Yotran 1 of rmflta.. . - ' " Kor A~orlato iMk? of Sopromc * Coart?W. A. Boko, of Liocota: flco. " H. Brow*, of Beaufort.*'-'" Jmlfo Plrrt Judicial District? (BUS Corrwrpoodont.) ^ a Pg orafcla u> too <uMl<l?c> of Oot, t Woodrou WHaon lor too praatdoocy a but they so to Baltimore nnfattcrad a ,r-o ' to an, ttrfmtto,:; u . b. tba t>. ulimaut of Oi. con volition h :Y ' man ?"' S ' | mV&'M Tba trat ttbt of too coo, cation b . was oror tba Liotuonant Oovrrnor^ ablp Xbt mwHrasa.arre John 0. J Btiii ,, Sbir, of Curaborlftadt vtf. D. Bou- fi .hall, of Whkc; Wdto WrSuM. a of Halifax; . ?. McKay, of Roboraon; K. L- Daoahtrldso of Naak . .sfef following r?ult: KounbtfipWI and 7S-100; DUXI >11 and Tg-100. I *. ' Oaughtridge III and 7I-1001 McKay t ISO ut lt.100; Shaw SIT and J . : 1M*, ? ?- 4 - , ?jjg Th?r* were TjLjjjgjj V . con.id^abie chanan in tTOf 1 Daniel, 0la rote brine M4 and , ?S_l0O. The neat hi (best candidate 1 araa Shaw with a rota of SIS and a n-roo. T8?frw*? ?eifi?-itT?tri<aet- < lot after thla ballot had been' an Bounced. there warn, calla tor a Me Hay and Shaw conaotldatloQ and the I third ballot wan tahen. The feature ?r thin ballot waa a (real jyeeeh by Sbutord, of lllckbry, who eaat Cm- < ? taw ban entire tote for the farmer'e f Jfj eandWaiar B. 1> Tlaoahtrldia. -jrhln i ballot showed n atni greater lncrbaae i in th. rote for Daniel. Afttrwthla . ? ballot a motion won made to adjonrn r K, , for one *ndr for aoopbfc.- The Dan- , lei delegate, oppoeed thla more and i is ?A jS-. tuton^Wlcall- it. wan overwbolmlnp- j .#t 1y. defeated and th* fourth ballot r My. proeeedod wftb Denfe 1 ?Ithta 31 , S - r * >ote* of the pool. Bat on tthe b?l? . k* there waa a ttdghty flump. Dan' i?1 lost to, reducing hia vote to 393 and 47-100 while Daufbterldge'a waa . kWaa' rvff nn rh'ic hattnt warn and f aniBg on oi. tan oypm. wwe frw tlrally ont of the conning Open the hoada. they'had'Jlalled to Uhe the ' ?? to tham*6 Vbe "firth" ballot begin nam Mr : talfll ?M o. th* #oor *nri w?tcbed?heVilif..l sxocm I flO'v. rlBOgbtor. nr. of .YidM.I that Kt.-rirlSa ?M galninr am'. that ?? i(l?aKI?? the third, Tie nomlaoe In hie remarks'said: I an a termer aa baa bran raid and am noi supporting tar wire and iren children from its products, Applause). J shall know 06 clase i mr representation on We state cket. 1 am proud of being a far'mr and pfoud to be on Abe ticket with, tat great democrat Aoeke Craig." Thd next and > moat bitter fight i.?> ^ ime up wwn tne piairorm wt| Hid by Cameron Morrison which la I follow*: .' o'vt'-'ii" The Majprtt? Platform. The platform aa autnrUled bythe lajorlty of the platform committee th^^pt^ettatW?W*of the \ emocrmtlc party, la cooreaUou ??- . ombled, reaffirm oof deroUon to to time honored ariaclplee of ooa- ' tltutlonal goverameaf. aa eetablfahd by the rather* of the republic, and ' > the mill greater principle* of bu- ' tan aouality, ar proclaimed by Jeff. ' raon. with etjaat rigbta to all and peetal prleilegea to none, and here- < We fkvor the election of aanator. I y a direct rote of the people. ' We oppoae anbildiee In any "form. ' We taror publication of campaign nnde both before and after prllarlea, coareatloas and elaetton. ne flwe n* imtMMRPiitWo condemn the corrupt oae of nooey, or other corrupt means to nfluence rotere In primarlea, eon. cation* *nd elections. favor he enactment of such criminal !avr? a will effectually prevent s\ich pracMUt R?ViilK>t?n( t??nre. iwgjhnd , ? .-u^-^Vrg^.-.c-;:: w? favor th. improvement of out public roads and hijhwan. wise mad -eaeonable dralnale laws, and the 'onsdrratlsm of all oar natural remnrcea WrK".. tt+wfatryo:- - tea ri* IWw and Fntdtc InaUtatUme. '-W, ^:r r. K loa of the Confederals veter?nm at the State and pladae ournelven to a - on ttn nation" of such jpoHcjv- i wtW? plod a* ouraelaaa tta continued development of the Internnl affaire of the state, to the maintenance ot and domb and blind, mod ^all other the fotdamfint&t and ehtof of all povf?rliinont. Wo bt<113 ve IcBK* In' reut_ rl^ht .f child to an t?iU4l chance to develop |tl rouf^H ?ducation, every power n|thin him for citiaetiahip and ahrilce, and in the duty of the at??e to place adOQuato oppoT'?jally fbraoch development within tho reach of *,T?