"3, Die!! Miilriig MANUFACTURERS OF . Fijie Ginghams Outin Cloths : Plaids. Sheeting and Sal Bas. Dealers in GENERAL . , MEROHADISE' o - Buversgof COUNTRY PRODUCE ol all kind, and 4-foot ... V . - . - ." ' - wood -always wanted- best prices for same. Whilerthe nations are moving in that cautions wav consistent with international policies the unfortu nate Armenians are crjiDg to the World for help and it seems that the church most respond to stem the current of unman suffering. Chan lotte, through Christian benevolence is making a move!in the right di- rection. Oh for the days when in. ternational laws will make the world one compact against human opprt88ion! In the meantime it is wen tnnt the Christian element ex- An elderlv farmer who li in a small town in the interior of Maine awoke the other night to find two robbers standing at the foot of hie bed, relates Harper's Weekly. One of them held up a lighted match, while the other, without any preliminary demand or Btate mem whatever, fired four shots at him from a. revolver. Only one of these shots took effect, and that nnt seriously, and the farmer, seizing W gun which hunir overhead, deliver-1 ed a charge of old nails and scrap iron wuq suca good aim that the wunauan element ex- vorild-bH murderer had his thumb tend t0 e suffering that alleviation shot off and was severely vnrond-d I Deede(ijtill the law can remove the in the jaw. The two ainrthAn ouurt;e 9 evil. fled, but a few hours later thn wounded one Was" found Moanin The Ideal Panacea- on the piazza of a hotel. He nroved me8 L ancis, : AMerman, to be a professional criminal Pn, ?hlca? 6aya 5 I regard Dr. Kim -lean bv birth, and a man of J f TOS PaDacea lent education; a bm XJ :""D8'.tJO,dnd m. T "V T piaiut, uaving used it in my family t w - u'0,10Ug"K. 4Wi Mjjsi,nvf years, to the exclu- 4.4,.,0 uclo ovcrVDOnvOflSffnnfl knuu ui DuVHtRinna a nrooftMnfirtrx,. I uerves. uoi mncD account is moHt. ur umer preperations of the agt-d farmer's coolnpsa nnrl Rev.fJobn Burgoe.Keokul;. Twa: promtitude and the chief moral h bav9 hoen minister-of drawn from the affair is the super- eJ"SW E0PJ church for flownees. not to sav the f . .'e never too much fidnn,?o 7"r; m8obenel. or that courier. t r: r.. - "iouuytjrjv J.ry miS luem ougn itemedy now. Trial I D.iil - - m . - - - mvjnay do aiMnch for Ton. I A,ulwe8 ie at Jfenzfir's DrUff Store Mi. Fred Miller, of ' TrirVo. tii k . T u t. , , - r, -. a flew Dally Panfer. I writes that he had a severe Kidney t. ; ' v, trouble for many years, with severe -in Ralei paiDR in!his banfc nr1 ic v:. . - DaVe another bladderWHBffecd:Ee tried "WCXTW --- -- uiufiiuig paper, tar! iiiiittiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiminiiimtimiiiuiniiiim i mi .lIMIHltllMI,ntnHIMMIMI'IOHIMtMltl.l.W.IIIIMIIIllllililllll,lll,lllUtM mm ' m I AVcgctablcPrcparationfor similating theFocdandRegala- nc mDcF r.nnfa?nc roifKf I I Opmm.Moiphine nor MineraL Not Narcotic' May ofOldJirSMUELPnxniEIl jTunpkm Seed" 4bc.Senrut , ytnise Seed. , -JXppennmt m fit Carbonate SoiZm fi5rmSeed Gorifud Aiftar matByretM' jFtecwi worms convulsions .revensn- aess ana loss of bLEEP. -Tap Simile Signature -'of , EWYOEK. THE FAC-SIMILE ,v; SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE OF EVEET B OTTLE SliHBI uiauucr wuH aiiecteu, te tried Tf ni k We invite an insec- f M aey cures