Mrs. Frank Fleming Sells Georgia Read Home To Stockton D. C. Stockton this week pur chased the home of Mrs. Frank Fleming, on the Georgia road. It is understood Mr. Stock ton and his family plan to oc cupy the house shortly. Revenue stamps placed on the deed when it was filed for re cording totaled $3 85, indicating a purchase price of between $3, 000 and $4,000. Parking Meters To Be Installed In Franklin ?Continued from Page One month, plus $1.10 an hour, were read. Alterman Burrell suggest ed that the town needs a full time man for Its water system, and the matter was left to the Water committee to work out. The committee ? Alderman Fagg, E. J. Whitmire, and Erwin Patton ? appointed previously to confer with the county commis sioners on establishment of a produce row on the county's lot, reported that the county was willing for the lot to be so used, provided the town require com pliance with its sanitary regula tions and that no permanent stands be set up. Reads Petition At this point. Mayor Angel read a petition, a duplicate of one presented earlier in the day j to the commissioners, charging that such an arrangement would be "unfair to local merchants" and "serving you with notice that we are opposed to any movement or plan whereby any lot or lots over which you have authority or jurisdiction be us ed for the purpose of a vege table or produce market." The petition was signed by Prelo Dryman, W. J. Blaine, O. V. Hall, L. Kelly, R. E. Mc Kelvey, C. A. Conley, F. B. Duncan, W. C. Zickgraf, R. G. Ray, L. B. Liner, Harry Thomas, C. H. Downs, Thomas Henson, DON'T FORGET; DAD ON ! FATHER S DAY ? ? GIFT SUGGESTIONS Shirts Dress and Sport Ties Socks Slacks Slack Suits Fountain Pens $1 to $8.75 Pocket Watches $4.95 FRANKLIN VARIETY STORE A MCMtUt ITMV Of TMI MUT TOKYO RAID O* AMIL II. IM2 Medal Honor I* KAtiO* DOCUTV I* hmO I I WUMlfcttt ( J?* >ft& I C**k4f I v**s A AC^CAi MM. f H A: Mv cc*?- A?- : OOCunuANC *?*?*?; W4 , : .LAf rti'i ' ???? MMMtbdOQuna.MUW CORFU TIC, UPON I OtflHb JAPAN UKfOCttfeN MAZARCJ DiVfiOPtD TM? ?CATTfcRfcO PuANW CAN INTO A ?T06M, ?UKlMte 0RA1NIN5 D6PUT60 GA* K?4?Kvfc? A* TMfiV BuUfcO HEAW MNOtf r MO ^A*-- UnPAMUM TEEKAM r NOlltHTftfcACONSOfllANOlN* 1 f lAflfci - -fiVIN6 AT bOOO TO , tO.OOO FtfcT - "MOPfc Wt tfc f 0V?CMINA.6??AU?0W(l&A? , I ?# *ONfc ANO Wt MVtT MliOWT? [ I $OMfc CONTACTtO CHlNfc* TOO*. HtlP- I 60 PttWNOTfc INHONATlONAt. HLi?0*4lP I?"-? ? ? 7T OOOUTTl** OWN VtN CACVfcO * MUtf MOM A MOUNT AM fr0t.A*?tM &4.IN* WMlU JAP PLANM RAlC* P NfcAfi ?V viuAtt* fftMufcNity OOOLfTTLt 14 THE LA#T 10 BMl OUT Of HtJ PVANt Tm? ? PU#4 CftAM LANOtO M CHINA 0N? LANOtO M Rl**A fc*HT KVttt> Witt TAKtN PR i WNte &V jAf* AND MAM TO tUtttfc INHUMAN TQ?J WHCN ?0?i Ptt0|MOMifet OtATM*. $0*4 WAOt TmJ-8 AAV A. DtP 6? HUnOU CHMft* <C C*jN M.N6, -KNCt TO U4 (Oflct* ?0M(,WCUNMC eAOt*. CA8R.40 TO 4Affcrv C. Chinks ClO*CTO JAPlWt*" Th? ftufevivOB* Of Tw* OACinC- RaiP, , MAD? IN ThE. DA2<?6T Cav* Of TMl * AA?,6ATMfcC AN^UAu./ ON, IN MtMOC* C* A ??AT OfcfcO rtfcu OCHfc ! It's Good Business To Check Your Roof For 'Sneak Leaks' How long has it been since the roof over your head was checked? Will the roof continue to ward off the elements for another year, or has the weather beaten the "life" out of it? Roofs too often are taken for granted. Simply because a roof has given good service for many Wiley Brown, Peek Feed and Grocery, and Swafford's Mark et. The project was dropped in view of the opposition. Employ Auditor The board, which is required by state law to have an annual audit of its books, employed W Bowen Henderson, of Asheville, to make the audit for the fiscal year ending June 30 at a fee of $200. Doyle DeHart, who told the board he recently had bought the pool room and restaurant beer parlor on West Main street from Bob Sanders and D. L. Johnson, applied for, and was granted, permission to move his pool room from the second floor of the building to the rear of the beer parlor. He explained that it Is necessary for him to relinquish the upstairs in order to reduce his rental expense, j No action was taken on the request of Dr. M. B H. Michal, acting district health officer, that the town contribute to the ; support of the district public j health program. NOTICE ? ? ? AUCTION SALE July 1, 1947 I have for ule 18 acres of FARM LAND which includes 5 acres of GRASS. No buildings. Also a team of MULES and the following farm tools: 1 Wagom 1 Corn Planter 1 Disc Harrow 1 Wheat Drill 1 Section Harrow Plows Several Other Articles THESE ARE TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON THE ABOVE DATE Walter M. Angel FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP Located on Jacobs Branch years, home owners forget that It is the most exposed part of a house, subject to unremitting attack. Hot summer suns bake the roof, and rains cool it. Winter's snows and ice freeze it, and winds blowing from every direction seek to rip and tear it. Most parts of a house "scream" for attention before it is too late. Paint flakes and chips. The furnace "acts up." The refriger ator gets noisy. But a roof sil ently does its job until weather finally takes its toll. Then, water seeps in. If ignored, roofers warn that moipture may rot the roof deck, or the wood in the deck may swell and buckle and tear the roof covering. Often, water may make its way inside the walls and emerge far from the source of the leak, cracking the plaster and staining the waljpaper. Unless a roof is replaced be fore it ends its useful life, the interior of the