lIE L| I I Projected Flights L Atlantic Given Up B Plans For 3 Go On Hr ■sire Among Trio ■,'„, Determined ■ Give i'P V, lanS ■, n ..Atlantic Hops ■ u \S N EW ■ ans sight I to Establish En ■ Record in Flight ■-Search For Old Bjs Continued. ■ . • ■■ -la s)—N'"t --■ V Il.c search ■ e irbilrnrval of ■ 1.,,. .Uht», throe ■ Vi.u.ici ■ " the trans ißatdventu^- m ray;son. Long Hr; aviator. i( } she ,j n ' ■„, Kin- with a pilot ■■ S k orsky amphib- Kj> K ith Elder, of ■ Captain Robert Mc J n ' M- Ireland. reiterated [Bnanp'i !, '>t t 0 be tilS;iUati ' ■optic* overseas hops, ■nthetiv W reford with ■milnt for M-Intosh and ■ ame word of the eun ■ raul raras ■„ t„ riy to America. To ■adtleil the definite with ■ Vharif' A. Levine and T. Courtney from the ■aJ’ter Cazettc. backer of aimo'inoed abandon ■'projept until next year, r he airman at Corun ■'. [,p was released from K and made plans for ■ 'world flight in 1928. ■nchriiffr. Levine’s pilot, ■divided to start eastward ■aare High: Wednesday or ■th Karachi. India, as his ■plane. Royal Windsor, in jßfVood anti A. 0. Duke ■ planned a trans-Atlantic (irace, N. F., wait ■r weather for a return ■ Orchard. Me. They ■ not m fly the Atlantic, ■trie Fonck. French ace, ■Atlantic plans received a ■>k when the navy dopart ■d the leave of absence ■is crew. Lieutenant Law ■ and Ensign Stephen Ed ■ New York, cabled the ■rnraent in order to learn ■on his flight before an ■finiP abandonment of his ■ projected flights were be- Hf>i the search for the Old Harried on in the North At ■ ctoamer Kyle, chartered Hr York Mirror, of which ■ passenger on the plane, Hug editor. Hileh running seas the Kyle Hard the point 500 miles Houndland, where the Old to have gone down ■g SOS calls early last H morning. No trace of found. ■iNG PARLEY ■ ■STIRS republicans Hrs I p in Air Oyer Task ■ing National Committee- H Names Mentioned. Sopr. 10.—North Caro- Hrans are stirred up over ■ meeting in Greensboro. H> reports from hoadquar ■ speculation in this sec- Ht'bo will he selected for ■ national committeeman is ■^ a t deal of comment. sp who are most fre- Hhoned here for the place ■orehcad. of Charlotte; W ■ of Durham; J. F. feea- High: Irwin B. Tucker, of ■*Y A. Whitener, of Hick ■"• Millikan, of Greeps ■ membprs and associate W Pl Peetcd to be present ■feting is railed to oraer H In * °f September 22 by Jackson, of Hen ■" will journey from this ■but , meetin * C. J. ■Hillsboro; Fred Hamrick, ■ ‘ : M alter Chambers. ■ anrt Louis Hamlin, of ■* p U)Slo\s I ,N milk village ■ r^' n " 1,1 Latest Violence ■™ n Factory Settlement. d f—'T'h ree explos- K ! S J ru sld in the Harriet g0 ‘ but no damage ■° i s officers reported to ■nn^c StS - Sai 1:0 have ■ t j 8 " in the eve ■j.L ° r hcrs were heard ■ • and these were said ■ th?i- ViAlPnr - The laDer ■ _ Ilmo grove beyond the ■os „ n Proximity to ■L'it was reported. ■ tfcp o',"* officers was ■ null during the night, ■n<* Was tbe rause or ■ <l<: ' nf '’° ,irse < merely ■ c °B.iceturo. *"*, lbo operatives K°” S ’ r ' kp are *** to be V H ard Bit By Roll Wee ml bT - Id —At least onc lHinfr n /a nP - in Mecklen i j ' ( 1 Wlt h boll wee • ”d farmers will lose a , rs as a result. Kope 1m declared to- THE CONCORD TIMES J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and PubHsher —— ~ . WILBUR CALLS FOR AIR LAWS Say's Navy Cannot Continue Costly Searches for Foolish Flyers. Charlotte, N. CL, Hept. 10.—Govern mental regulation* of trans-oceanic or other long distance flying was de clared essential tonight by Curtis D. Wilbur, Secretary of the. Navy, if human life is to be safeguarded and any constructive stimulus given to the science of n,viation. Secretary Wilbur, en route to Wash ington after an inspection of the PacK ; tic fleet, was interviewed at th. Dome of Stuart Cramer, at Oramerron. tex tile manufacturer and fo«mei* class mate at Annapolis, where he is a visitor. He plans to leave Monday for the capital. General unpreparedness and inade quate equipment for harzardous flights, which place human life in jeopardy and can, even if successful, contribute' little or nothing to aerial science, were referred t* by Secretary Wilbur as cause to warrant governmental supervision of details of such adven turous enterprises. One procedure, he suggested, would be for a properly constituted board to refuse both governmental sanction and passports to any person deemed, on examination, unqualified to under take an oceanic flight. “The Navy cannot continue,” “searching for victims of ‘stunt’ flights which culminate in distress at sea” adding that inasmuch as public money was involved in such searches, it was but natural and proper that govern mental regulation should be applied to the matter the same as in other activities. FLOOD CONTROL WORK TO BE STOPPED SOON Comptroller General McCarl Refuses Appropriation to Carry Out the Program. