DEMONSTRATION AGENTS MET IN DUNN TUESDAY Me*ting Called by W. B. Mabaa la laterest Of Combatting Tha Boll WmtU Agent* Were Present From Six Counties Duatinf With Dry Calcium Ar senate Declared To Be Beat Known Method of Weevil Control. Speakers Warn Against Buying Untried Ma chines and Poisons and Pic ture Danger of Indifference. Dusting the cotton plant with dry calcium srener, was held up as the boat known method of growing cot ton successfully under boll weevil condition* by tht firm demonstra tion agents and other members of the State Department of Agriculture who met in Dunn Tuesday The confer ence of county agent* war colled by W. Bruce Mabee, who I* in charge of the boll weevil field station here, front the following counties being present: Jiamott, Lee, Johns ton, Cumberland and Wayt.e. These era the counties in which Mr. Mabee will conduct his weevil-fighting cam paign this year. Mr. Mabee Spook* The conference was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms, and ^ Elite Co detain, p re aid • ns of tbs W Chamber, presided. Mr. Mabee *e the Ant to speak He elated that he was here to help the farmer* u hest he can fat meeting the situation with which they are confronted — thnt of coosbatting the bail arcevU The apsakor warned agmiMt (he farm era trying oat now and noiried plana •f defeating the cotton enemy. Every mdlyidoei. he aaW, hag eome ppwandl pHn * that he believe# will a amend,, me* effective method, however. Mr. Mabao warned again* the baying of nomerooa new mopping machmaa Wing offered the public. any of these, h« (aid, am not ueed at al) in the (ecliona whore they are manufac tured. They arc offered for tala in (action* where the farmer* art not acquainted with the weevil, as throe are the one* who (pend their money for fake machine* aj.d remedies Rosalia Obtained Mr. Mabev told of the (uceaaa with which the Government teat* of dostir.g with dry calcium armonat* met last year Testa were con duct# J In varioue eoantios, and the rviulla proved that an aver age of SOS pounds more **od cotton per ecrv wa* grown where the <tutt ing wa* done systematically than where no durting waa Hone. The coat of dusting totalled 45.40 per acre, which left a not profit for the dust ing of 434.08 per acre. Continuing, the npeaker said the farmers of this section are lick with the boll weevil, and predicted that they will become sicker, "lam here," he raid, to diagnose the caee, tell you what you need end where to get it I have nothing to roll, but am * your service, and my servW win not cost you any doctor* bill*.” In dosing his talk, Mr. Maboe de clsrod that it is up to the buainoa* man to cooperate with the funnels in getting tho belt boll weevil remedy and to practice with it Mo* Divoraifp H. A. Edgv, farm domonatrotion agent is -Harnett, was the next to speak. Ha emphasised the fact that there k a problem to be met "Fanw ere mu* diversify, but not cut owt cotton sD stance," ho declared In warning againat the trying out af new plana, Mr. Edge laid it k not the ini Wal aawt th* flaunts tKe 1m in return*, k U batter to epervd MOO for onaehlnee that will get re «uHa, than |B far aomo untried ma chine that will not do tha work. What ia being dona la Harnett county? he arked. A few dueting nt cfciaee end tome aroenata baa beea •old. Only about twenty-three tone of caldera araenete ban bean pur ehaard for nae In tha county, he eeld. Lbre OtoaW A kaeaedy Caitn Hotwurin, agent In Cuanber land ecanty, Mraaaad tha Importance of tha boainaaa mn —■■—i-j tha *•*"*•» in fighting tha waarfl. Tha beatnaaa men aheeld try to hifieccec the fanaara again* wanting money •» <*be aaaebinaa end peleone Ha peintad out tha diet that juat aa the farmer* yreaper ae dree the buahtaaa aua proper. Baainaaa men aheeM aeaiet tha farmere In getting teieKxr Peace Now Reigns In Ku Klux Klan Ranki Imperial Wlaard Aad Imperial Km peror Seech Afrmaenl Aad Alt’. Well 1 Atlanta. Ga, April 25.