .etemylBut at all events you are tokeep the Canadas, ', Whr.t thc-p wiU)ou do about sailors rinhts f You will not be jot nearer to them then than you are now How wW ytu procure them or, seek to procure , them r will you tneo trpn in toou earnest to protect or fcoiaw them o" nsvw snesna i tvouta not ue surnsoic . . . Wt r t . 1 - t l' II to attend to this declared object of the war ntw rather than wait until after the Can a- oian sencme is enecua.i crroaps vou M- r mean to keep Canada aud abandon sailors 11 decUrrd, If wedo nodting against lite pos tigbts If so, why; not avow to the people' 11 sessions of the enemy t - Yes, sir; It is the that it M csnewtf yoia hght .for and not firm r uui pernaps n is uesirneq nea the conquest is effected to give it back to Britain as as equivalent lor the cession Her Dirt, of some, maritime richt for the privilege that our ships shall not be search- ed for 'Untikh sailors. . Cm .this question you may make an arrangement practically securing all we ought now to centred for. You will I hone make it in the pertains no- r oclution Hut that by a urrcnder &f Ca- r via sfcrr it iscononcred von mar ourchase from hnr a disavowal or relinrruvihaneat of, the right, to man esa believe who nndet-, stands either the views or the' prejudices of that people. 1 hey believe the right eiKh tial to their navsl eaiitroce,' lo deter their Seamen from general desertion-All claa ses in that country so regard u-wt know there is not a difference of epbiem tmoog any deception ot politicians In the kingdom sy efyouj '(aiid I btlWve some oi thetn havji) itis not a' jealousy of your tcrrUorU al extent ;W - of your . .fitness to become their commercial and. naval rivals ' Can H hi believed then thai they would compro mlse in a eurrender' of a clalnv which stir renderedt in their judgment, weaken ihetla and invigorates you.iert l,idQne they are fipprehenfiivc of com petty on jat'tHee of pre venting an accession to y'b'ir tetritbry wmch'extendiyOur ' limit' , while it takes iyay;from,yctor'; .strength J! .j Indulge. ;o uUtlkTiitiotb-w Vert-.nad' thousand rie mote importariV1 rHai -tbn' were )et ofLss value than her atal pow-fr- For ihe iake1 'of it V'ahVouIl never, yield principle ckihrhich that naval Jw er deuendaJ : Nal sir. the 1 return of con quered Canada, even widVihe hoedfot, agency in our favour ai, ik iuiu peror, would noty weigh, a feather in the Jcale Ugainst whai she detms her first great lational interest, V As It regards too these fanpied exertions 4f Kussia ia our favour, gentlem en surely dettive themselves.1 How ever; attached Russia may be to the mtt liberal princiuits of cOmmerctallnteKoilrse she" never will array herself , against, the richt of 'the WveYeijrn la compel thever- vices" of his sea-faring ;jbjectsOn this head her policy is, hot less rigorous (to say. the least) than that of England I will not jjc mvip pui mumia Biiuii tunc ww jiivt Jbably she w" the" gounds, of, my belief -- i ' But; sir; among the reasons for prose luting the in vasion of Canada one has been gravely stated of a very peculiar kind. Canada, saj s 'a gentlemaV from 'Soutn Carolina, (Mr. Calhoun) thduli be inva ded tQ'protect.our, frontiers fcnd'ca-board from iavabbn-it i wLl't imnnmir! land ettectiitl method of defence. ' Altho jKnsiaVraAo presents ' nothing very t 'tnlentlid to our view, vet it would b worth n oilier reons. for the iDvitsion if it were II frujodtfa on fcu.tcyuv ask. the people on VQUt frchliers aud on your ea-buard, and tVo ,r i inc invasion one hich rndangrrs them The most tiTectu- al defence to tliem would be an , abandon- meet of your scheme.4 Sir, an invasion of the,United Swtet, but lor the purpose of diverting your forces from Canada or . re torting on yoh the distresses ol war, can not enter into the scheme of British or Ca nadian policy. ,It is not to he prosecutedt but at. vast inconvenience, and txpraee. with great loss of useful soldiers, ander a certainty of ultimate failure, and without hope of glory or gain. , The Canadian veo manry, treed irom tne terrors ol invasion, winchcertuuy resume tnelr peaceful Occu pations and such of the British regulars at are not required for ordinary garrison dutv. instead of bcinff employed in a mi- siraU. predatory, i-et'dtstructive border warfare w3 be teat to mingTe In the Euro-, II pean strife where renown and empire are the mighty stake Surely this h emnhati cully the age ana tne government of. para dox.1 ; A war for free trade is watwd . . - . by embargo, and prohibition ef all com mercial intercourse sailors' rights1 are secured by imprisoning them at home, d not permimng mem to more irom place to place within their prison.' but bv a li- cense Jroflj a collector like a negro s past, wu vuwnm uu uic sccuruy oi a oonas man nd our frontier and sea-board are to be defended by an invasion f Canada, wnicn can atone enoonger an attact I ; ' i But the real efficient argument for per severance in the scheme ot- Canadian coo- Jueit has beta, given by the gentlemaA rem Tenntse (Mr. Grundy). H't made the war on Briuio, says tlic genUemtn, fx -w-ii ...I j.r. . nan icauni auiKIVCI 'U) oeicnsive I I a: a. a measures i r or what curoose was war II cnnsideration that this war wu originally ii oncisrre on our siae, that creates the.'I II fear, tasuperable obstacle to our disconun- II nance ol iu. . It were virte ta lament that II Kcntlemen are onder the influence of fed. II Tnes which belong to ; human : nature.