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 10. —Flood control work in the Mississippi valley received a setback today with the decision of Comptroller General Mc- Carl refusing to divert to the war department a' $2,000,000 rivers and harbors appropriation surplus for that purpose. While contracts for the closing of crevasses have been let, it was pointed out by Major Donald H. Connolly, United States engineer in charge of the first and second riyer districts, that had the additional funds become available, this work could have been completed sooner. All working time between now and the neit flood season is needed in taking precautions against high water, it was explained. A favorable decision by Mr. McCarl, engineers said, would have enabled them to put in revetment work at places where the caving river banks are getting dangerously close to the levee. * . It will be necessary now, in Major Connolly’s opinion, to “take a chance” on the caving not progressing fast enough to destory the levee before there'are funds and time for the work. INJURIES HIT TAR HEEL CAMP. Four Men Listed as “Cripples” at Training Camp of Carolina Eleven. Chapel Hill, Sept. 10.—The Univer sity of North Carolina football mentors had planned a scrimmage for their proteges this afternoo, but the heavy rains of last night left the field so soggy that the scrimmage was post poned. Instead, the Tar Heels went through a strenuous session in the morning, with the backs and ends getting a taste of scrimmage work. Then this afternoon the coaches light ened the work and had the men in track togs again for further drill in fundamentals. . . As the first week of practice closes, the Carolina hospital list shows four names. George McDaniel, regular end last year, suffered a cut over the eye in today’s practice hut will not be out of all the workouts. J immy Maus, sophomore back, is still suffering from a summer baseball injury, Frederick, another back, has a “Charley Horse and Snider, another end candidate, has been out for several days witn severe sore throat. William J- Bryan, Jr., Suing For Divorce. Los Angeles, Sept. IL - 'WYVU ani Jennings Bryan, Jr., eon of the fam ous commoner, today confirmed ports that he had tiled suit here yes terday for divorce from Mrs. Helen Virginia Bryan, on charges of de sertion. Bryan said hie wife is visit ing her father near Fredericksburg, Va. Bryan, an attorney here, lives with his mother and his three daugh ters, Mary, 17, Helen, 16,. and Eliza beth, 13. Last month he filed a peti tion to be appointed guardian of his daughters so they might inherit $2,- 000 each left them by their grand father, the formes; Democratic candi date for president and later cabinet member. Couple Wed in Troy in Middle of Street. Troy, Sept. 10.—Squire W. H. Reynolds was called upon about mne thirtv Monday night to tie the matn monal knot of Miss Lizzie Harman of Richmond, and E. A. Trudea, of Indianapolis, Ind. Miss Harman had been on a visit to Biscoe, and Mr. Trudeau, who is a member of U*ncle Sam’s Naval corps, was alsd -here on a visit. They met, won and woed each other’s love in a very short time. Reynolds was called upon tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau are now at the Troy Hotel. Doc Snell, the crack junior light weight from Tacoma, will make his Eastern debut ip the Madison JSquarf' Garden show on September 15. Joey Glick has been selected as his op ponent. FOUR BALLOONS IN BENNETT RACE ARE STILL UP IN SOOTH No Reports Had Been Re ceived From Them This Morning and Officials Think They Are in Air. FIVE REPORTED SAFE LANDINGS Winds Still Blowing to the Southeast and This May Carry Ships Still in Au to Atlantic Ocean. Sept. 12.