house may re quire repairs. And the cost is likely to exceed the price of a new roof. Patching on old roof seldom pays. H. R. Snoke of the U. S. Bureau o.f Standards states that "a single apparent leak in a badly weather roof is usually the forerunner of other larger leaks that will appear in a re latively short time. . . . There comes a time in the life of a roof on every permanent struc ture when it is no longer prac ticable or economical to effect repairs. When that time comes, | re -roofing is the only solution." | There is more to consider in selecting a roof than just its I initial cost. A roof not only should provide trouble-free serv ice for I many years, but also it should beautify the home by its rich texture and blended colors, and protect the home from the danger of sparks or flying emb ers. The National Fire Protec tion Association reports that flammable roofs are a major cause of fire and the principal cause of conflagrations. Ministers To Fight Communism, Pagan Influence In U. S. Nine thousand ministers in nineteen church denominations, nation-wide, have banded togeth er in a crusade known as Spir itual Mobilization to combat the peril to spiritual freedom be cause of communist infiltrations and due to a rising p^gan level toward a mortal God state, ac cording to announcement by Dr. James W. Fifield, Jr., founder and director of the organiza tion. This crusade for freedom which recognizes man as a child of Ood and as such master and not slave of the state, sponsors the return to the American way of life with Its democratic pro cess and constitutional govern ment. Its advisory committee Is headed by such notables as Dr Donald J. Cowling, former pres idem of Carleton College; Rog er W. Babson, the statistician; Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, Bible scholar and author; Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid, chancellor University of Southern Cali fornia; Alfred Noyes, poet; Dr Robert Gordon Sproul, president University of California; Dr. Robert A. Millikan, president California Institute of Tech nology; Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, clergyman; Albert W. Hawkes, United States senator; and others. About 4,500 farm workers were killed and approximately 300,000 farm workers were in jured last year. NEW RECORDS My Adobe Hacienda Midnight Masquarade Eddy Howard Mam'selle Stella By Starlight Frank Sinatra Footprints In The Snow True Life Blues Bill Monroe ? ? ? ALL USED RECORDS, 20c ? ? ? COME IN AND HEAR THEM Atl Radio Work Guaranteed Pickup and Delivery * ? ? Carolina Music Co. Phone 280-J or 215 Intersection Sylva-Highlands Highway Typographical Errors?. ?Well, Here Are Few The nation roared when Mrs. Roosevelt's syndicated column carried the line: "After supper with the men, we went back to dress." Ever since the invention of the printing press, typograph ical errors and printed state ments susceptible of different interpretations have been the cause of universal merriment, to ?ay nothing of a great amount of personal distress. A compendium of ludicrous typographic errors and embar rassing printed statements is contained in an article by Mor ton Sontiheimer in a recent is sue of Good Housekeeping mag azine. A few of the more glar ing ones, culled from the press of the country, follow: "Only one of the old bloc will be missing ? pretty Wini fred Stanley of Buffalo. Her seat disappeared in the New York re-districting." . "The members of St. John Baptist Church met with the pastor in bed . . . and had a lovely meeting; reports were good; amount $37.80." "Sheer stockings designed for dressy wear. But so serviceable that lots of women wear noth ing else." I "Attractive room ? Everything furnished. Venetian blonds" "Dewdrops on freshly blown noses." "She had tight bridesmaids at the ceremony." '"Glen Collins was bent man." "Congress probes high cost of loving." "The picture was posed by his two-headed son." * "The rain descends wjth the force of water irom a fire horse." "And them asses (the masses t believed him." Then there was the literal minded printer who received an order over the telephone order ing a ribbon for a funeral wreath. "I want it to read 'Rest in Peace' on both sides," the cus tomer directed. And that's just what he got. When the ribbon was delivered it read: "Rest in peace on both sides." In North Carolina, the period from 1880-1900 was the xera of large scale logging which con sumed most of the virgin long leaf pine stands. TUXEDO FEEDS You can find these Special Prices at my store this week: 3 Bu. Clipped Oats ------ $4.20 7% C. S. Meal $3.30 100 lb. Scratch - -- -- -- -- $4.80 20% Laying Mash ------- $4.90 Don't forget "Pride of the Rockies" Flour, if you want the best. Every sack guaranteed Dryman Feed & Gro. Phone 9170 Main Street RUSH TO OUR STORE FOR ICE BOXES ? BARICIDE ? CEMENT ? ROOFING (Asphalt Shingles and Galvanized Metal) ? ELECTRIC MILKERS ? HOUSE PAINTS > ? COOK STOVES ? LYNCHBURG PLOWS ? 9 x 12 RUGS ? PRESSURE CANNERS ? ELECTRIC FENCES MACON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. Your Pioneer Hardware Store The PERFECT i Living Room \ What should you look for In upholstered furniture? Good design . . . g<ood workman ship, and colorful fabrics that will five long wear. AN these things are exemplified in this good looking group, and the inner workmanship is what makes it so comfortable, so that It wMl give you years and years of COMFORT. BRYANT FURNITURE COMPANY

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