Sfe djjhafham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., RIUTOR AMI I'tUirRIRTUK. 1 3 (!jh;iil;im ccoid. ittam or ADVE IIT1HINO. One square, one insei Hon, ft. 00 Unssquare, two Insertions,- l.M JE2 wiuare, one mouth, 2.W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: "in top- ,f'f liml.-h . . , Unenwir. Ikreoiu'utt., - . . - VOL. IV. PITTSBORO CHATHAM CO., N. C, AUGUST 3, 1882. NO. 47. tnr larger advertisements lllstral contracts will II Hummer Thoughts. -Spring brings lifo to sleeping winter, Btarting bud and blade and root, Changing (rout and annshiuo into Opening loaf and tender alioot, M king tiny flowvia peep From the atroam and hillside steep. Ijaler, all hor arta atnploylng, Nature langba iu wanton glee ; Wind With falling bldHHOlllH tojing Hl,.,wer. th,y , frm nhfnh mJ , filling ti0 ir with fJ(,1.i SB.p(i wUi,ing beauty the oje to Kn,ot. Stammer time, her KittH hcatowi-.R, Early strives with huh and air, Oiva in measure overflowing Verdnro giecn and blossoms fair . if.ike a matron grand sho aland 'mitg food with c.pm hai:ds. 1t!a paint tlieir petals daily, Working iu thu uoonduy aiiu j Lilies ope thsir eyi H, and gayly. Whi n the morning ha hi-gii'n, Blind their porliimcH all around Wloilglit .y rootlet, 'neath the ground. Antiimn comee ; with fulln l measure, In the waii.iig rarmnr'a haii.l, Karlh pours out her harvc-t lieiinii., XlleainK richly all Dim laud. Olmlly nil tl.e Hcamu thioiic,h Toila the earth, the, air and dew. Thua our lives rr, through a season, Laughing p j,,g ad jovona .lime. Khowera.d.vuii8hine, toil and ease, en "P'flou r ycara the eu l comes soon, Soon tlm'.j fall (mr friwl(.d 1(.4VH.. Aullltur, conies to reap our Iichvcs. H'uvtrly Milyoiiiit. THE FLOWER GIRL. " She Iiiih got a face like one of hor ose buds," said Mr. Fitz.Uan to his friend, Frank Calverly. " I bare heard cJ hor moro than once," returned Frank. "'The pretty flower irl,' poople call her, don't they ? Old Frixham has doodled his custom since she oame here." " And the Iwt of ic all," added Fit Mian with 1 jingh, " is that sho is quite unconscious of her own attraction u little count tj lassie, who thinks only of her boainejs, and never dreams that ahc herself is thoaweetost flower of the as sortment." " ke'A go in and buy aMareebal Niol bnd fjjrl two or three sweet verbena 1'M,M said Calverly. " I should like t see this modern Flora of yours." Dorothy Peiifiold stood behind the counter of the florist's store, porting over a pile of fragrant blossoms which liy on a tray of damp green moss. Trails of snnlax wove, thoir green gar-lai-ds up to the coiling ; heaps of gold and rose-petalled buds lay in tho win dow ; drifts of purple heliotrope per fumed the air, and whit carnations lay like hillocks of snow against the panes of .the show window, while, spikes of perfumed hyacinths and Citpe-jcsainice flung their subtle scents upon the air. And Polly herself, with her round, dimpled face, piuk cheeks and soft brown eyes, exactly tho shade of the rippling hair, which was brushed simply )ack from tho bread, low brow, was a fitting accessory to tho soono. Sue looked up as the two gentlomeu entered, and a sort of crimson shadow overspread Lor face for a secobd. " Have you got one of my favorito buttonhole bouquets mad up, Miss Pen field?" Fit ralan asked, with a careless Low sod a smile. "I know," said Dolly softly. "A rosebud, a (prig of heath and two or three myrt'e haves that is whnt you like. No, I have none made np just at present; but I can tie np a bouquet in in half a minute, Mr. Fitsalan." "One for me, too, if yon please," said Oalverly, touching bis hat. "Just the same?" Dolly lifted her long yelashes, which were like fringeu of brown silk and gave him ashy glance. " A little different, phnse. Consult your own taste, Miss Fentield." "I like the double blue violet" said Dolly gently, "with geran'um leaves. " "Thea they shall be ray favorite fiowers also," raid Calverly galantly. The gentlemen Lai hardly taken their leave when old Frixham, the florist, bustled in, with round, redfaie, shining bald head, and si air of business all over him. " Isn't it time that you had the theatre boujuets ready?" taid he, looking critically and moving a glass of freshly cut oallaa ont of the level sunset beams which at that moment fell like a sheaf of golden lances, in at the deep bow window. 