— UP) —Four of the 15 balloons entered in the Gordon B«**«*tt International Trophy race srfD were unreported this morning, more than 40 hours after leaving the Ford Airport here Saturday afternoon, and officials of the -event, were inclined t to believe that all the bags still were in the air. Three others were report ed seen last night in the Carolinas and five had reported safe landings. Norman B. Conger, chief of the U. S. Weather Bureau here, reported that the wind continued in a general southeasterly direction. This would sweep the balloons seen in the Caro liuas toward the seaboard, it was be lieved. Unless the pilots have been able to find winds which would con tinue to blow them over the land, it was expected they would bring their air-journey to an end somewhere near Cape Sable, Florida. Os the ballons which have reported safe landings, the Wallonie Belgian entry, piloted by Lieutenant Phillippe Quersin and Lieutenant Maurice Hieis, was believed to have made the best distance. / The Wallonie landed at S. C. The Brandeburg, German balloon piloted by Dr. Rein holdt Halben apd Hugo, Kaulen, Jr., made the shortest flight, having been forced down on Sugar Island in Lake Erie, four hours after the flight, when the gas valves failed to function properly. The other balloons landed wer« the Helvetia, Swiss entry, at Statesville, N. C.; the Paris Bruxelles, French entry, at Dunn, N. C.; and the Army at York, S. C.; Belgica, Belgian, at Newberry, S. C.; and the Bee, British, at Randolph, Va. i Van Orman Still Going. Anderson, S. C., Sept. 12. — UP)— The balloon Goodyear VI, piloted by Wade T. Van Orman, winner of last year’s Gordon Bennet cup rice, passed over Belton at 8 :35 o’clock this morn ing, headed south, at a good rate of speed. The ballon was about 6,000 feet in the air, but residents of Bel ton said the marketings could be as certained. Unidentified Balloon at Greenwood. Greenwood t S. C., Sept. 12.— UP) — An unidentified white ballon flying at a great height passed over Ninety Six, near here, today at noon. It came from the direction of Columbia, and was going due west. Leave for Detroit. Dunn, N. C., Sept. 12.— UP) —Re- freshed by a-long night’s rest, Maurice Biename and A. Pennstra, in charge of the French balloon, Paris Bruxelles, which landed near here late Sunday, boarded a train this morning and headed toward Detroit. The balloonists were in the air for nearly 25 hours before Pilot Biename decided to descend three miles south of Dunn. FOUR BIG BALLOONS LAND IN CAROLINAS French Entry Comes Down Near Dunn While Swiss Bag Lands In Iredell. Charlotte, Sept. 11.—Reporting a journey fraught with the dangers of thunderstorms, sudden ascents to great heights and telling of spending the night high above the clouds in bright moonilght, four of the 15 entries in the Gorden Bennett international balloon race tonight had landed in North Carolina and South Carolina. The first three balloons ldnded —the United States army, the Paris-Brux elles, French, and the Wallonie, Bel gian, traveled approximately 525 miles from Detroit from where they started late yesterday. The Helvetia, Swiss entry, traveled about 450 miles. The United States army, piloted by Captain W. E. Kepner, was the first reported landing, having come down f in the outskirts of York, S. C., at 7 p. m. a few miles south of the North Carolina line. Captain Kepner and his aide, Lieutenant Earickson, told of being suddenly lifted to great heights by vertical air currents. They had dropped their radio set by means of a parachute at Lenoir, at 2:30 p. • m. and landed only because an adverse air current caught them and was carrying them back toward De troit. The Paris-Bruxqeles, piloted by M. Maurice Bienamejwwith A. Veenstra as aide, landed n£ar Dunn, a small town in the eastern sectidh of the state, at 5:50 o’clock this afternoon after exhausing their ballast. The Wallonie, piloted by H. Quen sin with M. Theis as aide, came down six miles south of Greenville, S. C., at 7:30 o’clock with ballast exhausted The Hispania passed over Gaffney, S. C., at 6 p. m. traveling in the general direction of Charleston and at a height of 4,000 feet. The Italian entry, Dux, and the Spanish entry, Hispania, known to have passed over North Carolina and into ffouth Carolina, were still going stoftf and toward the south when last reported. The Dux was identified by an aviator who ascended at Spar tanburg to a height of 4,000 feet to get her markings. She was traveling at a height of approximately 6,000 feet but later reports to Spartanburg indicated that the Dux had begun to descend and the last report was that she was within 1,000 feet of thf ground. CONCORD..N.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, Vhat Will Be Fate Os the 1 Cotton Crop This Year The Tribune Buurea* H‘.r Walter Hotel Raleigh, Sept. .12.