****** * * « ♦LOCAL* * ' * * * * * * * Mm. C. C. Butler hat been ijuiU lick for eeveial days.. Sion Ivey, of Denton, is here tc spend a week on business. Charles Marshall Ford, of Wilson was here Sunday to viait relatives. This afternon the local ball (ui D entertaining th< Four Oaki aggre gation. Ellis Goldstein rstorned Saturday from Apgusta, Go., where he had been viidtlag his moths r. Mr. and Mrs. B O Primruse return ed today from Tyhec Beech where they had spent several days Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Pridgen, of ayctterillo, spent Sunday here with Dr. Pridgen’s parents. Mr. end Mrs D. R. Pridgen. Mill Julia Purdle returned Mon day to her home in Durham. She bad been here for several days as a guest of Miss Julia Howard Beams. W. H. Lane, Carlyle Bainc and Jun W. Balne returned Monday from WrighUville Beach arharr they had bean enjoying the turf for saver al daya Mia. Clauds Gardner was here la*! week to viatt her mother, Mn. M. J. Pittman. She wae joined Sunday by Mr. Gardner. They returned to their home in Itocky Mount Monday morn i<W Kennie Howard, Honry Leo and L. Buaboe Pope left Monday morning for Charlotte to join other member: •f Oasis Temple of the Myitle Hhrinr bound, for Portland, Oregon. They will return within three weeka. Mar Ml Morrow and Rev. James M Daniel* left yesterday to attend a masting of 8rotUah Rite masons in Wilmington. Mr. Deniala wai given the Scottieh Rite derive last night They will return to Dunn tomorrow. Henry Shell added more laurrl to hia crown Saturday in -a—game against. Duke. Young ‘‘O. P." twirled for Dunn and retired fourteen of the mill boya by the strikeout route. A little wild new and a few error*, how ever, robbed bim of victory. Duke piled up five runt, which wax the name aa that garnered by Dunn. Thi xeaaion wna tan innings aad wai call ed on account of darkness about 8 o’cleek. The well digger* who are engaged in drilling the new artesian well un der the municipal sratsr tank are making glow program throe daya— hardly more thaa two feat a day. The drill baa (suck a vary hard rock and has crashed through no mors thaa twenty foot in the last ten day*. Up to that time a depth of 2G0 feet had beoa drilled. It la estimated that four months will have alapaad before the ' well can be pressed Into service to re lieva the demands being made upon the one at the power station. W__a a_a. _ Its_. a .a uro uf the Salma gang ia a came on the local let Frida* by an nntriuln ing work— 17 to 1 At that the cam* «* called while the local fellow* war* in the mldit of their fiercest on slaught. SkeeUr Bain had just wal loped the ball into ths tall timber for a c ire ait and other members of the aggregation had- tammod the thlag all over the landscape. Shooter aUm took the heart out of the Selma fellows and they appealed to hlo roy al uaps to tfop the game. Had he not yielded to their appeal it ia pro babla that Fire Chief Thornton would have had to "put oat" the lo cal boys. Hook pitched for Dunn on this occasion and waa affective at all •leges of the contort, although errors permitted tha visitors to score three times. • Craig’s new bakery will open to morrow (Wednesdhy) •nd will vnre fresh bread sad rolls as fast as they ere baked between the hours of 10 end 7*40 o’clock. The bakery is one of the first enterprises brought to Uuan through the efforts of Secre tary Riddle the Chamber of Com merce and is a valaable addition to th* town's commercial Ufa. It is equipped with the very beat and moot modem of aaachinerjr and iu product* will be equal to the beat produced ia tha larger eitles by the highest clam bakeries. For the present the