4 i 1 H nificent Display of the South in U ti 3 ) 5 1 ; iLi ) i and rts of the World s f7ATW mn7 IM TIVUT 1 1TU Pill bill mKTMlW I . ina Inter-State anci West Indian Exposi ents Great andUnique Features that vttractThousands of Visitors. 10LLY MIDWAYtTEpuRposjTHEEsi: Its purpose Is to add to former efforts and to inaugurate new Industries and commerce, to enter upon a truly Twen tieth Century of Advancement in all the arts of peace, to develop the American cultures of silk and tea, to promote the manufacture in the South of cotton and iron, to extend the commercial import ance of Charleston by showing the value of new steamship lines, to present to the world the resources and attractions of a most prolific country and have the Cap tains and Privates of Industry to learn that Charleston is '. the connecting link between the producers of the Southeast ern States and the Mississippi 'Valley on i of the Spring Time 1 in Cfcaileston, the j by Its Pioneers in Thick Presents Un- i . ... j) Draw the People iGaze Upon One of gia, Colorado,' Dakota, Missouri a, rc Carolina, some" of ' the eerpentjwtid variegated marble Xrom Colorado being made into exquisite designs. The geo logical exhibit of the United States Gov. eminent is a magnificent one and attracts great attention. ... - Tassing eastward from the building there is next the : f PALACE OF COMMERCE. This la one of the three Palaces, con nected in semi-circular form by coionades, their" grouping thus forming the impos ing back ground for the Court of Palaces, the Cotton Palace in the centre, arid the Palace of Agriculture, at the bppositd end. Within its walls is the ' Liberal " Arts display, covering 43.000 square feet of magnificent .live oaks, from whose out- floor-space, where are , exhibited tho stretched limbs there hang in shadowy manufactured products of various sorts, and gracefur pendants the streamers of except textiles, displays of foods' 'and long, grey Spanish moss', .wn59 nature , their acce'ssdries, ordnance and munitions alone presents as an attraction." In place of war, ceramics, gold ami silver ware, of dusty walks there are here beautiful ethnological and archaeloglcn I exhibits, groves and green slopes, providing a per- ; The manufacturers of many articles for feet background for the architect and table use here have their exhibits, samples landscape gardener, whc.e artistic fancy of which are served daily to visitors, who has evolved a ' dream of ' beauty. The find many toothsome articles t,o be en grounds, skirt the edge of a beautiful joyed, "without money and without river,' which adds its y shimmer- and price." There are over GO concessionaries sparkle as another jewel of beauty in a having exhibits In this' biiildlng , and erown of naught but those of brilliant souvenirs are on every sWel . lustre. (- , I Passing from this building entrance is Tliis section 'of the "grounds which bor- I had into the coionades ' leading to the der upon the river provides for what is ' magnificent Cotton Palace. These es of the Centnry, I" Es creeps into the Deepening shadows nature and in the lines of the build Night is coming on tnd the scene is s wand. A twinkle here, then a flash orious spectacle of ivt- it is- i:naries- jblaze of electricity. hts dream trans- eautiful buildings, parks and plazas, gush in prismatic htains, and, where ny lakes duplicato ue Dicture of tran- 1 W UNIQUE. i of Southern Ex i.ched in Charles arbiina Interstate ition is now in a " If I. r -v jAyvai nun, here have been South, but this rlcans and At- 1 court and h?xl s remained for pse them all in pleteness. this beautiful jihe Southland, jiesitatingly all s:io but a few andeiir of the : - ' MAJ. J. C. HEMPHILL, Exposition Director and Manager Department Promotion and Publicity. one hand, and all the great markets of the world on the other. , : THE MEN AT THE HELM. Tho men who built the Exposition are a strong body of workers. Its first sug gestion tame from Col. John A. Averill, the Director General, and it is to his en ergy, executive ability and never tiring industry that the success of the under taking is in a great measure due. But the one man of ail men who made , the Exposition possible . is Captain, F. W. Wagener, the president of tho company. Once enlisted in the eause he has ; not spared time nor money. His means have been pledged for its success and it is said unhesitatingly that but for him the Ex position could not have been as great as it Is. . ' The olher. officers of the company, to each of whom high praise is duo, are W. II. Welch, vice president; Samuel H. Wilson, treasurer; A. M. Wheeler, as sistant director general, and John F. Fieken, general counsel. The Board of Directors, whose admirable conduct of the Exposition deserves all praise, has on Lit in addition to the president and vice president Messrs. Samuel Lapham, a prominent manufacturer; J. C. Hemphill, editor of the Charleston News and Cour ier, anc! also chairman of the Department of Publicity; J. L. David, a leading cloth ier; C. S. Gadsden, president of the Char- known as the ''Natural Section,' and th j river frontage gives