The Land of Opportunity?Who I Shall Possess It? ( Recognition of the fact that the South ia a land of wonderful opportunity?indeed, to. the farmer, the land of opportunity?ia becoming general. About a vear ago Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson "old the Hditor df the Progressive Farraet an J Gazette, that with good farming average Southern lands would be worth fclOO an acre in aix f ^ or seven years. We have printed, ''<JD too, the conviction of a leading Iowa stockman that the South is the livo stook country ot the future. It has not been long since Collier's Weekly spoke of the South as "The Next ?f Weet." Better still, Southern farmera are themselves coming to realize undreamed of possibilities in the land which they own. Big corn crops hare become so common as to attract little attention, "rfless tbey are very big. Indeed, wlien 500 I ia fo in nna AAitnfn 7A Ka? "wjw " UUB wuuvj ?v "HI rele of oorn to the acre, itia evident tbat the South is, as we have said, the real Corn Belt. Two bales of cotton to the acre is now recognized as an attainable ideal,; add some men make more. Men are making hogs in the South for three or four cents a pound and selling them for 10 cents or more. Yes, the South is the land of op portunity for the alert, intelligent, progressive farmer. All over i there are waiting golden opportuni ties for such* farmers to soquire wealth and to do their part in making this land of oars what it sliou'd he?the fairest and most fruitful farming seotion in America. The one great question of' today is: "W ho is going to ptofit by these opportunities?" Who should profit by them, admits of no qt estion. They rightfully belong to the farmers who are now tending Southern soils and to their sons. If these farmers and farm boys neglect their rightful heritage, and do not bring ^ ? to their farm work the trained mipd j\ 1 and the earnest purposes whioh aret ineces ary to success in ally work, we inay depend upon it that" people i _ from other sections will oome and ^Bprofit-by the opportunities, which they neglect. Now, we are glad to sea people coming from other sections, because the South needs them. But what we wish to see, above all else, is an awakening of t ie farmers who belong in the South to the possibilities that lie latent in their so Is . to see them se^ abont studying the science of agriculture, improving their methods, taking a deeper interest in their werk, and so getting their rightful share ef the wealth that good farming in the South' is sure to produce. So to every reader we would make this appeal: Begin right_now te do better farming, to get better stock and tools, to make each day's labor Count fur more, to plant better seeds, to prepare the soil better and cultivate the | crops more thoroughly; above all, to build up your joil and keep it fertile. For those who will do these things there are waiting splendid - -?opportunities?and?wonderful rewards Men and boys of-tbe South to day will you improve these opportuni ties and get your share of these rewards, or will yon go on in half~ hearted fashion and leave them tp d others??Raleigh (N. O.) Progres= iju? Faimer and Gazette. The Folly of Burning ofl .Woods and Pastures. 1 f Dr. Cooper Curtice, of the United States Department of Agrioulture, who has had many years experience j in tiek eradication work, says that the idea that horning off the forests will get rid of the cattle tick is all ^rrong. "It is true that at certain t ^ines of the year burning the "gran on an enclosed field may rerooye the-; ticks wherever the fire gravels, hut even then many places remain unburned and the owner depends on the fire for eradication, and consequently fails. Whenever the', grass is repeatly burned, the roots become eventually destroyed, the sweeter grasses give way to the more resistant, and fishily the latter perish. Finag the leaves has not eradicated tick, although followed for years;** Fanning with fire is pretty generally tery poor farming, and unrestrained fire in ajorest i? always harmfulRaleigh, (N. O.) Progressive Farmer and Gaistte. ' *? -f " *.4 w w-i'r j , ..