The Fashion in FALL JE WELR Y Mesh Bags are as popular as ever and will b? worn all the coming season. Vanity Cases a convenient and attractive piece of Jewelry that is always handy to have. Compact Cases That indispenslble little article that really completes Miladie's dress. Beads You find here only the better grades, and new designs In cut cubes and Venetian Necklaces. W. D. LEONARD, Proprietor Formerly Fred A. Riff Jewelry Co. "THE <;IFT SHOP OF LOriSBl'BS." When the punishment is meted out in the Leopold-Coeb trial, the judge ?would do well to include some of the expert witnesses for the big words they have been using. The season is approaching when all good citizens are willing to come to the aid of their country, pnovtding they can get a free ride to the polls. Pugilist McCoy, charged with mur der. is going to plead insanity in his trial at Los Angeles, and all he will have to do is prove he was married eight times. "Take care of the farm machinery now," says E R. Raney, farm engineer for the Extension division of the State College, "for although thieves may not break through and steal, the rust will sure get them, which is just as bad." 1 Perhaps it is because you don't no tice the silliness in a pretty girl as you do in homely ones. Oil Cook and Oil Heating Stores at L. P. Hicks. 9-26-2t Don't judge a profession by its quacks and misfits. Lots of folks looking for their share of Joy are mislead by decovs. O Cabbage Seed, Turnip Seed. Vetch and Lettuce seed at L. P. Hicks. 9-262 Folks who use preventatives seldom have occasion to call for a cure. Abruzzi Rye, Winter Rye and Seed Wheat at L. P. Hicks. 9-2J^2t No Worms in a neaitby ptllld . JLU children troubled with Worny liarr an im hr*l(iy color, which Indicates pogrT4ood. and as a rale, there Is or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC tiren retBlarir tor two or three weeks wiU/enrich the blood. Im prove the digestion, and an as a General Strenfth enini Toole to the who^e system. Nature will than throw off or dispel thrworms, and the Child wtii be la perfect health. feasant to take. " 69c per bocti*. Put a Part of It i Away As you receive money as a reward for your ser vices, whether you get it daily, weekly or monthly, make it a habit to put part of it in a Savings Account. There will come a day in yjur life, sooner or later, when the possession of money will mean the difference between suc cess and failure. If you have saved, have the money when you need it, then you can tak? advantage of oppor tunity when it is open. foaMrat 9. It. StOVALt, CuhUr m ?ARHAM, Ant. Otthtor H.K NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR October lith to 17th, 1924 HOMK-COMIX. WEEK Annual Vacation Time An Educational Opportunity A Social Event A Reflection of Agricultural An Area* of Krlendlj Competl- Optimism tion An Annual Census of Pro<jre? A Medium of Echange for I deux site Agriculture and Property. A Pageant of Progress You Will See THE BEST CASTLE, SHEEP AND POULTRY PRODUCTS OP THE FARM AND HOME PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY BY THE BOYS AND GIRLS' CLUBS AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS A KIN E-ART SHOW, INCLUDING** LOAN" EXHIBIT FROM NEW YORK CITY, REPRESENTING SOME OF THE BEST AMERICAN ARTISTS A LIKE SIZE COW (STATURY) MA1?E FROM BITTER BY A FA MOl'S SCULPTOR I'Ht BM-IEVT CARNIVAL, TWO TRAIN LOyDS, FOR ENTER. TAINMINT ROW 20 DISTINCT FREE ACTS, TWICE DAILY, ON RACE TRACK IN FRONT OF GRANDSTAND RACES EVERY DAY, WITH UNIFORM PURSES OF #SOO EACH MAMMOTH COTTON PALACE, REQUIRING 10 CARLOADS OF COTTON TO CONSTRUCT LICENSED A. K. C. DOG SHOW FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT NO DULL MOMENTS Special Redactioa ia Railroad Fare on All Refalar and Special Traias MEET US IN RALEIGH AT THE N. C. STATE FAIR -IT SHOWS NORTH CAROLINA" STrnrixo. coxtrol of boll WEEVIL Raleigh. September 30. ? A group of men recognized as leaders In progres- | slve agricultural measures, spent Fri day In Raleigh. These gentlemen are members of the Rational Council of the Association of Southern Agricul tural Workers. They are touring the Cotton States and studying the plans and methods of boll weevil control. These agricultural specialists hare already visited the Agricultural head quarters in the States of Florida and -Georgia before coming to Raleigh. From here they go to Clemson Col lege, S. C.. and the to Auburn. Ala bama and Tallulab. Louisiana with a brief stop in Mississippi and pos sibly one in Tennessee. The members of rtie Council who visited the Agri cultural Department of North Caro lina State College yesterday, were: Dr. H. W. Barre. Director of the South Carolina Experiment Station; Profes sor J. D. Blackwell, Professor of Agro nomy at Clemson College, S. C; A E. Grantham, representing the Vir ginia-Carolina Chemical Company; J. T. Jackson, Agriculturist of the Cen tral Railroad of Georgia; G. A. Ma jloney, Director of the Delta Bureau and Laboratory Tallulah, Louisi ana; J. A Evans, specialist in Agro nomy of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture; Dr: W. E. Hines, Etymologist of the Louisiana Experi ment Station. These gentlemen spent the day with Dr. B. W. Kllgore of the State College and Department of Agri culture and discussed with him the work of boll weevil control In North