Mar. 10, 1920 Dinner Stories j Ik*—So your naa4S~hi Clanoey? Be . Hye any relation to Tim Claneey? fXancey— Veiry distant. I wuz me first child and Tim was her 9 fie (after quartet)—l think our Hipa are parallel, don’t you?” ■ Bhe—l don’t know. Why? He—Because they never meet. «■ Grocer (|o woman, who tias been of the long wait)—Sor lady, that ho many were before What is it tou want? * HWomin—Can you tell me how to to Sixteenth street? 'V. - don't you and he make up your quarrel?” Bl would like to. but I forget what we quarreled about!” / —Tour answer is as clear I I^Hhident —Well, that covers the dosen’t it? •: Hi*. Teller—T!ie doctor snid itrs. was run down; did vou hear Bt it? Asker—No; I saw her jfea- BRny and she seemed to be in per Bprs. Teller—So she was; yester |'iß: but she yas run down by an last night. ' jf^Bohen—Mine girl, she says if I Wl cut oud tfiiis check-to-cheek she vould bite mine nose. >j^Bosenburg—l’.v fieorge. she said a didn’t, yhe? » (to man who .bus asked Bl ot her daughter)—ln the first do you like children? —I adore them, madam ! J ’^Bother —Ah, that's lucky. Blanche f JB three by her first husband. ( —T see that keen-length skirts reduced street-oar accidents 50 ; .■ jf; g^Ratty—WoulcUi'f it he fine if acci-' ’Would be prevented entirely? ftw days after a farmer had put hggHttvo children in school a book called on him and said: "Xow BBt your children go to school yon to buy them an encyclopedia." u y theul an encyclopedia?) if 1 do," was his reply. "Let walk like I did.” B -gr yySw • j@P|\ I L v '■‘■■iJrJmX i Y wT _ Protect Your Property and Your Money WVOUR house, when painted with * Marietta House Paints, Is pned s cally guaranteed aeainSt the ravages of foul weather by Ac Marietta'Service UJRORA PflgTl Certificate. No other paint manufac turer offers you such a certificate. As^ ! ug about’it today. I Concord Paint & Paper Company M 8 N. Church Street ( Phone i6L I MARirTTA >AINT STATtO~ j h EVEREtT TRUE ’ ■ BY CONDO" ? gs§|g= nr ' - - r y Cutest Things I New York Daifr ttttror. i—-■ g-’ y - r • •’ ' )' Teqcher <ta Httl4 Coiortsl boy)— Kastus, glv» iqe a Sehtinoe with the word defeht to it. Erastus—4>n hoy’s, shoes were so torn dat <M feet stock out, TeacHer; "Whege were you yester day, Bipy<” Billy s “t had the toothache.” Teacher: “Ha? it stoppijtl?” ‘ * . Billy: -I don't know.” x • v Teacher: “Whnt do you mean, boy?, Don't you know if yqur tooth has stopped aching.” Billy: “No, ma'am, the dentist kept it.” ' , James — “What are those things on the goat'? heads, mother? Mother—Horns, dear. James—Well, why don’t he blow them ? Two negresses rived id the same house. One evening Diana, who lived unstairs, upon hearing a noise, said: “Who dat?” Xan, who lived downstairs, said: “Who dat dftt say ‘who dat’?” Diana replied: ‘Who dat dat say ‘who dat’ when I Bay wbb dat?” He (haV)ng just kissed her)—Ah! That Van indeed a triump of mind over matter! She —Yes, I didn’t mind, because you didn't .matter. ’Twas Ever Thus. Winston-Salem Journal. Mrs. Miriam Ferguson', CldVeriior of Texns, has annnoneed her candidacy for renomination and election. This is interesting mainly because Mrs. Fergusou. in her first campaign, said she would want only one term. She was running simpfywto vindicate the name of her husband, who had been impeached as Governor of‘Texas a few years before. Now Mrs. Ferguson says she finds one term is hot suffiejent completely to vindicate the name of Ferguson, She thunks another will be necessary. Probably at the eud of the second she will find that a third term will be required to finish the job to which she has so zealously set her hand. Some die. but few resign, and few er Still retire from office so long as they sec a good chance to hold on. [ This has always been truy of the men, | and it seems to be equally true of the women. *x£jtte& %{gjsZi By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer Old-Timers Earn Meal by Having Phone 47 Years. Washington, March 9.—These four poor old Lynchburg Virginians have been slaves to the telephone since August 15, 1879. have some other people, off and on, but there are mighty few who have been continuous subscribers, at the same old stand, for nearly 47 years. March 10th will be the tele phone's Doth birthday and the phone folk are digging up their original cus tomers and t conducting festivities in their honor.’ A few days ago the Washington phone company, which does long dis tance business with this particular quartet, gave them a lunchebn over at Lynchburg. /* * * The Lynchburg exchange Started with 24 subscribers including— William' Hurt, publisher, now re tired ; W. C. Gregory, real estate, al »o retired, before real estate men be came realtors, and ,the drug firm, in business for 52 years and still at it, of Lumsden & Hamner—C. H. Lurns den and E. C. Hammer. What’s more, Lumsden k Ham ner keep the salne tclejAone number today that they started with. • • • Hurt, Gregory and Lumsden & Hamner thought they were doing something pretty revolutionary when they put those phones in. If ttiey could but have known what a pest they were going to become— breaking in on ’em every time they got to the most interesting part of a ccnversation, interrupting ’em at meals, waking ’em up at night, never giving ’em any peace, any rest, any privacy—would they have done it? Sooner or inter, yes, of course. They’d have had to. THE GIRL WHO LAUGHS. The girl who laughs—God bl?ss her!