w, . I ' ' J" ' "" L SAI UUDVY, Ot'TOliKU 13, ISiJS. C7Ve regret lo learn, lhat the damage sustained by the late freshet is much great cr than was at first anticipated. It will he seen by the following article, that lh llev. Josiim Lawrence, whose knowledge and experience in these matters we believ. to be unsurpassed, estimates the loss at three millions of dollars. At the fiist blush, this amount would appear almost incredible but when we take into consi deration the extensive low grounds on Tar Kiver and iis tributaries, the large number of mills, and I he numerous bridges, nenrlx all of which have been injured in a greater or lesser degree, we may reasonably con clude that the loss is not overrated. O i Xeuse river, we understand, the loss is equally extensive as that on T.;r river O i the Roanoke, we are happy to learn, the damage sustained is but trilling. FOR THE TAKBOIIO1 PRESS. Till; FRESHET. Well, George, sometimes you, like other J primers, are liard run for hot and Iresh news, and have lo ransack some old moul dy records lor something that max be in leresting to your readers; and in such case your friends should help you a little, so then, when you find a sp ire column, you may insert the following. In the year I?9G. at 1G years old, I set tied in the fork of Fishing Creek and Tar Rirer, cut down some pine hgs with mv own hands ami built me a hut; and not far from that spot I have reared many building-; and lived ever since. The freshet in 1793 is marked dow.i; four others I have Seen, but none since '93 as large as tin present. The one in August '95 done a great ileal ol damage on I ar I!ivir mu I Fishing Creek; but no comparison with this. The freshet in 1778, was marked down on the door post of Mr. Josiah Ses sions. I paddled my cmoe into Ins door in '93, and the freshet in '93 l icked about 15 niches of being as high as that of '78; the present lacks with me about 31 leet being up to that of '9S Butifmx memo' ry serves me, that of '98 was in .March or April; this in September, which makes a wide difference in its ravages and destruc tion of property and labor of the husband man. The cause of the freshet with me is, first, the junction of the waters of Tar River, Fishing Creek, and Deep Creek; all which come together within four hun dred yards of each oilier. The second cause is, the high banks of the river from the Purry place to Fenny Hill; thi makes the water bark 'on us, not having vent below the mouth of the creeks. Also the high banks from Sessums' Bridge ami above there, makes a freshet in Fishing Creek, above those high banks about Uii ken's. Lyon's, Izc. It has swept fi for me 32 head of shepp, hogs I know not how many as yet, and at least 150 barrels' ot corn I call ruined, 15 st icks of fodder. and much damage done to 9 stacks oi l wheat; all my cotton to perhaps 1500 pounds, peas, potatoes, Sic. sa)ing nothing about the damage done to fences, &e. should say from what I know of the farms on Tar River, Fishing Creek, S w i f t Creek, and Deep Creek, and I partially know them from near head to foot on both 'sides, that three millions of dollars would not re comprise the farmers on those streams for their losses. And I would further say to the farmers on those streams, that so far as I have tried heretofore, they had better let their corn alone on the stalk and not shuck it, nor touch it until it gets dry in the field; for I have often swimmed over the lops of the corn tassels in my low lauds on the creek and river, when it has been in its silk, and then made as good corn as ever 1 made;1 but the nearer dry the worse it hurts it, this 1 have proved, bnt the best way is not to touch it, only that on the ground, so far as I have tried it. The drought has hurt its thousands, but the wet its fifty thousands. I write as I think, and am GO years old, and have rang ed the banks of the above streams for 40 odd years, and ought to know when the sun shines, be sure, or the moon, or the day-star, since I will say, Uiat the sun has never risen on me before out of bed unless sick in 23 years, at home or abroad, in tavern or private house, on Sabbath' or week days. I have been forthcoming from two hours to day-break and at all times between then and before sun rise. NTow, George, think on what I say; this freshet has risen faster than any that I have seen heretofore, by near two inches in the hour, and fallen in the same proportion for quickness. And the loss sustained, accord ing to my feelings, has no more effect on me than the bite of a horse fiy, quick pain i 1- nvcr For my affections are on imes I consider thai industry, prudence aml Care, and strict attention to business or a man's calling, is the duty of all men and a safe guard in virtue, wealth and respec iabditx; idleness of men a curse to man, society, and the nation. ThU vear '33. is, I ibmk, marked with the judgments of Cod throughout the ad, and perhaps the beginning of curses to the nation; for go to the house ol (od to wor.