■BF; -■ * [hursday, Jamiafy 21,1920 The Battle Progresses ~ I l a ~ ,•< I \ Z&P* X AIOTBeWi WAY ~~~~~ BY \VtLLIAMS qHH /well fer Good^N , '/BAM! im jes \ &osw J /'BouT sgusteo 1 specT? / wirfaThis hull -TRIP* MAGtIME- DlDvj ‘ HAvE so / hee-nuH' Kim VA 'MAG.ME "W. NVOORUM J HEE-Ei -jWx OME A THEM OL COMUEMuiKjCEST M VAH! -*-\ Time PRAiRiE. “ \ / V —\ schoomers va poor/Q R If AMa —kCMASIkj AFTER f __i~l The prairie. scooter. 1 \ /- »i I- . - . • • - - . tRWJTJW WBWICSWRj MOM’N POP BY TAYLOR LORETTA. MY A&UTY p. '\{T SINCE X LpFT The OFFICE *) MAS BEEN) RECOGNIZED A.T LAST- \ > THINGS HAMS BEEW GOING ' '—v. T r i’m Gtoifos back to my old J ( to pieces -now cue actr /Ss Utcs’vc Xf v, S JOS WITH THE MAGIC MOD CO. . ' VTo RoU- OP My StE£oeS / ( FouWD OUT AT ) £ v .-1 - ..- - ~-~.y /TT ( AMD POLL THEM OUT / ( Hov<o f T > OM v^!) C l V oT THSHOLE BfciuUAWT Pj, g —-—*y— iTSSt^ r 1/ -OF tOURSe t’UL HAVE To MAME 'Z so you’re goios To ae PResioecr i p x,l A LOT OF CHANGES IN THE BUSINESS, Nff L A.MD SIT AT A BIG MAHOGANY fESK W / I'M NOT AtAUV SATISFIED VUITH 7 \uO RiDE tD THE OFFICE IN A Gfl I _JL THE VOW THINGS ARE BSIKG FHB| N SvyffLU LIMOUffIWE -(S.EE IT j i ESS | f THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Sargeat’s Inertia Baffle? Senate Com mittee. ' By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer Washington, Jan. 20.—Attorney- General John Garibaldi Sargent is vast of bulk and level full of inertia— “that quality of matter by which it tends, when at rest, to remain at rest, and when in motion, to continue in motion.”' , Bulk is hard to handle anyway. Given plenty, of inertia to go with it) and you've got a combination it’s dif ficult to beat. 1 f Attorney General Sargeflt once gained headway it’s a safe bet he'd 1 be about as easy to stop as a runa way freight caYload of pig iron on a steep down-grade. But at rest, be lieve me, h«;s an awful job to start up. * • • For instance, suppose you want to find out from him something he pre fers to keep to himself. There's where his inertia comes in, working both ways at once. ** -fc - He'll talk ail right. You .can’t stop him. But it’s non-essential stuff— fish stories, jokes, iscellaneous piffle of nil sorts. When you undertake, however, to get him to discuss the subject you’re interested jn, it just can’t be done. He won't start. * * * Sargent's an amiable ginnL I sup pose he hates to come out flat-footed, when he's asked a question, and re fuse to answer. So he puts on a vacant expression and says that’s something an assist ant is attending to, and he knows nothing about it. Probably this wns true some of the time, in the early day of his administration, when he fras new on the job, but it can’t be now, or else he really is dumb. These Vermonters are difficult folk to fathom and maybe the latter guess is qgrreet, but my own impression is - that the attorney general knows a heap more than he lets on. * * * At any rate, the Senate committee on the so-called aluminum “trust” got a taste of the attorney general’s in ertia. AVhat that committee didn't find out from John G. Sargent concern ing the justice department's investi gation of tht l aluminum industry would fill the Congressional Library and quite a lot more. It made him look like a chump— all the things he had to admit he didn’t know—but it was a prime quality of inertia, for all that. DREADFUL PAINS Georgia lady, Who Had Lost Too i V Much Weight, Was Advised ’’•* to Take Cardui and Is * Now Well. Columbus, Ga.—-Mrs. George S. Hunter, of this city, writes: “After I married, thirteen months ago, I suffered with dreadful pains In my sides during ... My sido hurt so bad it nearly killed me. I had to go to bed and stay some times two weeks at a time. I could not work and I just dragged around the house. “I got very thin—l went from 126 pounds down to less than 100. My mother had long been a user ot Cardui and she knew what a good medicine it was for this trouble, sa site told me to get some and take it. I sent to the store after it and be fore I had taken the first bottle . I began to improve. “My side hurt less and I began to improve in health. ... The Cardui acted as a fine tonic and I do not feel like the same person. I am - eo much better. I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am still gaining. My sides' do not trouble me at aIL “I wish every suffering woman knew about Cardui.” NC-160 GIBSON’S White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup Especially Prepared For Children Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store Chicken Feed Special This Week on Chicken Feeds Buy your Feed from iik and get votes on the. Culifoi'iiia Trips. Five hundred votes for each doljar's i worth of Chicken Feed purchased. , Out* stick of Scratch' Feed gets 1500 Votes. r - Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. TODAY’S EVENTS Thursday. January 1. 