'I shall have them rraly directly," sid Dolly, starting from her revery. "The flowers are all sorted out. ' " We have too many carnations on hand." s-ld the florist, fretfully ; " and those oapa bells are so much dead loss. Let the man from the greenhouse know, please; there's a demand for half-open rosebuds and forced lilies-of the-valley. " Tea," said Dolly dreamily, " I will tell him when he comes." The closed country wagon, with its fragrant leaves and delioionsly scented flowers, cam j early in the morning, long before the fat florist was ont of bed, and while the silenoe almost of an en chanted hand lay upon upper Broad way. Bat Dolly renfleld was there, fresh ening up the stock Of tho day before with wet moos snd cool water, and clip ping the stems of tho tosobuds. " No moro carnation?, John," she said bribkly ; " nor amaryllis flowers ; and we want plenty of rosebuds and lilies-of-the valley. We havo an order for twenty-eight extra bouquets for a dinner-party, R'jd I hopo you have brought plenty of camellias and scarlet gera niums, find thoi-o bright flowers." ' I thought perhaps," said honest John DeadwooJ, who meisured six feet in his stockingp, and had the fuco of an amiublo giant, "you might want to go back with iuo to day, Djlly. Yonr aunt has come on from Ktnsas, and there's to be a dunco in the old barn, with plenty of caudles and evergreen boughs. And mother would bo proud to welcome you to tho old farmhouse, Dolly. Your oleander treo is kept carefully at tho south window, und " "Dear me," curelessly interrupted Djlly, "why don't they put it in tho greenhouse?" "Itocuuso, Dolly," said tho young nmn, reddening, "it reminds us of yon. And the meadow lark iu tho cago sings beautifully ; and old red lUindlo has a littlo spotted calf I " "Has sho?'' asked Dolly indiffer ently. John Dcadwood looked hard at her. "Dolly," said ho, "you don't euro about tho old home any longer." " Yes, I do," said Dolly, rousing her self ; "but'' She paused suddenly, tho rosy color rnshuig in a earmino tide to her cheek, an involuntary smile dimpling tho cor ners cf her mouth, as sho glanced through the tiinilux trails in tho window. John Deadwood, following tho direc tion of hor eyes, glanced, too, just in time to sea a tall gemlemau lift his hat and bow as hn went jauntily past. " Is thut it?" asked John bitterly. "Is what?" pot ulantly retorted Dolly. " I'm sure I don't know what we are standiufr here for, and I with the twenty-eight extra bouquets to make up by hvo o'clock. That's all, I think, John. Dou't. forget tho lilies-oMhe vulley." "But you haven't, answered me, Dolly." "Answered yi.n what? " "About the dunce in tho rid barn, and coming back with mo wheu the wagon returns at five o'clock." "It't quite out of tho question," said Dolly, listlessly. ' Dolly I " " Well." " You promised me, years ago" " Nonsenso I " said Dolly, flioginr the azaleas and pinks about iu fragrant con fusion. "I was only a child then" " Hut you've no right to go back on your word, Dolly, child or no child." " I never promised, John." "Bit you let mo buliovo that ono duy you would be my wife. And I've lived cn the thought of it, Dolly, ever since. And if this city situation of yours should break up my life's hopo'' " Don't hopo aDytbiug about me, John I " brusquely inteirupted the girl. " Here comes a customer. Please, John, don't staud there any longer looking like a ghost." And honest, heart-broken John turned, and went with heavy steps out to where tho wagon stood and old Roan was waiting, with down-drooping hoad and half-closed eyes. "It does seem to me." he muttered, between his teoth, "that there's nothing to live for any longer." Dolly looked half remorsefully after him. " I'vo almost a mind to call him Imek," said she to herself, as she picked out a bunco1 