—Will the prfco of cotton, now at such a favorable peak, remain at this p<tak, or will it decline as a result of the rush that will be made in many quarters to Vealize on this increase in price? And what affect, if any, will this ruse have on the various cotton co-operative as sociations? As was expected, of course, the price has already fallen off some from the high level reached following the announcement of the government crop forecast. But state marketing ex perts believe th«r for the most part cotton prices are going to stay up with a good chance for them to go even higher later on. “As far as the North Carolina crop is concerned right now,” said George Ross, chief of the division of mar kets, state department of agriculture, “not much a is being sold at pres ent because •+* little has been picked yet. Hence there is no dumping of this year’s crop at present, and indi cations are that many of The grow ers nr*i going to market their cotton slowly, in order to get the beet prices possible.” When the fact was mentioned that many trucks and wagons ar*> tn be seen hauling hales of cotiou to mar ket, it was said that moat of this is last year’s cotton and that the farmers are using their hu&ds in sell ing their last year’s which they have carried over, now, and use the money they receive for this to » nable them to carry their new crop, and finance themselves in the meantime. That present prices will have little effect on the co-operative associa tions, other than mean more profit for the members, is the opinion of F. B. Webster, assistant general manager of the Cotton Growers’ Co-operative Association here. The rise in prices following the United States crop re port was not unexpected, since private HUGE STILLS SEIZED WHERE PATRIOTS DU Dry Raiders Strike Blows at Bm Trade on Kings Mountain Battle field Baffled'For Clues of Owners. Gastonia, Sept. 10. —Prohibition Agent Evon L. Houser, assisted by Policeman Adam Hord, of Gastonia, and Chief of Police Erwin Allen, of Kings Mountain, made a raid in th-* wilds of the Kings Mountain battle field, Cleveland county, which netted two of the largest stills ever captur ed in. this section of the state. The stills were within a quarter of a mile of each other and there was n path leading from one to the other, this fact leading the raiders t<v be lieve that both outfits were the prop erty of the same individual or gang. No arrests were made and, as yet, the agents, have no clues as to who tne owners and operators of the still were. It could not be ascertained who owns the, property on which they were located. They were found in a section of the Kings Mountain region which is wild and uninhabited. One of the stills was warm and had evidently been operated up to a very short time before the officers arrived. Both stills were destroyed as it would have been an almost impossible task to get them out and bring them to town. Three hundred gallons of beer was also destroyed. A few miles east of the site of these two stills the party made an other raid, capturing a 60-gallon Rtill in the Surraw Springs section, Gaston county. It destroyed with 150 gallons of beer and several sacks of meal. No arrests were made and it was im possible to find out who is owner of the land on which it was found. Southern Railway to Display Mineral Wealth of South at Chemical Show. Washington, D. C., Sept. 12.—Dur ing the week of September 26, South ern Railway System will have on dis play at the Eleventh Exposition *r Chemical Industries, in the Grand Central Palace, New York, the most comprehensive exhibit of the chemical and mineral resources of the South that has ver been made. In preparing this exhibit great care has been taken to include om.v specimens of minerals from deposits which are available for development and which are so located with refer ence to transportation as to make their development practicable. The exhibit will occupy four booths in the Exposition and will be sa arranged as to group together all of the speci mens from different deposits of tha same mineral, thus facilitating com parative study. The specimens shown will present a complete picture of the great and ' varied mineral re sources of the territory served by Southern Railway System lines. The Exposition will attract many thousands of visitors who are .in terested in the chemical and allied industries and the Southern Railway exhibit expected to result in in teresting some of the important chemical and metalurgieal industries of the United States in making de velopments in the South. 'New York Makes New Mark by Lick ing Browns. New York, Sept. 10.