/'.• '■ 0., 'Aoo- ISSUED WEEKLY. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXXXIII. Asheborp, North Carolina, Thursday, February 7, 1917. NUMBER 6. RANDOLPH’S REGISTRANTS Classified By County and District Boards THE FIRST 653 SENT UP TO DIS TRICT BOARD BY LOCAL BOARD Number in Class I in Randolph The Local Exemption Board for Randolph was instructed to prepare first class, I, for the district board, and to leave claims in classes II, lU, and IV until later; This is done in order to procure as early as possible the first quota to complete the first draft, which is in complete, there being due fi'om this county 29 of Randolph’s quota of 117 for the National Army. The Local Board for Randolph has not competed certification of .class I to the District Board. . There are 653 registrants so certified in class I, forty-two of whom • appealed, not being satisfied with their classification. Some of the appellants claim they should have been classified with dependent relatives. Three hundred and sixty-nine in Class i who did not appeal from local Board to the district board. Two hundred and forty-two were placed in class I by the Local Board, for the reason that their classification either for agricultural or industrial claims over which the Local -Board had no jurisdiction, and they v/ere au tomatically appealed or referred to the District Board. There will be a fev/ more registrants in Class 1 ‘.certified to the District Board within the next week. As to other classifications the Local Board will certify them as early as they can get them, properly arranged for class ification and certification. The local board for Randolph coun ty has disposed of the following regis trants in three classes or divisions; Class I Ear*l Joseph Beck, Nebraska Brown, Isaac Hill Way, John Wesley Williams, Tola Frank Jordan, Jeffrie Towns, Solon Tobias Wood, Wilbur W. Scot- ten, Fred Ralph Procter, Alson Clif ford Williams, Lola Cled Boon, Mar vin Robert Bean, Edgar -Oolumbus Lmebevry, William Eigc... Ltott, Lew is Edgar Hoover, James Carson King, William R. Brower, Martin Ir vin Cooper, Albert C. Frazier, Will Taylor, Luthgr Nelson, Sidney Monroe Redding, Jacob E. Trotter, Roscoe Clayton Moffitt, Hiram Clayton Kearns Percy Samuel Kirkman, Carmalus Al fred Pierce, H. Dennis Smith, Lola Clark Snider, Henry Clayton Brower, Callier Adderton, Vernon Rufus Wil liams, Samuel Kindley, Rufus McKin ley Williams, Otis P. Brower, Gurney McDaniel, Adlai Scott, Henry Briles, b'red Hoskins, Joseph Addison Lamb, June Langley, George Wade Payne, Grady Brown, James Hurley Hooker, Charles Coley Gee, Cecil Carl Lyndon, Charlie Luck, Calvin Graves Frazier, Jr., Andrew Johnson, Will Frazier, John William Biitler, Reed Franklin Summey, Arthur Cotton, Lonnie Ed win Presnell, Henry Alexander Thorn burg, John Craven Collett, Charlie Roscoe Myers, Corbett Lester Scott, Robert Gi'over Hicks, Carr Vaden Red ding, Foster Sell, Max Vuncannon, George Alfred Brown, Jeremiah Wm. McLeod, Floyd Franklin Craven, Al- fonzo Hayes, Clifford Reginold Hin- shaw, James Vernon Siler, Lonnie Reed Loflin, Daniel . Robert Bulla, Thomas Cecil Frazier, Rufus Young Blanchard, James Lee Black, Parker Holmes Laughlin, Charles Anthony Sheffield, Wm. Char-lie M. Allred, Jo seph Elisha Allred, John Franklin Hancockr Claude Edgar Williamson, Henry Harrisj Jonah Andrew Johnson, William Poole, Alfred Chalmers Brooks, W’illie Cleveland Davis, Rob ert Bruister Prevo, Robert McKinley Black, Theodore Redding Allred, Fred Payne, Charlie Gilespie Black, Orlen- do Wright, Ben Henry Lynn, William