of white violets for the new comer. " I do like John Deadwood ; but 1 think ho lias no right to consider himself engaged to me, just because of that boy and girl nonsense. One's ideas change as one gets ou in life." And Dolly's chesk was like the re flection of the pink azaleas, as she thought of Mr. Fitztlau and the tur quoise ring that he had given her as a troth-plight. And Mr. Frixham oame in presently. " I've a note from the Sedgewioks, on Ffth avenue," said he hurriedly. "They always order their flowers from Servoss', but Sorvoes has disappointed them. They want the honse decorated for a party to night there's not a minute to lose. I've telegraphed to Bolton's for a hundred yards of smilax and running fern, and a hundred scarlet poinsettaa ; and I think we can manage the rest our selves. You had better go at once, Miss renfleld, and plan ths decoration you've a pretty taste of your own and I'll send np the flowers, with Hodges to help yon." And Dolly went, her mind still on the turquoise ring, with its band of virgin gold and its radiant blue stone. The Sedgewiok maneion was a brown stone palace, with plate-glass casements and a vestibule paved with black and orange marble. Mrs. Sedgewick, a stately matron, in Watteeu wrapper and blonde cap, re ceived Dolly iu the great drawing room. i " On I " said she, lifting her eye glasses, " you're from the florist's, are you? Well, I know nothing about these things I only want the rooms to look elegant. Tell your hutsbund to spire no expense." " Mr. Frixham is not my husband," said Dolly. Your father, then." "But he isn't my father," insisted Dolly, half laughing. " lie's uo rela tion at all. I will toil him, however." "Exactly," said Mrs. Sedgewick. "I particularly desire plenty of white roses, as I am told thoy are customary at this sort of affair. It's an engage ment party." Indeed 1 " said Dolly, trying to look interested. " Between my daughtor, Clara, and Mr. AMrcd 1'itzalan," said Mrs. Sedgo wick, with oonsoious complacency. Dolly said nothing, but the room, with its fluted cornices and lofly ceil ings, seemed to swim around her like the waves of the sea And as she went out, with Mrs. Sedgewick still chatting about white rosebuds and begonia leaves, she passed tho half open door of a room, all hung with blue velvet, where a yollow-trossod beauty sat smiling on a low divan, with Mr. Fitzahtn Lending tenderly above her. " Ho has only been amusing himself with me," said Dolly to herself. There was a sharp aoho at her heart ; but, after all, it was only the sting of wounded pride. Thank Heaven oh, thank Heaven I it was nothing worse than that. Honest John Dodwood was driving old Roan steadily and soberly along past the patch of wosd& where the vel vet massed boulders lay like dormant beasts of prey in tho spring twilight, when a gray fign-o glided out of tho shadows and stood at his side. "John I " she whispered. " Dolly I " it's never you? " " Yes, John," said the girl gently but steadily, " I'm going back homo with you." "God bless you, Dolly 1" said tho man fervently. "For good and all, if you'll take me," said Dolly shyly. ' I've had quite enough of city life ; and I'll help you with the greenhouses, and I'll try to be a good little housekeeper at home Shall I, John?" John put his arm around her and hugged her up to his side. "Darling!" said he huskily, "it's most too good news to be true ; but if my word is worth anything you shall nover regret your decision of this day." So the pretty flower-girl vanished out of the bower of smilax and rosebuds. The Sedgewick mansion wasn't decorated at all, and Mr. Frixham had lost his new customer. And the turquoise ring came back to Mr. Fitzalan in a blank envelope. Tho Tides. Various remarkable theories havo been advanced regarding tho tides Many of theso are truly so absurd that it is hardly worth while to refer to them. Persons find it difficult to understand why the tides are higher at ono time than another, and why they rise to tho height of sixty feet in the Bay of Fun- dy, forty in the ports of Bristol, Eng land, and