^.y EVER WATCHFUL. A Little Care Will Save Many Louisburg Readers Future Trouble. Watch the ki< ney SecretionB. See that they lava the amber hue of health; + The dumber?) i oot excessive or infrequent; / Contain no "k riplc-duet like" sediment. . / Doan's Kid..el Pills will do ibis for you. 1 They watch/le kidney* and jure them when thiyjre sick, O. P. Woraiajn, Henderson, N. C. says:' "Biom personal experience, I know Doan's kidney Pill* to be an excellent kjpneyi reinedy and worthy of recommendation. For some time my kidnem wele badly disordered and I wa* causid much aDaoyanoe by too frtquent passages of the kidney seorltions. u also suffered a great deal from Backache and sharp pains airosa my loins, but was at a loss tofcnow noil to obtain relief until Dofn's Kidusi Pills were brought to rov/ attention.! Procuring a box, I used them and They quickly corrected the difficulties. have had no blckaohe or other symptom of disowlered kidneyasiuce." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Miltairn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. Tell some deserving afthumatic.sufferer, that thete is yet rfie simple way to certain reliefs Get ft. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a/free trial test. This book will make/it entirely clear how Rheumatic paity are quickly killed by Dr. Shoop's Weumatic Remedy liquid or tablets, jynd no money The test is free. Sur;yilc some dishearted sufferer by Urst/gAting for him the book from Dr. /hook's, Racine, WiB. Sold by F. Reid/P aasWnts. Louisburg; T. C. Joyner, /rankliilton. ^oticeX I hereby announce inijfeell a candidate for the Senate fram the Seventh Senatorial DisViol uubject to the action of the Dlui Joe vatic Primaries to ..e held oW June 25th, 1910 W JU. Person. NOTIOT \ - j Notice is hereby given tlmt a petition will be presented 14 the Governor of North yaroliia for the pardon of Hugh 'pavls, c invictel at J an uary term llltyj /of Frankliu Superior court for Y*eret assault and sentenced to that penitentiary for 10 years. Th's .yjL 26th, 1910. i wrm. Person. Attorney for'Hugh Davis NOTTOE Notice is hereby given that a petition will he presented to the Governor of North Qaroliira for the pardon of ^ illia Toling, convicted j at April term HJ07 on Eranklin Superior Court of aW attempt to commit arsen and setatatced to the Penitentiary for sevhi years. This May 26th, 1910. wl>i. Person Attorney foJNyillis You.ig Free Let me Sample /ZO -U of our Remedy , | am anxious to hi 1 Noah's Lin in "V * . * I'V' ST. PETEE CRIED " ! % Matth?w 14:22 .? t" * -. "Then then <hat uere in the ship come i thou art the Son REgJjJECTINO 4ts heroes the Bible tb? naked truth. Today'* stuc) the weakneag of St. Peter's natu acter here pictured as the saint slnns?noble and courageous, but rather weakness of any of the Bi^e character away in the narrative. It was thls.san tell of his approaching death, took the ! for "Speaking after this manner and assui and that the disciple knew more than V Ignorant or else wilfully mlsrepresentlnj rebuked him, as In this matter being an .'The same courageous man afterward ant of the High Priest In his Master's d a few hours later when he denied him e erthelesa, the Master loved him; with ! and strength be had. withal, a noble, fa declared, "Though all men forsake thee, St. Peter with the other disciples In a fit i had declined to go with them In the boi tain for a season of prayer. The boat when the disciples saw the Master walk! | At first they were all affrighted: then t finally St. Peter Ssked the I/ord's permlsi water. This permission was granted, am j tie maintained bis faith, be would:hove same power that had exercised Itself In ! healing of sick and the casting out of de ' from sinking Into the water. But while St. Peter's faltb was st stronger than ours today. In that he ef nevertheless It was not strong enough, bolsterousness of the sea bis faith bega Master, however, caught him, saying. "( thou donbt!" The lesson of the occaslo the disciples then offered the Lord their the Son of God In power; that even the t "A hand that Is not oun A voice that Is not ours Commands the waves, a - ? O. thou of little faltb. w All are sinners. "There Is none right Ire the extent of their Imperfections. .' sane people recognize themselves as Impi 1 LORD, SAVE ME." 36?Jun? 5. [Ud ?cnr?Aiflrd_4iM. saving. Of a truth1 of God."