but taftbe " uu . , K : without any good result. About a In pohtics it tuft lK ?can tlOTl nt Qn,.i rM year ago he bacan !uee of Klfinf Hrt thouen 1ri G Bitters and found relief at once. a"d, aa yocating a contihuHtion of WC IIiaiIlllianT.lirA -o oeoPeciaj,y adapts - rr arrangement De- .Ure- fnLS Jiidiieyand Liver I W those t.o parties m State and tXACT COPY" OF WRAPPER. Oastoria ia irat nn In , - s r "u-buio uubues CHIT T is not sold in bulk. Don't all anyone Jo I. ir 5 Y ,. , i piea M Promise that; IB Must as irnnd an A "will o mi uwer flTonr r o JUB Kcfc U-A-B-T.n.R.T Tit U0- v. - - - w - Eastern Time. "",UB BUU '"upa rejir at once. nuvueaung a connnuHtion o Electric Bitters is especially adapts of the co-operation arrangement be ed to cure all Kidney and Liver tweeD tb to" parties in State am troubles and often eiveR almost, in- countv affair-i ! ocaie an( ant relief. One trial will will Drove Thi i. .A?"rT: r, 1 our statement. Price 50c and i hn i ", m -1 -jHpeccus ot ibe CoilCOrd N. C- Drug stofe. ' 81,00 Tribune, tbat is the name ; . i v I by which jt will hu rvu . S n bj Mr. . 0 M Ynvon of xuC uuHervannnave doubtless no- AsnevHJe, who was here yesterday ticed u tendency towards alienation lr; . Kenyon Jwirbe a large stock Neen: jthei Germiih5! femiare "and fLI r.;ln Pf" is now the;Unired Statrin trade eiatiou, r' ?L .lhl hoH fteidentCle!attdrJ1i8 but t withji he will be iboein&s manager . J.d Tt tn' 1T7 . W r..- Proc,asrin-8aepBatDK the effects ,V la?? .f Hdereon. ,V Wohmoi. VV AViV VUMIJNU. of Wb '. prool8m':l"s i J " ' re HS- Mr.-,New. and t . - I UDserver j.no pay luunage tax on veeselfl worm," but the tardy head of the iaixiiijr uaiuuea a scoiaing 11 ne does COAVEH'S JElllCD GOJIL Frompt attention, Fullj weight. Free ddlive-y. $4.25 per toniand up. SOUTHERN HAIL WAY fFIEDJIOKT AIB LINE ) . FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS. . 'I'hld AnnHnntJ O 1 S l ' i. subject to mrSbo RICHMOND TO OHARIi ITE. . t CONCORD MAKKE1, - COTTON M AH" , Corrected by Cannc . Fetzer ddling.... 7.10 v Middhnffs .7, Li w middling , ........... J.'.'.'.V " Stiins ............ ...u. .... 6.15 PEODUCE MArtJtET .. Corrected bv winx; & White. Bacon........ ;.v.v. to 75 Sugarcnred nauaa... ......... 12it,o 14 Sulk meat3,sides. 6 to 7 Beeswax..... ...... j,....20 Butter ...,10tol5 Chickens......... iQtc-O Oorn..... ............... . - o ...tu 15 xjaiu....... ....... iv ......... ' 4 iour(is orth Carolina) . ...$2.50 Won! ' 13.................................... 35 Lanow ..... ;..3to4 maorhas been veryunfair against Mra 7flftylea" us in the in,nnrtiL ' sb Soothing 3) rap has rr" : " TV; ""V .,"B- oeen aa tor - over fifty vrs bv and probably on account, of a tariff millions of motheWfor their cMIoV on German beet suffar in tVi wm ren while tee thi eon bill. It will -be' remembered ff8, II oothe8 the!cbild, eofteus that tbe Democrats bad so amall a .If n!lW!iD-cure8 Amelia Court House MunceviUe Keysville South Boston maioritv that in : vtl ; BUtf "! me-.wst remedy for pot.on the free li.t 9r- the Louisiana little sufferer r Senators would defeat the bill J It dfuiats in eversWrVnf th is rrotecrtioiigain'str protection and Teiltfi?e centfebbitfe, ; Be sure retaliation to meet provocation.. fHd sk f or "Mrs. Winslow Sooth- lu yrup, ana take no other kinn, Dtinville Keidsville Greensboro High Point : Salisbury . uoncord Ar Charlotte . Ar Spartanburg Greenville Ar Atlanta Jcen. time) No. H Daily. 