St. Malo, France, and oniy rise to few feet in height at New York and other places, while they are scarce ly perceptible in the Baltio and othor seas. Descartes was the first philoso pher who advanced the theory that the tides were due to the influence of the moon, but Newton was the first who worked the problem and discovered the true cause. Descartes believed thut the moon acted on the wators of the ocean by pressure ; Newton demonstrated that it acted on the ocean by attraction that instead of pressing on the waters, it rolled them np direotly under it, and also at its antipodes at tho same time, thus producing the two tides every day. The tides are attractions of both sun and moon. If the earth had no moon, the attraction of the sun would produce two tides every day, but their ebb and flow would take place at the same hours, and not varying as they do. These tides would also be much smaller than those of the moon. Although the mass of the sun is far greater than that of the moon, and though attraction is in proportion to the mass, yet it is also inversely as the square of the distance. As the sun, therefore, is four hundred times more distant than the moon, the aVraotion of the waters of the sea toward the sun is fonnd to be about three times less than that of the moon. There are really two ocean tides, the lunar and solar, but the latter is absorbed by the former. which is wholly observable in respect to the time, the solar only as it influences the height of the tidal wave. That caused by the moon is three times greater than that of the sun, and it fol lows the moon's motion around the earth, rising and falling twelve hours, and each succeeding tide later by three quarUrs of an hour than the preceding one, is exactly in accordance with the position of the moon, or as it is com monly called, Its rising and setting. FASHION' Nm;s. Lice ruchos ore uted to edge the chine silk dreseoa worn at receptions. Crushed banana is the name for tho new pale ytllow shade worn this season. Two deep box -pi eatings, arranged as puffj, make a beautiful tablier for sum mer silk dresses Dangling balls of wool and pompons are tho fushionublo trimmings for lm ported woolen dresses. Chomisi ties, oi gumpes cf pleated white mull, are worn with surplice waists of dark l:iu or foulard drosses. Large oval-topped folding Japanese fans three-fourths of a yard long are put iu front of fireplaces of country houses. Festooned bias scarfs of silk edged, with luce pro culled Marie Antoinette flounces, and mo the trimmings on French drones for balls and parties. A new fancy for pleated skirts of fine woolen dresses is to put wide box-pleats alternating with u group of knife-pleats the whole length of tho skirt. One of the prettiest costumes for the country is a ciinip pink sateen with ecru embroider d re til s and a large tmuiilla hut trimmed with whito roses and red currants. Tho new Grenada blonde has the llgures cf Hpunish luce ou a very thin grenadine ground. It is made up over colored tutiu of contrasting color such as black over red or white over yellow. Blue with brown is a fashionable contrast of colors in imported dresses. A pale blua foulard with dark brown figures trimmed with bows of brown velvet ribbon is one of the prettiest of tho seuson. New niubrelhii for coaching and for climbing are of India red or blue calico, with long spiked alpenstocks, while at the hand is a crutch, a ball, and tambourine, or battle ax of light colored wood. Euglish womnn uso many old fashioned fabrics that have long been ont of tho mirket in this country. Theso are chally, muslin-do -luine, painted muslins, taffeta silks and the handkerchief dresses. Summer whito dresses, with skirts aud juniors of Chiiat crape, have the entiro skirt covered with laco flouncos. TLo Bretonno luce is used for theso, and each flounce falls a littlo over that beneath it, forming a cloud of luce very iglit and charmingly effective. An exquitite now fabric, known as 1'ieur de-'f he, is a sheer lawn, as trans parent as gunze and crinkled like crape, bo that it is elastic