-ddp, and there your ears will be stunned with rail roads, banks, and cotton, the curse of the poor and the nation. Newspaper must be lead in every group, and politics holds her court in the moetinu house yards, (Tarborough excepted,) with ,11 her train of laughing and contention between individuals and parties. The church of Cod divided, contending, hack biting, whimpering, reproaching each other; and professors scarce slum a gieen u-.n ,..v where I know of; all are going to Ilea veil by their knowledge or creed of faith, unaccompanied by good woiks, the true lest of a living faith or a Christian man; while others mock, and jest, and sport at the preaching of the gospel and the mm isters thereof, and ireal it with contempt; while hundreds judge it not worth hear ing. or think themselves too great to hear ii, or that at least they have no need of the blessings ihe gospel contains. Now add to this the pride, dress, pomp, show, and parade, t q-iippage of man and horses, ficc, when I can remember when then were but two stick gigs and one old top gin in Edgecombe county. Is this change which has taken place in fifiy years for ihe better, or for the worse of ihe nation? I shall leave you to de tcrmiue, with only saying, that that which ruins an individual when cariied to ex cess, in the same way ruins a nation when carried to excess bv her. Then we will j'isi say this, that pride and luxury, com bined w tilt idleness, has sunk the proudest empires that ever were reared by man. Our nation is beginning fast to tread in the foutteps of form r nations, and will sooner or later meet the judgments and scourge:, of ( ioil, and sink into the same whirlpool of the vengeance of Cod against wicked nations, of famine, pestilence and swiml, and oppression ol tyrants. For whenever nations lose their virtue they lose their patriotism, both of which are ihe life blood of all national and individual strength : for righteousness exalteth a nation, bul sin is a reproach lo any people. Ami by ii they ripen themselves for Cod's judgments, as did the Vutideluviaus, Sodomito, Jews, Greeks, Romans, h . And the best co lective proof that I hive been able l make from the history of former nation of their degeueiacy, is to make a jest ol virtue, boldness in sin, and mockery o; things sacred, and cast off all the restraint of morality and religion, and give over li do as they list lo satisfy sensual passion without shame. One word shall not Cod visit a nation for these things? JOUUA LWVRENCE. N. B. I have written this George, lo give information lo others of this section of country, and 1 should be gratified to hear in return from other sections, to know how things are going on elsewhere. Small Pox in IVarrcnton. We regret to see it stated in the Reporter, that three new cases of Small Fox have occurred in Warrenton. The first w as a negro worn in on the lot of Mr. Geo. M. Allen, to whom it ia supposed it was communicated by a stage passenger; the 2nd and 3rd cases are her children; and the 4th, another negro woman on the same lot. Means have been adopted to prevent its spread. Sporting Intelligence. The New Mar ket fall Races, near Petersburg, commenc ed on Tuesday, the 2d inst. First day, the Sweepstake, mile heats, $ 1 00 entrance, G subscribers, xvas won by S. VV. Mor gan's b. f. by Lnzborough, beating three others. A beautiful race, and closely con tested. Second day, the Proprietor's purse, $300, two mile heals, 300, xvas won by W. R. Johnson's b. m. Mary Lyle, beating three others. Third day, Jockey Club Purse, $700, four mile heats, i wo entries won at two heats by W. R. Johnson's c. h. Boston, beating Polly Green with ease, who was withdrawn after the first heat. Fourth day, purse taken by Henry Maclitrs c. c. beating three others. (7"Ve are indebted lo the attention of Mr. IVm. F. Dmcy, for a pamphlet copy of "An Address delivered before the two Literary Societies of the University of North Carolina, by Hon. William U Siikpard, June 27, 1838." This Address fully sustains the character given to it, by several of the most distinguished literary gentlemen of our Stale