McCane, John Sampson Ashworth, Cicero Lamb, Fred Ross Burgess, Ed Clifford Hinshaw, William Henderson Coble, Ralph Allen Cox, Janee Addi son Lamb, Crowell Lee Kearns, Er nest Tate Coward, Newby Franklin Phillips, Waldolph W. Coble, Lonnie Siler, Major Williams, Paul Virgil Parks, Washington Taylor Linens, James Marcus Spencer, Benjamin Har rison Bell, Willie Frank Ingram, Wal ter Edgar Scott, Fred Hugh Fogle- mana. Ivory Foust, Henry Frederick Lewallen, Charlie Clifford King, Wins ton Smithennan, Claude Homer Var ner, David El-nest Curtis, Jesse Guy Lane, William McKinley Brady, Roland Alva Briles, . Cicero McCoy Pierce, Alpheus Reid, Keai-ns, Urban Seymore Trogclon, John Grady Johnson, Zemmie Hadley Cox, John H. Way, Douglass Phelps, - Wm. Carson King-, Wm. Penn Kf;arns, Thos. Marion Pugh, Cliarlie Newsome, Chas. Worth Burrow, Gonc;-.al Moffitt, Delias L; ster Redding, Lrey Matthev.-s, Burgess Clyde Allred, .Daniel Bulla, O.S;;cv -! King, Robert Horace Swiggett, Wil’ut'd Franklin Kimrey, Snoton Ca gle, John Wm. Hill, Robert Franklin Steed, Wm. Elias Graves, Martm A. Trotter, Julius Franklin Mendenhall, John V/esley Alford, Cpy Lee Kear-ns, Lester Kendall Mendenhall, John Bean, John Henry Loyd, Franklin Wesley York, Samuel Edward Holland, Rqb- ert L. Fields, Colbert Wm. Walker, Gene Colbert Farlow, Claude McLamb, Wm. Sanders Lowdermilk, Wm. Eu gene Hicks, Rufus McKinley Lowder milk, Grover Cleveland Wall, Arthur Monroe Burrow, Floyd Cole Caveness, Jack Lowe, Joseph Woodard White, Charlie Monroe Allred, Charlie E. Purvis, Dennis Holland Burgess,Thom as Alton Winslow, Wm. Grady Brown, Railway Systems of United States in ^ Three Divisions For purposes of operation railroads of the United States have been placed in three divisions, as follov:.-:: Eastern railroads—The railroads in that portion of the United States north of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers ard east of Lake Michigan and the Indiana ! Illinois State line; also thos^ railroads i in Illinois extending into that State j fx’om points east of the i'ri'ltvni-Il'i-1 nois State line; also the Chcsirocak-^ & Ohio, the Norfolk & Wcslci’n; and the Virginia Raihvays. Southern railroads—All r^dlroads ir- that portion of the Unit-’- I Stal.-s south of the Ohio and Potcmsic Rivers and east of the Mississippi iiivc?-, ex cept the Chesapeake & Ohio, Norf-olk & Western, and the Virginia Railways, and al»« those railroads in Illinois and Indiana extending into those ' States from points south of the Ohio River. Westei-n railroads—All railroads not included in the above definitions and, broadly speaking, all railroads in the territory west of Lake Michigan and of the Indiana-Illinois State line to the Ohio River and west of the Miss issippi River from the Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico, excepting those' railroads in Illinois included in eastern territory and those railroads in Illi nois and Indiana included in southern territory, as above stated. vey Farlow, Oscar Ray Pugh, Edmond Covington, Will Thomas Po%/eIl, John Hammonds, London Alcxaiu’.or Spen cer, John Clifford Pugh, Roy Ray Vaughn Ant' 5Iarvin Sinitii/ FI : Mo os Beane ;Mrani Those George, B. McPherson, Thomas Harri son Lawrence, Charles Lewis Lam beth, John Rufus Hill, Wm. Heni-y Cox, Joshua Lamb, Wayman Alson Ridge, Samuel Clarence Hodgin, Zexn- ie Hadley Brady, Vester Shears, Claude Franklin Toomes, Tom Lamar, Henry Clyde Holt, Calvin Earl Bulla, Pearl Balfour, Noah Galloway Stevens, Will Lyghts, MUlard Filmore Talbert, Arlie Hall, Gaither Lindo Freeman, Franklin Clark Barney, Carl Bascorn Jones, Charles Lee Lane, Hay.vood Parks, Tine Keek, Harris Lassiter, Hall Hoover, Early Eugene Wilson, Hurley Lee Green, Robert Colon Ham lin, John Thomas Kidd, Carl Bed\ifell Richardson, George Henry Trogdon, Gui-ney Lester Auman, Edward Lee White, Charles Herbert Craven, B. Allen Steele, Joshua 0. Brov.n, Pearl Craven, James Coltrane, Barney Clay Seotten, Robert C. Spinks, Imn- i-y Walter. Brown, Parks Wrightsell I^ckett, "Wm. zier, J’-..