and fits the figure like a glove or 'ike a Jersey. It further commends itself not only by washing well, but, in dispensing altogether with ironing, it needs to be only slightly manipulated and drawn into shape after being cleaned. It conies iu Oriental colors and designs, and is a boon to those who live in dreal of laundry bills when summer dresses need to be done up. The fleets of Imagination, In an early part of my practice I was calltd into a neighboring town to visit a patient. It being about tho middle of the day tho old gentleman of the house (over sixty years of age) invited mo to stop and dine. While at dinner he said : "I don't know as yon liko my din ner." i " Why, yes," said I, " I do. I like it very well it is very good." "I guess," sai l he, "you do not know what you are eating." " Why, yes," paid I, " I do it is some new corned luef." "Ah I" said the old gentleman ; "it is hcrse-bi'of." I replied : " I dou't believe it." "It is," said he; "I declare it is some of my old mare." I was not much acquainted with h'm at that time. I .looked at him, sup posing him to be joking, but could not discover a muscle of the faee to alter or change. I had just taken another piece on my plate aud a mouthful of the second slice in my mouth, and, in fact, it was horse-meat sure enough. I could taste it as plainly as my olfactory nerves would discover the scent of an old horse. The more I chewed it, the mare disagreeably it tasted. I continued picking and tast ing a little sauce whioh I could swallow, but the meat, as the negro said, "would no go." I at last gave a swallow, as I do with a dose of physio. I afterward tasted a little sauoe, but took oare not to put any mora meat in my month, and kept time with the family. Olal was I when dinner was over. It being cool weather, the old gentleman went to smoking and telling stories. At last he said: " I won't leave you in the dark about your dinner. I told yon we had horse meat for dinner, and so it was. I told you it was some of .'my old mare, and so it was, for I swopped her away for a steer, and that was some of her beef." I have ever sinoe been glad that the old gentleman put the joke on me, for I never should otherwise have known how far imagination would have carried me. poiiiii'iidyke's Hi arch, "Oh, dear I" gi tinted Mrs. Spoopen dyke. "I'm sure I'm going to die 1" and the good woman flopped ovor in the bed and contemplated her husband with a pale face and a look of general debili ty, "You will be good to baby, won't you, dear?" Oh, ho 1" returned Mr. Spoopendyke, pounding her tenderly on the head with his big hand. "You're all right. Bear np aguinbt it, aud you'll be well in an hour or two. I'vo often had tho cholera morbus, but yon never see me give up like this. Where's tho ginger ?" "I dou't know," moaned Mrs. Spoop endyko. "Look on tho top shelf of tho closet. If it isn't there, try the bottom drawer of tho wardrobe; or it may bo in tho pantry. Ow-w 1 ' and Mrs. Spoopen dyke doubled up and straighten d out with a jerk. "You can't remember uny other con gressional districts represented by that ginger, can you ?" growled Mr. Spoop endyke, prowling around the room iu an aimless but energetic fashion. "You don't cull to mind a couple moro roost ing places iu which thut ginger is to be found, do you? Whero'bouts on the top shelf ?" and Mt. ti.. orpendyke rat tled around umong tho old bottles and empty pillboxes. "Look hero I I've found that court planter I wnnted duy bcfjre yesterday ! ' and inoro thun giuti flel with his find, Mr. Spoopendyke utterly forgot the origiual object of his search. 