it a' most graceful charm. Here are to be seen numbers of the spreading live oak trees and clusters of Cherokee rose bushes, whose beautiful flowers are soon to be in abundance. This part of the grounds once formed part of the magnificent estate of -William Lowndes, a diplomat and statesman of the days of Calhoun. ., It is now the property of Capt. F. W. Wagener, but by a' recent act of the City Council of Char leston will be purchased and made a per manent park for the city. To it will be moved many of the Exposition buildings, which will be located as a permanent souvenir of the Charleston Exposition. A PICTURE OF BEAUTY. The "Natural Section" has on it many buildings, but the beautiful work of na ture done on its grounds have needed little addition. This is but half the grounds, which by a happy accidental shaping of the irregular tract on which the Exposition has been located has given rein to the fancy of the architect, who has used two distinct methods, one emphasizing the natural features, whilo art itself makes lip the other half. BY CAR AND STEAMER. The Exposition grounds are easy of access from the city. Private convey ances there are to be had In abundance or a quick trip can be made by the elec tric cars. To those who prefers a tripby railroad over either the Southern or At lantic Coast Lino will land visitors on the east side of the grounds, or if by steamboat then a pleasant half hour ride, begun at the city wharves on the Cooper river front, swinging around by the Bat tery and then up the Ashley river will spacious colonnades,' on either side of the Cotton Palace; contain the magnificent exhibit made by tha National Govern ment. ' : ' .'" ' ' " ' ' THE GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT. No appropriation from Congress came to aid Charleston In her stupendous un dertaking but by the aid of Presi dent McKlnlQj', President Roosevelt, their Cabinets and the heads of Departments a full exhibit was obtained, and these placed in, the long colonnades and In the beautiful exedrae. , one, of which Is tho kest Exposition . 1 f excellence' osition, and in I decessors, nq located. There 'i atmosphere. 5 and charms losition. There posBible else al touch with i found is to be eat privileges started ani i question of fer is much of 1 WWW -mi lblk en. ! COL. J. H. AVERILL, i Director General of the Exposition. THE ADMINISTRATION BUILD- ING. . ' I leston and Savannah' and Atlantic Coast J Line 'railroads; John "F. Ficken, attorney and ex-Mayor of Charleston; Francis K. j Carey, of Baltimore, and Wilie Jones, of i Columbia. A, Tiie architect of the beautiful "Ivory City" i a maker of expositions, Mr. Bradford Lee Gilbert,' of New . York, whose work in Chicago and Atlanta have betn no much admired, and who brought exrcrieni-ed ability, taste and enthusiasm to hi.s task. The' result has been only what might be expected, and it in a poem in, buildings to which his brain gave bring. The men,"! he means, the architect am assembled and now the place upon which these forces 'are to be centered, so as to runic a magnet that will draw all people to Charlestr.il A FAIRYLAND FOUND. Ixrosition."' - It found, and it is a 'beautiful spot upo'j tne casttrn panns -vi me Asnicy river, cxceedlii ' cn hundred and sixty withln tho rity limits and isitit)!i ranm Ida ns to prc j ttuir State o nil proplo Infill M.'tro- - S Ml 1 I" acrfi in size about two ana a half miles from the business centre of tho ci'.y. Thf; supervis ing architect, with all his experience. did nnt hcHitafo to call the spot an ideal li-t; i site for tho fairyland on palaces and tow tho ! rrs and gardens whlcfX, have arisen as nod j if by t!i::.i' . .ysb-- A WA s COL. C. S. GADSDEN, ; Exposition' Director.. West Indian Post Office,1 the other con taining the Post Office exhibit. Besides these the department exhibits come from the War, the Navy, the Ag ricultural, the Treasury and the different Bureaus of the State Department. The National Museum has a, magnifi cent exhibit and it is under the direction of the Smithsonian Institute. . It com prises the most select specimens from the wonderfully rich collection of the Govern ment at Washington, and the entire ex hibit made at Buffalo from the Philip pines. This last exhibit is one that is studied and re-studicd with increasing in terest as it is a revelation to the sight seer of the greatness and diversity of tho production of the islands ' and advance ment of the Filipinos. From the first colonnades and exedra. we pass directly into the most magnifi cent building on the grounds, the majestic COTTON PALACE. v This is the chef d'oeuvre, the piece de resistance, of the Court of Palaces. It covers over 50,000 squaro feet of floor space and is about 350 feet in length. It is the centre piece from which radiate the Colonnades to the Palaces of Commerce and Agriculture. A magnificent portico is a feature of it, and standing here there is a splendid view of the Sunken Garden and Its lake. Within the Cotton Palace South Caro lina fittingly exhibits a display f cotton, cotton products and by-products and cot ton manufactures