2 00 am 324 am f 3 59 am 15 am 10 am 8 37 urn 9 45 am 10 40 am 11 3Qpm : 3 15 i nx 4 20 Pui r , 9 30 pm No. 35 Dailv. 6 3u pm 7 37 pm 8 50 pm 9 27 pm JOOOpm 12 26 am 1 20 am 5 10 am-' No. 37 Daiiy. 5 60 am 6.25 anf 7 05 am 7 27 am 817 am 8 48 am 9 25 am 11 37 am 1228 pm 355pm Daily. 6 55 pm 7 21 pm 8 25 pm 12 m 119pm ,1 15; 2 35 '3 49 5 05 5 53 pm 6 55 pm 721pm '8 25 Dm iyC2pm v AMI OHABLOTTE TO KIOflilOND. Eastern Time. TO CURE A COfcli IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lute . .All J uruggisiH jfitiird the ujoney.n it tails to cure. 25c. m 14 anniiiiigi eviy, iodida potash I'nlSSfS 8tJi!neer- f ' out. It is this Sccondar if ow&XaIli "a ie cases ana -cuaUen e-n h i 5 sti Cians. ' S50O,00O caoitS hh?121611?!- r A Good Investment' On receipt of ten-ceritR: rW V. Ma rapF, a generous f ampTe wll4' bW rnaTfn of tnt mnDt . ., R,?mvy -S6- Cue (E1y'tf Cream T.r1"1 MOTHERS, 56 Warren ,St.Ne York City. 1 ftUIJered from catflrrh f k.a years; it cot eo bar! T nnnU wor- L-usf d twt)' hottlen of 'Ely's. Cream, ;,BaJm. nd entirely' Well "UM nor, RA iwi,t .h I ; ; s - . . Clarke, 34Shkwmut e nd oDawmut AeM Boston.. Es we can get. Win bny P, Q. B.: JY ?."FPupoini.- aote ug vour XHiJ SHIPPERS PRODUCE (50 !B01 Fidelity; BuildiDc. - - ... . : ' . . ,5 C . - - ! V: .... .'f E3 .5 JI' RRW k.T a A MISENHEIMEB ivy ijy( f-MlSENHEIMER . Physicians and Survrnn i;?s0lfcf ,n esbyterian churc Caarlptte. N. C ' , . . Lv Atlanta (cen. time) A CCIl VII H iiV CUarlotte , Concord Salisbury High. Point : ( .Greensboro ! , Ileidbville Dacvlile South Boston Keytville - BuiksTille .. No. 12 Daily; 7 50 am 2 3ipm 3 47 p m 6 40 pm 7 22 pm 810 pm 916 pm ; 9 52 pm 10 39 pm 12 30 am 1 43 am 3 06 am 3 55 arn 4 36 am 6 00 am NO 36 Dftilv 11 50 pm 5 .40 am 6 42 am 9 30 am 10 07 am 10 47 am No. 38 Dailv. 12 00 m 5 30 pm 6 18 pm 12 10 pm 1.50 pm 8 30 om f 9 02 pm 936pm 101; pm 12 00 N t No. It Dailv. 5 40 am 6 17 am 710 am 8 18 am 8 50 am 9 30 am 1 50 pm 2 53 pm 4 06 pm 4 47 pm 5i24pm 6 40 pm No. Dp 710 am 8 IS am 8 50 am everytmg;:- fl : : m M " b " " - Nos q1? nn oo w "iUFlNG CAR SERVfCE. rain beti a0? Southwestern LimiteaJ. Solid Vestibuled Sleenin rikr;. Pullman Drawinff Boom dav,oi:;rr rate $a.00: no extra farer Fir-t,r1n Vostibnlsd C vvasmngton and; Atlanta. Through T heen H Spr S3Se Yortand Memphis, wYoVv AsHerilile ' and ,w",as York Tampa, and Richmond. And a mc :qak rn- J lJo7':SS Den. eensboro and AWtgomery; y New YorAtl sleeping cars Seen oslS?!? ;Ik aCkvi11 and Charlotte and Au-znta. foik and SSI X". ??0k 5 Chattanooga Limited. Solid train between Xor- Hot SpringTand Knb Salisbury, Asheyilb sleepingars. -r?9?11 : Through .day;coaches and Pullman -drawing-room Eai?'Sw to aU poi!lts- For ra,cs 01 iDfor I wajtt every man and woman in thn tt!t States interested in the oSnm ?nd Vh?l5 faabits to have one of my bSinZ fit 00i ana one mil be 6ent yon free. n i I Given Away Free eiga companies: aoaof. pay pacsjDg anu pua To advertise our goods we will &ive awav. aKqnl n rol v frpp. nne box a nample bottle , of Peeler's Pain KilleV toeverv one Becdinff 03 fifty ' Address, k espctfa!lyt . Peelsr Akdersox Mediciitb Co. WooDn wan & lUiis. Lock Eox 1. Kern(riile, N.

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