'You'll send baby to a good school, aud see that she marries happily, deai? ' groaned Mrs. Spoopendyke, adapting u womau's st j le of hinting that the gin ger would be acceptable. "And you'll bury me by mother?" "Certainly," replied Mr. Spoopen dyke, immersed in the contemplation of the court pluster. "Where's the sheet vf flesh oolor that was here?" ho demunded. "I don t seem to defect the presenoe of that particular element of adhesiveness I Where's the flesh col ored portion of this curative ?" and Mrt Spoopendyke ran over the little squares again in a vain search for the piece he missed. "Did you look in the wardrobe, love?" uskod Mrs. Spoopendyke, faintly. "It isn't here 1" growled Mr. Spoop endyke, raking over the contents of the drawer and turning them over with his foot. "What? Upon my word ! you're a pretty woman ! I thought you said that old ruzjr strap of mine was lost when we moved. Here it is as big as life and twice as dirty. Glad I found that strap," mumbled Mr. Spoopondyke, rubbing it tenderly and blowing off the dust. "Got a piece of cloth?" "Oh, do look in the pantry !" pleaded Mrs. Spoopendyke. "I'm sure it's in the pantry." Mr. Spoopendyke charged ou the pantry like a column of horses, and hustled around and bumped his head, but didn't seem to meet with much success. "I don't see uny," ho murmured "Dou't you know where 'you keep your cloth? I s'poso I might tttind around here till doomsday, wliilo the moths corrode and thieves do break into this razor strap and steal the whole business, without finding a piece of cloth to wipe it on, "Haven't ye got an old skirt or something?'' Aud Mr. Spoopendyke drow tho sirup under his arm two or three times and regarded it with much affection. "Ob, please find the ginger?" squeal ed Mrs. Spoopendyke, as another spasm caught her. "Never mind your old strap I Find the ginger !" "Ain't I looking for it?" retorted Mr. Spoopendyke. "Here's a cuk, and the bottle can't be far oif. Wheu I And that bottle I'll have a clue to tho gin gel, and I'm going to follow it to the bitter end. You ought to eavo these corks anyway when I go fishing. What kind of a looking bottle was it?" "It was long and narrow," replied Mrs. Spo pendyke, almost in despair. "I ought to find it from that descrip tion," muttered Mr. Spoopendyke. "Most bottles are perfectly round. Here's the arnica bottle upside down, and I told you to keep it filled. I might knock my elbow into the next Presbyterian General Assembly, and I'd have to wait all day before I could get drop of arnica to sooth my anguish ! What's this straw hat of mine doing in the bottle box, anyhow ? What partic ular malady did this hat have that sug gested such disposition of it ?" and Mr. Spoopendyke smoothed out the crown and squinted with one eye while he straightened the brim. "That's a good hat, yet," and he put it on and regarded himself in the glasa. "Yon wanted some ginger, didn't you? Where is it? Where'd you put it?" Mrs. Spoopendyke arose from the bed, pale but firm, and stalking acioss the room, seized the bottle and flounced back into the bed with a bump that showed sho was mad. There is nothing on earth that will so express a woman's wrath as that one dive among the sheets. "Getting better, ain't ye?" snorted Mr. Spoopendyke. "I told ye the chol era morbus didn't last long. Where's that razor strap? What'd ye do witq that strap?" Mrs. Spoopendyke eyed him, but made no response. "Point out to me tho present address of thut 6trapl" howled Mr. Spoopen dyke. "Take this finger and lay it ten derly on the heme and countiy of that strap I" and Mr. Spoopendyke whirled around like a grindstone aud tilled the uir with bot tles and boxes, and poders and pills. "Come out of the jungle and fuco me!" yelled Mr. Spoopendyke, apostrophizing the s'rap which he re membered having in his hand but a moment before. "Show mo to ths strap. Take that strap by the ear and lead it bafore H.-oopondyko in proper person 1" und the imaged gentleman thrust his foot through the crown of his hut uud drew the wreck up to his hip. "Whul's that sticking out of your breust pocket?" usked Mrs. Spoopen dyke, scruping off external ui pliin'ious of an assortment of drugs. "I'mph !" grunted Mr. Spoopendyke, drawing out the strap. "Found it, didn't ye? Another time you let t Lings alone, will ye? Made we spoil my straw hut with your nonsense ! Auothoi tinio you wunt anything yon just staud buck and let mo search I Y1 understund? "Yes, dour," murmured Mrs. Spoop cudyke, uud us her husband left the room she took u consoling swig at