such as has never be fore been gathered together at any ex position. Here is told the story of the cotton seed from the moment it is placed tower and two flanking wings, placed , in fetilo soil, as it develops into plant, nearly at right angles, the extreme end blossom, boll, snowy fibre, and then on as being the pylons connected with the main t is picked, ginned, baled, spun, wove building by a covered way, those covered an(l the finished product appears. And ways forming the entrance and exits to 3ust so- well the display showis its by and from the grounds. products, what becomes of the seed, and MR. SAMUEL LAPHAM, Exposition Director. land sightseers on the west side of the grounds. The business headquarters of Nthe South Carolina Interstate and "West In dian Exposition is in the Administration Building, which occupies a most com manding Bite just to the right" of the main entrance to the grounds. Midway between the Natural and Art Parks its design makes it equally effective from all sides. In formation it has a central The central dome and rotunda are 75 feet in diameter, and extend about 40 feet above the roof to : a height of 75 feet above the ground. The striking fea- in fact the great story of "King Cotton" in its entirety. . Besides the building contains other ex hibits of absorbing interest and the fix ture of the imposing building is a great 1 position visitor will find that it requires round balcony which projects boldly into the grounds. The many rooms of the building contain 'the Exposition offices for the various departments. : In style the building is a combination of the Spjanish-Renais3ance and the Old Mission type of architecture, with pic turesque gables, enriched ornamentation and projecting corbels, brackets and label molds, the effect of the dome' being de-; cidedly Spanish. Opposite thpj Administration Building, and on the axis line of the main plaza separating the two Hections is tho MINES AND FORESTRY BUILD ING. This is the first of the great buildings to which visitors turn and is tho Mecca to which all North Carolinians will flock, for in it is the great exhibit from this State occupying the very best posi tion in the building and forming a pic ture of beauty immediately that the view within the swinging doors comes into the line of vision. The North Carolina exhthit space Is divided into five sections, the central bring within an ornate pagoda, sur rounded by the other four sectioua all elaborately ornamented. Within he building, outside of the en tiro .North Carolina exhibit, - the pro duets of the mines and the forests of a great 8fi;tion ara the attractions. In area there is about 20,000 square feet. The building is eerai-circular in form, and its designed after sotnn of the quaint old palaeoK of Spain and Italy. It in one story in height with deeply recessed win dows high above the ground, theso being filled in with wrought grilles. The visitor will find many specimen of various kinds of native woods, In natural and finished shape. The mines exhibits, grouped in ppolosdcal eras aro full of in- time to thoroughly study and enjoy thy display made. But on again through colonnades and we are in tho PALACE OF AGRICULTURE. This is the completion of the central feroup, and here is 43,000 square feet of floor space. In it there Is the magnificent display made from the counties of South Carolina, most artistically arranged. In these are the farm crops and exhibits per taining to horticulture, including pomol ogy,' floriculture and viticulture, with literature and statistics bearing on these pursuits. In the annex there is a great display of agricultural machinery and appliances. Passing out the ma'i entrance of this "building we get a splendid view of THE COURT OF PALACES. This enables us to study the architec t ural beauties of the buildjngs inspected. The Cotton Palace is of the Spanish Renaissance style as are all the buildlag3 in the "Art Section." Its central dome rises one hundred and sixty feet above the level and its great porch is three hundred and sixty teet long. The facade Is broken by various pediments, projec tions, domes, red tiled roofs, the architec ture being typically Southern, with huge masses, simple and strong contour and nculpture at various entrances and initial outlines, enriched with terraces and points. The Palace? on either sido leyoud the colonnades have each a central dome.four smaller towers on each corner and two still nmallcr towers on either side of the gabla over tho main entrances, all being rounded instead of square. THE SUNKEN GARDEN. Thin gent Coiirt of Falaceu conlains: Uf.U.M'O Ji'inarrt tot. the s.i-.n h in- V'r fexcavatlon made for a lake.s In' the centre of this, fully twenty feetf below' the level of the Palaces, is the Sunken. Gar den. It Is beautiful by day,, brilliant at night. Beds of tropical arid gorgeous plants increase with their vivid, coloring the effect produced by the shimmering re flections of the ivory palaces seen In the miniature lake. No more lovely sight can be conceived than, that seen, as one stands midway In' the band stand and feasts en this very bouquet iof color and effect as the sun pours out its mellow. 