?ALB or LAND Blilf a iid Y trine of the power and tatkority contained In tkat deed of trut omuM by H. L Mitchell end wife to the undersigned Trustee and My registered In Book 234 at pace U Office of R?(l>ter of Deeds for FYaaklin coumy, default having been made In the payment of the Indebted Mae thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose as therein provided, I will sell at pnbllc auc tion to t?e highest bidder tor cash ?n Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1923. at or about the hour of noon, at the Court house door of Franklin County, the following described real estate situate in Dunn's Township, Franklin County, N. C. 1st Tract: Farms Nob. 16, 17 and 18 as contained and described in a map or plat duly registered in the Of fice of Register of Deeds for Frank lin County, in Bo*>k 192 at page 622, to which reference is hereby made lor full and complete description, but there has been cut off said farms and conveyed and the same are hereby excepted a lot on the corner of Je wltt Ave and Vance Street sold to K. B. White by deed recorded in Book 211 page 323 Franklin County Regis [try. reference to which la hereby made. 2nd Tract. Situate In the Town of Bun* and comprising lota No*. 38 and 39 In block C of the surrey mads for or by the North State Development Company, which two lota front 25 feet each on the Waat aide of Main Street and run back with Montgom ery Ave South side 150 feet to an alley, and being the same lota conveyed to R. I. Mitchell by B. a Sykea and wife on the flrat day of November, 1918 by deed duly registered In Book 194 page 493 In Franklin County Registry, to which record and conveyance refer ence Is hereby mada tor full and com plete description. This the 17 day of October, 1923 Ben T. Holden, 10-19-6t Trustee. FOR SALE We have listed for sale several val uable farms, amoug which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Whitaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Ilank) LOW PRICES ON HEATING STOVES, ALL KINDS COOKING STOVES, RANGES BUGGIES AND HARNESS RUBBER AND STEEL TIRED ROAD CARTS AT COST GVNS RIFLES GUN SHELLS BUILDING MATERIAL AND PAINTS A store full of good Hardware H. O. IAVLOR Hardware We Put Rubber Tiires on Buggy Wheels THIS IS A PERSONIAL LETTER TO EYERY PERSON IB FRANKLIN COUNTY, FROM L. E. Sconh g 0. L. Ajesek K. S. CUfWa, Jr. We want every person In Franklin County to visit Scoggin's Drug Store, recently remodeled and made the prettiest business house In the county. We want you to Inspect our new beautiful and perfect ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently Installed In Scoggin's Drag Store. It is constructed so you can see your drinks prepared. Mr. M S. Clifton, Jr., Is in charge at this fountain, he is the most effic ient of any in the State. Buy your fountain drinks from him and you will be amazed to see how quickly, perfectly and politely he will serve you. We want every person in Franklin AJounty to buy their Turnip Seed at Pcoggln's Drug Store. Our Mr. G. L. Aycock Is still with us to sell you just what you want, he has selected, bought and sold you seeds for 30 year a, and have just what you want now. We want every person in Franklin County to trade at Scoggln's Drug Store tor we have everything usually kept In an up-to-date drug store. We especially ask that you let us fill your prescrip tions, bring them to us or hace your physician leave them with us. Messrs. L. E. Scoggin and G. L. Aycocke, the old reliable prescrip tion fillers, will give them our careful attention and will make our prices correct and satisfactory. We thank you for past favors and hope you all will come to see us soon. Respectfully, Scoggtn Drug Store 0. L. AYCOCK, MAURICE CLIFTON, JIL, L. E. SCOGGIN Personal: I am the only Aycock in the drug business in Louis burg and am at Scoggins Drug Store; when you want Aycock to handle your business bring or send it to me at Scoggins Drug Store and oblige. Your old friend. QPL AYCOCK. SPECIALS FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS Cotton blankets We Bloomer Sateen 8o? Heavy comfort* $2.18 All silk pongee 88* Yard-wide outing 2Se Ladlaasle cloth 30* Outing Gowns <1.00 Wool finish hose 2Jc Beautiful dress patterns In chiffon velvet, velveteen, dnvetjn, moral, brocaded crepe, crepe tat In, canton crepe, all wool crepe, ?Ilk and wool crepe, charmeuse. duchess satin, polret twill, broad cloth, flannel, serge, etc. -ix > ? nw wnm brush wool sweaters ' - ? .. NEW LIKE COLORS IN 8CBATUB FABRICS t v-.'tc, fj&y* . f- " ^^BBnri"mti ft iiV -Tr ? 