the ginger bottle aud reflected thut ho hadn't enjoyed tho attack of cholera morbus much moro than she hud. TiiM'iiu Laborers. Almast everybody owns a bit of land; but it is impossible to live upon it. ; so, iu tho autumn and winter, the laborer is obliged to go to other countries in search of work. Ho generally goes to Sardinia, Corsica and tho Muremma Ho too often returns home again with the marth fever. But the following autumn tho exodus recommences. The greatest distress iu Tuscany is to be found among the duy laborers, who amount to one hundred thousand in number, und form a qtiaiter of the popu lation, These live iu miserable huts, durk, i mull and devoid of even neces sary furniture, so that tho separation ot the sexes is impossible, and the sick and well have to sleep in one bed. Iu the lust epidemic of diphtheria, (several cottages were decimated from this cause. The men's wages are twenty cents a duy ; the women from ten to twelve cents a day. In winter work is altogether wanting. Here again, we have the annual emigration ; but this remedy sometimes fuils, and then crowds of poor laborers eo from one farm to another, and from one municipality to the other, begging for work or help In a word, there are too many worktrs and too little for them to do. India!) corn is tho Tuscan day laborer's staple food, aud pellagra is tho fatal conse quence, aud is now on the incteuse in neighborhoods where it wus formerly unknown. Tho moral condition of three fourths of the peasants of Tuscany is good, and although amoug the re maining quarter, whieh includes the duy laborers, thefts of tho crops is a com mon custom, jet the miserable wages aud long seasons of eniorced idleness sorbids us to puss too harsh a judgment on them. Tho government is studying the difficult problem of how to improve the condition of the Italian peasantry all through tho country. May it prove successful ! History of the Tomato. A good many yejrs ago, a man who had recently arrived from the Bermuda Islands was sent to York county, Penn sylvania, jail for some offense. He hud with him a few seeds whieh he planted in the rich soil of the jail yard. Before the plants grew to maturity, he was discharged, and no one knew the name or nature of them. They grew luxur iantly, bearing fruit of u large i-iz and unusual appearance. As this strutige fruit ripened, its color changed from green to a brilliant red, and beca-ne au objeit of wonder and admiration to all th. inmates of the jail. Mrs. Kline felter, tho lady keeper, cautioned the prisoners against eating uny of the frnit, as sho was sure it was poisonous, and she endeavored to preserve specimens of it for him, should he return in time. Just when the fruit was fully matured the Bermuda prisoner revisited the jail and asked to sea the plant. This request granted, he next ea'led for pepper, salt and vinegar, and to the horror of the good lady commenced to eat the sup posed poisonous frnit with a relish that astonished the beholders. After enjoy ing the strange repast he informed Mrs. Klinefelter that the frnit or vegetable was the tomato, or love apple, and it would be found wholesome and nutri tions. The seeds were then distributed among the friends and neighbors of the lady, thus introducing this now popular esculent into the ancient and goodly borough of York. For many years thereafter it was cultivated as an orna ment rather thun for table nse, but by degrees its merits began to be more fully understood and appreciated, and then it grew into general publio favor. A Lullaby, Sleep, my child ! the, shadow fall ; Silent darkness reiuns o'er all ; Bud and bloom are l.t to si-jlit In tilt' folded arm f nij-lit ; Slurs will soon from eloud-loneis pe p, While all nature Iioh aslei p. lireiithe thou ooltl v : 1! st is sne t I'oi' tired h art and aidiiiiK U et ; No dull rare nor toil ih thine Nor sin, thou Mossed child of mine ; Tranquil on thyeott coin h rest With dreams of heaven in thy breast. Hilda arc sleeping : close thine eyes ; Waken with a solt surprise ; (ireet the morning with thy smile, And sweet