notIce op sale of automobile UNDER MECHANICS LIEN By virtue of the lien given by Sec tion 2017 of the Revis&l of 1905, of North Carolina, to mechanics and ar tisans for repairs to personal proper ty, the undersigned will, on Saturday the lffch day of January. 1921, in tAnt of the Court House, in Louisburg, N*. C., offer for sale at public auction to Uie highest bidder, for cash in order provide funds to satisfy a lien there for repairs made Sept. 18, 1920, one Willys-Overland Automobile, Car No. 1732. Model 8tt-6, Motor No. 88. J3737. the property of Joe Wiggins, who had said repairs made. Sale about nooi>. This Dec. 23rd, 1920. 12-24-3t ALLEN MACHINE CO. FARM WANTED? I WANT TO HEAR from party having farm for 'sale. Give price and description. B. B. HOWARD. Champaign, Illinois. 12-24-2t Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Made Him Feel Sick at Meal Times, But Now Always Enjoys His Meals. DO TOD enjoy your meals f Eat without the dread of the after effects? Lack of appetite, and a disgreeable, alck-at-the-stomach feeling after meals, anally Indicate that your dlgeatlre organs are not working properly. A* ? re* alt, yoa will feel weak, lose weight and lack the energy that la to be de rlred from well-digested foo*. A raluable help In correcting such oondltlons la mentioned by the Rev. ?L K. McKensle, of Route 1, Section, j Ala., who writes: "I had stomach trou ble. When 1 would go to eat, I would turn sick. I took one bottle of Zlron. and It cored me. Am always ready (or my meals and enjoy them. I think It la a tine medicine." It your food hurts you. If your appe tite Is poor, If you are pale, weak and run-down, and hare other symptoms that Indicate your system needs help, try Zlron. It will put lren Into your blood and help build yoa up. Take It according to directions, and If not benefited by the first bottle, the money back guarantee will protect you. Ask your druggist ~ A happy and Pros <? perous New Year Is our greetings to our many friends and customers. And we hope to be able to assist you in a more prosper ous year in 1921. Beaslcy Brothers Company SPRUILL BUILDING LOUISBURG, , NORTH CAROLINA J Tilt "BIG DROP" AT ? ? ? ? A A ? ? ? ? McBrayer's Mnch has been written and said about the "BIG DROP" that was I coming! Men and boys we want , you to know the "BIG DROP" is here today. * We have reduced Clothing pri ces from $10 to $25 on Suits and Overcoats. We can and* will save yon money on Suits, Over coats and Shoes- All we ask is. give us a trial offer. We also have an abundance of Let us help yott make your se lection. McBrayer Clothing Co. "Everythin(?lforf Daddy and'the Boys" PHOHE 80 LODISBURG, N. C. Ki-hoIDS (Tabkts or finuMlic) E - INDIGESTION With or vrithout wmtart QUICK REUEFl ?rtc., IHO-7V MAM BY ?C?rr ft BOWMK MAKERf OF SCOTT'S EMULSION IX XEM0R1AX. "In my Father's house are many I mansions ? 1 go to prepare a place for ! you. that where 1 am there ye may be j also." said our Savior to his followers. and into thene mansions oi?*he morn lug of December 9. 1920, we have ev 'ery reason -to believe, passed our be loved frieud and companion. Lee Whe j less, son of Mr. A. M. Wheless. of | Justice, for truly in his short life he .followed in the footsteps of Jesus, wh ich always lead to tWf home "eternal in the heavens," Those who knew him need no^ en umeration of his goodness and worth J as a friend and companion, and to any j who did not know him we could not give a fair conception of his. worth, j Let it be said however that unselfish Jness. the one virtue most apt to in j elude all others, was predominant in [his character, and in living for others j he became a friend to the friendless. | Everyone who has been in any way as i sociated with him must be conscious of personal loss iu his death and sho uld be nobler and better for his exam ple. Tl\e shock was sudden, but. "So soon comes death". In spite of the j efforts cf friends and loved cues to | keep him in this world of sorrow and I sadness. the death angel came as a | thief in the night and bore his soul away to him that gave it. The mis sion of his life seemed short, having passed only sixteen summers, but the ! music which his presence called forth in the hearts of his friends and loved] jone8 will never cease ^ His life was one of purjty And nobleness and tho I ugh the wounded hearts are bleeding, yet how comforting it is to kn.