bakery will confine Ha prodocts to bread* and pies. Later cokes and the richer pastries will be added. G. D. Craig is iu charge of the bakery her*. He ia assisted bur a master baker and a staff of clerks. He invites every body to visit the bakery end inspect the plant. It it loeaUd ia the bonding formerly used by Dr. Charles High smith, In Railroad Avenue. THROUGH FOREIGN EYES (Greensboro Daily New*.) The raomentoui interest ef the coming presidential campaign can be measured to some slight degree bi the avid Interest with which the Brit Uh sad French prem disc cm th* nem I nation ef Harding. The inhabitant) of, thoea eountrl** TMlis* bettor thar wo poesibly can th* txcmendoui weight of Influence the smallest moot - of the Usited State* exert* on th< world at tha premat Urns. Kipllag’i prophecy, made SO years ago, tha the time woe Id come when the Tan ho* would "tip the world as a mai tins • aaa saw plaak" haa been ful filled a couple of coatari** btfor< Kipling oxpoctod It He had not cotta tad an our phenomenal dovelopmon of tb* last the** decade*. Up to tb* pr*Mnt tb* inflomic* o: this vast power, that quits overshad owa th* mightiest of the exhaaatet nations of Baron*, ha* boos, os th< whole. • hloosed on* for tb* ah -orid. Th* unMup*etingly tremen dou* fighting power of the U*IU< state* was thrown an the right sid <* the greatest qaarml that ha* eve rant Euro pa; aad th* tnhalculabl proatlgo that that fighting pewai by bar acknowledged dominance gav America, wall thrown an tb* aid* o reason and justice in tb* paac* coun ell. That it did not la ovary caao ov ereome th# force* *f hatred and la justice merely demonstratae th* an ormauaaem of thorn force*, and la n b leas lab on A movies'* anapotted rec fli But lb which direction will tb power of America bo thrown durln tb* naxt four ycanT Tb* queatio •« a* Vital to Earnpe aa it la to ui for by our sheer sis* w* shall drs along the rest *f Urn world la wbal over patch w* ebatoa*. Wa may n« like It; they eortalnly dost Ilka H Bui naitbar of aa can hoi* It. | America withdraw* her In nuance fe paucr. (ban Europa mast prupar* f« star If Amarica’s fight goes oat fc paoea, England and Prana* will bae bar up, aad th* rest ef Europe dai not pro pare for war. Th* Earopaac MU therefor* la the unenviable posi tion of seeing their fata depending in lcrge measure on the event of an election In which the have no vote. No wonder they are Interested. Small wonder that they are puzzled. J If anjr Englishman or Frenchman can figure out what the Republican platform means, with regard to for -ign relations, some millions of An •rican. would be most thankful for an elucidation that la altogether be yond them. CLAUDE K1XCHIN IS “BACK*' AND IS AS COOD AS EVER Kimenn, June li>.—Claude Kuchin has "come bach" and is as “good as svar,” according to a local party re turning from Scotland Neck, where •hey called on the representative. They found the congressman "in the beet possible, mood" and eager to talk. Their time was limited, but he detained them to ask and answer .nany qurstlon*. Dr. In M Hardy, a physician In ha party, said the Halifax statesman was evidently In fine fettle. There was little or no discussion of political matters. But Kitchin, members of the oaily said, “will be in the game a long timo yet." Tha minority loadei ia more popular at Scotland Neck than aver. Thera was not a sign of last adntor's stroke In the represen tative's condition, the local men dr dared. ASHEVILLE MAN ARRESTED WITH “SMELL” AS EYIDENC1 Asheville. June 18_Federal o.V. err* yesterday raided Ik* ,o<tr. «: J. H. Baker, et 143 Broao • tea hot water bags, and erreeled Ba ker on