on Commencement day, who pronounced it to be inferior lo noue ever delivered at our University. It also has excited the commendation of di- lal writers, as will be seen by tne ioi. ,.. article from the Alexandria uazeue . w. II Slipnnrri's address be- fore the Literary Societies of the Univer sity of North Carolina is a very excellent Mv . !, Iipi senti production. " "J8 . ' , . I . i ,,t a redo flit ments, in a naiura. a.j.c, -of classit at literature. We welcome Mr. S back again from the boisterous conten tion of p.M ties in the House of Represen tatives to Ihe quiet balls of learning and ,he calm retreats of private life. He shows in his address that he turns with delight from the dusty high road of po it.es, into the flowery paths of science and learning. Commercial Convention. -The follow ing Circular, relating to the proposed Con vention to be held at Norfolk, has recently been issued: Norfolk Borough, Sept. 17, 1S3S. Sir; The Commercial Convention t 4l.. ..mtv.l,l,..l in I? ie hnmnd xvmcn ruL'tiui) n..,ivw ... having recommended that another Conven tion should be holdcn at Norfolk, on the second Wednesday in November next, the cilizensof this Borough have appointed a delegation to the proposed Convention, and havcTconstitulcd us a Committee to invite their fellow citizens of Virginia and North Carolina, to meet them on the occasion of the assembling of that body. Believing that you feel a deep interest in the success of every measure that may tend to relieve the eomnferce of the S mthern States from the burthens to which it has so long been Mihjeeled, we address this communication to von requesting, that you will use such means as you may be cnabied to command, lo induce the people of your district to ap point a delegation to the proposed Con vention. The restoration of the direct inlcrcourse betw een foreign nations and the Southern portion of the United Slates, we feel to boa subject of the most vital importance. Wo are not unmindful of the difficulties which oppose the accomplishment of this desirable result; but we cannot permit ourselves to doubt, than they are only such as may he o vercomo by united and persevering exer tion. By the operation of causes not in herent in our natural condition, but which may be plainly traced to human ag.-ney, we have been deprived of that commerce which once shed its kindly influences over every department of industry. What xve have once enjoyed, there Mirely can bo no natural incapacity to possess, and have xve so declined inspirit and recourccs, thai xve may not recover that which has been wrested from us by no physical necessity, but by the efforts of commercial rivalry, stimulated and assisted by partial legisla tion? Arc xve less lilted now than former ly, to conduct the operations of an exten sive commerce? Are the products of our soil less abundant our harbors less capa cious our merchants less intelligent? May not the simple xvants of our people be supplied, witliou: laying tribute to those whose agency is superfluous; and may not the productions of our agricultu rists be sped to the placu of their consump tion, xv i thou t undergoing the expensive ceremony of an introduction to tne ports of a distjnt section of the Union? If the true answer to these inquires be such as xve suppose, it is not moie the part of interest than of patriotism, to expose the causes which have produced the evils allu ded to, and to ascertain the remedies by which their operation may be countervail ed. We know no means more likely lo ensure accurate information upon these in teresting subjects, than an appeal lo the matured reflection and varied experience of those xvho feel the ills, of which they complain; and we believe there is no mode, in which their counsels may be more free ly imparted, or more extensively benefi cial, than in the proposed convention, in which error may be exposed by friendly explanation, mutual suggestions may elicit truth. We have the honor to be, With great respect, Your obd't Servants, JOHN S. M1LS0N, JAMES T. SOUTTER, JOHN H. BUTLER, HENRY B. REAR DON, WM. E. CUNNINGHAM. JVakc Siqicrior Court. The Superior Court for this county, xvas held last xveek, His Honor, Judge Saunders, presiding. The only case of a Capital nature xvas an indictment against negro Shadrack, the property of Thos. Alston, Esq. of this County, for a Rape. The victim of bis brutality (xvas a daughter of Mrs. Terrell, near Rolesvillc, a deaf and dumb and idio tic child of 13 years of age. The testimo ny in the case xvas positive and direct the