'h * SHOP Mm. J. A. Turner, Mgr. LouWmr*. H. O. Don't let i : ru.: ? that coLT*rh IT iv .iv prow ;vtc n c\ T"??Tic *]. ?*- r ? ! f* :? it ?? ?" \* ?* i ? ? V. IV :i*v~ r ) oiu . J st ? n ?. t - . - . r <!t r jr f.\?. f C ? I 1 ? i ? l ? H ii o a V / pr * .1 '?i ?c tur.d -? :* r . ? * i K iitj \i ;??**? xzc . . ? . t. ate. K-. t : r i t i ? . i ...i- l^z the W kit, . . Ml... '4 /*.!? -r..-y: .. . *?(?? to ret DR. BELL S Pine -Tar Honey William Tell Flour is every sack guaranteed or money refunded. 10-12-12t A Rat That Didn't Smell After Being Bead (or S Months | "I swear it was dead at least 3 months," said James Sykes, Butcbe-, Westfield, N. J. "We saw this rat every day. Put a cake of RAT-SNAP behind a barrel. Months later my wife asked about the rat Remember ed the barrel, looked behind it. There was the rat ? dead, not the slightest odor." Three sizes. 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by CASH GROC ERY AND MARKET. Adv. You should be able to purchase a sack of William Tell from any retail grocer, as the Louisburg Grocery Co. who are wholesale distributors carry it in stock. 10-12-12t SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virture of the au thority contained in the deed of trust executed and delivered by W. F. Mitchiner and wife of Franklin Coun ty to G. M. Beam, Trustee, and re corded in Franklin County Registry in Book 241 at page 500, and default having been made in the payment of notes thereby secured and upon demand and request of the holders of the said notes described therein, I will on Monday, November 26, 1923, at or near the hour of 12: o'clock M at the court house door of Franklin County at Louisburg, N. C., otter fori sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts or parcel of land situate In Frankllnton Township, Franklin i County. State ot North Carolina, and described as follows. First Tract: Beginning at a stake, now a pine stump, Mrs. Fannie Haw kins corner In line of the Perry land; thence by survey of W. N. Fuller of about 1873, N 100 poles to a small dead pine, A. C. Perry's corner in GUI's line; thence 8 83 1-2 E 22 poles 14 links to a large red oak, Gills cor ner; thence N 1 W 43 1-2 poles to a rock In GUIs line; thence E 126 poles to a stake In A. F. Mltchlner's line; thence a new line S 24 1-2 W 109 poles 17 links to a stak6 in the Held; thence S 16 3-4 W 36 poles, 14 links to a stake, a new corner; thence S 85 E 34 poles, 10 links to a stake, a new corner; thence 84 W 7 poles to a stake in Mrs. Fannie Harrison's corner line; thence along her line about N 87 W 50 poles, 6 links to a stake, form erly called a forked pine; thenc6 about N 84 W 81 1-2 poles to the be ginning. containing 100 acres more or less, being the land conveyed to W. F. Mitchiner by deed duly record ed in Franklin County Registry, In Book 213, page 293. Second Tract: W. F. Mltchlner's four fifths undivided Interest in and to a certain tract ot land defined as follows: Beginning at a sweet gum on the Lick branch, corner for J. A Mitchiner, 11 poles north-westward from a small pine, corner ot J. F. Mltchlner's; thence S 2 W 151 poles to an iron stake, J. F. Mltchiner's corner In the line ot S. A. L Rail way Co's. right-of-way; thence along said right-of-way 40-ft from the (en ter of the tract eastward lo the cross ing of the line of that part of the Jeffreys land assigned to Jno. Jef freys; thence along that line N 19 W 13 poles, 5 links to the center of the old road; thence along said old road N 70 E 5 poles 17 links; N 64 E 86 poles, 10 links to a rock In the road, the Jeffreys corner; thence along the Jeffreys line N3 E 13 poles 5 lliiks to a rock and post oak, Mrs. Km II 7 Banks corner; thence N 2 E about 11 33 poles to a stake In Mrs. Hank* line; thence N 88 W 76 poles to a stake on the Lick Branch; thencce up said branch as it meanders to the beginn ing. containing 100 acres more or lest Third Tracct ; W. F. Mltchlnort cue-half undivided interest <n and to a certain tract of land, bounded as follow*: On the N by tbe lands of Smith Brothers and J. M. Allen; ou the east by tbe landj of J. M. Alien, on the south by the lands of J. R. Jonea and the S. A. U Railway: and et. the west by the lands of Dr C. IX. Banks, which la a part of th J Eli If tract, containing 101 3-4 acres mord or leaa, by surrey of M. 8. Davi?, Sur veyor, February IS, 1917; It be'ng that part of the Ellis Tract bought by John F. Mitchiaer and Dr. C. H. Banks of A. C. Ellis, which In divi sion of the same its conveyed to Dr. C. H. Banks and wife to John F. Mitchlner by deed dated March ?. 