\ ? '.1... I Jync! Will Be ~7 Special J Bargain - I Month \ I At The A? v little 'Y Store Big reduction made on Lafli es\ and Childrens OXFORDS Slippers \andr Pumps. Leonard,\ Shfiw and Dean fine i Slippers for Men Bojfs. Slippers ana an bummer bhoes must go tcimake room for fall Shoes, which are now beingreceived 1 1 Extra Specials 200 Pair Pure Silk Hose and Half Qose 25 ?s ^ ^ They have Linen tops heels and toes, same as sold heretofore at 50 Cents. - .11 804 yards (new goops.) good quality fast colors,. shirting caiicoa all yoti waht 4 l-2c. 100 yards short ength 41 pant goods, worth 15 to;20* now 12 l-2c. Persian Lawn [worth 15c, 45 inches, now 12c- Persian lawn worth 25c. near lfis. ' Fenian Dawn worth 35c now 22 cents. Lfnrn Torchon lace up to 4 1-2 inches wide 6c a* cheap as cotton ! topchon and prettier pat tents never before sold at this pried: I have jest received a new 1ft of Affured lawn bought eheapand priced low. WARNER'S \ BUST PROOF NOW- { BREAKABLE \ ' CORSETS! . sxssxs than two HMths R. Z. EGERTON \v, . < BR*!*, , . ,/ .: , "tiajhttiL, PiPFP^'' - .-1-J. - -t - r . Suggestive Questions On the Saaday Sckeel Ubh by Itv. Dr. Uucttt far U? laterlatiraal Press libit QmUm Club ~ Ctvtritlu mi kw R?'.TS I lint D. D ' r JLKK 11TH, 1011. (Hrzekiah's Greet PaHorti, I Chron. zzx. Golden Text?Men looketh on the outwerd appearance, but the JLord looketh on the heart. 1 8am. xvkT. (1.) Verses 1.6?Who were the nations of Iarael and Judab composed of, and who were at this time theii kings ? (2.) What waa the paaaovar and what waa its origin? (3.) What sort of a man religiously waa Hezekiah ? (4.) What motive did Hezekiah hare in proclaiming this pasaover and what did he ezpeot to aeoompliah by it? (6.) W by in that day, waa it essentia] that hia pasaover feast should be btpt at Jerusalem? ( ) Why is it that no particular plaoe is now eaaential for God's people to worship acceptably? (7.) It a nation neglects public worship, what may w? reasonably expect will happen? (8.) Verses 6-9?W hen the nation is in a decadent condition religiously, what should <he leading Christians do? (9.) What is thereat medium today through which the churches should call the nation, as such, back to the worship of God? (10.) What are the chief points | contained in this circular letter of | Hezekiah to the kingdom of Israel? | (11.) What effect does the wor; ship of God by the nation have upon ! its prosperity? (12.) Verses 10-12?Why was it | that sums "laughed them to scorn," ! and others accepted the invitation sent them by the king's messengers? | (13.) In religious matters a large j section of the nation act contrary to j their jodgmen't; why is it? (14.) Verses 13-14?Why can 1 there be no acceptable worship of I God, if the people hold on to what | tbey know to be wrong? I (15.) Verses 16-20?Does God j ever accept the worship of a psople j if those who conduct it are doing things that they are "ashamed" of? I Why? (16.) Why was ceremonial olenaing of so much importance in those | days, and of no importance in theae !days ? (17) What is the enly eeaential | thing which makes worship well I pleasing to God ? , (18.) Is it ever eo in these davs as in those, that the prayer of one man is efficacious for a multitude? (19.) Versee 21-29?What would be the probable effect of the churches were they now to have annual gatherrings at central points, to last for seven or mors days, after the type of rthe old time camp meeting? (20.1 Why should it be thought out of ordqr in theae days to have banquets, or dinners, or tess in connection with intense spiritual meetings? (21). This religious feast appears f/\ V, nun )uSun A lima eaeeei mS . W 11(1 < u I/O 11 A WUIO VI DBb VUV ward demonstration and inward joy; why should We not-plan for auch meetings in all oar oburohee? (This is one of the qaeations which may be answered in wilting by members of the club.) Lesson (or SandSv,' Jane 18th, 1911. The Downfall of Samaria 2 Kings xvii:l-18. Cat Osl sad Send ty this Office. INTERSATIONAL PRESS BIBLE QUESTION CLUB 1 have read the Suggestive *' Questions on the Sunday School Lesson published in (Name of Pa i?r) aw tha Leason itsell for Sunday ...IS- .and Intend to. (Date) read the series of 62. Nsme Address ..., 1 J lliihiiiii - Little