4ays, or at night when "crowns and streamers 'and . jets of electric fire en-, girdle building, and dome, and minaret MR; E. L. TESSIER, JR., Manager' Department of Exhibits 1 and Concessions. dnd turret and garden, in one vast wav ing, quivering line of indescribable bril liancy and beauty. "It is enchantment that has d6ne this," one idly, dreams. THE AUDITORIUM. Across the Plaza and into the Audito rium is a pleasant walk. The building is circular : in form, with symbolio de corations, and in the southern end an open pergola reached by outside stair ways. It Is a commodious building, with a seating' capacity of about 6,000 people. In it is a 'spacious stage, back of which is one of the largest organs ever con structed made by Moller, of Maryland, especially for the Exposition. The in terior of the building is gay with bunt ing", while sloping Beats and wide aisles make it .a 'comfortable, play house. ' SOME STATES AND CITIES. Turning to the northwest towards .the "Natural Section" we find at its entrance the Pennsylvania Building, a massive structure, whose open court, wide" ver andas and accessible observatory make it a pleasant place' of meeting for the "Quakers" an3 their friends. It is furn ished beautifclly " throughout and' a fine birds-eye view of the grounds is to be had from ttho observatory. First in the "Natural Section" 'comes the Maryland Building,- of the, Spajolsh Mission type. It is "elaborate in its de tails ami mural decorations, the entrance to it being,over a "camels back" bridge, which spans an outlet from Lake Juanita. Further : on, bordering upon Dake Juanita is the New York Building, built in the Spanish type, with backing of live oaks, moss''drapC(l.r Its two wings have an open court, between, and it has a spe cial beaut of its own, , Directly opposite is 'the Philedelphla Building, within whose central rotunda is the : historic . Liberty Bell, guarded .'.by four stalwart, policemen. The. design' Is colonial, pure white in color, and a long vestibule, approach, made brilliant by electricity at night, gives it a unique ap pearance. In, it are matters full of in terest, telling of the great things done in the "City of Brotherly' Love." OVER LAKE JUANITA; : Here, oh the edge of .the Lake is .the building known as "Venice In America," containing precious Venetian ware. Out on the lake are the electric fountains, while gondolas dot its waters. In the J f irM r E 1 . ds of aided fbporly -is- the eneVjaed, r f MR. J. L. DAVID, Exposition Director, centre of the bridge leading across it is the electric island and booth, where at night prismatic ray3 make a beautiful il lusion. The lake itself has been let in from the Ashley River, a dyke on which stands the Fisheries Building dividing it from the lake. . Over the bridge the first point reached is . .. . THE MACHINERY BUILDING: In this there is a display, both of ma chinery ah'd electricity. It is a long low building, with a loggia of many arches and columns, its ornamentations being mainly a central porch at the entrance, with a gable above, this as well as the deeply corrugated roof showing the pic turesque curves of the Spanish-Renais-sance type. Here is machinery of all kinds, except textile, and a wonderful gathering of in ventions in electrical appliances. It is an Instructive and entertaining exhibit, as it take3 up in detail some of the very .latest efforts and Inventions in these lines. '" - 1 ' THE TRANSPORTATION BUILp .. .. ING. JUirt beyond, . &till on the north s'ulo of the lake, is the Machinery Building, .In it arc seen linos somewhat akin to that of the Machinery Building. It is long and low, while its gables and tiled roof tell ot Spanish design. In tho building arc seen the latest devices in steam and electric railways; elevated, surface, un derground; vehicles moved by horses, electric, steam, gas, compressed air or oth3r power, and vessels of .mercantile or pleasure service. Here also is to be Kfcpn '-the -Good Roads exhibit. TJII3 FISHERIES BUILDING. its; motif the proper -display iris? Interests of tho cou erected upon, the dyke or arating the two bodies of The 1 building is square Oriental design. Access entrances and within ai tanks, with sidea' of 'plat by mirrors at the' back W Dlav the-live exhibit in waters. Light is introduced from above, and the aquarium displays the fish with in to. the very best' advantage. . . . In the centre of the buildings is a large tank, with, bottom of white tiles this being the tropio home of a family of Alaska , seals; whose movements draw many curious spectators. In addition to these tanks there is a complete exhibit of the practical work done by the United States Fish Commission in the propaga tion of fish, modern appliances for catch ing fish, models of boats, and one of the most attractive exhibits on the grounds, that showing the development and growth of coral and oysters. The fisheries exhibit is pronounced by those who have examined it as being1 su perior to the exhibit made at Buffalo. The building Isone of the Meccas of the "Ivory