‘.'Tohn Farris''r'Iaok,‘K Alien Lynn, Earl Allred, Franklin_,Cai-l Bul la, James Wm. Glov-^er, James F. Rod- wine, Arthur Cecil York, Hurley M. Williamson, James Bracton Overton, Arthur Waddell,Robert Clyde Lambert, Abijah C. Howell, Carson Leonard, Jesse. l^lton Kearns, Jesse Al exander McKenzie, Aster Bynum Aster Bjmum Cagle, Lemis Elmore Cagle, Lewis Elmore Jones, Charlie Emery Core, Geovgo Thos. Rightsell, Cecil. Wade York. James Oliver Pickard, Henry Rransor Marley, Everett Black, Cliarlie Ba-;- com Allred, Robert Thomr.s Jerdrr:. Gurney Smitherman, Samuel Oser;,- Walker, Herbert Phillips, Lacy Evex' ett Wrenn, !^ert V/illlamson, Lor-ii. Lester Lowdermilk, Carl Themes Richardson,Guy Edward Parsons, Jolm Hal Lassiter, Jesse Madison Fai-le--,-. George Thomas Garrett, Robert Ed ward Scott, Clarence B. Parson, Robit- Talraage Hinshaw, Henry Bryan Parks, Autie Jones Shaw, V/alter Har vey Brown, William R. Pell, Robert Obie Wall, Grady Bird, William James Lassitex*, John Edward Hanner, Van Gibson, Jesse Roy Coble, Wm. Oscar McCollugx, John Heni-y Coble, James Olney Coble, Cicero Fi-anklin Piei'ce, John McKinley Siler, Joseph Hai-rir- Redding, Zcbulon Vance Harris, Cui ' Joseph Rich, Earl Yates, Alson Li say Barnes, Andi-ew Thompson, Al- fi-ed Columbus Coble, Lacy Wm. Black, Geox'ge Overman Hunt, Wm. Oscar Bulla, Isaac Lee Bi-ay, Lester Don aldson Chi’istenbeiTy, Edwai-d Rector Hughes, Will Gai-ner, David McKinley Free, Georg? Riley 'Maness, Clifford James Hill, George Laui-ence Exxglish. Edgar Bowyer, Lendo P. Dorsett, Fx-ank Talmage Shaw, Earl Edwai-:' Bax-ker, Joseph John Leonard, Chas.' Hari'ison Redding, Lacy S. Lewis. Clate Moon, Jonah Hill, James T. Turnei-, Ji-., Ei-nest Smithei-man, Roy Melford Caudle, Thos. Elmer Lassiter, John Arthur Bulla, David Orla Off- man, Cleophus Spencer, Gurney Kirk- man, Doctor Boyd Presnell, *Gurney' Hodgin, John Thomas Presnell, Oscar Hill, John M. Davis, Charles Vernon Spencer, Wm. Penn Smith, Robei-t L. Hax'i’is, John Hai-rison Hughes, David Winslow Luther, Calvin Mom-oe Coop er, Arnold Dewey Hayes, Charles Ver non Lambert, Dowsey Orlendo Comer, Eugene Grandison Morris, George Heni-y Bx-owm, Samuel S. Strickland, Everett Cox, John Lowe, Gilbert Gat lin, Herman Cox,‘ Theodoi-e King. Sam Goss, Ai-temus Smithei-man, Charlie, Edwin Hughes, Thadcus Alvin Tonmos, i Robert Carson Saunder, Jesse Robert Lambeth, Chancy Bradv, Davi ’ Joua- V^lson. Matthew F. Stalrv, t.'/al- ter C. Worth, Thomas Hatwo''d. AMr -d V/ade. Dennis. Edward Euftie-.-, L'm ’^Till, TTni'vy Baldwin, -Tesse V.-'o ‘./ho Have i>:3ti'i€t iioax 1x0 have as: by the l.e .0 District Board. (da:wi :11 bojnaihd to the. y va • dr h a- : . Cai-r'Co’umbus Brown, Lacy A. Mof- I'ltt, /reyvig,Thomas Dougan, James Hen- Wall, Ralph Whatley, Hazel Vino.; xt Bpnkemeyer, James Monx-oe Brer,; ii, Axthur Jim<i Mendenhall, Al- .iiojypjerc.e, Elmpr C. Yow, George Hughes, Ivan Leon Siler. :rt .1 -irfr'Totp Lucas, one of the above ^bfafted , x-egistrant from ph county v/ho ha^. eked in camp. '! s'evoral ago at Camp a.