1*26 | Fqatival of St- Agues, one of the four great virgin martyrs of the Latin . Church. Twenty-five years ago today died Elisha Gray, famous inventor id the ' realm of electricity. V Nathaniel E. Harris, former gover nor of Georgia, celebrates his 80th birthday anniversary today. The Manitoba legislature convenes today with no outstanding measures on the government legislative pro gram. Secretary of Agriculture Jardine and ex-Governor Frank <K Lowden are scheduled as speakers at the an nual meeting of theelllinois Agricul tural Association- which opens today at tlrbana. General Lincoln C. Andrews, assist ant secretary of the treasury in charge of prohibition, enforcement, is to ad dress 1,000 members of the citizen ship committee of New York at its annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight. The Home Mission Council, in which are joined twenty-eight Protes tant bodies which do religious work in the Cnited States, is to meet ac St. Louis today for its annual con vention. The program provides for n combination of a national missions conference with the annual meeting. * Discover Fountain of Youth At last the fountain of perpetual | youth has been found. Experts cf j Johns Hopkins medical school have produced in their experimental em- j bryology laboratory a method' where-1 by animals may bo kept free front the changes”of ape and made capable of living indefinitely. “ The only trans formation that takes place as they grow older is that they grow silvery in color. , But! wait! Don’t get “all excited.” There’s a hitch to it. The process applies only to tadpoles. However, it is , interesting to know that these wiggfy creatures can be kept in file “flower of youth.” When frog eggs are hatching at the laboratory, and long before the tad poles develop fully, the anterior lobe of the hypothesis (a gland in the brain) is out away. With this lohe gone, the experts claim, the Pbyroid gland does not develop properry and the tiny tad remains continually young. By feeding them bits of the gland that is cut away or by putting it in the water with them, it is claimed, the Silvery color disappears a/ld the development of the tadpoles into black frogs goes on. However, they only develop or age ns long as the gland they lack is supplied to Piiem. When this supply is stopped, aging stops. Racing Begins at Miami. Miami, Fla., Jan. 21.—With hun dreds pf horses already here and oth ers en route, the second season of Wiritdr racing under the auspices of the Miami Jockey Club was opened todayHtt the beautiful course at Hia leah under, conditions that point to a hig'ofyi'sitccessful meeting. The meet ing run for forty-five days, dur ing whiah time a total of $400,000 in purses afld stakes will be distributed among the winning owners. The feature event of the opening day is the Biscayle handicap at six furlongs, for three-year-olds and upwards. ■ ■■ 4 ■- :■ ? INSURE When You Start to Build The right time to take cut insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. * % i/i t ISiliE Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE toMpMMUt.,-411'» ■! BlllMa EVERETT TRUE_ , BY CONDO Pffjrpl | H«,Y, <iOT I |NJ§ : ',/] Siwfc ( DINNER STORIES I" 11 '' • ~ Willing to Oblige, The famous criminal lawyerwiad : won, a- shockingly bad case by elo quence and trickery, and a rival law yer said to him. bitterly: / “Is there any case so low. so foul, so crooked and shameful that you’d refuse it.” “Well, I don't knew,” the other answered with a smile. “What have you been doing now?” . A Sunday school teacher one morn ing during the lesson was trying to impress upon the minds of the chil dren that one should always say grace before eating. So turning to Willie, the minister's son, she asked j him: “Willie, what is the first thing your fattier says when you sit down to eat?” She was very much shocked when Willie replied: ."Go light on the but ter! It’s 50 cents a pound!” “You say you stayed six months ■ in Ireland and couldn’t land a job?” asked the lady at the door of the hobo. “Not at me trade. mum.” “And what is your trade?” “I'm a snake