Emeble Luces. Little Etnebki, the three year old shild ef Mr.sntJ Mrs.Bill Luo.ii-,)>asa- J ed away Monday evening after an illness of two weeks. She Has a loving little girl and all who knew ber loved her, but as the aumuier flower, she bloomed on earth tor only a short time, and then went back to dwell with ber two little sia ters who were waiting to greet her home above and rest in the arms of I Cod, the one who gave and the one who taketlt. Little Emeble will b? , so sadly missed as she w a the I only small child in the home. The voice is still, the little tongue and , sweet lips that call papa and mania t will call no more. Though dear . Kmebre only aleeps to wake no more and we can never call her baok, but I can meet her to part never again. Don't grieye^dear papa, mama and aisters for emeble only waita to welcome you home. 81eep on darling, sleep on. Her remains were tenderly laid to rest m the family burying ground at Spring Hope. The family have the sympathy of us all. X. X. ingie$iae items. Glad to say that-oat little town is thriving right well. Hiss Nellie Wilson was a pleasant caller at Mr. Frank - Davis' last Sunday afternoon. Rev. G. W. Starling filled his reg- | ular appointment at Trinity church last Sunday, May 8th. He had a nice crowd and preached a fine serj moo, Miss Bessie Beal and little sister, Vail , have been right sick, but glad to note they are ranch improved. Miss Ruby Collins delightfully entertained a large number of her friends at her home near here last Wednesday evening, May 24th, in honor of her sixteenth birthday. All that went report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Watkins and children, of ne^r Henderson, were visitors at George Hayes' last Saturn day and Sunday. _ i His many friends were sotry to learn of the late illness and death of , Mr T-m Ayscne J We are having some hot weather c and it seems that summer has come J at last. t We hope to have some rain soon ' for the farmers' plants are getting over grown and we haven't had j much rain in some time, s Most of the farmers are done chopping their cott|p. The Children's Day exercises will 1 be held at Trinity Saturday before e the first Sunday in July. Beet wishes to the Timxs and its a editor t -*? It _________________ s CHICHESTER 8 PILLS ! DIAMOND itVjCjjk BRAND J i LADIES | C Aak rtw DraoM for CHT-CHES-THR'8 A 2 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in tRD wd/A V Oouo Mtallio hnn*9, ?Jed witli BJ*r(0) ^ KSS. IfrJPG^Miisry VIAM9ND BEANS PILI.B, for twentr-*ve , pin regarded as Beat, Safest, Always Reliable. . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS J EVERYWHERE ?SS J v--^- 5 8ALE OF VALUABLE' STANDING J TIMBHR a By virtue ot an ord? r of resale made ' by the Superior co irt in that ex- F parte proceeding enti led R. S. Coppedge and others, he undersigned ( commissioner will, on the 3rd day of 1 July, 1911, it'being first Monday of said month, offer Car sale at public antion to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court hdpse do?r to Louisburg, at r about nooiV. the following standing tim- i ber together with tht usual rights and privileges iitoidental/to timber conveyances, vix: \ All theBtangjng timber, except the Oak Grove abdut fhe mansion house, of and above eiAtJinches at the stomp I when cot upon thi tract of land de- t scribed as follows;*.That tract of land > owned tn W. B. JCbppedge, deceased, at the time of hiW deRb, and bounded ) on the north by _Majo\ Creekmore, on . the east by Joe frivettWnd John Priv- j ett, on the sootlf by MaAIirothers, and i on the West by/Joe Spiytn and Mis. i Psttie Moses, / containing\mbout 220 1 screes in the nmol* tract, trA standing timber thereon! Hereby offersAfor sale j embraces about 133 screes, 'nine for ' cutting and Amoving three yaniMrom aad^afier m of asle, with two years j Purehsse?wi:l ne required to deposit i with the Cl*rk of the 8uperior court, j or with tbtf commissioner, 10 par cent 1 | a T. HOLDEN. Com. (J .. %'. ~ f 1 ' * ~^ s Ten Da LadieS^ Fin Our sales in^laohMi hats have now that the seasoi .is drawiiig Offer all Ladies N^ats, I trimmed at At tuahCos These hats are all ne w, this sea: have bought you hat it will fiO now nioooc W ?? Ji/iVVVK Calico Just Opened a We receive new