— Thrice blessed herself the while Xo music on earth Has nobler worth Than that which voices a sinile. The girl who laughs—men love her: She lifts from the heart of despair Its burdens of woe. And coaxes the glow Os joy to the brow of enre. The girl who loughs—life needs lier; There is never ap hour so sad But wages and ihrills To the rippling trills Os the laugh of a lass who's glad. —JOHN HOWARD TODD. lEisliF^“ = ~scturer fYes. you will look up and congratulate yourself for having installed oqr lighting fixtures . They really render a sefvice of I. ”■ two kinds. Primarily, ,'7'i they furnish you with ef ficient light, and they are Lj "Fixtures of Character” W. J. UETHCGX |3 W. Depot 5L Phone 06# We keep at all times complete assortment of East man Kodaks and accessories. —On Sale at— Gibson Drug Store • (Authorized Agents) Extra Nice Mountain Honey 3 Pounds Net Weight Jar ° n{ y 95c ' It’s Fine W u Cabarrus cash gro cery co. PHdNE STIW P B.—Red Hm and Cobbler Seed Potatoes and Garden / Sedd ' ' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS Yoos\-\ >— -v . ' i wtssiß-ini’s \ /peach of a \ /m-m-fimeA vmj-Z A MAW/FUV- PLACE"T’ LOAF \ , This i«5 S\\ I - ■ LOTSA VMORv< T’ I COZIEST PLACE I VuHuT I HEROES APE made -NOT BqRM omto me, MOM’N POP . BY TAYLOR Loretta i've hao an §£“ just a re solar uttle ARCHITECT DRAW UP 10V£ M£S T TOR THE Cl lie a Little OP mv-OREams oh OMiDMOND BUNGALOW - HOUU JW \ LORETTA JUST SAV THE M ° DOES IT STttlUB 'SWTtJ / oO ( WORD AMO I'LL MAKE ® T<JP '” jpgg'— ■ | the wocld^- —^ ID YOU C T HY DEAR Girl - worn Can you "X SE HAD- 'T tICPECT To 85 HAPPV WITH HIM .f ) DO,that-) he CAMMOT provide XOOVWtTBA “S BIR6AX>Y J f> LUXURIOUS HOME AMD Gh)E YUO 1 be 6 to j \ evervth/wGj your heart bESuegs T / g FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR jr OOOOCOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXMXXXXIOOOOOOeC g Let Us Insure the Life of Your I Baby Chicks I a>' By Feeding Them Startina and | Baby Chic Chow 5 We have plenty on hand all the time. Also Chicken , \ fi Chowder and Hen Chow. Will give you more eggs. | i I Cash Feed Store | PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. ijl* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOQCX3OOCOQOOOOOOO Farmer! We Want Your Poultry. I e paj’ cash and buy almost anything you raise on j§ i the farm. We are the Largest Poultry Dealers in the city, i j '1 he Poultry Market is still active at 20c per pound for I .j hens, but we cannot longer guarantee prices. j Egg Market active at 25c per dozen. ■ , : Butter Market at 25c to 40c per p f ond, as to quality. BJ | Bring us your Cream. We pay you 36c per pound, net, H I per Butter Fat. li C. Hi BARRIER & CO. "gT^~:fr , inrirj!rtrjr'~'rrr'r r a n ;t. ua-,a u„ on j XXTOCfOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOeOOOaOTOCCQOOOUOOOOGOOOOOOOO DELCO LIGHT I Light Plants and Batteries j Deep and Shallow Well Pumps fob Direct or Alter- JL J nating curtent and Washing Machines for’Direct or Al- 8 j ternating Current. Q R. H. OWEN, Agent II —Phone 669 Concord, I *N. C. MOOOOCXIOCXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaOOOO^I j r .| I). -|-r lij Ij I ; -x, .X.............. ... ...J ; ROTTER BORING BAR S | We liave installed a Hotter Boring Bar which enables us to re- B | bo|, e yom - motor without removing the block from the frame, thereby I « £ saving you pi-aetically one-third the cost of ordinary overhaul jobs. '■ * ii We also have a Brake Lining Machine which drills and counter I |P sings so tint the rivets never come in contact with the brake drum, al- (g i] so riveting machine which uses sclid copper tabular rivets. Just || i: give us a trial and l>e convinced. M RUSCO BRAKE LINING, PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES AND 1 “ ACCESSORIES Auto Supply & Repair Co. 300Cfa000OQOQQQOOQQQQOfVaOC>CtOC>OOfttVXK>0Q000000C<>000^ I Refrigerators Refrigerators | Just received a solid car load oEthe world famous Gur- 9 ney Refrigerators. Many different Sizes and styles to Q clioose from. A price to meet every pocketbook. Come 8 in and see them today. \\ e give ReeVes Tour Votes on all cash purchases and 8 500 per dollar on collections. H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District. Where Parking Space Is Plentiful X and time unlimited. . Concord Kannapolis, Moorcsville China Grove fi EHot Water; j This gas hot water heater is surely a friend in need and a friend indeed of every cook match ahd in a few minutes steammg hot water will run Pays for itself quickly. y E.B. GRADY plUmbing and heating dealer Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone S34W PAGE SEVEN

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