1*1.' Ellis" cor 88 W 142 thence along the to Horn* Beam on the N creek. Cook's corner, thence up to a poplar, Woodard'B ear thence N along his line to W. F. T. Kearney line, thence along tneir line to Winston's line, thence along his line S 3 W 74 pis to the be ginning, containing 126 acres, more -or less. 2. A certain trtict, and more par ticularly described as follows: That parcel or tract of land being the resl due-of lot No. 2 In the division of the Levister land, said lot No. 2 having been allotted to C. S. Williams In that proceeding in Franklin Superior Court entitled C. S. Williams vs Mar garet Powell, recorded in book 7, pag es 109 et ee<j. Orders and Decrees, in the office oi the CSC -of Franklin coun ty. .V c., alter cutting off that portion of said lot No: 2 which was subsequent ly conveyed by said C. S. Williams to 1. H. Kearney by deed recorded In book 146, page 305 in the Register of Deeds office in Franklin county, N. C., said i lot No. 2 as allotted to said C. S. Will lams containing 71 acres, and that portion of same conveyed to said L H. Kearney by deed above referred to contains IS 1-2 acres, leaving a residue of said lot No. 2 of 19 1-2 acres, more or less, which Is hereby conveyed. Ref erence is here made to above mention ed proceedings and also to the above mentions -1 deed of C. S. Williams to L H. Kearney, for a farther and more accurate description of the said 19 1-2 acres, more or less, hereby conveyed. 3. Bounded on the .N by Mrs. Mary E. Lone and Henrietta Allen, on ? the E by Mrs. Mary E. Long, on the B by he Monroe Cook land, on the W by Mrs. Mary E. Long, containing 2-3 acre, more or less, and being the same lands allotted to Annie Wilder In the division of the Monroe Cook lands. 4. That tract known as lot No. 1 in the division of the Norman Long lands according to agreement of .re cord in book of Orders and Decrees No. ( pace , office CSC Franklin Co. N*. C-, containing 70 acres describ ed as follows: Beginning at a rock, Levister's corner, thence aloAg Levis - ter's and Kearney lines S 4 1-2 W 180 pis, thence S 3 1-2 W 38 pis 21 Iks to cedar creek, thence up said creek 64 pis to a stake, corner Mo. 2, thence N 4 E 205 pis 15 Iks to a stake in Levis ter's line, corner No. 2, thence S 87 1-2 E S3 pla to the beginning, same hav ing been allotted to said E. A. Long In above described. That tract No. 4 In aforesaid division described as fol lows: Beginning at a rock, corner No. 3 in B. O. Holden's line, thence N ?7 W 8 pis to Holden's corner, lit Nat all branch, thcnce down said branch 59 pis to Shanty branch, thence down fchanty branch 62 pis 17 Iks to Cht lett branch, thence down Catlett branch 101 pis to a walnut tree at the mouth of the old branch, corner for R. L Conyers on Cedar creek, thence down Cedar creek and mill pond 50 pis to a small pine and pointers, cor ner No. 3, thence N 11 E 22 Iks to the beginning, containing 75 1-2 acres, end being tract conveyed by deed of S. O. Long to E A- Long, recorded In book 135, page' 117 and allotted to 8. O. Long In aforesaid division. 5. That parcel of land situate in the said County in the town of Frank- j llnton and bounded as follows: On i the N by the lot of Mrs. Mary Wilson, on the E by lot of S. $? Pearson, on | the 8 by lot of Mary King, on the W j by street leading from Church St. by j st id lot, and containing 1-7 of an acre j more or less. 7. Beginning at the intersection of the old run and canal just above No. 2, thence N 24 1-2 W IN ens, N 73 1-4 Z 1.45 ciis to the beginning, containing 14-100 of an acre. Beginning at W side of bridge mouth of old rock, thence N 4 E 3.42 chs, N 28 1-4 E L54 chs, N 22 1-Z W L43 chs. N 13 E 3.13 chs. S 89 E 1.20 chs to the cmal, thence down the canal 3 14 W 9.43 chs to the beginning, containing j 65-100 of an acre. Beginning at the bridge over Taylor creek on the new road, thence 8 30 1-2 E 3.22 cbs along old road, 8 54 E 3.25 chs to a cut or path to new road, thence along ^aid path N 31 1-4 W 188 chs, N 3 3-4 B 2.70 chs to the new J0ad, thence along new road 8 6# W L42 chs, N 66 1-2 W 2.90 chs to the beginning, con taining 66-100 of an acre. Beginning at Uie Intersection of Eaat line of Brink ley estate and new road, tbenrealnng new road N S3 1-2 W S.37 ) chs, N 19 W 4.82 chs, NlrW 5.94 chs, N 24 3-4 W 3.42 chs to cedar stake, on B side of road, thence N 1 1-2 E 11 Chs to a rock, thence S 87 1-2 E. 10.76 chs t? X line of Brlnkley land, thence along said line 8 I W 23.94 chs to the beginning, containing 17.60 acres. Terms of sale cash. This March 16, 1923. 