charges of transporting whie Vy. in violation of the aatienal prohi bition act. Whllo the bags did net con tain whisky the oBlcers mid that they had contained liquor previously as Ibey smolled strongly of alcohol. Ba kar was held nnder a bond of $600. which he gave, tor his appearance before U. S. Commissioner Vonno Gudrtr, on June ZS, for a prelimin ry rice ring. Officers Reed and Bur Sc and Deputy Marshal Pool made c arrest. I Frame* properly adjuatad to < • ! far*. L.okan koaoi duplicated. * Satief action guaranteed. ; ; - PHONE 3W - <; DAWSON A SANCTON. J rwclere and Optometrlat*. 1 ' 210 Hay St-FmycCWvUla. N. C. J ' 1‘ < * * ♦ 5 i * « * * BUSINESS LOCAL * NOTICE—* FRESH, WELL SEED cowa for tale. 8m or phono E. W. Smith B 4. St. pd. 60c FOE SALE—ONE J. B. COLT ACE tylane light plant with 6 or • lighta installed complete and ISO paanda carbide for $200. One S.1S0 gallon cyprean tank with cover far $176 f. o. h. Dunn, K. C. Kaaoy A Lae. d 14 tf. FOR SALE—SIX-ROOM DWELL lag bourn with all modem conveni ence*. Light nod water. In good neighborhood. Tonne roaeoaabU. See James Bert |dt BRICK FOR SALE—CAR LOTS end retell. Dunn Development Company. NITRATE OF SODA—PLACE Yew order now with Johnston Brothers - for future delivery. 100 tons will airtve a best June 10th. 800 as be fore all la sold. Johnson Brothers. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWnWb —If you have property to ML why not see the high dollar rdBL estate man. Geo. L. Cannady. WANTED — SALESLADY AT Craigs Bakery. Apply at once. 11S 8. Railroad avaetao, Dunn, N. C. ft-pd. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF THE Battary on year cart If anything goes wrong with the Battery on Cur ear earn* In and 1*11 nor Ent ry Department aheot It—w* am •are wa can remedy It isad ter ear viee* am at year command at all time*. SMITH A MtKAY. WE ARE EXPECTING IN TONS of Nitrate of Soda about Juno IS. W* will sail for fSS.M per tom Place your order with no now be fore an Is engaged. Johnson Sena., Dunn, N. C. BATTERY SERVICE—FOR ALL MkM of atartte* Batter!** a aar rie* that if teat aa tkoroufk, jaat aa dapendnbla, jaat a* pnlaatabte* for oibar makaa of Ba««ori«« ao It I la for tk* EX IDE. USB EX IDE SERVICE REGULARITY. SMITH I A McKAY. I SRICK FOR SALE—CAR LOTS r and ratal!. Daaa DavaWpmant Cowpany. . FOR SALS—I HAVE A NIC* LOT » of Fort* Jtlm Potato Float* for t tela. Price ft. 50 por thouaaad Am Hvorad at Dunn. Bawdy May tOth. Flora roar ordara oow. Will la Pop*. Daaa, M. C. M-tf. * NOTICE — PEOPLE DE5IR1HG bonaa Aaald lot tbatr waata ba known to tha aaaa who can bay a l rani bnrpnla fno yea. Saa Ooa. L. r Cannady, tha rani aetata mnn, i Dona. fir. C. l EXPECTED TO ARRIVE JUNE IP 105 torn of Nitrate of Soda. WtU t aaS for 555-00 par tan. W* are bo*kin* ordara bafara arrival. Saa f aa aaw and place year Ate. Jcbn r oon Brea, r - -. ■■ ■ r POR SALE—I MAYS A LOT OP HL * Irate ef Soda fa* aala. Soa wo at » anon far ywwr aappty. Wlllla Papa, * Dm, M. C. rr^tf . The Line of LEAST RESISTANCE » I —— , The duck account pula systems lato your buainea* It (catena boat ■aaa friction by affording coavra iaaca and safety for aD transactions. Mn could run swiftly if it were act far tiff fere* of gravity and the reaiatcuce of the atmosphere. Every means to overcome them counter, wtiag force* enables Ban to larraaes bis speed. Juet OO to the business world, tvory method that save* time, ia ■*£■ «««ttracy and givas mfety ia bailed with eethadesm. Tbs check account wiU do all of thooe tbiag* tor your business, and more. Ton ceanot afford to go on In bnalnoee and dnily waste your affoct* -? ovareeme rasieting force* when *• *fcodt account