-n Jo3:.ph ui'ady .B,: <I:Iick, Da ton ' Ividge im-Ti.son . ■ I.IOXX,.'' Jam 1 Ricbard-ioii, Clar Macon, Charles Carper.ter It than Ix’wiu Cox, Waller Penn lb mond, Elijah Graper Matthev/s, June Clarence Frazier, Mairvin Edgar R^dge, Otis L. Stout, John Webb Meredith, Jay Williams, Wari-en Lass.itei*, Win-- low, James Elsie King, Andy Scott Lambeth, Walter Burton Rich, Lester Kinley Routh, William Lester Richard son, "Wesley McKinley Harx-is, Israel David Wagger, John Wi'ight, Hugh Robert York, Lee Johnson, Guy Guild Routh, George Worth 'Kockett, Alfi-ed Hoover,.Carl Allred, Riley William Johnson, William Hall Fax-low, Jesse Nash York, Luther Roy Cox, Lewis Fletcher Ferree, John Fletcher Hill, Herbert Clayton Gregson, Alfred Wil- liamc, Ulysses Neece Nance, Guy Ed gar York, Artemus Winningham. Dead Registrants A list of the men appearing on our list who have died since registration day, June 5, 1917: James Hayworth, colored, Els Den nis, Doan Matt Thompson, Oliver Win- do Cox, Frank Asbury Coble. Registrants Inducted In Military Serv ice Not Included in Those Drafted A list of the men who- registered in Rar.dolph county who'ax'e no-.' enlisted in vax’ious branches of the milicariy sc-i-\-ice. This dobs not include thfe draftod men who were s'ont to Camp Jackson, S. C.: Speight Laughlin, Graham DeVon Monroe, Charles -Franklin Laughlin, Clarence Fraziei-, Dewey Cunni-hghani Bulla, Otho Van Ci-anford, Mariiii Al len, Neal Sheffield,William HaxT.k-3 D.xrdtn Gro^-wr Wil liam R. Wolfe, Casker Fx-ancis Pick ett, Ray Washington Haywoi-th, "Wai ter Fletcher Allred, James Clyde Fra zier, Zim Fi-anklin Caveness, Reid Mark Hannah, John Ira Ii-win, ‘William Gi'ady Brown, James Thui-man White- head, Thomas Spurgeon Barker, Jo seph Samuel Walker, John Harris Bean, Hei-bert M. Redding, William Randolph Pugh, James E. Mendenhall, Claude H. Bonkemeyer, Geoi’ge S. Lambert, Eloazer Q. Seawell, Ai-i-is I.Iol Feri-ee, Alfred Gregson, James P. Heath, Clyde Fi-anklin Ridge, Roy Cox, Thomas Branson Parks, Moses Reuben .layer,, James Gladston Ci-utchfieid, James 0. Walker, Ralph B. Hutcher son, Fi-ed W. McPherson, Ei’nest A. WiD.s, Ti-iomas Clarence McPherson, Clxai’les Troy Smith.- Thomas Clarence McPherson, of Asheboro, is in the mai'ine service, at present on the Leopold Adiei' in the' Caribbean Sea, near the coast of Nic- arauga. Guy Clai-ence Hayes, of Randleman, now on the Pacific coast, is with- the Base Hospital in Atlanta, Geoi-gia. He will soon be called from the far west where he is a ti-aveling sales man. Charles Troy Smith, of Libei-ty, has gone to V/ashington, 1). C., to take up woi’k in the Hospital Corps. James P. Heath, Randleman; John Irwin, of Asheboro; and Hari-is Rouse are in A.viation Corps in .France. Drafted Registrants in Military Service Ccbvi'f •'Pk-it'^j'one of rrt'-d bj’* jumping from th-x '-.-■M A';Vi^oi-o and -Randle- b; ir,g entrained. ;SS!fiOf (e 4. Rob‘ f I Addison Woolle-i, F-1; Rol- aaoipn AmicK, C-2; William Lawson, F-1; Keni-y Tracey Dan^ kj-i; Eugene Fax-low, C-2; Jun ius Roy Burgess,’C-2; William Clai*- ence^'Burgess, E-1; Jennings Bryan Bulla. C-2; Rombus Franklin Ward, 0-2;*! Fred Eugene Greene, C-2; Lee Johi^on, T-1; Edgar York, A-2; Wal- tey-Frank Surratt, C-2; William Hay- woo^- Armsti-ong, E-1; Claude Lee Jax-rclt, D-2; John Henry Davis, E-1; Eusf-^ce Jerome Yow, E-1; Luther Ray'.Cox, C-2; Cai-1 Lee Hicks, C-2; Leroy Nance, C-2; Charles Everett Rich.ardson, C-2; Grady Royalls, C-2; Loni^e Irving Strickland, E-1; John Les'itp Strickland, E-l; Joi-dan Ben jamin Stephens, E-1; Ollie Wade Shat;, C-2; and Robert Roy Kearns, C-2. ‘ . 11.