2-23- 4t A. M SCALES. Trustee. milMiH BALK nr iahd By TtrtM Dt Um power of Ml* eon tilled la thai certain M of trwt made fcyH.lL Demon and wile to Thos. W. Kaffln, Trustee, dated Jan. V?g. and recorded In Book. 134 page IV/ franKlln K?aisU7, aefault uiriai been made la the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure haying been made on laid trustee by the holder of the Indebted ness so secured, the undersigned will on 1! 1 MONDAY, APRIL 16. 19*3 at about the hour of noon at the court house door in Louiabnrg, N. C. o^er for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, tbe lands men tioned and described in said deed of trust as follows: First Tract: That tract of land known as tie Polly Dickerson, J. H. Freeman and John Freeman tract, ly ing and being in the County of Frank lin and State of North Carolina, on ,Uie South side of Crooked Creek and bounded as follows': On the North by Crooked Creek,' on the East by the Mrs. Eliza Jackson land, on the South by the W. D. Perry land and on the West by the Wesley Denton tract, con taining 60 acres, more or leas. This a lii be sold by parcels and as a whole tract also. Second Tract: Adjoining the W. D. Ferry tract and others and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Nathan Odom, on tne East by the W. D. Perry land, on tne South b( the lands of Nathan Odom and on the West by the lands of J. C. Denton, con taining 19 1-4 acres, more or lees. The said lien being the first lien on said lands. This March 16, 1923. 3-16-5t THOS. W. RUFF1N, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power ot s&ie con tained in that certain deed of trust made by N. A. Odorn to Win. H. Ruffin Trustee, dated November 21, 1918, and ?ecorded in the Registry of Franklin county in book ?21, page 238, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having oeen made by the holder of said debt upon the un dersigned trustee, the undersigned will on ~ MONDAY, APRIL, 24. 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Louis burg, N. C. offer for Bale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tho lands conveyed by scld deed of trust and there described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and situate and being in the Coun ty ot Franklin and the State of North Carolina, near the town of Burn and being Farm No. six (6) on plat at land formerly owned by W. C. Rans dell, plat of which is on record in Franklin County Register of Deed's office In Map Book 1, page S2 to which plat tor a more perfect description, reference Is hereby made. Farm No six contains sixty-five acres, more or less. This March 23, 1923. S-23-5t WM. H. KUFFIN, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LOUISBURG LOT By virtue of the power of sale con tained In the certain dee4 of trust made by Will tan, L. Williams to Wn. H. {totrin, trustee, dated May 1, 1919 and recorded in Franklin Registry in ?cok 234 pace 250, default having beea made In the payment ot the debt there by secured and demand for foreclosure' having been made, by the holder . of said debt upon said trustee, the under signed will on Tuesday, April 24. 1923, at about the hoar of noon, at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C. offer Xor Bale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the property in said deed of trust conveyed and there de scribed as follows; Situate in Franklin County, Louis burg Township, State of North Caro lina, and described as follows; That certain lot at land on the ex tension of Main Street 'or the Raleigh Hoad, near to the Town of Louisburg, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point 54 feet South of the junction of the said Main Street or Raleigh Roqd and a street running at right angles to it through the "Hart Property" called "Hart's Row," thence a line parallel to the said Hart Street to the line of Junius Hayes; thence along Junius Haye's line South 54 feet to a stake ; thence a straight line to a point' on Main street of the Ral eigh Road 54 feet from the point of beginning; thence along Main Street or Raleigh Road S4 feet to the point ot beginning, containing a dwelling house. It being the land conveyed to Wm. L. Williams by Eastern Realty & Trust Co., reference to which deed t? hereby had for fall description. This March 23, 1923. Wm. H. Roffln, 8-23-5t. Trustee. MORTGAGE SALE LAND -v By virtue of the power of sale^coti tnlned In that certain mortgage deed made by Robt. A. Allen and -wife to C. E. Ransdell, dated March 9, 1*21, and recorded In the Registry of FYank lin county in book 210, page 659, de fault having been made In the payment of the debt therby secured, the under signed will, on Tuesday, April 24th, St^about the hoar of noon at the court house door lm Uo oiabvrg. N. C. oler for sale at ptfMie section to the high est bidder for cut the lands In said mortgage deed conveyed and there de scribed -as follows; Situate US' Franklin ton Township, Franklin