puls those ad rentages at your commend. It will ba no axperimeat for you lo employ the check account. Oth triad It and learned they uuld not got oa half m wall with >ut it Tou will appreciate our service. Citizens Bank A Trust Company BENSON, N. C Tha Foundation of Banking— C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E _ I i I That day, agaa ago, wken one mao decided to trust hla money into tbs keeping of onotbor. Burked a groat forward elep fa ubieveawit. Today, the man who falls to avail himself of the facilities offered by the modem Bank la placing upon himrelf tha graataat piaiikli handicap ia tha handling of hla buffneaa affairs. AM that a thoroughly modem Basking lastitutioa can sffar goo, la Safety, Co-operation aad service is yours. If yon bank with us. > Stole Bank A Trust Company T. V. SMITH, President. M. C. BUTLEB, Vice-Pros. B. a JACKSON, Vleo-Prea. GUY U. HOOKS, Cashier. E. T. DKAFEB, Amt. Cashier. LYON RELYING ON Bid SLICE OF SHAW VOTE Sodwta'a Omni fa* Sixth Diatrict Seal Hina Rasa u Lead FWht Fayetteville, Jana 13.—Solicit or Baacr L. Lyon, who wUl am Ur ■ aac Wet soot ia Cangreee after leading ~tk55s5 tar, nrz *r»* of hi a candidacy, and left In the aftaraaoa for Robeeoa county. Mr. Lyon empreaead hiauelf ia ea huaiaatic terete In reward to the jarai reception accorded him here. Ha made a trip through Robeaon on tie way to Ihia city and declared that w waa auoured out only by the Shaw -upporura in ttobaaon hot alao by many man who voted far Mr. Godwin on Jana 6, that hia rate la Bobaaoi oa the 3rd af inly la freely predicted here by mm who are in dona touch with tha alteration aad are good judge* of political tread* that 00 par 'cat ef tha ghaw vote wffl gv ta Lyoi Charla* G. Baaa ha* aaaomed tin management of the Lyon campaign in Com bartend counter. Thoaawha know Mr. Boat aay thla --that the campaign aria be pitched ca a high plane aad at tha aaaaa time vig o roujdy praaacd, aad Mr. Lyon and ha support* ra are much gratified at securing a man of Mr. Sana'a -Brand ing to land the Whiten Ha fare** u .ha second primary Altogether tha Lyon campaign Marta off with a booth. —eau1 'if»i i An Amaciatod Pram dl*patrh from Cartport, Malm mjn: £ .¥*?* *»<*•* tomato and char* red Umber* lying an Canay Beach kero ie aB that rdmaliu of the frigate We-hmoad, once the pride of the Uni? rd State* navy. The fameae vaodea ranhlp. built In ISM, wa* uaed dar *"■ admin]'* flagSp to ireoeteiog Mp aad wa* finaUy burned far the "PP*e to her hull. ’The tlrhamad wa* Admiral Far in lottfkw men ia4 iImh xi*M*n*ns r ssJEnfegtse: '■**!«* ordered U« hm'-«u ««*. •■flood, oad Mi hoiac the mw ■O’ point. Uo frigate ww -rmt 5? aad',-l>?rijy *»■*«« *•» ftM “A few yean later tko UUmo4 1 _ I ————aa——p— HOT HOT Save Yourself-Save Your Family. v#-* i . - ‘ - Screens! Refrigerators! They will^^re doctor* bilb and add comfort to your home in this weather. Get ’em now at— • * * u .**-.I.*- Mat syn r » , * ■ • • . • I 1 | BARNES & HOLUDAY CO. DUNN- -M- NORTH CAROLINA • . ’ .,»'.**• .• • -y V* "'V■v'*year* COME TO SEE US ON JULY TURD . • ’ ' . iO . * * ' % . ■* • \ * ■. 4 ' ■ r .4 > ENGINES and MILLS / I 0-00 > ' >'1 !•;*• t ; : . : | Cook has some brand new propositions to twpl»m to you on gas and oil engines and mills. He can show you how to save money, labor and worry and how t oget real pleasure out of that farm work which * » now the heaviest drudgery. Let him come to your home and explain. ' 0-0-0 i • I '• THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMPANY ' Broad Street Dunn. N. C \ i. 1 * * ‘ •' ay Come To See Us On July TIM * * hH ...

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