-?w -Lee'' has returned to God. Prom the flow er garden of time an angel has pluck ed one "of earth's fairest, brightest, ra rest jewels. To his loved ones the memory and influence of such a son and brother will be a precious heritage, and while home ?an never be to them the same without him they have the consolation of "knowing that his God will b^ their God. "A very present help time of trouble." "We shall meet, but we shall miss him. there will he one vacant chair." In Sunday .School, church, school. around th? fireside, everywhere all through the Ions days and nisrhts see wiJI migc him Hut l^r r.? T^r^rr. n .. confuted* a?d live to ireet him "Over There." Weep not dear mother, fath er. brother and sisters, is wait ing on the other shore where there will he no parting. He was a member of Justice Bap were cowhiet^d by R er. ? ? TbrSftH l'tnp !?.?. hi.' ? i.n,lni:iU' friends and relatives were honorary. Bernard Stalling*. Tcmmie Lee Sto V"3. Raymond Perry. Junie Hayes, Clayton Edwards and Arc^h Wilson. . ? si tar.t-s . Bennie Wheless. Elijah Wheless. Thad Lawrence. Cecil Hay es. Edward Dean- and Spencer Boone After friends and loved ones had firm* nr thp fnrm of one so beloved and mother, earth had opened her great arms to receive her jewel, he was tenderly laid to rest in' the family burying ground while the choir sweetly sang. ' There'll be no Dark Valley." "Dejith is Only a Dream," and "My Faith Looks up to Thee," and left to sleep beneath the emblems of purity and love*which kind friecils and_relatives had brought as a fast TrTPntg-of affectfron-r^ ? BiiL_ blessed be God. we rest assur ed that while Tils body sleeps await ing the resurrection, the victorious spirit has winged its flight to "Realms of eternal day. Just on the other side he waits And you may hear his call. Inside of heaven's golden gate Its pearl and jasper walls. What though thef way be rough and dark, O! fear no wind or tide Your son and brother await your own life boat Just on the other side. C. B. L. Sr. P. LaDuke, Farmer, Says, "Yo? Bet Bats Cu Bite Through Metal." "I had teed bins lined with zinc last year, rati got through pretty soon. "Was out 118. A tl pgg. of RAT SNAP killed so many rats that I've neyer been without it since. Our col lie dog neyer torched RAT-SNAP." Yon try It. Three sizes. 25c, 50c. $1. Sold an* guaranteed by The Allen Bros. Co. hasn't been talking to him recently. The American people may be short of money no* Uut wHKtraW T6st of mange on March 4, ? A TONIC drove's Tasteless chili Tonic restorer Energy and I Vitality I by Purifying and Enriching thek Blood. Vfhrn you feel its strengthening. Itrvigoratfng effect, see how it brings color \to the cheeks and how it improves theXappetJte, you will then appreciate Its traWKteWahM. Grove's Tasteless ckill Tonic Is simply Iron and Quinine suspended In syrup. So pleasant even children -lite It Thd blood needs QUININE to Purify It and IKON to Enrich It Destroys Malarial germs and -Grip germs by lu Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 7 Sc. AUCTION SALE Inside Our Store Satutday, Jan. 1st, 1921 ? Sale Starts at 1 1 O'clock and - Lasts Until 4 O'clock This is something new for Louisburg. If you want bargains come. Articles will be sold regardless of cost. Everything practically new and at new prices. This sale will be in charge of our Mr. Berkley. C. C Hudson Co. ? LtftlSBrUG, BUY IT FROM US IT PAYS ' This Is a Furniture Store and we are supposed ^to sell ererythlng for the house furnishings, and we lire up to the expectations. You can buy anything you want here. It payB to buy ffrom us, becanse we sell an enormous amount of goods and our expenses are comparatWely light, and we can there V \ fore sell at a closer margin of profit than some others. We don't want to say anything unkind of onr esteemed compet itors, but we DO want you to KNOW the ADTANTAGE and ECON OMY of trading fit THIS Store. Yob CANT lose, and you WILL gain. Now doesn't thls'llne of argument appeal straight to your good common sensel J. S. WILLIAMS, Main Street Louisburg, N. C.

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