?V 33. ? . unlike nily other religious book, tells l.v emphasizesboth ihe strength and nil disposition We Identify the char which wii? displayed on other occar seems to lie smoothed down or cut iu 8t. Peter who. utter, bearing Jesus Muster to task for It. upbraiding him Ing him that he did not tell the truth, lis Master: that the latter was either 3 the future. No wonder the Master adversary. drew his sword and smote the servefense. Yet with all this It was only ntlrely with oaths and cursing. Nevils peculiar combination of weakness tthful heart, even while he boastfully yet will not L" Our study shows us blng-boat on a boisterous sea. Jesus it. withdrawing himself to the mounhad not yet reached her destination, ng upon the water and drawing near, eassurance came from his word, and slon that he might walk to him on the 1 we cannot doubt that, had the Apoe!. reached the Lord In safety, for the him and In the other disciples for the mons was absolutely able to keep htm ronger than that of the others and ren attempted to walk on the water. As his eye caught a glimpse of the n to fall and he began to sink. The > thou hi little faith, wherefore didst n being ended, the wind ceased. All worship, realizing afresh that be was vlnds and the waves obeyed him. i npstays our steps, commands the waves; nd whispers In our ear, :by didst thou doubt?" eous; no. not one." Some do not realsevertheleas It Is safe to say that all irfect and hence as unworthy the recinnot commend themselves to blm as al. It ls-.wheti this conviction of uhhe realization Is keen that "the wag~h at likely to realize the vajue of life lellverance from darkness, from sin's Vk nil Biifh fho CowIas ? . ? v-v UU'IWI Diauuo ICUUJ TO case. He will not reproach such for and turned to righteousness. KatherT ier? I was quite willing to aid you as tiey should p.cture before the sinner's U. of devils. It seemed to them that In drawing men from sin to righteouseclares that the wages of sin is death, ns i, 9>. But they overdid the matter. Id. It merely tortured the saintly, the it there was probably some mistake experiences that life could persist in with the aid of the modern Bible, s. etc., the people of God are learning e and that It should not be twiBted? life In torture. 5 * sir minds the utter blotting out of exbe fate of those who refuse his every re of a terror to them than life in any las greater terrors undoubtedly is that can and do receive it more earnestly rerlastlng destruction that the Savior /.dam's race from the death penalty? of mfeid and body which are parts of sufficient value to cancel the sins of .? the death penalty with him. Withurrectlon, no future life, thall come forth In the "first resurrecwill come the general uplift of manof the whole world from the sleep of unds to that greater help of the whole > have already become the children of In. were It not for our Lord's helping tIBE TO ;lin times 4E YEAR per? of The Great Pain Remedy, se sample on request. It is good u?e, and is positively guaranteed to sy will be refunded. -rnedy for Rheumatism in all forms, Joints and Muscles, Sdre Throat, (ruises, Colic, Cramps, Toothache, '' ~r and Pains. . -V 5c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle by l-afca. atk which is used oomrr label and carton lhat the public should note this bet ore purchasing, as appraVjn red ink. Nooe tesmine wMtoMttM fated byV'crvpulocscWlers. Wa will pnondy . Noah RSmady Co.. lac.. Richrnood, Vs. 1, at onceS^ * Vl Liniment. r: MMste-iimMUUk ognition of the gTeat Creator. They cn being worthy of his favor, and life etern worthiness becomes deep-seated; when t of sin is death/* that the heart is mo eternal and to cry onto the Lord for d bondage and from Its death sentence. 