*J, chflil. public liool In every din11 let of the ?t.-i. spo.. the bulletin- of more adc qtin t tu hool ; in " e a h trie tr, of thy at ite, and vpoa the oda ntional |>rogr< i " '' ornv. ruoim;i k MiowERH W3 j H JJi JfTr^- ~'" 7**"' H. W. A. Page le the Now Yorgbuu 1T calling certain member* ?t congreea lurr to Washington ami mwoW In ttinlatratlon of. the Democratic pgr- < it. We ideor the continued support ind IlWhaeed effletenw of the public ichool irttem in the state. anil the inlargement of the opportunities of the children of the ttate: to obtain la education, and we favor po Intreaee length of pnblle school* M irUl foe tar nnJalereet In country life nd furnish batter preparaUeo for moffl nrofltablu ftriuinx anti n. u rv omforlnwe llrlngjn.the 00^07. , ' Control of Pnbllc Service CorporaThe supervielon and.' control of t public aervlce corporatlone la a wttj , recognised right of theatate and BO- , Uooal goveromente, and w<S pledge , ourselves to the enforcement of thin , right in the Interest of the Jieopte of j the eUte, conelitenl with lair and , Just treatment of the pnhHe. service , corporatioh end no pnbllc service 4 prlvllegea; or other hfew,=10 too or corporation. . ^pr&tfttte-to/iaA demand J tho suppression of tram and monopolles. and favor the enactment ?r . such laws In both slate and nation, /with atfeh nectStary machinery, and powers, as wtil make their distance Impossible. "We believe that nth. Is personal, ae well as corporate, and we demand that SI! antt-trnst laws be enforced both by fh- cWI -and criminal proceseee of dnr courts. __ Wo denounce protection as a rob. bory of tha many to enrich the few, and w* favor a tariff limited to'the needs of the Bovernnjient, economically administered, and to levied as not to discriminate atalnst any tnduatry. eleaa'-or section, to tha end that the burdan of tasatlon. shall be B rv I i i 1 - 1 / J >NI?HT AM) IN KAHflNWtTK)^ ?A iSMEN CROOKS I ? , I * :* ' % \\ . ^ flETv i.. * * * **v I I Kb"*? I 1 g . ,-i^r}' I n ^ 1'IC lie fmrl _ i * ti fr * si BfLfb ^ r WBS 1 loan. man .Wrfuro lh, ilirelfchl crooks, It* was IndlctaH Oy a Iran# New York, on a chtxree of tlbal ? W^Wngton. n r . June ?.-A I > umber of special tralMl tntched ] *> catital today witb ?ieJefaUoTU? to J tKo irnwoilltit' nf tkn vrunt Pn. umbua memorial recently erectgd on he plaza la front of the unloa it**. :tpn. The unveiling will take place .omarrovr end the event premises to ->e on* o^rtM^raoit n^e^f jU ^ raj from .every 'section of the Unitod ' States and Canada, the most of Mb are members of the Knights of ^ ; expected to equal In nnmorjcaj^Iip- j tfqn psgesots.. In addition to tbo ' Knlfht, Of Col ambus and representatives other civic bodies ihemarcherg will Include thousands bf soldiers sailors and marines. R.'K. Evans chief of t^9 miljtla division | of the War Department, will act as I grand marshal. jMS? 4 '"7,77^ ?' will pro.1 Oilc UntToroItr 01 Amcrtns. Tito inttW sddropa win bo-?lI?orlB|' *> c#l?f Justice Victor J. Dowllni! of the - in ?ii t nio innmrn TTRPAV. MOPMIiA^H NOBTH At H< MBBM TiswjL ladof Cit. us mil Burn i Refuses Flattering Offer Els Material Increase In Su His Intention to Ren Gratifying to th 5 Superintendent N. C. Newbold. of the Wsahlngton Public Schools is to remain in Washington. This decis* * ton was reached by him yesterday f afternoon and so stated to the meet- | log of the board of school* trustee* i; held at the school building. f Borne week* ago Mr. Newbold re- s celved a flattering offer to go Mtowherc and after looking over the field * decided to accept the offer. In con. t sequence of his determination to a leave here and at a meeting of the f school trustees on May 31 he tend- c ered his resignation aa superintendent of schools. t The board prevailed upon