^ foi-egoing are only a few of thf^A'sent to the Distx-ict Boai-d. U!egl?trants Having Industrial or Ag- ricultural Claims . A list of the dx-afted men sent to Camp Jackson who were accepted for scrvicc some of whom have since been transferred to Camp Sevier and other 3umps: Wiiliam Lee Wood, Connie S. Ingoid, Otho Fredex-ick Offman, John C. Toaguo, John Haney Staley, , Edgar Lee McGee, Bascom Glenn Ccx, James Garfield Auman, Floyd Bi-uce Cox, James Colti-ane Davis, Levi Braxton Cagle, Talmage Dewitt Cx-aven, Geo. Ciai-enco Bullard, Caller Elbert Koax-ns, Will Hughes, W. Alfi-ed Bi-own, Walter Joshua Stout, Vernon Eivin Curtis, William Lee McBi'ide, Alby Paul, Vandex- Cax-1 Sandei’s, Jere miah Robert Johnson,- Robex-t Dennis Cox, Feimxvndo Allen Hinshaw, Lester Lee Moffitt,-Olaude Ward, Travis Ra tio Russell, Thomas Franklin Slacon, William Fletcher Ellis, Colon Leon Redding, Joseph Simpson Garner, Ii'- T'y- following cases have been for- v.-ax-joa^to the district board fox- clas- sifkatidn; having made either an ag- rk-i: ,fi.-.:'al or an industrial claim: Leroy Nance; Max-tin Clinton Au- mhrii .'oseph Grady Reddick, Robert Reid • Ken.ienhall, Gi-ady Royals, Oi-x'is Walkei-, Theodore Lyman In gram 'I 'l.arence Alien, Thomas Hughes, Roy iher, John Clark Ridge, John H“r-,j D-.wis, Elwood Franklin Vun- c-anuc,,-John Leslie Stx-ickland, Clar- G.-i'-c Dolton Bird, Geoi-ge Washing ton F- Tohn Curtis, Eugene Farlow, Hodgin, John Emery Tay- mm Harrison Linebt;iiy ..‘Vvalecx L't.e- beri-y Stowe, J-anius Kay Bui'gSss, Vemie John Pugh, John Addison Wooden, John Wesley Staley, James Baxter Craven, Thomas Theodore Rush, John Madison Brown, Benjamin Lee Pierce, Chai-lie Milton Staley, Samuel Lewis Phillips, Kerney Pearce, Claude Lee Jarrett, Jordan Benjamin Stevens, June Clarence Fx-azier, Walter Stephen Cox, Jesse Guy Lane, Cai-1 Lee Hicks, Stephen Baxter Deaton, Robei-t Jordan, William Hoover, Con- I’ad Harrison Ga.i'n-ei-, Wm. Richai-cl i\iansr, Chas. Edward Walker, Ernest Clifford Russell,- Carmie C. Macon, John Henry Beeson, Lester Aldi-idgo, James Brinson IHelds, Clai-ence Luth er, Chai'iie ' Nixon Sa.unders, Moses Harvey Adains, Ciesro Peace, John Robex-t Hammond, Walter Bui-ton Rich, Roy Lee Kearns, Joseph Alfi-ed Brady, Haxwey E. Holder, Jeter Wash ington .York, Carl Emmett Cox, Ross Lowe, Claude Walter Gregson, Amos Stanhope Davis, Emery Alexander Gray, Romulus Franklin V7ai-d, Walter Glenn Moffitt, David Lee Bouldin, John Fi-ed Wilson, William E. Richardson, Adrian Eugene Bui-khead, Millax-d Ei'- nest York, Lacy Lee Parks, Leslie E. Aldridge, Wiiliam Thos.- Marsh, Mil lard Arthur Pugh, Baxter Eugene Snider, Baxter H. Rush, Wm, Edward Boi'oughs, John Wistar Moffitt, Charles Edgar Hepler, Thomas Nixon, William C. Burgess, Chai-les Hai-rison Dorsett, Pearl Sidney Davis, Louis Lee Fax-low, Lonnie Ex-win Sti-ickland, Ollie Wade Shaw, Hax-vey Lee Lanier, H. H. Cranford, Oscar Homer Kii-kman, Robert Clyde Marsh, Carl Gilmer Da vidson, Ei-nest Lee Summey, Walter Sidney Myers, Heni-y Allen Mitchell, Troy Lee Dorsett, Lonnie Clayton Cranford, James Anderson Thompson, Cecil Wax-d, Thomas Spurgeon Barker, William Franklin Ashworth, Ruben Coltrane Davis, W'’altei- Clyde Jones, Louis Prestoix Sprinkle, Guy Fletcher Hicks, William Micajah Bingham, Wm. Robert' Lawson, Ambi-ose Franklin Lovvdci'milk, Thomas Miltqn Pugh, James Louis Nelson, Troy Harris Pai-- rish, Mai'vin James Black, John Alien Coltrane, James Franklin Dox-sett, Chai-les Fuller Phillips, Hal Worth Kearns, Walter Fi-ank Surratt, Geoi-go R. Pa’rks, John Di^llas Lucas,' Fred Douglas.