charmer, mum.” Editor—That poem of yours does | not show any imagination, j Poet—More imagination than you think. | Editor—How's that? ! Poet—l imagined that I was going to get sfi for it. Diner—Waiter, there's a button in my soup. Waiter (ex-printer I—Typograhpie al error, sir ; it should be mutton. “Now" said the Sunday school teacher, "why is a certain part of the church called the altar?” “Because,” said one bright boy. “it is where people change their names ” Neither retail nor receive scandal willingly; t ifamation of others may for the prcient gratify the'malignity of_the pride of our hearts, cool reflec tion will draw very disadvantageous conclusions from such a disposition; and in the case o_’ scandal, ns in that of robbery,'- the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief.—Letters of Lord Chesterfield to His Son, October, 1718. The anthracite strike in Shaniokiu, Pennsylvania, meant nothing so a manufacturer of that city who Im mediately sank a shaft in his back yard, striking a hard coal vein -which he worked. Gas on Stomach Won’t Let You Sleep . Gas pressing on lic'art and other or gans sometimes causbs a restless, nervous, feeliug and prevents sleep. Adlerika hejps any case gas on the stomach, unless due to deep-seated causes. ? Thd QITCK action will sur pries you. Because Adlerika is such an’ excellent intestinal evacuant it is wonderful for constipation—it often works in one hour and never gripes. Pearl Drug Company. Improve Your English. By learning one word every week you can gain a mastery of the English language in # ffie course of only a few thousand years. It is a great satis faction to spring a word on your 1 smart friends that they don’t know; • it allows you to assume a position of • superiority. For our first word we will take , “procacious.” This means saucy, for- I ward, pert. Instead of catling a flap per a “poor fish,” for instance, you I TEN YEAR LOANS Cabarrus Farm Lands 1 Lowest rates to borrower. , < No inspection fees. S- No Life Insurance—No Stock. Interest due Novem- O ber Ist. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY l- CHARLOTTE, N. C. 8 A. F. HARTSELL, LOCAL AGTL CONCORD, N. C. | | PURINA FEED , | IS THE BEST BY TEST i ;jl[ Chowder for More Eggs |j' Cow Chow for More Milk j ~ !|! Pig Chow for More Pork. 1 | [ Come in and We Will Sell You the Best CASH FEED STORE L PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. jj I ••••'/ , ' Wanted: Chickens and Turkeys! 1 | Weather fconditions prevented delivery of Poultry |! !" last week. |. Our guaranteed price of 20c per pound for Hen’s, afnd B" 30c per pound for Turkeys is extended to Wednesday, Jan- I | ' uary 20th. C. H. BARRIER & CO. IDELCO LIGHT | Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- | ' ternating Current. . R. H. OWEN, Agent —Phone 669 Concord, N. C. 8 MOOOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt | DO YOU KNOW L W There are nearly one million parts assembled in an automobile? Most pj H of them help to make it go, but there is just one important part to Hr {§ it STOP when you want to*—GOOD BRAKE LINING. :'} We are specialists and use .only the Best—RUSCO BRAKE LINING. fi r Leave your ear here tomorrow morning and drive it home tomorrow HI night with good brakes. Our charges are reasonable. >\e use a CAI)lf BRAKE LINING MACHINE which drills and | Counter sinks the rivets, together with a riveting machine which uses ! »> solid copper tubular rivets that never score your brake drums. , ' fir : AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. PH©NE 228 |] Make your home more inviting—Make your Living Room More ? j Comfortable. Have one of our Cane or Overstuffed Suites sent over p S today. Upholstered with excellent, quality, and beautiful pattern ve- j ' lours. Full spriug construction, spring edge (that which goes to fa T" make a suite comfortable) and loose spriug filled cushions. Come in | and see them today. h. b. wilkinsonl Out of the High Rent District S . I Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville S PAGE SEVEN f.“ characterize her as a “procacious” young person. That will hold her for a while. ' _ — Not cold, but the usual indoae.- winter atmosphere, warn, stagnant■» and humid, in held responsible for®' the malady commonly misnamed, "colds.” Sufferers are advised to » isolate themselves if possible, and al ways to address their remarks to the ears of their listeners, and save their noses and mouths. ■_

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