goods every da t( i give us a YOURS T CANDLER - CI Go to?W. B. Cooke's ahd get a box if California Medicme, Mealing soap, its Dedicated lather is heaftng to the skin ind for chapped haus, sores, cuts, a a < turns, blotches, pimplie, eczema, dan- ' W ljfc/ Iruff and all entaneousXaffections it is ^B WW inequal. Unsurpassed for removing A T taint and grease on /clothing. While here look at the new line Shmples just V .rriyed. '/ . A A iOTICE OF SUMMONS AND ATTACHMENT / ? M Jorth Carolina, Franklin County, in ^k the Superior Court, McKinne Bros. Co. va H A. Mottier, trading s* H.A. V rr Mottier & Co A 11 Y0' To the Defendant above named: I nrocot You will take notice that an action ^B intitled as above has been commenced A Jewel n the Superior court of Branklin coun- shipm y by the plaintiff a bo fed named M o;i~? gainst the defendant above named to Oliver ecover damages for breach of contract ' g brie n the sale of four car loads of hay ^B . hipped by said defendant and received & 10W C< >y the plaintiff at Louisbutig, N. C., on * T can day8tb, 1911, April litb, 1911, May 8, W * 911 and May 17th, 1911, respectively, M ffll eX] he said hay being alyjrt in weight and ^gy if quality inferior \a that purchased by W he plaintiff, and you will further take ^k letice that yoa are required to appear ' it the next te*ny*>f the Superior Court V if Franklin county to be held ou the A . iecond Mondar before the First Mon- . . lay in September, 1911, it being the w list day of August, 1911, at tbe court louse in Louisburg, N. C. and aniwer or demur to the oopiplaint of'the W w?? ilaintlfTTn said action or the plaintiff ^k rill apply to the court, for the relief _ lemanded in said complaint. You will ilso take notice that a warrant of atachraent was issued by the Clerk of .he Superior Court of Franklin county in the 23rd day of May 1911, against A a a a e ^ ? he'property of said delendant based on iforesaid cause of action and in the sum A , if 3220.44, which warrant is returnable J it the time and place above named for a he return of the Summons. This 23rd ^ m ? lay of May, 1911. J # ? J.J.BARROW, Mil Uerk Superior Court of Franklin county J B1 I V. H. Ysrborough. Jr., Atty. for Ptf. ^ SALE OF. LANDt FOR f AXES , I In accordance wlfc^ ao ordinance pa?a*d j >j the Boar* of To fro Coajn>ia#l^ner?, and >j MthorilfY the Charter oUhe town of votiiahora, I till cn Moiida/. Jane 30th, [Oil. Mil at tbl^o4rt house d?K>r In Loniamrg, the foilowimnowu lota for non paj- , Dent of taxes dneflkereon for J. 910. A ^ a B Cilia Alston, eat. 1 Oh Ken mare ? . 9078 X rg all I no. Blount. 1 lotTatboro fcad 3.06 II ^aehittfton DaelC 1 IdtKenmore a*? 8.61 ^ Mil Ivim Daria. 1 lotlflBMiMpriBii 8.94 liary Daneton, feat. 1 Nt Mineral Hprinaa / \ 8 90 X V .ora onaton l/lot Blab tow3.05 A leo. Egertoa, llot. T&bertaka\ 7 1ft X tuotln Ureen 1 Jbt Mineral eprinje ft.81 iobn Greet), 1 St Main street 7.18 Hence Hastamd. 1 lot, Newport 0.94 foba Haste?eM, 1 k>? naar railroad 8.01 A _ leorge Hart, 1 lot, Hirer road 8.10 X ^ M ^ lis t McKll 1,1 Lanaf.m), t lot, Halifax road 8.13 Ktapfcan rVry, 1 lot, Halifax road 6.89 ? ??Uod Thonu. 1 lot, Tarboto rood 8.88 * 8A1 B. K. Tarboro. 1 lot Bala atraat 33.80 B . DC. HIQR. Tax Colltotor. X a a A a a a May 33?h, 1811 f WWWWWWW . * , ' " fZj^SU^inaSAjrkL*" t<' .. . * ?../> ' - "' .' r c... _____ iys Sale M c Millinery been all we could ask. And ' to a close we have decided to Both TrimmfiH anH I In. _ . . V/ I I t for the Next 10 Days r" sons shapes, and even tho you Spay you to see these goods r oK best light t 5 Cents Per Yard y and we cordially invite you n inspection. O SERVE ROWELL CO. ceding i Presents j . Mv w? " 'c Hf ??AYnig a unaai it you should/come, ! to Johnsons 5 ry Store/ I have inst received a Z ler^t ot'rich Cm^tilhss and Solid Z -wea/T Ever^peic'e suitable for Z lafpresent. My prices are very rasidering the quality of the goods Z have all ydur engraving done by Z pert engraver in a few hours at- Z e goods art left. Z RESPECTFULLY X H. JOHNSON | .N. A A A A AA AAAAAAAAA AAAA 'WWWWWW WWWVV OB/ Stove ! I pleasure- SBroad State- i ment bu TRUE X . Line on Hand 1 Your^ Friends T ine Brothers Co. i NSFACTION OB YOUB HON BY BACK. Y . =

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