^ Nexvbcrry, Robert Everett York, Elroy Cox, W’illiam Buckner, Charles Lee Gallimore, Jeffrey Emei’- son Yates, Henry Moody Hunt, Eax-1 Whitson Elliott, Macey Talmage Owen, RANDOLPH COUNTY WAR SAVINGS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE II. Vico chaii'man, D. B. McCrary, i.sl.oboi'0. iii. Secrctai-y, Jesse M. Scarboro, r/. A. Sub-committees: Orgaxiiziiiion—Composed of the COMPANY K NEWS Randolph Boys at Camp Sevier Faring Weil.—Matters of interest to all Ke- b.Kc '.is and i^rioxxds of i:\e Soldier Boys. At last the men of Company K, have actually seen x-<.-al sun shine and the lew golden rays which ma.ia.ged to es- a.i- seci-etai-y andj'^^l'® fbrough the tauir.g clouds really of each of the sub-cominit- i>. I'lnance—C. C. Cx-anfox-d, chaix-- 1. h'. Graven, Ramseur; atti-acted more attention tha.. anyt'iing that has been seen for many "long days. Since'Christmas theiv'have boon about x'our da./;;, 'tbcief V. has oeen A. B, Beasley, ivandloi.ian. C. Sv'iools. I.-C. Moser, cliaii-man, Asheboro; J. 0. Redding, Asheboi-o; Vy'’. a. Young, Fai-mer; D. C. Johnson, Ti'Inity; J. D. Brame, Trinity; S. G. Ne\.Iand, RamUefixan; W. H.- Watkins, Ramseur; J. Rom Smith, Liberty; D. C. Molt, Liberty. D. Churches. L. F. Ross, chairman, Asheboro; R. W. Pr<?\-ost, Asheboi’o; Rev. C. L. Whitakei-, Asheboro; Rev. D. E. Vipperman, Asheboi-o; Rev. G. R. Underwood, Asheboro; Dan M. Sharpe, Liberty; Ed. B. Leonard, Ramseur; Dr. W. 1. Sumner, Randleman. E. Manufactui-ing enterprises. Hugh Parks, chairman, Franklinville; Arthur Ross, Asheboro; E. L. Moffitt, Asheboro; J. M. Caveness, Asheboro; W. J. Scarboro, Ashoboi-o; Ernest Wat kins, Ramseur; J. H. Johnson, Liberty; Dr. R. L. Caveness, Coleridge; R, P. .Deal, Randleman; P, C. Story, Randle- S6an; Irvin N. Cox, Woi-thville. F. Banks, stores and x-ailroads. I. F. Craven, chairman, Ramseur; Chas. S. Saiith, Ramseur; J. D. Ross, Ashe boro; J. M. Neeley, Ash<^oro; T. H. Redding, Asheboro; John K. Wood, Asheboro; G. W. Hilliai'd, Asheboi-o; L. D. Bui-khcad, Asheboro; B. M. Bx-ower, Libei-ty; Roy Reitzel, Liberty; A. B. Beasley, Randleman; L. W. Line- berry, Randleman; D. A. Cornelison, Seagi'ove; J. T. Buie, Franklinville. G. Fax'nxers. D. S. Colti-ane, chair man, Asheboro; W. Fx-ank Redding, Aslieboro; Robr.h L. Tant, Asheboro 1; J. M. Allen, Asheboro Star Route; T. J. Redding, Randleman,-Route 3; Will A. Wood, Randleman; Chai'les Tysoi-, Erect; T. A. Cox, Coleridge;'J. 0. Fox-rester, Ramseur; L. M. Kearns, Farmer; Clarence Pai-ks, Franldin- ville; R. D. Pattei-son, Liberty; M. Crauiordr New Hope Academy; A. B. John .'A. Cheek:-*; -.j. M. iue., GOu.ji;Dv-e. Fuller, Fullers; T. S. Bouldin, Trinity; S. A. Cox, Pisgah. H. Fraternal oi-ganizations. Dr. C. L. Whitakei-, chaii-man, Asheboro; Walter Bunch, Asheboi-o; Mrs. W. A. Undei-wood, Asheboro; Mrs. J. V. Hunter, Asheboro; Mrs. V/. D. Sted- man, Asheboi-o; Miss Julia Thornes, Asheboi-o; Miss Essie Ross, Asheboro; Miss Dora Redding, Randleman; Mi-s. C. C.' Hubbard, Farmer; Mrs. T. A. Moffitt, Ramseur; Mrs. I. F. Ci-aven, Ramseur; Mrs. Hoi-ace'Ragan, Trini ty; W. A. Coffin, Asheboro; Dr. W. J, Moore, Asheboro; R. R. Ross, Ashe- boi'o. I. Publicity. Mrs. W. C. Hammer, chairman, Asheboro, W. H. Saundei's, Asheboro; Dr. J. D. Gregg, Liberty; Bruce Craven, Ih-inity. J. ♦ Speakci-s. Heni'y Robins, chair man, Asheboro; J. A. Spence, Ashe boro; C. N. Cox, Asheboro; B. F. Bi-it- tain, Ashcboi'o; G. H. King-, Asheboro. K. Negi-oes. Ray Edmondson, chairman, Asheboro; Charles Reed, Asheboro; E. M. Richardson, Trinity; J. C. Patterson, Ramseur; R. N. Cra