Carolina. Dr. Kilgore is the North Carolina member of the Cotton Coun cil and has been bo for a number of years ? In fact he was the Secretary of the Association of Southern Agri culture workers for twelve years. Dr. Hines said with a smile, that Dr. Kll gore was really the Grand-daddy of the Association. The Association of Southern Agri cultural Workers is composed of work ers of the State and Federal Depart ments of Agriculture; agricultural colleges; and representatives of manu Ifacturlng concerns and railroads that are Interested in bettering the agri cultural conditions in the Sonth. CLE AX PICTURES The Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc., composed of the leading producers and distributors, has adopted resolutions pledging it9 members not to produce or promote the* production, distribute or promote the distribution, exhibit or promote the exhibition or aid In any way whatsoever In the production, dlstrl 1 buton or exhibition of motion pic tures which, "because of the unfit character of title, story, exploitation or picture itself, do not meet the re quirements" of what amounts to a code of ethics adopted by the asso ciation. ^The preamable Co the resolutions places the members of the uxwi.tu. M ifo km no DkM 1 promise. roR HAREXTAL RESPONSIBILITY Parents are at fault In more than ninety percent of the accidents In which children are killed or Injured by automobiles, the coroner of a mid west city has discovered. In the remaining ten percent, motorists were speeding or driving carelessly. This same average may not prevail in all parts of the country, but* it is probably about representative of the average city or town. No one condones reckless c-r caro less driving of automobiles, but there are accidents which the driver can not avoid and which are due entirely to the Irresponsibility of children. Death or injuries that may make them life-long cripples should ever be held up before children as the danger that lurks in the street, in the form of automobiles, that may crush their little bodies an<] break their bones. They cannot be warned too fre quently of this menace. They should be taught never to cross a street without first looking both ways. They can not be too cautious. The respon sibility is clearly upon the shoulders lof parents. o SCHOOL FIRES Fatalities in school building fires for the most part attract only local attention, but a chance flame or spark that might be the means of wiping out many youthful lives, is an ever presence menace that should be guarded against by school author ities. As the season is here for the fir ing of furnaces and stoves in school buildings. It behooves those who have tkia work in charge to be ever on the alert for fire. 'Though fire-proof construction of school buildings is followed now, there are still many virtual fire traps ltt use. And although old buldings are being replaced by more modern ones, the average for the United Slates is five school fires every day it the year. -? .Fire drills are almost universally practiced in the pubjlc schools, but they must be regarded as supplemen tary precautions, not primary ones; tbey merely reduce the consequences of (Ire that never sholdd take place. ' The financial loss and Interruption of school work are of importance, but the moat serious feature Is the loss of life among children. Permitting a fire hazard to exist in a school building Is little short of, criminal. / Piles Cured In 6 to 1 4 Days SnittUts refund money It PAZO OINTMENT falli to cure Itchiof. lUnd, Bleedlnj or ProtTudlru PUw. inttatUT relieve* Itchlnjl Purs, and you cao se< reat/ul aioep after the first accilcatiOO Price 00c. DOO STRAYED English hound dog. black ears, white and black spotted, strayed September 8th. Finder will please return him to J. G. Winston. Frankllnton, N C.. and receive $10 reward. 9-26-2t Axes. Grass Blades and Handles at L. P, Hicks. 9-26-2t Dally arrivals of Faults and Vege tables at L. P. Hicks. 9-26-2t The open season for parents who caij,'* answer the s chool children's ^tfestlons Is here. Roadside advertising pays. One fanner In Mecklenburg advertised "Berkshire Pigs for Sale" and In one hour sold all he had and says he could have sold many more. Now Is the time to get a good start towards controlling the boll weevil In 1924. Destroy all cotton stalks be fore frost, say extension workers of the State College. Farmers are rabidly learning the importance of using lime on the farm, report many farm agents. Randolph count alone expects to use at least forty cars this fall. Your Boy and His Clothes Y ou know as well as we do, what a problem it is to get Clothes that will withstand the hard wear of a boy's everyday life. But in our line of Clothes we believe we have come close to solving the problem. They are strongly tailored from sturdy, close-woven fabrics, and such a combination should give a good measure of serv ice. We have a full line of furnishings with for men and women also. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. LOUISBURG'S Leading Department Store W4*TS YOUR TRAD* Everything for. Bverybody , At LdWMt Prices F. A. Roth Company The Store That Always Sells The Cheapest LOVI0BTO0, -'t IMhCtttUM -g ftWf .??Of'f. ?*."* ii ^ : tf ' t >'->u 1 ?>** ?' ? *

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