Mr. New- i bold to reconsider his determination t and proposed to him a material in- r crease in salary to remain. They further suggested that he take the s matter under advisement for sever- 1 al days and then render his final de- t cision. Mr. Newbold on yesterday, c as already stated, made his answer t and It was that he had decided total remain in Washington. <j There has been a rumor on the c streets for the past several days that o Superintendent Newbold had resign- t ed to accept a more flattering offer e but the rumor could not be verified t at the time. Mr. Newbold was ap- r preached with the matter by the t Dally News but be gave no answer p mdflclent to form a conclusion wheth- r Ue.h&sl decide! to leqve Washing- t mm fflunmi 'a ?t Session One Oi The Most Successful 'Since fta Foundation * J [ One of the most successful com ii miii iii < A?t ' Asa. . klatnra . Af Ihu ieneemema__ ra wo naivi j Carolina Training School, treenville, cam* to an Ifcd Tuesday venfng last. Thla fnstltutlon of. earning la a credit to the state and h? put session has been one I add *atlsfactory tat aiil departjeuta The etas* coll tor the year iaa compoaed of the following young idles: Mines Florence Rmelia Blow, Nanle Irene . Bowling, Edna ^lau lampbell, Hilda Crltch<?r, Minnie teat Dai!,-Marguerite Marshall Davis adle Exum, Allle Estelle Greenet imma Caro Harden, Ethel Pauline lunter, Mattle Moye King, Nora Bell (ason, Eola Icleen Proctor. Willi* Ernestine Ragsdale. Georgia Lltting Cott, Pat tie ttsdaleand Lewis-" Will i President Wrtdht in the absence f Mr. J. Y. Joyner, superintendent f Pobiic Instruct ion - presented the Inlomaa and the nreaeatatlon of the llbiea was made by Governor JarVls. ! .'. right made some ah-* s'to tfie work of the i thanked Dr. Claxttm for ^min^M"g^eT10wn,,Ncnh tote" and after a benediction by tov..a.M. Rock, paftor of Memo r la < iBtf m?I Boston, Mass., June 7.?All arrangements are perfected tor the tut?n tryout for.- the selection of :ran Olympic team. The trials will take place tomorrow at and will be participated in. by nearly 100 athletes who are ambitions to become memDeratf the. Amerlcsn agp-ejatloa that is expected to. grab off a plentiLade of -firsts, Becondr ons thirds In the great contests this summer In Stockholm it-: .. The competitors tomorrow will represent'the cream of the amateur athletic talent of the. United States, ghe best of the college men apd the pick of the club athletes will be Included. In many of the contests It hsttfion against champion. TbVsprWt Ihce. tor Instanee. has among its entries three men who have records df flr^S toconds for the 1 (HI yards, while title holders also wilt be seen in thp Quarter, hslf and mile Specs. Olsglng, Rheppard and Riley of the Irish A raer 1 can ir-4. of Mew York, the greatest half mttor* to the ;2lun *17 iBheppard especially Is consider ed the peefr of any one in thsTworld ai mat distance. Me n^urH mat m? Swld indfb??S?8l??m* ?r? golni cHfttea tfte naaoaomo home *1 Mr. M AL Jones on NortJi Market Street so< -writ EeJ$ the rem* E <VO- MiyJonea ,?fk4 family axpar mw&zthfi aii?m owm<[ ? Mrs. M. T. Arch bell and Kh. Arthi UaVAn nn 1U?I " f>> * May on pn aaat serosa fctreet. y'jfFfc- uBS^f v <rS5' ton or not. it That the has decided to remain in It Washington as superintendent of the x Public Schools will not only he re- t celved with Joy by the entire stu. dent body and the teachers, but the t entire citizenship as well. The school t under his management has progress- t ed and forged ahead under all lines < and his departure for another field i just at this time would have been a public calamity. t Washington ' could not afford to I release him. Ho has done a wonder- 1 (ul work in this city for education, i Mr. New bold was seen this morning by a representative of the Daily i News and when ailted for an expres. i ton he gladly gave out the following. , R?t DENNIS W. DAVIS DIED IRIS AFTERNOON t - . , The condition of Re*. Dennis Da via former psetor of the Christian