(CLASSIFIED AOS. ? KTRAYBD OR HTOLKN: Out ?r Rodman pasture, 1000 pound gv- light red )emr cow. ? Hcttu cut SrSgft- Mr nam* 00 UK In rlebt Mr. Aleo one young bull oatf with nainc tag. Jtmm-A. Hackney. . ? .r*. ~ - '* - WASHINGTON PARK LOTS AND ttoe Building an& Loan wtll get jrou a homo with rant money. See A. <J. Hatbaway today. ' ?" - .... & ?. : ?-J?-itc. u.--'': ; ?""* W4KTED: OOOD SECOND HAND ?afe. medium alie. Addreaa Pick In- Webb Tobacco Co.. Waahlng kon. M. C. l-lt-ltp. nrenlant tmt throe Adult*. Addreee R. care oT Daily X.. LOOT: WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN. Finder will confer a great favor by returning to me. This la ? good pen and we c&rry a com plete line of Waterman's. Aleo some lower price pena. In fact, we have them from 10c to 15.00. J. 9- Campbell, Jeweler, Phone 383 J. f-lg-ltc. WILUWWH VINEYARD IS NOW ?pen for the reception of visitors, three miles frofa town, river road. Admission price 10 cents. Per. |Mket 66 seats. . l-16-lwc* WANTED? aOO COLORED IaABOR era. Steady work. Qood wage* Apply in person Bethlehem Steel Company, Employment Dept., iparrow'a Point, Md. |-ai-iaw-4 wc. \ ' '/ '+ .i. ' ,-vV? MA n. U busman. president of Washington Horse Exchange Co., is In 8t. Loufg, where he is baying two car losda of hpraes and mules. I Xhia. stock wll 1 arrive by express) . next Friday. \v'\ .. J WANTED: OFFICE WORE ATI Bight. Addretaa "Night," care of j Dally News. ^ V t-11-tre. FOR SAL*: DRY WOOD OCT Short tengtha. 8. R. Fowl, ? Boo'a milt l-4-tfe. FOR RENT: TWO ROOMS ON KA?t| Main ttrwt. flood location Choaal ?? J. f-15-lw-dh. WANTED ? fll'M VOOH OF GOOD ?uaUtr. it Inches tnd up at small ?nil. Pamlico Cooperage Co. ?-?-?? FOB JUCWT: HOTTSB ON MCOKD ?treet between Reapnse end Olad 4 en. Now occupied by Mr. N. HeOrr Moore, lee Frank H. Rollins. , ?-l 1 -Mo-We-?*-Mo-?tc none*. A contractor la wanted to bolM ? room KilOxll feet to the school building in Pitta* orore dlatrlot, tlx miles (roin WaahiBaton. Plans tad a port Stations era In the handa of the Collnt j- Superintendent and A. C. WMniere, secretary of OommlMoa. Washington. K. C., H. F. D. No. *. to whom bids mar bo submlttad. B6tM ln( must be llnlshod by November 1, MM. . .. .it ? r.y' w. o. ttivm, L ^,v . %'? Coumtjr flopt. ?urn ran DOB IMS TO BUTWtSBN Washington. Sept. 18? As the campaign of the Woman party.; wh one single' plank Is national en franchisement of women, progresses In the twelve Western equal suffrage States, the prospects of victory b*-' Come hrighter and brighter, accord ing to reports reaching hers from' the organisers and other workers of ! the party. J ?mon gthe evidences of the grow ing strength of the Woman party movement are reports of enthusiast meetings everywhere. Hundreds of Western voting women are being converted dally to the belief thai tt would Be contrary to their own best Interests, as well as those of the wo men la the East, to Teturn the na tional Democratic party to power af ter its stubborn refusal to do-any thing for federal woman suffrage. Other reports show that the Demo crats themselves, thoroughly aroused over tfce prospect or Mag so many wofhen's y.otes, are making strenu ous efforts to counteract it as much as possible by back-fire methods; in this, however, the reports show that they are not snecebdlng vary well. PRETTY MODELS AT STYLE ! an. show TwraracT CORSETS Chicago, Sept._18. ? New style* In milady's corsets, gowns and dresses were on exhibition. here today at the annual autumn convention of the Pashlon Art League of America. "Perfect 86" model* paraded In their corsets and prttttnees before delegates of the convention to show their "88-neos" and how tire new ! styles should be worn. The styles1 rangedr from hoops to bobblee and low necks to high. The ?ashlon makers will select the new stylos from this asosrtment. - A silver