FOR THE NEXT FIVE-DAYS ! The salesmen "will. mark down the pure of Furniture, today. purchased from Gannons, Fetzer & Bell. After teh stock has been gone through'with, we will SLAUOHTE R T H E PRjC E S Thestockfwasbought for spot cash money, and at a'price that our customers can have the benefit. We will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER FOR j Than any Fuiniturejdealer isjbelitvlng, come and see DRY & W A D SWORTH . REDUCED RATES. Cotton States anilnfeisiailoiiaf Epsliiou ATLANTA, A.. pleinber 18 December 3f, 1895 Yor the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow fcur basis: FROM- B Alexandria, Va Asheville, N. C . . . ; . . 'Burlington, N. . . BurkoTille, Va........ Culpeper, Va ....... . Chat;t:am, Va. . CharlottesYille. Va... Chapel QilLN. C Concord, N.C.o - Charlotte 'N.C ; Danville, Va Durham, N. C Front Royal, Va. ..... Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro, N. C Hendersonvillc, N. C. Hickory, N. G; ....... . HlghPoiat,N.C..... HotSpring8. N.C.... 28.2519.2a 114.00 112.85 6.75 18.70 13.TO 9.65 23.2517.fti 11. P5 25.90 U.55 13.50 20,8513.30 10.55 23.2517.05 20.4015.00 12.40 10.35 .V.i. 14.20 ..... 10.4a1 i 13.15... .... k 9.t35 5.5 teO.05 14.70; 10.20 20.4015.00 10.45 28.2519.25 14.00 17.6512.05 9.20 21.75;i5.95l 11.60 ii.. u, 115.30..... 80 5.25 7:25 ttl.2 16.95....'. 12.45 18.40 14.00' 10.50 6.75 tienaerson, r. u Lynchburgr, Va. . . . . . . Islington, N. O..... Moranton,N. C Marion, N. 0 - .Newton, N. C , Orange,- Va Oxford, N.C "Richmond, Va... Jtcidsville, N. C....... ta!eig;h,N. C......... South Boston, Va.... Strasburgr, Va . Salisbury, N. C. Statesville. N. C Taylors vilie, N.C... Tryon, N. C Washington, D.C... West Point, Va. Warrenton, Va Wilkesboro, N. C Winston-Salem. N. C. 20.40 15.0ffi 10.45 23-60,16.50 11.60'..... 16.05 15.30L... 11.80 8.05 7.25 11.25 14.85.. .i. 10.90 7.10 15.80 11.25 7.25 K4.5518.0d 13.10... 20.40,15 m 10.45... 23.25 17.ft"i 12.40... 18.85 9.70... 20.4015.00 10.45... 10.80... 21.55 5.m 26.2519.25 14.00 15.30! 111.25 7.25 7.25 8.1V 4. 90 Q5.80 11.25 16.35 13.00 110.75' 7.65 2o.2519.25 14.00..... 23.6517.85 12.60..... 6.2519.25 14.00, 122.95 16.85. '..i. u.8o:..... 'Itf.UU 13.951.. 9.80..... dates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. --.Jlim,Aj 4Tiet8 wil1 bo Bold September 5 . &hS$ dai y f.rom September 15 to Decern 7, 1896! ' inclusive. with final limit January SetePift ?icret9 wiiJ bVoM daily from SBWiffii December 15, 1895, inclusive, ' illit twenty (20) days radate c? Rln & 7lc$t will bo gold daily from &?henri15 ft;Decenaber 30, 1895, inclusive c Se nSo ti?5Jt5iSS Ui(15) das f date S ' an?7, 96. I 0Cffer tmit Wv Jami. aiS0ThlaV.Ecketsn e sold on Tuesday. f?-!1178 eoa.cb wk from September nmi? tin1?? 1803' Elusive, with flSai Column E: Tickets will be sold dafly from gfPtember 15 to December 30, lSgSmcluSv with final limit seven (7) days f rom da, if lale " O ; ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY Omil7 11110 enjerfngr tlievExposition " SiSSf&iii1" a double-trac stSndarS Auannwo tbe Exposition Grounds. For tickets and full information atfoly ta your nearest agent, or address- orpIf u JtkcULP, TT.A.TUIIK,"0 a0 Manager, Genl Pass. Ajrt 1X Penna. Avr.. Washinffton, D. a S.Lsm ct-?" 1 i?V op,um.JLn Dr' Miles' Pact raLS VtiR3 All Fain. "Qne cent a dose." ft ,1T"-- THE NEXT NINETY DAYS in North Carolina, Seeing us.V IViduht Amoena A Flounshinff School for , YQung Xf&diej3. TEN 'TEAG HERS Ortttihental BrftichcoEeceive v Carefui-Attention , . WUV. O. r.'MT. tISHisR,- A, M MOUNTlPLEASANT.-N O GOAL FOR SALE P A RDGO A L, " sdpTCOAL, BLOCK COAL. . ' ' ' . . ' STOVEOOAL, SMITH COAL gJBest Coal in the South. ' Orders taken to G E Fisher's store, or eiyen to mv. drivers. or at5my office will be jprompt- jy .auenaea iqt K. L. GRAVEN. MT. PLEASANT, N. 0, REV. J D. SHIREY, D. D PRES ADADEMICCOMMMKOIAL ! : - -.and; : ;. :, COLLEGIATE COURSES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, ?85.00 to $137,000. . ' Kext session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalogne and special information, address the president as above, or ; liu. Secretary op Faculty.