Church here. Is not so well today. The end is expseted at any time. Mr. D^vls was brought here yeaterday froni Jlacheya, where he lives, for treatment.. Ills condition la a source for regret from his Urge number of Ifrisnd* throughout the city and county. He Sm one of the most brtlllant pVeaehera of hla church, in the state. Later. Rev, Dennia W. Davis passed away ! this afternoon at the home of Mr. T. H. Davis on Bast Second Street at ' roe o'clock. The funeral will take iWce t Jamoarllle, N. c, bit old. 1 bom* oithor tomorrow or 8ondaf. A j ? more eateudel notice of Mr. Herln ' "V'll ?POO*r In tbo Dally News to; r*"?w' jfc.j. IflREE CARS ARRIVE \ - Mr. C*lrb B. Bell. aauieT'of th? WMWMtw CM m MMbiM 0o?> Mar "* !??<! IMat Mr** OarHt tba laupt m*b? and pnttarm. L / AM JMI I/' * # - ;:'rrH ' ~. y, y ^ 1^;'.-^- ~v' * ' " ' k. TTTCt1TX V Schocy 1 oPiilSI I ewhere. Truateee Made a perlntendent'a Salary, lain in Washington e Entire City, * Mr. Newbold said: ^ "This is.the flret time 1 hare ever sked the privilege of .making a per- >'1 onal statement through the newstaper*. Itttt In order tq give definite ?^8 nformation to my friend* In Waab- ' tigton. I have thought it wise to hake the. frank and open statement rtaich follows: "I hasten to state It is not given- "^?3 nth the idea of any special tmporanc4 attaching to the matter so far is I. am concerned hut simply to in- 'g orm my friends definitely and at ." i mce about the situation. . "I was offered a position last Sepember and asked by.the party makng the offer, to request the board ier? to release me. For satisfactory H\:i easons I declined the ofTer. "0^ April 16. 1612, another portion was offered me which pays 12,260.60 salary a year. After a '& rip to New Work and Virginia, etin- / erning the work offered, I decided o accept the offer but reserved my leciaion until after a conference with ur local school board. The board net on May 31. I stated the facts f the new position- to them, and hen tendered my resignation.as suprintendent of schools here. Rather han accept the resignation and oake a change in superintendents at his time, the board offered me a ery material increase In salary to H eraain in "Washington. Having,. : . , nade up my mind to leave 1 could iflt glvea~ definite weeaptame. to tlw ? >oard suggested that I r-onslder the natter p day or two. I agreed to . w.-\3t8 his proposition. , y . After consulting the. parties in- crested in the offer on April 16, who >,4 hought perhaps Kought to respond o the local.call gnd continue as sup. ":*i trintendent here although the salary a not bo large. Yesterday P. M.. ' after considerable discussion the board renewed ~ rk V? :hclr offer statins that they thought V/tel it wise to etick to the proposition nade on May 31. ;T~\ " . Their offer was accepted ami I :? shall remain in Washington. Under these new conditions I shall hope > r. for renewed co-operation on the part of our citizens. SOMMER SIHOOL M OPEK NEXT MONDAY ' 1 Misses Lillian Campbell and Ella. nbeth Warren will begin their turnmcr school at the Public School! c building next Monday. The hours for instruction will be from nlhe to twelve dally. This is an excellent opportunity f6r those unable to at- $J?5 tend school during the winter to se- vj carp first class training. There is the promise of a large class thla year. Both Misses Campbell and Warren' are teacheTs of ability and those who take a course trader them are to he M congratulated. CHILD SICK 1 f Master Ottfa M. W.tnfleld. the 14mcnthc-old eon of Mr. and < Mrs. 1. M. Win Held, la reported to be m? 1 ?TM laick at hla home comer of Third ahff" '[ J Pea roe Street. Be te a bright - 3 i??L. . i. i- ?- - n? will aoow ntawn. Mm. R. A. O. BwrMW t. In Scotland Naek.H. c.. TMtnw W.t.r -1 *13 Mr. Ch.rlM l^wnw, > uttlB . , ;*!? ?' nlti'mi?1? -TJwAO'w'mM ' - ' (V k&j?! ?>? *?HpS . , ? ?NW NEWS w' - .1 If, owi I*, tkwittswr.; , "TrM tU Hub .? DMtaa V l.' Mi' ; * ^ "'fi J*1 * :;;3

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