1817, and recorded in tbe Registry of Franklin County, to which deed reference la bed tor th? metes and bound* thereof. Thle the 12nd day ot Oct , 1M?. O.K. Beam, . TraeUe. , CLOTHING SPECIALS at Kline's MEN'S TWO PANTS SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $14.95 Suits in sport and rgular models sizes 34 to 44 in Navy and Brown, Overcoats made with bolt all around full lined, regular $20.00 value. BOY'S SUITS, $4.95 Brown and Navy Fancy Cassi mers, all sizes 6 to 17, fancy models wilh belt. MEN'S PANTS, $2.95 Made of heavy worsted in Navy, Brown and Grey with stripe, all sizes 28 to 44, regular $5.00 values. MEN'S UNIONSUITS, $1.35 Heavy ribbed Unions, all size.; 34 to 16, regular $1.75 value. BOYS OVERALLS, 98j Heavy 220 Boy's F.lue Den 'in Ov eralls, sizes S to 16, suspender bad s MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, 98c With or without cillar attached, fane;-- nndi'nj, sizes 14 to Z'\ soitas v orth up to $2 50. ' SWEATERS I or Men and Boys, slipover and coat styles, grey and combinations, sizes 28 to 46, worth up to $3.50, Priced 98c and $1.48 MEN S JAPS, 98c '?.ffcorted and ait six^s, .Sl-.-o serges nuludiu, worth up to $2.00. L. KLINE & COMFY. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Louisburg, Worth Carolina PRICES OF TIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Men's Half Soles $1.00 Women's Half Soles 85 Rubber Heels 50 Childrens Half Soles . . .25 up If you are looking for a first class job at a fair price this is the place to get it. All Work Guaranteed Shoe repairing insures health, comfort and economy. Our Shop insures Courtesy, Service and Quality. Neese Electric Shoe Shop R. E. L. Lancaster, Op. & Mgr. 8-14-13t TAKEN UP One black bull yearling weighing about 300 pounds. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement and expenses. If the owner fails to call for blm on or before Monday, November 26th, 1923, at 12 o'clock, then the said yearling will be sold at public auction at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy costs. J. P. POTTS, Newport Road, Loulsburg, N. C. 10-26-Bt NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Alex Cooke deceased late of Franklin County, notice Is here by given all persons holding claims against said estate to uresent them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Oct. 18. 1923. Euralee Smith, 10-19-6t Admrx. Don't deny your stomach ? use only the best It's William Tell. 10-12-12t THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Per Year in Advance THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry baa taken charge vt ita insurance buaneaab. Mr. Peiry 1 will be (lad to aee hi* friends, and when !n need ot ANT KINI) of Insurance, aefe htm. Mr. Perry haa had many years ex perience in Insurance, and ia prepared to fire the public the beat of aerrlce. Tot Insurance of any kind, write, phone or aee Perry MONEY TO LOAN on CITY PROPERTY or FARM PROPERTY EASY TERMS Address P. O. BOX 356, Louisburg, N. 0. I GIVE YOU The same single or combination prices on all magazines that are offered by the publish ers, and will appreci ate your orders. MRS. J. A. TURNER Lraltbwfc K. a Local Representative for all Magazines BALE Of IMPROVED lots in By virtue ot the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by G. M. Rayno.r to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated April 17,1920. and recorded In Franklin Registry Book, 234, Page 109, default haying been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand tor fore closure having been made by the hold er of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on Monday, Novem ber 19th, 1923, at about the hour ot noon, at the Court House Door, in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, those lots and buildings thereoa, situate in the Town of Wood, Frank lin County, North Carolina, by said deed of trust conveyed and more par ticularly defined as follows. Lots Nos. 60 and 51 situate in the town of Wood, N. C. on plat ot pro perty formerly owned by C. O. Wood as surveyed and platted by J. O. 3-atg. C E., which plat or map is recorded in Book 192, page 696 of Punllc Regis try of Franklin County. | Thlfj October 19, 1923. nubscrux in The Franklin Times FRANKLIN INS. * REALTY CO. INSURANCE WOOD, N. C. 10-19 6t Wm. H. Ruffln. Trustee. ? II f Qrfp and Influenza 1 QUINTNE Tablet# remove the only ooe "Bromo Quiaiae." onbea. SOq. WRtOEYS Take it home to (be kids. Have ? packet in yoor pocket for an em-ready treat. ?mhIm *M?a Mm I

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