—The Yankees defeated the Browns for the 21st time “this season by 1 to 0 today, Wiley Moore gaining an edge on Stewart in a pitcher’s battle. The lone run was scored by Meusel in the eighth on his double and successive sacrifices by Lazzeri Gazella. Earl Combs’ single made him the first American , leaguer to record 200 hits this season. The New Yorkers established a new American league record for victories from one club in a season by winning 21times from St. Louis. The former mark was held by the Red Sox who won 20 out of-22 from St. Louis in 1911. The Yanks tied the National league record held by the Cubs who defeated Boston 21 out of 22 games in 1909. If the chairs are bright green and there are freak pictures on the wall, it’s a tea room instead of a restaur ant. —Buffalo News- estimates made before the government estimate had very closely approximat the government figures. The pres ent high prices may occasion some dumping on the part of owners , who are anxious to realize at the present peak, and this will probably cause a temporary slump. , That farmers in some sections will be encouraged to sell their cotton as quickly as possible now while prices are strong in order to get some ready cash appears likely in the face of the fact that they have been ruhning on credit for many months. It is also likely that mapy of the bankers and supply merchants will urge them to dd this, so that the hanks may be able to liquidate some of the paper which they have been carrying. However, it ie generally believed that the majority of the thinking farmers will see the wisdom of mar keting their cotton slowly, and thus keep the market from being flooded, and keep prices from falling. It was pointed out by Mr. Web ster that the cotton co-operatives this year have an optional pool in which mejnber§ may place their cotton with insti notions to hold it and sell only on the instruction* of the individual owners. This plan will enable the members to deliver the cotton to the co-operatives as fgst as they may de sire, where it will be held until such a time as the owners may desire to sell. Although It U still too early to tell definitely about the crop on the basis of the first Crop estimate, it is felt that the October and November re ports will adhere pretty close to the September estimate, unless adverse weather conditions between now and October first may serve to reduce the estimate, in which case the crop would be still shorter than already indicated. On the whole, those familiar with the situation feel that cotton prices will remain firm, with an eventua 1 possibility of still greater advances. F THE COTTON MARKET. jLOu«*y it l Decline of 8 I - a* a a..- oeverely Later. New York, Sept. 12.— UP) —Tin cotton market opened easy today at a decline of 8 to 11 points and broke very severely under the ren<*wal of heavy liquidation. Southern aud loca' selling. Bearish or reactionary sent! ment was stimulated by favoraon weather map and relatively weal Liverpool cables. Covering and trad "buying was reported on sea'e dowi: ward, but at end of first hour Decern ber was selling around 22 :09 i\»' Ma,rch 22 :30, or 80 to 82 points be low SirfiiriSny’g closing quota. Liver pool tables reported hedge selling am’ general liquidation in the market, am that the cloth and yarn buyers wer» cautious, owing to a general distru*; of general prices. The early break extended to 22.0 S for December with months gen erally showing net lossbs of 80 to 90 points. Stop loss orders were un covered On the deeline, and after theii execution the volume of business tap ered off, while the tope steadied oi covering or trade buying; Deeembci rallied to 22.50 and March to 22.70. or about 40 to 42 points from the lowest, but the favorable weather fore cast seemed to bring in additional selling on the bulges, and the market was still mere er less unsettled around midday. Cotton futures opened easy: Oct. 22.50; Dee. 22.82; Jan/22.82 ; March 22.97; May 23.05. Cotton Closing. January, 22.07; March, 22.25; May 22.35; July, 22.14; October, 21.74: December 22.05; ' Four Baths A Year Would Satisfy Them. Paris, Sept. 10.