—The at (tin of the Ku Klux KJan, recent!} Involved In diAcaltics between ttu gov tuning head and th« Emperor, fc dsy again resumed normal tourer Ur- II. W. Evans, Imperial Wlaard look up the reins of government, ant W. Jl Simmon*. Imperial Emporor remmed his Haxiom as advisory am spiritual director In the ritual af fain of the orgaxinstion. This was brouglvt about yodterday when an agreement was reached bo ■tween Uie Imperial Wlaard and Uu Bmperor, whorcin couA netmov brought by the latter against Dr Evxm eras dtsndaaed and the trinity government act up by the tourt enai i dissolved. The turmoil arose cvei Dr. Evans’ edict to Klonamcn tx withhold support from say organisa tion of women, right after Kmperoi Simmon* had Issued a statement toll ing of the organisation of Kernelia an -order for women, patterned aflat the Klan. _ Tar Heel Student A Suicide in Maryland Randall O Stone, ml TkaaanaviUa, Manga Saif la Cellea* Cya nanfclm Wcet«*nat«r, Md.. April 14.— Ran.laU O. 8tonc, 26, of ThomasvtUe, North Ceiohno, a student of tha Wc» 4em Maryland College, committed ^ suicide hare yesterday by banging fiimaeif In the college gymnasium. Young Stone preaidant of tha aanior i4a—, captain of Company A. of tha baft alio a. editor of the soilage mevthly. and a student for the min istry. Hs has set been well ter Severn! weeks,and U was thought that hie Rev. G. T. Adeem, paster of the Dunn Methodist church, delivered the principal addraaa at a Sunday school conference held at Four Oaks lata night. aracnatc. " We are in a rut. and if we don't get oat there'* going ho be a head-on collision,” continued the speaker. Mr. Mclaurln thinks live stock a fine ewbautut* for cotton at a money crop in Eastern North Car olina. Raeaite Of ladiCoreae* O. H. McMahon, agent in Lee county, pictured indifference as the greet*St drawback to the farmers la meeting the boll weevil. Be bad seer the weevil invade two States—Gsor g.a and South Carolina— and is both States the fanners had failed to pnpan in time to moot the condt toni that resulted. Farmers donf behove the weevil will “ get 1heaa * until it is toe late to profit by the experiences of other*. After Mn weevil has gotten in his work, tha formers are not then able financially t* pat ap the proper fight, he said Mr. McMahon aaid the farmer* of the Dana trurtridt can do ao battel then to follow tlx i not ructions ol i Mr. Mabee. Dry Dae dag Beal A. K. Robertson, agent in Wnync county, painted a more opthEfleth picture for the tamer. He mentioned tbo fort that 4a aawx of tho Start* where the weevil had been for years he la claimed a* a friend and oot ai enemy. Yet, ha aaid, th* farmed of Wayne courtly are very i ad Iff or ont as to the dangers to which tho ho) weevil subject# them. Mr. Robert •on also warned against the as* ol “ fek* •• weevil remedies end ms chine*, many of which he aaid are no offered far ale except in Motion whom the farmers are haring theii Srat export ante with the hoi waovil Ha recommended the dry docUra method a* th# bool tor rmoha, on appealed to the boalaaaa men not « allow thair farmer friends Oo hi " trapped ' into buying machinal am poisons that are worthless. Mast Ga Hawed lamas M. Cray, aaststajrt f-|gt of the Bxtensiea Borate* of tho Stnt Experiment Station, Raleigh, do •cribed the boll weevil aa an anau mountable wall, a wall wMah th farmer must ga around In ardor t paaa It suwomfnlly. PlrinMriatlii •rap*. Ilvs stack and poultry, war mmed ns some of tho ways far th farmers to got around th# wall. Hog aa* ba raised cheaper la tick archie Chan in the West, ha aaid. Mr. Ora told of an Matancc whara a man too Mi tent, for whtoh ha waa affata 71 ooats per baahot, fed It to M ! BEGINS JOURNEY TO FIND OUT WHO HE IS Aamii Victim I mwi Char lotte Far Baltimore To Saak UUoOtr Charlotte, Aril 86.