1 lend a helping hand, as in St. Peter's i their sins if they have repented of them he will say, "Why did you not come 60011 Boon as you cried." Our forefathers used to think that tl mind an everlasting, torture at the hand such pictures would be more successful I ness than the Scripture penalty which d< "everlasting destruction" (II Tbessalonla Their message failed to convert the worl loving, the Godlike. Men reasoned thi about it. as it Is contrary to all human such untenable torture. Now, however superior translations, marginal reference more and more tliut God's Word is trui that when it says death it does not meun Indeed, some have told us that to thi istence which God has ordained to be tl opportunity and offer of salvation is mot condition would be. One reason that it I it is more rational, and thinking people and give it more weight. It is from e' Btands ready to deliver every member of from the tomb and all the Imperfections death. Jesus' deatft at Calvary was of the first man and of all*those who shar out Christ's death there would be no res A little while and the faithful ones e tion" to be Christ's Joint-heirs. Therv kind, including the awakening of those death. Our Lord's help of Peter correal* world. It also illustrates how Lhose wh< God would be in danger of sinning agal hand. SUBSCF THE FRANK $1.00 Tl/ : Vhy Sufi IV. you broom' a*0)ii.iiM?d witli thr mrjils ivu^ auu wui Willi measure, icna you a m for mas or beaU( asternal and external do all that is cjaimed rar it, or your mom Noah'* Linimenf^a the Best Ri Sciatica, hfcuralgia, Lame Back, Stiff Colds, Stains, Strains, Cuts, shims, B and afl/lerve. Bone and Muscle inches Noah's Liniment is sold ?f\2: all dealers in medicine. > ' /The eal atlhe rioKt U an exact copy of our rtpOered i ofjftw fertnine Noah a Liniment, |? m quite important i aSo the fact that the word* Noah'a Liniment always Jeinniia marks. Everyone shotjld beware of imitation* o y?ra*icaite every infringement of.o?r rilhta. Noah Martin /Cot this Coupon oat and Mai Noah Martin, Richmond, Va. Plaasa Mail ma a Free Sample -f No* _ , I endbee two 2 oent stamps . ? poetaa ~ Jkm . ~Z~" Mtma m |0tr?Tssa W . in - ^ r *> % '1 ' '' ' t j. ^; " / i-r : t ? ??r new BEEF lh TOWN I have opened a BEEF MARKET 1 ? itorenn N??h Street and will bey& with the freshest beef\ y BEEF AT \/L-LA <iive mo ? trial yd 1 w-iWrxinvlnee orders. Beef deliverep saywhere. J p HII T^will buy al^Cows for ?ale at li You pay out your monej the best. Take Insure \ pany that pays annu? \ / THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE of NEWARK, Y Has passed/the exper SAMUEL J. PARHA OUR GoodbV Fi j I Has been genuine, no fake business, and j pleased. We have given such baikains as t j-ed in Louisburg. V This Special Sale undi cies of the American Company will close S I and we want ten iho present. Remember tickets you may gei tl I Tl e special minute sale will also lake pine, spool cotton will .be sold for jt l-l! cTstpe: ; mi i 11 *1 ine oanoon win aipi and the one b/ingind that goes up with th^ get a nice present. 1 And as Ave are going out o: the baylnce of the goods mi We Will/ Continu , ~ Awhile Loi so that those who could not attend the speci gains as they will Aver get again. Reserve will he put cn sale/rom (lay to day. We w startling every dat. we are/ giving the gains mm offered ] And we want all of our friends to-got the b< and see us. We will give prioes next week f. n. r. z. d i'' , ... ' ? - ' . iRKET _ , pfoct door to my lad to ?arv< you ^ :J3 ^ TIMES " 4 r~~ ; v.3UUL Phnne yhne J, [ighest Prices. ?J I * r% why not get in,ce in a com(\ dividends BENEFIT ^ COMPANY I. J. iniental stage M, Agent Drcver our customers have been , lave never before been offer - "V er the AuspiSpecial Sales . aturday night usand people to bring your tie $15 in Gold during which the tiest Coats r spool, Calico at 3 cts 1 , ? . ZSR o be sent up, back the card Daiioon will jet all come. ft business, lit be sold, lb the Sale lger al an\e may get such Bargoocn, the best yet shown ? ill haye something new and BIGGEST BAKIN LOUISBBBG mefit, so be snre to com > 09 many lines. ; GERTftN

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