chief xvitnesscs for the State being the xvife and daughter of the Prisoner. The Jury remaining out but a short time, xvhen they returned with a verdict of GuiltyOn application, hoxvever, of the Prisoner's Counsel, a new trial xvas granted by his Honor, the grounds of which xve did not learn. Raleigh Reg. (jDJohn B. Henderson, recently tried before the Criminal Court at Washington ity, for forging Treasury Notes, xvas found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars and lo suffer ten years impris onment at hard labor in the Penitentiary. -pIr Orr is elected from the co'mty of Mecklenburg, to supply the vacancy oc casioned by the death, of Mr. Hutchison, Tlr Orr is a licmocraiic. uepuoncu,. Raleiirh Standard. Mexico and Texas. In formal ion has been received at New Orleans, which war rants the belief that Mexico will soon ac-I-noxvlrdne the independence ot lexas; and that the Indian difficulties on the fron tier of Texas are entirely quelled. Warlike. The Mobile Register of the -0ih ult. slates that an order has been is sued by the Covernor of Mississippi lo HriuMdier Oen. Carter, of Columbus, to h ive the rifle corps of that place held in readiness, as there is a prospect of an Indian :n th.-it nu.irtcr. It seems that a por tion of the Muckabusha Indians, cast of Ihe Pearl river, in Leake county; are em bodied, and threaten to take vengeance on the whites for having killed one of the tribe. They were to have held a council on the 10th. About twenty were said to he embodied. fX7The President returned yesterday, greatly invigorated by the vis.it to the Vir ginia Springs. His incessant occupation of mind situ e ihe inauguration, the ardu ous labor xxhirli txvo successive and very important sissions of Congress devolved upon him, had preyed considerably on his strength. The reviving waters -of the Virginia Springs, the pure air, and cheerful exercise enjoyed in liaxeisiug mountains, have imparled a look ol robusi health, which we have mil observed in htm for 3'ears. The most agreeable circumstance of the President's journey was the tinafl' t ied, fa rniliai, hospitable kindness with which he was every w here received by the people ol Virginia. Parade, ostentation, and (or mality which, Imxvexer, kindly meant, are always oppressive to one of simple habits and Republican feelings w ere most tiratefidly exchanged for unceremonious and friendly intercourse with ihe sensible, independent, and high-spirited people with w hom he spent txvo months of partial re laxation from intense application to busi ness. Globe of od inst. Cherokee frauds. We learn from Chas. L. Hinloo, Lsj. one of ihe commissioners under xvhose superintendence and direc tion the sale of these lands took place last month, thai the lauds sold remarkably well, having averaged at leasl four limes j the Stale price. The amount of sales was about 370,000; one-eighth of which was paid down, and the balance xvell se cured by bonds, which xvill constitute a handsome unappropriated fund, subject to the future disposition of the Legislature. Raleigh Star. The Democratic Dinner. The dinner given at Va.n ex ille on Friday last, lo the Sen itors and Delegation in Congress from this Slate, who have supported the impor tant measures of the Administration, in their respective public stations, xxas nu merously attended by the citizens of ibis county, and others; although the xveather xvas extremely unfavorable for ihe occa sion. Speeches were delivered by Messrs. IJrown and Ryuum and an eloquent and interesting letter from Mr. Calhoun, xxas read to the assemblage all of which were received with marked satisfaction. Upmi ihe whole it xvas an interesting time, and each one seemed lo enjoy him self in a capital manner. The proceedings in detail xvill be pub- nsneu in our paper next xveek; and alter dial ihe speeches of Messrs. 13 row n and byuum xvill be given. Milton Spec. Murder. The "Hillsborough Record er" states that, on Monday last, a murder was committed at a grog-shop in Orange, by Alarcus Armstrong. He had been drinking freely: on being refused more liquor by Joshua Berry, the owner of ihe shop, he became enraged, seized Berry arm mrew turn over the railing of the pi azza, which broke his neck and back. Armstrong immediately made his escape. Murder. A most awful murder xvas committed in this county on the night of ine yj instant. :lrs. 1 empy Shaxv, xvife ol Mr. James bhaw, shol her husband through the heart, and he expired instant ly. We have not been able to learn the particulars; but we understand lhat they