ven, Ramseur; Rev. C. A. Stroud, Lib- ei-ty; D. R. Marley, Fi-anklinville; W. T. Brooks, Randleman; A. S. Spinks, Ulah. The War-Savings Fund imposrib’e for any of the companies to coi;i;jly with Pie oitjM hc-ur drill sched ule. All the di-ills have been conduct ed in the mcrs hall. Friday moi-ning the sun really sent fox-tlx a few rays of light and the i-egimcntal commander took advantage of the opportunity and imodiatoly had di-ill call sounded. All the boys were g7ad to get on the drill field once moi-e, and one of the higher a.uthorities said that he was absolutely sux-pi-iscd at the way K company drill ed after having been absent fi-om the drill field as long as they had. Some fe\wdays ago the new regimental com mander, Col. Cochrane, a i-egular aimr officer who is in command during the absence of the former commander, Col. Minor, decided that he wanted to give the thii-d battalion the “once over” and Company K is a member of this unit and as usual made a pei-fect mark with the new colonel. Of course, all the men are proud of this compliment and will of course, do all in their power to hold up the good recoi-d that they now have and as a matter of fact, always have had. Some few months ago a little pack age came to regimental headquarters. This little package contained about four thousand small cai-ds known to the soldiers as qualification cards. Each member of the division was re quired to fill out one. of these eax'ds and send it in to regimental headquai-ters. Some of the men wondered why the division commander wanted to find out so much about them. Yesterday this question was answered. TJie division pex-sonnel officer got an order to send about seven hundred mechanic.s to France. He just walked over to his desk and took oi;t his file and looked through the qualification cards and _ V-:; easily picked 'out the i-equired ara,|f,,.^., of n-en. ^Company K lost two. iu-:-!' ■ f deal. Priavte Cy rus Lamb from Randieman, and. Me chanic Trogdon from Millboro were the two lucky men. They are now on their way to “Som.ewhere in France” and the other members wish them the “best o’ luck and bon voyage.” Little do they know how soon we will all be ordered to prepare to leave, but all the mem bers ai-e ready to go. The United States . North Cai’olina .... Randolph County .. Asheboro Townshin Back Ci’eek Browci' Cedar Grove Colei'idge Columbia t Goncoi-d Fi-anklinvil!e Grant Liberty New Hope New Market Pleasant Grove Providence Randleman Richland Tabei-naclc Ti-inity Union ... *. $2,000,000,000 48,538,314 648,802 55,968 26,356 14,564 24,244 34,870 65,560 27,104 55,462 20,636 41,360 23,892 30,514 9,152 29,486 6-a,53zi 28,710 32,714 I am glad to inform the people of Randolph that K Company did not suffer for want of fuel during the past few weeks of fi-eeziiig weather. A sufficient amount of coal was lU'oaght to the company daily with the exception of one or two days, the roads wore so slick at was impossible for th.? wagons to tx-avel. The plucky boys_ realized the condition of things but instead of getting under tli^r blankets and wondering when peace would be declared they shouldered their axes and sefoutYoi- the woods, and soon returned with enough wood to last every family in Asheboro at least a month. I am_ glad to say that the health record in the company is improving by leaps and jumps. William ttpoeu who has been suffering with'pneumo nia is in the base hospital is getting along fine and without a doubt will, be able to x-etui-n to his company in about a week. Pi-ivate Spoon has