- MM mm Iliti Enterprise Abont to we " Into Jail. - Des Moines, la., Nov. 18 The jarj.ia the Federal Court yesterday morning returned a verdict of guilty against Charles H Dale, a reporter for the Daily Courier, of O;towa, la., who was charged with violating tne internal revenue law arid with im personating a Federal officer while engaged in investigating for his pa per . the alleged crookedness of United States marshals and an agent sent from Washington. Hew ill be sentenced Thursday. The 'extreme penalty for the offence is three years in the penitentiary and 1,000 fine,' Thej Can Knock in'JrtexIco; El Paso, Tex., Nov, 18. Dan Stuart left to-night for Dallas, where he will sign . Fitz?immon8rfor a fiht in Juarez with either Corbett or Maher. Everthing has been ar ranged with-the Chihuahua authori? ties. . ' . - V - - V" tt A Kegro Boy Snoots 'a White Girl A Crowd After 111m. Wikston, N. 0, Nov. 18. Bob Scales, a young colored man bound to a farmer n amed J oh n Meaderf near Madison, today shot and fatally wounded the 12-year-old daughter of Thomas Belton, a tenant on Mea dere's place. The negro went to Bel ten's house while the latter was away from home, and tried to get the girl to go with him to a pieceof woods. She refused and began to scream. Scales told her he would kill her if she decliried to accompany him, and at the sme time drew a pistol from his pocket and shot her aboye the left eye. Scales is only 16 years of age. He has the reputation bt being a bad character. Officers and a mob of citizens are hunting for him and if caught he will certainly! be lynched. A report received to night sa vs they .are on the fiend's' track. For over Fifty ;1f ears. Mrs. Winslow's Sootb'ag Syrup has' been used for over, fifty years iy millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes , the child, sottens the gnm8, .allays all pain, pares wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five centa a bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. jnwx&w ?23"95 NOTICE TOW TAXES. The town taxes for the Tear 4895 are 'now due and placed " in my hands 'for " collection. -All perse ni owing the, Bame are requested to tall and eettle' at once, and save costs; -The law in regard to advtr tieing property has been changed, so pay promptly and save being ad vertised. r Office opposite court house in Town Hall. f " V J, L. BCGEE, Town Tax Collector. Si COKCOED, Ni C. J. M. Odell, President D, B. Cclteane, Cashier. L. D. Coltrani, Assistant Cashier Capital, $50,000 Stirplhs, $16,000 - DIRECTORS; ! J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannok Elam King, J. W. Cannon, W R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, i D. B COLTRANEj ' ' j ADVERTISE RIGHT 7 HERE ! for 1 nf ants M QTH ERS. Do Tiatwnfm's Drrms. fiodfrev'a ; anost remedies for cjuldrea Do Too Know that opium and Do You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell Tdthout labeling them poisons ? Do Yoti Know that you should not permit any medicine to be (rkw, unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Po Yoti Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and tbat - nst Its ingredients is published with every bottle ? " s of Do Yon Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitch That it has been in use for nearly thirty years and that more Castoria is , of aU other remedies for children combined ? - Do Yott Snow that the Patent OfEce Department of the United states nl of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the -svo-a 44 Castoria and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offence? - - Do You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely liaroilees ? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 3 cents, or one cent a dose ? , Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept weU, and that you may have unbroken rest? . , Well, these things are worth knowing; They are facts. The fac-sttntle signature of Children Cry for fc - M ,V -f y ill a" In 1 Red need Railroad Rates. - Cotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sileTISeptember 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Pare " for round trip $14.20. Tickets on sale da'ly fiom September 15 to Decem ber 80, inclusive with final limit :fifteen days from dato of sale, iare for round trip $io.40. Tickets on sale i daily from September 15 to December SO, inclusive with final limit" seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 6 55, North Carolina State Fair (colored). Raleigh, N. C : Tickets on pale November 2 to 9 inclusive.1 Final limit November 11, 1895. Coniinuous passage " in feach direc' tion. Fare for round trip including one admission to fair erounds S5 50. Kickingham counthy FairBeids. yille, N. C. Tickets pn sale Oct. 26, 2728, 29 30 and 31 and Novembsr 1. Final Umit November 4,1895, Cojs tinuous ; passage in each direction. Fare for roudd trip $3.10. Layicg Corner Stone Masonic Temple, Danville Ya. Tickets on Sale Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Final limit November 4, 1895." Continuous pass age in each ' direction. f Fare for rouud trip $5.45; i ' l Notice. All persons holding claims against J vv J5urkneau,' deceased, will please present them to me or to H IiWood; house promptly. All persons in debted to same will please ball and -'lit- j i. ' - '. ' 1 , 'it i i . 1 'Ji ;' A LIDA L. BUBSHEAD i Executrix of the last will. and & sta. . fment of J W Bnrkhead. ! v - i at ion, HAMMOND & CO. Jokers, : 130 & 132 Pearl Street, r NEW,YpRK CITY, Y. .Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin P, S. Scnfor explanatory eirfin lar on. speculation, aleo weekly mar. ket letter (Free) dwly ' pecu and Children, You Know Cordial, manv crkiii . - , ouoinmjr s are composed of opium or morph;n ? ' morphine are stupefying narcotic o" v narcctics Is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria; CONCOED MARKET " COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling...... 8.35 Middlings 7 85 Low mi idling ....7 5 to 6 Stains PRODUCE MAkjIET Corrected bv C. W Sink. Bacon........ 8S Sugarcured nams.. 12Hol5 Bulk' meats, sides. 8 to Beeswax:. .....20 Butter 15 Ohickena. 10tc20 dorh. .... ..40- Eggs....;...,........ I2i Lard......... ........S Flour(North Carolina). ..........IT Meal.... . 51 Oats v....... .......... .....35 Tallow;......; . 3to4 fa There is a difference between ernes and medicines. t Those of to-day, as a rule, differ iron? thbse'of the past in many respects, .Fully as great is the difference be tween Dr. King's and theordinary medicines of to-.-It, is unlike them in ' V THESE' riVE THINGS: . , ll It does not taste like a medi cine; '-it is as pleasant to t2ke. lemonade and makes a most refresh-. drink. - f ,; js. It never nauseates the in delicate stomach. , 3j It does not swap ofi' one ease for another. It does not one form of disease in order to rei ev1 another as is so of ten the case. ,4. It contains no alcolf i opium in any form and is ra'v.. narmless even when given tea -a one day old. . , q. o. It does not paten s-- ,.;. enrfts. Tt rftftfthfts as notm does to the hidden sources of di?a. in the blood and removes ths does this with an ease ana F V ! have never been equaled. iFor"air troubles of tke Bloc- v ;rv Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, ana - of MALABIAL POISON It pr . - - without a rival or a peer. ' I3T Sold bydmgrgists, new pacSa. l--OJ tie, 103 Doses. One Dollar. Slanuiac. - - - t THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLAHU f - FETZER' S DBUGSTOSi J

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