City" and much time is pleasant ly' and profitably spent in studying, tl magnificent display made within tl walls. Crossing the causeway, we turn by a winding path and And entrance into : , THE PALACE OF FINE ARTS. - This Is appropriately the most artistic building at the Exposition, the mural ornamentation on the outside of the building being extraordinarily attractive. The design is purely classical, the struc ture being of brick and is fireprooXjl v; On the east and west sides four group make up the "Dewey Arch," as it is termed. These are "War," 'Teace," "The' Army"- and "The Navy," mounted upon high pedestals, while a cast of Apollo and other statuary mark the ap proach to the building, to which entrance Is had by a flight of low steps. ' The building within is divided Into a large 'central court and two side galleries containing fully as repurescntative an exhibit of the work on canvas and in sculpture as was found at the Pan-American. The building is 140 feet long, 50 feet wide, the inside height being 30 feet. The building is lighted by a large skylight, 24 feet wide, extending the en tire length of the building, and providing for a splendid view of the art treasures within. The color scheme without har monizes with the general motif of the "Ivory City" and is most satisfying. The display of American art is excep tionally, fine. Its collection is due to the work of Mr. James Bliss Townsend, of New York, the Art Director of the Ex position, and especial praise is given to the exquisite exhibit of Colonial or early. Americln Art, the exhibit made of the work of American miniature and portrai painters being a noticeable , feature These come largely from Charleston homes and are characteristic efforts of famous portrait painters. The only pic ture by a foreign artist Is that of "Mc Kinley Signing the peace Protocol with Spain," by Chartran, and its strong, bold lines and its accuracy as to detailSyat tract much attention. . " , yA.''" Two statuettes before which every Southerner pauses with reverence, and the Northerner with deep interest, are those of President- Jefferson- Davis, of the Southern Confederacy, and General Robert E. Lee, the chevalier of the Southern armies. ' , "'', ' ; It is a scene of rare' interest, is that in the Art Palace, and the time'spent in . viewing it is time profitably spent. From it, by a circuitous ' walk, and over a bridge spanning an inlet from the Ashley river, we reach ' . ' ! ' ;, 't '; '..'' THE WOMAN'S. BUILDING. , This is in the suburb of the Exposition grounds and is built up5 in ail of its at-, tractiveness from what was even before 1 the Exposition a magnet which drew Charlestonlans and visitors alike to its historic shelter. Across the waters of the Ashley river are the primeval woods, and here on this side of the waters is a magnificent grove of spreading ' wide oaks, festooned with beauteous gray moss, in whoso embrace stands a colonial countryresidence, built over 150 t'ears ago, from whose architec tural beauty was struck the keynote of much of the Exposition. It is a building with a history, and as it is gazed upon it takes you back for hundreds of years. The broad lawn sloping from the portico to the ripples of the Ashley river, bordered by hedges of Cherokee roses, a prim little garden that recalls our great, great grandmamas with its narrow walks bordering on clove pinks, hollyhocks and gilly flow ers, it' forms indeed a breath from an other' ago. . , Early in 1800 the property passed to William Lowndes, a statesman and man of prominence whose descendants are well known Carolinians. Here he made a beautiful country home, famed, for its hospitality, and through its shady drives fashionable Charlestonlans have passed in numbers. All this section of the grounds comprised the plantation form erly owned by the Lowndes famil, but pf late years the property' of Capt. F. W. Wagener,' and by him passed on to tho Charleston Exposition. It EVERYTHING GLORIOUS. From now until the close of the Char leston Exposition there will be almosc dally events of great interest occurring in the city and at the Exposition Grounds. One of the latest popular acts of the Exposition authorities is. to make the admittance to the Races absolutely free. Heretofore an extra fee had to be paUI to enter the race track, but now orio admission at the Exposition gates admits to the race track as well. President Roosevelt, his wifo and Miss Alice, as well as many Cabinet officials and their families, will be in Charleston for two days "during North Carolina Week, April 7 to 14. There are State Days and City Day.1:, Press Days, Educational Days, Hoo IIoo' Days and all kinds of Days. In fact, everything Is a big Day at the Exposition. LOUISIANA PURCHASE BUILD ING. This has been transported to Charles ton from Buffalo and is of the permanent type being of Spaulh-French stylo of architecture, with portls, doc-ply point ed gables and latticed windows. rt3 beautiful, location, tho fln view ot river and gove afforded, it coiforU or boni lifffnd hospitality roahilt.it n ft P

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