County. North Carolina, ad joining the land* of John Hayea, and other* and bounded as follows; Bounded on the North by John Hayes on the East by John Allen estate, on the Wert by T. J. Conyers estate and on the South by Theo. Jones, contain ing thirteen and one eisMll acres, more or leas This. March U. 1*23 . C. ft. Handsel 1, llt-St. Mortgagee Wm, H. ft Thos. W. Baffin .Attys. Don't deny your stomach. Buy only the best flour. It's WILLIAM TELL! \ 2-2J-8 1 J. g. HOWELL. Subserlbe to The Franklin Times M..BO Per v?ar in Advance BB-BALE OF LAND Under and by virtue or an order at roeale made by ihe Superior Court ef FtsnUta county, the last and higheat bidder at previous sale on Jamary 22nd. 1923 having tailed to coaply.vUh the term* ol Us bid and due notice t ariug been given said last and hlgb est bidder and under and by virtue ot the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust executed by D. li Kearney and wife to R a Malone, Trustee, on Jan. 20th. 1921 recorded in book 224 page 479, Registry ot Deeds for Franklin county, N. C. de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se ct red and demand for foreclosure hav ing been made upoi. me by the holder of the bonds representing said Indebt edness, I will on' ^ MONDAY, APRIL 23. 1923 ' offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in Loulaburg. N. C. to the highest bidder tor cash a cer tain tract or parcel ot land situate in Franklinton township. Franklin coun ty, State of North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on tlse North by the lands of J. A. Kelly estate and B. B. Tomlinson, on the East by the h.nds of J. F. Tomlinson. on the South by the lands of Mrs. Annie E. Mitchell and J. F. Tomlinson and on the West by the lands i*f Mrs. Annie E. Mitchell containing 26 acres more or less and being a part of the E P. Blackley tract (original ly Mitchell lan.!) and conreyed to D. B Kearney by deeds of recent date, duly recorded In the registry of Franklin county. This 23rd da- of March. 1923. 3-23-5t E. H. MALONE. Trustee. made by the Superior Court of Frank lin county upon an upset bid on the sale made February 19, 1923, In that Special Proceedings entitled J. C. Wheless, Admr. of John Cope. deed. ts Arch Cope et al heirs at law, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY. APRIL IB, 1923 at about the hour of noon, or at the recess of court, oiler for Bale at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land describe* as follows: Situate in Cedar Rock township. Franklin county. North Carolina, part of the Joe Cope land as divided among his heirs, and more particularly de fined as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of Willie Cope, on the East by Callie Wheless and J. C. Wheless, oft the South hy the lands of William and Bissie Jones and on the West by the Spring Hope road, containing after a part thereof has been cat off by the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company's railroad, 10 *crm more or less. This March 23, 1923. 3-30-3t WM. H. RUFFIN, Com'r. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Or~LAND By virtue of an order of re-sale MORTGAGEE S SALE By virtue of the power conferred cn me by a certain mortgage executed by W. A. Williams and wile Annie Williams, recorded In Book 152, page 270 office o f Register of Deeds for Franklin county, I will on FRIDAY, APRIL 30tH, 1923 at 12 o'clock M, or thereabouts, sell lor cash to the highest bidder at the courthouse door In Louisburg, North Carolina that certain tract of land, beginning at a bridge across Shocoo Creek, Warrenton road; thence np the said creek 17 C H L to month of Smart's branch: thence up branch 6 C corner for Lot NO. 6; thence S 37 C 82 L; thence S 10 3-4 W 1 C 69 L cor ner of Lot No. 4; thence S 58 E 2 C 75 |I. to a poplar; thence S 38 1-2 E 3 C 77 L; S 78 E 5 C to two poplar?; N 89 E 6 C 43 L to rock. West side of road corner for lot No. 4; thence alon? road 46 C 8 L to the beginning, containing ninety-six (96) acres. This March 24th, 1923. R H- GRIFFIN. Mortgagee, W. H. DAMEROSK\ Assignee, C-30-41 B R WILLIAMS, Attorney. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by King Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated, duly re corded In the office of the Reigster of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C., in Book 244, page 13, default having been made in the payment of the Indebted cess secured In said deed of trust, and demand having been made upon me by the bolder of said Indebtedness for the execution of the power of sale therein Contained, 1 will on I MONDAY, MAY 7th. 1923 ;at twelve o'clock, noon, sell at public auction at the courthouse door in the town of Loulsburg, S. C. to the high est bidder, for cash, a certain tract, lot or parcel of land in Franklin coun ty., North Carolina, and situate at the corner of Nash and Church streets In the town of Ijonlsburg, and bounded as follows, Tlx: Beginning at the corner of the lot formerly known as the Farmer* Tobacco Warehouse Com pany lot, now' owned by Allen Broth ers Company, on Nash at reet, Thefice southerly along the line of Mid Ware house lot 306 feet to a stake, thence about West 120 feet to Church street, thence about North alqpg Church street 100 feet to the Intersection of Church and Nash streets, tbence about East along Nash Street 120 feet to the beginning, snd being the lot eonreyed by J/ if. Allen add wife to said Ring Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated on September 18th, 1921, by deed re corded in the office of the Reglstegr of Deeds of Franklin connty, Si. C.. and upon which lot are tftoate the cotton ginnery, seed storage house and stor age sheds operated and nsed by the said King Cotton Seed Company, In corporated, daring the season of 1820 1921 aad several years prior thereto. This April 5th, l*Zt ^ / 4-0-St W. H. YAKBOROUGH, Tru tee. TRUBVU 8 8AZ1B Of UIA By vlitore (X the power of Itb con talued In that certain deed of trui made on M. 11. IMS. by O. H_ Uut1> to T. W. RuJDn. Trust**, and recorded In Book IM pace S7. Ra?Ut' J ot Frank lln County, default hunt been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand tor fore closure having been madfe on said trustee by the bolder of said Indebted ness. the undersigned, will. on. Mon day. May 7. 1923. -at or about the hour of noon at the Court House Door In Looisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain part or parcel ot land situate in Franklin County, Louis burg Township, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: Beginning at the mouth ot a ' small branch in the King Branch. Mrs. Pla ce's corner, thence N. 80 W. 70 poles IS links to tne Loulsburg Railroad line, 40 feet from the center of the said railroad; thence along the rail road line S. 60 3-4 W. 6S poles, thence continuing with the railroad line, a curre 21 poles to J. P. Tlmberlake's line ; thence 8. 38 E. 84 poles 20 links to s stake and pointers, J. P. Timber lake's corner on King Branch, thence down said branch as it meanders 97 poles to the beginning, containing 41 acres, mort or less, it being the land conveyed to the Franklin Land Co. by H. C. Kea/ney and wife by deed, recorded in book 199 page 463, and by the said Franklin Land Co. con veyed to O. H. Harris on Feb. 15. 1918, reference to which deeds Is hereby made for further description of said land. This April 2. 1923. ' 4-6-5t T. W. Ruffin. Trustee. NOTICE OP VALUABLE LAND FOR KAI.F. ? Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by N. P. Boone to B. F. Wood, Trustee, on the 22nd day of June, 1922 and duly re corded in book 224 on page 595 of the Franklin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand mtde upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, I, the undersign ed Trustee, will on MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1923 at or about 12 o'clock M. at the court house door In the town of Louisburg, N. C. sell at public auction tc the high est bidder for cash those two tracts of land situate In Cedar Rock town ship, Franklin county and described as follows: > First Tract: Containing 29 1-2 acres, more or less and being bound ed on the north and northwest by the lands of 8. G. White, on the east by W. R Boone; on the sonth by Mrs. M. H. Harris and on the west by Mrs. Sarah StalUngs and 8. G. White, and comprising 'the two tracts hertofore conveyed to N. P. Boone by deed of J. ?h^Creekmore recorded In book 229 on page 9, Franklin County Registry. Second Tract: Containing 32 acres more or less, and bounded on north by the lands of G. W. Bridgers,' on the east by > Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Compajqr, on the sonth by W:' R. I>oone/and on the west by W. J. Boone; it being the same tract of land here tofore conveyed to N. "RS Boone by deed of W. R. Boone anti wile record ed in book 229 on page 28, Registry of Franklin connjy. Reference being he^e made to %ll of safa deed and re cords mentioned herein. There isxme prior mortgage on said land to Farm Loan Board. This Mar. 12th, J&3. B. F. WOOD, Trustee. O- B. Moss, Attorney. 3-16-5t Why not use a dependable uour, like WILLIAM TELL? 2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. THE . FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year In Advance School children need bread to make '.hem strong. Try WILLIAM TELL Floor. 2-23-8t J. 8. HOWELL. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. Muarnn (or 33 years or be paid off at^WUon of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tt 8. A. NEWELL. effect, see how and. bow Too will then Bratj sack of WILLIAM TELA. Floor la fuar?Nteed, or money refunded. t-U-i t J. 8. HOWElii. APPLICATION - FOR PARDON OT" RALPH HIOH ? Application will be intdt to thn Oor eraor of North Carolina (or the par don of Ralph High. ronrlcted at th? Janoa ry terra IKS of the Franklin 8u pinior Court for the crime of oaaaolt with deadly weapon with Intent, and Mntcnced to ? tarn on the roads of towimhlp All persona who f.ppe* tlte frantic* of aald pardon are Itfflted to forward their protest* to tbd Oorernor without delay. ThU March n. ma. ~ H-M-Xt T. W. RCPTO, A UT. Uubecrlbe to TBM FRANKLIN TDOB $1.M Par Tear la Advance rannanr ran. * ualtt co. loajtb ajt? naumAwoB v i - " " ? . comaBaioNXE-s wmr or LAND Br TtrtM ol an ord?r of tMih Bads by the Superior Court of Franklin ra>VJ 1b that SpocIaT Proceedings en titled i. D. Stalling*. Admr. of C. B. Bonn, deed., iplnw Mrs. Nolle Bonn et al. upon an opaet bid, the under - signed will on j MONDAY. APRIL 16. 1?23 at about the hour of noon at the court house door Is L*>ulsburg, N. O. offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land: Beginning 'at a Southeast corner of the Dower; thence along line of dower North 67 poles to a stake cor ner of the dower line In the line of W. J. 8talllnga; thence 8 83 E 25 poles to a stake; thence N 2 1-2 E 10 poles 12 links to a stake; thence S 84 E 28 poles 10 links to a stake; thence S 6 W 18 poles; thence S 83 E 32 poles to a stake, B. Lewis corner; thence S 64 3-4 W 71 poles 18 links to a stake; thence N 87 1-2 W 12 poles 12 links to the beginning, containing sixteen and one half (16 1-2) acres by survey of 1922. The grave yard Is excepted from this sale and reserved to the heirs of said C. H. Bunn. This Mar. 16, 1923. 3-16-5t WM. H. RUTFIN, Commissioner ? - ? NOTICE or LAND BALa Piliaiism to authority la that deed of trait from John Henry Smith, Sr. and wife, Mariah Smith to 8. C. Holden, Tru?Ve?, recorded In, tli? cf tee of tho register of dN<U of Frank lln county In book 2S4 pogo X; de fault having been made la the pay ment of the notea secured thereby, and demand having been made upon me to eell toe lauds described therein by the holdor of said notea, I will on MONDAY, APRIL, 1?. 1823 . at the courthouse door In Louisburg, N. C. at about the hour of Noon, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, tho following described lands ? Beginning at the center of the old l^oulsburg and Nashville road, coiner tor E. L Harris, a rock on the south aide of the road; thence 8 2 l-2d W 420 feet to a stake; thence In an eas terly direction parallel with said road to a stake; thence N 2 l-2d E 420 feet to tho middle of said road; thence along said road to the beginning and containing On/} acrc, more or less. This 14th day of March, 1923. 3-16-5t 8. O. HOLDEN, Trustee. WILLIAM TELL Flour means health for young and old. 2-23-8t J. 8. HOWELL. Subscribe to The Franklin Times Our April Message , : Buy your Drugs and Medicines at Scoggin'e Drug Store If you want tbe freshest and best. Have your Prescriptions filled at Scoggln's, It you want the BEST SERVICE and BEST PRICES. Ask your Physician to leare your Prescriptions at Scoggln's \t you want your friends to fill them. Just received the largest, latest and niftiest line of Stationery ever brought to Louisburg. Kinds that can not had anywhere except at Scoggln's. ' / / I Remember all our Garden Seed are freah and you can get all yon need at Scoggln's. ?. J _ / Our Ice Cream (the VELVET kind) and Cold Drinks are unsur- I passed by any. / Trade at Scoggln's thereby showing your appreciations for an old friend who has stood by you for 30 years. ' Scoggln Drug -Store Per O. L. AYCOCK / Easter Goods and Trimmings In The NEWEST FABRICS AND DESIGNS Our store is now full of everything -you can need in dry joods and notions and we ask your patron age because we know we can save you money, and we sell only the best merchandise. Have you seen the wonderful values in Sweaters and Skirts we are showing? Also the complete line of white goods, curtain materials and draper ies. Come in and let us show you. THE LADIES SHOP at Store formerly Occupied by Allen Bros. Co. Mrs. R. k. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. New Lot Shoes and Slippers I have just opened a new lot of Shoe* and ' Slippers for both ladirs and gentlemen. Come ahd look them orer, I will do the re at. A full line of groceries and feed at all times. Everything guar anteed as represented or your money back. Come to see.me when in town. Am always glad to see yon. Yoart truly, . J. W. PERRY HASH BTMIT LO-ISBDM. H 0..

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