-- : -. v W Hollings \ c .. We Want Y Splendid stock of Pianos. Remmingl The most furniture J. W. September- j s. September morning's grar, with mist j that trails its soft films past b Like smoke from far-off goblin fires} tJ that 8moulder out at last; September morn brings fragrance | si sweet from downs all sheen-; ii cropp'd sod, I tl From wet wild mint and thyme | o'erswept by wind like the Breath 1 of God. September noon's all golden glowj o'er long bright fields reap'd \ a, bare, ! b Where yellowhammer's thin, sweet j q note falls tinkling % down the air; I a September noon sees rowans flash their j t] scarlet in the gun, j c] And hears the acorn's pixie cups down- ; w dropping one by one. 11] ! September night's all soft blue gloom ] E witn sLifrs hr^ea and sky. I ti o "When sweet with honeyed orchard al scents the wind goes lilting by. d< When shimm'ring dew with rainbow ir bells threads ey'ry trembling g: blade, ir And sih'er moon keeps watch and ward o'er nights for lover.: made. I . . ?Pall Mall Gazette. Pointed ParagraphsAn ounce of prevention is also worth j a pound of regret, v Return postage is a great- dra wback ' to a literary career. A man never thinks his wife's new bonnet looks like 80 cents. Most men are ambitious to do those I they h<Tve been done by. Things don't always go like clock' work for those whb live on tick. .People who see themselves as otl.ert - . see them-never believe that tbey see. , He is truly a great man who can !<?.his money and still retain his friends. And the more a man is compelled to associate with his wife's relatives Vl the mure he appreciated his own. gKs,v; i Every man is said to have his price ' but the average woman aires him u| & < and thinks ho is eligible for a place on v the bargain countar. BdooshessSsdulto a disordered eonEj , dition of the sfbrsAch. Chamberlain's I Tablets are essentiJlw. n|y-r,...a j,,ed icine, inten-ied cspi'lial-y wrUVr-on that B K organ; to cleanse it.fctrengthen it, tone I . and invigorate it, ulregulate the brer jfcji' *and to banish bijk'usilces positively and L : effectuality. For saft by .ill dealers. Reflections of a Buchetor. trying to be a millionaire that j , nearly ajjjrays makes^-m-ur go broke. G&i, . Tl'0 waylpr s i.isi- U) be a hero to uJUl woman "ifdof him not to belong, to modesty is SO much more worth's ? JL: * . \ our Business / Starr Pianos, Ricl ton Pianos, prices : 3 in the space in the H0LLIJ jueamish than there is any need tofbe. A man tries to educate the children y being cross and a woman by feeding lem , When a girl is shy with men, it's a gn her mother would be astonished she knew how she really was when lere weren't any parents around. Family Reunion. There was given at the home of Mr. I nd Mrs. Furney Sou thai I's near Louis-j urg a family reunion by Mrs. M. E. | lark on Friday, Sept. 22, which was! day long to tie-remembered by those at were present. In the morning the hildren had a romp in the woods, then e had singing of old hymns played on be organ bv Mrs. ISillie Pauiel, Miss sther Edwants and Mrs. Johnie Clark, len dinner compt sed of barbaeue and 11 the good things imaginable out urj r the shade of a large (Chautauqua tree i the yard. After diuner the family athered together and tad their pio-times lade B. ?- I -1- ' ^ L DON'T Slipfrfen/wiTH Cuts, anuses ^Strains and Spi ana, mt apply ' Nftah's Linime it. 1 ie antiseptlc ar.c^fcrill ijce ie poison and B^uneskou qui< dy, when all ela^ailiX ' Noah'siVj ant will save any atnoun^l >aii and can | be taken intan Ur for Colic, \ Cramps, etc. r Wu better for Toothache. Noah's Lialmsat is t a be* i*2Ndy for Ithaurnatisin, Bctatk , L*n Bacf>?tift Joints and Muscles, lore %gst, Calhc Strains, Sprains, Cuf, Ilrabea^Cot^, Cr^y. ' maaT *1 JtyTte*WdKll 111 Ml h Ink. r.ewars c* lllte- ?sxsurr h tk-ns. Large bottle, 2J> ? ? ?mw H owjtr, ami sold Iff all %???$& SsH * rolnniltd by Not* .*?. ? |H 'n Remedy Co., Inc., ?gra^. EM BmnijP "SABA. ; ' ' * V k / yV>-'A' Furniture an on the Square - or W : 1 ? imond Pianos, Trayser Pianos, ft range from $150 up, terms to suit. 5 county .Your, patronage is appreci HGSWORTH. A ROOW AND MODERN COTTAGE. Culm 877, by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect. Minneapolis. Minn. ' * * ^ PEBSrECTIVE VIEW?FROM A DUAW1NO. ^ " ; -> >' * ' 13 P KITCHEN / I . L ts-tf XT-tf I PIMIMG ROOM n 11 IL J ' liillllMt K ,UJ ri? 1 - HALL. 1 mp j * R RECP1 P U CHAMBER CHAMBER Q y HALL ! LIVING ROOM I 10-i XtS-tf IK" XI2-0 I ^ J R-crxis-tf I TVESTI I" ?|1|1 .1 II ~J j- CL0 BALCONY 1 ^ PIAZZA - 11 LL % in m 1 i I - . ?. 