- It II would be idle to declaim aftmnst the siu fulness or the folly of false pride. All must aamn mai ii w one oi tne trtatrst enorta of magnanimity, to retract a coursepublic y Jlaken, and c the comctntss of whWh reputation is staked. If twwvoriblc rtotlt-, rAroxou'd but perceive that this diflUulty is one oi priue ouiv. and of wide otwo. in j uitir tounvj soesi interests, I enow tnat they could, end believe many of them . If. w0uiu, miit me tuort t'ainlul as msr be the acknowledgement of political enor, yet u iney tiearly ssw that erJirr LhJs hu- i miliatfoa muf.t be endurid, or tlyt iiatioa ruined, they could fiot hesitate Ja thtir:' cholc between suck Alternatives. ;But, j '' sir1 1, wish hot o presentsuch alternativ: , 'o their electtonTSa difficult ith'vcf- pr' dude 'conviction! afeiTngt w-liich the oridei of the heart rebeh,-'tbat IVill not attempt - i ' j ? . -J. l'. .tt. i - " WbwledgemehtVfJti" nXi i;f,They rtay iKi'JefliUmeoirlaotralkd'ohtoMttacr -They' may" oiei-'e;;:xecttfioii' cf rfc their' Bchettfe of "invasion : wtaout atf' v- new; without h.onjihatiott; restrict ' thimv - 1 1 selves'tbMefeneevVElthough'the vrar was ' ' Irtlti brigin'risii'e.;'; A'iccond-4Vcra , y Jble opportunity presented f- restoring i k tranquitlity 'to our once fcapfcy ct-uhtry-j-y r council, - was auffered to pass iani mpravetV" ' J Iet not this be lost-aithird may aot short , 1 ly occurs iYoafvenemy has invited diu ' t rect neeotiatioit for the restoration ot peace" -1 YourexquUveiijts accepted tht offer anl, minister have rjea appointed Jo roect tna commrtsioner:of thejOppoBite party r This circumatance"buglvt to produce an en tire and essentia) change in your policy, If the execudye be sincere a. hevaccep tance of this proposition he must haye CT ed pn the, hope xhn an iaicaU adjust '.' 'ment oi differences; might be made. 1 Aa4 while there is eucha hopr.tuch a prospett; on what principle tan you justify in vtsioa and, wnqutstf.i Force isthe substitaie, aotthe legidmatbadjutor of togotutiota Nation fijt because the eahnbt trat. I Every bttievoient feeling and correct nHn ' eiple are opposed to an effusion bf; bhioda" and an extension, of misery, whicn are ho iied to be nneces ary.'t Tis lilecnsify aa ohe which furnishes their excuse do no' . their at the moment wnenydu avow a be lief, a hope at least; that such necessity exists not,' pursue, a- conduct which, out for iu existence, is iuhuaaa and-deteiuk? ble ",'..i'Vi-..'-;. vf"'.t..'? i Besides, air if you" ate earnest ia the wish to obtain peace from the' Qottenburg. . missiat Suspend,' In the mean time, offen siye operations, which cannot facilitate, and may prevent the accomplishment vt your Intimidated by your menace javu. erterrittorkif lf-X-hjolar nadir experience, how harmless arc your tlireats. the would nevertheless aee but little causa for fear. She knows that the conquest can not be completed in one, not in two cam patgns... And when she finds that every soldier whom you enlist. Is to cost you ia . bounty alone, upwards of 100 ' guineas , she will perceive that the war is more deatnic tiveto your hnance, the great source of mili tary strength, than to her territories. I ne blow aimed at her, recoils upon yourself ct But toe exasperations which must result from the wrongs mutually in&Icted in .the course of the campaign, may have a very. inunuua tuctt upvn uie oisposiuon 10 pur sue pacinc cuoruN iney wiu oe apt v create a temper on each side, unfavorable tn an amicabla arrtniremeht.- In truth. too sir, you are not prrparrd for auth a campaign, asm nonor ana numanuy you can alone permit yourselves to carry on. Suppose by the month of May or June, roa raise your men What are tbcyT Sol diers, fitted to take care of themselves ia 1 . camp, and aupport the reputatioa of jour arms in the field 1 No I hey are a mere rabble of raw recruits March them to - -T Canada, and pestilence will i weep ihem off Yj rrtimrms .'and brigades while the , want of discipline wiu hfit those, whom ' pesulence spares, foranhonoraLU contest with an experienced 'foe-sluitead th'rre- -, fore of the hurry and bustle'of filling, youf .' V ranks with recruits and ruling with ihitii , into vtnaaa, aacna rather to me training and improvement of those now in service. ,r ' Make soldiers of them by gradual enliiu ( tnenu you may regularly add W their num- i i ' oer, anu inscnsioiy incorporate tie tie le vies with the disciplined troops, tt ft i ahooia hrreaitcr beewmc . necessarv to .' march into the ttU, yov will theft have in ormy voder ypur command, Rot a tnul titudt without saVordinatiwr. Sujpehd, . thrrefore, hosiilitici while ycu. htgotiate. Mske an armistice until the result ,of the ' tofttiationU asccrtaiatJ. You can lose notliing-'you may gain every thing bv such a cmimThetTnegotiate fairly, with . a view to obtain for ouroative seamen a ' firKtltal and reasonable security egaint ronreiiiheut nd aith a dijvnitioa"t aid Britain In tnmraandingthe serie 'c.f ricr own. v bush ail erranfctuxnt' micht have been mtdi oa the revocation of 'tae order! la couocil, couli pu have beta - . TU Voonlr U IW U on hvxlrsd and taa duUarS, tK, and ana luaadrtd and tit ly aim U land, vhich. at dtlUua pp icrt, Un per ! t o irtruf f fi!. ; s, t . i r men ''4- .1 .i I 'l t i i 4 mX eJ ; v..; . l . I w-V , r - I" t I. V. ' X '. . ... .

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