been sick for several weeks but has re ceived the very best medical attention possible. I wish that all the mothers and fathers could come down to Camp Se vier and watch their sons prepare to “lick the Kaiser.” It is one of the most beautiful sights I ever saw in my life. All these young noble men who are giving their all for the. love of thoiv country—fighting for mother and making the world safe for the fu ture generations. I often wonder how any young man can remain at liome and watch his fellow man go fox-ward into battle while they sit at home by -he light of the fii-e. Sergeant^ Irvin B>’l'ro.y is expected 43,428 to return Satur.larfrom /flveGiaj" 24,200 leave ot absence. 41,030 22,484 49,200 . . A T. 1 .y T 1 '-nr TYllJl/oUll XJLilY^L'L', XiAillta^C -./VVtxll, vm Lewis Allen, I aul Vestal Me- Alfred Wade Thompson, Nathan l-I eviv W....... t ... ..... ^ Y. ' Phei-son, Penn Houston Bi‘own, John I-. Clixrk White, Emory Lewis Walker, jy . James Ruffin* Loyd, Jacob CliiToi-d j f;!.’ th, Pngh, Ed Hill. Clarence S Rush, Whitt RnssoH. Cl T.,anghlin, Jol’n CaBin liam GVady Ferguson. C’--/-' Linthicum. John 'Rright r-.-If nie Fi-ec Bf'll, Rov Ah-.-'-i Pei-cy Lee Cox, Oliver Oscar Davis, Claude C. Edward Pickett. Wm. E - m • Houston Bean. Oliver C?vl James Glenn Hendi-icks, 0!--> Stokes, Carl Beaufox-t Cox. Cicero Routh, Joseph T’'o.s, t Ralph Bei-nard Russell, E-wyn Eugene Austin York. Thmma: Eugene Austin York, Eax-1 Gr — Clar Ralr.li Perjitt, Albert Hill. Fred Steele, C-el- vin Fraziei-, Elsie Wm. Ovei-ton, Pearl WardT Ea\nnond Bidles. Fred W. Mc- :o, Jams.-; in AIYM . vtlmr J ohn u: Lowe, Ernest Filmore Moffitt, .itlri- IVIetz Piekeit, Fred Eugene -en, A.ster McNYl, Wm. Willard "’ho.;. C-ivmo-.d Staley, WaU-r ■ K vlidx ■ m. Asheboro Ramseur Randleman The basis of appoi-tionment is the estimated population on July 1, 1917, at $20.00 per capita, which is the basis for the whole of the United States. The respective township apportion ments include the towns within theni- Number of Paint siiides ’.Vili lie Ro- duced After July I To conserve tin, linseed oil, and oth- er_ ingredients of paint and paint con tainers necessai-y for war use, pxanu- facture \vi]l be limited to 32 shades of house paint after July 1. Some fii-ms are-now making 100 shades of this class of iiaint- Enamois y; restricted by the ’ d o .t vcjiion Spehoor, Lc: V../ I iCryk his (aydo Cul-.' h-irt Luca'::, . r-;I;-;on, VI’. ’an ./ill ry Grady- Miller, 'v/illiam Leon ton IGcdg'.i Ei-utiitv Hoi;3t( ■^ i .--/’.uvNon, Dcl- dIm A’Hivd R-ch- Clifford Pi-esncii, John Jenning: Hin.shaxv, Pearl Lovett, Luther Wilson Robbins, Fred P.Iartin Kearns, Ernest Laban Slack, Roscoe Ray Hill, Wil- Pherson, Glee Hoover, Nathaniel Har-1 liam Cebert Pierce, Otho Carl Brown, C’' Av?nn SK.ut, Ed l.a- gU.:/, C; ■’.’de t /.bram Garner, Jen Fred Jones llor-u Lavton. Sar.iuol Winslow Walker, To- sojilx Willie Coe, Lonnio Wm. Bui-- gesp, Roy D. St‘’.h.-y, Roland Rudwlnh Amick, V/m. Vaughn Brower, John Emmons Bx’ower, James Wesley Browm, Cephas Hepler, Benson Okley Jolt.x Wm. t - ’ OO 1 Iinmj.toix Adu Gray Hurley, Teague, KWc-lt' I rx .Y-l,‘l’ id Tra G. Hinshaw, Geo. Thos. Wm. Ernest Cx-aven, John Jlilton Hilfi Charles Everert Richardson, Samuel Erasmus Henley, Washington Duke Smith, William C^-1 Page, William (. .'llraric, Si- tei- Cox, Ho- I Kearns, Joseph Clai-kson Davis, Jasper Mede Amick, Reuben Lazcll Allred, Donnie Elba Cox, Luther Sikes, Thomas H. Eider, Calvin Harrison Bean, Percy Nixon, 'Claude Vestal Jones. mm

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