—Feeling posi tive that Mb name » Welter C. Fnmeworth, bat unable yet to aay "tore be came from, the vietto. of aauieaio who arrived hero last Pri oay from Florida, from which State ho haa made hie way by travekim on ttoua and m atoomobUea following ah accident near Plant City, and who too been cared for by Charlotte eit laens, loft this city tonight at 7: IS o’doeh for Baltimore, Nd.. where he hope* some one will roomslae him. lie intends, he stated before leHig. to visit the hanks and hotels of BaW timore tomorrow, feeling oars that ho will be identified. He is expected to arrive In Haiti more at •: SI to morrow morning. He was accompanied by C.M.kywr, manager of toe Chariots ftTssitaiil OU branch, who wiU go eo to Now Yoib. mid expects to stop at the Emerson or Now Howard total. X-»y specialists bars took X-pay pktsm of Me toad today and tatind that there wore no feat term or blood rMte ea the brain, k was at Amt thought that his amnesia retain I from a blow on the head, as when he eeme to hhaasif near Plant City, FM . he had only a grip full of soiled cloth«a, only thirty dorian U naaey. and hie watch, and eemglaiaod here b'^paio in the back of hri head. back arotpr each day, and JtoTw fore leaving Charlotte he addiaaoad a letter te a lady tort toankng tor for a kindness, aad involuntarily signed U u Valter O. Partieworth.” IrsainsH RLTUSU » V/ IblTIf T acauwt child, she u free «*>• It-yuaruold <ht««bteT trf D R. Reiman, <u Hb eraud this moraine. Her father m fvmd to testify egainal her, and the Indictment was withdrawn and the was turned over to the custody of Irar Esther, wham She was ordered by Jade* Karr after rite and Rich ard Ernie Tomlinson ware married In OKkra, 5. C. Rba promised to Mvt with her foher and hare nothing more to do with her 17-yuar-otd tarn band until ahe reaches the age of dieoretioa. BURNED CO-OF COTTON WAS FULLY PROTECTED Approximately $140,000. Which U folly covered by inouranee, repru sento thr lees austetned by the North Carolina Cotton Growen Co-Operat Ive Association by the burning of 1,180 bales in a Kinston warehouse. Steps have already beet taken to collect the insurance, which will cover the market value of tha cotton. The Insurance carried an the cot ton in the JUnston warehouse is exactly the sane kind ad Insurance that is carried on all the cotton stored by tha co-operatives, it la stated, and is fur the purpose of fully protecting menfbera against lossas by On—Ralelght News and Observer. for the him com. In •peaking of Mr. Mabac's work in tMs aeetton, Mr. 1 Gray declaim! that hi* work will not be an experiment, bat to toaeh the farmara tha method* found ta ha baat by teat in th* peat After Mr. Gray ftntchod hie (talk, Mr. Goldttaln in a abort talk urged i th* importance of the krtmn man 1 and farmers of th* Dunn district ' backing Mr. Make* tn his work. Other* attending the meeting, be ' (idea a number af laeal buatneas men, 1 ware 8. J. Kirby, amtatowt State farm 1 dwmnctratfen ipd, and N. 3. #te> • ran*, farm damonetratten agent ta 1 Johnetoa aomaty. The Dstaiwa* attendants at the moating warn entertained ad dinner r at oangk ids) by tha Dunn Chaw > her af Commerce. At th* afternoon ■ amMaw th* vMtara tendered a not* ■ af thanks to th* Chamber far th* ■ entertainment aaaaadad them white • ta Cnmn. Plan* far 8m mark to be > dan* ta the mrtau* cauntlaa ropre > seated warp dsiiini by the agowta, I together with Mr. Make* arte tba » other Departmaat fepreo*ntatiraa. at i th* eftumnen aaaaton, aad no doebc f math goad wfi] raeoit Mam the mast, t lag. tha chief purpose gf wtitoh was l| ta argnnim far a waited fight again* ■ tha eotton enemy. • I Bla* Back. Tka atfgi aehoaia did not participate 4a tfccpMdi, bat ven tiveo bob dap far 1ba dap. LOSS OF $100,000 IN FOREST FIRE Lata. Raporta. Sknr. Craat Paa«|a la OMarhad Ami Hamatt FapatteviMa, Apt* M.