prattle without guile. S'-ents lie nleeping in the flowers ; Slumber till the dayliiht hours. Sleep: Thy Father guards tby reit ; bay thy head upon His breast ; Safer than these arms winch bold thee. His di ar love w ill linn enfold thee ; llmhei love than mine shall Ho (iive, hcb'Vi d one, to tin e I Sleep : The waves have l"ir boon sleeping ; Anijel... o'er tin e watch aio ko ping ; (I'er us both tho palo stua shine With a radiance hall divine. Slumber, innocent and lii;lit. Fall from h' aven on thee- to -niht. VAKIETIKS. A Carudiun widow recently achieved local notoriety by marrying her daugh ter's widower eleven weeks after the death of her husband. Owing to tho high prico of beef in Florida, the people cf Tuvans, in that State, have taken to eating alligator steaks, uud pronounce them delicious. It is estimated on fairly good author ity that there are seven millions of boys and girls in the Sunday-sehoeh of the United States. These are taught by about one million of teachers, In accordance with the request of the Dry Goods Clerks' Union, in New York, all of the leading stores close np at noon on Saturday. The clerk is be coming a power in the land. A colored man, while plowing near Opelonsas, Lx, a few days since struck a ten-gallon jar filled with Spanish fil ver coins of date of 1779. The amount s estimated at $8,000 to $10,00?). St. Louis has two pretty female home opathic physicians. Their first patient was a man who said he had the neural gia from too much kissing, and wanted to be treated on homeopathic principles. There is nothing that soothes a bee sting on a young girl so muo'u as the remark coming from a nice young man to the effect that the boa was a discrim inating insect, and knew a sweet thing when it saw it. The grand residence of the lute Cor nelius J. Vanderbilt, ou Vanderbilt Hill, Hartford, was never occupied by its owner. It looks deserted, and the entrances of the two roudwuys aro pla carded "No admittance." O.icar Wildo refused to lecture at Griggsille, Georgia, because of the un couth name of the town. They refused to cull a town meetiug and change the name of tho place, a ,d he proceeded on his tour. A m.-.n living neur Dulton.Ga., is said to have tho loudest voice of any person in the State. When he calls his chil dren he can be heard a mile away, and when he tackles a hymn, he shakes down young peaches from the trees two miles away. Thirteen gold watches of French make were dug up on Sjituate (Mass.) beach the othor day, and as a Boston jeweler says they were all made prior to 1820, it is believed by many Bostonians that thoy were buried by pirates, several of whom were hanged on Boston Neck iu 1820. Cincinnati has steadily outdone Chi cago in musical achievements, largely through the mnniftcence of Mr. SprJi er, who built and endowed her Conser vatory. But Chicago now projects a hall of music and art. The building alone will cost a million dollar?, and will be finished in two years. Dr. Claxton, says the Philadelphia Record, has found that rabbits soon die from an injection of human saliva, and that the saliva of some races, notably of negroes and residents of the tropics, exhibits an extreme degree of virulence, a virulence that bears relation to the amount of tobacco used by the person. The censufl ffives the population of .Tanan as 3fi,35R.0!l, an increase of 3,000,000 since 1873. This apparent increase is in part attributed to growing accuracy in collecting returns. The population of the three principal cities is: Tokio. 070,084; Kioto, 830,820; Osaka, 587.098. A new invention promises to preserve beef or mutton while the animals are still alive. Boric aoid is injected into the animal's veins, the natural circula tion of the blood carries the anticeptio through every part of the body, and when the unfortunate animal that thus innocently preserves its own flesh for future consumption comes under the ovre of the butcher, it will be fonnd that the mutton will keep perfectly wholesome for a considerable period. I: t f A I I I

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