ttrr Jng cup will be preesbted to the de signer of the-M? made tailored salt. Competition for this cup Is keen. MAKES RAW RBIG BELL: fnaransFs wmdow | MltUMlMlli. Septa II.? Motion Grant, a ll-year-old Mlnneapoll. W>y ' Man MflYtft the problem of the *im. Ho baa perfected a Ihotrer alarm do Wee (0 awaken the maid and rauae her to floee the Window. when It ratar at aieht. Wlree attached to a ball in the mald'i room are eonnectod by a piece of paper, an nonconductor ?f elec tricity. ' - . /- , When rain be?lna to fall the drat drop* fall Into a funnel and ?et the paper. The paper bemfliM a mhc tor, ?Meaa the eloottteM etrttalt and liHjmtpTOji fJrAnnile, Pa.. M?t. HmIhu ?"?? of honey were .hipped from bare b? Wot WUllama, who racalrM a check for ?.t?il fr?n the NMrctatle ?*?.. buyer, of tte ewoetneea. nam the ball. IK SWEEHST STORY CHICKS, DUCKS AND INSECTS TO ADORN NEW SPRING HATS London, Sept. 18. ? Quite a revo lution Is promised In the coming fall la ladles' bat*. . In the place of the -interminable designs In feather mounts and flowers of the field and garden type new and cunning de vices are being wokred out In arti ficial chicks with yellow breasts, ducklings, goslings, parrots' heads and -dragon flies and a regular field battery of ' Insects _ of all kinds and descriptions, each as beetles, bees sad even frogs. Field mice alone are excepted. Br 11 Han t colors will be the vogue In these new trimmings, and artists of the highest order have been en gaged to carry out the work. To set off the ensemble the body of the hats will -be in rather dull colors, of which olggsr, navy and bott-green will be the chle?~6hapes are not to be al SPUN KUDOS Hour IB BE MODIFIED _ Madrid, Sopt. 18. ? -Spain has made a sharp protest to Oerifiany against ita~-: practice of sinking pcacerul Bpanlsb ships, it was announced to day. and has domandod thai-there be a modification of- the submarine campaign. The Government took this action after three Spanish steamships, In cluding the Olauarl, 2,688 tons, had baasiytorepdoed In two days. ? SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS ! Jered materially, but brims are to be 1 wider, particularly on the left-hand Millinery Opening TUESDAY ? WEDNESDAY Showing exclusive models and styles. An invitation is extended to you to be present. E. W. AYERS & SON ? I 1 ' I J. ' " Tke First [Question Asked After a fire is, "How much in?u ranee did he have?" Don't let the answer in your case be "NONE." Get it now, while you can, from Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C BANKING Convenience ankM u IrrMtMibto >ppmI to tka ?W<nUH mind. The nu 0 1 MBe l?acr hu poAitlraljr no um? for but lb* moot apprond m?tbo<U of dolnc business LET UB HHP VOU TO BBOOME BBTTHR AOQl'AIXTKD WITH OtR BANKING 8KRVICK. Bank of W ashington Washington, N. C Crystal Ice Cream Our Scuppernong Grape Flavor True to the Vine. j TRY IT. CRYSTAL ICE COMPANV Phone 83. Washington, N. C. J. LEON WOOD JAMM W. COLI Members New York Cotton fCxchan**. J. LEON WOOD & CO BANKERS AND BROKERS Btocka. Bon da. Cotton, Qraln and Prorlalooa, T? Plump BtrMt, Carpenter Building, Norfolk. Va. Private wire* to Now York Btock fixebmoga. Cbloago BoArd Trade ud other financial center*. CORRB8PONDBNCTI BJC8PBCT FULLY SOLICITED inreetmeot and m*rfln*i aooounta given carefal attention. E. Carolina Teachers Training School A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Car olina. Every energy Is directed to this one purpose. Tuition tree to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 16. 191C. For ca'.?logue and other Information address, RORT. H. WRIGHT, Preaidant, (irwasrllks M. a CAR LOAD HORSES & MULES Which I toil! sell cheap for Cash or credit. Come to see me. J. E. WINSLOW Stables on Third Street ? Wcuhington , N. C.

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