—The scarcity of bathtubs in most of France is often the subject of jokes, but < Sarcastic critics have a new fact to give sub stance to their humor. In the town of Bedarieux, near th* southern eoast, are 7,000 people with very few tubs: A forward-look ing gentleman transformed a villa into a public bathhouse, in a spirit of civic pride, relying upon promises of a good subscription list. Ho set out to get the wealthy to buy season tickets good for a bath a week. He finally got 3 to agree to take a bath a month for n year. After the first few weeks, according to reports of the enterprise, the subscribers reverted to primitive ideas of hygiene and demanded part of their tickets to be taken up. “A bath a month is too often; oner every three months is enough,” they are quoted as skying. , The bathhouse finally closed its doors, unable to make a go of the bathing business, although there wan no competition. With Our Advertisers. Dignity in glasses is offered by the Stamen-Mlller-Parker Co. McCallum silk tiosiery is sold ex clusivelv in Concord at the Gray jjhop. 'gee new ad. today. fTbd dress goods uepartment at BeiV'h •••filled with new fall goods. New ad today gives a list of prices. Irew fall dresses have arrived at Efird’s. Specially priced at $16.50 in newest styles and fabrics. You can add cheer to the kitchen by buying a kitchen cabinet for your wife. The Bell 6f. Harris furniture Co., has some of the latest models in solid oak. There’s a pleasing variety in the new fall millinery at the J. C. Penney Co. Alluring stylfes for everyone, and priced from |1.98 to $3.98. Y'ankees Need Two More to Clinch , It. New York, Sept. 10.—The Yanks nicked another victory off the Browns today and now' require only two .more triumphs to c’inch the American league pennant in the event the Athletics, who beat the Tigers, an nex nineteen remaining games to be played. The new Yorkers have eigh teen more contests scheduled. The only funny thing about some cartoons is the spelling used by the cartoo trusts. —Dm bon News- 1927 PRESIDENT BACK . AT DESK TO SEE ABOUT TROUBLES Does Not Appear l ed 1 as Result of 1,9 le Rail Trip From k Hill to Nation’s Ca S MANY PROBLEMS » MUST BE FAi \ Special Session of Con gress and Appointment of Ambassador to Mexi co Among Problems. Washington, Sept. 12.—UP)—Pres ident Coolidge was back at his desk today to tackle accumulation of im portant business he had sidetracked pending conferences here with govern ment and Congress leaders. v . Mr. Coolidge showed no sign of fatigue from the two days’ journey oft. 900 miics from South Dakota, •vhich he completed last night. In a series of conferences arranged for the next few weeks, the President hopes to reach decisions on the fol ’owing questions: Necessity of an early special ses sion of Congress or of special session of the Senate. Appointment of ambasasdors to Mexico and Cuba. Selection of sucessor to the late General Leonard Wood as governor general of the Philippine Islands. RECEIVES WATCH FOB < BACK AFTER 13 YEARS Asheville Dentist Gets It. imrougfi Mail—Sender Promises to Reveal Name Some Day. Asheville,. Sept. 11.—Just 13 years ago this i month, Dr. C. C. Bennett, dentist with offices in the Jackson building, was packing hurriedly to go aw’ay to a school of dentistry in At 'anta. On his way to the train he inficcd he had left his watch and lob at the house in New Bridge where he l md lived. He turned back and in his 'oom found the watch. The fob. a ’iftndsome gold medal which he had von gs a debater at Culowhee, was ;»ne. Recently he opened a letter in firs >ffice. In it he found the fob, and a ote which read:. “Found by a ’riend. Some day I will tell you my ii. me.” The~ fob had evidently not boon wawL I>e. Bennrfft said. The note was written on news copypaper b.v type writer. The letter was mailed in Ashe dlUj. The mystery of the disappear ince of the fob still troubles Dr. Ben 'lett, but after 13 years, he was glad "o begin wearing his medal again. irandma Flies At 101; Plans Career In Air. Portland. Me., Sept. 10.—Booked or 1 a flight to California On her 95th birthday, four years hence, and vith visions of a trans-Atlantic trip >y airplane when she is 110, Mrs. Vmntia Bennett left here today for i 300 mile automobile ride to her ! iome in Chicopee Falls, Mass. “Grandma” was accompanied by Zharles W. Bradley, 99, on a 100 nile flight from Boston yesterday as m incident of her 101st birthday cele bration. Italian Consul In Faris Killed. Paris, Sept. 12.— UP) —Count Carlo Nardini, Italian vice consul here, was -hot and killed today by an unidenti ied assailant. Assailant, believed to >e an Italian, sought the Count at his •oom at the consulate, and fired three time without warning. A man whs ar rested but refused to give his name or tiotive for the crime. I A general wish to be successiul ia io better than no wish at all. THE STOCK MARKET Reported by Fenner & Beane. (Quotations at 1:30 P. M.) Atchison 193 American Can 62% Allied' Chemical 160% American Smelting * 177 American Tel. & Tel. 171% Atlantic Coast Line 195 Allis Chalmers ' 112 Baldwin Locomotive 261 Baltimore & Ohio 120% Bethlehem Steel 63% Chesapeake & Ohio 196 t Chrysler * . 