had lived disagreeable together for some lime. This is ihe second murder xve have had to record this year committed by Females in ibis county. We forbear comment, as the mailer xvill no doubi, un dergo Judicial investigation. Mrs. Shaxv has not been committed to jail yet for ihe offence. It is supposed lhat she has "cut ouu" Halifax ddv. Mammoth Pea. We saw a Pea a few days since raised by Mr. Weller, (Cultiva tor of the Morus Multicaulis Mulberry Tree) that measured 28 inches in length, ueat liis who can. ib. Servile Insurrection. We learn from llie Franklin (Tennessee) Review of Fri day week, that a contemplated insurrec- lion of the negroes in . . , Mississippi, w;ts detecuM ruu lew days ago. The annexed a count () r,. i "' t, I " I lu I, '"oin lntellie-eurer ol the 4ili 1 i The iiittiuator nf ii... lIKf learn a unuc man occurrences of this lu!uj nil , 31 in, 1S I disclosed through the fM r 'el',,:! i he negro in qiesi,ol, .() "v, the idea of his mispress falli,,,,"01 massacre, and divided t!1P ,,, son of respectability, by IOse J'.'h neuro appointed a mglit m, ., i ; xv !,!,.. . "; the fiend who directed the ploi f, M ii. .1 wi ' plans ceiving instructions. in r. . 1 1 On ll le nighi appointee sever ! having secreted themselves ( - " for the purpose of ovei liearin-r uVP '' satton. the necrro met tli r,,.." ufr' s soon as he had opened , r. . tiently lo fm vish rum hbive tvl his guilt against himself, le j,, cealed rushed upon him nu: SlTr' '? r!;r" After his guill xvas rendered crrta'.;?' indignation of iIip xWi,e m.. around was so greatly cx,-i;t,j l!a,. ') with much difii nlty (he friends ,? laws could save the cu!'tii honi i, geance of Judge Lynch. IJilt jnieed to say that in Ninth M;S:J' regard for the laws and the nm!-' prevailed over ihe Lym h ( (!, lii ilpr rnlrnl.itpil titan -im. ,. I : i thejsibly be conceived of, to aroue t!iP the sinus and impel il.e citizen to adaC " v " ii ran (justice xviin ins own hand. Alabama Ranks We learn from vale letter, received b) the Express irf; of yesterday, that the recent Cv,lK,J, of the Alabama Banks had ('iso!ved v out fixing a day for resumption. '( the Mobile Ranks xvere in fuor if fuj the first of January, but they found no porl in the Convention. Pet. l,t. Petersburg Market, Oct. 5. Colt i itt- iiiciir.ci ia ii y ljuiei, V. Ill) llie ft(f", lion of a few bales of the new Crrp r; ceiveo imsweeu, xx nu n hroiight Uceu . :., .i : : unit ia ii iii nines Mine (Mir 1,1 publication. Flour, Superfine .S a S Corn, Scarce at S5, Bacon, (bog lound. 10 to ia rts. Oct 9. NTo change in prices since c last, with the exception of Wheal, tiki, xve nwxv quote at $ 50 to 1 05. hi. Norfolk Market, Oct. 10 Cntmn, lo 12 ents; Corn, 85 to 63 reins; B con, (hog round,) 14 to J4J; Lard. 13 14 cents. Six bales of new Cottnn reached m on Monday, and were immediately stiM 13 cents. The pi inters m.iy semi il lien freely they xxill find no want rf purr la sers in our market at fair prices. it.' Jit Tarborouirh and Acw York. OCT. 9. Cacon, 15 randy, apple, CotlW, Corn, Cotton, Cotton bagging, Flour, Iron, Lard, Molasses, - per Tiirboro'. Sac lb j 12 H 10 l;i gallon 80 100 41 4' ll ! 13 Id 9 13 bushel TO 73 105 1 lb i 8 - 9 8 l1'1- yard 20 2." 13 -1 barrel 7 8 : lb i 5 3 1 lb 10 12 U 1 gallon 50 5.5 33 H lb 10 13 :i 1,1 bushel GO 63 2H f, barrel ! 175 ISO 273 bushel. 100 K'3 H 1:(J gallon) 53 CO ii Snorar, brown, Salt, T. I. -Turpentine, Wheat, Whiskey, - TO TIIK Justices of the Fence OF EDGECOMI5E COUNT1". A MEETING of ihe Justices rl I - County of Edgecombe county, at Court House in Tarboro', On Thursday, the IHlh insl. Is earnestly n quested, for the purpoe ci liking into consideration Ihe necfsrJ sleps lo repair the Bridges in ihis cour.'y; damaged by Ihe late freshet, as it is a lulely necessary that something shcu'J 1,8 done to facilitate travelling betore the en suing xvinter. Several of the Bridges xvill be let os. on that day, and those disposed to ;i tract for the same, xvill do xvell to attend- X, By order of some of THE MAGISTRATE Ocf. 12, 1S.3S. Sndrcw Ilcvan V Brother, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. REFER TO Mr. James Wcddtll, ? 0f Tarboro', Mr. JesspC. Knight. v Ca. Messrs. D. Knight & Co. ) Oot. 4, 1S3S. 4Q Caution. ncT - r:c?n;,i nQ T?;it i?neoc) Joshua Lawrence for $6 25, PA . to Ihe subscriber, and dated about i; pril, 1S3S, for work done by nfr Will. The public are cautioned 9 recei vms sud Due UiU, as it nas dri r JQSL2II ELLISOB. Sept. 29, IS3S.

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