—Aa ferfear n«wi awarpe la Croat tha area omouidorln* from fee hip doraat ftp* which devoured a lame part of Ceao berlard and flora tel eeaatiee thk week, the itemapo wr.apht bp tha flaraaa ptari WUla the area eeu ered bp tha blaaa dMa not aeeai to have been aa lat* aa aa re ported at tret, tha dnmi aeeord i«r u> reliable Oaeiaatoa, will ha par hope ten thnaa aa praat aa bu brat ippntMM nn K«dM X. W. CtaleUaD, who tod the *fMg MM again* the Ore, yleeee the lea at $100,000. The dtarnation of crepe to nraeh mom earioaa <tai, reported erhHe the Are wee aging. Mr. Chrto tiaa atatee that many trope wCH have to be pleated ever again. Bnwa and other hve-eboek wan burned ia away laetaaeea. the priaidpel ba, of eoaiee, m from barned timber. The Ore awept ana aa ana of 40 Shan! Rockefeller and Kaartmae. It it « NtoM ft* «f (nay that thie bleat, the Wage* fora* Are which Erie eertlen at the Stole hae aaea la a n amber of yean, and Owe ath ate, broke at* ea the day oddek wWaeaaad the opening of Fere* Pip. eerraMon Week. K ATH U INK US TO BB AT BUT tM "THE INFIOIL" ociete the aBan pit. lad mad (tea Mam -flm la ama with . kaa M* ad Ph* i man far (Bwowm! i Infldei." atary aad o IMPORTANT MEET MONDAY EVENNC Mmm mca «f Dmud irtonmi bo haM in ^***"■■■ iTn 'tort wotk.^A^rt *T«fiSO Tbo tooting ott bo iiMwooi by W. Bnaoa Mabaa. ato la il charge of tha local bob weevil Ml Mka Unite of iMocot to banfceca aal to baotoo* «m» of DmmIoNm bo^ooaaMoood. aa4 to to Mr. Moboo M Mtb Dam by to OoaifMMtt to moM to buwn of Mi* port or to Mote tn ffM*| to woovQ, cart new tot be ie bote, to btonate an aa4 foiata ebook ca operate oMb bfca la to wait b* la to aatotaba far totr toaroat. Bo U oaha**. CIIU. lurrucii uvkn KSM TO DIB W BUMU M 1 0< the private ptvceiMltea. Jaattce «f pope* B> Loyd TMocy aewight with drew the warrant tented bp bias Paw WMhaag^ <ka«tec TIm«m C Coop er aad J. C. ha a*, paaafdeat aad eajkter, reaper dvtey. ef the defanoc Liberty wad Baring Bank «f WOming tor, with obtaining aw nay ander faUa prate ace. Following several watfanieni tbraagh the dag far oanferancae bo tw»e« oppeviig eoeneri, Mr. TtUey declined te dtentee the warrant aad rantlnd the caae until seed Wed needay. Tonight the wagietwde eea aaKtf ever the leag dlteenei telo phase with Belie iter W. F. Erena, wtai le ia Biebteood, Ta., aad Mr. Bvaae aenaented to the dteadeaal ad Tonight eon rue] far the Apex bank tented the fattening derate eat: “The warrant In thte aaaa taw te wed at tke lariaerre of the Foeplea Baak ef Apex. M. C . In geed faith, ef a rletedem ad tew. lafenaallea tee been gained aa a reowh ef tUa iMatedteted^gi J ■wwgrgj, wiiMfl WWV tedteau that Ike warrant waa laaed wader a wiempuhi ill a aa to sown of the facte. “*e believe tent Mr. Cpaper and Mr. Bawet, the defendant te thte aaaa, and Mr. Little, re eater cr far the Liberty Beviag. bank, ahewld he per AMERICAN BEAUTY WEARS LOVELY GOWNS IM TNnDEL" though Rm local* at Kath ploy. “The Infidel,* whiefc mm far Rio Scat tone in toil eRy am Monday at tor Oolnalnl Theatre, 1a ana ef tor (iiof Booth Baa ufeada, noanOMlas, Mlu MacDonald'a ad ■uon anil Sad her garbed ia aojac traly waodrrfal gatm daring to* dr*alrp«n«nt of tor atory. Mian MacDonald ia introduced ia rrk* fnSdd” na on* of a eUp wtatoad party, aaahrd to tor Soak vito to* angry Mm of a l/Rin, tort toe Ugaanrty of toe aotbor of to* Mery. Charier Logon, fe each toat the later to toe arraaa ytay eke if called open to wear cam el other Rtot aro raid to he too loot word in DUU“D 1 local he«pW tetof after te tad *•tan tteoan* tta vtatew of a trail tat aat ttaafte to te fatal. Mr. Mytoaa war-lr-,i1 aa , .. SKUSfiBjra JHH n &6#yvjt Hi 3=r-2ir?*rsui :4;: k§‘ ffiSSS g&Sttpfi JfcfcHUGQI KragaR ifH ■ Ktpjfp " Dr. *. «r. LHfef, Mv IWriM, **"»• he • vkRk, venl **. pertmwM. abe —at tn a wR. Ik jraggjpsj . ; . .. ...

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