59% New York Central 160% DuPont 316% Erie 62 Fleishman 62% Bt.„Louis-Francis. RR. 112 General Electric 140 General Motors 250 Gen. Ry. Signal 149% Houston Oil __ 152 Hudson Motors 82% Kennecott Copper Kans. City. Sou. Ry. 65% Liggett & Myers 122% Lorillard 39% Mack Truck 103 Mo.-Pacific Pfd._„ , 104 Mo.-Paeifis Com. 54% Montgomery-Ward 76 Nash Motors __ 91% Packard Motors 41% Penn. RR. 66% Producers and Refiners 25 Reading RR. 115% “B” Rev. Tob. Com. 147 Rock Isiand RR. 108% Sears Roebuck 74 Southern Ry. 134 Std. Oil of N. J. 40% Sou. Pac. RR. 120 Studebaker Corp. 61% Tobacco Prod. 99% T : mken Roller Brg. 125% Union Carbine Wabash RR. 70 Weotinghouse Elec. Co. 85% West. Mryd. RR. 63 Yellow Cab and Truck 34 Woolworth __ 186% U. S. Steel 153% Coca-Cola 122 $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance ALL DRESSED UP Mr ■■ s |Pl wB Mpti ► j ■ I ■hH :?: Mm, s&mK :•:& : *F>n : ss|l ; ' ; : j - ': K ; IB •••••• ■Bfe « iHi<ias 8£ ■fc' . ■ m . 'I cf- * v Here's first photo of Betty Nuthall, 16-year-old British rac quet wonder, outfitted in any thing but regular tennis togs. Gives you entirely new angle on charming Britisher, doesn’t it? ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO BURN PAPER BOX CO. Pile of Rubbish That Had Been Kin dled Put Out Without Damage to Plant. Hickory, Sept. 12.— UP) —What has been characterized ae the second at tempt to burn the plant of the Hick ory Paper Box Company was made last night between 9 and 10 o’clock, but the alleged attempt was frustrat ed when a pile of rubbish that had been kindled in the rear of the build ing was extinguished by a passerby. The police department was notified, and an investigation started. k No motive for the Alleged ‘ attempt' is known. DR. LAFFERTY DIES AT HOME IN CITY Had Been in Declining Health for Several Months.—No Funeral Plans Yet Made. Dr. J. S. Lafferty, well known Con cord citizen, died this afternoon short ly before 2 o’clock at his home on West Depot street. He had been in ill health for several months and his condition for several days had been so critical that no hope for his recov ery was entertained. No funeral plans will be made until later in the day. Dr. Lafferty was widely known throughout the county and western North Carolina. Mrs. Lafferty died several weeks ago. THE STOCK MARKET Stiffened Monty Rates Brought Sharp Reaction in Market Today. New York, Sept. 12.— UP) —Stiffen- ed money rates brought about anth er sharp reaction in today’s stock maTket. Prices started upward at the opening, with about 20 individual is sues elevated -to new high ground, but sold down the renewal rate on call loans was marked up .to 4 per cent. Rallying tendencies quickly de veloped, but these disappeared when banks called about $20,000,000 ‘in loans, and sent the call rate up ,to 4 1-2 per cent., the highest- level since the first week in July. State’s First County Junior College Opens. Asheville, Sept. 22. —C4*) —North Carolina’s first junior College opera ted by a county opened this morning when approximately 85 high school grad uates enrolled in the Buncombe Coun ty Junior College for their list year of collegfe work. The junior college will occupy' a floor bf the new $250,000 building of the Bilfmore High School. The second year of college work wRP be offered next year, Supterintendent W. H. Jones of the Biltmore Schools an nounced. Man Is Trampled When Workmen Hear Whistle. Terryville, Conn., Sept. 10.—Leon Kasper, 20, was standing just inside the gates at the Eagle Lock com pany’s plant here, when the six o’clock whistle blew last night. To day, he is nursing three broken ribs as a result. Kasper was knocked down and trampled on as the workmen rushed through the gate and when the last feet had walked on him, be was picked up unconscious and rushed to the of fice of a physician. Tebell’s Injury h Not Serious. Raleigh. Sept. 10.—Injury to Coach Tebell, who suffered a broken ankle bone whi!e drilling State col lege football candidates, is not ex pected to hamper the training season at the local institution. Graduate Manager Stafford said tonight. Tebell was hurt while trying to keep pace with the Wolfpack back field combination in formal drill. Earth Shock in Turkey. Constantinople, Turkey, Sept. 12. — UP) —An earth shock of several sec onds duration was felt here at 20 min utes past midnight today. FLORIDA GIRL NOT READY TO GIVE IIP: ATLANTIC FLIGHT ’Miss Ruth Elder and Male Companion Leave Flor ida for New York.