'i FIH8T FLOOR PLAN. 8KCONX> FLOOR PLAN. . .. ' .'TtQB.L * : ,j'm I This pleasant cottage hn* foot chambers. trhereas most cottages of th am* stao bate but three. There 1* but a slight slope In the corners. Th alcony or steeplug porch Is n feature that baa become very popular. A fu osement sod n smnlt stile are provided One could build a Sight of at til talra over the main stairs tr he wished to utilize the space In the attic Ize pt the house iv/snty-slx feet wide and twenty-seven feet deep. Cost t ulld. exclusive ?f hen tin* and plumbing $2..'>0O . ' - JSKi tS' . -i Upon receipt of $1 tb? publisher of this paper will supply a copy, of Sal on'rf^boolt ef p ans, entitled'"American Dwellings." Th* book contains 24 cew ami up to date designs at cottages, bungalow# and residences, cost In rotn $1,UOO to $5,000. . .> ' 1 ' '. |_.| d Music : y >*.* * * ... . <'. JU E 21 0 ? ' > *- r--J: Ns~ - ' " - ' . J * \ - 'c Don't Wan larshell and Wend Carpenter Organs ated and we want y < % ; f LOTJISBl ^ ''How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for W easel of Catarrh that cannot he cued m Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' ?- \ T P. X CHENEW & CO.. Toledo. O. We, the underslgncck have known P. J. Cheney for the last loVears. and believe him perfectly honodiblX In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations fmado^y his firm. if NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. J I \ Toledo, O. jjj Hall's Catarrh Cdre is takcn^intornally, I ?i j acting directly updn the blood \ind muI cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ; sent free. Price 75 cents per bottl\ Sold by all Druggists. \ f I Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpstidp. - . ' / Administrates Notice. j Having qualified a administrator ofjj v tlie estate of W ? T Wilder, deceased, js I late of Franklin coi nty. this to notify |H | ail persons mkvinjr daims against said;? {estate to present them to the under- rfc ; signed on or berti i the 22nd, day of j September, 1912. c -this notice will bo i plead in bur of the recovery. All per-1 sons indebted to si d\(>tat'e will please make, immediate p ym\t. . . This 22nd, day o f Septanber, 1911. ' > W. C. Wii.DEiKAcm'r. j v>f V . T: Wilde*, dee d. ! Win. II. Ruffin. Xtt.'v. ^ J.?> I Sale of Valuable Timber. [ Under the authority contained in an'V order <>f the Superior Coftt of Frank-j lin O-unty in the specia proceeding, ; entitled, Martha" A. Moses, Victoria; Moses. et als vs. Roger Cl Moses, Jna. C. Moses, et als, I will ofl Monday, the , 6th day of November",11911. noli at , public auction to the" hi At :u bidder fo.#: cash all the timber 8lichen in diametef at the stump when Icut 12 inches from the gfrouqd on thai certain tract of land situate ?in Ktftriklhi County, ' State of North Carolina! and in Cypress Creek TfllfcnBhip, bounA't on the North j by the I a rate of Wilis Bowden, The j Green lief-.Jomts<?n Lumber Co.. and Willis HowderKvon* tie East by thy lands of Mrs. .LauHt<i>pp*dge; on the South by the lands cKJHre. Laum Cop- i pedge and Mrs. Spiveipqfi the West bv j the lands of Jno. Woe# am^Mrs Sallie Hollingsworth. the (Aire tiab^contajning about twefhurvyed and (26o) acres, and .bCng known abJ'he Luther Moycs Horn# Place. 8 The oak trees omtho jot around tn&J home are not Inclined in the timber to j$. be sold. ? * Three (3) yesA will be given in j g ' whielfe to cut a?l remove the timbcV j from the land, m >-jpartie* dbsfrfni further in formation will apply to H# undersigned commb* j?, a sioncr. Tlila tMe 3rd day of October , e 1911.\ - # '\ U : B. WiiiliB, Cotnmisaioncr. C { i * i Jw~'w..-~ra.ra j o M OTHER sfoVE DOES THIS i Cole's Hot BJait pester maintains n eon- L , tlnuotfM fire; nlaoS^af-arty, wren heat. It wilt ' C hoM Bt% from Hafhfca/ njjrht until Monday ; L h- ! naming <48 WaTTst win hold flr* or?r ; I n | night with Ira eonl rh?n rag otb.r ! I ! Open the drafts'fn tt* mdtotng and tbd'TOOtna & ? are quickly heated With twk coat put In the I night before. Comer In aotf^xatntne Cole's K ! . Original HotBlaat Baa tar. PfUf $1X00 and I ^ bp, according abej (B-ll) ^ I ' i BHggwa?m, : house K tjf j: ? ~~~ , ? ' - > * ' . \ ^ ; H|M\H lillRQLM ' w. I [ J It it at All * ___jJF"' v. \ \V1 ?* ell Pianos. CSnt? ? t w w w , Shipman Organs ou to stay with us \ ' CJRGr, 1ST. c. _5== , - .. i I This is One of Many ^ BEAUTIFUL' Kabo Styles |! Mjf^, % t Jfy//In KAD? * j^t $1 .(M?a? I The Kabo Cor\et is a feccgnized standard for - . F". flat's good Vin : the ,? ' toew trench medals and * ' me have tn ?| in ml sizes I Prices frdm $1 * >;,.i I to $3*S0 each. V/V are I Bole agents.

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