—De termined to Make Flight. BROCK AND SCHLEE WOULD FLY HOME Friends Have Tried to Make Them Give Up the Idea of Trying to Cross Pacific in Their Plane. Tampa, Fla.. Sept. 12.—(^)—The big buff monoplane American GirL, with George Haldeman and Ruth Elder, Lakeland. Fla., flyers in the pilot Beats, hopped off from Municipal Field here today for Wheeling, W. Va., on its way to New York to attempt a trans-Atlantic hop to Paris. Thu flyers expected to rehiain until 1 Wednesday or Thursday in Wheeling, after Which they will proceed to Roosevelt Field, New York, ami await for a favorable day for tfte At-' lantio attempt. Apparently underter red by the failure of eirailar expedi tions. MiiOl Elder today reiterated her determination to be the first, woman to cross the Atlantic by air rfnd ex pressed extreme confidence in the ven ture. Haldeman’s route to Wheeling will take him over Lake'and. Fla.. Jack sonville, Columbia, S. 0., Newton, N. C., and Richmond, Va. Want to Fly Home. Oraura. Japan, Sept. 12. — UP) —Ed ward F. Schlee and William S. Brock co-pilots of the round the world mono plane, Pride of Detroit, told the As sociated Press here today that they firmly expected to fly from Japan to Midway Islands, then to Honolulu and on to San Francisco. DUKE FRESHMEN ENROLL. Course Opens Friday. But Regular Work Will Come Later. Durham, N- C.. Sept. 12.—Duke University Freshmen, numbering ap proximately 500, will enroll at the University Friday morning. Septem ber 16, for a brief period of college training, it was announced here * to day by Assistant Dean H. J. Herring. Opening recitations for all under graduates w T ill begin September 22, next week. “Freshman Orientation” is an es tabished feature of the Duke Univer sity Calendar and it ie believed that ’asting good is to be accomplished by the program of instructive and valuable training. Matters relating to methods of study; to the place of the first year man in college life; to the first year’s scholastic program; to the relationship of student and pro fessor ; to the functions of various departments of the college communi ty;, to the moral and “’script de corps” of the University Student Body, and to other phases of life at college will be touched upon in such away as to be of constructive value to the uninitiated. Dean W. H. Wannnmaker, Secre tary of the University Robert L. Flowers, Head of the Department of Education Holland Holton, and other prominent figures of the college ad ministration and of the faculty will take part in the program. v *- • % Charlotte Community Has Several Serious Accidents. Charlotte, Sepu. 11. —One man is paralyzed with a fractured back and two other persons received less ser ious injuries in a series of accidents in and near Charlotte over the week end. , C- F. Wine, 21, of Belmont, sus tained a broken back at Kannapolis while drillin/f a wel\* when in some undetermined manner the pan chinery functioned improperly and hurled him to the ground. Hubert Wilkes, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilkes, received in juries and cuts about the face when he was struck by a crouquet ball this morning, and Jimmie Burns, un determined address, was slightly in jured when struck by an automobile here today. First Union Cotton Fer 21 Cents- Monroe. Sept. 10.—R. E. Alexan der, of Union county, delivered to day the finst Union county cotton bales of the season to the cotton plat form. Mr. Alexander sold the two bales to J. E. Stack and company at a price of 24.10 cents per pound The cotton wag of the Mexican Big 801 l variety. Clings to Cowcatcher When Train Demolishes His Auto; Charlotte, Sept. 10.—L. L. Grass, Paw Creek farmer, was senousiy in jured here today when a southbound- Southern railroad passenger train crashed into his automobile at the Fifth street crossing. Mr. Grass, it was said, probably saved his life by clinging to the cowcatcher of tn? locomotive. His car was demolwbeJ. He was taken to a hospital. Divorced Five Times at 21, She’s to Wed 6th. Sioux City. la.. Sept. 10.—Five times married a*nd five times divorc ed, Mrs. Flossie Lane. 21 years o'd Sioux City woman, still believe* in the institution of marriage. She obtained her fifth divorce yes terday and then announced that she expected to marry again. WPATHEB Fair tonight and Tuesday, slight ly cooler tonight in the northeast por tiak NO. 23 :

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